By the age of 30, Matilda Shnurova owns a restaurant with original author's cuisine, a ballet school that teaches prima ballerinas from leading theaters, and the heart of the most scandalous and provocative character Russian show business Sergei Shnurov. At the same time, Matilda was born in the small village of Losevo, Voronezh Region, in a far from the most prosperous family. But, like the fabulous Cinderella, this did not stop her from learning how to dance beautifully and find her prince.

Matilda's parents - Tatyana and Vladimir - divorced when she was only one and a half years old. Then the girl's name was Elena Mozgova, and nothing in her fate foreshadowed future triumphs. Tatyana's second husband, Vladimir Nagorny, took the family to the neighboring village of Livenka. This wooden house by the asphalt road, Matilda probably remembers, since she lived in it already at a conscious age.

Like the school, now surrounded by a rusty fence and a badly neglected lawn. Here the girl received her primary education.

Together with classmates in free time she played with dolls, but sometimes even then her character showed through her gentle habits: Matilda could hit back even the boys, and when the school bullies pinched her finger in the door, she didn’t shed a tear and tapped the offenders on the head with her briefcase.
According to one of her classmates, even as a child, Matilda loved risk, and therefore, when years later, residents of Livenka learned from the Internet that Lena Mozgovaya had run away to Moscow after school, they were not surprised.

I definitely wouldn't be able to. I have lived all my life in the village and I can not do otherwise. And Lena is well done for leaving. If I had stayed, I would have done nothing but sit with the children or wash the floors somewhere. There is no other future here, ”says Evgenia, who spent three years sitting at the same desk with a future celebrity.
Them general class was considered difficult: teachers constantly complained to parents about the ugly behavior of students. But Lena Mozgovaya enjoyed unquestioned authority among her peers.

The school principal recalls that the girl studied for triples, but notes that in the 90s grades were not so important and young people achieved success regardless of school performance.

At the same time, Lena's mother's relationship with her new husband cracked again. The marriage broke up four years later. But Matilda appeared brother Igor.- After Tatyana broke up with Nagorny, she abandoned her children, scattered them among her fathers and left. Lena lived either with her father or with her grandmother. In general, her mother left her, her father did not need her. Tatyana did not need anyone, she needed a city, she needed to show herself. In the end, Nagorny told her not to set foot on the threshold in Losevo, - said Native sister stepfather Matilda Love.
Closest to Livenka and Losev Big City- This is Voronezh. It was there that Tatiana went. Even in Livenka, a woman began to sew clothes at home. Soon she had a new hobby - Matilda's mother became an adherent of religious teachings with Indian roots called Sahaja Yoga ( a doctrine that asserts that each person has within himself a subtle system consisting of energy centers available for sensation after receiving self-realization through meditation. - Approx. ed.).
More than 15 years have passed since then, but she still lives in Voronezh. In a modest apartment on the first floor in a five-story building on the outskirts of the city, two mannequins meet us in the hallway - Tatyana sews clothes and Indian saris for overweight women, meditates twice a day, and also tries to "activate the kundalini energy and clear the chakras."

Tatyana often remembers her daughter and is happy to talk about her even to random clients. And it does not avoid even not the most pleasant details. True, according to her, the reason for parting with Matilda was not callousness at all, but a serious illness, the real cause of which was just the contaminated chakras. It was then, at the age of 36, that the woman became interested in yoga.

The professor said that such damage to the endocrine system could occur under the influence of radiation. The pituitary gland is a very serious thing. If it fails, then it cannot be restored. According to the laws of medicine, I do not exist, I am a phantom. But doctors are materialists. They do not understand what chakras and energy are. If they matched their knowledge with this, then now there would be no sick people at all. I was 36 years old, it was a very long time ago, and my daughter was 14. I had to educate her. And I sent her to my father for six months, because I physically couldn’t do anything in terms of controlling her, ”Tatyana says, suddenly remembering that she hadn’t turned off the gas, and hides in the back of the apartment.

Returning, Matilda's mother quickly jumps from the topic of her daughter to a more familiar one - about entering the sahasrara chakra, great initiates, the demonic nature of extrasensory perception and a human microcosm that contains the whole Universe.
And yet, in the end, these high matters again close on the daughter, who has "a car for 6 million."

I sent her to my father at the age of 14. But she returned to me six months later with tears: "Mom, please, I'll behave well ..." And she behaved well for two weeks. And then she ran away from me. She left and never returned, - adds Tatyana.

To the question of whether it has since been possible to restore relations with Matilda, the woman answers embarrassedly and uncertainly: “Why, we communicate,” but remember when in last time I talked to my daughter, she can't.
At the same time, the fate of many other relatives of Matilda was tragic. Her younger brother Igor from his mother's second marriage died in young age in a car accident. Mother Tatyana practically did not take part in his upbringing, but nevertheless came to the funeral.

She asked the driver not to turn off the engine, stood for three minutes at Igor's coffin and left, - says the sister of Matilda's stepfather Lyubov.

The girl's stepfather and father also ended badly.

Nagorny drank, he drowned in the river while drunk, his son, by the way, also crashed in a car due to drunkenness, flew into the river. And Tatyana's brother hanged himself because of alcohol. Lena's (Matilda's) father, Vladimir Mozgovoy, died alone, - said the district police officer of the village of Losevo Valery.

Matilda is in no hurry to build relationships with the remaining relatives. In Voronezh, she has two half-sisters: Lily, who looks like two drops of water to Matilda, Polina, and also her brother Nikita. These are children from different marriages. own father Vladimir Mozgovoy. Currently, Polina lives with her mother and stepfather and will go to school in September. Lilya is also happy with her life and the modest salary of a makeup artist.

Lily met with Lena two or even three times. Lily told me this personally. Lena was rather wary, she is generally wary of everyone. This is natural: when a person has a position and money, such people usually do not need relatives, because relatives come to ask for something. Lena did not invite Lily home. And the next time, when Lilya came to St. Petersburg, Lena did not find an opportunity to meet her: she said there was no time, - notes Matilda's uncle Sergei Mozgovoy.
However, Lily herself is accustomed to admiring her sister and definitely does not hold a grudge.

She is smart, she made herself. I have a lot to learn from her. She is very kind and beautiful person- says the girl.

But Nikita and Polina are not personally acquainted with Matilda. And the only thing left for relatives socialite, is to watch her from the TV screen and the covers of glossy magazines.

It’s just that her mother behaved in such a way that Lena did not feel support from her, but why is such a mother needed? Why is such a father needed, who also did not think much about her? And she didn’t know that there was someone in the family who treated her well, so she didn’t have a family, as such, ”says Matilda’s uncle Sergey Mozgovoy.

And yet, in the family, the famous relative is loved and proud of her fate. Even though Cinderella, who became a princess, refused to add her relatives as friends in social networks. Yes, and there is no longer any Elena Mozgova, all the documents were reissued by the wife of the singer Cord . New destiny - new name and surname.

And the Brain family is also “warmed up” by a story read in magazines about how the sophisticated Matilda made the reckless St. Petersburg hooligan Shnur a secular intellectual. However, this is already from some other fairy tale.

Who wants to become the wife of a shaggy, bearded alcoholic who always yells obscenities and gets into all sorts of scandals? Dream, not a man! It may seem to an ordinary man in the street that Cord should not have any wife at all.

However - there is, and quite a "clever-beauty". Because Cord is not an ordinary drunk, “an old metalworker, party-goer and dude”, he is Cord, a phenomenon, the quintessence of the Russian land. Yes, drunk, yes, riotous, but strong and free, and rebellious, like the Russian spirit itself!

"The Swan Princess"

Elena Mozgovaya, and now Matilda Shnur - a woman unusual beauty. At the moment when Sergey Shnurov noticed her for the first time, he was, as usual, drunk.

At one of the parties, he stumbled over her gaze, the eyes from the painting "The Swan Princess" by Vrubel. "What's your name?" asked the musician. "Matilda," she replied.. “Oh .. oh!”, — the impressed Cord reacted.

That evening he got so drunk that he was carried out of the room. Stumbling a second time on her incredible eyes, he said: "We will find." He didn't have a choice. The Swan Princess was his favorite painting since childhood, and the woman depicted on the canvas was a youthful dream.

From Helena to Matilda

Elena Mozgovaya was born in a village in the Voronezh region. The father left the family early, and the girl's mother devoted most of her time to arranging her own personal life. At one time the girl lived with her grandmother, another time with her own father, and ran away from home at the age of 14.

Since then, Elena has not communicated with her relatives, and does not like to talk about it. It is known that she lived in Moscow and worked as an editorial assistant in a large publishing house.

She also worked part-time in the production house of Shapovalov (the creator of the TaTu group), and she recalls this time much more readily.

“I did small tasks, it’s not even a fact that I was paid. But I stayed there all night long and listened.” Monroe, Volochkova, Limonov wandered there. Natalia Vodianova with her English aristocratic husband.

Little is known about Elena's personal life. She is credited with an affair with the leader of the Voronezh group "7B" Ivan Demyan and photographer Dmitry Mikheev. It was Mikheev who nicknamed her Matilda for some unrealistic pre-revolutionary appearance.

By the way, Matilda she is now in the passport. New name - new destiny. Not the poor girl Lena from a remote village, but Matilda - mysterious, sophisticated, and a little pretentious.

For your beloved in St. Petersburg

The second time they met was at a Leningrad concert in 2006, the first concert after Luzhkov's ban was lifted. He came up and said, "Let's go!" Where are you going?” she wondered. "How where - e ... to go!".

That's all romance. Elena moved to Sergei in St. Petersburg, and after four years of relationship, Cord proposed to her. The romance this time was that at that moment he was looking for sausage in the refrigerator.

In St. Petersburg, the couple lived in a settled communal apartment in the Chaliapin House on the corner of the Kryukov Canal and Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue. In St. Petersburg, the girl graduated from the Institute of Technology, where she studied biochemistry. She even worked a little in her specialty in one of the laboratories, but soon chose to go into business.

What did Cord's bride do?

At first she helped Shnurov with the Blue Pushkin restaurant, then she opened her own restaurant. "KoKoKo" is a restaurant that has occupied the niche of the Moscow Patriarchs in St. Petersburg.

Gourmet food from farm products, from customers - ladies with BugaBoo strollers and their men. Shnurov himself drew a logo for the restaurant - the rest is all on Matilda.

She opened the Isadora amateur ballet school, where ex-soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, the Mariinsky Theater and the London ballet troupe. “There are enough professional schools, but there are no amateur schools at all. And people want to do ballet, as practice has shown.”

Matilda believes that loved ones should not get hung up on each other, and be sure to be distracted: “If I didn’t work, we would have parted a long time ago.”

Cords before and after

Obviously, Matilda has a very strong influence on Shnurov's whole life. And no matter how she claims that Cord is an absolutely independent and free figure, the transformation from a talented bum to a stylish rock idol is obvious. Cords - shave! Wear branded clothes! Gives out cunning after cunning, which are popular far beyond the fatal audience.

Interesting Notes:

Today it became known about the parting of the musician with his wife Matilda, and more recently they swore eternal love to each other.

The 45-year-old leader of the Leningrad group shocked the public. The girls are in mourning: “There is no love!”. The guys are sure: "Shnurov has a new girlfriend." And these assumptions are not accidental: Sergei is a noble womanizer - there were always luxurious beauties next to him. But the musician was not often faithful to them.

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya) seemed like the perfect couple, but something went wrong. And it seems that we know that ... We analyze all the love stories of Sergei Shnurov to make sure what a loving man he is.

First wife

Sergey met his first wife Maria Ismagilova in his student years - they studied in the same course at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Shnurov fell head over heels in love, quickly proposed, and soon happily awaited the birth of their first child. At the age of 20, Sergei became a father - the couple had a daughter, Serafima. To support his family, the man dropped out of both studies and music lessons. “I left in my third year, because by that time I had my first child, I had to feed my family, and ancient Greek and Old Testament had absolutely nothing to do with money. I had to give up spirituality and deal with a specific dough, - Shnurov explained the unfinished education. - Sima appeared in my life when I was 20, and saved my life with her birth. At that time, all my friends switched from marijuana to heroin, and I switched to a child.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter. A photo: personal archive musician

But Sergei Shnurov was passionate about music, careless, and Maria did not share his "libations" with musicians and absences from home. Sergei Shnurov did not want to stop his free lifestyle for the sake of his daughter - he preferred a divorce. The couple lived from 1992 to 1996. With daughter ex-wife she didn’t let me communicate, and Shnurov’s lifestyle during the growing up of the child was far from ideal - booze, women, noisy companies ...

And even when Sergei Shnurov with the Leningrad group became the idol of millions with his "alcoholic ska-punk", the heart of the former did not thaw. The daughter began to communicate with her father when she became independent.

Second wife

The second marriage of Sergei Shnurov was also short-lived: from 1999 to 2002. Svetlana Kostitsyna was an advanced music manager. The woman led the Pep-Ci group and began organizing concerts of the Leningrad group. In financial terms, the life of the musician was gradually getting better (although it was still far from the salaries of the 21st century). In 2000, Svetlana gave birth to Sergei's son Apollo. Soon the musician became interested in young girls. It is unlikely that even the wisest wife could like it. The couple divorced, but Svetlana and Sergey continued to work together for some time - Shnurov always financially supported his son.

Son of Sergei Shnurov Apollo. Photo: social networks

Third wife (civilian)

Sergei Shnurov and his third wife (civilian) Oksana Akinshina. Photo:

She met Sergei Shnurov on the set of the film "Games of the Moths". The star came to the shooting of the episode with his participation not very sober, but this did not stop him from having an affair. The girl studied in the 10th grade, Shnurov was 14 years older than Oksana. Love passions flared up serious.

The couple did not hide from prying eyes: in the morning, Sergei accompanied Oksana to school and, without hesitation, kissed on the school porch. Akinshina admitted to classmates that if it were not for her beloved Shnurov, she would not have come to the first lessons at all.

Teachers called Akinshina's mother - they complained about "success" in their studies. But everything was useless - the girl lived with Sergei Shnurov and she had no time for lessons.

By the way, it was Sergei who helped Oksana survive the death of Sergei Bodrov - Akinshina starred in his "" and was very upset by the tragedy. Cords supported and helped to survive a difficult period.

Young Akinshina was insanely jealous civil husband and arranged because of this noisy scenes. She paid the price for this - Shnurov abandoned her. At the beginning, he said about his relationship with Akinshina: “This is generally some kind of cosmos for me!” Escaped, tired of the scenes and scandals Sergei three years later.

Fourth wife

Sergei Shnurov and Matilda. Photo: social networks.

The musician ran away to another lover - to Elena Mozgova (Matilda). The wedding was played in 2010, during the years together, Matilda made a man out of Cord. The ballerina managed to curb "Shnurov's" drunkenness - and without the help of doctors and clinics. The leader of the "Leningrad" group learned to drink much less, became a stylish and respectable man, began to dress fashionably and expensively and earn very decent money. There are a lot of women around...

In an interview with a glossy magazine, Sergey answered the “sore question” why the couple does not have children: “We don’t talk about it and don’t think about it. I think that you should think about children when you have ... Let's say we now have two hundred and fifty square meters, Yes? Now, if five hundred, then it's worth it. And now we just won't part with them. It's hard for the two of us here." And Matilda did not hide that she was not “burning with desire” to become a mother: “I do not feel disgust for this, but there is no desire either ...”

Photo: social networks

A successful entrepreneur, socialite and just a beautiful and talented girl. She is the owner of the restaurant of author's cuisine "CoCoCo", as well as the founder of the ballet school "Isadora", whose motto was the phrase "Ballet for everyone!". Matilda is thirty-two years old. She was married for eight years to the leader of the scandalous musical group"Leningrad".

Family of Elena Mozgova

The head of the family is Vladimir, mother's name is Tatyana. Parents constantly quarreled, this led to a divorce. Soon Tatyana went down the aisle for the second time. Vladimir Nagorny became her chosen one. The newlyweds, together with little Lena, moved to live in the village of Livenka. A son was born in marriage, the boy was named Igor. The second marriage suffered the fate of the first, Tatyana and Vladimir filed for divorce.

Relations with children were very strained, there were often disagreements. After the divorce, my mother devoted herself to a deep study of the religious and philosophical tradition of Hinduism and began to pay less attention to children. My father also remarried. In the second marriage of Vladimir, two children were born - a boy and a girl. Matilda does not support relations with her half-sister and brother.

A tragic fate awaited Elena's close relatives. Her mother's brother Igor, being very young, crashed in a car accident, his stepfather drowned, and his father died early. FROM early years little Lena had a dream - to move from her small village to Big city. It is known that the girl was not an excellent student, she was given school subjects quite difficult.

Childhood and youth

The real name of our today's heroine is Elena Mozgovaya. The future socialite was born thirteenth July 1986 in a simple family. Childhood years passed in the villages of Losevo and Livenka, Voronezh region.

She was a friendly and outgoing child. She was a leader in her peer group and always knew how to stand up for herself and her friends. After graduation high school a seventeen-year-old girl went to conquer the capital and entered the university the first time All-Russian state institute cinematography named after Gerasimov Sergey Apollinarievich.

First steps on the career ladder

The girl arrived in Moscow without any connections or money. For help, she decided to turn to her fellow countryman, the soloist of the 7b band, Ivan Konstantinovich Demyan. The man happily helped young Elena to find the right people. So she met the famous producer Ivan Nikolaevich Shapovalov, who at that time produced the successful Tatu group. Shapovalov agreed to take the girl to his team to carry out small assignments.

In the producer's studio, frequent guests were famous people Russian show business. So our heroine met model Natalia Vodianova, her husband, French businessman Antoine Arnault, as well as a ballerina and a writer. In the same studio, Matilda met fashion photographer Dmitry Mikheev. Young people fell in love with each other at first sight, and soon they began a stormy romance.

It was Dmitry, who at that time worked as a gossip reporter in a popular glossy magazine, who advised Elena to take the creative pseudonym Matilda. According to him, this name was more original and sounded better. The girl listened to her lover, taking a pseudonym for herself, and after a while officially changed her name. Interestingly, the socialite for some time was listed as a student at the Institute of Technology, where she studied at the Faculty of Biochemistry.

Entrepreneurial career

From childhood, Matilda was fond of choreography. Dancing so fascinated her that she decided to open her own ballet school, which she called "Isadora". Only outstanding teachers teach at this ballet school. Matilda Shnurova also helped control affairs in the Blue Pushkin bar, which belonged to her husband.

Sergey Shnurov is a busy person, he was sorely lacking time to run this business, so he decided to make his beloved a full-fledged mistress. The girl very quickly managed to understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business. Her business went up career ladder and soon she opened her own establishment - a restaurant called "CoCoCo".

A couple of years later, the restaurant has become one of the most stylish and popular places to stay in the cultural capital, and all thanks to the talent of Matilda and the skill of her chef. Most often, visitors to the restaurant "CoCoCo" are rich and famous people. Among which are the owner's friends, socialite party girls, Nika Belotserkovskaya and Polina Kitsenko, Avdotya Smirnova and her spouses and many others.

Matilda Shnurova in the restaurant "CoCoCo"

Personal life

The personal life of a socialite is of interest to many. It is known that before with a rock musician, our heroine was in a relationship with others. famous men Russian show business. Long time There were rumors of an affair with famous representative press by Dmitry Mikheev, as well as about a short time love affair with actor Yevgeny Tsyganov and soloist of the musical group "7B" Ivan Demyan. Matilda Shnurova herself categorically refuses to confirm this information.

The girl was introduced to her husband Sergei Shnurov by a mutual friend who lives in the United States of America. For the first time, Matilda saw Sergey in 2006 at one of the concerts of the Leningrad group. She immediately liked the imposing musician. She did everything to charm an eccentric man. And she succeeded.

After the concert, the young people went to the local nightclubs of the city for further acquaintance. All night long, the soloist of the Leningrad group admired the beauty of Matilda, and even compared her with the appearance of the beautiful Swan from Mikhail Vrubel's canvas. Just then, the scandalous rock musician broke up with his civil wife Oksana Akinshina and was ready for a new relationship.

Soon Matilda and Sergei started a stormy romance that captured them for the next ten years. In 2010, the lovers legalized their relationship in the registry office and consecrated them in Orthodox church. The wedding was very chic and magical. It was attended by famous and prominent people such as sports commentator Vasily Vyacheslavovich Utkin, actor Ville Haapasalo, and theater and film director Vasily Alekseevich Barkhatov acted as a witness.

Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds settled in the center of St. Petersburg, the windows of their apartment overlook the Fontanka. In one of the interviews, the heroine of our article told how she loves her husband and feels him as her soul mate. Matilda and Sergey always had something to talk about, since both are erudite people, they also have many common hobbies.

The Shnurov family was told that they did not plan to have children. In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Matilda shared that she was not yet ready for motherhood. And her husband claims that they do not have enough living space, since, in his opinion, a family needs at least five hundred square meters. In the summer of 2016, the couple vacationed in California right from the hotel room, they staged an online broadcast, demonstrating a carefree relationship and sincerely enjoying each other's company. The spouse is absolutely not embarrassed by the media image of her beloved, on the contrary, she strongly supports all his undertakings.

Star husband Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov

Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov is one of the most scandalous artists in modern Russian show business. The future rock singer was born on the thirteenth of April 1973 in the city of Leningrad. The man is a successful Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter, and also an artist. Better known as a member of the Leningrad group and the founder of the Rubl group and a number of lesser-known projects.

Throughout almost the entire musical career he is the main figure in various scandals and gossip. Many of his compositions have been banned from television and radio because of the profanity they contain. Matilda's husband has become a real phenomenon of modern Russian show business. His work has been for long years remains popular and in demand among the audience. The topical ironic lyrics of the artist are close, perhaps, to each of us.

In the life of a famous showman, there were three official marriages, as well as many intrigues. The heroine of our article is the third wife of Sergei Shnurov. For the first time, he went down the aisle with Maria Ismagilova. The woman gave her husband a daughter, who was named Seraphim. The second wife was former director group "Pep-C" Svetlana Kostitsyna. In marriage, the boy Apollo was born, who was named after the poet Apollon Grigoriev.

Public person Date of birth July 13 (Cancer) 1986 (32) Place of birth Losevo Instagram @mshnurova

Matilda Shnurova - third wife Russian singer Sergei Shnurov, restaurateur, owner of a ballet school. Despite the fact that Matilda herself does not like to cook, she managed to make her restaurant one of the most worthy establishments in St. Petersburg. The star has been in a relationship with Shnurov for more than ten years. The couple are recognized as the most extravagant couple of Russian show business. At the same time, she has a positive effect on her husband, the singer changed his image and became interested in sports.

Biography of Matilda Shnurova

The star was born in the Voronezh region, grew up in an incomplete family, she was raised by her mother. Matilda's real name is Elena Mozgovaya. Her mother is a religious person, she often could not find a common language with her daughter, she married a second time when she was still a schoolgirl. The girl had a younger brother and sister.

After graduating from high school, the graduate hurried to move to Moscow. She dreamed of a career as an actress and planned to enter VGIK, but failed, neither artistry nor ballet past helped her to enter. But in the capital, the girl took a sonorous pseudonym and met Ivan Shapovalov, the producer of the Tatu group. At the time, he was about to launch a reality show. Matilda carried out his small assignments, got acquainted with famous musicians and made many useful contacts.

For some time, the girl worked as a reporter in a magazine, her duty was to cover secular news.

Later, Matilda decided to move to St. Petersburg. There she entered the SPbGTI (TU) at the Faculty of Biochemistry and for some time immersed herself in her studies.

The girl did not forget to have fun, at one of the parties a friend introduced her to musician Sergei Shnurov. He entrusted the girl with the management of his Blue Pushkin bar. Matilda did an excellent job with the duties of the manager, she was interested in the restaurant business.

In 2012 she opened her own restaurant called CoCoCo. The peculiarity of the institution is the presence of only Russian dishes on the menu. Matilda believes that in St. Petersburg there are already enough catering establishments specializing in any national cuisine, while native Russian dishes never lose their popularity.

The restaurant quickly gained an excellent reputation. Chef Igor Grishechkin helps Shnurov's wife Matilda to keep it at a high level. He is one of the best chefs in St. Petersburg.

The star does not like to stand at the stove, but demonstrates excellent managerial qualities. Her husband emphasizes that there is no merit in the popularity of CoCoCo, Matilda achieved everything on her own. Cords only helped design the restaurant's logo.

In 2010 the star opened the Isadora ballet school. Only experienced ballerinas work as teachers in it, both adults and children can attend classes. There are no restrictions on weight or build. "Isadora" invites everyone to master the art of ballet.

Matilda herself has a great stretch, she regularly visits gym In addition, she is engaged in her own ballet school. The girl is fond of the art of photography and takes lessons from best photographers She takes good pictures.

Matilda is indifferent to expensive jewelry, but it is important for her to be stylishly dressed. She considers her husband to be a great authority in matters of fashion.

The star often gives interviews and does not refuse to communicate with the media.

Personal life of Matilda Shnurova

According to the press, Matilda met for some time with the leader of the 7B group, Ivan Demyan. She was also tied romantic relationship with Evgeny Tsyganov.

Later she met Sergei Shnurov. This happened shortly after his breakup with actress Oksana Akinshina. In 2010 the wedding took place.

Shnurov admits that his wife is his creative inspiration. After meeting her, he became more scrupulous about the selection of soloists for his group. Now Shnurov collaborates only with married singers, as he does not want to give his wife a reason for jealousy.

The star couple has not yet acquired joint children. Matilda says she's not ready to be a mother yet. Sergey and she travel a lot in Europe, but their permanent place residence is St. Petersburg.