Dmitry Thank you for your advice 🙏🙏🙏 Very interesting, To open up many problems, and somehow everything in life became clear where to move, what to change, what to work on. I will definitely listen and take action. Thank you again🙏 You are great, it was nice talking to you. Good luck in all your endeavors!

Marina Yadu Tomsk Esoteric

thank you very much for Good work! I've taken all the advice and will try to make the most of it. The past, the present really is, as it was said. I recommend to friends and acquaintances. By the way, it's cool that you can call to connect on Skype and chat live!

Maria Larina Omsk

Many thanks for the information provided. My appeal concerned my husband's business. It would seem that the impasse, the resulting stress and loss of strength did not make it possible to go further with faith in oneself. I took responsibility and asked a question, in the correspondence in a very short time, competent information was provided and a number of proposals for implementing the idea and further business planning. Now I have invaluable data and can support and inspire my husband in a difficult situation for his business. You have saved peace and quiet as well nerve cells to all members of our family, once again I thank you for the responsible approach to business and the impeccability of the information provided.

Marina Barycheva, Novosibirsk

Thank you, astrologer Dmitry Kharon, for the consultation. I won a consultation-forecast as a gift for the promotions that he constantly arranges for his subscribers and I want to leave my positive feedback. Dmitry started the consultation competently with the clarification of the time of birth, the grid of houses of the natal chart. He went through in detail several key methods and aspects of the forecast, eclipses, karmic indicators, nodes, taking into account the cycles of the planets and their influence not only on the forecast of the next year, but also for the near future, he said what you need to be prepared for and which combinations will be positive, and which carry risks. Also a valuable and important moment for me was that Dmitry paid attention to the interpretation of problematic moments in the natal chart itself, especially in my 6th house filled with retro planets and gave advice on compensatory measures, how to avoid illnesses, injuries, problems with work, the Vedas, as you know , something that is not laid down in the map cannot happen to us. He clearly explained with examples how it manifested itself in other people and how it can manifest itself in me. To me this forecast helped not only to plan the coming year correctly, but to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, potential resources, look at them from a different angle and use them more confidently in the future. This year is decisive for me and the Universe decided to give me a hint in the form of a forecast, which I am very happy about. I wish everyone such "gifts of fate"!

Julia Goncharova, Moscow

Lyubov Kritinina Gelendzhik

I will say about Dmitry that I like everything !! He explains everything without a load)) really with a sense of arrangement and everything becomes clear to mere mortals)) He repeatedly consulted in many areas, girls, business, everything is clear)) helps!

Viktor Tkachev Construction company director

Everything is clear and crisp. Much of what has been said has changed for the better. It's not his first time. I recommend!

Alexey Krylov

Many thanks to Dmitry for the consultation. We learned a lot about our couple, about aspects that require special attention, in particular their study to improve the quality love relationships. Special thanks to Dmitry for the conversation in the dialogue mode, and answers to all our questions. The conversation took place in a very light atmosphere, everything was told in an accessible and plain language. We wish you creative success, personal prosperity and more responsive customers.

Ksenia Ermoshina, Moscow

I have known Dmitry as a very good and professional astrologer for many years. Every year I order a forecast for myself. It helps a lot in business and personal life. I am a designer, I have my own lines fashion clothes. She also chose the time to open a business. I often make monthly forecasts. Without exaggeration, I consider Dmitry the best astrologer Krasnodar Territory. Thank you so much for your insights and support!!!

Anastasia Nadyktova. Krasnodar city.Designer. Owner of his own clothing line

I thank Dmitry Kharon for advice on how to move on, for effective advice, I found out a lot for myself important points, gave directions on how to use all the information provided.
As a specialist, Dmitry impressed!
Thank you for compiling my natal chart! Very informative:)

Gabriel Gabriel Novorossiysk

I thank Dmitry for the time devoted to me and for the forecast for the year!
You helped me a lot! Now I know what to expect, how to plan for the future, what to prepare for, what to give up! I feel much calmer and more confident!))) Thank you!)

Anastasia Prudnikova, Sochi

Thank you big to Dmitry for the consultation, which revealed problems that hinder harmonious development in personal relationships, as well as ways to solve the situation that has arisen. Thanks to Dmitry, I was able to better understand what was happening to me and why. I will definitely listen to the recommendations given to me and try to follow them. Highly recommend!!!👍😊

Greetings to those who are not yet familiar with astrology!

For you - who is an astrologer, why turn to astrology, how can an astrologer help other people?

Who is an astrologer, what does he do?

Person who knows the device solar system, at least the basics of astronomy, the laws of motion celestial bodies. But astrology goes beyond astronomy. Because further it is necessary to learn to see, to understand what myths are hidden behind the names of the constellations, how the signs of the Zodiac differ from the constellations, what myths are behind the names of the planets.

An astrologer reads an astrological chart. This map reflects the actual position of the planets at any given time (present, past, future). This is "pure science" as it uses astronomical data. And then “art” begins, although this definition is conditional. The astrologer does not read a chart on a whim or according to his own imagination. There are clear rules for interpreting the map, because astrological chart- this is a kind of "scheme", with a set of "symbols", and each symbol has its own meaning, its own definition. This is a kind of "language" - the language of the Cosmos, and the astrologer translates it into our native "human" language.

A person embarking on the path of interest in astrology studies the astrological significance of the planets of the solar system, what they mean in the chart, what functions they perform; what are the houses of a horoscope and much more ... And here the continuity of knowledge and traditions is important - older, experienced astrologers pass on their knowledge to beginners, training takes place individually or in special groups, "schools".

Therefore, an astrologer is a person who learns a lot (leaving school, university, graduate school and everything else behind him). And you have to study for the rest of your life in order to get closer to the “ideal” of understanding the laws of the cosmos, the universe, the life of the earth, the human soul and the ability to correlate one with the other.

Why all this "wisdom"? It is assumed that knowing what laws go by "visible and invisible" life in space, it is possible to explain many things and phenomena that occur on earth - in nature, in the life of countries, states and in the life of an individual person. Thus, one can navigate in the present, past and future - that is, in time. But astrology still takes into account the geographical location on earth, so it is possible to predict the influence of all heavenly influences on people and in space.

What can astrology do for the common man?

Since ancient times, man has adapted all these "wisdom" for his earthly, quite utilitarian needs - when to plant, sow and harvest, when the ruler of the country is preparing to repel an enemy attack, what awaits the ruler - will he be able to maintain power for a long time and who his secret detractors; merchants wanted to know when it would be better for them to set off in order to bring their valuable goods intact to the place of trade and earn a good profit, to return back without being robbed by robbers. The parents of brides and grooms wanted to know for whom it would be better to give their children, marriage with whom would give a quick and healthy offspring. This is how it is in our times - the concerns of mankind for their prosperous life have not changed.

The twentieth century enriched astrology with the desire to understand the structure of the human soul on the basis of the development of the science of psychology. Astrologers began to describe in great detail the nature of the individual, and how this character is revealed in external realities and affects the life of a person as a whole. Someone began to specialize in studying the destiny of a person, looking for "traces of past incarnations" and investigating the interweaving of relationships with the current incarnation - what he needs to repeat, but "finish", correct, what new experience to acquire and develop.

Someone applies astrological knowledge to transform their lives and to help other people transform.

Also, the twentieth century opened the way for forecasting the exchange rate, securities, falling / rising supply and demand - this is for those whose native environment is business.

With the help of astrological knowledge, you can choose the optimal time for your undertakings - we want success, who wants to make a mistake or step on their “favorite rake”?

It is possible to predict the likely time of an event that we suspect is "around the corner".

A separate area of ​​astrology is the study of human interaction. Why does the same person fall in love with someone, live soul to soul, make friends, share “his shirt”, successfully cooperate in common cause, but with someone he can’t find a common language in any way, quarrels, is afraid, doesn’t love, “bypasses for a kilometer” side, suffers betrayal, suffers financial losses. Synastric astrology tells about this, the astrologer draws conclusions based on a comparison of the birth charts of two different people.

You can try to explore, predict how a single person will fit into a particular city, country; or as a country, the city will affect the life and affairs of a person when moving from a “native nest” to a “foreign land”.

Someone, thinking globally, tries to understand the political vicissitudes, makes predictions for the future of the state and its ruler.

And, perhaps, the classics of astrology, passing from century to century, is horary astrology, the resolution of the most diverse questions of people by the time the question arose from a person and "flew off the lips."

What gives a person information from an astrologer?

The most important thing in contact with astrological knowledge is the understanding that "something from above" comes to your aid, as a hint. Hence, the astrologer feels his special measure of responsibility and commitment to certain ethical, moral values ​​- it is not known how the astrological information “issued” by him will respond to another person.

For its part, a person, after contacting an astrologer, having received a “forecast” and any other information, must understand that this is not a “sentence” and he is not doomed to “lifelong success” or “temporary failure” (according to the principle “there is nothing more permanent than temporary). This is just INFORMATION, on the one hand. How it can be disposed of, how to use it - the Man himself also plays a big role in this.

The natal chart is “issued” for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined by individual fate, it is impossible to avoid the people given to us as “fellow travelers”. It is impossible to get away "from adversity" by simply moving to another city.

Someone says, why then know what will happen to you - this is an extra "burden". If you know everything in advance, then you know that you have no freedom, everything is predetermined, everything is clearly marked in your life. "It smells" of depression :-)

The natal chart is "issued" for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined by individual fate.

A person has a powerful tool - his own awareness of what is happening. As they say, the meaning of life is in life itself. For example, an actor is given a script - his role is "destined" by the screenwriter, director; an actor can play it lazily, falsely, somehow, indifferently mechanically, without including his feelings and without revealing his soul. And you can even play the “second or third” role brilliantly, so that it will leave a bright mark on the viewer and give an outlet for the creative spark of the actor himself - the “inhabitant” of the role. That is, having a "script" in hand, you can realize how to live your life better, brighter, creatively.

You can learn to get along with a person whose relationship is spoiled, based on information from an astrologer - on the basis of which common affairs you both will be positive, and in which cases it is better not to accept joint ventures.

Why do you need to contact an astrologer to choose a “good” date? There are people who intuitively choose the time for their undertakings, and what is called, thanks to their instinct, they find themselves “in the right place at the right time”, they don’t even need an astrologer. But there are other cases. People start something and fail, gain negative experience, are afraid to continue to act in the desired direction. Here, the astrologer can identify the causes of actions leading to negative experiences (at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or the person does not need it at all, this is “not him”). You can get recommendations about successful / unsuccessful, suitable / not suitable days for a particular business. But there are also cases when a person needs to go through a “difficult experience” in a certain area of ​​​​life, and there is no need to talk about a “favorable time” for undertaking. Then an astrologer can warn a person about possible difficulties, and a person enters this sphere with awareness, with understanding. Then a person starts internal work to find options - how to cope with the task, and turn "difficulties" into experience (into baggage, into a personal piggy bank).

Similarly, consulting an astrologer can help if a person is confused, does not dare to make a choice, does not see obvious ways to solve the problem that has arisen (does not see an alternative), does not understand the motives of the actions of the people around him. The astrologer draws an impartial conclusion on the map of the question - this is, as it were, a look from the side at the situation of a person and a vision of the development trend of his situation. No less valuable - you can predict dates key events in this chain unique history. You can behave not "at random", but in accordance with the symbolism of the astrological horary chart - this is contribution to understanding what is happening in their own lives.

So, it is interesting to study ASTROLOGY in any sense and with different goals, and without a goal at all - for its own sake... if your life began to seem too prosaic to you...

You can contact an astrologer, it is useful and informative... A consultation with an astrologer is an opportunity for you to look at yourself from the outside, change the angle, angle of view on yourself and your actions. This is an opportunity to look a little ahead - if you are behaving in one way or another now, what can come out of it later.

Make decisions and act for you! The conclusions of an astrologer are information, a recommendation, a probable forecast, a reflection of yourself, which you yourself can not always see. An astrologer can help you harmonize your intentions, actions with the external current reality in which you are.

The definition of who an astrologer is is quite easy to give. First of all, this is a person who has knowledge of the craft, after which his profession is named, and who understands well that his central principle is a reflection of the unity of the individual and the cosmos, all parts of which are interconnected with each other.

Natal chart

The astrological (natal) chart depicts the map of the Universe at the time of her birth, focusing the individual in the center, next to the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies, which are considered personal planets or stars of this person and have a unique meaning only for him. Although astrological practices in different cultures have common roots, many peoples have developed unique methodologies, the most significant being Hindu astrology (also known as Vedic astrology or Jyotish). This area of ​​expertise has big influence on the cultural history of the world.

Who is an astrologer and what does he do

Astrologers are renowned for their ability to predict the future from the stars and planets. People usually seek to consult them regarding their horoscopes, as an expert astrologer can help them with issues related to health, relationships, money, education, career, property, and travel. There are examples of many people who have found guidance in life just through their horoscope, especially in cases where they had to make difficult decisions. Initially, not understanding who it is - an astrologer, over time, they began to have great respect for people of this kind of occupation.

What is astrology

Astrology as a science is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means of obtaining information about human destinies and earthly events (past and future). Accordingly, an astrologer is a person who specializes in astrology.

This teaching originated at least in the second millennium BC and has its roots in calendar systems used to predict seasonal shifts and interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. Many cultures give great importance astronomical events, and some, such as the Indians, the Chinese and the Mayans, developed sophisticated systems for predicting earthly events due to the movement of celestial bodies.

Western astrology

Western astrology is one of the oldest systems yet still very popular. It can trace its roots back to 19th century BC Mesopotamia, from which it spread into Ancient Greece, Rome, Arab world and, ultimately, the Central and Western Europe. The definition of "astrologer" is as old as the discipline itself.

Modern western astrology often associated with horoscope systems, which are designed to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict significant events in his life based on the positions of celestial objects. Most professional astrologers rely on such systems.

For much of its history, astrology has been considered a scientific tradition and has been prevalent in academia, often in close association with astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine. Many people even still believe that an astrologer is, first of all, a scientist. People of this profession were often present in influential political circles, and the discipline they practice is mentioned in the works of great writers: Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Lope de Vega and Calderon de la Barca. During the 20th century and after the widespread adoption of the scientific method, astrology was successfully challenged on both theoretical and experimental grounds, and over time it was shown to have nothing to do with science. Thus, astrology lost its academic and theoretical position, and the general belief in it declined to a large extent. Therefore, today many believe that an astrologer is a marginal and even charlatan profession.


The word astrology comes from the early Latin word astrologia, which in turn comes from the Greek ἀστρολογία - from ἄστρον astron ("star") and -λογία -logia ("study") - "counting the stars". Astrology later acquired the meaning of "star prediction", in contrast to astronomy, which is considered a serious science. Many are interested in who an astrologer, fortune teller, astrologer is. These are all completely different terms.


Chinese astrology was developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC). Hellenistic astrology after 332 BC e. mixed the Babylonian tradition with the Egyptian decanal tradition, the centers of which were preserved in Alexandria, creating horoscopic astrology familiar to all of us. The ancient Greek astrologer is the same "master of horoscopes" as a modern specialist.

The victory of Alexander the Great in Asia allowed astrology to spread to Ancient Greece and Rome. In Rome, discipline was often associated with "Chaldean wisdom." After the conquest of Alexandria in the 7th century, astrology was explored by Islamic scholars and Hellenistic texts were translated into Arabic and Persian languages. In the 12th century, Arabic texts were imported into Europe and translated into Latin. Major astronomers including Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Galileo practiced as court astrologers. Astrological references appear in literature and poetry, such as Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer, and playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

Astrology in its broadest sense is the search for meaning in the sky and celestial bodies. The early studies of philosophers and occultists making conscious attempts to measure, record, and predict seasonal changes with reference to astronomical cycles are found in abundance in the form of marks on bones and cave walls, which show that the lunar cycles were observed as early as 25,000 years ago. Thus, the influence of the moon on the tides was discovered, the first calendars were created. Experienced farmers used their knowledge of astrology, or rather that part of it that later became part of astronomy, to predict the rainy and dry seasons. That is why people turned to experts in this field, because they believed that an astrologer is a person who can predict anything with absolute accuracy. By the third millennium BC, the first civilizations already had a clear understanding of the celestial cycles and built special temples in accordance with the heliacal ascensions of the stars.


Numerous data indicate that the oldest known astrological documents are copies of texts made in ancient world. It is believed that the legendary Table of Venus was actually collected in Babylon around 1700 BC. A scroll documenting the early use of astrology is attributed to the reign of the Sumerian king Gudea of ​​Lagash (c. 2144 - 2124 BC). In the scroll, the ancient ruler describes how the gods revealed to him in a dream the secret of the constellations, the knowledge of which helped him build sacred temples. But many believe that in reality this document was written much later.

The oldest indisputable evidence of the use of astrology as an integrated system of knowledge is the records of the first dynasty of rulers of Mesopotamia (1950-1651 BC). This astrology had some parallels with the Hellenistic Greek (Western) discipline, including the concept of the zodiac, the normalizing point around 9 degrees in Aries, the trial aspect, planetary exaltations, and dodecathemory (twelve signs of 30 degrees each). The Babylonians considered various celestial phenomena as possible omens, and not as the cause of all events without exception in our world.

Ancient China

The system of Chinese astrology, as mentioned earlier, was developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) and flourished during the Han Dynasty (from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century CE). It was during the reign of this dynasty that all the elements of traditional Chinese culture that are well known to us - Yin-Yang philosophy, the theory of the five elements, Heaven and Earth, Confucian morality - were combined to formalize the philosophical principles of Chinese medicine and divination, astrology and alchemy.

ancient india

The main texts on which the classical is based are the early medieval collections, in particular Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra and Sārāvalī Kalyāṇavarma. The first collection is hard work from 71 chapters, and its primary part (chapters 1-51) refers to the 7th-early 8th centuries, while the second (chapters 52-71) - to the end of the 8th century. Sārāvalī also refers to 800 CE. e. English translations these texts were published by N. N. Krishna Rau and V. B. Chowdhary in 1963 and 1961 respectively.

Islamic world

Astrology was thoroughly studied by Islamic scholars after the collapse of Alexandria by the Arabs in the 7th century and the founding of the Abbasid Empire in the 8th. The second Abbasid caliph, Al Mansur (754-775), founded the city of Baghdad to become a center of science and art in the Middle East, and included in his project a library and translation center known as the House of Wisdom, Bayt al-Hikma, which continued to be developed by his successors and was to become an important stimulus for Arabic-Persian translations of Hellenistic astrological texts. Early translators included Mashallah, who helped time the creation of Baghdad, and Sahla ibn Bishra (aka Zael), whose texts directly influenced later European astrologers such as Guido Bonatti in the 13th century, and William Lilly in the 17th century. Arabic texts (including translations of ancient classics) began to be massively imported into Europe in the 12th century.

Medieval Europe

The first astrological book published in Europe was Liber Planetis et Mundi Climatibus ("The Book of the Planets and Regions of the World"), which appeared between AD 1010 and 1027 and may actually have been the work of Herbert of Aurillac. Ptolemy's second treatise AD Tetrabiblos was translated into Latin by Plato Tivoli in 1138. The Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas followed Aristotle in believing that the stars could govern an imperfect "under-rib" body (that is, our world), and tried to reconcile astrology with Christianity, declaring that God rules the human soul through the stars. The 13th-century mathematician Campanus Novara is said to have developed a system of astrological houses that divides the primary vertical into "houses", although a similar system was used earlier in the East. The 13th century astronomer Guido Bonatti wrote the textbook Liber Astronomicus, a copy of which belonged to King Henry VII of England at the end of the fifteenth century. For the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the astrologer is the profession of the chosen and noble people who had an influence on the most important people of that time.

In Paradiso, the final part of The Divine Comedy, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri mentioned "in innumerable details" astrological planets, although he interpreted traditional astrology in accordance with his Christian beliefs, such as using astrological thinking in his prophecy for the reform of Christendom.

Western astrology is a form of divination based on plotting a horoscope for a specific moment, such as the birth of a person. It is based on the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon and planets, which are analyzed in terms of their movement through the signs of the zodiac (twelve divisions of the ecliptic) and their aspects (based on geometric angles) relative to each other. They are also considered depending on their placement in the "houses" - the twelve spatial divisions of the sky. Modern representation about astrology in Western popular media is usually reduced to the so-called astrology of the Sun, which studies the influence of this celestial body on the date of birth of a person and is only 1/12 of the total natal chart.


The occupation of an astrologer primarily involves the compilation of horoscopes. A horoscope visually expresses a set of relationships for the time and place of a selected event. This relationship is between the seven "planets" representing meanings such as war and love, the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the twelve houses. Each planet is in a specific sign and specific house at a selected time when observed from a selected location, creating the two kinds of relationships mentioned above.

Along with tarot card reading, astrology is one of the main forms of the Western esoteric tradition, influencing magical belief systems not only among Western esotericists and Hermeticists, but also the beliefs of New Age cults such as Wicca, which borrowed heavily from esotericism. Tanya Luhrmann once said that "all wizards know something about astrology" and cites the correspondence table in Starhawk's Spiral Dance as an example of the astrological knowledge learned by magicians.

Profession "astrologer": where to study

Since astrology is not considered a science, it cannot boast of any certified training centers. There are no astrological faculties in universities either. An astrologer is one who knows how to predict the future by the arrangement of stars and planets, and modern science denies the very possibility of such phenomena. However, there are many informal courses and schools where experienced professionals can teach the craft for a fee. The profession of an astrologer, apparently, is quite in demand, otherwise we would not see horoscopes, "advice of astrologers", various articles with predictions and other fruits of the activity of these people at every step. It is also worth remembering the rampant popularity of Pavel Globa and some of his colleagues. Therefore, those who are interested in who an astrologer is and what he does can be advised to go to a professional in this matter - perhaps he himself will want to do this work.

Increasingly, there is a need for such an ancient specialty as an astrologer, who and what is this. What opportunities it can provide to everyone who can master this science.

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Features of the profession

Today, astrologers are called specialists who are seriously engaged in the study of relationships heavenly bodies and the fate of man. As a rule, this will denote a system of combining tradition, mysticism, beliefs, various occult doctrines, which are based on the interaction of stars on a person and his character.

It is worth saying that modern science considers astrology a pseudoscience, as well as a prejudice. However, the popularity of the doctrine itself is increasingly contributing to the emergence of new specialists practicing astrology. In this case, a special astrological language is used.

What should an astrologer do?

Any professional astrologer will need to be able to do the following, thanks to which it is possible to use the following relationship:

Man and the sky, it is especially necessary to study and record all the happening events that occur in the sky;

To study and decipher various astronomical data obtained in the form of an assumption about similar events on Earth.

What to consider when working

Today, astrologers may use one of two related schools. They differ in individual details and traditions:

Western School of Astrological Knowledge;

Vedic or school of astrology.

All of them will be studied by different adepts and specialists. In addition, they use their own calendar system. Most often they turn to business and love astrology when the relationship between people is clarified.

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So, the calendar systems are:

  1. Chinese calendar;
  2. ancient Mayan calendar;
  3. the calendar of the ancient Aztecs;
  4. astrological school druids.

Features of work astrologers

Astrologers can use a diverse range of sections, which will differ in specialized issues, and perform various tasks, as well as methodology:

  1. used natal astrology, namely the astrology of birth, which allows you to predict the main trends related to the fate of a person. At the same time, experts can predict the impact of stars on the nature, the possibility of the development of certain events;
  2. take advantage of predictions using astrological systems, which will allow the use of special knowledge;
  3. using synastric astrology to determine relationships between people;
  4. the use of medical astrology will allow to determine issues related to human health;
  5. in order to get answers to questions, they use special horary astrology.

It is worth saying that the various currents and directions of astrology inevitably tell from such an ancient specialty as an astrologer who is who, and this is a person who knows the starry sky well and knows how to compare them with any human destiny.

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Hello, dear curious fellow citizens! Let's talk about who an astrologer is and about astrology.

We are now talking about a very ancient science of the stars. It has existed for many centuries.

Astrology is often called magic and classical pseudoscience. People who are fond of it are sometimes referred to as fortune-tellers and sorcerers. This approach is not entirely correct. It is followed by people who want to look like absolute atheists.

In simple words, astrology is the doctrine of the connection between man and the cosmos, revealed in their continuous interaction and development.

Someone still cannot find the distinguishing features between astronomy and astrology. The resemblance does indeed exist. They look like twin sisters.

It should be noted that at the very beginning these two sciences were one. Over the years, there was a discord between them. Classical astronomy categorically denied and denies the attempts of astrology to build predictions.

Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians and Babylonians had myths where the planets and luminaries were called gods. They influenced earthly life.

The Greeks succeeded here too - they liked the idea, they adopted the principles from the Babylonians and composed their own myths.

At the very beginning, side by side with the Greek, the Indian science of the stars also moved. Over time, the paths diverged. The Indians went deeper. Gradually they created their own teaching. Their teaching was largely incomprehensible to the Greeks.

To this day in Hinduism there is a Vedic view of the science of the stars. Vedic astrology originated thousands of years ago and is directly related to Hinduism. It is called Jyotish.

Vedic symbols must be specially studied. For example, a person born under the sign that we know as Aquarius can be called Leo or Lioness by the Hindus. Hindus are at one with nature. Based on this, they build their horoscope.

The Vedic horoscope tells not about twelve, but about twenty-seven signs. It's more accurate. With it, you can find out what qualities of character a person should develop, what he needs to work on.

Jyotish is a very complex science. For example, she is very trusted when making important decisions in the life of a person and a country.

She is quite capable of predicting an earthquake or a war. Ordinary people consult Jyotish when starting their own business, buying a house or land plot, the name for the newborn is also chosen in accordance with the advice of Jyotish and so on.

What is an astrologer?

Astrologer is a person who studies the life of celestial bodies. He knows their location and how celestial bodies influence earthly events, the fate of people, entire peoples and countries.

A practicing astrologer is well versed in the Western system of astrology and the Indian system of traditions and beliefs ( Vedic astrology). His competence includes determining the influence of celestial bodies on character, temperament, actions and the future.

What does he do?

Our connoisseur of the stars observes the movement of heavenly bodies. It measures, calculates the path of stars in the sky and analyzes how they affect life on earth.

An astrologer is neither a magician nor a sorcerer. He is a scientist who knows how this or that planet moves and how it is located in the sky. All knowledge was given to him by astronomy. Now his duty is to interpret these data.

There are certain rules by which some conclusion will be drawn. It can be said that a set of ancient symbols is being deciphered or a translation is being made from a foreign language.

Long before the birth of Christ (around the end of the 3rd century BC), people made the first charts called natal charts.

The natal chart is the basis for creating any horoscope. We get a kind of list that contains the entire birth horoscope.

The natal chart lists:

  • Place of Birth,
  • Date of Birth,
  • time of birth,
  • list of planets that influence a person.

For the uninitiated, the document looks completely incomprehensible. However, there you can find a lot of information about you. Based on these data, horoscopes are compiled.

When compiling a horoscope and entering information into natal chart, the time of birth should be given as accurately as possible. Even a minute error can greatly change your horoscope, and you will no longer see anything similar to your character in it.

You can become a real astrologer

How to become an astrologer? This profession requires a lot of knowledge, but you can learn everything if you want, if you know where.

It is easy to get the necessary basic knowledge on the Internet, there are many courses that teach ancient wisdom about the stars.

St. Petersburg, Moscow - cities in which the highest educational establishments for the study of astrology. Famous astrologers run the institutes.

There is a school in St. Petersburg classical astrology. The school is headed by Konstantin Daragan. Classes are held online. Many enthusiastic reviews of graduates serve as an excellent recommendation for this educational institution.

Judging by the popularity of names, Pavel Pavlovich will be found on the list. He is the most famous astrologer in Russia.

Astrological Institute of Pavel Globa, located in Moscow, conducts recruitment for full-time and distance learning.

If you want to gain knowledge in centuries-old science and become a connoisseur of the starry sky, then we will talk more about training as an astrologer in a separate article.

The Science of the Stars Today

A person who studies the starry sky is outwardly no different from those around him. He doesn't wear a special suit and doesn't have any physical features that make him stand out.

Astrology has long lost its title, which ranked it among the occupations of sorcerers.

A sad fact: quite recently it happened that all the horoscopes on the pages of newspapers and magazines were composed by journalists. Information was invented, and people trusted it. Often, in parting words to such publications, one could read the phrase: “Compiled for entertainment purposes.” Now the situation is different.

We have the right to choose whether to believe newspaper horoscopes. Entertainment is required - we read what is offered on the pages of printed publications, listen to the radio, watch TV. There are horoscopes that are not necessarily compiled by professionals.

Those who want to get a more accurate and serious forecast for themselves may well turn to a professional for help.


There are many different opinions about astrology. Sometimes opinions are polar and do not tolerate any concessions. For example, in America, the science of the stars is called the standard in a number of pseudosciences. The Encyclopædia Britannica classifies astrology as a divination.

Despite everything, someone is still fanatically waiting for a new forecast. Need advice - go to an astrologer. How else?

Sometimes it really looks like a miracle. stranger writes down numbers, checks with incomprehensible maps. He tells you about your own life so accurately, as if he was constantly nearby or knows you from an early age.

Ask him about predictions for today. He will again check with incomprehensible cards and you will find out what awaits you. Remember his words - they will come true. An astrologer is engaged in science, no matter what opinion the spiteful critics hold. To reject science is a kind of ignorance. This scientist does not guess, he relies on facts.

Into national entertainment ancient science turned the funds mass media. Yes, she was very unlucky with definitions. Someone whose history is so old and multifaceted will not lie. We will be told the truth. Just listen!