In 2000, or rather on March 2, another tragedy occurred in Chechnya: an attack was made on the riot police convoy from Sergiev Posad at the entrance to Grozny, as a result of which 22 riot police officers were killed and 31 more were injured.

In April 2000, a special meeting of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was held to analyze the causes of the tragedy. This meeting was preceded by a devastating article in Novaya Gazeta, where Vyacheslav Izmailov, who is a military observer for the publication, argued that his own servicemen were to blame for the death of Russian riot police. It was this article that became the reason for the meeting of the committee, where responsible officials from such departments as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Troops and the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office were invited.

Sergiev Posad OMON

Almost 12 years have passed since the tragedy, during which close people of the soldiers managed to cry out all the tears and argue on this topic. Since that moment, a lot has happened, because we live in a time when something you should not get used to, suddenly becomes commonplace. And what cannot be forgotten is simply forgotten, like an incident from a distant past life.

Today I want to tell the truth about those events, about how high-ranking government officials were able to hide the whole truth from Russian society, about how they blatantly lied to the deputies of the State Duma and all members of the security committee.

Do not be surprised by the course of these thoughts, as today for the first time we will bring selected passages from the transcript of a meeting from a year ago to give you an idea of ​​how this process went with the twists of truth.

So, again we return a year ago and find ourselves on 04/06/2000 at a special meeting, which is chaired by AI Gurov, chairman of the security committee.

In order to understand what was happening, we will give a part of the transcript from that meeting. The first speaker is Mikhailov, Major General, who is a senior consultant to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:
“So, the essence of events is something like this. At 10:00 am on March 2, 2000, in 11 cars, a column of OMON of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region drove into the settlement. Podgornoe, Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny. At a time when the first Ural car was standing 130 meters from the turn to the OMON base of the Podolsk ATC, its driver was killed by an accurate shot from a sniper rifle. After that, the car, having lost control, turned sharply to the left and, after driving some distance, stopped, crashing into concrete pillars industrial zones, as a result of the fall of pillars, 2 police officers of the fire cover group were seriously injured.

After the first single shot from the residential buildings of the village of Podgornoye, fire was opened from a machine gun, followed by 2 shots from a grenade launcher immediately from the side of the industrial zone ...

That is, massive fire was opened on a convoy of sniper rifles and an automatic from about 8 points. These points were: the mullah's houses at numbers 53 and 63, the cistern, which was located behind the gardens and two points, which were behind the fences of the gardens, as well as the elevator, which was located in the direction on the left rear. The cover group of the Staropromyslovsky department opened massive response fire towards the attackers...

At 10:15, Major General Manyuta, who at that time was in charge of the Internal Troops grouping in Grozny, arrived at the battlefield. The general with his group immediately entered the battle ...

What can be said about the results of the internal audit regarding the article? So, as if the fire was fired from behind the fence by our units. This allegedly happened because they mistook this convoy for a convoy of militants. But this moment is easily refuted by the fact that the places where the shooting was carried out, where shells and abandoned ammunition were found, including those from grenade launchers, were reliably established.

Further. The leaders of the temporary department of internal affairs knew about the arrival of the convoy, next to which this battle took place, so it was impossible to make a mistake. In addition, measures were taken to enhance the safety of the route, which also eliminates the possibility of error. Among other things, the column had clear signs that qualified it as belonging to the federal forces.”

Everything that police general Mikhailov said to the deputies was a lie, which he knew very well. In addition to him, another speaker, Maksin, the First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops, also knew the truth, who confirmed the words of the police general, adding that as a result of the operation, about 60 people were detained on suspicion of involvement in bandit groups.

Further at the meeting, a debate took place between Mikhailov and a member of the security committee, former minister Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation A. S. Kulikov, as a result of which it became clear that:
On the fact of the death of 20 soldiers, the military prosecutor's office carried out only an official check of the correctness of the actions of the command in this situation, and not an investigation as required by law.
The check was carried out by representatives from the military prosecutor's office, and not from the ministry.
Violations were made during the passage of the column to the place of deployment and the direct change of the detachment.

As a result, the military prosecutor's office independently decided not to initiate criminal proceedings against officials.
Further, during the meeting, an order of the minister was read, according to which one of the guilty persons, deputy. The head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, who was responsible at that time for the passage of the riot police column, was only given a warning about his incomplete compliance with his position. Such a "punishment" threatened him with a kind of demotion - he was appointed head of the Moscow Region traffic police! That's it!

Later, at the meeting, the deputies, members of the committee, asked Mikhailov questions to clarify the facts of what had happened and the measures taken to prevent this from happening in the future, answering which, the general continued with the same zeal to convince everyone present of the correctness of the assessment by the military prosecutor's office of the incident.

The meeting participants drew the attention of all those present to the fact that the article in Novaya Gazeta, which caused public response, the top management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs practically did not react in any way.

From the lips of Mikhailov there was also information that allegedly there were some detained militants who participated in the attack on the riot police.

In the course of the meeting, some members of the committee questioned the competence of the author of the article in Novaya Gazeta, Major Izmailov, who, allegedly without understanding, gave the public, heated to the limit, "hot" material. Their conclusion was terrible - the title of the article is not ethical, and it is made up!
The final line was summed up by Kulikov A.S., who pointed out how the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs superficially refers to such facts. He drew attention to the fact that the same leadership did not carry out an analysis of what happened in order to prevent such a thing from happening in the future with the punishment of the perpetrators.

A year after the meeting, after re-reading the transcript and understanding what happened, it becomes clear that the defendants from the military departments frankly lied to all those present. Those who came to the meeting knew the whole truth very well, but continued to lie, but, as it happens in life, everything secret will someday become clear. Luckily it worked out this time as well.

On March 2, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation G.N. Seleznev received an official response from the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation V.V. in Chechnya, the riot police, when 22 riot police officers were killed, were carefully checked by the prosecutor's office.

The response provided information from the official investigation that on March 1, 2000, the leadership of the Staropromyslovsky temporary police department received operational information about the possible arrival in Grozny of convoys with unknown armed men who were supposed to be dressed in police uniforms and have certificates of “Gantamirovites”.

According to the order of the leadership of the VOVD, in order to neutralize unknown armed persons, employees of the military commandant's office and the Staropromyslovsky District Department of Internal Affairs were located near checkpoint No. 53 in the courtyards of houses in the settlement of Podgornoye.

On March 2, 2000, a convoy of cars (“ZIL”, “GAZ”, “Ural” and the bus “Ruslan”) of the OMON of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Sergiev Posad, when approaching Podgorny, was fired upon near checkpoint No. 53.

Employees of the patrol service of the Staropromyslovsky District Department of the Interior in Grozny, Dakaev A.N., Umarov M.S. and Asakaev B.U. checkpoint number 53.

The personnel of the OMON of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Sergiev Posad, who was in the motorcade, opened fire in response, after which fire was opened on the column from the territory of the Podolsk OMON base, which is located next to checkpoint No. 53.

As a result of the battle, 22 employees of the Sergievposad OMON were killed, and 31 people were also injured.

As a result of the incident, the following punishments were applied to the responsible persons:
Fadeev B.V., major general of militia, was charged under Art. 293, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: negligence, non-execution in full official duties, with dire consequences. The major general, being the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region, did not provide escort for the convoy by helicopters and armored vehicles, without coordinating the movement of the convoy with the Joint Headquarters of the United Forces in Chechnya, while being in the city of Mozdok.

Levchenko M.L., a police colonel, was charged under Art. 293, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: negligence, failure to fulfill their official duties which led to the death of people. At the time of the incident, he was the head of the control group of the Joint Group of Forces in Chechnya from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, he was the person responsible for organizing the management of funds and forces from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to ensure the safety of personnel.

Tikhonov I. S.,. militia major, was also charged under Art. 293, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: negligence. The major, being the acting commander of the Podolsk OMON, was unable to organize the service of the personnel based at checkpoint No. 53, which resulted in the unhindered and safe passage of federal forces transport in his area of ​​responsibility.

In the history of the Chechen wars there are a large number of episodes in which the personnel of the units died very, very stupid, both from the point of view of the layman, and from the point of view of a military man. But be that as it may, these deaths are the deaths of people who came to do their duty and did it as best they could. Many no longer remember that at that time combat-ready units were assembled all over the country, everyone who was not too lazy was taken on a contract.

Yes, it’s a paradox that it was hard to find 80-90 thousand combat-ready bayonets, but in our 146 million country it was ... In such a situation, people often came who did not have enough training, or those who had training in another area. After all, on the one hand, let's take, for example, SOBR or OMON units, and on the other, the tactics of combined arms combat, or the wiring of columns.

If the militia units did not know how to do this at first, does this mean that they were not professionals? No, it just means that there was such a terrible shortage of personnel that it was necessary to use units that were not in their profile: to send intelligence to assault operations, arguing that they were more prepared, to carry out tasks that should be assigned to the army or to explosive units. There was everything, and a lot had to be paid with the lives of the guys. Well, then, as usual, we begin to search for the culprit, the culprit is usually not found, and the immediate commander becomes guilty.

The death of a column of the Perm OMON is a difficult episode of the second Chechen war, but if “no one is forgotten”, then we must also remember about those who could not get out of the battle.

Sequence of events

On March 28, 2000, a number of high-ranking officials arrived at the location of Vedeno: the commandant of Chechnya, the deputy minister of internal affairs of the republic, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Perm Territory Vladimir Sikerin, Mayor of Perm Yuri Trutnev. The Perm delegation visited the local school, hospital, district administration, then moved to the territory where the OMON was located. The children received gifts and letters from relatives.

Marina Maltseva, who was in Vedeno at that time, recalls:

“Usually, when letters arrived, I announced on the radio that they could be taken from me. On that day, I made an announcement, and suddenly a “spirit” got in touch, and the whole base heard: “There will be coffins for you instead of letters!” It is clear that they listened to us all the time, but to get in so brazenly - this happened infrequently ... ”(well, what they constantly listened to open channels connections and entered the network - it was constant both in the first and in the second)

On the night of March 28-29, 2000, to the temporary Vedeno District Department of Internal Affairs, staffed by police officers from Perm region, with the Perm combined OMON detachment attached to it, an order was received from the commander of the Eastern Group of Federal Forces, Major General S.A. Makarov to nominate an OMON detachment with the support of the Vedenka commandant's office for a special operation in the village of Tsentaroy in the neighboring Nozhai-Yurtovsky district.

On the morning of March 29, a convoy of 49 people (41 OMON officers from Perm and Berezniki, 8 military personnel of the commandant's company of military unit 83590) moved to their destination to conduct an operation to check the passport regime and carry out other activities. The column consisted of three vehicles: the BTR-80, the Ural-4320 car and the ZIL-131 car. Judging by the description of the battle, the Ural was ahead, followed by the Zil, the BTR-80 was at the rear. Having passed near Zhani-Vedeno, at a height of 813, the engine overheated at the ZIL and the convoy stopped. Judging by the timer on the video of one of the OMON officers, the convoy stood for a long period of time.

Shortly before this, a detachment of militants under the command of Abu-Kuteyb Jamal, one of Khattab's close associates, entered the same village. Abu-Kuteib had quite a lot of experience in combat operations. Born in 1960 in Saudi Arabia, noted in Bosnia in 1995, where he lost his leg. Participated in the first Chechen war, in the second he was responsible for propaganda, organized several operations, including an attack on a convoy of the Perm OMON, and also organized an invasion of Ingushetia. in 2004 he was blocked in Malgobek and died. So, in the Abu-Kuteiba gang at that time, in addition to the Chechens, there were also people from the republics North Caucasus and foreign mercenaries. The illegal armed formations settled in holiday homes.

A video has been preserved, which was filmed by one of the OMON fighters Udachin Sergey. There is a recording of 18 minutes.

The timer is set on the shooting from 3/29/2000 6:42

6-42 The first minutes are landscape shots after the column has stopped. As we can see, no reconnaissance was carried out, people just stand and look around, filming the mosque.

7-42. Filming of a detached house to which ONE (!!!) commander of the column, Major Simonov Valentin Dmitrievich, approaches. He motions to the cameraman to go behind him and continue filming.

So, the commander of the column, Major Simonov, decided to single-handedly check the house, located tens of meters from the place where the column stopped. (according to the militants, the major went to ask for water, into the radiator, but when he saw the armed people, he quickly got his bearings)

Major Simonov: Vanya!

Operator: What? Dmitrich! (patronymic Major Simonov)

Major Simonov inside the house: the beginning of the phrase is illegible... The machine gun lies on the ground... it won't fight... agreed?

Operator: Yura, run in.

Major Simonov: illegible... lay down.... Deal…

single shot

Scream: Aaah, Bitch! Bitches b….b


7-44 Camera drops and doesn't move

Shots from grenade launchers, automatic and machine-gun fire ... the recording goes on for another 15 minutes.

Apparently, Major Simonov went into the shed to ask for water for ZiL, at that moment there were just 2-3 militants there (perhaps they went in to warm themselves). He tried to take them into one with a gun. Walid twitched, Simonov fired, then they killed him. In response, one of the militants opened fire. Major Simonov was killed. Thus, from the very beginning of the battle, the column lost its leadership. At the same time, shelling began small arms and grenade launchers.

Since the fighters did not dismount when the column stopped, they continued to sit in cars and did not disperse on the ground, they turned into an easy target. In the very first minutes of the battle, fire was opened on the militiamen landing from the body, which led to numerous injuries and casualties. The battle went according to standard tactics from the very beginning. An armored personnel carrier was hit by RPG shots ( HEAT projectile got into engine compartment) and Ural. First and last cars. Then ZIL was hit. The gunner of the burning armored personnel carrier deployed the tower and opened fire on the hill, allowing the fighters to take up positions for defense. After the second hit in the armored personnel carrier, the support from the armor stopped again.

According to Larisa Shilova, a psychologist who worked with the survivors of this battle, Vasily Konshin took command of the entire detachment. He asked Private Dmitry Yegorov to support the retreating fighters with fire, informed everyone by radio about the shelling that had begun in the area of ​​​​height 813. Today it is difficult to say what happened next, but, most likely, Private Yegorov climbed onto the burning armored personnel carrier and reopened fire as much as he could.

OMON officers and servicemen of the commandant's company took the fight As the bandits approached from different parts of the village, the fire on the column intensified. The last interception is at 16.45: “To all the guys who can shoot, hit single!”

9-30. A detachment of servicemen of the commandant's company, Perm policemen and Perm OMON was sent to help those who were ambushed from Vedeno. lieutenant colonel S. Gaba, tried to break through to the surrounded policemen, but before reaching them a few hundred meters, she herself was ambushed. Almost immediately, the head armored personnel carrier of the commandant's company was hit. After about 6 hours, the column returned to Vedeno. The losses of the second column were: the commandant's company - 15 people wounded, the consolidated detachment of the Perm OMON - one wounded. During the battle of the militants with the second column, six people from the first column were able to escape from the encirclement. On March 30, a group of six people - five OMON officers and a fighter from the commandant's company - went out to their own.

On March 31, federal troops were able to reach height 813. The bodies of 31 dead and one riot policeman Alexander Prokopov, seriously wounded in both legs, were found (subsequently, Alexander's leg was amputated, but he remained in the riot police). The fate of the remaining fighters by that time remained unknown. Later it turned out that some of the fighters were taken prisoner and executed the next day in response to a refusal to exchange them for Colonel Yu.D. Budanov. The burial of 10 fighters was discovered on April 30 - May 1 in the area of ​​​​the village of Dargo. Practically on all bodies there were traces of torture.

As it turned out later, the policemen were not captured immediately. In a small group, they tried to get out of the encirclement, constantly firing back, but they could only reach a small river, which they did not have time to cross. Here they apparently ran out of ammunition. A large number of shell casings and an unexploded grenade were found around. One fighter was hit by automatic fire at the bridge across the river and finished off with blows from the butt. The rest were executed not far from this place.

The bodies of policemen, whom the Ministry of Internal Affairs considered missing, were found in two graves. The search team included servicemen who personally knew some of the missing. They immediately identified four fighters of the Bereznikovsky detachment of the Perm OMON - police warrant officers Yuri Avetisov, Sergei Malyutin, Evgeny Prosvirnev and private Evgeny Rzhanov. After that, the bodies were sent for examination to Rostov-on-Don, to the 124th laboratory.

Employees of the Perm OMON went there with medical records and photographs of fallen comrades. According to Igor Kiselyov, head of the press service of the Perm Internal Affairs Directorate, identification was very difficult. “Our guys, who returned from Rostov, said that already 15 minutes after the bodies were lifted out of the ground, the skin on their faces began to turn black, and after another half an hour it began to decompose. Identification was also made difficult by the fact that the militants mocked some of the riot police and their faces were disfigured. Therefore, they were immediately recognized by many signs. Some fighters were recognized by their tattoos, two of them still had personal numbers. The peculiarities of the clothes of individual riot police also helped,” Kiselev said.

The dead soldiers of the commandant's company

Perm policemen who died

Examination of the bodies made it possible to establish the circumstances of the death of policemen. According to the head of the 124th laboratory, Vladimir Shcherbakov, the soldiers died "as a result of incised neck wounds." In other words, the militants cut their throats.

In the end, all the dead were identified. In addition to the above, these are police lieutenant Alexander Zazdravnykh, sergeants Dmitry Makarov and Eduard Tarasov, junior sergeants Evgeny Kireev and Grigory Uzhegov.

ORT report on the evacuation of the bodies of the dead. The report is good in terms of pictures and unique frames, but the version with the prepared ambush remained the version and the version was accepted at the court that there was no ambush, but in fact it was gouging

Report of the TVC channel about the death of the OMON of the Perm Territory in the Vedensky district of Chechnya on March 29, 2000

Column loss

36 Perm militiamen and 7 servicemen of the commandant's company were killed in battle, as well as captured and executed. The number of wounded - 2 and 15, respectively.

Police Major Simonov Valentin Dmitrievich (06/12/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Senior lieutenant of militia Konshin Vasily Anatolyevich (01/14/1967 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
Senior Lieutenant of Militia Turovsky Evgeny Stanislavovich (09/09/1963 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
Senior lieutenant of militia Metguliev Albert Gurbandurdyevich (07/18/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
Police Lieutenant Alexander Viktorovich Zazdravnykh (01/24/1966 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Police lieutenant Kananovich Albert Vladimirovich (11/24/1972 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Police Lieutenant Kuznetsov Yury Anatolyevich (09/05/1966 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Senior warrant officer of militia Sobyanin Sergey Borisovich (04/19/1971 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Senior Police Ensign Avetisov Yuri Igorevich (08/2/1970 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Militia ensign Annenkov Andrey Vyacheslavovich (02/06/1969 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Okhansky district of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Perm Region),
Militia ensign Zyryanov Andrey Vyacheslavovich (12/20/1970 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Militia ensign Lomakin Mikhail Valerievich (10/26/1974 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Militia ensign Muntyan Valery Vladimirovich (10/31/1975 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Militia ensign Malyutin Sergey Viktorovich (01/24/1975 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Militia ensign Prosvirnev Evgeny Vladimirovich (05/14/1975 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region),
Ensign of militia Shaikhraziev Marat Farsovich (01/08/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Militia foreman Kistanov Alexander Viktorovich (03/24/1970 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Perm district of the Perm region),
Police foreman Permyakov Yuri Egorovich (03/21/1973 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Police Sergeant Ryzhikov Aleksey Nikolaevich (07/08/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Sergeant Sergeev Vitaly Yuryevich (08/12/1967 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Police foreman Udachin Sergey Igorevich (05/24/1962 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Senior police sergeant Alexander Borisovich Zyuzyukin (10/1/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Senior police sergeant Morozov Vyacheslav Valerievich (12/17/1972 - 03/29/2000, Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk district of Perm),
Senior police sergeant Okulov Vladimir Ivanovich (07/2/1974 - 03/29/2000, Tchaikovsky police department, Perm region),
Senior police sergeant Pervushin Alexander Yuryevich (01/05/1976 - 03/29/2000, Internal Affairs Department of the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region),
Senior police sergeant Pushkarev Vadim Vyacheslavovich (12/7/1971 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Militia sergeant Efanov Vitaly Anatolyevich (08/31/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnovishersky district of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
Militia Sergeant Makarov Dmitry Viktorovich (01/03/1973 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Police sergeant Tarasov Eduard Ivanovich (08/26/1974 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Junior police sergeant Emshanov Vladimir Yuryevich (10/6/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Junior Police Sergeant Kireev Evgeny Ivanovich (02/28/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Junior police sergeant Tolstyakov Evgeny Vladimirovich (10/6/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Junior police sergeant Grigory Mikhailovich Uzhegov (09/12/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Junior police sergeant Davydov Oleg Anatolyevich (09/25/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
Junior police sergeant Igitov Sergey Vitalievich (06/29/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Motovilikhinskiy district of Perm),
Private militia Rzhanov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich (06/10/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of Kungur, Perm Region).

The soldiers of the commandant's company who died in battle and were captured and executed:

Corporal Obraztsov Gennady,
Private Nikolenko Sergey Anatolyevich,
Private Karpukhin Andrey Petrovich,
Private Sasin Sergey Viktorovich,
Private Nizamov Zenur Adlyamovich,
Private Efimov Dmitry Yurievich

Investigation and trial

On March 31, 2000, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Rushailo and the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Colonel General Yuri Baluyevsky, left for the scene. An official investigation was carried out. In February 2001, the materials were transferred to the main department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus.

After the discovery on May 1 of the burial place with the bodies of the dead, they were transferred to Rostov-on-Don for identification and examination. It was practically impossible to identify several riot policemen without examination. Four were identified on the spot - they were police warrant officers Yuri Avetisov, Sergei Malyutin, Yevgeny Prosvirnev and private Yevgeny Rzhanov.

During the investigation, the version was accepted that there was no special ambush on the column. This statement was based on the testimony of militants who participated in that battle ( trial passed over them in Makhachkala in the spring and summer of 2001) and a diagram of the battlefield. The militants had to shoot up the slope, which, if the position had been chosen in advance, would most likely have been excluded. Also in favor of the absence of an ambush is the fact that the shelling of the column intensified over time, as groups of militants approached from other houses in the village. But a fatal combination of circumstances - a car breakdown, the discovery of a group of militants in a house on the outskirts of the village - led to tragic consequences. Perhaps, after a rest, the militants would have gone unnoticed into the mountains.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that the breakdown of the car led to the fact that the convoy did not reach the ambush site. In favor of the prepared ambush, according to a number of employees, the following spoke: pre-equipped and camouflaged positions, observation posts set up in the direction of the column.

Residents of the Buynaksky district of Dagestan - Imanshamil Ataev, who was on the federal wanted list ( brother leader of the Karamakhi Wahhabis Mukhtar Ataev), Ata Mirzaev, Khairulla Kuzaaliev, Mahdi Magomedov and Gadzhi Batirov. Despite the fact that the detainees denied their participation in gangs, the investigation was able to find evidence of their involvement in the attack on the Perm OMON fighters. Later, they managed to detain two more - Circassian Shamil Kitov and Tatar Eduard Valiakhmetov. None of them pleaded guilty.

Here is such amazing story, as a result of which not a single Chechen was hurt, yes.

Article about Eduard Valiakhmetov

The shooting case revealed the killer facts

Defendant Valiakhmetov said that he came to Chechnya in early February 2000 at the insistence of his parents: "My mother and father wanted me to study the Koran and the basics of Islam." This was confirmed to a Kommersant correspondent by Eduard's mother, Saniyat, who arrived in Makhachkala dressed according to all the rules prescribed by the Koran for a Muslim woman. “We really thought that only in Chechnya could our boy learn the purity of Islam,” she lamented. In one of the camps, Valiakhmetov was given the name Abdulla, since the name Eduard, as he was told, was of non-Muslim origin. Even in a letter to his parents, he called himself Abdullah. After three weeks of training, Valiakhmetov, along with another accused, Shamil Kitov, ended up in the detachment of the Arab Abu Kuteib. But just a couple of days later, the militants suspected FSB agents of the recruits...

A detachment of militants constantly moved and took prisoners everywhere with them. Valiakhmetov told in detail the route of movement, clearly called settlements and even the regions of Chechnya that they crossed. At the end of March, the detachment in which he was located was near the village of Zhani-Vedeno.

“We were settled near the village in two abandoned houses. One morning I was woken up by the noise of machine gun fire. Sleepy militants, dressing and loading weapons on the move, fled towards a small height (near it an attack was made on a convoy of Perm OMON). Among them, I saw Shamil Kitov, who had a grenade launcher in his hands and three shots to him, ”Valiakhmetov said during interrogation, which was recorded on video and demonstrated at the trial. All the captured riot police, he said, were taken to a small gorge, where they were guarded by Arabs. The battle, meanwhile, continued for half a kilometer. There were no Karamakhins, who had previously guarded Valiakhmetov - they participated in that battle. Already in the evening, when the detachment united, Valiakhmetov witnessed the execution of one of the riot police. “On the ground, leaning on a shovel, stood an ensign. When the militants began to loudly shout ‘Allah Akbar!’, the policeman fell to his knees and began to ask not to kill him. He said he would fight on their side. But the enraged Wahhabis did not hear anything. They took off the shirt from the ensign, then one Chechen came up and hit him on the head with the butt of a machine gun and cut his throat already lying on the ground "...

However, in his other testimony, Valiakhmetov excluded the episode with Kitov. Based on this, the investigator did not charge the latter with direct participation in the attack on the Perm OMON. At the video interrogation, Valiakhmetov, and then Kitov, listed in detail the names of the Karamakhins who participated in the raid, and their signs. Later, according to investigators, they identified them from photographs. However, at the trial, both unexpectedly declared that they were mistaken, since completely different people were sitting in the dock. One of the participants in that battle, Perm riot police, could not stand it and said to the judge: “There they were all dirty, overgrown, with beards, and today they are trimmed and shaved. Naturally, in this situation, these are different people.

When asked by the judge and the public prosecutor about the reasons for the changes in their testimony, both defendants replied that they were subjected to physical pressure and acted according to the investigator's scenario even before they were interrogated during video filming. According to them, the names of the defendants were suggested to them by police officers. Immediately, one by one, the lawyers began to raise their defendants and arrange impromptu face-to-face confrontations, asking the same question: “Have you seen this man among the militants before?” In response, there was a languid denial: "I only saw these people at the trial."

These are the cases, and there are no Chechens, and I'm not my cow, I was in captivity, like that.


Mahdi Magomedov received the most. True, the court considered his participation in the attack on riot police unproven, but found him guilty of creating illegal armed groups in the village of Karamakhi in 1997-1999 and participating in battles against federal forces. For this, he received 21 years of strict regime with confiscation of property and another 12 thousand rubles fine for using a fake passport.

Ata Mirzoev was found guilty of participating in illegal armed formations, shooting at a convoy of riot police, as well as stealing and destroying an armored personnel carrier. He was given 19 years of strict regime with confiscation of property.

Khairulla Kuzaaliev is guilty of covering up a possible bypass of the defended height by the riot police during the execution of the column, together with a group of Karamakhins. He did not enter the battle due to circumstances beyond his control. Sentenced to 16 years of strict regime with confiscation.

Another participant in the attack, Gadzhi Batirov, received 14 years of strict regime.

The court was lenient towards Eduard Valiakhmetov and Shamil Kitov, whose testimony formed the basis of the accusation of other defendants. The first was sentenced to two and a half years, the second - to three years in a strict regime. Both were immediately amnestied and released from custody.

According to the results of an internal audit, it was found that the cause of the tragedy was considered the ill-considered actions of the authorities of the Perm OMON, who ordered their fighters to advance without army cover.

Causes of losses

1. Lack of coordination and lack of necessary skills conducting columns and conducting combat in mountainous terrain.

2. Lack of reconnaissance of the route of the column.

3. There was no interaction with the units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the RF Ministry of Defense. The route of movement was not agreed with the senior military commander in whose area of ​​responsibility he was.

4. There was no cover for the column, the column moved without outposts, not keeping the necessary distance.

5. There was no interaction with artillery and aviation (it was not).

6. The commanders of the group did not know the radio frequencies of the units covering this area, their call signs.

In general, it is not clear what such a weak detachment was doing in that part of the Chechen Republic, because quite large forces of illegal armed formations were drawn there, again, inconsistency turns out.
From the memories of survivors

Police lieutenant Vladimir Kurakin:

They prepared a serious ambush for us. They dug full profile trenches. Well disguised. You can’t take such a shelter either from an RPG or a “fly”. But ... we did not reach the main ambush forces. The car broke down. After a while, we learned that we had gone through 8-9 posts of Chechens. They passed us "from hand to hand" and "led" the column. The bag slammed shut.

This is where it started. Submachine guns and machine guns hit from all sides. The armored personnel carrier went to the head of the column to support the guys with fire. "Spirits" set fire to the first "Ural". Then they set fire to the armored personnel carrier. The crew fell out of the burning car and took up defensive positions. One kid got back into the burning car. And from the turret machine gun watered the "spirits". He fired until the grenade launcher went off a second time. I saw pieces of metal flying from the tower. The soldier is on fire...

We, several people, climbed under the ZIL. They took up all-round defense, fired back. "Spirits" riddled the entire machine. Fuel was leaking from the gas tank to the ground. We were in a puddle of gasoline. Could erupt at any moment. We decided to crawl out to a small hill. There, on the high-rise, were several of our guys. Some have already been killed, others have been wounded. Sergei Malyutin lay behind a thin tree. He was with sniper rifle. The trunk of the tree is cut with bullets. Where they are shooting from is not clear. Sergey shouts to us: “We can’t see anything! ..”

We see them surrounded on all sides. Shouting: "Surrender! We will kill you lightly…”

Vitaly Epifanov stood up to his full height. He hit the "Czechs" with a machine gun. He was lucky for a few minutes. But one turn got him. Dropped dead.

Here the "spirits" switched their attention to the second column, which was going to our rescue. We took advantage of this and rolled into the gorge. We decided to leave the encirclement by water. The water is noisy, blockages of stones and bushes hide.

We went to a small bridge. Further down the road. "Spirits" noticed us. We lay down in the hollow and prepared to receive last Stand. There were 15-20 meters left. Mines whistled. It rumbled six times - a mine for each of us. But the mortars did not hit us. "Spirits" swept away and helped us. I ordered to retreat to ours. We heard and even saw how the second column was fighting. And then I heard on the radio: “We are surrounded, we are retreating!” The fight began to subside.

We went down a cliff. They hung on the branches and roots of trees. Like Christmas decorations. They hung like that for several hours.

Then the "turntables" flew in and began to work on the location of the militants. The first volley fell ... on our positions. I gave a green rocket - "our people are here." And red - in the direction of the Chechen positions. They were well beaten by helicopter pilots, attack aircraft and mortars. But night fell on the mountains.
I went first, the others followed me in a line. Each had a hand on the other's shoulder. I'll stop, everyone's up. I sat down, everyone sat down.

Nerves were already on edge. Suddenly we hear a Russian dialect. Our? Not ours? I ask: "Password?" I answered: “Ryazan! Review?" And we don't know him. They didn't accidentally shoot each other. It turned out that this is the intelligence of the Airborne Forces. The guys came to help us.

Five riot policemen and one contractor came out of that meat grinder. Two days later, when our soldiers arrived at the battlefield, they found the wounded, half-dead Alexander Prokopov. He had a leg injury. He lost a lot of blood, but he put a tourniquet on himself. The doctor, in the heat of battle, managed to throw him an ampoule of promedol. So he held out until the arrival of ours.

These jackals walked around the battlefield and finished off ours. Control shots were made to all the guys either in the head or in the neck. And ten “Vakhi” guys were captured. Most likely, the guys were severely shell-shocked and could not resist. The scouts then found bandages, bloody socks and boots... They took the guys away barefoot. Looks like they were tortured. When they were executed is unknown. Their bodies were later found far from the battlefield.
When we took away the bodies of the dead, we saw everything. One butt crushed the skull. Another stuck in the nose pectoral cross. Even the dead were tortured. And how it got alive ...

From the diary of Vladimir Port

March 28, 2000

General Sikerin flew in (at that time he was the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Perm, currently retired. - Ed.). The mayor of Perm and a whole retinue are with him. They waited and prepared more abruptly than for the arrival of the minister. As a result, a complete bummer. The general looked from the helipad to the police department for about 20 minutes and immediately drove off to the commandant's office for lunch. Because of this, lunch was delayed by 3 hours.

The humanitarian cargo is as follows: a loaf of bread for 23 people, a birch broom for 3 people, a bottle of mineral water for 1.5 people and 4 packs of cigarettes for a soldier. All. And we waited and hoped.

The general rode around Vedeno, handed books and toys to schoolchildren, and stopped by the department again for 30 minutes. I went into two cockpits while the l / s was being built and preparing for the awards. He approached the line, briefly told that the replacement would be phased and in general everything is fine with us here. He handed over the shoulder straps of a lieutenant colonel to the beginning. The SCM (criminal police service. - Ed.), and at the first shots of mortars, the fire of which we called to destroy the notched mortar point on the mountain, hurried to the helicopter.

March 29, 2000

Black day, terrible day. Even the day before, by radio interception, the Wahi promised us coffins instead of letters. And so it happened. By order of Major General Makarov (deputy commander), in the morning, a detachment of the Perm OMON, accompanied by armored personnel carriers of the commandant's company in two Urals, went out to clean up the area. settlement of Tsentoroy. Only 45 people. At 9 hours 02 minutes on the radio station, the commander of the detachment st. Lieutenant Konshin V.P. reported that the detachment was ambushed in square 58-96 at a height of 813 °. There are two hundredth and three hundredth (killed and wounded. - Ed.). APCs and cars are on fire. The Czechs lured the guys into a trap and beat them to choose from. We will find out the details later (if we find out), but even now it is clear that the operation on their part was carefully planned. There is an assumption that Gelaev's gang worked.

Beginning VOVD Ganzhin decided to send a second column to help and led it himself. A detachment of 61 people (31 - VOVD, 20 - OMON, 10 - VV) on two armored personnel carriers, "KamAZ" and two "UAZ" advanced to the battle area. On approaching square 58-94, the column was ambushed. Within the first minute, three three-hundredths appeared. The fire was very dense, and advancement became impossible. People lay down. The commander asked for help with boxes ( fighting machine infantry (BMP). - Ed.) and aviation. The guys lay under fire and waited for help. Ganzhin on the radio asked the brothers to be patient, hold on, saying that help was already nearby. But the riot police got in touch less and less.

The "turntables" approached, the commandant went to the battle area and led the battle. Mortars were brought up, but it was very difficult to correct their fire. It is even more difficult to correct aviation fire. There was no connection with the "turntables", there was nothing to give target designation. There were not enough green rockets to mark your place.

4 BMP paratroopers approached. Under their cover, the detachment tried to break through to the encircled. Only 500 - 600 m did not reach them. The fire of the "Chechs" was so dense that the commander decided to withdraw. "Czechs" were hit not only from small arms, but also from grenade launchers and mortars. Several boxes caught fire, many three hundredths appeared. "Chech" on the radio drowned out the conversations of our groups, and we had to constantly change channels. But he has a scanner, and again his canine voice filled the air with threats.

At 14.40 OMON in last time got in touch. The command was as follows: "Everyone who can still shoot, fire single shots on the slopes of the mountain." All. The guys ran out of ammunition, the snipers did not let them raise their heads. The second column came out of the shelling, having 16 three hundredths. They were evacuated by helicopter to Khankala. Two heavy ones. Looks like they won't deliver. Ensign Lisitsyn Valery Alekseevich from Dobryanka received a shell shock from our department. Still thinking nothing and staggering like a drunk, he rested at the "turntable" and refused to fly to the rear. Seated by force. The guys were carried out of the armored personnel carriers on their hands, with broken legs, bloody, burned.

With riot police in the first column was our driver Art. Sergeant Morozov Vyacheslav Valerievich. His fate is unknown. Artillery, aviation, and mortars fired with cut-off fire, covering more and more squares, but the Chechen continued to mock us on the radio.

It was decided to put forward a third column of paratroopers to help, and she went to the battle area. But then came the command of General Makarov to return her to Vedeno. We are shocked. How can you leave guys? After all, there are still 2-3 hours of daylight and the hope that not everyone died. But we don't make decisions, we just follow orders. We all understand that we betrayed the guys, but we can’t do anything.

The night is approaching, and the hope that the guys will be rescued is melting every minute. "Turntables" already in the dark deliver the last blows in the battle area. Mortars are fired endlessly. Heavy shells from self-propelled guns are rumbling over us towards the mountains. It hurts and it's embarrassing. The guys were betrayed, we were all betrayed. Everyone understands this - from the major to the private.

According to the Department of Internal Affairs, readiness No. 1 since the morning. The guards have been strengthened. The soldiers are all in the trenches and on the blocks. The night will be sleepless. From the headquarters of the group they constantly demand updated data, as if we can see the battlefield from the fortress and calculate the losses. So far 16 three hundredths. It is still impossible to comprehend and even more so to come to terms with the idea that young guys are lying in a gorge and bandits are mocking them. Maybe someone is still alive, but how to help? I, a healthy and strong man, sit in the duty room, hung with grenades, equipped with magazines, rockets and God knows what else, and I can’t do anything to help my fellow countrymen. It's disgusting, embarrassing and embarrassing.

March 30, 2000

At 2 am, the commandant's office reported that five riot policemen and one contract soldier had come out to them. Great joy, but how to drown out the pain of loss?!
All night and all day is spent military operation to destroy the group. Radio interception is contradictory. The FSB proves that they intercepted a message about the death of the 07th. According to their call sign, this is Maskhadov. And Basayev allegedly got in touch with us yesterday, they recognized his voice. Maybe it's true. And I sent him on the radio ...

Intelligence near Dzhana-Vedeno discovered a whole viper, Maskhadov's headquarters. The village no longer exists, it was razed to the ground. And we are on the defensive. It's a shame. We have weapons, ammunition, and most importantly, just a mad desire to take revenge. Four days ago we found BMP-2 (infantry fighting vehicle. - Ed.) and BMD-1 (airborne combat vehicle. - Ed.) buried near the hospital in Vedeno. They dug it up, dragged it to the department, washed it. The BMP is out of order, but the BMD can be put on the move. And all this is idle, like our MLTBashki (small light armored tractor. - Ed.). Moreover, the Gorchak, which no one needs, is an armored cap worth 3 million without machine guns and a grenade launcher. Sikerin promised to send another one. Who needs him here?
The guys sit without cigarettes, eat only soup and porridge, crackers instead of bread, and birch brooms are being brought to us. Thank you, at least not crosses.
A message has now been received that the troops have retreated from Dzhanoi-Vedeno, since they met very stubborn resistance. According to preliminary data, there are more than a thousand militants. We'll make them anyway. Necessarily!

March 31, 2000

An agonizing wait in the morning. Thoughts only about the fate of the riot police. The Federals went ahead after intensive processing of the area from the air and artillery fire. So far there is no news.

Colonel Aronin arrived, early. Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chechen Republic, some other generals. We are waiting for the arrival of Rushailo. All the efforts of the leadership of the VOVD come down to one thing - to push the blame for what happened onto someone. Again, a command for everyone to clean up, shave off their beards. Do you need to think about it now? Freaks! Ganzhin (head of the Vedensky VOVD, removed from his post after the execution of the Perm OMON, now works in the police in Perm. - Ed.) did not appear in front of the police officer, he drove off to the commandant's office. They all got shaved anyway.

The investigative-operational group went to the battlefield, our correspondent Marina Maltseva with her with a video camera. They waited all day for the minister, but he stayed in Khankala. He summoned Ganzhin and the military commandant there. According to intelligence, we are blocked on both sides of the gorge. A large group of up to 1,200 people blocked the road near Serzhen-Yurt. From Dagestan, near Dargo, the gorge is occupied by a group of up to 800 militants. We are in a bag. In Vedeno, 396 of us remained together with the riot police. Another commandant's company and a battalion of the 66th parachute regiment near Dzhanoi-Vedeno. There are still fellow Soviets in Avtury, but we don't know how many there are. All.

The feds, of course, will crush the “spirits” from both sides and will put pressure on Vedeno. Therefore, the entire l / s is again digging trenches and communications. They buried “captured” infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles in the ground, the entire ammo (ammunition load. - Ed.) was handed out from the guns. According to calculations, it will be enough for a maximum of half a day of intense combat. What's next? There is little hope for "turntables" and artillery, they still need to correctly indicate the target.

Already in the dark, the SOG (investigative-operational group) returned from the battlefield. The worst has been confirmed. On one side of the mountain, 27 corpses of our guys were found, on the opposite side, another 7. Our driver Morozov burned down in the cab of the Ural when he tried to turn it around. They identified everyone, but so far only 19 guys have been taken out. One corpse was mined. Sappers first pulled all the corpses with cats. Marina immediately became ill, and she could not complete the shooting.

Almost all Berezniki died. "Czechs" finished off the wounded at point-blank range with shots to the forehead or neck. One wounded boy (a tourniquet was tightened on his leg) had his ear cut off and thrown next to him, his skull was crushed with a butt, and an icon sticks out in his mouth. Fools, bastards! The guys were beaten to choose from. Moreover, the snipers first aimed at the legs, and then finished off. They lie in whole groups, apparently, they beat them when they bandaged each other. One had his entire body torn apart by a direct hit from a grenade launcher. The other one was stitched through the back, and the bullet got stuck in a broken magazine that lay in the unloading. Everyone's pockets were turned inside out, everything was taken. Many are stripped and undressed. The “spirits” took the weapon with them. It seems that a few wounded guys who could still walk were taken with them. The footprints show that the guys were taken away barefoot: they found their boots and bloodied bandages and socks. Those who could not walk were finished off. Terribly and unbearably painful. There is such a burden on the soul that it seems that it will put pressure on us for the rest of the years. They also found an artillery spotter, he was covered with mines. Like this.
There is also good news. They found a wounded in the leg and shell-shocked warrant officer of the riot police. For almost three days he lay on the rocks in the rain, hungry and a little alive. What happened to this guy?

But, according to operational information, it has long been known about the presence of gangs in the area. Our criminal unit transmitted this information in secret encryption to the headquarters of the group on the eve of the battle. But from there they demanded active actions from us - and now we got them ...

Now everything is blamed on our commanders. They did not organize cover, reconnaissance, did not work out the route. All this is so. They threw the guys into the meat grinder. But at the same time, no one has ever given us any cover, especially air cover. Even in the elections, the guys roamed the wild mountain villages in UAZs, armored personnel carriers, guarded the commandant's office and a couple of polling stations in Vedeno. Why was it necessary to withdraw troops? What, the war is already over? Just to report back.

In means mass media they talk such nonsense that it is sickening to listen to. We ourselves here on the spot do not fully own all the information, but there everyone knows on TV. Marasmus.

They also dug up the corpse of an Arab, the "Czechs" bury the mercenaries, carry away their own. The hole is right in his forehead. There nits and the road. Yesterday, two more were buried in Vedeno. Probably from there too.

36 Perm militiamen and 7 servicemen of the commandant's company were killed in battle, as well as captured and executed ...

Early in the morning of March 29, a convoy of 50 people (42 riot police from Perm and Berezniki, 8 military personnel of the commandant's company of military unit 83590 of the Taman division) moved from Vedeno to their destination to conduct a special operation to check the passport regime and carry out other activities. The column consisted of three vehicles: BTR-80 (driver Gennady Obraztsov, commandant's company, was captured, executed), the Ural-4320 car (driver Vyacheslav Morozov, the Sverdlovsk District Internal Affairs Directorate, died in battle) and the ZIL-131 car "(driver Yuri Shishkin, the only surviving fighter of the commandant's company). Having passed near Zhani-Vedeno, at a height of 813, ZIL began to boil and the column was forced to stop.

Shortly before this, a detachment of militants under the command of Abu-Kuteyb entered the same village. In the gang, in addition to the Chechens, there were also immigrants from the republics of the North Caucasus and foreign mercenaries (Arabs). The bandits settled in holiday homes. The commander of the riot police, Major Simonov, decided to inspect the house, located tens of meters from the column's stop. Going inside, he found two armed militants there. In response to Simonov's order to drop his weapon, shots were fired, Major Simonov was killed. At the same time, shelling of the column from small arms and grenade launchers began.

Initially, the militants fired only from small arms, but due to the fact that when the column stopped, the policemen did not disembark from the body of the car and did not disperse on the ground, in the very first minutes of the battle, fire was opened on the policemen landing from the body, which led to numerous injuries and casualties . RPG shots knocked out an armored personnel carrier (a cumulative projectile hit the engine compartment) and both vehicles. The gunner (presumably the gunner's place was taken by one of the policemen, who later died from burns on the battlefield) of the burning armored personnel carrier turned the tower and opened fire on the hill, allowing the riot police to take more convenient positions for defense. The riot police and the military commandant's company took the fight, fought back to the last bullet. As the bandits approached from different parts of the village, the fire on the column intensified. In the last radio message of the policemen there was a request to shoot single shots. In all likelihood, they were running out of ammunition.

At about 10:00 am, a detachment of servicemen from the commandant's company (contract soldiers), Perm policemen and Perm OMON was sent to help the ambushed riot police from Vedeno. The second column, headed by the commandant of Vedeno, Colonel V. Tonkoshkurov, the head of the Vedenskiy VOVD, Colonel Yu. Ganzhin, his deputy, the former riot policeman, Lieutenant Colonel K. Strict, the commander of the Perm OMON, Lieutenant Colonel S. Gaba, tried to break through to the surrounded policemen, but not reaching them several hundred meters, she herself was ambushed. Almost immediately, the head armored personnel carrier of the commandant's company (driver Roman Muranov, shooter Dmitry Zyablikov) was hit. Fearing being trapped in a trap, and in view of the lack of combat experience in such situations, the command gave the order to retreat. After about 6 hours, the column returned to Vedeno. The losses of the second column were: the commandant's company - 15 people wounded, the consolidated detachment of the Perm OMON - one wounded.

Due to the fact that part of the militants was diverted to the second column, six people from the first column were able to escape from the encirclement. On March 30, a group of six people - five riot policemen and a fighter from the commandant's company - went out to their own.

Only on March 31, federal troops (according to some reports, the reconnaissance group of the 255th motorized rifle regiment was finally able to reach height 813. The bodies of 31 dead and one riot policeman Alexander Prokopov, seriously wounded in both legs, were found (subsequently, Alexander's leg was amputated, but he remained to serve in the riot police). The fate of the rest of the fighters by that time remained unknown.It later turned out that twelve people (seven Berezniki riot police, four seconded employees of the Perm police and a fighter of the commandant's company) were taken prisoner and executed the next day in response to a refusal to exchange them for Colonel Yu. Budanov, who was arrested for the murder of a Chechen woman.The burial of 10 fighters was discovered on April 30 (according to other sources - May 1) near the village of Dargo, and information about the burial place of 2 OMON fighters had to be bought from local residents. Almost all the bodies bore traces of abuse and torture.

As it turned out later, the policemen were not captured immediately. In a small group, they tried to get out of the encirclement, constantly firing back, but they could only reach a small river, which they did not have time to cross. Here they apparently ran out of ammunition. A large number of shell casings and an unexploded grenade were found around. One riot policeman was hit by machine gun fire at the bridge across the river and finished off with blows from the butt. The rest were executed not far from this place.

One of the riot police, Sergei Udachin, had a video camera with him that day, on which he filmed the movement of the column until the very beginning of the battle. As a result of the ensuing firefight, he was killed, but the video camera continued to work. The camera lay in the grass and continued to record for another fifteen minutes.

Everlasting memory…

List of losses of federal forces
36 Perm militiamen were killed in battle, and also captured and executed:

Police Major Simonov Valentin Dmitrievich (06/12/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
senior lieutenant of militia Konshin Vasily Anatolyevich (01/14/1967 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
senior lieutenant of militia Turovsky Evgeny Stanislavovich (09/09/1963 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
senior lieutenant of militia Metguliev Albert Gurbandurdyevich (07/18/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
police lieutenant Zazdravnykh Alexander Viktorovich (01/24/1966 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
police lieutenant Kananovich Albert Vladimirovich (11/24/1972 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
police lieutenant Kuznetsov Yuri Anatolyevich (09/05/1966 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
senior warrant officer of militia Sobyanin Sergey Borisovich (04/19/1971 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
senior warrant officer of militia Avetisov Yury Igorevich (08/2/1970 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
Ensign of militia Annenkov Andrey Vyacheslavovich (02/06/1969 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Okhansky district of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
militia ensign Zyryanov Andrey Vyacheslavovich (12/20/1970 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
militia ensign Lomakin Mikhail Valeryevich (10/26/1974 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Militia Ensign Muntyan Valery Vladimirovich (10/31/1975 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
police ensign Malyutin Sergey Viktorovich (01/24/1975 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
Militia ensign Prosvirnev Evgeny Vladimirovich (05/14/1975 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region),
police ensign Shaikhraziev Marat Farsovich (01/08/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
foreman of militia Kistanov Alexander Viktorovich (03/24/1970 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Perm district of the Perm region),
foreman of militia Permyakov Yuri Egorovich (03/21/1973 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
foreman of militia Ryzhikov Aleksey Nikolaevich (07/08/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
foreman of militia Sergeev Vitaly Yuryevich (08/12/1967 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
foreman of militia Udachin Sergey Igorevich (05/24/1962 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
senior police sergeant Alexander Borisovich Zyuzyukin (10/1/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
senior police sergeant Morozov Vyacheslav Valerievich (12/17/1972 - 03/29/2000, Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk district of Perm),
senior police sergeant Okulov Vladimir Ivanovich (07/2/1974 - 03/29/2000, Tchaikovsky police department, Perm region),
senior police sergeant Pervushin Alexander Yuryevich (01/05/1976 - 03/29/2000, police department of the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region),
senior police sergeant Pushkarev Vadim Vyacheslavovich (12/7/1971 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki, Perm Region),
police sergeant Efanov Vitaly Anatolyevich (08/31/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnovishersky district of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
police sergeant Makarov Dmitry Viktorovich (01/03/1973 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
police sergeant Tarasov Eduard Ivanovich (08/26/1974 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
junior police sergeant Emshanov Vladimir Yuryevich (10/6/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
junior police sergeant Kireev Evgeny Ivanovich (02/28/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
junior police sergeant Tolstyakov Evgeny Vladimirovich (10/6/1978 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
junior police sergeant Grigory Mikhailovich Uzhegov (09/12/1977 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Berezniki),
junior police sergeant Davydov Oleg Anatolyevich (09/25/1965 - 03/29/2000, OMON at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Berezniki of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region),
junior police sergeant Igitov Sergey Vitalievich (06/29/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the Motovilikha district of Perm),
private militia Rzhanov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich (06/10/1977 - 03/29/2000, Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Kungur, Perm Region).
The soldiers of the commandant's company who died in battle and were captured and executed:

Corporal Obraztsov Gennady,
private Nikolenko Sergey Anatolyevich,
Private Karpukhin Andrey Petrovich,
Private Sasin Sergey Viktorovich,
private Nizamov Zenur Adlyamovich,
Private Efimov Dmitry Yurievich,

The shooting case revealed the killer facts
Yesterday in Makhachkala, at the trial of the shooting of the Perm OMON in March 2000, the sensational testimony of one of the accused, Eduard Valiakhmetov, was made public. He said that Andrei Babitsky was exchanged for soldiers captured by his detachment. The captured riot policemen, according to him, were executed even despite the fact that they asked to serve in the militants. With details - YURI Y-SAFRONOV.
Defendant Valiakhmetov said that he came to Chechnya in early February 2000 at the insistence of his parents: "My mother and father wanted me to study the Koran and the basics of Islam." This was confirmed to a Kommersant correspondent by Eduard's mother, Saniyat, who arrived in Makhachkala dressed according to all the rules prescribed by the Koran for a Muslim woman. "We really thought that only in Chechnya could our boy learn the purity of Islam," she lamented. In one of the camps, Valiakhmetov was given the name Abdulla, since the name Eduard, as he was told, was of non-Muslim origin. Even in a letter to his parents, he called himself Abdullah. After three weeks of training, Valiakhmetov, along with another accused, Shamil Kitov, ended up in the detachment of the Arab Abu Kuteib. But just a couple of days later, the militants suspected FSB agents of the recruits.
According to Valiakhmetov, under torture he was forced to admit that he was an FSB lieutenant. Together with Kitov, he was held with prisoners, among whom was one policeman from the Novolaksky district of Dagestan and several servicemen. According to Valiakhmetov, the policeman was released for a ransom, and two soldiers were exchanged for Andrei Babitsky, a correspondent for Radio Liberty. So, in any case, those who guarded him told Valiakhmetov. During this time, he recognized many militants, among whom were Tatars, Dargins from the Dagestan village of Karamakhi, and even Arabs who came from England.
A detachment of militants constantly moved and took prisoners everywhere with them. Valiakhmetov told in detail the route of movement, clearly named the settlements and even the regions of Chechnya that they crossed. At the end of March, the detachment in which he was located was near the village of Zhani-Vedeno.
“We were settled not far from the village in two abandoned houses. One morning I woke up from the noise of automatic bursts. Sleepy militants, dressing and loading weapons on the move, fled towards a small height (near it, an attack was made on a convoy of Perm riot police. - Kommersant). Among them, I saw Shamil Kitov, who had a grenade launcher in his hands and three shots to him, "Valiakhmetov said during interrogation, which was recorded on video and demonstrated at the trial. All the captured riot police, he said, were taken to a small gorge, where they were guarded by Arabs. The battle, meanwhile, continued for half a kilometer. The Karamakhins, who used to guard Valiakhmetov, were not there - they participated in that battle. Already in the evening, when the detachment united, Valiakhmetov witnessed the execution of one of the riot police. “On the ground, leaning on a shovel, stood an ensign. When the militants began to shout loudly “Allah Akbar!”, The policeman fell to his knees and began to ask not to kill him. He said that he would fight on their side. But the angry Wahhabis did not hear anything They took off the shirt from the ensign, then one Chechen came up and hit him on the head with the butt of a machine gun and cut his throat, already lying on the ground. Thus, Valiakhmetov confirmed the data of the federals that Shamil Basayev was bluffing, offering to exchange the prisoners for Colonel Budanov, who was arrested for the murder Chechen girl. By the time the demands were made, the riot police had already been executed.
However, in his other testimony, Valiakhmetov excluded the episode with Kitov. Based on this, the investigator did not charge the latter with direct participation in the attack on the Perm OMON. At the video interrogation, Valiakhmetov, and then Kitov, listed in detail the names of the Karamakhins who participated in the raid, and their signs. Later, according to investigators, they identified them from photographs. However, at the trial, both unexpectedly declared that they were mistaken, since completely different people were sitting in the dock. One of the participants in that battle, a Perm riot policeman, could not stand it and said to the judge: "There they were all dirty, overgrown, with beards, and today they are trimmed and shaved. Naturally, in this situation, these are different people."
When asked by the judge and the public prosecutor about the reasons for the changes in their testimony, both defendants replied that they were subjected to physical pressure and acted according to the investigator's scenario even before they were interrogated during video filming. According to them, the names of the defendants were suggested to them by police officers. Immediately, the lawyers began to raise their defendants one by one and arrange impromptu face-to-face confrontations, asking the same question: "Have you seen this man among the militants before?" In response, a languid denial was heard: "I only saw these people at the trial."
Today, the court will hear testimony from the other defendants.

March 29 is a sad anniversary. The most big loss MIA...In memory of the Perm OMON

"... And in short it was like this,
they went to Dzhanei Vedeno, the Urals began to boil and the commander of the group, Major Simonov, went into the koshara located there to ask for water ...
Everything was filmed on camera ... Each OMON departure was filmed ..
It was filmed as the major enters the fold, a conversation, a single shot and shooting began ...
"Bitches!" the cameraman screams, the camera falls...
He is killed second ... The camera was later found at the battlefield ... "

...materials sent by brother HANS

...These are the ones who were captured by the Czechs and executed... HANS


In February, when I was on a business trip to Perm, a combined OMON detachment was escorted to Chechnya -
exactly 100 fighters and officers, led by commander Sergei Gaba.
There were no usual tears and sorrowful sobs on the platform - the command assured that this time the police replenishment would not participate in hostilities, the task of the guys was familiar - to ensure public order in the Vedeno district.

...It happened on Wednesday, March 29th. A column of the Perm OMON - 41 people - in two Ural cars and one armored personnel carrier moved early in the morning to the village of Dargo: they were to clear one of the villages in the mountains.
Before reaching a kilometer to the village of Zhani-Vedeno ( mountain tract Dzhanei-Vedeno on the border of the Vedeno and Nozhai-Yurt districts), the convoy was suddenly attacked by several hundred militants.
For several hours, the uniform massacre continued: cars and armored personnel carriers were hit, a flurry of fire pressed the policemen to the ground. They could not transmit any messages about help - none of the officers even knew the call signs and radio frequencies of the troops stationed in the column's lane. But at the checkpoint in Vedeno, they perfectly heard the negotiations of the riot police.
The last interception is at 16.45: “To all the guys who can shoot, hit single!”
It is clear to anyone what this meant: the surrounded fighters were running out of ammunition.
The second column of the Perm OMON - 107 people - was already rushing to the aid of their comrades. At the same time, a battalion of the 66th regiment of internal troops and three airborne battalions approached the scene of the tragedy. According to some reports, from the 104th regiment of the 76th airborne division from Pskov, whose company almost completely died on March 1. They did not reach - at a height of 813, an ambush of militants was also waiting for them.
So far, much is unknown: how many hours did the battle last? Why didn't helicopters come to the rescue? And most importantly: how many fighters from the two riot police columns died, how many were injured, how many went missing?
The day after the first battle, on March 30, at a regular briefing, Sergei Yastrzhembsky assured that the first column of OMON had lost three fighters, 16 were "safe", the fate of the rest was unknown. On the same day, the acting commander of the joint grouping of federal forces, Colonel-General Alexander Baranov, reports something else from Khankala: four people were killed, 18 were injured. There is silence about the losses of the second column, internal troops and paratroopers. Although not - the same Yastrzhembsky estimates the loss of troops and explosives at 20 people wounded.
It is useless to call the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Perm Region: on March 30, its head, Igor Kiselev, asked journalists not to write a word about the OMON tragedy - all the information that had passed before seemed to him either unreliable or unverified. That is why he corrects both Baranov and Yastrzhembsky: there are only two wounded and one shell-shocked in the detachment.
This lie is primitive and miserable: if fate had been so merciful to the people of Perm, it is unlikely that Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Rushailo, having just flown from Chechnya to Moscow, again immediately flew to Mozdok. It is unlikely that the same Baranov, the commander of the group of internal troops, General Mikhail Labunets, and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, General Igor Golubev, would rush to the place of execution of the Perm OMON. And finally, on Friday, March 31, the Main Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus opened a criminal case on the fact of an attack on a convoy of Perm riot police - the grounds must be too serious. March in Chechnya already seems to me cursed and terrible - we live from tragedy to tragedy, the last one is already the third. Everything is just as similar: there are words about negligence, carelessness, confusion. Everything is much more tragic - the lie about the regions of Chechnya liberated from militants, and the lie about the end of the active phase of the military operation, and the stupid chatter about the almost universal craving of Chechens for Russia.
... And at the building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Perm, and at the OMON base not far from the famous Goznak factory, dozens of people stand for days - wives, fathers, mothers and children of the OMON shot by militants.
On Friday, March 31, at 4:30 pm, Governor Vyacheslav Igumnov and two vice-governors arrived at the base. For several hours they conferred with the deputy commander of the OMON, Valery Kazantsev. The authorities did not approach the crowd of relatives. Did they know that on the same day, the bodies of 32 dead riot policemen were found in the Zhani-Vedeno area? Are their names finally known?
Prepare for silence and lies. It's time to get used to it.

Georgy ROZHNOV, " New Newspaper".

Victor Maisov In memory of the Perm OMON

Good forces, save Russia!
Icy corpses are powerless.
The roar of explosions ... Curses, groans ...
Betrayed, riot police are dying in the massacre.

Life is like a sip ... Eye socket failures ...
Frames of the "silent" ... The deadness of faces ...

What do we - exhausted, what do we - hungry
It is fruitless to wander around the Ciscaucasia,
Die from sniper bullets, from stretch marks,
Drink unrestrained grief from flasks,

Blood from torn veins...
What are we - like an eternal Jew?!

"Spirits" - gloomy and merciless;
They rob, rape - passionately and greedily;
Wolf grin, blow...
With a roar: "Allah Akbar"!

The best, you die for Russia...
Do you just agree - like this ?! Didn't ask
Your loved ones, widows, mothers,
Pitiful orphans, unborn children...

Well, for Russia, death ...
Ile - for rat oil?!

Good forces, save Russia!
We strain the last forces
In the fight - with the invasion of rats ...
Lord... Understand!

Give us the strength of the fallen guys
To make the Fatherland more powerful,
So that not ashes - their sacrifice,
To live - beat in battle for two!

So that the sons stand in line for their father.

So that the country does not lose face.

"Memories of the surviving boy Volodya Kurakin. Here is his story.
And just remember those who have fulfilled their duty to the end"...

Perm OMON officer Vladimir KURAKIN:
The Chechens shouted to us: “We will kill you gently!”

Police lieutenant Vladimir Kurakin.
He participated in this battle and miraculously survived. Here is his story...

They prepared a serious ambush for us. They dug full profile trenches. Well disguised. You can’t take such a shelter either from an RPG or a “fly”. But... we didn't reach the main ambush force. The car broke down. After a while, we learned that we had gone through 8-9 Chechen posts. They passed us "from hand to hand" and "led" the column.
The bag slammed shut.
This is where it started. Submachine guns and machine guns hit from all sides. The armored personnel carrier went to the head of the column to support the guys with fire. "Spirits" set fire to the first "Ural". Then they set fire to the armored personnel carrier. The crew fell out of the burning car and took up defensive positions. One kid got back into the burning car. And from the turret machine gun watered the "spirits". He fired until the grenade launcher went off a second time. I saw pieces of metal flying from the tower. Soldier on fire...
We, several people, climbed under the ZIL. They took up all-round defense, fired back. "Spirits" riddled the entire machine. Fuel was leaking from the gas tank to the ground. We were in a puddle of gasoline. Could erupt at any moment. We decided to crawl out to a small hill. There, on the high-rise, were several of our guys. Some have already been killed, others have been wounded. Sergei Malyutin lay behind a thin tree. He was with a sniper rifle. The trunk of the tree is cut with bullets. Where they are shooting from is not visible. Sergey shouts to us: “We can’t see anything! ..”
We see them surrounded on all sides. Shouting: "Surrender! We're going to kill you...”
Vitaly Epifanov stood up to his full height. He hit the "Czechs" with a machine gun. He was lucky for a few minutes. But one turn got him. Dropped dead.
Here the "spirits" switched their attention to the second column, which was going to our rescue. We took advantage of this and rolled into the gorge. We decided to leave the encirclement by water. The water is noisy, blockages of stones and bushes hide.
We went to a small bridge. Further down the road. "Spirits" noticed us. We lay down in the hollow and prepared to accept the last battle. Only 15-20 meters remained. Mines whistled. It rumbled six times - a mine for each of us. But the mortars did not hit us. "Spirits" swept away and helped us. I ordered to retreat to ours. We heard and even saw how the second column was fighting. And then I heard on the radio: “We are surrounded, we are retreating!” The fight began to subside.
We went down a cliff. They hung on the branches and roots of trees. Like Christmas decorations. They hung like that for several hours.
Then the "turntables" flew in and began to work on the location of the militants. The first volley hit ... on our positions. I gave a green rocket - "our people are here." And red - in the direction of the Chechen positions. They were well beaten by helicopter pilots, attack aircraft and mortars. But night fell on the mountains.
I went first, the others followed me in a line. Each had a hand on the other's shoulder. I'll stop - everyone got up. I sat down, everyone sat down.
Nerves were already on edge. Suddenly we hear a Russian dialect. Our? Not ours? I ask: "Password?" I answered: “Ryazan! Review?" And we don't know him. They didn't accidentally shoot each other. It turned out that this is the intelligence of the Airborne Forces. The guys came to help us.
Five riot policemen and one contractor came out of that meat grinder. Two days later, when our soldiers arrived at the battlefield, they found the wounded, half-dead Alexander Prokopov. He had a leg injury. He lost a lot of blood, but he put a tourniquet on himself. The doctor, in the heat of battle, managed to throw him an ampoule of promedol. So he held out until the arrival of ours.
These jackals walked around the battlefield and finished off ours. Control shots were made to all the guys either in the head or in the neck. And ten “Vakhi” guys were captured. Most likely, the guys were severely shell-shocked and could not resist. The scouts then found bandages, bloody socks and boots... They took the guys away barefoot. Looks like they were tortured. When they were executed is unknown. Their bodies were later found far from the battlefield.
When we took away the bodies of the dead, we saw everything. One butt crushed the skull. Another had a pectoral cross stuck up his nose. Even the dead were tortured. And how it got alive ...

Bright memory...