It's amazing how quickly everything is changing in the field of Russian military electronics, electronic warfare and similar means in the Russian army. Some time ago, they only said that in Russia they use only the backlog developed in the Soviet Union. But look, it would seem that only four years ago, a lot was written about the Khibiny at the same time.

And now these unique electronic warfare systems are being changed in the troops for new and more modern ones. The details are amazing...

Troops of electronic warfare (EW) received a multifunctional transformer station. Mobile complexes "Divnomorye" suppress radars and other on-board radio-electronic systems of aircraft, helicopters and drones. The station also creates powerful interference for "flying radars" - E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye and E-8 JSTAR. Depending on the target, the system chooses the type of interference and the method of setting them up, which is why it received the nickname "transformer station" among the troops. According to experts, the novelty will bring the Russian EW troops to a new technological level.

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that the first Divnomorye electronic warfare systems will be delivered to the troops this year. They have already been tested and trial operation. Currently, specialists are being trained to work on new equipment.

New complex it is capable of blocking objects from radar detection with an "umbrella" of interference in a section of several hundred kilometers. This is enough to reliably cover command posts, groupings of troops, air defense systems, important industrial and administrative-political facilities. The station effectively counteracts air and ground detection systems. The novelty can "hammer" with powerful interference the equipment of several radar aircraft at a distance of several hundred kilometers. It is also capable of effectively influencing spy satellites.

It is planned that Divnomorye will replace three electronic warfare systems in the army at once: Moskva, Krasukha-2 and Krasukha-4. It is noteworthy that these systems began to arrive in parts and subdivisions only five years ago, in 2013.

- "Moskva", "Krasukha-2" and "Krasukha-4" are the so-called C complexes, that is, aircraft. They are designed to combat aviation radars, as well as communication and information transmission systems, - told Izvestia Chief Editor Internet project Militaryrussia Dmitry Kornev. - In fact, these stations form a single complex. "Moskva" detects the enemy, determines the type and characteristics of his electronic equipment. This data is transmitted to other systems. "Krasukha-2" is responsible for the fight against early warning aircraft. Therefore, it is equipped with a huge parabolic antenna. "Krasukha-4" interferes with other types of aircraft.

"Divnomorye" is at the same time high-tech command post, an electronic intelligence station and a powerful means of suppression. The complex includes only one machine on an all-terrain chassis. The system deploys to combat position in just a few minutes. This makes her highly mobile and virtually invulnerable. The complex is covertly advanced to an advantageous position, performs combat mission and imperceptibly moves away from the blow.

The main advantage of Divnomorye is full automation. When a target is detected, the system independently analyzes the signal and determines its type, direction and radiation power. Based on these data, tactical specifications object. After that, the automation draws up a suppression plan and independently selects the most effective type of interference. Further, the system affects the enemy radar with powerful noise radiation.

The creation of universal and robotic means is the main main direction in the development of Russian EW troops, said military historian Dmitry Boltenkov.

“Divnomorye brings domestic electronic warfare equipment to a new technological level,” the expert noted. - The complex is capable of suppressing a wide range of targets with minimal participation of people and acting autonomously.

Today, Russia is considered one of the leading powers in terms of development electronic warfare. By 2020, it is planned to upgrade equipment in the electronic warfare troops by more than two-thirds.

The bomber aviation regiment of the Western Military District (ZVO), stationed in the Voronezh region, received improved Khibiny complexes for modernization.
As a result of the modernization, the capabilities of electronic warfare (EW) equipment of the Su-34 multifunctional front-line bomber have been significantly expanded. The new complex made it possible to increase the capabilities of front-line aviation of the Western Military District by installing an additional special container on the aircraft.

Electronic warfare systems "Khibiny" of the previous generation were intended only for the protection of the bomber itself, now they have acquired the possibility of group protection of aircraft.

Also, the crews of the Su-34 will be able to interact in an automated mode with ground interspecific groupings of troops and other aircraft- airplanes and drones.

Modern experience combat use aircraft equipped with a new generation of electronic warfare systems will expand the combat potential of the aircraft and optimize the work of units in the conduct of maneuverable air battles. Also, the improved electronic warfare systems of the Khibiny will increase the survivability of the crew of the Su-34 bombers due to the possibility of uninterrupted long-range launches, the press service of the Western Military District reports.


Located in the village of Stroitel, Tambov Region, not far from regional center. Deployed in part 15 separate electronic warfare brigade(EW). It carries out a deliberate impact on the enemy's radio-electronic objects and the protection of its own command and control systems for troops and weapons using radio emission. Distinctive characteristic Electronic warfare - the remoteness of information operations, during which the personnel are significantly removed from the object of influence.

History of military unit 71615

The term "electronic warfare" first appeared in Russia in 1969, although radio communications to counter the enemy began to be used as early as the beginning of the 20th century. IN separate view troops, units and subunits of electronic warfare were allocated only 40 years later. In 2009 based on the 225th separate regiment EW, located at that time, in military unit 64055, in the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region, the 15th EW brigade was formed. On April 21, 2011, she received a combat symbol - the Battle Banner, and in the same year she was relocated to the Tambov region in military unit 71615.

Service in the 15th separate electronic warfare brigade

Military unit 71615 was located on the territory of the former Tambov military school, which is why the village of Stroitel, locals called - "Infantry". Premises educational institution perfectly suited to accommodate the administrative apparatus, classrooms and barracks. Accommodation in the barracks is quite comfortable, each has: 4 shower rooms, 1 rest room and a room for sports. The military serving under the contract are placed separately from the military conscripts. Household duties are performed by civilian workers. Fighters are attracted to them only once a week - on Saturdays.

Upon arrival at the unit, within a period not exceeding 30 days, recruits master the course of a young soldier, after which they are sworn in. Traditionally, the military oath ceremony is held on Saturdays and relatives are allowed to attend.
From time to time, military personnel are taken to field exercises, which, as a rule, take place at the training ground of the village of Tregulay, 5 km away. from Tambov.

The monetary allowance of military personnel goes to the card of VTB Bank, "contract servicemen" - 2 times a month, "conscripts" - 1 time.

Medical care and nutrition

Every day, the unit conducts an inspection of the rank and file to identify diseases or injuries, which is one of the measures to prevent hazing, which, according to those who have been in the unit, is absent here. Medical service and treatment is carried out in the infirmary at the unit or in a military hospital in Tambov.
There is a dining room and a tea room in the part. Great importance is paid to the quality of food, therefore, on an ongoing basis, it is checked for compliance with sanitary standards.

Leave and contact with relatives

Electronic warfare complex "Moscow-1" / Photo:

On July 13, more than 1,000 conscripts who arrived at the Tambov Interspecific Center for the Training and Combat Use of Electronic Warfare Troops (EW) began training in 23 specialties on more than 40 types of electronic warfare products and complex technical control(CTC).

One of the main features of training for the position junior specialists will be training in the operation of new electronic warfare systems, and Leer-3. At the same time, for the complexes, "Krasukha-20" and the training of cadets will be carried out for the first time. This is due, first of all, to the arrival of the latest models of weapons and military equipment EW. It should be noted that in 2014 more than 10 units of the electronic warfare troops were re-equipped with modern models of equipment.

Training of cadets will take place in three stages: improvement of the initial military training, combined arms training and professional training. The main focus during educational process will be given practical work on vehicles, including at night.

In the new period of study, a significant part of the classes is devoted to practical exercises on specialized simulators industrial production and computer simulators developed by specialists of the Tambov Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use of EW Troops.

The four-month training will end with passing exams and obtaining a certificate of an electronic warfare (CPC) specialist, then the military personnel will be sent to formations, military units and electronic warfare units (CPC) as operators and senior operators, the press service of the Ministry of Defense reports. Russian Federation.

Technical reference

Complexes developed and adopted by the Russian army "Krasukha"- these are complexes of electronic suppression (REP) and protection. REP is a set of actions and measures that are aimed at disrupting or disrupting work, as well as reducing the combat effectiveness of the use of electronic means and systems by the enemy by exposing their receiving devices to electronic interference. Modern electronic suppression includes: radio, optoelectronic, radio engineering and hydroacoustic suppression.

REB can be provided by creating active and passive interference, as well as the use of various kinds of decoys and traps.

The 1L269 Krasukha-2 electronic jamming station created at the Rostov Scientific Research Institute "Gradient" is a truly unique system. This station was developed taking into account the generalization of combat experience that was obtained Russian army during the August 2008 armed conflict in South Ossetia.

The Russian military learned bitter lessons from a conflict that saw little use of electronic warfare units. Also for this reason Russian Air Force lost a number of Su-25 and Tu-22M3 combat aircraft.

Most likely, this station was created taking into account the suppression of air-based surveillance radars such as AWACS, flying radars, like the American E-8 Joint Star, as well as modern UAVs, such as the Predator and Global Hawk.

State tests of electronic countermeasure stations 1L269 "Krasukha-2" were completed in 2009. Outwardly, these machines are similar to conventional radars, which are mounted on a BAZ-6910-022 automobile chassis, wheel arrangement 8x8. The cab of this vehicle is equipped with protection against microwave radiation. It has an independent air heater OH-32D-24 and an electric Webasto CC4E air conditioner.

The main purpose of the product "Kpacyxa-2O" is electronic suppression of airborne radar stations of the early warning and control system of the "Avaks" type.

Since 2009, Krasukha-2 ground-based electronic warfare systems have been supplied to the Russian Armed Forces. The technical details of the Krasukha-type complexes are classified. The stations were developed by the Gradient Research Institute and are manufactured by the Kvant Research and Production Association.

Vehicles of the Borisoglebsk-2 complex / Photo:

Borisoglebsk-2, in comparison with its predecessor, the Mandate complex modernized in 2001, has better technical characteristics: an extended frequency range of radio reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures, increased scanning speed of the frequency range, reduced response time for unknown frequencies, higher positioning accuracy of the source of radio emission, increased throughput means of suppression.

The software (software) of the complex was developed according to uniform requirements to the interface of the automated workstation of operators, which ensures the convenience of the work of officials when moving from one object to another.