In this article:

The moon is playing important role in magic. Everyone knows that the only natural satellite The Earth does not glow, the Moon reflects the light coming from the Sun and, depending on the location of the satellite in relation to our planet and star, we can observe changes in its illumination. These changes are called the phases of the lunar cycle, which is 29.5 days long.

The lunar cycle must be taken into account when turning to magic for help.

Conspiracies that need to be read on the growing moon can be very different in purpose. This phase of the satellite is ideal if you want to attract good luck, improve love relationship, improve your material well-being, etc.

In addition, you need to carefully read the words of the conspiracies before performing the ritual and pay attention to the details. If in a conspiracy the performer refers to young month, which means that the ceremony must be carried out on the growing moon, if by the waning month, then on the waning one.

The role of the conspiracy in the ritual to the moon

Some professional magicians say that in rituals where the performer turns to the Moon, the queen of the night, for help, you need to use only your own words that come from your heart and are taken from your own thoughts. Yes, this can really enhance the rite, but it is not recommended for beginners to come up with the words of a conspiracy, as they may not feel the energy well enough, and therefore mistakes cannot be ruled out.

Sincere conscious words always reach the goal

If you still decide to pronounce your own words in the ritual, you need to remember that the Moon must be treated with all respect. A disrespectful appeal to the Night Lady will not only nullify all your attempts to get the desired result, but can also lead to extremely unpleasant negative consequences.

Conspiracies for love on the growing moon

The new moon and the growing moon is the most popular period for all kinds of love spells, prisushka and other love rituals. The beginning of the cycle symbolizes the beginning or new period in relationships between men and women. Exists great amount love spells, which differ in purpose, the principle of influence and other qualities, but they also have something in common - the timing.

If you meet a love ritual that needs to be performed during the waning moon, it should not be performed, as it can and most likely will lead to the opposite result.

Love spell on bread

To perform the ritual, you need to leave a small piece of bread on the windowsill after sunset, so that later it gets under the moonlight. When this happens, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“In a clean field, a wide field, a maiden stands, holds a lot of bread in a basket. Whoever eats the bread of that virgin will be able to dry it with love for himself. I, the servant of God (name), will find that bread, then I eat bread, I attract love to myself as an assistant. I attract from the north, I attract from the south, from the east and west, I attract from everywhere. The young moon is my help, the moon is my help. Let it be so. Amen".

Leave the bread on the windowsill all night and eat it on an empty stomach in the early morning. This is a universal magical rite that attracts love luck to you. It can be used both when you have a loved one and you want to build a relationship with him, and when you just want to achieve an increased male attention to your person.

Man's rite for the return of his wife

This magical ritual is best performed on the night from Friday to Saturday, during the growing moon. To conduct the ceremony, you will need three candles from the church, small mirror, a barn lock with a key and a photograph of his wife or lover.

This method performed an odd number of times

At midnight, you need to put a mirror on the table, place three burning candles next to it, which should be the only source of light in the room, put a photo of your wife on the table.

Take the key in your right hand, and the lock in your left, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“On the distant sea, on the boundless sea, there is a stone island. On the island of that stone lies a huge, heavy. On that stone a servant of God ( given name) sits, holding a lock with a key in his hands. As the key in the lock turns, so the servant of God (wife's name) will return to the servant of God (name). And as he returns, so it will remain with him, from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

The plot must be read three times and after each reading, extinguish one of the burning candles with your fingers. When the last candle is extinguished, you need to insert the key into the lock and turn. After that, you need to go to sleep, and in the morning take the key, the lock and the cinders left from the candles, take them to a deserted place (you can go to the forest) and bury them there.

To return the husband to the family

The best time for this ritual is the last night before the full moon. On the appointed night, you need to melt a little light honey on the fire and smear your lips with it, then stand at the open window and read the plot, looking at the moon:

“Light honey is melting, sweet honey is melting, honey is slowly pouring over the lips of the servant of God (name). So let the servant of God (name) languish sweetly, but reach for my delicious lips. As the people of God pray to the icon, as they worship the icon, so let the servant of God (name) pray for me, yearn for me alone, miss me alone, even if he does not know sleep and peace without me. My will is strong, my words are molded, as I said, so it will be forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Very good feminine way of working

If you still live with your husband, then you need to go after that to him, kiss on the lips and try to achieve sexual intimacy with him that night. If performed correctly, the husband will completely belong to you alone and will never even think about cheating. If the husband has already left, then you need to go to bed and imagine that he is nearby, that he kisses your sweet lips and understands how important you are to him.

Rites for the growing moon for money

Each of us has heard many stories about how some other people suddenly become rich, how money poured into someone like a river. In some cases, such situations are the result of simple luck, others are the result of hard work, but still, many of them cannot be explained from a material, scientific point of view.

The question of how to get rich and where to get money when they are needed worries every person, but not everyone knows the answer. In fact, there are many ways that allow you to get rich, but the most interesting is wealth through rituals for the growing moon.

Strong conspiracy for wealth

To carry out this magical ritual, you will need any banknote, for example, with a face value of 100 or 50 rubles. It is necessary to bend the corners of the banknote in advance so that a triangle is obtained from it, which then folds in half. Now you need to wait for the night, put the corner of the bill to your lips and read the magic plot:

"How mighty river small streams attracts to itself, like the sea deep river collects in himself. Like a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman. As the night is always side by side with the day, and the day is inseparable from the night. So you, money, attract like yourself to yourself, but collect together. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading the plot, the banknote must be put into your wallet without unfolding (it is advisable to give it a whole department) and leave it there for at least one month. Ideally, you should not even touch the charmed bill, since a simple touch can break the created spell. During this month, try to set aside a certain number of banknotes of the same denomination and report them to the office for the charmed money, and in no case count the number of banknotes you already have.

Ritual for the growing moon for money and good luck

The ritual is performed during the period of the growing moon, but the plot is read in the early morning, during sunrise. It is necessary to prepare a large container or basin in advance, then, get up before dawn, wash over the basin clean water and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As water pours into this basin, so let the money spill on me, but remain on me, but never end. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be read from memory 12 times in a row. After that, you need to wipe your face and hands with a clean handkerchief and carry it with you for next month. No one should touch the scarf except you, as it will be a talisman that brings you money and good luck.

To attract money

Before carrying out the ritual, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a small amount in a clean cup. warm water. During the evening dawn, you need to stand at the open window, take three sips of water from a cup and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I am a servant of God (name) for salt salt, but I change it for silver, I collect the profit in my purse. As I save red-hot salt, so I will save wealth for myself for centuries. May it come true what is said. Amen".

After reading the words, you need to moisten your forehead and temples with the rest of the salt water, and also sprinkle a little on the collar and bosom. If after that there is water left in the cup, then it must be thrown out the window.

Lunar ritual for wealth

This is a difficult and long magical rite. To carry it out, you will have to be patient, wait for the next new moon and read the plot to the moon for three nights.

After that, you need to wait for the full moon and repeat the procedure. In order not to confuse days, it is better to check with lunar calendar and outline exact time conspiracy reading.

Before the start of a new lunar cycle, put an empty wallet that belongs to you on the windowsill.

Conspiracy words:

“How many stars are in the sky, how many luminaries at night cannot be counted, how many fish are in the sea and how every fish cannot be counted. So there will be a lot of money in my wallet and no one will be able to count them. Help me Moon, Mistress of the Night, bring me good luck, but good prosperity. Please help (name)."

Money has always been one of the most important things in people's lives. Therefore, thousands of conspiracies have been invented and tested. We have selected the best and most effective for you.

Why money conspiracies read on the growing moon

From the standpoint of energy, after the New Moon, the energy in the human body begins to gradually accumulate. The same thing happens with objects. They are ready not only to accumulate energy, but also to receive it from you. And this means that you can program them very easily with the help of conspiracies, so that later you can make effective money amulets.

Conspiracy on a bank card

Now most of us have a bank card in our wallet, or even several. If you speak to her, she can become your assistant in increasing wealth.

First of all, double-check before conspiring whether there is money on the card. Of course, the more there are, the better.

On one of the nights during the moon's growth phase, take your bank card and, rubbing it with your palms, say the following plot: “I love you, card, I carry you everywhere with me so that I can give more money and not leave you in need. How much is on the account now, let it be more so as not to count. One, two, three - take my word and hold it tightly, do not drop it on the way, bring money to my account. Let it be so". After that, try to replenish your account within 24 hours. Now the plot is fully valid, and the bank card will bring you money.

How to speak a coin

There are a lot of conspiracies for coins, and you may even have a mascot coin. But any conspiracy, repeated or imposed in addition to another, can bring your desire to fruition even faster. You can use different conspiracies for one coin, but in this case both of them must be monetary. We offer you a quick conspiracy for one day, that is, it can be repeated daily, and every day it will attract wealth to you. If you would like a long conspiracy, then try the money ritual from psychic Fatima Khadueva.

Before leaving the house, speak a coin as follows: “I had it, it came from someone else’s wallet. You will go into someone else's wallet, go through all the hands, gather your friends and bring them with you. Take my word and bring me riches. Let it be so". Repeat these words 3 or 7 times. Now set it aside so that it does not mix with other coins, and spend it first.

Conspiracy for silver jewelry

For this plot, you will need a silver chain, ring or earring. Of course, a cross and wedding or wedding rings cannot be used in this plot, but any other silver item that you always wear will work fine.

Pour into a saucer or bowl pure water and put on the windowsill for the night while the phase of the growth of the moon lasts. Place your decoration next to it, which you will speak. Due to the water, you will even more attract the energy of the growing moon.

After the silver jewelry is recharged with the necessary energy during the night, you can activate all the powers that it received. Dip it three times in the water that was in the bowl and say the plot: “Gold-silver and rich life bring me every day and always shine on me. Here is my word: hold it tight and bring it to fruition. So be it, now and forever.”

Don't forget to also check yours soon. After all, it is better not to resort to magic once again. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.08.2016 05:14

IN Lately increased interest in everything unusual and unknown. People in pursuit of happiness...

Recently, interest in everything unusual and unknown has increased. People in pursuit of happiness and well-being are increasingly turning to rituals and conspiracies. Effective rituals for the growing moon will help to attract material wealth.

The energy of the night star affects all living things. Its phases are able to wake up not only dormant feelings, but also contribute to active actions. You can bring stability to life, as well as open money channels with the help of proven rituals. To do this, you will need confidence in yourself and your abilities, as well as a period when the moon is gaining strength. The only satellite of the Earth plays an important role in many rituals. No wonder our ancestors used the power of the moon.

Ritual to attract wealth

The method, proven for centuries, does not take much time. For him, you only need a bill or a coin, as well as moonlight. At dusk, go to the window, put a coin or bill on the windowsill and say the following:

“The moon went up, gave strength to all living things. The lunar path leads to the house, opens the money passage. I'll charge the money with light, put it in my wallet. Magical power will help me, increase my wealth.

Leave the money until the morning, and then put it in your wallet. It is advisable to use a separate compartment. This talisman will protect you from financial losses, and will also help to attract wealth.

Money rite on the growing moon

Prepare a small bowl of clean, running water. Put a silver coin on the bottom. If you don't have one, use silver jewelry or a circle of foil. Put it on the window in which you can see the growing moon at night. In the morning, before sunrise, wash yourself with this water and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Moon charged the water, examined the wealth. I will wash myself with water, I will be saturated with happiness. As drops in the basin I will have coins. I’ll go on the road - I’ll find a treasure under my feet. ”

Water, charged with a night luminary, can not only attract financial well-being, but also endow with beauty and health. The value from the basin should be taken out and carried with you as a talisman that brings good luck and prosperity not only in money, but in all areas of life.

Lunar path from money

During the period when the growing moon appears in the sky, choose a place in the house where you can see its rays. Lay a path from the window with small coins, change into a spacious bright one, or better White dress or shirt, let your hair down. Walk a few steps with bare feet over the coins towards the window. While doing so, say:

"I'm going to the moon for money, I'm going to the moonlight by the road of wealth, warmed by the cold light."

As you approach the window, open it with the words:

“I let the moon into my house, let it go through the money, leave me its strength and increase wealth.”

Collect the money in a bag or purse and leave it open all night so that the moonlight falls on it. Repeat this ritual for three days, and then put the coins in a secluded corner so that they attract financial well-being to you.

burning poverty

On the waxing moon, prepare a list of your negative qualities preventing you from getting rich. It can be laziness, and unwillingness to work hard, and absent-mindedness. At the end of the list, in large letters, write the words "Poverty", "Poverty", "Ruin", "Failure", "Disappointment".

Go outside or onto the balcony and burn the leaf, spread the ashes in the wind. Say the words of the ritual:

“The moon sees everything. My efforts and aspirations will be reinforced by her growth. Despondency and poverty will scatter in the wind. I burn the negative, I attract the good. I will sacrifice a few coins to the Moon. They will come back to me and multiply. As she said, so be it. My word is strong. Confidence is strong."

Throw some coins towards the moon disk and go to sleep. If you dream of something pleasant, it means that the conspiracy has begun to work, and soon you will have a lot of opportunities to stabilize your financial situation.

Attracting wealth from photography

Find a photo that shows you close-up. The image should be only you. In the evening, put the picture on the windowsill and let it recharge from the moonlight. After a while, place around the coin. Enclosing the photo in a money circle, light a green candle, and put a large bill in the center of the circle. Circle the circle with a candle and drip wax on the four sides of the coins. Say the following:

“I show my photograph to the Moon, I invoke wealth, I associate myself with money. Where the candle wax dripped, from there the money will come to me. From the south, west, north and east - from everywhere good awaits me. Coins marked, seen by the moon.

Hide the coins that got the wax in the places where the money is stored. For each growing moon, lay them out on the windowsill to charge from the energy of the lunar disk.

Use these simple rituals to attract financial well-being into your life. Believe in yourself and that you will be able to achieve material stability. Remember that excessive greed does not lead to anything good, therefore, during the growing moon, you do not need to use all the rituals at once. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2017 03:10

Everyone wants to be richer, but they don’t want to put maximum effort into it. Because with...

The time when the young month begins to grow has a unique magical feature. Being in this phase, it accumulates mass strong energy, so the conspiracy to the growing moon, read at home, has great power.

Of course, it would be foolish not to take advantage of this feature of the planet. That is why given period it is considered favorable for all kinds of magical rituals and love spells that contribute to the attraction and increase of wealth, success and fulfillment cherished desires. Well-being plays a huge role in the life of any person, it is his independence and confidence in the future.

There are many texts and ritual actions that are performed during this period. They differ significantly both externally and internally. However, some points and a set of necessary rules unite them, and they cannot be ignored.

  1. Among other days of the week, Wednesday stands out with its special monetary energy. It is on this day, during the period of lunar growth, that it is good to do rituals for wealth.
  2. For beginners who have never engaged in attracting Money, with the help of conspiracies, one should remember the exact observance of all the rules of the ritual. Self-activity and unnecessary initiative, can be expressed negative consequences or the opposite effect. Remember that the result will be only with correct and accurate execution.
  3. This sacrament should be performed alone, without strangers and in complete silence, so think in advance where and when you can provide yourself with these conditions.
  4. It is possible to pronounce the ritual words exactly, but this will not have any effect, because without faith there can be no fulfillment. You need to believe in magical texts and prayers for money with all your heart, uncertainty and sarcasm will ruin everything. If you do not have the power of faith, you can not even try to enchant wealth, it will not come to idlers and unbelievers.
  5. Talk less about the perfect. Do not say anything to anyone close to you, even when he suddenly comes financial success. This should remain your secret, to which only you will be privy.

If you understand the basic rules for conspiring for wealth during the growth of the moon, choose the one that suits you. The rituals designed to attract money into your life are simple, and with full adherence to the above rules, you will soon feel how your house and life in it begin to improve and improve.

Strong conspiracies and prayers at random and money for the growing moon

Conspiracy banknote.

There are moments and coincidences of the day of the issuance of salaries with the time when the moon begins to grow. Take advantage of the situation and perform an important magical ritual. Take a bundle of money and select the topmost bill from it, putting it separately. If your salary is transferred to the card, you should withdraw several bills and also take the first one from above. At night, in the moonlight, go out into the street with this money or go to open window by exposing it to the moonlight. The words should be spoken with faith and not too loudly:

“You are the first, the important one. Let the rest of the money come after you and all of them settle in my pockets. Amen!"

After performing the ritual, mark paper bill so as not to be confused with others. Do not waste it, let it lie in your wallet and attract other means with its energy power. With any new cash receipt, be sure to put the largest bill to the charmed one. Perform these actions until a solid amount has accumulated. On it, you should buy furniture or a picture, something that will not go beyond. The charmed money remains in the place where it was, in the wallet, and will continue to be the right way to attract wealth.

Love text on honey and the remains of bread crumbs

Even in ancient times, people with the help of this action attracted prosperity to the family. To make it, you need to specially prepare honey in a small container. Perform a ceremony after a meal at home so that no one sees your actions and hears your words. Wait for your loved ones to leave and dip your palms in honey. Collecting all the crumbs on the table, using the stickiness of the palms, should be accompanied by the following speech:

“I collect rubbish, and I attract my luck. Stick the money to my hands, like rubbish from the table to honey. My word is strong, sanctified by the young moon. Amen!"

When washing your hands, you need to quietly say:

“I wash my hands, I attract money to myself. Sor go away, good luck come. The water runs away, the moon rises, wealth attracts me. Amen!"

Prayer for the new moon

This ancient prayer should be said on the third day of the birth of the moon. You need to take some coins. At sunset, when the sun has almost set, and the moon is already clearly visible in the sky, leave the house, bow to the moon and jingle coins, utter a prayer message to her: “I bow to the young luminary, I pray for wealth, a young month, my dear friend, give money for me, how many stars are in the sky.

In a particularly critical situation

There are moments in life when the state of affairs is so critical that you don’t know how to get out of the situation, be it a debt hole or an urgent repayment of a large loan. Then they can come to the rescue strong conspiracies for money. But, be careful and keep in mind that any action associated with magic has its consequences, often unpleasant. Everything that is given must someday be compensated.

If you need a fairly large amount on the third day new moon with the help of ten coins of any denomination, you can attract wealth, it will be enough to say the words:

“Everything that lives and feeds on the sun, let it always multiply, and let my wealth from the power of the moon increase, multiply, and return to me (name) many times.”

When you have finished saying these words five times in a row, fold the coins instead of holding your cash.

Ancient conspiracies and prayers in the phase of the growing moon to attract money to the house

Ritual action requires a certain time of conduct, in the morning or in the evening. To make it, prepare a couple of buckets. One empty, the second with water, and place a coin in it. With a ladle, transfer water from container to container and say the following spell:

“A free river flows, a strong river runs, around a clean field, around a strong stone, wide, deep water rushes, to all animals, a tree for life, for being, here is my (name) servant of God, a gold-silver river flowed fast , the house was filled, for small children for health, for old people for belongings, and for me for profit.

If a little liquid spilled during the ritual, it does not matter, pick it up with a cloth. Take out the coin and put it in a safer place, it will be your talisman and a kind of “magnet” to attract money. If you lose money, the conspiracy will collapse.

Some precautions when reading a conspiracy for money with a growing moon

It is believed that everything is given according to merit and nothing is for nothing. Everything should be weighed before performing such rites. One way or another, this is still witchcraft, especially if it is fueled by faith and great desire.

If you are driven by curiosity, you should not play with such things, it will not work out anyway. Love spells and prayers related to attracting funds should not be read to women during pregnancy. This can negatively affect the baby and affect his future life in the most unpredictable way. It is recommended to keep fasting for some time before reading these prayers or love spells, at least three days. At this time, you need to behave as positively as possible, do not swear or swear with friends, relatives or colleagues.

Folk signs that should be observed in order to attract wealth

And if conspiracies do not help?

Magic is not omnipotent, much depends on the person himself. It is not for nothing that the people say that "he who works, everything will come true for him." Think and analyze your life. If something went wrong, then it's time to change yourself and your life, and it's never too late. Rely on magic, but don't make a mistake yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and correct your mistakes. Turn to the moon and the sun, most importantly, do it sincerely and with faith, and who knows, maybe our great luminaries will make you rich and happy!

The eternal problem is the lack of funds. Some put up with this circumstance, others get 2-3 jobs, others turn to magicians, and the fourth turn to the Lord, the Virgin Mary and God's saints. Each person chooses the method that is most acceptable to him.

Since ancient times, they have been successful money rituals carefully preserved and passed down from one generation to another. Many rituals for attracting money have been lost over the years, but some are still successful today.

Money rituals are not a panacea for poverty, but the effect is tangible.

The money ritual is simple but effective. Buy a ball of red thread and a knife. Take a high denomination banknote. Attach the thread and measure the length - wrap the bill 7 times, while reading the plot:

“Money for me, luck for me, everything for me, and goods and change for you”

Say the words at each measurement, that is, you wind 7 times and sentence the same magic conspiracy. Then cut the thread and tie right hand. You need to wear a "bracelet" for 7 days, after which it must be cut off and burned.

ancient ritual

The rite to attract money is incredibly effective. On the waning moon, at midnight, take 12 yellow coins, go outside. Go to the nearest intersection, make sure that there is no one in the vicinity. Take the coins in your hands, holding them out to the moon, say the magic words:

“Everything grows and multiplies from the sun, and money from the moonlight. Grow, multiply, add. Enrich me (name), come to me. Amen"

Read the plot three times. Then go home, put the money in your wallet and buy the necessary things with them. You will see the result after a month.

To the growing moon

The ritual for money helped many people to establish the material sphere of life.

When the new moon comes, prepare big money, go outside, look at the night sky illuminated by millions of stars, and count the money 7 times, saying the plot:

“As the month grows and grows, so let my money grow and grow”

An equally effective ritual for attracting money consists in the following actions. Take a bottle from home drinking water and go to a crowded place at the crossroads. Stand for a few minutes, feel the human movement, and then go to the money place - a profitable hypermarket or boutique.
Thus, charge some water for success, luck, prosperity.

The ritual to attract money associated with the growing moon is incredibly effective.

On the new moon, take a bill of 100 rubles, fold it in the form of a triangle, then in half, then put it to your lips and whisper the cherished words:

“As a man and a woman are attracted to each other, as streams gather into big river and rivers into the ocean, so let my money be attracted and come together. Amen"

Ritual to attract money and good luck

The ancient ritual of attracting money made happy people who knew firsthand about the black mantle of poverty and lack of money.

Buy a beautiful flower pot, a sprout of your favorite plant. On Wednesday morning, pour 7 yellow coins on the bottom of the pot, earth and plant a flower, saying the plot:

“Under seven oaks, in a grove beyond the fields, sits a grandfather, his beard is gray. He bought up wealth, entrusted it to me. Let silver and gold flow without counting! As a mighty oak tree grows, so well-being will come.

Cherished words need to be learned, since they must also be pronounced when watering. While the “money” plant is blooming and fragrant, you won’t have to worry about your financial condition, and good luck will be frequent guests in your house.

To receive a large amount

The ritual of attracting money will help you get a large amount of funds in a short time.

When the moon bright light illuminates the earth, open the windows, light 5 wax candles and sensually, fervently cast the spell:

“Hope and support, Jesus Christ with his support - Holy Mother of God Mary, they walked across the high sky, carrying bags of money. Those bags opened by themselves, and the money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked along the low land, found that money, collected it, and carried it home. I came home with money, lit candles, and gave gold to my relatives. Candles, you are candles, burn faster, money arrives in my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Do not extinguish the flame, wait until the candles burn out, while carefully looking at the fire, imagining a large amount of money. Then collect the droplets of the "tears" of the candle and put it in your wallet - a talisman that will attract the right amount.

"Red Panties"

There is an original ritual to attract money, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by many people.

Buy attractive red briefs. Having come home, wash them in order to remove someone else's energy. After they dry, put on and wear for a day, saying the magic words:

“Where, what, I don’t know how - the money comes just like that!”

Then wash in water without powder and say the spell:

“I wash off the negative, I leave the intentions”

"Underpants on a chandelier - money in the house"!

Panties should hang down until the next new moon.

Ritual with a green candle

Rituals for money are amazingly powerful. One of the strongest rituals is the action with a green candle.

To conduct the ceremony, prepare a green candle and a tablecloth. At midnight, lay a new tablecloth on the table and light a candle. Wait for the moment when the fire is clean and even, say a conspiracy three times:

“The green flame flares up, and money is going to us! Amen"

If the candle smokes, perform the ritual the next day.

Method "You put a ruble, you take a thousand"

There are inexplicable money rituals for every day. “You put a ruble, you take a thousand” is an effective and powerful method. Start the ceremony on the 1st of any month. Set aside the ruble, the next day - 2, then - 3, and so on until the end of the month. After accumulating 10 rubles, exchange them for a whole bill. Then exchange 10 tens for 100. Thus, accumulate 465 rubles. If you want to attract good luck, exclusively to yourself, report 35 rubles to get 500.

Hide the amount in a secret place and forget it. It is a cash track for raising large funds.

Rituals to attract money are safe and effective, despite the fact that they are carried out at home, and not with professional magicians. If such methods scare you, read the prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, who are the patrons of the poor and needy people.

Watch the video of how the ritual to attract money is carried out.