If you're looking for inspiration, check out our list of amazing slogans from world famous companies.

But before that, let's figure out what a “good slogan” is and what exactly makes it a sales slogan.

What is a slogan?

Tagline is a phrase or group of words that identifies a product or company.

Companies need slogans for exactly the same thing as logos - for advertising. The only difference is that logos are visual advertisements, while slogans are audio advertisements. But both of these formats capture the attention of consumers much more effectively than just the name of a company or product. In addition, a logo or slogan is much easier to understand and remember.

The purpose of any slogan is to convey to the client the main message of the brand, the key idea that will certainly remain in people's memory.

How to create an effective slogan?

All successful slogans are similar in characteristics:

  • He is remembered
    The slogan should be easily recognizable. A few short, bright, memorable words can be used in advertising, video clips, posters, business cards, etc.
  • It conveys the core value of the brand
    You should not sell the product features, but its benefits - this is the golden rule of marketing, ideal for creating successful slogans. A good slogan should clearly and clearly convey information about the benefits of the company (product) to the target audience.
  • It makes your brand stand out from the competition
    Find something that sets your brand apart from others and use it when creating a slogan.
  • He calls positive emotions in relation to the brand
    Successful slogans use positive, optimistic words. For example, the slogan “Russia is a generous soul” will evoke positive emotions among consumers, while the slogan “Otmochitos in the style of Cheetos” will only be bewildering.

So, we have considered the key characteristics of successful slogans. Now let's see how modern companies use them in practice.

1. Nike - "Just Do It" / "Just Do It"

The message of Nike instantly resonated in the hearts of the people. The company has become much more than an ordinary manufacturer of sportswear and shoes - it is a special state of mind and body! Nike's motivating message inspires hope in people around the world: "If you want to do something, just do it!".

The Kennedy + Weiden agency, who came up with the legendary slogan, could hardly imagine that it would become so popular. Nike used to release clothing exclusively for marathon runners. But after the resounding success of the slogan, Nike's audience has increased many times over. This example just goes to show that some businesses need time to create a slogan that conveys the brand message and resonates with the target audience.

2. Apple - "Think Different" / "Think Different"

This slogan first appeared in advertising campaign Apple “Here’s to the Crazy Ones, Think Different”, dedicated to the famous dreamers who challenged the system and managed to change the world. The phrase itself is a bold response to IBM's "Think IBM" campaign, which at the time was launching its ThinkPad.

Soon the slogan “Think different” began to appear in all Apple advertising, despite the fact that the company was not releasing new products at that time. All of a sudden, people began to understand that Apple - they are not just computers, but at the same time powerful and easy-to-use devices available to each of us.

3. L "Oréal -" Because You "re Worth It" / "Because you deserve it"

Who among us does not want to feel worthy of something? L "Oréal specialists know for sure that a woman uses cosmetics to feel more beautiful, attractive, desirable and ... worthy this. The slogan L "Oréal does not talk about the product itself, but about what image and what sensations the company can give to women. This message allowed the L" Oréal brand to go beyond and change the usual concept of the cosmetics industry.

The celebration of the 40th anniversary of the slogan "Because you deserve it" was held in Paris. Guest stars - Jane Fonda, Freida Pinto, Inesse de la Fressange and others came to congratulate L "Oréal Paris and talk about what it means for them to collaborate with a brand whose slogan makes millions of women around the world believe in themselves.

4. MasterCard - "There are some things money can" t buy. For everything else, there "s MasterCard" / "There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is a MasterCard"

This two-sentence slogan was coined by MasterCard back in 1997. Then the slogan was part of an outstanding advertising campaign that was launched in 98 countries in 46 languages. The very first appearance of the advertising campaign was on television in 1997. The content of the advertisement was: father and son go to the baseball field together, father pays for tickets, hot dogs and drinks, but the conversation between father and son is priceless. After that, MasterCard's ad campaign went viral, long before the advent of social media.

What is the secret behind the MasterCard campaign? Each commercial evokes emotions in the audience, evoking pleasant, dear memories - for example, as it was with the first commercial, memories of going to baseball with dad. Nostalgia is a very powerful marketing tool.

5. BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine" / "Full Drive"

BMW sells cars all over the world North America the brand is known under the slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine" - "Full Drive". This slogan was coined in the 1970s by the Ammirati & Puris agency and was aimed at "baby boomers" who had started earning their own money and were ready to spend it. And what better demonstrates status than buying a premium car?

With this slogan, the brand wanted to emphasize the fact that BMWs are cars that are breathtaking to drive. It is based on an emotional message for which consumers were willing to pay more.

For Russia, the slogan “Freude am Fahren”, which has existed since 1961, has become more popular.

6. M&M - "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands" / "Melts in your mouth, not in the heat"

Understanding the value proposition of this brand is not difficult at all. How can one type of chocolate be different from another? M&M were able to distinguish their product from the competition - their chocolate does not melt in the hands.

7. De Beers - "A Diamond is Forever" / "Diamonds are forever"

Essentially, diamonds are worth at least 50% less than what you pay for them at a jewelry store. So why did they become a symbol of wealth? All thanks to the amazing marketing strategy from N.W. Ayer, developed in the early 1900s for De Beers.

The iconic phrase “Diamonds are forever” has been appearing in every De Beers advertisement since 1948, and in 1999 AdAge named it the best slogan of the century. His main message: diamonds, like your relationship, are eternal. Which, among other things, stopped consumers from mass resale of diamonds (and hence reducing their value). Genius move.

8. Lay "s -" Betcha Can "t Eat Just One" / "I bet you can't eat just one"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with minor changes and sounded like “So delicious that you can’t resist!”

Seriously, did anyone get it? Although this slogan would fit other snack companies, Lay's was the first. The slogan does not describe taste qualities product. Instead, the brand turned to the peculiarity of human nature: it is simply impossible to stop eating chips.

9. Audi - "Vorsprung durch technik" / "The excellence of high technology"

“Vorsprung durch technik” has been the main slogan of Audi around the world since 1971. The Audio 80 (B1 series) appeared a year later in 1972: these cars with new technical characteristics were an excellent reflection of the slogan. And until now the slogan “Superiority of high technologies ” is relevant for the Audi brand. It is important to note that on written media, Audi invariably leave their slogan on German, in whatever country they sell and advertise their cars.

10. McDonald "s - "I" m Lovin "It" / "That's what I love"

The "I'm Lovin' It" ad campaign was launched in 2003 and is still relevant today. This is a great example of a slogan that resonates with the target audience. The food at McDonald's is far from the healthiest, but its taste is really loved by many.

11. Maybelline - "Maybe she" s born with it. Maybe it "s Maybelline" / "Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with minor changes and sounded like: “Everyone is delighted with you, and you are with Maybelline.”

The first Maybelline slogan was created in the 1990s and has become one of the most famous around the world. He instills in women a sense of self-confidence. After all, brand cosmetics can make her look like a model from a glossy magazine.

The company changed its slogan to "Make IT Happen" in February 2016, inspiring women to express their understanding of beauty in their own way. However, the previous motto does not lose its relevance.

12. The New York Times - "All the News That"s Fit to Print" / "All the news that can be printed"

The slogan was created in the late 1890s and became a response to other publishers who made money only on sensationalism. The New York Times, by contrast, focused on important facts and stories that taught readers something new. Thanks to the slogan, the newspaper came to be regarded as a credible source of information.

More attention to personality in the name of rustling cash!

Who understands the meaning of a masterpiece has dollars and euros.

Be observant like Proust, then you will hear the bucks crunch!

Normality is a road to nowhere. Be "strange" - and the Client will suddenly say "YES!".

It is very sad to live in the world without margin and without Art!

It is high time to understand: the basis of business is the game!

In a whirlwind of creative rage, a sale is made!

Imagine yourself a hero, and we will bury the profit in the garden!

Today Carlson, tomorrow - Don Juan, if only the money would fall into your pocket!

Instead of "tightening the screws", start memorizing tales!

For a business of any kind, more important than profit is freedom!

Whoever knows the best joke wins today!

Emotions are the source of money! And so - run to the training!

Do not mix beer with vodka, do not interfere with life with wiring.

One of characteristic features- we have a race, then a concert!

The outcome of the game is unclear, but that's why it's beautiful!

Business is a preference: it gives an obscure chance!

Do you want to become a significant figure? Enjoy the business procedure!

Keep the right price for a sufficient margin!

Spreading with impunity, the sign means more than it's shown.

The connection between an asset and a liability is both useful and beautiful!

In order for the act to be pleasant, the right contact is important!

Meet in the best style, so that later you will be forgiven!

No one has resisted persistent praise yet!

Sale is a fusion of souls! And so - run under the shower!

Friendship, equality and brotherhood are the basis for wealth!

Speak slowly - so the connection will be more reliable!

If you want to be helpful, try to be kind!

Similarity is better than superiority!

One of the modern truths: the one who is selfless is lucky!

No quality system is possible without trickery!

Then only we are needed when we know how to be gentle!

Please be kind - and maybe avoid the abyss.

There are many intonations in life. Feel free to change!

Seminar attending sell positive!

With whom you live, you will give to that - that's the sales technique!

Success is available to everyone: you are wiser than everyone else in some ways!

A complaint is a reason to say a compliment: the Client teaches you business for free!

There are no bad roles in the play - there is a replica and there is an answer!

Comrade, seize the moment: art has become a tool!

Whether you're a hero or a simpleton - it doesn't matter WHAT, but it's important - HOW!

A writer and a poet will give advice to an entrepreneur!

Useful and thoughtless dandy, when he was invented by Gogol!

Incomprehensible to the mind, there is a thread from Hamlet to Mumu.

The balance of fantasy and meaning - here is the rocker of art for you!

Chestnuts and nasturtiums bloom on the tip of any instruction.

You can't describe a rhythm-filled life with an algorithm.

Today there is a demand for your ear, throat, nose! As well as other parts necessary for happiness!

Collect tricks and tricks for your daily workout!

Any of us in the life of a Jung is not yet aware of Jung!

When learning new concepts, don't forget contraception!

When dealing with the upgrade problem, don't forget about Sigmund Freud.

Our flags are higher! The happiness of business is in Freud!

Any behavior is explained by love.

We answer the question by avoiding the word “No!”

Having picked up the question to the answer, in the eyes of the Client you will be right!

Do you drink tea or whiskey?
Lower your risks.
ITS disks -
This is subscription happiness!

Why is it so characteristic of the mind
Sometimes ask: "why?"
And why sometimes then
We ask the question "why?"

No one has ever been loved by command.

What we recognize for the sign is the meaning, and we will choose the destination.

Give meaning to phrases
A wise mind is adapted.
But bypassing any restrictions
There is a path for poets!

For 1C:Enterprise sales, train your perception!

Have a couple of phrases in your stash that hit not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

The sage is at the mercy of the ice of logic and the hot flame of passion!

Whose do you like more character, besides and stretches the accountant.

Wild nature is wise: there is no sense in it, but there is a game!

Only what is interesting to us is useful for business.

The state of delight is a condition for bargaining!

Metaphor as a woman is beautiful: incomprehensible and diverse!

Sometimes, the number of nuances is equal to the number of finances.

How to fight for money to always be yourself?

The words "Accessible and serious" do not mean "Quickly and to tears."

There is one way to happiness: a thought filled with passion!

Who has the Kamasutra on the table acts useful and wise!

Consult with the Genius more often - and you will be ready for changes!

So that there is no empty pocket learn from the eternal art!

They say in six words
Vastness of feelings is hidden:
Happiness, anger, sadness and fear.
Eroticism and tenderness!
Accept yourself as you are and you will eat porridge with butter!

Give freedom to the imagination, to the desired benefit for the sake of it! Create a unique style, and all unnecessary to the scrap!

Do not compete, be different, which means very expensive!

Extravagant approaches promise considerable income!

The more fun ideas the more rich people!

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Advertising

I always stand on good location.
NEWS OUTDOOR, operator outdoor advertising. Motto on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

I work without breaks for lunch and sleep.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan for RF, 2010

I will put all my widescreen soul into the business.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on boards 6x3, 2010

I work in harsh winter conditions.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan on lightboxes with scrolling surfaces, 2010

We talk about ENTERTAINMENT 25 different ways both outdoor and indoor.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator, 2007

Attention to people - attention of people.
NEWS OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Image slogan, 2007

You represent. We implement.
you imagine. We make it happen.
JAMUTE, audio production. Slogan in Brazil, 2011

The sooner your ad is here, the better.
The sooner you advertise here, the better.
INTERBEST OUTDOOR, outdoor advertising operator. Slogan in New Zealand, 2010
The fat uncle got rid of some of his clothes every week. Just as he was about to take off his underpants, a life-saving advertisement appeared: “Ugh! Thanks Radio 2

Ideas light up the stars.
Ideas for star performance.
ADV, international advertising holding. Corporate slogan, 2009

Making fantasies sweeter.
Making imaginery sweeter.
CANDYLAB, advertising agency. Promo slogan, 2009
Candy - candy, eng.

In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostates, 28 million pairs of breasts, 72 million hearts.
In our agency, 21 healthy hearts work for 72 million livers, 144 million kidneys, 72 million lungs, 16 million prostate glands, 28 million pair of breasts, 72 million hearts.
TAZEFIKIR, an advertising agency in Turkey in the field of medicine. Promo slogan, 2009

We need a beginner media planner to work with numbers.
We need junior media-planner for work with numbers.
BBDO Central Asia, advertising agency. HR slogan, 2009
The trick is that all letters in the English phrase are replaced by Arabic numerals rotated 90, 180, 270 degrees or around their axis

Good innovation.
good innovation.
DENTSU advertising corporation. Image slogan

Fanatics of media planning.
Fanatics of media planning.
MEDIAPOOL, media agency in Vilnius. Image slogan
Spots reminiscent of the logos of Apple, McDonalds, Nike ... and Mikhail Gorbachev with a clean bald head

What if the digital capture no longer meets your requirements.
As if digital capture didn't have enough challenges already.
KODAK Vision3 250D Color Negative Film, professional film. Southeast Asia, 2009

How do you speak about the DAGO studio, “she” or “it”? DAGO is us, in the third person it turns out “they”. We produce commercials.
DAGO, production. Headline and advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Big dialogue in a small format.
KOMMERSANT, daily newspaper. The slogan of the service for the placement of lowercase and small-format advertisements(classifieds), 2008

We have nine such heads.
ADW GROUP, advertising agency, Rostov-on-Don. Image slogan, 2008
Depicted in the context of the "advertiser's head". Head full of bright images

Adequate, but creative. Creative, but adequate.
ADEKVAT, advertising agency, Moscow. Image slogan, 2008

Stop sucking your paw! Lapu.
FRESH BLOOD, competition for young creators; slogan calling for participation, 2008

Letterpress. Very.
Printing house in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Runet, 2009

Royal seal.
ALMAZ-PRESS, polygraphy, 2008
In the photo - the original seal of Catherine II

Beyond the horizons.
beyond horizons.
GOLDEN DRUM, advertising festival in Portorož, motto of the 14th festival, 2007

For an apple!
RED APPLE, Moscow International Advertising Festival, festival motto 2007

For those who do not hesitate to save on outdoor advertising.
ATOR, outdoor service, 2007

Print of the highest standard!
GERMAN PRINT FACTORY, polygraphy, 2007
Depicted is a gold ingot embossed with the highest standard

Warm up your brains!
Drawn brain in swimming trunks

The naked truth: wonderful climate, super-locations, modern equipment, open budget, professional team, low prices, perfect casting, attractive nightlife.
TANDEM, production, Romania, ca. 2005
A naked girl in a jump against the backdrop of the Ceausescu Palace. The inscriptions, as it were, overlap the intimate places of the model and are located on the poster with meaning, for example, “ Low prices" - at the bottom

Every Big city in the world has a couple of secret places. Olga. Big new little thing.
OLGA, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

Where do great ideas become great videos? Bring yours.
PELICAFILMS, production, Argentina, ca. 2005

We write texts for the winners.
COPYWRITER, creative agency. Image slogan in Runet

A seal meant for the great.

Ads are the engine of trade. (original caption)
The advertisement is engine of the trade. (later version)
CENTRAL OFFICE OF ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE TRADING HOUSE "L. and E. METZEL & Co., a prototype of a modern full-service advertising agency. Advertising slogan, first in St. Petersburg, then in Moscow, 1878. Russian advertising traces its history from the opening of the Metzel Office

Despite the apparent simplicity, creating an advertising slogan is a hell of a job. Ideally, you need to fit everything in 3-4 words:

  • The benefit of the product to the consumer
  • Company philosophy
  • Stand out in the crowd of competitors
  • evoke the right emotions
  • Make the company's product memorable

The main thing is that the slogan should be firmly eaten into memory. Preferably in the subconscious. Cause a strong association at the right time. In fact, it combines the incompatible: creativity, simplicity and informativeness. Therefore, the simplest, at first glance, phrase is invented for days, weeks and even months. And then every few years they change to a more productive one.

A slogan is expensive. Some experts charge $100-200 or even more for it. Behind 3-4 words are weeks of studying the market niche and determining the positioning (USP) of the company.

Those who claim to ignore annoying ads are usually lying to themselves and others. There are very few truly fundamental ones. When we stand in front of a shop window and choose, for example, toothpaste, we first of all remember the reviews of our friends. If there are none, then advertising pops up in memory. And along with visual images, this very slogan appears in memory. Trust arises: these people at least spent money on advertising, or even some kind of noun.

The goal of a slogan is to create a strong first impression. Clothes of the company by which they meet. Nokia connectingpeople. (Nokia unites). McDonald's . Iloveit. Don't slow down - Sneakers.L'oreal. You deserve it. Rafaello . Instead of a thousand words. Yes, one worthy slogan may well replace a thousand words. I'm not kidding.

Of course, the ideal is the ideal, that no one can achieve it. Even the most successful and large corporations can rarely boast of a really high-quality slogan, reaching the pinnacle of success solely due to the quality of their product and successful advertising texts. In this article, I will present the most successful examples advertising slogans for companies.

Examples of advertising slogans for Apple

Let's look at examples of a slogan for Apple. Its main motto is think differently". These two words contain a special deep meaning. After all, there is a special layer of people who want to show others that they are different from them. By betting on a feature, Apple played on it, successfully taking 90% of the profits from the smartphone market. Now let's look at examples of a slogan for a company separately:

iPhone. Apple reinvents the phone.

iPhone 3G. The iPhone you've been waiting for.

iPhone X . Hello future.

I hope the iPhone needs no introduction. This is a stereotypical measure of success. How newer iphone- topics more successful person. If the first iPhone was indeed a role model for future smartphones, then the rest of the iPhones are simply exploiting their own popularity as expensive trinkets.

iPhone 5. The biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone.

Along with its popularity favorably presents the size of the display.

iPhone SE . Small form at its best.

Mac mini . Giant mini.

Here, on the contrary, the small size is favorably presented.

iPhone 5s. Ahead of thinking.

IPhone 8. The radiance of the mind.

iPad Pro . Anything will get better.

The bet is made on the speed of work.

MacB ook Air . For a whole day of accomplishments.

A key indicator is a powerful battery.

iMac . The clearest view of things.

And here they praise the display.

Conclusion: All of the above advantages are mostly implemented in one model. Moreover, manufacturers may well make perfect phone with a powerful processor and battery, but do not want to do so. Because they want to get the most out of development.

people justify specifications the last iPhone with the possibility of a plausible excuse to join the closed caste of successful people

Examples of advertising slogans for clothing companies

As an example of advertising slogans for clothing companies, let's recall the Nike slogan Just do it, instantly recognizable in all countries of the world. "Just do it". These three words have everything: a call to action (including buying in a clothing store), and motivation to play sports, and a life philosophy. active people. The neutral and positive inscription turned Nike into a mass cult.

Also noteworthy are examples of advertising slogans for Adidas companies. The slogan "Impossible is nothing" is also great at motivating people to achieve their goals, and has made the brand's clothing an instantly recognizable cult. In some languages, the word Adidas has become a household word. For example, in Polish The word "adidas" means "sneakers".

On the example of the slogan for the Xerox company " We taught the world to copy » you can see how much the slogan affects the image of the company. Having chosen a narrow niche in the slogan, they became the undisputed leader in sales of copiers, making the word "copier" a household word. This stick has two ends. When Xerox decided to start manufacturing computers, a resounding fiasco was guaranteed. Customers weren't ready to buy something from Xerox that couldn't copy information from one sheet of paper to another.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a car

New cars are mostly bought for image, even if they are workhorses. Therefore, examples of a slogan for a company are the most eloquent here.

Toyota . Manage dream.

Toyota . Strive for the best.

It seems to be simple slogans, but something catches them.

Ford . Get in and go (USA).

This example of a slogan for Ford is simply captivating in its simplicity. Indeed, I want to sit down and go.

Ford . Feeldifference (Feel the difference).

Each car model is different, but the American automaker has made it a slogan.

Let's look at the slogans of the German car industry:

Mercedes We are the best on land, water and air.

Mercedes. The best or nothing.

Mercedes. Like no one else.

bmw. All-wheel drive and everything under control.

MercedesGLE. Be the best on any road.

Mercedes new S-class. Experience intelligence in motion.

Mercedes C class. The best needs no alternative.

Mercedes E class. Masterpiece of intelligence.

Mercedes B class. For all the best in life.

Mercedes G class. The first on any roads.

MercedesAMGGT-roadster. Feel the adrenaline rush.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a hotel

An extremely successful example of a slogan for a company Hilton: « take me toHilton» (TakemetotheHilton) . Firstly, at least middle-class people go by taxi to the hotel. There is a selection of the target audience. Secondly, when a person arrives in an unfamiliar city, he is at a loss, feverishly thinking where to stay. And when a taxi driver asks where to take him, a ready-made answer pops up in his head. Therefore, a simple, at first glance, slogan helped this chain of hotels to become instantly recognizable in many countries of the world.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a pharmacy

A few seemingly most obvious phrases helped these pharmacy chains grab a decent piece of the pharmaceutical market.

Everything you need for health.

Pharmacy low prices.

Your healthy choice.

Pharmacy I trust.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a travel agency

And here the key task is to entertain. It is better to connect the emotional component.

Hello-op and you are in Egypt.

Let's taste the exotic.

New Year's holiday with taste.

Türkiye. Open to everyone.

visit best places world - accessible and convenient.

Even more sun.

An example of an advertising slogan for a construction company.

We build your order for you.

Urgent items are given priority.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a transport company

In most cases, people don't send packages very often. But if you really need to do it urgently, advertising slogans immediately come to mind.

FedEx. All over the world on time.

DHL. For great value, think of DHL.

Examples of slogans for an advertising agency

An advertising agency without a slogan is like a shoemaker without boots. Most successful examples slogan for the company that I took from the database of slogans.

RA "Promotion". We make money for you

Mass Post . New height for your business

RA " Innovative technologies» . New horizons for successful business

Order an advertising slogan from a copywriter

If you carefully read the successful examples of slogans for the company, you can see one pattern - they are all consonant with the problems of buyers. They eat into the subconscious and at the right moment of choosing a product answer the question posed.

But do not mindlessly copy from competitors. It's like picking up a passport with a photo of another person for your own needs. After all, you already have a USP, right? No matter how you fake an acorn, a mighty oak tree will never grow out of it. Keep this in mind when you come up with a slogan for the company yourself or decide to order an advertising slogan from a copywriter.

WITH Best wishes,

View prices

For example: "Don't let yourself dry up!" or "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk." It happens that the slogan starts up on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse the title with the advertising slogan, these text units have different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of the slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​the advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and heading: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign, it is the motto that must sound from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The title is a variable element, it can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. The slogan is the slogan of the advertising campaign, it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the name of the brand.

Light, short, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard-to-pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. In the ideal case, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Some words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and cause soreness. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, feeling, sight, enjoyment, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, authentic, prestigious, true, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tested, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to draw up an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical constructions that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be the combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without worn out words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

In the slogan you can pay attention potential consumers on the:

  • Features of functioning - "You press the button, we do the rest" (Kodak advertisement).
  • Benefit for the buyer - "Let go of your anxiety!" ("Afobazol", a sedative).
  • Orientation to consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is nothing better for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: «Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company's philosophy: "It's good where we are" (Samsung). In corporate slogans, it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: "HP-Laser Jet - 20 years of confident victories." One of the topical solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are awesome". In this case, the slogan can be built as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us”, “McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey the features of emotional positioning: “Joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, contain negations. The positive effect is better. It is desirable that the slogan has a friendly emotional coloring. These are general rules creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Categories of slogans

Depending on the purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising - for goods.
  • Company slogans.
  • Supporting the image of the company.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the main advantage of the company. You are certainly familiar with the slogan "M&M's melts in your mouth, not in your hands." The main advantage of colored sweets is that the icing covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in the hands, and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolize your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for the ideal.
  • Call to control the dream.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study the slogans of your competitors and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. In other words, listen to how it sounds. Sounds are rounded and soft, strict and hard. Which of them prevail in your motto will depend on its perception.

Rhyme the slogan, and even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This ad is very memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Tell us about the purposefulness of the company, about its steady development. Declare customer loyalty. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or maybe the motto of your company will appear as a result of the joint work of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, turn to professional copywriters whose services are not so expensive: 10 variants of a slogan usually cost 100 to 300 dollars.