Unlike ancient times, modern astrologers do not view eclipses as impending disasters, although they generally underestimate their impact. Since what happens at the time of eclipses has a fateful influence, and can manifest itself both two or three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting astrological chart of a person, sometimes last much longer, it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatalities associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - the consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of the intended, what was chosen by us even before the incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around, with us, our friends and relatives. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we can imagine at first. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during eclipses become an important part of our life for a long time.

However, it must be remembered that making any decisions between eclipses is NOT worth it , as it is not necessary on the days of eclipses:
- start important events, transactions,
- decisions,
- participate in public events,
- get married,
- do shopping,
- do operations
- sign contracts.

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse, it is rarely possible to reconcile with the way they were conceived, planned, due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to take on a different scope at a much faster speed.

And what's happening on the day of the eclipse practically uncontrollable. Especially during the solar, since at that time information that could be provided to us, but was not perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated by external circumstances and are associated with events that occur outside of our will, as a karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses on the contrary are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the sphere of life where the changes associated with the solar eclipse will take place.

When moon eclipse precedes the solar one, this means that the situation is approaching a critical point and needs to be reorganized and new approaches to understanding and searching for meanings in a certain area of ​​life.

In February 2017, there will be two, penumbral lunar and annular solar.

1. The first series of eclipses will begin penumbral eclipse of the moon February 11, 2017 year, which will occur at 00:43 UTC ( 03:43 Moscow time). IN 23° Leo saros series 19S. The eclipse will be visible in the territory Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Saros Series I9 S

This family of eclipses brings with it an element of pleasant surprise. An unexpected happiness, a joyful event, a good opportunity, an accidental win. The events that take place can be trusted, they can positively change a person's life.

2. Continue the same series of saros eclipses 19S To annular eclipse of the Sun on February 26, 2017 year at 14:53 UTC ( 17:53 Moscow time) V 9° Pisces. It will be visible in South Africa and South America .

It tells about the difference in effects between eclipses, what to do during each of the eclipses and how to program your life according to the rhythms of the Universe and eclipses.

And this article describes the meanings when the degree of the eclipse connects with the planets of the radix.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to the knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi your question about a particular eclipse and where in your horoscope the degree of any of the eclipses falls, indicating:

1. Date (dd.mm.yyyy), time (local) And place of your birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the time of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth it is impossible to indicate the house of the natal chart, since even in 4 minutes time, the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree , a a 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

It will start at 16:53 and will be ring-shaped. Three days before and after this phenomenon, it is not recommended to make important decisions and make significant financial transactions. Also don't go to long way. The thing is that the eclipse enhances the negative.

The sun will "go out" in the sign of Pisces, so you need to be on the same wavelength with him: allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it's good if you find time for.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the eclipse, especially those born in the period from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Gemini and Sagittarius will also be strongly affected by the eclipse, TSN reports.

A solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future for the near future. Your desires may be health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate, and anything else you want to attract into your life, start, develop, or advance beyond high level. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. Thus, you can not only get rid of problem situations And negative thoughts, but also lay a program for the fulfillment of their desires for the whole year.

In addition, the day of the eclipse is suitable for reflection on pressing issues, perspectives, meditations, and the future. Think over plans, set yourself up for harmony, do not judge or criticize others.


  • don't start new things
  • do house cleaning
  • go through the clothes in the closets and throw away everything that is superfluous
  • clean up blockages in the computer
  • go through your papers and throw out everything old
  • start a diet - it's time
  • cleanse your body - any cleansing procedures are suitable
  • avoid trips to the beautician
  • get rid of resentment and negativity in your head
  • watch your health


Take a contrast shower (men need to start and finish hot water, and for women - cold 5-7 times). 10 minutes before a solar eclipse, lie down with your head to the east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negativity that you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in turn in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear is like a stone, resentment is like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine what happens to them at the same time, how they change, become bright and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty places in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Magic move 1st lunar day during a solar eclipse

From 16:53 February 26 to 07:13 February 27 Kyiv time - the 1st lunar day, which gives rise to a new lunar month.

After working through the solar eclipse for 1 hour from 16:53 to 17:53 February 26, sit in front of a candle, take Blank sheet paper and write the wishes you want to come true this year. Write a plan for the whole of 2017. Just write specifically (by what date). imagine the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, say it out loud and write it down on paper in present tense.

The Eclipse of the Sun on February 26 brings the energy of Pisces, so write your plans for the year, using your imagination to the maximum - you will definitely have opportunities to implement your plans.

First lunar day better to spend at home. Try to be tolerant of other people's opinions and take nothing to heart. Take everything calmly, keep a sense of humor. Any of your actions on this lunar day will have an impact on the fulfillment of desires throughout lunar month which ends March 28th. Any quarrel or conflict can delay or even cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to refrain from active activities. Something important is not worth doing, including making large purchases, entering into financial transactions, holding important meetings and negotiations, and going on trips. If possible, reschedule such plans for another time. Try not to receive guests and do not visit yourself either. It's better to stop talking to people you don't like and also avoid big companies. Think pleasant. Go to the movies, listen to classical music, do something creative, or anything else that makes you happy.

On this day, you should not marry, you should also wait a little with sex - it can lead to serious diseases of the genital area.

Ukrainians on February 26 expect the first solar eclipse this year. But the first lunar day is a great time for meditation. To attract the positive energies of Pisces during meditation, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign: amethyst, aquamarine, blue agate, opal and others.

candle meditation

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a candle white color close your eyes, relax, be positive.

Imagine how the next year will go for you - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to have as if it has already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this car.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires into the Universe.

Topics and situations related to eclipses could be identified as early as three weeks before the first eclipse, and the significance of the issues that the eclipses will reveal will be felt for at least six months, until the next one in August, where the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 at 28 ° 53 will be the key Leo.

But the influence of the eclipse, the topics covered by the eclipse and situations related to it, can develop over many years until the next eclipse of the same Saros cycle (18 years).Both eclipses of February 2017 belong to the same Saros cycle 19S.This series of Saros began on April 16, 1512 and consists of 71 solar eclipses.

Eclipses are repeated in the same degree of the Zodiac every 19 years, and every 18 years there are eclipses of one series of saros. We can look back to remember what happened to us 18-19 years ago. The themes, circumstances and events of 1998 and 1999 may be part of current events, remotely or directly.For example, in 1998, the solar eclipse was also on February 26, and also in 08° Pisces, but referred to Saros 18S. In 1999, February 16 was the previous solar eclipse of the current saros, it was at 27° Aquarius.

Bernadette Brady, in her book Predictive Astrology, characterizes the February 2017 Saros series of eclipses as follows:“This family of eclipses brings with it an element of pleasant surprise. An unexpected happiness, a joyful event, a good opportunity, an accidental win. The events that take place can be trusted, they can positively change a person’s life.”

The characteristic is quite optimistic, but do not forget that it is about the saros cycle as a whole, and this is a period of 1300 years and more than 70 eclipses, this is rather an archetypal characteristic. But the fact that the general tonality of this saros provides clues to solutions rather than piling up problems is encouraging. And it is also consonant with the aspects of the lunar eclipse on February 11 at 22 ° 28 "Leo.

The first thing to remember regarding both eclipses and this entire period,– I quote from my article:“At this time, especially near eclipses, one should carefully monitor all situations, meetings and new ideas. It must be remembered that every event that falls on an eclipse is more important than we might at first imagine. The eclipse emphasizes the significance of the events and the seriousness of their consequences. Ideas, proposals, projects and people that enter our lives during the “season” of eclipses become part of our life for a long period.”

But mistakes, delusions, miscalculations and transgressions also become more significant than at other times, and their consequences are inevitable and painful for a long period. Therefore, we do not follow the emotions, we rely on reason and prudence, we do not succumb to provocations and temptations. Important decisions should not be made during eclipses and even more so on the day of the eclipse.

Second thing to remember - h Atmentions of this are connected with our awareness of our originality, our "I" different from others, our personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the theme: "I" and the collective, the ability not to dissolve in the interests of others, but to be able to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relationships do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. Do not follow the lead of others, do not get involved in dubious benefits and dependency relationships, do not compromise your principles and be true to yourself, even if this means parting with someone or something, or losing something. It is honesty towards oneself and others, as well as towards the law. This "season of eclipses" - a tale about how the solar principle(A lion ) drains the pool of illusions ( Fish ). This is a time of purification and clarification.But it is also a period of risk, especially the second half of February. Therefore, we will be vigilant. I write about the risks below, in the paragraph about the eclipse on February 26th.Now about each eclipse specifically.

The eclipse ends at 02:53:26 GMT

It will be visible in Europe, in most of Asia, in Africa, North America, South America, in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic.

February 11 at 22 ° 28 "Leo in the North Node can be considered positive, how positive an eclipse can be. The spectrum of topics that accentuates the lunar eclipse in Leo is quite wide - from power to entertainment, from personal achievements to financial adventures. During this period, interests are directed on creative tasks and personal realization, personal achievements. It is also the theme of children, relationships with children, love relationship, hobby. These are the topics of personal and collective creativity, creative projects, friendships, relationships with loved ones, creative searches. These are also money matters - money received from real estate or parents. This eclipse also activates risky adventures, gambling and speculation - this period will show their result, expediency and prospects. The themes of power, dominance, the relationship between personal and collective tasks acquire importance. Events can prompt you to take responsibility and manage the situation.

The eclipse gives significance to everything that happens at this time. If there are no accidents, then during eclipses they never happen. Track what is happening, take positive steps - the undertakings of this period will be important and will have a significant impact on a long period. The meetings that will take place near this eclipse and dating will play important role in life. Therefore, it is better to choose where you are going and with whom you are dealing.

This is also the time of the result - the intermediate or final total. What was begun, undertaken before, will now culminate, bear fruit, or come to an end. This period will show the state of affairs, the essence of situations, the value of previous undertakings or their short duration. Do not dismiss uncomfortable facts, do not close your eyes to the obvious, even if it does not turn out as you would like - this is a time of illumination and awareness. Now everything is maximally manifested and you can understand and see a lot about the state of affairs, relationships and the prospects of projects in order to move on with this new understanding.

The focus may be a relationship with a partner in business or marriage, the need to reconsider the approach to some joint issues, make decisions that will heal the relationship, or it will be a time of separation that is long overdue. But what has lost its significance will go away. Therefore, if you have to part with something or someone, remember the Eastern maxim: "do not hold back what is leaving, do not push away what has come." What will remain is what will contribute to personal progress and advancement of undertakings. It is also a time of receiving important information that will complement the original intentions and give insight into a new approach to relationships and your personal perspectives. If you come to the conclusion that you value personal relationships or collaborations, bBe ready to make changes to the original plans, especially if the situation calls for you to take into account the wishes of partners, or those people on whom the development of your undertakings and your plans depends.

The eclipse starts at 12:10:48 GMT

Maximum phase at 14:53:25 GMT

The eclipse ends at 17:36:02 GMT

For Kyiv we add 2 hours, for Moscow +3.

Only a few observers in South America and South Africa have the opportunity to see the annular eclipse on February 26. Its visibility will be a narrow path 31 km wide that crosses southern part Chile and Argentina, South Atlantic, Angola, Zambian and Congo borders. The partial eclipse will be visible in South America, Africa and Antarctica.

February 26 at 08 ° 12 "Pisces in the South Node. This eclipse coincides with the conjunction of Mars with Uranus in opposition to Jupiter and the activity of the cardinal tau square. I already wrote about the aspects associated with this eclipse in detail in, those who are not in the subject , you - And now about the solar eclipse itself.

This eclipse is complex. It completes the cycle of eclipses of the last two years and is the final one, bringing to the surface illusions and delusions, deceptions and miscalculations, so that you can get rid of this burdensome baggage and begin a period of renewal, getting rid of unrealistic attitudes and dependent relationships. The next eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis will be on March 20, 2034 and in the period until 2036.

This eclipse is related to the topic of health, retribution for past mistakes or the disclosure of secrets that will affect important relationships. This is a time of turmoil, when previous shortcomings or irresponsibility can lead to problems with work, layoffs or layoffs are likely. This eclipse is associated with themes of isolation, involvement in questionable cases, substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.), the need to deal with cases that seem inexplicable or strange.

Let's talk about solar eclipse today. February 26, 2017, This will be the last eclipse in a series of eclipses on the axis Virgo-Pisces for the next 9 years and the last solar eclipse in Pisces on next 18 years. This eclipse will complete a certain cycle of life, sum up. Not by chance forgiveness resurrection falls on the same Sunday - February 26, 2017. And now about everything in more detail.

The solar eclipse will take place on 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces, the momentum it brings will help us turn our dreams into reality. The spiritual planet Neptune will have a strong influence, which will test us for faith and for the desire to have a bright future.

  • The eclipse will begin at 13:15 UTC (GMT) or 16:15 Moscow time.
  • The eclipse will peak on February 26 at 14:58 UTC or 17:58 Moscow time.
  • And the eclipse will end on February 26 at 16:31 UTC or at 19:31 Moscow time.

This eclipse will be interesting because it will combine both material and spiritual, because the solar eclipse refers to the external manifestation, but since it occurs in Pisces, then we will deal with the inner content. The sign of Pisces focuses us on the inner content of all things and processes, on the need to turn to inner meanings.

And when we deliberately ignore inner world, that it's time to let go, then appear external factors and circumstances that lead to losses, disappointments, the need to sacrifice something. Everything that I wrote is not a mandatory manifestation, but sometimes it is the only way force a person to change their focus from external to internal and put things in order, unearth their values.

In order not to encounter external circumstances, or if you have already encountered them, it is necessary overestimate the plots and circumstances of one's own life, it means to determine what inner values ​​moved you, what is different about these values, how you can live differently, what values ​​are actually real for you.

Concepts such as mission, mission, purpose associated with the sign Pisces. Most often, when people ask about mission, meaning, and purpose, they want specific instructions, but the sign of Pisces makes these categories abstract and encourages us to find interior landmarks and based on them choose specific external moments. You can think of it as a necessity. find your inner compass and map of your own life.

When you don't know what you want or where you're going, Pisces themes will manifest as chaos, lostness, lack of direction, unsteadiness and instability in life. And then you will feel a victim and look for the guilty or deal with the question of what is it for me? In fact, this chaos wants you to make a choice and a direction and stick to it.

For example, one of the cases from practice, one client was constantly faced with the fact that she was fired from her job or she quit herself, in a year she changed about 8 seats, at the session we started with a destination, and ended up with her deciding on a further direction in terms of personal relationships, i.e. It turned out that you need to deal not with work, but with your personal life. And there are many such cases.

What should you pay attention to during an eclipse?

A solar eclipse in Pisces will give you the opportunity to check your inner course and inner vector, to correlate what is happening in your life and plans for the future with your inner compass and how we feel the direction of our path. If you are in a mess right now and everything is wrong, it's time to get busy own life. You will have the opportunity to find exactly your direction.

Besides external circumstances can confuse you so that you learn to stand firmly on your feet and stick to your life course. Further in August, we will have an eclipse in Leo - and we will need to prove ourselves, implement plans, interact with outside world and depending on how you define internal guidelines now, your future, your self-expression and interaction with the world will depend.

The highest manifestations of an eclipse can be − miraculous transformations- unexpected healings, higher manifestations love, the emergence of opportunities, the right people and circumstances in a seemingly magical and miraculous way. During this period, you can find answers to your questions, answers will come to you from the depths of your inner wisdom.

How to use it?

Ask yourself questions:

  • What do I really want?
  • What of what I want is imposed on me?
  • What of what I want is really mine?
  • How do I see my life in 5 years?
  • What feelings and emotions do I want to receive from life?
  • What of what I have helps me to get the desired sensations and emotions?

Once you answer these questions, you will need to review your life through the prism of new guidelines and the most important will be - trust yourself, this is the question of your faith. Do not go into isolation, illusions and unrealistic plans, so you will only make things worse.

Effects of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The influence of the eclipse can be ambiguous, because Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces conjunct Mercury and Neptune. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us of what is needed remain objective and sensibly evaluate prospects. Maintain balance dreams and realism then success will easily find its way to you.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the February 2017 solar eclipse, especially those born between February 22-March 3 (Pisces) and August 26-September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. In which direction the changes will occur depends on the position of the planets and important points in natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

If you want to know what exactly you should pay attention to during an eclipse, then you can seek the advice of an astrologer.

The meaning of the eclipse February 26, 2017 in terms of astrology

The impact of the eclipse is most noticeable three days before and three days after his exact date.

Here is a familiar video about how you can change your life during an eclipse below:

In astrology, an eclipse of the Sun marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time to get started, whether it's for work or personal life. There are many opportunities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To do right choice, it is necessary to analyze the affairs of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. You may need to let go of old habits, behaviors, or beliefs.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: the semi-square (45° aspect) of the Sun with Uranus and the one and a half square (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more confident, however, one should correlate the desired and the possible, otherwise excessive optimism can fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of drastic changes.

The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, bellicose Mars is in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

February 26, 2017 and also three days before and three days after this date it is not recommended to make anything important: major purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is desirable to spend the day in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky.

The energy of the Pisces sign will be strongly manifested, and if you want to be on the same wavelength with her, allow yourself to rest. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

What to do 3 days before the eclipse

Pay close attention to what is happening, note the situations to which you react very emotionally. Think about what attracted these events in you or what causes such a strong response in you, what internal reasons, scripts, beliefs, dependencies.

  • What fears am I even afraid to discover?
  • What I don't even want to think about, but it's there?
  • Why do I keep fooling myself?
  • What prevents me from believing in myself and not doubting?
  • What should I change in my life?
  • What am I afraid to accept and let go?

During the eclipse on February 26, 2017 from 16.15 to 19.31 Moscow time

It is advisable for you to do the ritual of forgiving yourself - especially considering that the eclipse coincides with the forgiven resurrection, the difference is that you do not need to blame yourself, but you need to accept that experience, your past, which was and which you should no longer hold - financial dependence , loss, suffering, disappointment, all beliefs and constructs about you, all relationship experiences and repetition. You can let it go. Just tell yourself I forgive myself for ... and then everything you feel and want to say.

If you can’t do it this way, then put 2 chairs - on one of them imagine yourself the one you are offended by, don’t love and don’t accept - ask yourself for forgiveness. Then change your position on the chairs and forgive yourself for the one who did not forgive and did not accept. When you do this sincerely, you will feel how a heavy burden will fall from you.

After that, because the eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it's good if you find time for a new moon ritual to fulfill wishes. They can be about love, work, business, money, and anything else you want to attract into your life. Simply voice your desires out loud and ask the universe to help you make them come true.

Three days after the eclipse

This eclipse is aimed at making you stop suffering and begin to believe in yourself, trust yourself and the World, so that you stop living in illusions and fantasies, but start living in reality. So think about what you want and embody now.

About what you can and cannot do during an eclipse.

If you want to know what exactly you should pay attention to during an eclipse, then you can contact astrologer's advice.

Ksenia Glebova.

In contact with


Solar eclipse February 26, 2017: the time when there will be, what time in Russia, rituals. Tomorrow the inhabitants of our country falls unique opportunity observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon, which, by the way, will be the first this year - the Solar Eclipse 2017.

On Sunday, February 26, the first solar eclipse of this year awaits the Russians. It will start at 17:53 and will be ring-shaped. Three days before and after this phenomenon, it is not recommended to make important decisions and make significant financial transactions. Also, do not go on a long journey. The thing is that the eclipse enhances the negative.

The solar eclipse, which will occur on February 26 closer to 18:00, will have a significant negative impact because in astrology such annular eclipses are diabolical. During such phenomena, people feel a craving for coups, forcing difficult situations overthrow of power.

On February 26, 2017, the Moon passes from the Earth at a distance slightly greater than usual, and its angular (apparent) size is smaller than the apparent size of the solar disk. Therefore, there is an annular or annular eclipse: a brilliant ring of the Sun around the black circle of the Moon. At the same time, the observation of the solar corona, stars and dawn is impossible, since the sky practically does not darken.

Note that a similar phenomenon involving heavenly body can also influence people who were born under certain signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini will be especially affected.

The sun will “go out” in the sign of Pisces, so you need to be on the same wavelength with him: allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This is an auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The eclipse will not be observed on the territory of Russia, which is good. It will be seen in South America - in Argentina, in Chile and in other countries. Very large earthquakes can occur there, which, in turn, can cause a tsunami. There may be attempts at a coup d'état, for example, in the same Venezuela. The most difficult zone for the next six months is South America.

Russia, on the other hand, an annular solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 threatens chaos and a complete mess in power.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of southwestern Africa at sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

Take a contrast shower (men need to start and finish with hot water, and women - cold 5-7 times). 10 minutes before a solar eclipse, lie down with your head to the east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negativity that you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in turn in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear is like a stone, resentment is like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine what happens to them at the same time, how they change, become bright and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty places in yourself where these feelings were with your love.