Thursday, November 5, Interstate aviation committee(IAC) with a recommendation to suspend the operation of Boeing 737 Classic and Next Generation aircraft. The reason is the non-compliance of these liners with safety standards due to the possible failure of the elevator control system. On the same day, the Federal Air Transport Agency announced that they would give the document a go only after consultation with representatives of the IAC, which was to be held on Friday, November 6. tells what the MAK does and what powers it has.

What is MAC?

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) is the executive body of 11 CIS states in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace. It was established on the basis of the intergovernmental "Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace" signed on December 30, 1991.

The parties to the agreement are:

  • Azerbaijan,
  • Armenia,
  • Belarus,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Moldova,
  • Russia,
  • Tajikistan,
  • Turkmenistan,
  • Uzbekistan,
  • Ukraine.

The headquarters of the IAC is located in Moscow at the address: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 22/2/1.

What does the organization do?

The IAC is engaged in the certification of aircraft, airfields and airlines and participates in the investigation of accidents in air transport. Organization performs technical work on decoding data from flight recorders, is engaged in the restoration of the course of events and gives an expert assessment. The final conclusion about the causes of disasters and guilt is made by the investigating authorities Russian Federation.

The tasks of the MAC also include:

Development and formation of the structure of unified aviation rules and procedures in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace in the CIS region and their compliance with the aviation rules of the world aviation communities;

Creation and maintenance of the unified certification system aviation technology and its production, its harmonization with other international systems;

Creation of a professional independent body for the investigation of aviation accidents, providing an objective investigation of aviation accidents not only in the territories of the states of the Commonwealth, but also beyond their borders;

Protection for the CIS countries of the air transport services market through interstate agreements and agreed regulations in the field of tariffs and mutual settlements;

Coordination of interaction between authorities in emergency situations and in zones of local military conflicts on the territory of the states parties to the agreement;

The fight against unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation. Development international cooperation with states and international civil aviation organizations.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was established on a contractual basis on December 30, 1991. It is included in the ICAO Register of International Intergovernmental Organizations and registered in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

IAC is an intergovernmental organization sovereign states region of Eastern Europe who joined the Agreement on Civil Aviation and on the Use of Airspace, which was signed in Minsk (Republic of Belarus). As of the end

2005, 12 states are parties to the Agreement: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Two states - the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia - have the status of observers.

In accordance with the powers delegated by the founding states, the IAC is intended to serve the goals of a unified policy and coordination of activities in the field of the use of airspace, air traffic control, certification of aircraft, airfields and equipment, investigation of aviation accidents, ensuring the unification of the Aviation Rules systems, development of a coherent policy in the field of air transport, coordination of development and implementation of interstate scientific and technical programs. Since the degree of delegation of powers of the IAC by the founding states is not the same, the nature of their participation in the activities of the IAC has significant differences.

The main activities of the MAC are:

    development and formation of the structure of unified Aviation rules and procedures in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace in the CIS region, as well as their harmonization with the Aviation Rules recognized by the World Aviation Community;

    creation and maintenance of the unified certification system for aviation equipment and its production, its harmonization with other international systems;

    preservation for the CIS member states of a professional independent body for the investigation of aviation accidents, which ensures an objective investigation of aviation accidents not only in the territories of the Commonwealth states, but also beyond their borders;

    protection for the CIS countries of the market of air transport services through interstate agreements and agreed regulations in the field of tariffs and mutual settlements;

    coordinating the interaction of authorized bodies in emergency situations and in zones of local military conflicts on the territory of the states - parties to the Agreement;

    the fight against unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation;

    development of international cooperation with the states and international organizations of civil aviation in order to integrate the states-participants of the Agreement into the world aviation community.

Almost a detective story! And, it seems, with the continuation ... In November 2015, the government of the Russian Federation decided to redistribute the functions of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) between the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to this decision, the functions to determine the procedure for certification of international and commercial airports, types of aircraft and a number of other important aviation systems were transferred to the Ministry of Transport. The process of certification and verification of certification requirements should be carried out by specialists from the Federal Air Transport Agency. The Ministry of Industry and Trade received the authority to certify enterprises related to the production of aircraft. And an incomprehensible fuss began.

The pressure on the IAC began when, as part of the development of the Federal Law-253 of July 21, 2014, amendments were made to Art. 8 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation in terms of empowering the Federal Air Transport Agency to issue permits to developers and manufacturers of civil aircraft.

Without logic

Since the initiators of the changes did not imagine how the “innovations” would start working in practice, with the adoption of this law, the previously existing government documents, according to which the MAK performed the functions of an authorized body for certification of developers and manufacturers in the Russian Federation, were not canceled or changed. And the Aviation Register of the IAC continued to work in all directions. The final start to the previously adopted decisions was given in November 2015.

According to aviation experts, the situation unfolding around the IAC has no logic. After all, the entire contractual base with EASA, FAA and ICAO hangs on it. When the functions of the Federal Air Transport Agency are transferred, all of it "flies", not only in Russia, but throughout the aviation space of the former USSR. The IAC is the regulator of the entire post-Soviet space and acts on behalf of all former parts of the Union in the external aviation sector. Even Ukraine, which, in defiance of Russia (by the way, it was under Viktor Yanukovych) introduced its own register system, then, having come to its senses, did not begin to break ties with the IAC. Having started the process of creating a national register, she ran into the impossibility of creating an external contractual and legal base in the global aviation space, which the IAC has.

Drawn certificates

At the end of 2015, the head of the government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, made the final decision on the actual liquidation of this institution. It should be noted that Mr. Medvedev has long disliked MAK. After the crash of the Yak-42 aircraft in Yaroslavl, it can be said that Medvedev stopped the operation of this type of aircraft. POPPY considers: the equipment was in order, but there are questions about the work of the Federal Air Transport Agency. I remember that then the testing of flight schools began, they caught someone on fictitious diplomas and false certificates. But the matter was hushed up.

In connection with this disaster, Alexander Neradko, head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, launched an attack on the MAK. Minister Denis Manturov has his own interest. He repeatedly tried to push through the IAC the issuance of a developer and manufacturer certificate for the Russian Helicopters JSC (VR) he created. And I regularly received an answer: for certification in accordance with AP-21, it is required to prepare Required documents(including real material production). But BP is a bureaucratic superstructure of about 800 people. She is an ordinary shareholder of a number of helicopter assets, each of which has its own production certificates.

and / or the development of aviation technology, does not have on its balance sheet. After several attempts to persuade the leadership of the MAC, Manturov, apparently, began to “draw” certificates from the Ministry of Industry and Trade himself. But it’s just that no one outside of Russia still recognizes them. However, this does not prevent companies from selling them at a reasonable price, receiving fees for "certification".

What will destruction lead to?

The interest in the “overclocking” of the MAK was also federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS), which, together with BP, came up with its own system of external "military certification" of repair enterprises. Although it seems that this is a completely illegal act, since in other countries military trade and repair services are regulated in the same way as in the Russian Federation, at the level of special national regulators.

Thus, it turns out that the group of persons interested in the liquidation of the IAC is Denis Manturov (Minister of Industry and Trade), the leadership of the FSMTC and Alexander Neradko (Rosaviatsiya), and headed it on behalf of Dmitry Medvedev Arkady Dvorkovich. This group organized the “collision” with the MAK.

Undoubtedly, in many areas there are questions about the activities of the IAC and its leader, Tatyana Anodina. But this cannot be the reason for the destruction of the whole interstate institution, on which the entire contractual base on aviation issues rests. The destruction of the IAC will entail the collapse of the entire external contractual base, not only for the Russian Federation, but also for the countries of the former USSR.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade switched the arrows

Against the background of the desire of the Russian authorities to integrate the states former Union V single system the collapse of the IAC (a ready-made integrator of the aviation space) looks like the absence of any elementary state logic.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade, having faced big problems in matters of reorganization, has already switched the arrows to the Federal Air Transport Agency. And Russia sent out official notification notes that the functions of the IAC are being transferred to the Federal Air Transport Agency. But not a single one received a positive response.

The organizers of the destruction of the MAK did not attach importance to the fact that aviation security issues are not regulated by notification. There is a bilateral principle of recognition of qualifications and other attributes of this direction.

The US and the EU have aligned their positions for eight years, and this is with a completely favorable attitude. No one knows how many Alexander Neradko will join them in the current conditions of Russia's confrontation with the West.

To create a contractual framework with EASA, it is necessary to sign an intergovernmental agreement with the European Commission. But this is a big problem, because if at least one EU state is against it, then Russia will not see such an agreement.

And before it's too late, this process must be urgently stopped. Since the decision to transfer the functions previously performed by the IAC to the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the proper execution of the powers assigned to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Air Transport Agency in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2015 No. 1283 has not been organized.

In a high risk area

The Russian aviation industry is at high risk of zeroing the export potential for civil aviation products (SSJ, MS-21 programs, Mi-172, Mi-171A1, Ka-32A11BC helicopters, etc.) at least throughout the entire period of work on recognition new system certification. Considering that in the modern world there is a high level of competition in the aviation sector, it can be assumed that the reformatting of aviation regulation will be used by external competitors both in the global market and to obtain preferences within Russia in exchange for even partial recognition of the new certification system.

To get out of this situation, it would be useful to cancel earlier decisions and return to the already created system based on the IAC, to change the leadership within the framework of Russian law in this organization. And also to convene the Council on Aviation and the Use of Airspace. Approve a new candidate for the post of chairman. Adopt updated rules of procedure for the work of the Council. But professional competence the new leader must be recognized by ICAO and other international aviation structures. Lawyers and "effective managers" will not be accepted there.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) is the executive body of 11 states of the former USSR (Commonwealth of Independent States) for functions and powers delegated by states in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the European Union agency for the regulation and enforcement of civil aviation safety tasks.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the central authority government controlled USA in the field of civil aviation.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - specialized agency the UN, establishing international norms civil aviation and coordinating its development in order to improve safety and efficiency.

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC of Russia) is the federal executive body of Russia, exercising control and supervision in the field of military-technical cooperation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Investigative Committee will compare the data of the “black boxes” of the A321 that landed on the field with the video of eyewitnesses ...other documents "relevant to establishing the truth". TASS source in Interstate aviation committee(IAC) said that the department had deciphered the recording from the flight recorders of the liner ... the investigation of the emergency got acquainted with the decryption, he noted. Interim report committee the results of the investigation will be prepared within 30 days, added... IAC showed A321 recorders after an emergency landing on a field in the suburbs ... in a normal state, the records on them have been preserved, noted in the IAC. Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) published on its website photos of the flight recorders from the passenger ... it will not be restored. On August 18, specialists with the permission of the Investigative committee began dismantling the interior and passenger seats. As a result of the incident,... The IAC reported on the progress of decoding the "black boxes" of the A321 that landed in the field ... "the record is clear, good." Experts consider it premature to talk about the end of decryption. Interstate aviation Committee(MAC) copied data from flight recorders passenger aircraft Airbus A321... IAC published an interim report on the An-24 crash in Buryatia ... recommended checking the braking systems of all An-24s and An-26s. Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) came to the conclusion that the June accident of the An-24 aircraft ... . This is stated in the interim report (.pdf), posted on the website committee. “... on the descent, the left engine failed, the crew performed actions for feathering ... How was the SSJ100 flight before the accident. Reconstruction of RBC according to IAC Only 14% of Russians are ready to fly by plane Russian production. On May 5, Aeroflot's SSJ100 made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo and caught fire. 41 people died. RBC reconstructed the events based on the MAK report. According to the survey of Sberbank "Ivanov Consumer Index", conducted after the SSJ100 disaster, which operated the flight Moscow - Murmansk, ... IAC responded to the accusations of the Central Bank against the ex-co-owners of Transaero ... that its chairman, Tatyana Anodina, sold all the shares legally. Chairman Interstate aviation committee(IAC) Tatyana Anodina knows nothing about the manipulation of the company's shares ... their further transfer to Aeroflot by decision government commission, stated in committee. In early 2016, it was public knowledge that the company's fortunes were... IAC announced 10 attempts to change the trajectory of a burned-out SSJ in 18 seconds ... tried to get the desired flight path. This follows from the preliminary report Interstate aviation committee(POPPY). “To create a roll of about 20 degrees, the pilot performed more ... IAC will conduct an internal investigation due to publications about the death of SSJ100 ... , emphasized in the IAC Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) will conduct an internal investigation into the facts of publication of materials in the media. This is stated in the message. committee. In publications... IAC asks the media to send audio and video confirmation of Kofman's published statements. IN committee emphasized that he is not a member of the technical commission, which ...

Society, Mar 20, 03:54

The number of victims of air crashes in Russia has increased by two and a half times ... catastrophe, 128 people died, follows from a report published on the website Interstate aviation committee(POPPY). At the same time, in 2017, 39 air accidents were recorded ... those who died due to air crashes. "By preliminary assessment, in 2018 aviation accidents for all types of work, due to the human factor, amount to 75 ... The government approved the draft agreement on the creation of an analogue of the IAC in the EAEU ... draft agreement establishing an International Bureau of Investigation aviation accidents and serious incidents - analogue Interstate aviation committee(MAC) in the EAEU countries. A document submitted by the Ministry of Transport ... CIS (except Georgia). Russia in 2015 withdrew from jurisdiction committee functions of certification of aircraft, engines and airfields - they were distributed among the Federal Air Transport Agency ... The deadline for signing an agreement on the creation of an analogue of the IAC for the EAEU countries has been announced ... union (EAEU), may sign a document on the creation of an analogue before September Interstate aviation committee(IAC), which will investigate accidents on the territory of the countries of the union, said ... it will have to replace the IAC. As the Kommersant newspaper reported, the work of the International aviation committee raises questions from "many" States and the International Civil Aviation Organization. Saratov Airlines accused MAK of slander because of the words about the murder ... department Saratov Airlines announced slander from Interstate aviation committee(POPPY). In this regard, the company sent an appeal to the prosecutor's office ... on February in the Moscow region. The victims of the disaster were 71 people. According to Interstate aviation committee, the cause of the disaster was the icing of the full pressure receivers, which distorted the readings ... IAC joined the investigation of the Tu-154 crash ... Specialists Interstate aviation committee(IAC) flew to Sochi to take part in the investigation of the Tu-154 crash of the Ministry of Defense over the Black Sea Expert Interstate aviation committee(MAK) will join the commission to investigate the crash of the Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense over the Black Sea. RBC was told about this by a press secretary committee ... The Interstate Aviation Committee will deal with the plane crash in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug ... Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) formed a commission to investigate the crash of the A-22L aircraft in ... RBC Tyumen reported, the A-22LS aircraft operated by Siberian Base LLC aviation forest protection", crashed on August 16, 85 kilometers from ...

Society, 23 Mar 2016, 10:41

Experts began laying out fragments of the crashed Boeing in Rostov ... March. It is reported by Interfax with reference to official representative Interstate aviation committee(POPPY). “The layout has begun, the fragments of the aircraft are in a different state. Basically... and seven crew members. They all died. After the plane crash Committee(SK) called the main versions of what happened pilot error, bad weather and ...

Society, 21 Mar 2016, 21:56

IAC copied information from the voice recorder of the crashed Boeing ... Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) completed work on copying information from the cockpit voice recorder ... of the aircraft and crew. Earlier, Deputy Head of the IAC Sergei Zaiko said that committee managed to get information from the Boeing parametric recorder. Sound recorder like... The authorities will consider the possibility of depriving the IAC of the certification function ... get the functions and certification powers that were previously granted Interstate aviation committee. The discussion of this issue is contained in the agenda of the meeting of the Russian government in ... the transfer of the functions of the IAC to the federal executive authorities responsible for aviation security, in early November, the government turned Public Chamber. How...

Aviation committee. Recall that last time Interstate the aviation committee published news about the results of the investigation of the plane crash in ... with a pick of the IAC and the Federal Air Transport Agency, it reached a high level, therefore Interstate aviation committee We need to make our position clear," he said. According to O. Panteleev...

Echo of the Kazan disaster: why the IAC had claims against the Boeing 737 ... 2013. RBC recalled the circumstances of this accident Friday morning Interstate aviation Committee explained the reason for the withdrawal of Russian certificates for Boeing 737 aircraft ... elevator control systems, according to the IAC. Myself committee Jun 29, 2015, 10:49 IAC completes investigation into crash of Eurocopter helicopter in Nizhny Novgorod region Interstate aviation Committee(IAC) completed the investigation into the crash of the helicopter Eurocopter AS-350B3 RA-04032 ... in November last year in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The report is published on the website committee.Aircraft owned by NanoStroyInvest LLC, which leased the helicopter ...

International aviation organizations

transport - are divided into intergovernmental (MMAO) and non-governmental (MNAO). MMAOs are created by states on the basis of international treaties that define the goals and objectives of organizations, membership in them, the rights and obligations of their participants, the structure and competence of working bodies, etc. MMAOs are recognized as subjects international law. They are entitled to conclude international treaties with states and among themselves and are responsible for the observance of treaties, to adopt recommendations and other legal acts.
Depending on the circle of participants, MMAOs are universal, for example (ICAO), or regional (EKAK, Eurocontrol, AFKAK, ASEKNA, KOKESNA, LAKAK, KAKAS). They have a similar structure: higher governing body- Assembly, Plenary session, etc.; The current activities of the MMAO are provided by the executive bodies. Under the executive bodies in some MMAOs, special committees or commissions subordinate to them are created, which develop organizational, technical, administrative, legal issues of civil aviation activities. The supreme governing bodies of the MMAO during the sessions approve the reports of the executive bodies, hear the reports of committees and experts, adopt resolutions and recommendations.
European Civil Aviation Conference(EKAK) was established in 1954, headquartered in Strasbourg, EKAK members are 22 European states. Admission of new members from among European states - only with the general consent of all members of EKAK. The objectives of the EKAK are: to promote cooperation between European states in the field of air transport for its more efficient and orderly development, to ensure the systematization and standardization of general technical requirements for new aviation equipment, including air navigation equipment and a communication system, to study flight safety issues, to collect statistical data on flight accidents. The highest governing body is the Plenary Conference, the highest executive bodies are the Coordinating Committee and standing committees. EKAK decisions are advisory in nature. EKAK cooperates with more than 20 MMAOs and MNAOs related to air transport - IATA, EARB, Eurocontrol, ICAA and others - and is obliged to submit annual reports consultative assembly of the European Union.
African Civil Aviation Commission(AFKAK) established in 1969, headquarters in Dakar, members of AFCAK - 41 states; they can be any African states - members of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and interested in the activities of the Economy, the UN Commission for Africa (ECA). Objectives of AFKAK: development of a common policy of AFKAK member states in the use of civil aviation, discussion and necessary measures for cooperation and coordination of their activities in the field of civil aviation, promotion of more efficient use and improvement of African air transport. AFKAK is also involved in the study of the standardization of airborne equipment and ground facilities, the consideration of tariffs in Africa and other issues. supreme body AFKAK - Plenary session, the highest executive body - the Bureau. AFKAK decisions are advisory in nature. In carrying out its tasks, AFCAC cooperates closely with the OAU and ICAO, and may also cooperate with any other international organization in the field of civil aviation.
Latin American Civil Aviation Commission(LAKAK) established in 1973, headquarters in Lima, members of LAKAK - 19 states. Members of LAKAK can only be the states of the South and Central America, including Panama, Mexico and states located in the basin caribbean. Objectives of LAKAK: collection and publication of statistical data on air traffic by points of departure and destination, study of tariff policy in the field of air transport, development of recommendations on compliance with tariffs in the implementation of international air transport in the region, creation of its own legal mechanism for ensuring tariff compliance and imposition of sanctions, Supreme the governing body is the Assembly, the highest executive body is the Executive Committee. LACAC cooperates with ICAO and other international organizations in the field of civil aviation. LAKAK is an advisory body, therefore its decisions and recommendations require the approval of each of its members.
Civil Aviation Council Arab States (KAKAS) was established in 1967, headquarters in Rabat, members - 20 states. Any member state of the League of Arab States can be a member of CACAS. Objectives of CACAS: study international standards and ICAO recommendations of interest to Arab countries, international agreements in the field of civil aviation, guidance scientific research on various aspects of air transport and air navigation, promotion of information dissemination, settlement of disputes, disagreements between CACAS member states, planning of education and training of specialists from Arab countries in civil aviation services. The activities of CACAS contribute to increasing the efficiency of regular international air transportation performed by the airlines of the Arab States, expanding domestic and international routes, modernizing existing air navigation facilities and using modern equipment for servicing air traffic in the region. The supreme governing body is the Council, the executive bodies are the Executive Committee and permanent subcommittees. KAKAS cooperates with ICAO, AFKAK, EKAK and other international organizations in the field of civil aviation.
European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation(Eurocontrol) established in 1960, headquartered in Brussels, members - 10 European countries. Membership is open to everyone European countries subject to the consent of all Eurocontrol members. The goals of Eurocontrol are to ensure air navigation and flight safety, to control and coordinate traffic aircraft civil aviation and air force in the upper airspace over the territory of the member states of Eurocontrol, the development of unified flight rules and the activities of air navigation services. The supreme governing body is the Permanent Commission, consisting of representatives of states in the rank of ministers of civil aviation and defense, the highest executive bodies are the Air Traffic Services Agency, the Committee of Governors, the Secretariat. Eurocontrol cooperates with ICAO, IATA and other international organizations in the field of civil aviation.
Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar(ASECNA) established in 1960, headquarters in Dakar, members of ASECNA - 13 African states. Membership is open to African States subject to the consent of all ASECNA members. ASECNA goals: ensuring the regularity and safety of aircraft flights over the territory of ASECNA member states, management, operation and maintenance of airfields, mediation in the provision of financial and technical assistance. The highest governing body is the Administrative Council, the highest executive bodies are the General Directorate, representative offices. Council decisions are binding on member states. ASECNA cooperates with ICAO in the preparation and implementation of the recommendations of the ICAO Assembly.
Central American Air Navigation Services Organization(COQUESNA) established in 1960, headquartered in Tegucigalpa, members of COQUESNA are 5 Central American states. Objectives of COQESNA: to provide the air navigation services provided for in the ICAO Regional Plan for flights over the territory of COQESNA Member States and other areas specified in international agreements, airports and air navigation equipment of Member States. The highest governing body is the Administrative Council, the highest executive bodies are the Technical Commission, the Secretariat. KOKESNA receives technical assistance from ICAO and the Agency international development the United States, which is interested in this organization, since American airlines own a large number of aircraft served by COQUESNA.
The activities of the MNAO, whose members in most cases are legal entities(transport companies), is devoted to special issues of international air traffic. The statutes of the MNAO determine their goals, objectives, membership, rights and obligations of members of the organization, the structure and competence of the working bodies, and the main areas of activity. MNAO in their activities are guided by domestic legislation and international law. MNAO actively cooperate with ICAO and have observer status in ICAO. MNAO, on assignment from ICAO, prepare expert opinions on issues of their specialization.
International Air Transport Association(IATA) was established in 1945, headquarters in Montreal, full and associate members of IATA - 188 airlines from 117 countries. "" - a member of IATA since 1989. Associate members of IATA are domestic airlines, they use an advisory vote in IATA. Since 1980, "partial" membership has been allowed in IATA for those airlines that do not want to participate in the setting of air transport tariffs. IATA Objectives: To promote the development of safe, regular and economical air transport, to encourage aviation commercial activities and the study of related problems, ensuring the development of cooperation between airlines participating in air services. IATA generalizes and disseminates experience in the economic and technical operation of airlines, develops standard ones between airlines, organizes the coordination of flight schedules between airlines and their work with agents selling transportation. The supreme body is the General Meeting, the executive body is the Executive Committee (the CEO is appointed by him). The position of President, elected by the General Assembly, is mostly honorary. The main bodies of IATA also include transportation conferences, which develop passenger and freight rates and rules for their application, unified General terms transportation, passenger service standards, samples of transportation documentation, etc. For the tariffs developed by IATA to come into force, they must be approved by the governments concerned. IATA works closely with ICAO and other international organizations.
International Civil Airports Association(ICAA) established in 1962, headquartered in Paris, full members- 113 (208 airports from 65 countries); associated - 19; honorary - 4. Sheremetyevo Airport - a member of ICAA. Main tasks: to promote the development of cooperation between civil airports of all countries, the development of common positions of ICAA members, as well as the development of civil airports in the interests of air transport in general, ICAA has a special UN consultative status on the construction and operation of airports. Supreme body - General Assembly, the governing body - the Administrative Council, the executive bodies - the Executive Committees and the General Secretariat. The Association cooperates with ICAO, aircraft manufacturers and other international organizations.
International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations(IFALPA) was established in 1948, headquartered in London, IFALPA members are 66 national associations, including Russian pilots of international airlines. The goals of IFALPA are to protect the interests of pilots and increase their role in the development of a safe and regular air communication system, cooperation and unity of action of civil aviation pilots. IFALPA promotes the development of aviation technology, ensures that the operation of new types of aircraft at the same time provides safe and comfortable working conditions for pilots. The Federation protects the interests of pilots by profession, assists its associations in establishing fair and reasonable wages and working hours. The highest governing body is the Conference, the highest executive body is the Bureau. IFALPA actively cooperates with other international aviation organizations.
International Society for Aeronautical Telecommunications(SITA) established in 1949, headquartered in Brussels, members - 206 airlines from 98 countries. Aeroflot has been a member of SITA since 1958. The goals of SITA are: to study, create, acquire, use and operate in all countries the means necessary for the transmission and processing of information related to the work of SITA member airlines. The highest governing body is the General Assembly, the highest executive body is the Board of Directors, which includes CEOs airlines - members of SITA. From the Board of Directors, the General Assembly appoints the Executive Committee, which manages the day-to-day activities of the company. SITA cooperates with IATA in its activities.
International Federation of Independent Air Transport(FITAP) was established in 1947, headquartered in Paris, full and associate members - 60 airlines from 12 countries. The goals of FITAP are: to coordinate the activities of airlines - FITAP members and protect their interests, including private entrepreneurs in the operation of aircraft on international routes, the elimination of restrictions for private non-monopolized airlines and the study of technical, economic and legal issues, commercial activities of civil aviation. The highest governing body is the General Assembly, the highest executive body is the Executive Committee.
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations(IFATKA) was established in 1961, headquartered in Amsterdam, members are national associations of 32 countries. IFATCA objectives: to improve the safety, efficiency and regularity of international air navigation, to promote the safety and regularity of the air traffic control system, to maintain high level knowledge and vocational training air traffic controllers. The highest governing body is the Conference, the highest executive body is the Council.
International Air Carriers Association(IAKA) was established in 1971, headquarters in Strasbourg, members - 17 airlines from 9 countries. Aims of IAKA; development of ways and methods to increase the efficiency of participation in international charter operations, development of air traffic by improving the quality of charter services, strengthening communication and cooperation between international charter companies. The highest governing body is the Assembly, the highest executive body is the Executive Committee. In its activities, IAKA cooperates with ICAO, EKAK, AFKAK, Eurocontrol.
International Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations(IOAPA) was established in 1962, headquarters in Washington, members - national civil aviation organizations of 20 countries. Main tasks: ensuring coordination of views and opinions of associate members of the Council, development of standardization in order to improve regulation and flight management; development of recommendations on the use of planning systems in order to improve flight safety and the efficiency of air transportation. The highest governing body is the Council Administration.
Air Transport Institute(ITA) was established in 1944, headquartered in Paris, became an international organization in 1954, 390 members from 63 countries: government agencies, air transport operators, aircraft or aircraft equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, banks, higher educational establishments etc. In addition, private individuals can be members of the ITA. Aims of the ITA: study of economic, technical and other problems in the field of international air transport and tourism. The supreme governing body is the General Assembly, the executive bodies are the Administrative Council and the Directorate. In its activities, ITA maintains relations with ICAO, IATA and other international organizations.
European Bureau of Air Research(EARB) was established in 1952, headquartered in Brussels, members are the 20 largest Western European airlines, carrying out about 95% of all air traffic in Europe. The objectives of the EARB are to study the problems of improving the development of commercial air transport in Europe by analyzing statistical data, to coordinate the work of airlines - members of the EARB, helping to counteract competition from other airlines when operating airlines on the European continent. EARB publishes quarterly bulletins, reports and classifications of European air traffic, information on their seasonal fluctuations, as well as data on the development of intra-European passenger traffic, reviews of the world state of air transport and comparative analysis its development in Europe and the USA. The highest governing body is the Assembly, the highest executive bodies are the General Secretariat and the Preparatory Committee.
Information about membership in M. a. O. belong to the beginning of 1990.

Aviation: Encyclopedia. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Chief Editor G.P. Svishchev. 1994 .