Theme: "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

Target: expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn".

    Correctional and educational tasks: consolidation of ideas about autumn and its signs; clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn"; improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of relative adjectives, antonyms, the formation of nouns plural; drafting simple sentences and extending them by adjectives);

    Correction-developing tasks: development of coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement;

    Correctional and educational tasks: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility; education of love and respect for nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, markers, illustrations of autumn pictures, month of September, October, November, autumn wreaths, dummies of fruits and vegetables, a basket, cards for structuring sentences, a set for applications, a graphic plan for compiling a story, subject pictures.

Preliminary work: classes on the lexical topic "Autumn", extracurricular activities on this topic.

Preparatory work: each team receives tasks to learn the name of the team, the motto, the greeting of the team, the motto, memorizing ditties for organizational moment; costumes in Russian folk style.

Members: two teams (5 students each) from grades 2 and 3; fans - children, teachers.

Course progress.

To the autumn music, children enter the hall, become a semicircle and perform ditties on an autumn theme:

Speech therapist: Good afternoon dear children, dear guests! Today we have gathered at a speech therapy game dedicated, as you may have guessed, to the wonderful time of the year - autumn, and the game is called - “Autumn Kaleidoscope. The competition will be attended by 2 teams of students in grades 2 and 3. I hope that the game will be interesting and informative. Now let's say hello to our teams.

We are autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

How beautiful everything is around

Golden autumn day

Yellow leaves are flying

They rustle under your feet!

Autumn is a wet time

The rain is pouring down from above.

People open up more

Colorful umbrellas!

Autumn is a wonderful time

Loves kids very much!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!

We love beets, carrots

And cabbage too

Because vitamins

In vegetables and fruits!

Autumn, autumn golden,

It's good that you came!

You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread!

It got cold outside

You have to wear a jacket.

This autumn prompted

Sing ditties about her.

Speech therapist: To my left is the Oak team. Guys, what's your motto?

"We are fighting oaks,

We love to fight.

And with "Klenochki" are ready

We compete.

Speech therapist: Guys, what tree did you fly to us from?

Children: from oak.

To my right is the Klenochki team. What's your motto guys?

We are funny "Klenochki"

We don't let ourselves get bored.

With pleasure we will

Answer questions!

Speech therapist: And what tree did you guys fly to us from?

Children: maple.

Speech therapist: your fans also prepared parting words:

4th grade:

We wish the guys

Do not get bored and do not yawn

Questions from a speech therapist

Answer faster.

Speech therapist: now I will remind you the rules of the game, consisting of 7 rounds. For each completed task you will receive a sheet, the team that earns the most sheets will be considered the winner.AND so, 1 round - warm-up.

“Pick up 5 signs.”( 1 slide - photo of autumn).

What is autumn? - (children select words-signs from the provided words)

Speech therapist: team captain name the words-signs...

Children: the captain calls the chosen words.

Speech therapist: Now let's move on to the second round of our game. (form possessive adjectives) "Trees and leaves?"

(3 slide: encrypted words)

Speech therapist: Guys, the names of the trees are encrypted here. You need to find them and write them down in your notebook.

Children: (perform task).

Now I will show each team in turn the leaves, and you must name which leaf it is (for example, a poplar leaf - a poplar leaf):

Birch leaf - ……..

Maple Leaf - ……..

Rowan leaf - ... ..

Oak leaf - ………

Linden leaf - …….

Aspen leaf - ……..

Speech therapist: round 3 "Words on the contrary." Task: match to a certain word opposite meaning and finish the sentence:

In summer, the sky is bright, and in autumn ...... ... (gloomy)

In summer the day is long, and in autumn ……….(short)

In summer, clouds go high, and in autumn ...... (low)

In the summer, people grow their babies, and in the fall ... ... ... (remove)

In summer the wind is warm, and in autumn ...... .. (cold)

In summer, people grow crops, and in autumn……. (remove)

Children come out and sing the song "Harvest" with movements.

Let's go to the garden

we will harvest, (steps in place)
We drag carrots (depict pulling carrots)

And we're digging up potatoes. (imitate movement)
We will cut a head of cabbage - (depict cutting cabbage)

Round, juicy, very tasty. (show shape with hands)

Let's pick a little sorrel (depict how sorrel is torn)

We will return to the house along the path. (walking in place)

Speech therapist: round 4 "Unravel the sentence."

Here are cards with words that are confused. Try to unravel the sentences by placing the words correctly.

Grade 2:

    Autumn has come, golden. 2. Rains, cold, coming.

3rd grade:

    Trees, on, leaves, turned yellow. 2. Garden, in, vegetables, ripe, healthy.

Speech therapist: Round 5 "Pick vegetables and fruits."

Guys, in the fall we collect a very healthy harvest of vegetables and fruits. And if you know how to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, we will now check. The Oaks team fills the basket with vegetables, and the Maple team fills it with fruits. The first team to complete the task correctly wins.

Speech therapist: Round 6 “Migratory? Non-migratory?"

Speech therapist: round 7 Compose a split picture "Autumn" from puzzles ».

Speech therapist: Guys,in front of you on the table there is everything you need to draw up an autumn landscape. And when you get a landscape, try to compose a story according to a graphic scheme.

Speech therapist: and now let's look at the landscapes of our teams and evaluate their work.

Speech therapist: Here we come to the end of our game. Let's sum up.

Speech therapist: thank you guys for good game! Always try to speak beautifully, clearly and clearly! Goodbye friends, see you soon!

One of the most important goals of the lesson, and the whole corrective work with children I thinksensory education, the formation of sensory cognition based on the development of sensations and perception. A classroom was specially designed for the lesson "Golden Witch - Autumn". yellow autumn leaves, a bright heading on the blackboard, an autumn outfit of a speech therapist, objects used during the lesson (a bright scarf, a basket of apples) - all this corresponded to the topic of the lesson. In addition, subject pictures and special equipment for the development of phonemic perception, sound analysis, tactile perception. These devices are systematically used in remedial classes. The musical accompaniment, thought out and prepared by the music teacher M.S. Kanninen, greatly decorated and enlivened the lesson. The musical-motor pauses prepared by her corresponded to the topic of the lesson and were performed by the children emotionally and with pleasure.

In the first part of the lesson, I attracted the attention of children by expressive reading of a poem about autumn, while using "magic bags" with bulk products to develop children's tactile perception. The creation of an emotionally positive background was facilitated by the performance of articulatory gymnastics to musical accompaniment. After that, I tried to communicate the goals of the lesson to the students in an accessible and emotional way.

In the second part of the lesson, I activated the attention of children with correctional and educational games "Catch the sound in the word", "How many syllables in the word?". The purpose of these games was to develop sound-syllabic analysis and phonemic perception of children. The students sang a song about autumn with motor exercises aimed at developing general motor skills. The timely inclusion of logarithmic exercises for the development of articulatory and finger motor skills contributed to the removal of muscle tension, switching to another type of activity, maintaining interest and a favorable emotional background for the lesson.

In the third part of the lesson, work was carried out on the automation of the sound L in spontaneous speech. The students took turns reciting poems about autumn. This made it possible to hear that they pronounce the sound L in speech correctly. The game "Magic Chest" was intended, in addition to the development phrasal speech, development of tactile perception, memory. At this stage, work was carried out on lexical and grammatical categories: the formation of relative adjectives (weather in autumn - autumn); agreement of adjectives with nouns (good horse, magic mirror); the use of nouns in indirect cases, the use of prepositions. At the end of the lesson, a mobile musical game"Magic scarf".

A special emotional upsurge was caused by a surprise prepared at the end of the lesson among the students. One should have seen the surprise and joy of the children when, at the end of the game, they found a basket with ruddy apples under Autumn's scarf! The little students left the class happy and rested.

Traditionally, my main focus is on students in grades 1-2. I try to work with them in such a way that they learn to read and write as successfully as possible, so that the speech defect does not subsequently affect writing and reading. At the stages of automation and differentiation of sounds, I combine students into groups, while taking into account the structure of their speech defect. Arming and removing children from logopedic registration carried out constantly during school year as they improve and correct their speech. I constantly communicate with teachers, attend classes, monitor the process of writing and reading. by all possible ways I try to get support and help from my parents. Here, the best form is when a parent comes to me for a conversation or a lesson with his child, and I can show how I do, what we do, how to do it at home. And we share the joy of success with our little pupils with their parents in open classes.

Extracurricular speech therapy lesson "Golden Enchantress - Autumn » for first grade students (1st quarter). Conducted in collaboration with a music teacher.

"Pick mushrooms"

Tikhomirova Ekaterina Vitalievna

The manual is aimed at automating and differentiating sounds [S-Z], improving phonemic processes, the development of the grammatical side of speech, the replenishment of vocabulary, the development of coherent speech.

The entertaining and playful nature of the manual increases speech activity and motivation in children.

Purpose of the game: automation and differentiation of sounds [S-Z], improving the skills of elementary sound analysis, developing fine motor skills child's hands.

Includes: 2 backgrounds and 24 mushrooms.

Instruction for children: A hedgehog and a squirrel collect mushrooms and stock up for the winter. Help them, mushrooms with pictures in the name, which have a sound [C], put in a basket with the letter C, and with a sound [Z] in a basket with the letter Z. Name the pictures on the mushrooms, pronounce the sounds correctly [C - Z].


Bag, cheese, dog, sled, scooter, boots, chair, juice, plane, snowman, pineapple, owl;

Hare, snake, curtains, hair clip, tooth, goat, sunset, umbrella, star, castle, sunset, fence.

Additional tasks:

Mushrooms can be called: boletus, boletus, butterdish. And explain the origin of their name.

Invite the child to write a story about how the hedgehog and the squirrel prepared for winter.

The game can be used as individual lessons and in work with a subgroup of children.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic “Forest. Mushrooms"

(First year of study)

Correctional and educational goals:

Consolidation of ideas about the forest and plants growing in the forest. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Mushrooms” (forest, mushroom, leg, hat, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, honey agaric, russula, collect, harvest, hide, hang, poisonous, edible, fragrant, soft, smooth). Improving the grammatical structure of speech, learning to compose descriptive stories; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; exercise in the selection of antonyms; reinforce the use of prepositions; consolidate the vocabulary on the topic.

Correction-developing goals:

Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, articulatory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Education of love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Typesetting canvas, pictures with the image autumn signs, a basket with flat images of mushrooms, flat images of baskets, pictures of mushrooms, notebooks, colored pencils.

I. Organizing time

1 . The speech therapist gives the children one picture each with the image of autumn.

- The one who will name the autumn omen will sit down.

II. Main part. 2. Reading a poem:


The train is rushing at full speed.

The locomotive puffs, -

"I'm in a hurry" - buzzes:

3. Didactic game"Mushroom picking"

Children "come" to the forest.

What season is it now?

- What month?

- What day is today?

- What's the weather like?

- How many mushrooms are in the forest, let's collect them.

Children pick mushrooms (take turns removing mushrooms from the carpet)

4. A speech therapist's story about mushrooms.

Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in grass and even on stumps. Mushrooms have a cap and a stem. Mushrooms are edible and inedible (poisonous). What does "edible" mean?

WHITE MUSHROOM - the cap is brown, round, the leg is thick.

I'm used to standing in a deaf forest

I am on a thick strong leg.

Find try me.

BOBEREZOVIK - grows mainly under a birch, the hat is round, the leg is thin, high, the hat is dark brown.

The boletus is good.

It looks like a fallen leaf.

Boletus - with a red hat, a high leg.

In a red hat, like a gnome,

I chose a house under the aspen.

Chanterelles - yellow, with a low leg, a concave hat.

Chanterelles crumbled

yellow flock,

As if they were chasing

For a sunny bunny.

HOLYAMA - mushrooms of light brown color on thin legs with a "collar", grow in "families".

Honey mushrooms with a bouquet

They stand on a stump.

They will find a place

In your box.

RUSSUS - caps can be red, yellow, green and other colors, legs are white, mushrooms are fragile.

In fashionable, cute hats,

Bright festive dress ...

They call us russulas,

But they don't eat it raw.

Fly agaric is the most common poisonous mushroom. The leg is long, there is a white collar. The hat is red, round, with a white speck.

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,

Grew motley, like parsley, poisonous fly agaric.

Red hat with polka dots

Collar on a thin leg.

This mushroom is beautiful to look at

But dangerous, poisonous.

Pale toadstool is a deadly poisonous mushroom. The leg is long, at the root there is a sac from which the mushroom grows, a collar, a hat is round, uneven, pale in color.

I'm not used to being liked

Whoever eats me will be poisoned.

5. Physical education "For mushrooms"

All the little animals on the edge Walk in a circle, holding hands.

They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.

The squirrels jumped, they squatted,

Ryzhik plucked. Break off "mushrooms".

Chanterelle fled, Run, collect "mushrooms".

Collected chanterelles.

Bunnies jumped, Jump, pluck "mushrooms"

They were looking for bugs.

The bear passed, They waddled,

Fly agaric crushed. stomp with the right foot.

6. Exercise "What kind of mushroom?"

What is the name of this mushroom?

- Where does it grow?

- Under what tree?

- Cut from where?

- Let's put it where?

7. Ball game "Big - small"

Large mushrooms and small ones grow in the forest.

Large fly agaric - small fly agaric

porcini mushroom - white fungus russula - russula

boletus - boletus grebe - grebe

boletus - boletus

8. The game "How many mushrooms have you collected?"

There are many in the forest...

- We have collected a lot of ... ? (Aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula, etc.)

- Didn't put it in the basket...?

9. Finger gymnastics"Mushrooms"

One two three four five! "Step" fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went to the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

I found this finger mushroom, starting with the little finger.

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why he got fat.

10. Exercise "The fourth extra"

The speech therapist exposes three pictures depicting mushrooms and one picture depicting a berry on a typesetting canvas. Offers to tell the children what is superfluous and why.

11. Work in notebooks (coloring mushrooms)

12. "Say a word"

Near the forest on the edge, Along forest paths

Decorating the dark forest, Lots of white legs.

He grew up motley, like parsley, in multi-colored hats,

Poisonous ... Visible from afar.

Collect, don't hesitate

Look guys, this is...

Chanterelles here, mushrooms there.

Olga Vladimirovna Pogonshchikova
Abstract speech therapy session in the preparatory group on the topic "Mushrooms"

Abstract of an open speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group for the development of vocabulary grammatical categories and connected speech.

Subject « Mushrooms» .

Prepared teacher speech therapist Pogonshchikova Olga Vladimirovna


Clarify children's knowledge about autumn, mushrooms;


Summarize previously acquired knowledge on the topic;

Activate the dictionary on the topic

Development of coherent speech on the topic;

Correctional - educational tasks:

Build visual gnosis

Improve the skills of matching words in a sentence

improve grammatical structure speeches

Activate and expand vocabulary by topic: "Autumn", « Mushrooms» ,

Stimulate children's speech activity

Work on relaxing muscle tone

Improve speaking skills and abilities

Correction - developing tasks:

Develop phonemic awareness

Develop the ability for self-control

Develop coordination in the system "eyes - hand", i.e. the development of synchronism of eye movements and the leading hand, as well as the strengthening of interfunctional communication

Develop the duration and smoothness of speech exhalation

To develop the ability of children to evaluate their activities, generalize, draw conclusions, express their opinion

Correctional - educational:

Build collaboration skills lesson, the ability to listen to your comrades, respect for the world around us

Cultivate the ability to behave properly

Health saving technologies:

1. Breathing exercises with words

2. Finger game

Equipment: subject pictures with the image mushrooms, basket, individual hats - mushrooms, laptop, sounds of nature on the carrier, tape recorder.

Lesson progress

1. Org. moment.

"Sounds of Autumn": speech therapist offers to listen to the sounds characteristic of autumn, children listen with eyes closed, get to know them, call the complete answer.

What time of the year are the most suitable sounds that you listened to? What autumn do we smell in the forest? (freshness, rotten grass, moss, mushrooms) Respiratory exercises: inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

2. The main part.

1. The game "Gifts of autumn".

Laid out on the carpet mushrooms, speech therapist with children calls them, conducts a conversation about mushrooms.

"Say a word"

Speech therapist reads poetry, children add "lost" word, speech therapist displays the corresponding image.

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,

Grew motley, like parsley, poisonous ... (fly agaric).

Look, guys, here are chanterelles, there are mushrooms,

Well, this, in the clearing, is poisonous ... (toadstools).

There are many white legs along the forest paths.

In multi-colored hats, visible from a distance.

Collect don't hesitate, it's... (russula).

2. Receipt feedback to clarify the topic classes:

What do you think we are going to talk about today? lesson?

3. Formation of grammatical categories R. p., pl. numbers.:

Guys, let's imagine that we went with you to autumn forest behind mushrooms. What do you think the weather "love" mushrooms? Mushrooms grow best after rain. (Rain sound on). What has become in the forest a lot?

Work with picture material. Practicing the formation of words R. p., pl., h.

Fly agaric, grebes, russula.

4. Enrichment lexical dictionary on this topic.

What else mushrooms you know? (putting the appropriate pictures on the board - you named a lot of different mushrooms, but can a person eat all of them?

5. Game: "Edible-Inedible"(children call edible mushrooms and put the corresponding picture in the basket, inedible mushrooms remain on the carpet).

6. Conversation: “Why do inedibles exist in nature? mushrooms

There is nothing superfluous in nature, which means poisonous mushrooms are also needed in the forest For example, moose and deer are specifically looking for fly agaric in the forest in order to be cured of their diseases.

7. Word parsing "Amanita":

Guys, what do you think, what two words are hidden in the word "fly agaric"?


Come into the autumn forest! (children walk in place)

There are many miracles around here! (spread arms out to the side and

look around)

Here are the golden birches, (raise hands up)

Under the birches mushrooms look at us. (squat and perform

exercise " Fungus")

They want to jump into the basket. (get up and do the exercise


Exercise " Fungus"- on a vertically placed cam of one

hands lower the rounded palm of the other, then switch hands.

Exercise "Basket" - interlace fingers with a "lock", palms

turn up and round slightly by connecting thumbs over them

(basket handle)

8. Game: « Mushroomer» . The development of connected speech.

Now we will rest and play a game « Mushroomer» .

Children wear hats mushrooms, mushroom picker takes a cane.

Children move in a circle.

I - mushroomer, and you mushrooms.

Come on, hide behind the oaks!

One two three four five.

I'm going look for mushrooms!

Mushroomer: I like it fly agaric mushroom, he has a red hat, a white leg with a skirt.

9. Development of visual memory

And now we will check how attentive our mushroomer. Come on mushrooms lined up in a row. Mushroomer, remember how our mushrooms. Now they are swapped. Remember? Close your eyes

mushroom picker closes his eyes.

Discover what mushrooms are swapped.

10. Word formation, inflection.

Why do we collect mushrooms? If we weld them, what will they become? If we dry them, what will they become? If we pickle, pickle, fry.

If we cook a roast from mushrooms, then what will it be? Should we make soup?

12. Learning to retell. Ya. Thais “According to mushrooms".

Grandmother and Nadya gathered in the forest mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket each and said:

Well, who will score more!

So they walked, walked, collected, collected, went home. By Grandma full basket, and Nadia has a half. Nadia said:

Grandma, let's change baskets!

Here they come home. Grandpa looked and speaks:

Hey Nadya! Look, I got more grandmother!

Here Nadia blushed and said in the quietest voice:

This is not my basket at all ... this is grandmother's at all.

IN: Why did Nadia blush and answer her grandfather in a low voice?

Where did Nadia and her grandmother go?

Why did they go to the forest?

What did grandfather say, seeing them off to the forest?

What were they doing in the forest?

How much did Nadya score and how much did Grandma score?

What did Nadia say to her grandmother when they went home?

What did grandfather say when they returned?

What did Nadia say?

13. Ball game: word formation (diminutive nouns)

Final part

A game "Forest Echo"

Parting with autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Echo of the forest, may I ask?

Children - Ay - ay - ay!

Autumn - Where have the forest leaves gone?

Children - Fell - fell - fell.

Autumn - Birds - singers, have they been clamoring for a long time?

Children - They flew, flew, flew south.

Outcome classes.

Guys, autumn is leaving us with all its beauty, she is a little sad, let's try to cheer her up, what will we tell her?

(Children's answers: “Don't be sad, autumn. We'll see you again in a year! We

We'll be waiting for you!"

Related publications:

Summary of the integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Walk in the forest. Mushrooms" Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group. Subject: Walk in the woods. Mushrooms. Integration educational areas: "Communication",.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lexical and grammatical lesson on the topic "Family" (for children with ONR). Correctional and educational tasks: - to teach.

Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Winter" ( preparatory group) Compiled by: Sodnomova Dulmazhab Khanduevna - teacher-speech therapist of the highest.

Synopsis of speech therapy classes in senior group for children with visual impairment on the topic: "Vegetables" Speech therapist Shilova Irina Sergeevna.