Participants of the competition are given cards, each of which has one of the words written on it - cards, heart attack, school desk, pawnshop, standard, apron, excitement, start, reserved seat. After that, they offer to compose a poem with the words "March" or "March 8" and proposed in the received card. Example: "When March 8th passes, I will pick up socks from the pawnshop."

Contest "Check for attentiveness"

The host invites 8-10 girls to participate in the competition and says that they will not be able to repeat the 3 phrases that he will say. Confused, the participants offer to try. The first phrase: “Great weather today,” the girls say without hesitation. Second: "Everyone is in a festive mood!" - also does not cause problems. The host says: "Well, you're wrong!" To which the girls object indignantly, but should have simply repeated this third phrase.

"Ha ha" contest

Girls are famous laughers, so this contest is just for them. Those who wish to sit in a circle, the first girl says: "Ha!". The next one adds the same syllable and it turns out "ha-ha!". And so on. The girls are immediately warned that they need to pronounce their "speech" seriously, without changing letters, only increasing the number of syllables. The game ends when one of the participants “giggles”, because almost all the participants of the competition, and the fans, will immediately support her with infectious laughter.

Competition "But I ..."

Girls participate in this pair competition. It is carried out in the form of a verbal duel. You need to convince your opponent of your superiority. One of the participants begins with the words: "I am the most beautiful!". The other answers her: "But I'm the smartest!". The first objected: "But I'm the kindest." And so on, avoiding repetition. The one that provides more arguments wins the competition. Get ready for the fact that the competition can go on for quite some time. To complicate the task, we can suggest naming arguments that begin only with a certain letter of the alphabet.

Competition "Housewife"

Participants of the competition are invited to consistently perform a series of actions that a woman has to do at home every day. For greater clarity, each girl is given a toy bed with a doll, a set of pots and a broom with a scoop, and the like. It is advisable to indicate the list of works to each "housewife" in an envelope, then it will be easier to identify the winner.

Competition "Couturier"

The competition is dominated by boys. They are shown an image of one or more women's dresses and are offered to show such details as armholes, vents, darts, cuffs, ruffles, hem, strap, slit, straps, flounces, and so on. The most competent couturier wins.

Competition "Wedding Ring"

The contestants are given hoops. Their task is to put in their hoop, that is, put on " wedding ring"on as possible large quantity boys. The contestant must put the hoop on the boy from above, lower the hoop along his body to the floor and allow to step over to release the hoop. The winner is the participant who gets engaged the most times in one minute.

Competition "Nesmeyana"

One or more Nesmeyans are selected from among the participants in the competition. The task of the rest is to make Nesmeyana laugh by any means. Only touching and tickling is prohibited. You can tell jokes, make faces, giggle contagiously, and so on. The winner is that Nesmeyana, who will keep a serious expression on her face the longest.

Winding Path Competition

Skittles are placed in one line at a distance of half a meter from each other. The contestants are blindfolded and offered to go around all the skittles along an imaginary zigzag path. Not only the number of pins hit is taken into account, but also the speed with which the participant completes this task. The fastest and most accurate participant wins.

Contest "Collect the beads"

Participants of the competition are awarded with a long ribbon. The host announces that with this ribbon it is necessary to tie as many hands of other bead children as possible in one minute. The participant who has more knots with interwoven hands on the ribbon becomes the winner. Beads can participate in the creation of different beads with different hands at the same time.

Competition "Find your name"

The girls team competes against the boys team. Children's names are written on price tags. Then they are mixed and distributed to children. Everyone sticks the inherited name on their clothes on the left. You need to find your name and stick it on your clothes on the right, and then help the participant who gave you the name to find his own. The team that finds all their names first wins.

Competition "With a pitcher on the head"

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives a symbolic "jug" - a box of matches. Participants in turn with a "jug" on their heads run to the finish line and return to their team, passing the "jug" to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Competition "Tie a bow"

The participants are divided into teams. A poster is hung in front of each team, on which a doll's head is drawn. Participants are blindfolded in turn, handed a felt-tip pen, invited to come up to their poster and draw a bow on the doll's head. The team that correctly placed the most number of bows wins.

Competition "Roses and the gardener"

One gardener is chosen from among the participants. The rest are placed randomly in the room. While the gardener is not looking, the rest of the participants - roses - do what they want, make any movements. But as soon as the gardener appears, the roses should freeze and not move. If the gardener notices the movement of the rose, then he "cuts" it, and this rose becomes the next gardener.

Competition "Grandmother knitter"

From among the participants, a "grandmother" is chosen, who goes into another room, and the rest of the participants join hands and stand in a circle. The leader, without disengaging the circle, "confuses" the participants among themselves, creating a complex and rather dense "tangle". Then they invite the grandmother and note the time during which she can unwind this "ball" without breaking the "thread". The fastest grandmother knitter wins.

Armless makeup artist

The contestants are divided into pairs, each of which receives a set of cosmetics: shadows, mascara, lipstick, blush with brush. One participant from a pair must apply makeup to the other without the help of hands, holding a brush or lipstick with his teeth. The winner is the pair of participants that will do it more accurately and better.

Competition "Cinderella hurry to the ball"

The props of the competition are two pairs of very large galoshes. Galoshes can be replaced with large men's boots. The participants are divided into teams. The first participants put on galoshes, run up to the "prince" (leader), take off galoshes, run back with them and pass them on to the next participant or participant. The winner is the Cinderella team, who completely "visited the ball" faster.

Competition "Flower meadow"

Props are prepared in advance - colored paper cut into small squares. The number of paper colors should correspond to the number of teams playing. Then all the squares are mixed and laid out on the floor. Participants are announced that one team must collect all the roses (red paper), the other - snowdrops (blue), the third - mimosa (yellow). The team that collects all their "flowers" the fastest wins.

Competition "Buryonka"

One "cow" is chosen from among the participants and handed her a bell. The rest of the contestants are blindfolded. In this position, they must catch the "cow". Periodically, participants ask the question: "Buryonka, where are you?" And then the cow should ring the bell. After the cow is caught, she is blindfolded, untwisted on the spot and she points to the one who will become the next cow.

Competition "My sweet "Ale-Am"

A strong thread is attached to a cap or other headdress, at the end of which a candy is tied. Having put on a cap, the participant needs to shake the candy so without the help of his hands that he will eventually grab it with his mouth. The winner is the participant who managed to cope with this task faster.

Competition "Chocolate intuition"

The facilitator shows a chocolate bar and invites the participants to guess how many small tiles are contained in its relief. After all those present have named their option, the chocolate is unwrapped and the tiles are counted. The one who guessed correctly or was closest to the truth receives a prize - the same chocolate bar.

Competition "Women's handbag"

The participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to make the most full list what must be in every women's handbag. Then the lists of teams are compared and only those options that are not repeated by the other team are counted. The team with the most complete bag at the end wins.

Competition "Matryoshka"

Several sundresses and scarves are placed on one chair at once. At the command of the host, the participants run to the chair, put on a sundress and tie a scarf. The participant who is fully dressed up first becomes the winner and receives the title of "The Most Important Matryoshka", and all the rest must dance around her round dance.

Competition "Laundry"

The contestants are divided into teams. Each team receives a bowl of water, a handkerchief and a bar of soap. The task of the teams is to wash the handkerchief, passing it to each other in turn. However, the winning team is determined only by the amount of soap left. The competition is held on time. The smaller the piece of soap left, the better the team washed, the more chances it had to win.

Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

In the room where the competition is held, several chairs are set up. On each of them put a stack of magazines or newspapers. A small bead or ball is hidden under one of the piles. Participants are asked to determine exactly where the hidden bead is by sitting down on a chair. The most sensitive princess wins.


Boy/girl couples are welcome. a girl should always be beautiful, and even more so on a holiday, so before the "party" the contestants go to the "salon", where the "masters" will be able to professionally make up their lips. Only these masters are guys with mittens on their hands. What will be the result - the audience will appreciate. The winner is the couple in which the girl has perfect lips.

woman detective

Your attention and talent Miss Marple can be demonstrated by the participants of this competition. 5-6 girls are invited, a man defiles in front of them for 1 minute, then he leaves the hall, changes his appearance somewhat and returns to the contestants. The task of the ladies is to find what exactly has changed in young man. The host says in advance how many differences you need to find. Ladies can answer in turn or write down the answers on a piece of paper and pass them on to the leader.

Sweet couple

What girl doesn't like sweets? And what to do when there is no opportunity to eat? Of course, call the boy for help. So, he / she couples participate in the competition. The host puts on a plate chocolate candies in wrappers. Competitors put their hands behind their backs. The couples have to "take" the candy, open it, and the boy treats his lady. The winner is the pair in which the girl eats the candy first.

cool sausage

Both boys and girls can participate in the competition. All comers form a circle, in the center is the leader. Each in turn asks the host a question, but you can only answer with the words: "cool sausage!". As soon as the leader laughs, he changes places with the person who asked the provocative question.


Everyone knows that announcers “warm up” before work, repeating tongue twisters. Participants are invited to take part in the competition of announcers. For example, here are a few tongue twisters, but you can use your own. The winner is the lady who clearly, quickly and correctly pronounces 3 phrases:
Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short cooker.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardin from Bulgaria.
Palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by cartilage fragility and chronic chromosomal hara-kiri

A passionate kiss

For this competition, you will need a poster with a popular variety artist, actor or athlete. Women are warned that they will be introduced to a young man, and therefore let them powder their nose and tint their lips. The host's goal is for all the ladies to renew their lipstick. Next, the participants are shown a universal idol, and then they are blindfolded in turn and offered to kiss a man on the lips. The winner is revealed by the most accurate and passionate kiss.

Woman driving

IN modern world more and more ladies drive a car Demonstrate skills are offered to girls. Participants are given toy cars on strings, and are invited to overcome a given route. The winner is the one that arrives faster, breaking as few rules as possible.

Create an ideal

Several teams of 4-5 people are invited to participate. The host gives the participants balloons, colored paper, adhesive tape, scissors and offers to create an ideal, in their opinion, woman. The winner is determined by the unanimous applause of the audience.


The host announces that the most hysterical young lady will be determined in this competition. Each participant is given 5 disposable plastic plates and offered to compete in throwing distance with them. Throwing can be accompanied by cries corresponding to the name of the competition. The winner is the "hysterical" who threw the plate the farthest.

Your lips are scarlet

The female part of the team paints their lips harder with lipstick and leaves imprints of their lips on a piece of drawing paper. For the competition, it is necessary to prepare at least two identical sheets with prints. Men participate in the competition. In one minute, they have to guess who owns each print by signing it. The winner is the one who completely coped with the task.

funny March March 8 game March 8 game March 8 game March 8 game March 8 game March 8 game

Games and competitions for adults. Games for adults. Competitions for adults. Games. Contests">

Games and competitions. Games for adults.

"Let's sit together" "Double chin" "Take care of the balls!" "Wild Beach" "Drummers of Labor" "Craftsmen" "Who is faster?!" "Ah, those legs!" "Ah, these legs ... men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through hardships to the stars" "Sweet thing!" "Brook" in a festive way" "Men's non-track and field athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, darling?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, honey!" "Stickers" "The most enduring" "Sensual" "Move your booty! "" Burst the ball!" "Match-little" "One for two" "Skillful lips" "I give you flowers" "Turnip on new way"Ricky-tufted" "Scarecrow" "Dress the husband-Sultan" "Whose harem is cooler?" "Money, money, money ..." "Boxing Club" "On a hike for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss!" "Love

"Let's Sit Together"

The couples stand with their backs to each other, slightly leaning forward. Between the backs (slightly lower) an egg is clamped. Exercise

Lower it carefully to the floor. The pair with the egg left intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball.

In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, having touched the floor, did not roll off to the side.

"Double chin"

Partners (a man and a woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task

With rotational movements, roll the ball to the chin of one of the partners shorter. Tumbleweed

The game is played by several couples. Each couple gets two raw eggs or ping pong balls. Men roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve.

The ladies roll the balls through the men's trousers from the right leg to the left leg.

"Take care of the eggs!"

Mandatory condition of the game

Noisy cheerful company of the appropriate age. Only men participate

4 or 8 people. A plastic bag with two eggs is hung on the front of each belt so that it hangs between the legs, the players are divided into pairs (randomly or by lot, it is desirable that the players in pairs be of the same height). Next, the players stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. Then everything is very simple, they fight with eggs, whose eggs are broken, he leaves. This is how the semi-finals and finals are held.

The winner is the one with at least one egg left intact. Fanfare, prizes, guests (especially girls) roll on the floor with laughter.

"Wild beach"

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women)

- "so that intimate places do not excite vacationers on the beach." Music sounds, dancing begins. During the dance, the players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance, closely clinging to each other ...

"Drummers of Labor"

3 couples are invited (girl

Boy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. The host is encouraged to connect them himself. That will be more fun. So, a frying pan is tied to the girl’s belt in front, and the guy

Ladle. The couple is placed facing each other close quarters. Now the host needs to count the number of beats for a certain time, for example, per minute. You need to hit the ladle exactly on the pan.

The one who hits the most wins.


Guests split into pairs: man

Woman. Partner task

Blindfolded, move the clothespins (previously fixed by the leader) with your teeth from the partner’s back to the chest. The first pair to complete the task wins.

"Who's faster?!"

A pair is selected by lot (opposite-sex or any). The participants are facing each other. They are blindfolded, and an ordinary clothespin is attached to each.

It is necessary to find a clothespin on the opponent’s body as quickly as possible and at the same time try not to give up your own, not to let it get close.

"Oh, those legs!"

In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. The man is shown that his wife (girlfriend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where his eyes are tightly blindfolded. At this point, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit down next to them.

Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and let in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, in turn touching his bare leg with his hands, he must recognize his half. For men, a stocking is put on the leg for disguise.

"Ah, these legs ... men's!"

Only men can take part in this competition. But at first they should not know that the best male legs will be revealed. The presenter announces to the men present that there will be a competition to collect cosmetics (lipstick, powder, cosmetic kits, mascara, etc.), which are scattered on the floor.

Whoever collects more and faster cosmetic items wins this competition. But for convenience, men should bend their trousers as high as possible.

After the cosmetics are collected, the presenter announces the winner. But not the one who collected the most cosmetics, and who (according to the women's jury) has the most beautiful male legs.

"Female intuition"

Women are encouraged to look into the eyes of men

To your game partners. After that, the women go to another room, and the men put on gas masks and sit on chairs. They are covered from head to toe with a blanket so that only gas masks can be seen. Women are invited, their task

Find the one in whose eyes they looked just recently.

"Through hardship to the stars"

The host invites three married couples. Men become 3-4 meters from their wives. The host opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and puts them in the path of each man.

After that, each man is blindfolded, turned several times around himself, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her. When the men have already been blindfolded, the leader quickly removes the bottles and swaps the wives.

"Sweet thing!"

There will be no winners and losers in this game, this game

A joke to amuse guests. It invites two participants

Man and woman. Man explains the rules of the game

- "now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy in her mouth, and your task

Blindfolded, find this candy without the help of your hands and take it with your mouth too. "The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as a man is blindfolded, a man is placed on a sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, how long will it take to try to find candy from "ladies" your chosen gentleman, so many guests will laugh heartily.

"Brook" in a festive way"

A wallpaper path is laid on the floor. Women are invited, legs wide apart, to walk along the "brook" without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but with a blindfold. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed the brook blindfolded, and at the end of the path, removing the blindfold from her eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the brook, face up (the man is laid on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant's eyes).

The woman is embarrassed. The second participant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth ... Everyone has fun!

"Men's Athletics"

The male participants in the game are put on a dark, non-translucent bandage over their eyes and are offered to push themselves off the floor as many times as possible. After the men have tried their hand, the host says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages are not removed). These are strips of wallpaper on which silhouettes of naked women are depicted in life-size.

Men are now performing the task, located above these silhouettes. After a while, the host removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheer with jokes and advice.

"Whose knees?"

Chairs are arranged in a circle around the room. Players sit on them

Men and women. The leader is chosen. He is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the driver stops and sits on his knees to the one near whom he stopped. The one to whom he sat down should hold his breath and not give himself away. Others ask: "Who?".

If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver. Hands cannot be used for guessing.

"Where are you, love?"

There should be as many participants as possible. The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Hands are tied behind, so you have to act only with your head in the truest sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man just sniffs the whole girl, licks or does something else with her.

At the end of the game, the score is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers, Based on this, the first place and the last are awarded. And be sure to reward the best, and punish the rest.

"Find Your Wife"

The game is played by two people: husband and wife. A chair is placed in the middle of the room or platform, eight pins are placed in a straight line to the chair or empty bottles. The husband is blindfolded and the task is explained: "Go through without knocking down a single pin (bottle) and kiss your wife." The wife is sitting on a chair. At that moment, when the husband begins to approach his wife, quietly and imperceptibly replace her with another woman, putting her in the place of the participant's wife.

Everything in the game lies in the fact that the participant in the game, i.e. husband, must kiss another woman without noticing the substitution.

The game will be more interesting if it is given a competitive character, when several husbands compete at the same time. In this case: the wives should quietly and imperceptibly change places among themselves.

"Dress me, honey!"

Couples are invited to play: man

Woman. Male players are given winter gloves. Their task

Button up as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe worn over their playmate's clothing. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. fashion designer

Every lady keeps in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.


Stickers (5-10 pieces) are pasted in various places (usually on the arm, neck, cheek, behind the ear, on the lips, etc.). The partner must carefully tear off this sticker with his mouth, teeth, tongue and nothing else without touching it. The sticker should not be too sticky!

"Most enduring"

Requires two inflation pumps rubber boats. Two girls are invited to inflate balloons attached to the pumps while sitting on them. The one whose balloon bursts first wins. sweet tooth

Guests are divided into pairs. In every pair

Man and woman. The task of each pair

With joint efforts, without the help of hands, unfold and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do so wins.


Only women participate in the competition. Participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair.

On command, all participants sit down and try to determine: What is the item under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who decides first wins.

"Move your booty!"

Three or more young people sit on chairs with their feet together. A piece (20 cm) is placed on the knees toilet paper. Then the girls sit on their knees and, moving their booty in different directions to the music, they try to tear the paper.

Whoever has more gaps on paper wins.

"Pop the balloon!"

Men sit down, holding an inflated honey ball between their knees. Women, their partners, must sit on their knees so that the ball bursts. wand of love

Two teams in which men and women alternate (3-5 people) must pass from the first to the last and back a simple pencil, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip playing! Naturally, you can’t touch a pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands.

Woman. A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first member of the team sits. A match is given in his mouth (naturally without sulfur).

At the command of the host, the second player runs up to him, takes a match (without hands) and sits in the place of the first. The first runs to the tail of the column. The team whose first player is the first to sit back on the chair wins.

"One for Two"

Two or more pairs of men and women participate. The task of each pair

Faster than the rest to eat a long cucumber or banana

Simultaneously from both ends, without touching, with your hands. But everything happens blindfolded. Couples are selected by mutual agreement, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.

"Skillful Lips"

Several couples stand in front of the audience. Next, they take a plastic bottle from the gas supply or any other 2-liter bottle, tightly close the lid and clamp it between the legs of each guy. Then the girls, without resorting to the help of their hands, must unscrew the cap of the bottle.

And, simply put, you have to do it with your mouth. The winner is the couple in which the girl turns off the cork the fastest. When she; does it, then immediately runs forward with the lid raised up.

"I give you flowers"

This game is best arranged when there are a lot of flowers, roses in particular. So, they choose two couples, “gut” several roses, lay the girls on the sofa and sprinkle about the same number of petals on them. Their partners are blindfolded, and on command they begin to pick up the petals with their lips.

The winner, of course, is the one who completes this task faster.

"Turnip in a new way"

The guys sit on the fifth point, in one line, spreading or crossing their legs in Turkish, leaning back and resting their hands on the ground (or floor) behind their backs

These are "beds". Girls sit down to them either on crossed legs or between them. They

- "turnips". Leading

- "Michuri?ets" walks in front of the "beds". "Turnip" it is advisable to keep your hands in front of you. Having lulled the vigilance of the "beds" with conversations, the "Michurinets" is trying to pull the "turnip" out of the "bed". The guy should have time to remove his hands from behind his back and grab (keep the girl). Why would he take her?

This is how it will work. Not holding the "turnip", he himself becomes a "Michurinite". The main thing for the "beds", after the game is not to get on the "rake".

"Ricky Tufted"

Before the game, remind the female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive in mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself for the duration of the game and create the most "fluffy" out of him. To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task

From the hair of men with the help of elastic bands, make as many "tufts" as possible. The companion of the most "ruffled" is awarded a prize.


Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys). The girl gets between the guys, and they have to dress the girl in a minute, but only with the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the girl wins.

The game goes just fine, especially when such a picture appears: 4 guys are standing in what their mother gave birth, and two beauties, like garden scarecrows, with socks on their heads.

"Dress of the Husband-Sultan"

This game is best played in a large company. Several harems are created. Each harem consists of one husband (young man) and wives (girls).

It is necessary that the number of wives in harems be the same. To some oriental music, the wives begin to take off any details of their clothes, jewelry and put them on their husband. The harem, where the husband will be able to put on more items, is considered the winner. As a prize, the winning harem or its head

Can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem. It is possible, of course, and vice versa, for the husband to dress his wives, but in this case things will end very quickly.

"Whose harem is cooler?"

Two husbands are chosen

Harem holders. The first wives are chosen. Cards should be prepared in advance, on which the names are written various parts body. The husband and the first wife draw one card each (the cards are turned upside down) and touch those parts of the body that are indicated on each card. Then the second wife is chosen. She and her husband draw a new card. The second wife must be attached to her husband, who is already in contact with the first wife.

So the number of wives increases until the husband can still be reached out and touched, or until there are no more contenders for the place of harem wives. The one who has a harem wins

- "statue of love" (husband + all wives) will look more interesting, original and funnier.

"Money money money…"

Several couples are involved. For ladies, a large fake purse is attached to the belt in front, for men

Large banknote. It is necessary, without touching the purse, banknotes and ropes on which they are attached to the belt, put the banknote into the lady's purse. Contributions and deposits

The host calls two pairs (in each pair, a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one banknote in each. Get initial contributions! (Gives money to couples candy wrappers). , lapels, and all the nooks and crannies.

Try to arrange your deposits as soon as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready ... Let's start!" The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task, after one minute the facilitator sums up.

Presenter: "How many bills do you have left? And you? Great! All the money has been invested in the business! Well done!

And now I will ask women to quickly withdraw all deposits, and since a bank deposit can only be withdrawn by the one who deposited it and no one else, you will withdraw your deposit blindfolded so as not to see other people's deposits.

(Women are blindfolded and at this time they change places of men). At the command of the host, women with passion withdraw deposits, not suspecting anything.

"Boxing Club"

Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to do good psychological impact on your knights. Cavaliers put on boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. Leader's task

To escalate the situation as much as possible, to suggest which muscles are best to stretch, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc.

After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before the opponent wins.

"Kissing Camp"

two teams

Male and female line up one by one. The task of the men: heading in turn to the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the “kissing campaign” is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: “I have finished.” The facilitator records the time for each participant to complete the task. Who is faster

He won.

"Kiss me, kiss me!"

A willing man is invited. He is blindfolded. The girls are evenly spaced around the room. At the command of the men, the girls freeze. The task of a blindfolded man is to find and kiss every girl as quickly as possible (the presenter marks the time). Other men can be added to the girls (masquerading as girls, for example, changing clothes, glasses, etc.). After one male participant has passed the "baton", the next one begins.

The fastest one wins.

Don't love"

The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don't like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

A moment of stormy laughter is guaranteed to you.

"Kiss-kiss… Meow!"

One person sits on a chair with his back to the guests. The host behind him points to the guests in turn and says: "Kiss", "Kiss", etc. The player sitting with his back must at some point say "Meow" in response. He then kisses whoever the host was pointing at at that moment.

After that, the leader sits on a chair, the player leaves the chair to the guests, and the kissed player becomes the leader.

"Kiss, girl, well done"

The game will require 4 or more participants (the more the better). All participants stand in a circle. Someone one becomes in the center, this is the leader.

Then everyone starts to move: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center, in the other. The center must have their eyes blindfolded or closed. Everyone sings:

Matryoshka walked along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

WITH last words everyone stops. A pair is selected according to the principle: leader

The (one) that is in front of him. Then there is the question of compatibility. They turn their backs to each other and turn their heads to the left or right on the count of "three"; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

Games for adults.

"Let's sit together" "Double chin" "Take care of the balls!" "Wild Beach" "Drummers of Labor" "Craftsmen" "Who is faster ?!" "Oh, those legs!" "Ah, these legs ... men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through hardships to the stars" "Sweet thing!" "Brook" in a festive way" "Men's non-athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, darling?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, honey!" "Stickers" "The most enduring" "Sensual" "Move your butt! ""Burn the ball!" "Little match" "One for two" "Skillful lips" "I give you flowers" "Turnip in a new way" "Ricky crest" "Scarecrow" "Dress the husband-Sultan" "Whose harem is cooler ?" "Money, money, money ..." "Boxing Club" "On a hike for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss!" "Love

You don’t love "" Kitty-kitty ... Meow! "" Kiss, girl, well done "

Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults.

Fun contests by March 8

Any holiday, and not only March 8, should be celebrated cheerfully. True, we are used to having fun, absorbing an incredible amount of food and drinks, but such is the tradition of a festive feast. However, it has long been customary to diversify the feast with intellectual conversation, jokes and a good song, and also with all sorts of fun, games, fun competitions and contests.

There is an incredible amount of festive fun and usually they correspond to the spirit of celebration. On March 8, for example, paired games and gender-based competitions were adopted. We invite you to get acquainted with some of them. The contests for March 8 presented on this page are suitable for any party and for a company of any age.

1. The most important Don Juan.
This table competition For cheerful company, although it can be carried out in any environment. Only men participate. For a given letter of the alphabet, each participant must say as many compliments and affectionate definitions as possible.

For example: "A"
The Scarlet Flower...

The most eloquent wins. The audience can count aloud and not accept some of the epithets.

Participants can name compliments for one letter or for different ones. They may have a support group. You can come up with your own additions for this competition.

The winner is awarded a diploma, badge...

2. Fun lottery.
Women are invited to randomly draw a ticket from the pack, on which a comic title is written. And then, in accordance with it, a souvenir is awarded. The more unexpected and witty the combination "title-thing", the more fun the lottery is.

For example:
Princess Nesmeyana - a pack of napkins,
Cinderella - a bar of soap or a whisk,
Sleeping beauty - decorative pillow,
Sister Alyonushka - a toy goat,
Snow White - apple,
Vasilisa the Wise - book,
Elena the Beautiful - mirror...

Instead of fairy tale characters you can choose book heroines, famous women and so on. For example, "Tatyana Larina" can be given an envelope and a fountain pen, "Sculptor Mukhina" a pack of plasticine. And you can, without further ado, paint the entire female team with the titles of beauty contests: beauty queen, Miss Enchantress, Miss Attractiveness, Miss Clever, Miss Kindness and present - a plastic crown, a deck of cards, a traffic controller's stick, glasses with a nose from a fun store, a large plush heart, etc. I think the principle is clear.

3. Broken heart.
Couples of different sexes must participate in this competition. Balloons of the appropriate shape are used as the "heart". The leader, saying that after the meeting the soul of both went to the heel, ties a ball to the left leg of each participant. On a signal, everyone must try to crush the opponent's ball with their foot. The loser, respectively, is the one whose balloon burst first.

Any petty cheating is allowed, except for stilettos.

4. Ichthyander.
This is also a pair competition, but opponents of both different and same sex can participate in it. Attributes of fun - fins and binoculars. The essence of the competition is to go from start to finish in fins, looking through binoculars with reverse side. There should be several obstacles in the form of chairs, buckets, etc. on the way of the participants. The one who comes to the finish line first wins.

5. What is in a lady's handbag?
You can play right at the table. Men take turns naming objects. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The winner is the one who names the item last. Women can prompt their favorites, but not out loud, but with facial expressions and gestures.

For example:
Mobile phone,
cosmetic bag,
chocolate bar,

6. Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo.
This is an art competition. There can be any number of participants. Defines the leader.

The principle is this: on a large sheet of drawing paper with a pre-drawn blank in the form of a square or circle, the participant must draw a picture-symbol with a “female” theme.
For example, if there are squares on the paper, you can announce that this is a competition for cubist artists. The participant can draw another square next to it and name their picture “love”, or draw a second, smaller one inside the original square and sign “she is expecting a baby”.

The winner is the one whose fantasy is richer and wittier.

7. My favorite navigator.
Pair competition. Representatives of different genders participate labor collective or spouse, if the holiday is held at home.

The essence of the competition is to blindfold with the help of a dustpan and a broom to collect as much garbage as possible. It is best to litter the playing space with candy wrappers and some small, but not flat objects (for example, matchboxes or plastic cups). The men are working. Women guide them with their voice. And most importantly - the eyes of men should be blindfolded.

The cleanest pair that managed to collect the most scattered objects wins.

8. Together forever.
This team game. The essence of the competition is to remember and name as many well-known couples as possible. It is allowed to name both fictional characters and real people.

For example:
The beauty and the Beast,
Ruslan and Ludmila,
Romeo and Juliet,
Bonnie and Clyde
Peter and Fevronia
Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa Maksimovna...

You can organize a competition according to the principle when teams remember and name famous couples. Whoever has more, he won. You can complicate the task. One team calls the “half” of the couple, and the second must remember the “soul mate”. Whoever gets the most correct answers is the winner. This version of the game is also allowed: the names of the "halves" are called by the leader, and the rival teams compete for speed. Whoever gives answers faster and gets more correct answers wins.

9. Golden wife.
For this contest, banknotes of the "bank of jokes" are needed. However, just cut paper will do. Diverse couples participate in the competition.

The essence of the competition is as follows. The host distributes money to the men. Further, he reports that the bailiffs are approaching the house. Money must be hidden, but secluded places are not observed. Is that just ... a wife.

The door bell rings, and the man begins to hastily hide the bills on his wife's body: in his pocket, under his arms, in his hair. Um, in the bosom (at this point, the audience is always very fun).

The main rule is one bill, one place.

The procedure time is limited. Say, in one minute you want to hide as much as possible more money. The winner is the one who hid more and more successfully.

10. Fanta.
Everyone knows the rules of this game. “Forfeits” are collected from each participant in the form of some small things belonging to them, and then the presenter blindly gives a task to each forfeit. Tasks can be very different: simple ones like “read a poem” or “sing a song”, complex ones - “jump on one leg to the table, find a candy with a certain name and eat it in half with someone, biting off at the same time from different ends”, comic - “to declare love to oneself”, etc.

The usual and familiar game can be diversified. For example, when preparing for the holiday, write all these tasks on pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and place them in balloons with which to decorate the hall. When the right moment comes (the fun has reached the right degree), invite the guests to choose a balloon, burst it and complete the task. Or, throughout the evening, call one guest at a time and send them to choose a ball.

11. Burime.
This is also a well-known pastime. It consists in composing a rhyme using given rhymes. Guests can come up with these rhymes and write a rhyme themselves. Then, when reading, the best one is chosen by voting.

You can offer new rhymes to each next participant. Rhymes can be thought out in advance and written on cards, and the host will simply distribute them to the participants.

You can invite the contestants to the given rhymes to compose a dedication or confession to one of the guests.

Rhyme examples:
Cherry is not superfluous,
Treasure - chocolate,
Romance is a lie
Service is not required...

The main rule is that it should be fun and flatter the vanity of most guests.

12. Eustace - Alex.
This is a cipher contest. Participants are given a sheet of paper. The task is written on one side, the other side is blank. The task of the participant is to draw a sign or a schematic picture, but in such a way that it is clear what it is about, and the audience could later guess which message is encrypted.

As tasks, you can use one word-concept. For example, joy, fear, sadness, laughter, love. The task can be complicated by taking a well-known situation as a task: a marriage proposal, a wedding, a divorce, the birth of a child.

Well-known aphorisms and phraseological units are suitable for very intellectual teams.

For example:
I came, I saw, I conquered
Do not sit in your sleigh,
Through hardship to the stars,
Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest ...

The one who can draw the message more clearly and witty wins.

Note. For drawing, it is better to distribute thick, saturated color markers to the participants so that the audience can better see the pictures.

Everyone knows that announcers “warm up” before work, repeating tongue twisters. Participants are invited to take part in the competition of announcers. For example, here are a few tongue twisters, but you can use your own. The winner is the lady who clearly, quickly and correctly pronounces 3 phrases:
- Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short-cooker;
- in Kabardino-Balkaria valocardin from Bulgaria;
- palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by fragility of cartilage and chronic chromosomal hara-kiri.

Attention check

The host invites 8-10 women to participate in the competition and says that the ladies will not be able to repeat 3 phrases that he will say. Confused, the participants offer to try. The girls pronounce the first phrase “Great weather today” without hesitation. The second - "Everyone is in a festive mood!" - also does not cause problems. The host says: “Well, you made a mistake!” To which the women object indignantly, but should have simply repeated this third phrase.

The man of my dreams

Girls and women are blindfolded. In front of them is an easel and a marker. The task of each of the fair sex is to draw the man of her dreams with details, for example, with abs or hairy chest. best pictures prizes are awarded.

ha ha

Women are famous laughers, so this contest is just for them. Those who wish to sit in a circle, the first lady says: “Ha!”. The next one adds the same syllable and it turns out “ha ha!”. And so on. Women are immediately warned that they need to pronounce their “speech” seriously, without changing letters, only increasing the number of syllables. The game ends when one of the participants “giggles”, because almost all the participants in the competition, and the fans, will immediately support her with infectious laughter.

find a way out

Ladies are invited to the podium, who are given envelopes with a task. More precisely, each receives a "difficult life situation”And immediately explains to the audience how to get out of the situation. For example: when you return home, you find a lady in your apartment walking around in your bathrobe. The winner is the participant who offers the most original way out.


All contestants sit in a circle. The leader is in the center. He turns to each player in turn and says, “I love you. Give me a smile!" To which the participant, without a share of a smile, replies: “I love you too, but I can’t smile.” It is extremely difficult to keep from smiling in this situation. The one who laughs takes the place of the leader. Believe me, this happens very often. You can play indefinitely.

A passionate kiss

At the beginning of the competition, the host invites everyone sitting at the table to say in turn what is the most valuable thing in a woman, excluding character traits. When the last participant has given an answer, the host invites the guests to kiss the neighbor in the place that he has determined as the best for a woman. It turns out funny and fun!

woman detective

Participants of this competition can demonstrate their attention and talent to Miss Marple. 5-6 girls are invited, a man defiles in front of them for 1 minute, then he leaves the hall, changes his appearance somewhat and returns to the contestants. The task of the ladies is to find what exactly has changed in the young man. The host says in advance how many differences you need to find. Ladies can answer in turn or write down the answers on a piece of paper and pass them on to the leader.

Favorite of the female audience

In this competition for women, men should try. Each of the men pulls out his fant, which indicates the name of the general favorite of the female audience, for example, Stas Mikhailov, Adriano Celentano, Dima Bilan and so on. The task of the participants is to quickly and with the help of handy means transform into their "fanta" and perform a couple of lines for the ladies. The most artistic - loud applause of girls and women.

Each girl (woman) initially writes her answers on a piece of paper, with which the answers of men will then be checked. Each of the men with whom women will have the most matches must make an honorable circle around the room and carry the woman in his arms, and then give her lovely dance. And questions can be of the following kind: what drink do you associate yourself with? With what animal? With which natural phenomenon? With what bird? With what drink? With what fruit? And so on.

For many women on March 8, the main goal is to get good gift. If such a lady is not pleased with a good present on her day, then he will certainly be offended. But there are also women for whom the priority on March 8 is good mood and have a good time. It is these women who will surely be interested in cool games and contests on March 8, which will make the holiday truly fun and memorable.

A cool contest that has become a classic, so it is ideal for any holiday, including March 8th. To carry it out, you need to stock up on a considerable number of small round objects. Items should not be too small or too large. You can use, for example, hard round sweets. These items are poured onto a chair and covered with a cloth or handkerchief. The participant's task is to sit on a chair and count the number of objects with the fifth point. This funny competition will surely amuse all the guests of the celebration on the occasion of the celebration of March 8th.

Compliments to myself

The attitude of all girls to compliments is the same. They truly love them. So why not, based on this fact, cool contest on March 8, in which girls would compliment themselves? To participate in the competition, the host calls two ladies and asks them to praise themselves in turn. That is, if one girl says: “I am the most athletic”, then the second one should praise herself in response, saying, for example, “But I am the most charming.” At the same time, the leader must ensure that compliments are not repeated. The girl who can think of it wins. the largest number compliments to yourself.

Snow White

Another competition main task which is the praise of oneself beloved. However, unlike the previous competition, this girl participates singly, not in pairs. The host calls the first girl, gives her a mirror and asks her to name the largest number of original, unusual and interesting compliments to herself. The winner is determined by the guests, who must evaluate the originality of women.

Meeting website

Another competition in which girls have to describe themselves. The host asks the participants to write an ad for a dating site. In this ad, girls must describe not only their appearance, but also other qualities. The compiler of the most original, cheerful and interesting announcement wins.

Broken phone

Children's contests always look funny at adult holidays. Therefore, in order to amuse the guests at the celebration of the celebration of March 8, you can hold the classic “Broken Phone” contest for them. Previously, this game was played at many holidays. So why not remember her on International Women's Day.

Everyone knows the rules of this game. The participants are seated at the table. The host makes a word to the last guest, and he whispers it in his ear to his neighbor so that the other guests do not hear. This continues until the word reaches the last participant, who says it out loud. It is far from certain that it will coincide with the original version.

gentle barber

The perfect cool competition for March 8, which will appeal to everyone. However, in order to conduct it, you need to be well prepared. To do this, you need to prepare a few balloons, a few bladed razors (you can use sharp knives) and shaving foam.

The host calls those who wish and asks them to inflate balloons to visually the same size. After that, the ladies need to draw on the balls the faces of their beloved men. At the command of the leader, the women put shaving foam on the balls and begin to “shave” them. They need to do this especially gently, because the bladed razor is really a sharp and dangerous object, so the ball can burst at any moment. The winner is the girl who managed to "shave" the balloon so that it does not burst.

The thorny path to flowers

Women are used to receiving flowers on March 8 without making any effort. For all ladies, receiving flowers on International Women's Day is a common thing. But why not invite women to compete for a bouquet? To do this, you can hold a cool contest that will cause a storm of emotions and a sea of ​​laughter in any company.

To conduct it, you need to find two pairs of flippers, two binoculars and several bouquets of flowers to give to the girls. The host calls two girls and gives them flippers and binoculars. The task of the girls is that they need to put on flippers, put binoculars to their eyes and thus overcome the designated distance. At the finish line, the girls will be waiting for a beautiful bouquet, which the winner will receive. So that the second participant does not get upset, she can also be presented with flowers.

To make the competition more fun, you can put several obstacles on the track for the participants, for example, water bottles.

fashion designers

Cool contests on March 8 can be held not only for women, but also for men who are present at the gala event. One of these competitions can be a fun entertainment "Fashion Designers", for which you need to prepare a woman's dress and several pairs of shoes. Remarkably, dresses may not be real. Instead, you can use pictures with dresses and other elements of the women's wardrobe.

The host shows the men dresses, and their task is to name all the elements of the outfit, for example, the hem, cuffs, flounces, slit, armholes and other details. Since not all men know what this or that element is called, it will be quite funny to watch how they call them names.

candy hunters

Cool competition for a feast on March 8. It does not require any special preparation to carry it out. It is enough to have a candy or other sweetness available. The guests sit at the table, and the driver walks around the table. The task of the participants is to pass candy to each other under the table, and the driver must periodically stop the game to try to guess who now has the item being passed. In order for the competition to be more fun, it is necessary that at the very beginning of the game one of the participants ate a candy. Thus, the driver will unsuccessfully try to guess who has the candy now.

Bagel necklace

For the competition, you need to buy a few kilograms of small bagels and a ball of thread. The task of women is to string as many bagels as possible on a string in one minute. The leader marks the time and gives the start. After that, the participant begins to string bagels. When the host says the word "Stop!", the woman stops. The host counts the number of bagels on the string and invites another participant. The winner is the lady whose drying necklace turned out to be the longest.


A really cool contest, which is suitable for holding at an event dedicated to the celebration of March 8th. To carry it out, you need to buy a considerable amount of rubber seals at the pharmacy. The task of the participants in one minute is to put on the largest number of gloves. The winner is the participant who managed to put on her hand maximum amount rubber products.