When diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, therapeutic exercises are included in the treatment plan. With its help, the joints are warmed up, blood circulation improves, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Exercises for arthrosis hip joint slow down pathological changes, allowing a person to eliminate pain and discomfort.

Indications for performing gymnastics

Coxarthrosis is a disease that requires complex treatment. It includes taking medications, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, surgery.

Many doctors recommend including exercise therapy in the course of therapy. An orthopedist, traumatologist or physiotherapy trainer draws up an exercise plan. Many specialists are developing methods to get rid of the symptoms of arthrosis of the hip joint. Dr. Bubnovsky and Dr. Evdokimenko use their own proprietary treatment regimens that effectively eliminate pain and slow down the progression of the disease.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint is necessary for people who have already been diagnosed and the disease is mild or average form. You can also exercise to prevent joint diseases. They help strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, improve blood circulation in the limbs, restore joint mobility, and reduce weight. Physical activity contributes to the healing of the body.


In the advanced stage of coxarthrosis, physical education can only be done with the permission of a doctor.

Contraindications for classes with coxarthrosis

All treatment complexes are compiled by a doctor or exercise therapy trainer, they are prescribed individually, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and his condition. Some pathological conditions are a contraindication to gymnastics:

  • Hernia of the spine and groin;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Blood diseases;
  • High blood pressure;
  • acute stage.

Also, exercises with arthrosis of the hip joint cannot be carried out if a person feels unwell, elevated body temperature, high intracranial pressure, infection infectious diseases, with exacerbations of any chronic diseases and in rehabilitation period after abdominal interventions.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise for arthrosis of the hip joint is one of the better ways conservative medicine. Proper exercise relieves pain, stops degenerative changes in tissues, and restores joint function.

Exercises can be done at home, they do not require additional equipment, there is no need to constantly use the expensive services of a trainer. The implementation of the complex is up to half an hour a day. If the treatment is supplemented with massage, then the results of rehabilitation therapy will not keep you waiting.

The main disadvantage of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint is that the effect of exercise appears for a long time. The training plan is appointed by the specialist individually. An improperly selected complex can accelerate the destruction of the joint. Regular light exercise helps speedy recovery. But full recovery from grade 3 coxarthrosis will not happen with exercise alone.

On a note!

Physical exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint are introduced gradually so as not to injure fragile connective tissues.

Basic rules for doing exercises

Most patients note the effectiveness of physical education to eliminate pathology. To get the maximum effect from therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Before doing the exercises, you need to do a little warm-up, warm up the muscles;
  • The starting position should be comfortable, there should be no pain, the load on the joint does not increase;
  • The entire training takes place slowly and smoothly, excluding sudden movements;
  • The duration of the entire gymnastic complex does not exceed 30 minutes;
  • The load should be increased gradually, between exercises to take small pauses for rest.


There is a special set of exercises for recovery in the postoperative period. It is compiled by a doctor, it is forbidden to change classes on your own. During this workout, all muscle groups are involved.

There are several prohibited exercises that are not recommended for patients suffering from coxarthrosis:

  • long walk;
  • Rotation of the pelvis;
  • jumping;
  • Use of a bicycle and exercise bike;
  • Squats.

With coxarthrosis, any body movements that increase the load on the joint are prohibited.

Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

There are many exercises to eliminate the symptoms of coxarthrosis. The treatment plan may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the disease.

A set of exercises for a mild form of coxarthrosis

  • Lunges without weight. Put your hands on your belt, feet together. Step one foot about 2 shoulder-widths apart, leaving the other foot in place on the toe. Squat down a little so that the angle in the front leg is at least 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position and step with the other foot. Do 10-20 repetitions for each leg. Exercise strengthens the buttocks and hamstrings, improves balance;
  • Pulling the legs to the chest. Lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms. At a slow pace, without sudden movements, bend one leg at the knee, pull it to your chest. Return the limb to its original position, change the leg and repeat the exercise 10-20 times. With the help of such manipulation, the muscles of the legs are stretched, the abdominal press is strengthened;
  • Bridge exercise. Lie on your back, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor, and stretch your arms along the body. Push the pelvis up so that the hips and back form one straight line, freeze in this position, after 20-60 seconds, lower yourself to the floor, rest a little. Do 12-15 repetitions at a comfortable pace, it is advisable to inhale on the rise, and exhale when lowering.

Training for the advanced stage of coxarthrosis

Severe coxarthrosis requires special attention doctor and patient. Treatment should not only gymnastic exercises, but also from drug therapy, massage, physiotherapy. For this case, you can try the following set of workouts:

  • Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, try to bring your knees as close as possible without the help of your hands, hold in this position for 2-5 seconds, relax, take a breath. Do 3-5 repetitions;
  • Stand with your healthy foot on a small hill (brick, step, etc.). Try to move the diseased limb back and forth, slowly increasing the amplitude;
  • Lie on your stomach, stretch your straight limbs and slowly begin to raise and lower your legs alternately. It is easy to complicate the exercise if you fix the position at the top point for a few seconds, you can also raise the bent leg, you can raise and spread both legs at the same time. The number of repetitions can be up to 10 times.

Strong muscles are the key to healthy joints. Thanks to well-developed muscles, the load on the altered articulation is reduced, which causes swelling and pain to disappear, resistance to the disease appears.

On a note!

Physical education should not bring discomfort. If there is pain in the joint, then you should stop training. With pathological changes in the joints, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations so as not to worsen the patient's condition.

To get rid of the pain syndrome and restore the function of the joint, complex therapy is needed. Physiotherapy with arthrosis of the hip joint is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the pathology, due to its simplicity and accessibility. But you should not self-medicate, because a doctor prescribes a good set of exercises for the hip joints.

Gymnastics for the hip joint is an important honor in the treatment of arthrosis and other diseases. Up to 15% of the population is prone to joint diseases! Exercises will perfectly help relieve pain and develop a joint after an injury, and will also become the main prevention of disorders.

What is gymnastics for?

Exercises for the hip joint are not a panacea, but they do their job perfectly. The biggest plus is that when your joints hurt, you can do exercises at home.

Therapeutic exercises are indicated in the following cases:

  1. Coxarthrosis (and any other arthrosis).
  2. Pain in the joint area (only as prescribed by a doctor).
  3. Muscle weakness.

It should be done only during the remission of the disease. Gymnastics is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Violation of the heart or lungs.
  2. Diseases of the internal organs.
  3. recent operation.
  4. Menstruation.
  5. The presence of a hernia in the groin or abdomen.
  6. Increased body temperature.

The development of the hip joint after illness also requires special exercises. After an injury, the joint may hurt, then it must be developed by the same exercises as with coxarthrosis. The pain will gradually go away, and the function of the joint will be restored.

The developed joint should be maintained in such a state that the problem does not occur again.


When performing gymnastics, there are certain rules:

  1. Regularity. This is the most important rule during lessons.
  2. Gradual increase in load. You need to start with a small number of repetitions so that the muscles do not overstrain.
  3. Before starting a workout, be sure to stretch.
  4. You can not load the hip joints.
  5. The lesson should end with breathing exercises with raising and lowering the arms.

All rules must be considered and clearly followed. Only then will the effect of the classes.

You can take a shower or a warm bath before training, but not earlier than half an hour. The first classes can be started from 2 minutes and increased to half an hour (look at the state). If there is pain during the session, you can do several approaches for 10 minutes each.

In addition to the positive effect, gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint can be harmful. This happens if you do prohibited exercises. You cannot do the following:

  1. Long and long walks.
  2. Ride a bike and imitate similar movements.
  3. Rapid movements of the damaged joint are prohibited.
  4. Absolutely no squatting.

In addition to the rules, it is worth considering your own characteristics of the body and abandoning prohibited actions.


Exercises for the hip joint can consist of different movements:

  • active movements (fast and dynamic);
  • passive (light and relaxing).

Physiotherapy exercises should be selected with the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint should begin with exercises in the prone position, moving on to sitting and ending the complex while standing.

Leg lifts to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks

First you need to lie on the floor, always on your stomach. Legs and arms should be straight and relaxed. One leg should be raised 20 cm up. Stay in this position for half a minute and slowly put your foot in place.

Do the same with the other leg. The exercise is done with each leg only once, over time, you need to increase the time the leg is in the air.

After completing the exercise, you should slowly move to the same quick exercise. You need to calmly and slowly raise your legs up, hold for a couple of seconds and quickly lower them down, repeating with each leg up to a dozen times.

Another version of the exercise: the same, but with legs bent at the knee.

Raises and leg raises: an exercise with restrictions

Contraindications are elderly age and increased pressure of the trainee.

You need to continue to lie on your stomach, straightening your legs and arms. Next, you should raise both legs in the air, stop at 15-20 cm. After that, bend your knees and slowly spread your legs in different directions, and then close again.

Repeat the exercise up to 10 times. Designed to strengthen the muscles of the legs, especially the femoral.

Passive side exercise

The starting position changes, you should lie on your side. Bend the leg at the knee, which lies on the floor. Raise the other straight leg into the air by 30-40 cm and wait half a minute.

Repeat with the other leg, turning over. This exercise strengthens the lateral muscles of the thighs.

Pulling exercise

Sit on the floor and straighten your legs joined together. Lean forward with your whole body, trying to wrap your toes around your feet. Remain in the position for up to a minute, if possible, increase to 2 minutes.

Each time the exercise will be easier, the muscles will stretch and blood flow will improve, reducing pain in the problematic part of the body.

Stop rotation

To strengthen the hip joints of the feet, it is required to lie on one side and raise the leg of the upper leg into the air by 20 cm. The raised leg must be straight. Next, you should turn the foot with the leg inward, and then outward.

After several repetitions, do the same with the second leg, turning to the other side.

Pulling the affected leg to the body

To perform the exercise, be sure to sit on a hard surface and put your legs in different directions as far as possible. The injured leg must be bent at the joints and clasped with hands. Next, you should pull the leg to the body, straining as much as possible. At the first appearance of pain, slowly lower the leg back into place.

You can not perform the exercise in the second and subsequent stages of arthrosis of the hip joint.

A set of exercises for inflammation

If there is inflammation of the hip joint, the exercises are different from the usual ones. In this case, do the following:

  1. Standing position, additionally requires a high-backed chair or other stable object. Place your good leg on the floor, hands on the back. Swing the affected leg in different directions, gradually increasing the scope.
  2. Sit on a chair and spread your legs. Without lifting your feet from the floor, bring and spread your knees. You can't touch your knees with your hands.
  3. Sitting on a chair, tilt the body forward. Reach your toes towards your toes, knees bent.
  4. The position is also sitting. The legs should be bent at the joints, unbend the legs in turn, parallel to the floor.

How to properly perform exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint, you can see in the figure.

The shown drawings will help to better understand the technique of performing exercises, which is very important for physical therapy. How to strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips, you can see in detail on the video.

active exercise

Active and dynamic exercises can be performed in the primary stage of the disease. You can perform normal movements by adding weight to your legs. But there are also special additional classes:

  1. Lying on your stomach, you need to crawl on the floor, straining the muscles of the hands.
  2. Lying on your side, raise your sore leg into the air and hold for a third of a minute.
  3. Stand on a limb. Straighten the sore leg first, then the healthy one, holding it in the air for up to 10 seconds.
  4. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs straight, spread apart as far as possible. Bend the injured leg at the knee joint, then, shaking the leg, tilt it inward towards you.

Charging according to such a list should be performed only with good health, finish the lesson with swings of arms and legs. This will help relieve muscle tension.

Exercises from Ivan Kuznetsov

Great popularity Lately recruits Ivan Kuznetsov, who conducts special courses to reduce joint pain. His website has both free and paid classes.
Kuznetsov shows exercises for pain in the hip joint in this video.

Eugene Lim and his set of exercises

Many single out osteopathic doctor Evgeniy Lima. He simply and clearly explains how to strengthen muscles and relieve pain with osteopathic remedies. More information about the methods of dealing with pain according to the method of Eugene Lim can be found on the video.

In the video, the osteopath shows good methods muscle stretching. The first time such exercises can be physically painful, so you should be very careful not to damage the diseased joint even more.

Quite a lot of articles are devoted to diseases of the hip joint, telling about the causes of their occurrence, how these diseases can be treated. Today we intend to talk about one important component that can help people already diagnosed, as well as for preventive purposes, thereby avoiding such a disease in the future, joints predisposed to such a disease.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint is an effective approach in the treatment of arthrotic changes.

The essence of gymnastics is contained in the distribution of the load. Precisely prescribed by a physiotherapist, sparing exercises affect the restoration of cartilage tissue, eliminate pain in the joints of the joint.

Author's methods of exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint

Gymnastic exercises in the treatment of coxarthrosis are one of the available, simple and low-cost methods in the fight against degeneration of the hip joints caused by osteoarthritis. Currently, there are a lot of copyright complexes.

The most effective was the adaptive gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joints of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M.

Let's briefly describe it. Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky, observing patients, developed a number of exercises, they have a healing effect on musculoskeletal system. Such therapeutic training allowed the muscles of the hip joint to maintain their own flexibility for a long period. Initially, the body is prepared (adaptive exercises are performed) in order to then freely move on to the main training sessions, while increasing the load.

Adaptive exercises for the hip joint according to Bubnovsky S.M.

Do every exercise breathing exercises need at least 20 times.

  • Sit on your heels, relax, get ready to perform breathing exercises. The execution is as follows: in a circle, start moving your hands and inhale. Immediately with a sigh, you need to get up from your heels to your knees, straightening your body. Exhaling, we return to the original position;
  • Put your palms on your stomach. Close your lips tightly, starting to exhale through them to emit the sound “PF”;
  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your limbs at the knees. When exhalation occurs, tear off the body from the floor on a breath, return back;
  • Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Exhaling, raise the pelvis as high as possible, trying to move the knees at the same time;
  • Take a horizontal position on your back, while exhaling, try to simultaneously close your elbows and knees at one point above the level of the navel;
  • Lie on your side, rest your hand on the floor. Try to group by pulling your knees up to your chest.

After such preliminary gymnastics, it is necessary to proceed to the main therapeutic training.

Basic healing training

The first five gymnastic tasks below are performed lying on your back.

  1. Extend the lower limbs, slowly, begin to bend the leg at the knee, trying not to tear it off the floor. As soon as you bend your leg at the knee as much as possible, slowly straighten it, and take the original position. Do the same movements with the opposite leg;
  2. Raise part of the body from the buttocks to the head above the floor and lower it after a while;
  3. Bend your knees, hands alternately begin to pull them to the body. Hold for a short time, then return to the starting position;
  4. Start alternately making small swings with your legs, you can’t bend at the knees, the height of the lift is 20-30 cm;
  5. Straighten your legs, then raise one of the lower limbs to a height of 20-30 cm, briefly holding it above the floor in a hanging position, then slowly lower it. Do the same with the opposite leg;
  6. Sit on a chair, stretch your legs, lean forward, trying to touch your feet with your fingers;
  7. Stand up and start swinging first with one leg, then the other. Waves are made to the sides, back and forth;
  8. Sit on the floor, grab your soles with your hands and lean forward with force.

The developed gymnastic exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. are applicable at any age, from infants to the elderly.

Having correctly selected a set of exercises and a load, having mastered the rules of breathing, the result will not be long in coming. It can be assumed that if you really want to, you can easily dance salsa. I wish you success.

Ecology of health: The hip joint withstands a significant load, since it accounts for a significant part of the body weight. Therefore, it is so important to strengthen this joint and develop its flexibility by doing joint exercises.

The hip joint can withstand a significant load, since it accounts for a significant part of the body weight. Therefore, it is so important to strengthen this joint and develop its flexibility by doing joint exercises.

The structure of the hip joint

This joint is formed by the acetabulum of the pelvic bone and the head of the femur. The hip joint is almost spherical, so it is quite mobile: the leg in this joint can move in different planes and rotate along different axes. The hip joint experiences a lot of weight, therefore, with unsuccessful movements or blows, there may be injuries: fractures of the neck and head of the femur, and even the acetabulum of the pelvis. In addition, this joint can be affected by various diseases, such as arthrosis, coxitis.

Exercises for the hip joint not only strengthen and develop the joint, but also increase the elasticity of the muscles associated with it, which helps to perform better movements, as well as improve posture.

Main exercise.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and put your hands on your sides (on your belt). Then turn your torso to the right so that all the muscles and joints are involved, but do not open your feet from the floor.

You should not turn too much, so as not to damage the spine, but you need to linger in the turn for a few seconds.

Then turn the same way to the other side.

The exercise is performed for 5 minutes, during this time as many turns are made as possible.

Exercise 2.

Lie on your back. Raise your right leg and bend at the knee so that the leg from the hip to the knee is vertical, and below it is horizontal. Then straighten your leg and pull it towards you with your hands, holding the lower leg. After that, bend again and lay back on the floor.

Performed up to 16 times.

Exercise 3

Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Try to reach your toes with your hands without bending your legs. The chest should touch the legs. Then straighten back.

Repeat this exercise up to 16 times.

Exercise 4

Get on your knees so that the body above the knees is vertical. Fold up your socks so that they rest on the floor. Next, you need to bend back, pushing your hips forward as much as possible, and then return back.

Repeat up to 12 times.

Exercise 5

Stand with your right side to a chair and hold on to its back. Sit on your left leg, and take your right leg to the side as far as possible. The body must be vertical.

Then get up and do this on the other leg.

Repeat up to 12 times.

Exercise 6

Stand straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders. Sit down only on the right leg, and take the straight left leg to the side. Try to tilt your torso down.

Straighten up and do this for the second leg.

Repeat up to 16 times.

Exercise 7

Stand up and spread your legs wide. Then bend over without bending your legs and place your palms on the floor with your fingers facing each other. Next, lean forward, trying to keep your elbows on the floor too. At the same time, the legs can move further apart.

Then straighten up and repeat up to 16 times.

Exercise 8

Stand with your legs wide apart. Bend over and place your palms on the floor. Then spread the heels to the sides, then spread the socks to the sides, then bring the heels together, then the socks. Finally, straighten up.

Repeat all this up to 10 times.

Exercise 9

Sit on the floor. Take your hands back and rest your palms on the floor. Lift your torso off the floor so that only your feet (and your palms, of course) are touching the floor. From this position, bend your right knee inward, trying to touch the floor with it.

Then do this with the second knee.

Do this up to 16 times.

Exercise 10

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place one foot on the other (knees apart). With your hands, gently press on your knees, trying to press them to the floor.

Do up to 16 of these movements. published

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, which is accompanied by their change and deformation, as well as a certain limitation of mobility, the inability to move painlessly. To avoid such a disease, you need to lead active image life and give the body physical activity. Let's look at what exercises are for the hip joints in the event of arthrosis, how to perform physiotherapy exercises at home, and which technique is the most effective.

What exercises to do with coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joints is the most common disease in this area. It occurs due to insufficient lubrication in the bony calyx and dysplasia of this zone. The simplest way treatment of such an ailment is physiotherapy exercises. Any recovery begins with such exercises, so it is important to know how to perform the exercises correctly and which ones are the most effective.

Lying on your back:

  • We lay down on a flat hard surface, stretch the limbs. Gradually raise your arms, legs up when inhaling, lowering them as you exhale. We repeat the exercise from 6 to 10 times (the first time it is better to take a small amount, and increase it in the course of daily exercises).
  • Without lifting your heels from the surface, raise your knees up. We perform up to 10 times.
  • We straighten the legs, direct the feet inward, and then return to the starting position. The lesson is allowed to be performed even in bed before going to bed, up to 10 times a day.
  • We put our hands on the belt, lying on our back, we perform the “bike” exercise for about 20 seconds. Breathing should remain even, uninterrupted, so you need to practice at a slow pace.

Lying on stomach:

  • Putting your hands on your hips, gradually raise your legs to a height of 20-25 cm and lower them back, perform about 10 times.
  • Similarly, we raise our heads and shoulders.
  • We take our hands forward, we strain the muscles of the hip joint, trying to lift ourselves. After relaxation, repeat up to 7 times.

Rules for performing exercise therapy at home

  1. If diseases of the joints are detected, there is no need to abruptly start playing sports, all exercises should be introduced gradually, starting from 2-3 times.
  2. Designate a dedicated space to practice, with no drafts but fresh flow clean air, for example, the surrounding forests.
  3. the main task of all exercises - unloading the spine and a slight tension of all joints, so the prone position is the most suitable.
  4. If strength exercises are chosen, then perform them with special belts that fix the lower back and neck. Never hold your breath for too long.
  5. The complex for rehabilitation after operations must be chosen so that all muscle groups warm up in it. Do not rule out some activities according to your own preferences, this can introduce an imbalance in the body's recovery process.
  6. Before flexibility exercises, do a good warm-up of all joints so as not to tear the ligaments.
  7. All workouts must be regular. You can set aside only 1 day a week for a complete rest from gymnastics.

A set of exercises at the initial stage of the disease of 1-2 degrees

In the first stages of the development of arthrosis, a person may feel intermittent pain in the joints. Often they appear at moments of great physical activity, frequent walking or running. The patient can still endure such pain, so he rarely sees a doctor. It is very important to start physiotherapy exercises during these periods in order to easily avoid serious consequences.

Lying on your back

  1. We straighten our arms exactly at the seams, in turn we raise our legs up and bend them into knee joints. After extension, repeat up to 8 times.
  2. We leave our hands in the same position, raise both legs, bend / unbend the right knee, then do the same with a replacement for the left. Repetitions - up to 8 times.
  3. We perform the classic exercise "bike". The development of the hip and knee joints is done with bent legs.
  4. We lie down on the left side, bend the lower leg, and raise and lower the upper leg in a level position. We perform similar movements while lying on the right side.
  5. Pull the heels forward, bending the socks as close as possible towards the knees. We pull for 15 seconds 3-5 times.

On the stomach

  1. We bend and unbend the leg at the knee joint. Alternately left and right, 5-8 times.
  2. Raise a straight, outstretched leg 20-30 cm up and lower it. We perform similar actions with the second. We repeat up to 7 times.
  3. We raise the hips up with a maximum height, which will be about 10 cm, without lifting the shoulders from the floor. We repeat the movement, depending on the level of pain present, up to 6 times.
  4. We try to get our legs behind our backs with our hands, stretching as much as possible. We repeat the exercise up to 5 times.


  1. We raise our legs, bending them at the knees. Alternately train the left and right, 7 times each.
  2. We squat. The legs are half bent. If severe pain is felt during this exercise, or you do not have the strength to stand up on your own, then you can use a chair, wall, or ladder for support.
  3. Tilts back and forth and circuits with the body up to 5 times in each direction. We are engaged in such exercises only in the absence of pain in the hip joints.
  4. Having parted the lower limbs a little wider than the shoulders, we try to reach the lateral parts of the leg with our hands, leaning left and right. We repeat up to 7 times.

Sitting on a chair

  1. We perform flexion / extension in the knee joints, hip joints. We repeat up to 7 times.
  2. We take a rubber band, fix it on our feet. We perform flexion / extension of the knee and hip joints with effort, while pulling the rubber device between the limbs.
  3. We take the back of the chair with our hands, we try to squat on half-bent legs. When performing this task, be sure to keep your posture straight and use strengthening corsets.

Reinforced set of exercises

  • Place your healthy foot on a chair, bench, bed, or step, and grab some support nearby. With a sick limb, swing back and forth, left and right, trying to smoothly bring it to the stomach.
  • Squat down with your back straight and keep it straight. Unbend the limbs in turn and keep the legs straight for a few seconds. Repeat up to 5 times a day.
  • Lie on your side on the side of your healthier limb. Raise the injured leg up a few centimeters and hold it in this position for up to 5 seconds. At the beginning of such exercises, lift the limb no higher than 5-10 cm, later you can use a rubber tourniquet or cuff for weighting.
  • Lie on your stomach, lower your arms in the direction of the body and imitate crawling movements, while tensing the abdominal muscles and moving the hip joints.
  • Perform the classic squat exercise without the use of auxiliary objects (chairs, walls), without lifting your heels off the floor. Be sure to remember about correct posture during lessons.

Lightweight exercises for severe forms of arthrosis

If a patient has a severe form of arthrosis, then exercises alone are not enough, but they should be performed without fail and in special order. The time that will be spent on the implementation of the full load program should start from 10 minutes and increase to 20-25 minutes during the month. If pain is felt, then it is necessary to stop performing the exercises until the discomfort completely stops, and only then start again. Here is a list of the easiest and simplest micromovements to improve and strengthen muscles:

  • Place a small elevation near a stable support (a small chair, a brick) and stand on it with a healthy foot. Spread the diseased limb, try to move it back and forth. Increase the amplitude of oscillations as the pain in the joints subsides.
  • Place a chair on a flat surface, sit on it, keeping your back straight. Place your knees shoulder-width apart and try to close them, holding them together for 2-5 seconds. Relax and try to repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  • Prepare a hard, warm, flat surface (floor, bed) and lie on your back. Place a roller or a small piece of soft tissue under the affected limb. Stretch your legs in length and spread them a little to the sides, and then inward. To simplify this exercise, you can rotate your knees.

Healing gymnastics according to Dr. Evdokimenko

Many people suffering from arthrosis note the effectiveness of gymnastics from Dr. Evdokimenko. This exercise therapy is based on simple movements, but they must be performed exactly as indicated in the author's publications. It does not matter the number of exercises done, only the quality plays a role. This type Exercise therapy is only suitable for physically strong patients who are able to control the movement of limbs and perform tasks smoothly, without jerks. Consider classes from this unique effective gymnastics, which have become widespread:

  • Lie on the floor, put your hands along the torso. Raise your right leg 15 cm from the floor and hold it in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax. Repeat the same with the left. The exercise must be performed without turning the torso, without lifting the stomach, hands off the floor. It is very important that the knee and hip joints are tensed, and not the muscles of the abdomen and back. Such physical education is performed only once a day with each leg, and after that there should be a rest for at least 5 minutes.
  • The same exercise is performed dynamically: lift one leg up, hold it for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower it, repeat the movement 10-12 times. Then do the same with the second limb. Be sure to keep your torso stationary while performing. Rest - 5 minutes.
  • Perform the exercise in the same way as the previous one, but with a bent leg at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Raise both legs 15 cm from the floor and gently push them apart, and then connect them. Repeat the movement up to 8 times.

All types of gymnastics that Dr. Evdokimenko develops should be done only taking into account all the recommendations and rules. If these are not observed, the effectiveness of physical education is markedly reduced, and the result may not be achieved. So consider detailed video, which demonstrates how to do the exercises recommended by the doctor Evdokimenko:

Therapeutic gymnastics of Sergei Bubnovsky and its benefits

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed a special adaptive gymnastics for arthrosis diseases. These exercises are not easy to perform, and the patient must have a good physical form, but according to the scientist and his patients, the result will not be long in coming. The most popular Bubnovsky exercises classic push-ups from the floor.

They are done 5-10 times, keeping the back straight, without bending it. The body must move in the same plane, then the exercise is performed correctly. After completing this lesson, it is necessary to clear the lungs, for this:

  • Sit on your knees with your heels on the floor.
  • Slightly rising on your toes and pointing your hands up, inhale so that you hold your breath.
  • Then abruptly lower yourself onto your heels, bending your limbs.
  • Say a loud “HA” on the exhale, if this sound sounded low, then the exercise is considered to be performed correctly.

Video: 20 basic physical exercises

All types of physical therapy are similar to each other. They are performed in the standard position and with the same recommendations. But Bubnovsky's gymnastics is not similar to the total mass of exercise therapy, it has its own characteristics and is performed by many patients with arthrosis of the hip joints. Watch a video that demonstrates 20 essential exercise for quick recovery according to the system of Sergei Mikhailovich. If you download this lesson to your computer, you can easily complete all the tasks correctly.