



Equipment: mirrors, articulation profiles, charts for characterizing sounds, multimedia presentation, individual cards, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.

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“Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson with a presentation Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [Z] [S]””

Abstract of a speech therapy lesson with a presentation

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds [З] [С]"

Prepared by Piunova I.V.

teacher speech therapist


Kuznetsk, Penza region

Subject: Differentiation of the sounds "z" and "s".

Lesson type: subgroup.



Consolidation of the concepts of sound "z" and "s";

Consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;

Consolidation and clarification of the dictionary;

Formation of sound discrimination skills.


Fixing conditioned reflex connections to a given sound;

Fixing the distinctive parameters of articulatory, acoustic differences and alien and independent speech;

Fixing sounds in a sentence;

Strengthening the skills of control over the correct pronunciation in independent speech.


Correction of the personality of the child as a whole and the goal of developing speech.

Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: mirrors, articulation profiles, charts for characterizing sounds, multimedia presentation, individual cards, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.

Stages of the lesson

The activities of the teacher.

Student activities.

Organizational moment.

Hello children!

Why do you come to speech therapy?

At the lesson, I sit without making noise and not shouting,

I quietly raise my hand, if asked, I answer.

Well done! Now stand up and let's breathe

Put right hand on the stomach, and the left on chest. Breathe deeply, raise your stomach.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose;

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose;

Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your mouth.

Children welcome the speech therapist.

Children follow the instructions of the speech therapist.

Theme announcement.

Tell me, guys, what planet do we live on? Right on Earth. So who are we? That's right, we are children of the Earth. Earthlings.

And who lives in the stars?

That's right, these are the children of the Star. Today they came to visit us.

Articulatory mimic gymnastics.

Let's show the aliens how we work with language

Open the mirrors and do the exercises:

* "Smile-proboscis", "Needle"

"The cat is drinking milk."

Aliens flew to us, and they became scared - show how scared they are. Cold.

They saw the sun - they became fun

Children perform breathing exercises.

Children imitate emotions with facial expressions, movements.

slide 2- Guys, the children of the Star sent us star signals, listen to them: Z-Z-Z-Z,

Listen to the sound of their message?

Who guessed what we are going to do in class today?

- And why are we going to do it?

What will you learn?

This means that today we will talk about the letters Z and eS and the sounds "z" and "s"

For each task, you will evaluate yourself in a self-observation chart.

Let's check if everything is ready for the lesson. We will need mirrors, rugs, notebooks, pens and pencils.

Sounds "z" and "s"

We will learn to distinguish the sounds Zi S in syllables, words. Phrases, sentences and tests

Individual, couples, group

Analysis of the articulation of sounds.

Tell me everything you know about the "z" sound.

* The lips are slightly stretched, the teeth are drawn together, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back is arched. A cold stream runs down the middle of the tongue. The vocal cords are working.

* Characteristics of the sound: the sound "z" is a solid voiced consonant.

Now tell me about the "s" sound

* The teeth are close together, the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the vocal cords do not work.

* Characteristics of sound: the sound "s" is a deaf consonant.

Tell me how these sounds are similar?

And how are they different?

Children analyze articulation according to plan.

Describe sounds.

Find similarities and differences.

The sound "z" is voiced, and the sound "s" is deaf.

The relationship between sound and letter.

What letter represents the sound "z"

See what the letter Z looks like?

“Z is not just a curl,

Z - spring, pretzel, shavings "

“Look at this letter: it’s just like the number three”

What letter represents the sound "s"

What does the letter eS look like?

The fly sat in a corner,

She ate a piece of bagel.

Guys, aliens learned to write letters and messed something up. One at a time, go to the board, and with a felt-tip pen, cross out the incorrectly written letters. (Irregular lettering sheet suggested.) OR CUSTOMIZED SHEETS

What can be confused with the capital letter Z?

And the lower case?

Open notebooks, write down the number.

(We beat the rhythm: __ - - - __)

Repeat after me. Now write in your notebooks to the end of the line.

Letter Z.

Children go to the blackboard and cross out the wrong letters.

With the number three, with a capital letter E.

With beech d, y.

Children write letters in notebooks.

Development phonemic hearing.

Now I will call you sounds, syllables and words, and when you hear the sound "z" - clap your hands, and if you hear the sound "s" - raise your hand.

S, H, Z, P, S, W, Z, K, W, S.



Well done! Aliens have arrived on a starship and want to take different animals and birds with them. Which ones did you know?

slide 3

Finch- the most numerous bird our forests. The snow had just melted, the first pale white heads of snowdrops appeared, and the reckless, sonorous song of this bird was already heard. Finches come to us from the distant shores of Africa early: males are first, females follow them. You can recognize these birds by their beautiful coloration: brownish-gray back, as if breast scorched by the sun and white wings with black stripes. The finch settles most often in deciduous forests; also loves sparse spruce forests and pine forests.

Bison, goat, zebra, hare, chaffinch, badger, tit fox.

Differentiation of sound in syllables.

slide 4- Let's get in touch with the inhabitants of the Star. They wrote us syllables, they need to be read with expression. Let's try to do this.

(Children are given cards with chains of syllables)

We write down the chain of syllables in the notebook.

Under dictation.

Children write down chains of syllables in notebooks.

Worked with syllables


slide 5

Girls and boys (hands on the belt)

Jump like bunnies (rhythmic jumps)

Foot stomp (foot stomp)

Hands clapping (hand clapping)

Differentiation of sound in words.

slide 6- Star guests want to take with them earthly animals and birds, in the names of which there are sounds “z” and “s”.

It is necessary to distribute them among flying saucers with the sound "z" and with the sound "s".

Aliens encrypted words for us, let's try to unravel them.

Work on individual cards

Insert the missing letters.

Children divide the pictures into two groups

Working with words

Differentiation of sounds in phrases

Slide 7

Alien guys want to learn more about terrestrial animals and birds. Let's tell them.

What were we doing now? What is it for?

Children make phrases

Differentiation of sound in a sentence.

Slide 8, 9 - Guys, we need to tell the aliens about the animals that we took with us into space. Make sentences correctly

We worked with a proposal, what is it for? Rate yourself.

Children make sentences

Differentiation of sound in the text.

Tell me, where on Earth can you see all the animals and birds in one place?

Well done!

Guys, now I will read the story to you, and you listen carefully.

“Once Sonya and Zoya went to the zoo. There are different animals in the zoo. There is a bison behind a high fence. Bison eats hay. Here are the striped zebras. Sonya looked at the hares for a long time. Zoya liked the badgers. They had fun at the zoo.

Where did Zoya and Sonya go?

Who did they see at the zoo?

Who liked Sonya?

Who likes Zoe?

Retell the text.

In zoo.

Children answer questions. Retell the text.

Sit straight!

What have you learned today?

What have you learned?

Why do we need it?

Well done! Worked well.

Let's appreciate our work (raise of hand)

We talked about the letters Z and eS and the sounds "z" and "s".

Subject: Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants in syllables, words. Sounds [h] - [s]".




Development of the ability for auditory differentiation of sounds [h] - [s] ";

exercise in correct use them in speech;

Prevention of letter substitutions


development of phonemic hearing, activation auditory attention;


Education of kindness, responsiveness.

Equipment: subject pictures (elephant, hare, plane, TV, watch, dog, umbrella, nest), houses for Dunno and Buffoon.

Lesson progress .

1.Organizing time:

Well, guys, be quiet!

The lesson starts!

Everyone looked at me

And they sat down quietly.

2. Distinguishing consonants by voicing - deafness.

Exercise 1.

Clap when you hear the sound [Z].”

A) isolated:

The speech therapist calls the sound range, consisting of only two sounds: [C] and [Z]: etc.

B) In syllables:

The speech therapist calls the syllable series: sa, zo, sy, zu, zy, su, za, zy, sy, zo, etc.

Task 2. Repeat after the speech therapist:













Task 3. Solve riddles. (When guessing each riddle, a guessing picture is posted on the board).

A) Walks long, mouth with fangs, legs seem like pillars,

Like a mountain, it is huge, did you find out who it is? ... (Elephant).

B) What kind of forest animal stood like a column under a pine tree

And stands among the grass - ears larger than the head? ... (Hare).

C) He touches the clouds with his wing in the boundless ocean.

It will turn around - it shimmers with silver under the rays ... .. (Airplane).

D) The whole universe lives in it, but an ordinary thing ... (TV).

D) We walk at night, we walk during the day, but we will not go anywhere,

We beat regularly every hour, and you, friends, do not beat us ... (Clock).

E) She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but whoever goes to the owner, she lets know ... (Dog).

G) You turn it - a wedge, you turn it - a pancake ... (Umbrella).

H) Without hands, without an ax, a hut was built ... (Nest).

Task 4. Arrange the pictures in their places: in the house where Dunno lives (right side of the board), place pictures with sound [З], and in the house where Buffoon lives (left side of the board), place pictures with sound [C]. When completing the task, each child names the picture he has chosen and justifies his choice. Use the guessing pictures from the previous task.

Task 5. The speech therapist invites the children to come up with what other pictures with the sounds [C] and [Z] could have Dunno and Buffoon.

Physical education:

The speech therapist invites the children to stand near their chairs and perform the following actions: sit down if he calls a word with a sound [C], and jump if he calls a word with a sound [Z].

3. Work on distinguishing voiced - deaf consonants in a notebook.

Exercise 1 . The speech therapist calls the syllables, and the children write them down in a notebook: in the left column with the letter “C”, in the right column with the letter “Z”.

Su, for, as, mustache, zo, zy, sa, zu, etc ...

Task 2. Write off the words by inserting the missing letter "C" or "Z". Underline the letter "C" with one line, the letter "Z" with two lines















lo. kutok


Task 3 . Write the sentences by inserting the words that make sense.

The girl's name was …….

Redhead in the forest ...... .. .

(fox, Lisa)

Morning on the grass…….

Beautiful in a vase…..

(rose, dew)

Sitting on a tree....

In the oven, black .......

(owl, ash)

Need water……. .

Don't need a dog... .

(piss off, spill)

Summing up the lesson:

Evaluation of children's activities.


    Amanatova M. M., Andreeva N. G., Tosunidi O. M. Reference book of a school speech therapist. -Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009.

    Efimenkova L.N. Oral and writing students primary school: A guide for a speech therapist. – M.: Vlados, 2006.

    Kozyreva L.M. Software - teaching materials for speech therapy classes younger students. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

    Mazanova E.V. Correction of acoustic dysgraphia: Abstracts of classes for speech therapists. - M.: Publishing house Gnome, 2011.

    Mazanova E.V. Correction of dysgraphia on the basis of violation language analysis and synthesis. - M. : Gnome Publishing House, 2011.

    Meshcheryakova N.P., Zubovich E.V., Leontieva S.V. Correction of written speech in primary school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Municipal General Education Institution

Dmitrov primary general education

school number 5

the name of the Hero Soviet Union K.A. Averyanova



Grade 2 Speech therapy conclusion:

Dysgraphia due to impaired language analysis and synthesis. NVONR

Prepared and hosted:

Teacher speech therapist

II qualification category

Chernikova E.G.

Dmitrov 2011

Lesson 2.

Organizational moment: “Raise your right hand if you hear the sound [З] and the left if you hear the sound [С]”.

A) The speech therapist calls the sound range, consisting of different consonants: S, D, P, Z, K, Z, B, Z, G, S, T, Z, K, S, T, Z, etc.

B) The speech therapist calls the syllable series: sa, tu, zo, by, sy, zu, go, wu, zy, su, pa, za, zy, do, fu, ha, sy, zo, etc.

Task 1. Finish the word by adding either the syllable -sa or the syllable -za.Ch..

Golo.. next..

Take.. Cass..

polo.. flask..

Task 2. Change the word according to the model: cart - carts ... Taz - ...... ...

Taste - ……

pump - .......

watermelon - …….

tray - .......

Task 3. Pictures are put on the board, in the names of which there are sounds [C] and [Z]: bison, hare, napkin, owl, corn, tray, helmet, birch, pump. The speech therapist invites children to name pictures and identify deaf or ringing sound heard in these words.

Task 4. The game "Be careful." Pictures from the previous task are displayed on the board in a linear row. Children are encouraged to remember how they stand. Then the children close their eyes, and the speech therapist at this time swaps the pictures. Having opened their eyes, the children should remember and name the order in which the pictures stood. The game is repeated several times.

Physical education:

The speech therapist hands out cards with the letters “C” and “Z” to the children. Task: moving around the office, carefully listen to the words that the speech therapist calls. Hearing a word with a sound [C], those children who have a card with the letter “C” should stop and raise it up, and if the speech therapist calls the word with the sound [Z], then those children who have the letter “Z” stop and raise the card. ".

Sample words: samovar, steamer, sun, trousers, alphabet, cricket, tomato, plate, fence, donkey, call, cat, music, mask, book, teeth, class, evil, kettle, swallow, Pinocchio, laughter, shower, castle etc.

Task 1. Of the words written on the board, write off only those in which the consonant in the middle of the word is stunned. Choose test words for them. Sample: fairy tale - fairy tale.

Close, masks, putty, fishing line, paint, vase, low,

bowl, birch, kid, pointer, pussy, bandage, sausage.

dry ash

ringing laughter

Faint sound broken umbrella

high building


The first snow fell.

A birch tree grew near the house.

Birds fly away in autumn.

There is a finch on the tree.

Sand was brought to our yard.

Zina went sledding.

The table is in the corner.

Elderberry in the garden.

Task 4. Retelling the text based on the picture.

Winter came. The ground was covered with snow. A hare sits by a birch. Hungry poor bunny. No more green cabbage. The hare began to eat birch bark.

(The text is taken from the book by A.N. Assmus “Collection of exercises for children with pronunciation deficiencies” M., 1959).

Summing up the lesson:

Evaluation of children's activities.

Lesson 3.

Organizational moment: “Listen to the sound sequence and name those syllables that are repeated twice”: Za-sa-za

Zy-sy-zy asa-aza-aza







Task 1. Listen to the syllables, write them in two columns: with the letter “C” on the left, with the letter “Z” on the right:

Sa, so, zu, sy, for, os, zo, su, psy, mustache, sy,

Call, dream, evil, svu, know, call, dreams, one hundred.

Task 2. There are two houses with pockets on the magnetic board. The letter “C” is written on one house, the letter “Z” is written on the other. Each child has an envelope with a picture. The child, having named his picture, must put it in the pocket of the house that corresponds to the named sound. Approximate list of pictures:

Teeth, socks, scarf, snake, goat, suit,

boots, bell, star, bench, mimosa, etc.

Task 3. Think up and write down the words:

A) With the letter "C" in the middle of the word;

B) With the letter "Z" at the beginning of the word.

Task 4. Form new verbs from these verbs, using the prefix FOR-. Write down the resulting words. Underline the letter “C” with one line, the letter “Z” with two lines. Sample: pour - fall asleep. shine -

lay -

call -

crawl -

litter -

salt - carry -

carry -

wear -

ask -

smear -

pour -

Physical education:

Children perform movements with the words:

Hush, hush, Zoya is sleeping, but the angry mosquito is flying.

He will bite Zoya, and he will not let Zoya sleep.

We'll chase away the mosquito because it's time for bed.

Task 1. From the words on the left, draw arrows to the words on the right and suitable in meaning. Underline the letter “C” with one line, the letter “Z” with two lines. Ripe



crystal firmament

Task 2. Retelling the text using reference pictures.

That's the nest.

Little Zoya had a beautiful umbrella. Once Zoya walked along the fence under an umbrella. Suddenly blew strong wind and took the umbrella over the fence. Behind the fence grew a birch. Zoya climbed over the fence and sees her umbrella on the birch. Some birds took it away and made a nest out of it.

(According to L.P. Uspenskaya and M.B. Uspensky “Learn to speak correctly”, M., 1995, text adapted).

Task 3. Repeat tongue twisters:

A) The donkey was angry today, he found out that he was a donkey.

B) There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a goat.

Summing up the lesson.

Evaluation of children's activities.

Larisa Sudeeva
Synopsis on sound culture speeches in senior group"Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Z]"

Synopsis of OOD on the sound culture of speech in the senior group No. 11

Subject: Differentiation of sounds from-z

Purpose of the lesson:

fix the correct pronunciation sounds C-Z in words, offers; train in positioning sounds C-Z in words, fix the characteristic sounds s-z; develop phonemic awareness.


subject pictures with sounds: "S, X, Z, Z"; letters C, Z; place cards with pictures sound, distributing material: three squares, a blue square, two dolls, a picture of a slide, a swing, plot pictures.

Lesson progress:

Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests! Let it go good mood does not leave us all day!

Guys, dolls Sonya and Zoya came to us today. They want to walk and play with you. But first, let's give them tea, before that we wash our hands. (crane picture). Which water makes sound when the faucet flows? Let's sing a song water: s-s-s-s. Oh, we got a mosquito. What song is mosquito: z-z-z-z. The mosquito flew away, now you can drink tea:

1. Breathing exercise "Hot tea"

Target: development of a strong smooth and prolonged exhalation.

Equipment: colored cardboard cups.

Game progress: - Hello, girls and boys! Today you are my guests and I treat everyone with hot tea, and in order not to burn you - I suggest blowing!

2. Articulatory gymnastics for staging whistling sounds: "Slide", "Swing":

"Swing". Stick out a narrow tongue. Stretch your tongue alternately, then to the nose, then to the chin. Do not close your mouth while doing this. The exercise is carried out at the expense of a speech therapist 10-15 times

"Slide". Open mouth. Press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars. Rest the tip of the tongue on the lower front teeth. Hold in this position for 15 s.

sa-sa-sa - oh, the wasp is flying,

sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps,

su-su-su - did any of you see a wasp?

sy-sy-sy - we did not see a wasp.

si-si-si - in the crucian river,

sya-sya-sya - they didn’t catch crucian.

for-for-for - a goat is tied here.

zy-zy-zy - a lot of grass for a goat.

zu-zu-zu we fed the goat;

zi-zi-zi - bring the monkey!

za-za-za - monkeys are not allowed here!

3. Game "Find sounds of s-s» . Sonya and Zoya brought pictures, let's see them.

Name the pictures and place sounds C, Z.

4. Physical education minute.

A gray bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

A game "Clap-stomp"

I will pronounce sounds and you clap your hands when you hear sound - h, and stomp when you hear - p.

6. Game "Add a syllable"

I will pronounce the beginning of words, and you add -sa or -za

7. "Repeat tongue twisters"

Zoya is a bunny hostess.

Sleeping in the basin of Zoya Bunny.

Summary of the lesson.

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