Filter Society of Russian Literature

(Society of competitors, from 1819 also the scholar republic), literary social organization In St. Petersburg in 1816-25. The collections of society took place on the Ascension Avenue (now Majorob Avenue, a plot of house 41). From 1819-20, the leading place in it was taken by the participants of the Decembrists: F. N. Glinka (Chairman), A. A. Bestuzhev, N. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhhelbecker, A. O. Kornilovich, K. F. Ryleev, N. I. Turgenev. Among members - N. I. Galotich (Vice-President from 1821), E. A. Baratsky, F. V. Bulgarin, A. A. Delvig, V. N. Karazin, M. A. Korf, O. M. Somov, from 1824 - A. S. Griboedov. The company was closely connected with A. S. Pushkin, who did not consist of his member. At the meetings of the Company, the works of "Competitors" were read, issues of history, philosophy, art were discussed - created " nutrient medium»Noble library. The atmosphere of the fierce literary and ideological struggle of his right, "well-mounted" wing and the left, Decembrist, who defended civilian pathos, the national identity of the literature, approved interest in the historical and patriotic topic and folk poetry, was characterized. The Company's body is the magazine "Enlightenment and Chargen Competor" (published from 1818, with interruptions). After the defeat of the uprising of the Decembrists (1825) the activities of the Company ceased.

  • - Literary and public organization in St. Petersburg in 1801-25 ...

    St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

  • - Filter society of lovers of Russian literature Literary and public organization, which existed in St. Petersburg in 1816-25. Originally wore a conservative character ...

    Literary encyclopedia

  • - Free Society Lovers, Sciences and Arts - see Literary Societies ...

    Literary encyclopedia

  • - Rus. lit.-scientific society in 1801-25 in St. Petersburg; Originally was named "Friendly about lovers of elegant" ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - The literary society, founded in 1811 on the thought of G. R. Derzhavin and A. S. Shishkov in order to develop and maintain the taste for elegant Word through the public reading of exemplary works in verses and prose ...
  • - Highestly approved under this name in early 1818, founded, with the permission of the government, in 1816 under the name of the "Volny Society of Enlightenment and Benefit Competitioners" ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - It originated on July 15, 1801 on the thought of I. M. Born and with the assistance of his comrades in an academic gymnasium: V. V. Popright, A. G. Volkov, V. V. Dmitriev and V. I. Krasovsky ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - monthly magazinepublished by the society of lovers of literature, sciences and arts in St. Petersburg, in 1812, edited by V. B. Bronvorsky ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Literary and public organization, which existed in St. Petersburg in 1816-25 ...
  • - Literary and public organization, which existed in St. Petersburg in 1801-25 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Literary and Scientific Society at Moscow University, which existed in 1811-1930 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Filter Society of Russian Literature Literary Society - Literary Society in St. Petersburg in 1816-25 ...
  • - Sciences and Arts, Literary and Public Organization in St. Petersburg in 1801-25. Among the members: I. P. Pinn, I. M. Born, V. V. Parrot, A. Kh. Vostokov, N. A. and V. A. Radishchev, K. N. Batyushkov ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - at Moscow University - Literary Scientific Society, 1811-1930. At the meetings, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - "Society of love" IT Ross "Iyskaya words" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

"Filter Society of Russian Literature Fans" in books

From the book Brothers Orlov Author Razumovskaya Elena Aleksandrovna

The Volos Economic Society of the Erach of Orlov was marked by several noble, but, alas, unsuccessful endeavors. Firstly, this is the commission of stuffing, secondly, the creation of the Imperial Free Economic Society. The last undertaking was Gregory


From the book of Zheliabov Author Voronsky Alexander Konstantinovich

Firewall in 1877, Zundelevich, Aaron Isakovich, close not so much to populists, how much to the Western European Social Democrats, smuggling transported Typographic accessories and arranged the first underground printing house in St. Petersburg. Zundelevich was

Filter Society of Russian Literature


Volny Society of Literature Lovers, Sciences and Arts

From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (V) author BSE

Film Economic Society

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (C) author BSE

Russian Literature Society

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (O) author BSE

Academy of Russian Literature

From the book Russian literature today. New guidebook Author Chuprinin Sergey Ivanovich

The Academy of Russian Literature was established in 1995. Founders - Literary Institute, Russian Language Institute. Pushkin, International community Bookmen. The statutory goals of ARS consist "in the protection of Russian literary language, in support of educational and

Letter to the Russian Literature Lovers Society

From the book of the article Author Uspensky Gleb Ivanovich

Letter to the Society of Russian Literature Fans (* During the printing of this letter G. I. Uspensky, we received a small addition from the last one, which we put in a note at his request: "around July 24 and especially around November 14 last year and in the interval

Pushkin (essay) uttered on June 8 in the meeting of the Society of Russian Literature

From the book Diary of the Writer Author

Pushkin (essay) said on June 8 at a meeting of the Society of Russian Literature of Russian Literature "Pushkin there is an emergency phenomenon and maybe the only phenomenon of the Russian spirit," said Gogol. I will add from myself: and prophetic. Yes, in the appearance of it is for all of us,

[Speech in society lovers of Russian literature]

From the book Volume 15. Articles about literature and art Author Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich

[Speech in the society of fans of Russian literature] Mercileous sovereigns. Election of me in the members of the Society I poles my pride and sincerely delighted me. Forest election This I do not rather have so much to my weak attempts in the literature, how much to express it

Pushkin (essay) uttered on June 8 in the meeting of the Society of Russian Literature

From the book notes about Russian literature Author Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich

Pushkin (essay) said on June 8 at a meeting of the Society of Russian Literature of Russian Literature "Pushkin there is an emergency phenomenon and maybe the only phenomenon of the Russian spirit," said Gogol. I will add from myself: and prophetic. Yes, in the appearance of it is for all of us,

31 in the Russian Literature Society

From the book Selected Letters Author Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narcsovich

31 In the Society of Russian Literature Fans Every summer I have to travel through the Urals, and on the way I do not miss the case to record everything related to ethnography and in general the household setting of this extensive and diverse edge. By the way, I would like

A stimitated reviewer (the epigram is dedicated to an upward propagated star of the current Russian literature - Andrei Grishaev, who has installed poems on the site. RU November 6, review review of the style of the stimitan for October)

From the book of the Heavenly Office [Collection] Author Veshin Nikolay L.

A stimitated reviewer (the epigram is dedicated to an upward propagated star of the current Russian literature - Andrei Grishaev, who has installed poems on the site. RU November 6, a review review of the work of the stimitan in October) Ipigraph: "And the judges of HTO?" (Chatsky) October.

From the book of the author

Favorite Chivo Putin. Paris Secrets of Russian Literature Favorite Favoro Putin. Paris secrets of Russian Literature Vladimir Bondarenko Vladimir Bondarenko Favorite Putin's favorite. Paris secrets of Russian literature in love with us in Russia people. Putin already

Favorite Chivo Putin. Paris Secrets of Russian Literature

From the book of the author

Favorite Chivo Putin. Paris Secrets of Russian Literature Favorite Favoro Putin. Paris Secrets of Russian Literature Vladimir Bondarenko 0 Vladimir Bondarenko Favorite Putin's favorite story. Paris secrets of Russian literature in love with us in Russia people. Putin already

Material from ENE.

(S.-Petersburg) - Highestly approved under this name at the beginning of G., Based, with the permitting of the government, under the name of the "Volny Society of Enlightenment and Benefits Competitives." The goals of society were, on the one hand, charitable, on the other - literary with indispensable concern about the "purity" of the language; The latter circumstance was caused by the approval of the Society to protest Shishkov (see his note in the "readings", G., KN. 2), who found that society seeks to compete with the Russian Academy, why and is for the last danger. Since 1818, society has published a magazine: "Enlightenment and Charity Competor. Works of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Lovers. " The whole benefit from the publication was determined by "those, engaged in science and arts, require subel and charity; The widows of their and orphans of both sexes have an equal right to the benefit of society, which for the same goal will be made by special books with useful writings and translations of the most famous classic writers, having many already in willingness. " Subscription price for the magazine was 25 rubles, with shipment 30 rubles, but since the money went "to the manual poor scientists and students, then, the announcement says, who want to promote this charitable goal can be made for an instance of a more denominated amount. " Offers flowed into society quite abundant; Between others, the Empress subscribed to two copies, introduced 200 rubles. The Company has provided significant benefits to the needy writers; For example, I was issued by Romanist V. T. Nasrezhnaya (surnames in the reports are reduced, but so that it is not difficult to guess) - 300 rubles, the Simbirsk Basnopista A. K. Mandorf - 150 rubles., Once 200 rubles. and so on. Find such expenses: "Included in the local Pokrovsky school for 2 sons of the local trashman Pavlova 10 rubles. " From among the actual members, his chairman, his assistant, secretary, executor, librarian, treasurer and a censorship, which consisted of three censors (poetry, prose and bibliography), three members and secretary, was chosen every half of the year. The collections of society were the next and public. The House of Assembly of the Company was in the 4th quarter of the 3rd Admiralty part on the Voznesensky Ave., under No. 254. The composition of the society was mixed. Here were, of course, almost all modern writers and public figures different directions. The title of "Trustees" of the Society was: Prince A. N. Golitsyn, Count S. K. Vyazmitinov, O. P. Kozodavlev, I. I. Dmitriev, A. D. Balashov and Count V. P. Kochubey, that is, police representatives and ministries of popular education, internal affairs and justice. The Chairman of the Society was first the Count S. P. Saltykov, and from the city of Constantly F. N. Glinka, and Assistant with him A. E. Izmailov. Many members of the Society were involved in the conspiracy of the Decembrists and belonged to the "Union of Benencies", which should be explained that the activities of the Company ceased seems to be at the end of the city; The magazine was interrupted on the 10th book of 1825 and in the address-calendar for the year of the list about the composition of the Company no longer.

The article reproduced material from the large encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

Filter Society of Russian Literature, Literary and public organization, which existed in St. Petersburg in 1816-25. From 1819 the leading position in it was occupied by future Decembrists F. N. Glinka, K. F. Ryleev, N. A. and A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhehelbecker, and others. In the members of the Society A. S. Griboyedov was adopted . The meetings discussed the problems of science and art in a civil patriotic spirit. The Company published a monthly magazine "Enlightenment and Benefitment Competor".

Institution of society

Based on the permitting of the government, in 1816 under the name of the "Volny Society of Enlightenment and Benefit Competitors." The goals of society were, on the one hand, charitable, on the other - literary with indispensable concern about the "cleanliness" of the language. The latter circumstance caused a protest Shishkov, who found that society seeks to compete with russian AcademyWhy and presents for the last danger. The name was replaced by "Filter society of Russian literature lovers" In early 1818. Since 1818, society has published a magazine: "Enlightenment and Charity Enlightenment Competor. Works of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Lovers. "


All income from the publication was sent "those, engaged in science and arts, require subel and charity; The widows of their and orphans of both sexes have an equal right to the benefit of society, which for the same goal will be made by special books with useful writings and translations of the most famous classic writers, having many already in willingness. "

Charitable fees flowed into society quite abundant; Between others, the empress subscribed to two copies, making 200 rubles at a subscription price of 25 rubles.

The Company paid benefits to the needy writers. For example, Romanist was issued by V. T. Nasrezhnaya - 300 rubles, Basinista A. K. Mandorf - 150 rubles, and so on. They were recorded and such expenses were recorded: "Included in the local Pokrovsky school for 2 sons of the local tradanin Pavlova 10 rubles." .


The composition of the society was mixed. There were almost all modern writers and public figures of various directions.

From among the actual members, his chairman, his assistant, secretary, executor, a librarian, treasurer and a censorship, which consisted of three censors (poetry, prose and bibliography), three members and the secretary, were chosen every half of the year.

The title of "Trustees" of the Societies was carried by Prince A. N. Golitsyn, Count S. K. Vyazmitinov, O. P. Kozodavlev, I. I. Dmitriev, A. D. Balashov and Count V. P. Kochubey, that is, representatives of the police and ministries of popular education, internal affairs and justice.

The Chairman of the Society was first the Count S. P. Saltykov, and since 1819, F. N. Glinka is constantly F.N. Izmailov.

The collections of society were regular and public. The House of Assembly of the Company was in the 4th quarter of the 3rd Admiralty part on the Ascension Prospect, under No. 254.

Disintegration of the Company

Many members of the Society were involved in the conspiracy of the Decembrists and belonged to the "union of prosperity", which should be explained that the Company's activities stopped at the end of 1825. The Journal of the Company was interrupted on the 10th book of 1825 and in the address-calendar for 1826 the list of a list of society is no longer.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "free society of Russian literature lovers" in other dictionaries:

    Literary Society in St. Petersburg in 1816 25. Among the members: F. N. Glinka (Chairman), K. F. Ryleev, N. A. and A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhehelbecker, N. I. Galotch, A. A. Delvig, A. S. Griboyedov and DR ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Society of competitors, from 1819 also a scholar republic), a literary public organization in St. Petersburg in 1816 25. The collections of society took place on the Ascension Avenue (now Majorov Avenue, a plot of house 41). From 1819 20 leading place ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

    Filter Society of Russian Literature - (Society of competitions, from 1819 also a scholar republic), a literary public organization in St. Petersburg in 1816-25. The collections of society took place on the Ascension Avenue (now Majorob Avenue, a plot of house 41). From 1819-20 leading ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

    Literary society in St. Petersburg in 1816 1825. Among the members: F. N. Glinka (Chairman), K. F. Ryleev, N. A. and A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhehelbecker, N. I. Galotich, and . A. Delvig, A. S. Griboedov, N. I. Grech, P. A. Pletnev, etc. * * * free ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (S. Petersburg) Highestly approved under this name in early 1818, founded with the permitting of the government, in 1816 under the name of the Volny Society of Enlightenment Competitors and Praventivity. The goals of society were, on the one hand, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Literary public organization existing in St. Petersburg in 1816-25. Initially, there was a conservative, after the election of the Poet by the Chair (1819), F. N. Glinka changed the direction. K. F. Ryleev, N. A. and a ... Literary encyclopedia

    Literary public organization that existed in St. Petersburg in 1816 25. From 1819, the leading position in it was taken by future Decembrists F. N. Glinka, K. F. Ryleev, N. A. and A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhehelbecker and others . The members of the Society was ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Filter Society of Russian Literature - Free Society of Russian Literature Lovers, Literary Public Organization in St. Petersburg (1816 - 1825). From 1819. leading position In it occupied by F. N. Glinka, K. F. Ryleev, N. A. Bestuzhev and A. A. Bestuzhev, V. K. Kyhehelbecker, ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

Topic: "Filter Society of Russian Literature Fans"

Filter Society of Russian Literature Fans, existed from 1816
to 1825, left a noticeable trace in the history of Russian literature and
Journalism. This is one of the first organizations of the advanced writers of Russia.
The activities of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Lovers
closely related to the activities of the Decembrists, many of which were
members of this society.

In total, in a free society there were over 240 members (82
"Valid Member", 24 "Membership-Employee", 39
"Corresponding Members" and 96 "Honorary Members"). As part of the Company
There were about 20 members of the union of prosperity, which "set the tone"
In this literary association.

The main source term paper is the book of Vasily Grigorievich
Bazanova "Scientist Republic", in which the author consistently and,
As far as possible, considers in detail the history of society. "Scientific
Republic, "according to Bazanova, more refined and recycled
The publication than the book "Filler Society in 1949
Russian literature. " Therefore, my choice of the main source for
Course work stopped at the "Socked Republic".

To works V.G. Bazanova Volny Society of Russian Literature Lovers
It was not the subject of a special investigation. In a number of materials
Bibliographic and historical and literary nature met only
Discreated information about society.

The preserved archive of free society, consisting of 104 intertwined
"Journals" and "Reports" is striking the abundance of official correspondence,
Detaver financial reports, numerous correspondence.
Documents reflecting creative life Societies are represented
Exceptionally weak. It is possible that part of the documents was destroyed in
December 1825 by Glinka or Nikitin, but most likely Borovkov.
However, according to the preserved documents, V.G. Bazanov restored the story
Free Society of Russian Literature Lovers.

When writing a course work, I used others, less
Detailed, sources.

Given that term paper at the rate of the history of Russian journalism,
More attention in it, I tried to pay publications of free society
Lovers of Russian literature, not forgetting, however, about his history.

I. Volnoe Society

Fans of Russian literature

The date of the occurrence of the St. Petersburg Volny Society of Fans
Russian literature, or, as it is also first called, society
Enlightenment and beneficial competitions should be considered January 17
1816. It was on this day that the first meeting of his
Founders on which E.Lensenko, A. Korovkov, A. Kisitin and I. Borovkov
Accepted the rules of the Company. Their goal was "remaining from work
time to consume useful exercisesoffering your works on
Mutual judgment. " "The draft charter was read; Made corrections,
Changes and the meeting ended "(A.D. Borovkov).

Twil two weeks since the occurrence of the Company, November 28, 1816,
At the next meeting, he was unanimously adopted by a valid member.
Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka (finally approved at the next meeting -
December 5, 1816). Glinka (then famous writer and member of the Union
Salvation) Quickly moves to the governing lot
Lovers of Russian literature.

To more correctly appreciate the role of free society it played in
years of their existence, it is necessary to make a digression relating to
secret societies Decembrists. To change the alliance of salvation (1816-1817) came
Union of prosperity (1818-1821). The union of prosperity took care of
combining progressive national forces, about great educational
work, about the impact on public opinion. From here in the Union of Benencies,
In his propaganda classes, such an important place occupy
constitutional projects, petitions, legal educational
Events, literature and science.

The Lituation of the Union of Benefension was the "Green Book", named
So, according to the assumptions of researchers, the color of the cover. Structure of the Union
Prosperity provided for strict conspiracy and was incredible
complicated. There was a whole staircase of the Council, a complex and confusing network.
branches of secret society. In addition to the Council, members of the Union of Benencies
It was recommended to establish special "free societies", which
The essences were legal offices of secret Decembrist societies.

That's the way, "free societies" was called one of the chapters of law
Union. Below are some of its paragraphs:

"Clause 48. In about l and m and o b u and m and called in the Union
Prosperity of all society, to the goal of his aspiration, but outside

P.49. Institution of these and the continuation are accumulated in particular merit to members
Union - the names fit them into the honorary book. (...)

P.52. In these should be generated and strengthened: consent and unity,
Hunting for a mutual message of useful thoughts, cognition of civilian
Responsibilities and love for the Fatherland. "

Such free society and became the free society of Russian lovers
Literature. In most sources in which the history of free
societies are not studied in detail, society is represented as peripheral
Decembrist organization.

"The Rules of Society Lovel Lovers" in politically were out
all suspicions. The main goal of the Company was to read and
Correction of works read at meetings. At the end of 1817,
Offering Nikitina, Society was decided to publish the magazine "Proceedings
Free society of lovers of Russian literature "that comes out
Also called "Enlightenment Competor and Charity".

Until 1818, the Company was called simply a society of Russian lovers
Literature, only this year received an addition: free. Was accepted
New charter. Amendments to it were undoubtedly proposed by Glinka and
Nikitin. All new things that were made to this document, brought to
Free Society for the purposes of the Union of Benefits.

But after that, the activities of the Volnaya Society was inactive,
He took place in small straight and reading ordinary works. It was easier
Create a new society than to revive old. Volnoe Society
Worried crisis. Attempts to Glinka and Nikitina to instill a society
The civilian direction was not successful. However, Nikitin N.
Soothes, putting forward one idea by another. In his face Fedor Glinka
Had a faithful assistant.

As can be seen, Glinka and Nikitin at first, the decision was poorly managed
task: promoted with the help of writers and scientists ideas
Green Book. But in 1818 in the "Exercises" of members of the Volnaya Society
Schedule the output K. civic topic. It is this year in life
"Competitors" have come events that have turned society
Literature is really in the free society of progressive writers.

The most active member of the Union of Benency Fedor Glinka with Nikitin
achieves the adoption of a new "form of election to the members of valid,
Employees and correspondents are accomplished. " The adoption ceremony
It became more serious and strict. New rules approved on February 25
1818, caught a sense of responsibility of each member before free
society, assumed the need for strictest discipline, mutual
bail, conspiracy, limited access to the society by random people and
contributed to attracting the TRUCTIVE welfare union

For the "Enlightenment Successes" in the updated society were organized
Special "scientists exercises." Beneath them were meant how
journalistic performances and works of art.

One of the evidence that the free society of Russian lovers
Literature has become a progressive society of that time, is the list
his members who are fully published in the "Socked Republic"
VG Bazanova.

In 1818, the largest poets of that
Pores - I.A. Krylov, V.A. Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkov, recommended
F.N. Glinka and A.E.Ismailov. At the end of 1819, the society was accepted
A.A.Delvig, P.A. Platnev, V.K. Kyuhelbecker.

In 1818, in fact, the head of the Volny Society becomes
Glinka, since the Chairman of Saltykov is little interested in the affairs of society.
Glinka was listed as an assistant chairman, and essentially he
headed the society of the competition and answered his activities before
Union of prosperity.

On April 1, 1818, Nikitin for the "worst benefit" proposed to be done in the Charter
Society "replenishment and change". The change was the proposed serious,
Volnoe society became a kind of republic of writers. IN
The new project society was called the "Socked Republic". Proposed
The form of the "scientist of the republic" led by the president staged
Republican-constitutional image of the board.

The transformation of a free society in the "scientific republic" could not meet
Unanimous greetings of comer members. The opinion of Nikitina was
Adopted on April 22, 1818, but with great reservations. From the new "Rules
about the procedure for meetings and rights of the chairman "was even excluded
The expression "scientific republic".

But nevertheless, the free society is gradually turning into a "scientist
Republic. Glinka July 16, 1919 becomes its president.
Conservative Competitors soon felt in
Society is uncomfortable and moved to the open struggle with those orders that
They were planted with Glinka and Nikitin.

Speaking about the free society of fans of Russian literature, it is impossible not
mention that the "scientist" in 1820 was
organized a political demonstration against expulsion A.S. Pushkin from
Petersburg. Having learned about the denunciation on Pushkin and about the upcoming link,
"Competiters" on this day convened the emergency assembly "Scientific
republic. At this meeting, on March 22, Kyhehelbecker read his
poem "poets", which was directly related to expulsion
Pushkin and demonstrated a protest of the "scientist of the republic." At the same time with
Kyhehelbecker Delvig presented his poem poem. IN
The September issue of the Fatherland Son followed the message of Glinka to
Pushkin. It gave a protest of the "Scientist of the Republic" against the link Pushkin
obviously demonstrative character. Members of free society did not miss
Case not to remind you of a reference poet.

In January 1821, he recognized himself to the Union close to failure
Welfare. Begins new time In the life of the "scientist of the republic".
Russian lovers of Russian literature finally
becomes the center around which progressive forces are combined in
literature. In 1821, in "Scientists Exercises" first occupy
Works of civilian subjects, in the activities of the Company are accepted
The active participation of the largest Decembrists. Many "Competiters", not
those who took direct participation in the Decembrist movement are passionate
The idea of \u200b\u200bcivil serving society. The meetings constantly listened
Sociological reports.

In 1821, fishing, brothers actively cooperate in the Voln Society
Bestuzhev, Kornilovich. At the same time B. current members were accepted
Baratyan, Galic, etc.

In 1822, F. Glinc, K. Yuryev, especially actively cooperated,
A.Bestuzhev, N. Kestuzhev, A. Kornovich, O.Somov, A.Nikitin, A. Koleg. IN
"Scientists exercises" naturally includes folklore articles,
Wanting the attention of the "Competitors" to folk poetry. Free
Society was engaged in propaganda of folklore and monuments of the Old Russian
Literature. Characterlike "Scientists exercises" of 1822 is
Increased interest in national heroic historical topic. On the
The foreground was the story native country.

1823 year. President of the "Scientist of the Republic" is still the Glinka,
Secretary - Nikitin. The rest of the posts are mostly occupied by the Decembrists
And their comrades. May 22 Public Assembly of Society in the House
G.R. IDRZHAVIN. The meeting was invited, except for valid members,
employees and correspondents, honorary members and many influential people
capital Cities. The meeting passed S. great success, in total there are over
50 people.

In an effort to finally subjugate the "scientific republic" remaining in
Inheritance from the Union of Benencies, the tasks of the Decembrist propaganda,
Railings and A.Bestuzhev with consent and with the support of Glinka created at the end
1823 Special Home Committee, which was political
Steering Center for Volnozh Society. The newly established committee saved,
According to Nikitina, the "scientific republic", which by that time was
teased by several internal flows, from destruction and
Restored it "for a new existence". In 1824, the Committee
I was going, apparently, in the apartment Ryleev. In the same house lived
A.Bestuzhev and O.Somov.

This year, the future publisher of Moscow was admitted to society.
Telegraph "N.A.Poleva. By autumn, the acquaintance of Griboedov with
A.Bestuzhev, Rylev and Glinka. December 15, Griboedov was elected in
Actual members of the "Scientist of the Republic".

Of course, not all members of society were close to the Decembris. IN
Society consisted of fundamental enemies of this movement, and writers,
Unanimated in politics at all.

At the end of 1824, Ryleev becomes the head of the northern society, but
He does not forget about the "scholar republic." Now no harness affects
Ryleev, and Ryleev, Chairman of the Home Committee, affects the president

The characteristic of "scientists of the exercise" of the Company in 1825 it seems
Almost impossible, because only a financial report has been preserved in the archive.
Treasurer. All other paper of free society have been lost or that
Most likely destroyed. But in 1825, the "scientific republic" is not
stopped their "exercises", and perhaps, with more perseverance
Promoted high civil art.

In 1825, the free fans of Russian literature stops
Your existence.

II. Editions of free society lovers of Russian literature

1. "Son of the Fatherland"

"The Son of Fatherland" is one of the oldest Russian magazines playing
An important role in the development of public thought early XIX. century. From 1815.
On 1825, the "Son of the Fatherland" was the most influential and advanced magazine, in
which collaborated Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Wings, Bestuzhev, Ryleev,
Gallet, Kyhelbecker, F. Glinka, Kunitsyn, Somov and other prominent

From 1817 to 1825, the magazine was associated with the free company of lovers
Russian literature, whose members printed their works in it
(A number of speeches and works of members of the Company printed in the journal with
Notes on the preliminary listening of them at the meetings of the Company). This
Close connection with free society and constant participation in the journal
Decembrist writers and writers close to them and made this edition
The most influential and advanced magazine those years.

"The Son of the Fatherland" went out strictly periodically (once a week), his circulation
Determined by about 400-600 copies, the number for those years is quite

The composition of each weekly room was more or less permanent:

1. Modern story and the policy of Europe.

2. Russian and ancient and new story.

3. Russian literature. News about all books in Russia.
Consideration of some. Arguments about Russian and Russian
literature. Small-fishing.

4. Sciences, art, craft.

Over the years of cooperation in the journal of members of free society,
Pages were placed a number of articles and artworks,
expressing the ideological positions of the Decembrists and determining advanced
Direction of the magazine.

Of great interest is the literary and critical department of the magazine, in
who for several years have been placed a number of articles of Griboyedov,
Ryleeva, Kyhelbecker, A.Bestuzheva, Somov. Scheduled the main line
The literary struggle of the Decembrists - for the creation of literature "High"
civil genres and style.

One of the central places in the "Son of the Fatherland" was the controversy around
"Ruslana and Lyudmila" Pushkin. Poet, violating the traditions of classical epic,
created an epic poem, mixing the heroic and comic genres, combining
Classicism and romanticism. On the pages of the "Son of Fatherland" is tied
Long discussion on the nature and advantages of the poem. Polemics
The question of "Ruslana and Lyudmila" was primarily the issue of nation.

The journal contains a line of romanticism (Bestuzhev, Somov,
Vyazemsky). These writers did not recognize the archaic sympathies of Kenenin and
Kyhehelbecker. The central place in this regard is the article
Vyazemsky about the "Caucasian prisoner", placed in 1822

"Son of the Fatherland" during the years of close cooperation with free society
responded to all events literary life. Controversy often did not
Only with other magazines, but also between the employees themselves.

For a long time, the "son of the Fatherland" conducted a controversy with a stronghold
Literary "Classics" - "Bulletin of Europe". The brightest episodes:
controversy O.Somova with M.Dmitriyev about "grief from the mind", speech
Pushkin for the prefaces of Vyazemsky to the Bakhchisaray Fountain.

Shortly before the December events of 1825 on the pages of the journal arose
acute controversy with "Moscow Telegraph" about just released
the first chapter "Eugene Onegin", immediately became a controversy about the main
Principles of romantic poetry.

In the light of controversy about romanticism, the article of Ryleev should be considered
"Several thoughts about poetry", placed in №22 for 1825. This article
was a kind of aesthetic-theoretical program of the Decembrists and in
The same time, as it were, I would summarize the poetic work of Rynev himself.
This article is essentially the leading role of the "Son of Fatherland" in
Russian journalism.

Compared to journalistic and critical material,
Literary and art department held in the journal relatively smaller
The place and does not represent an equivalent interest. Big place occupied in
The "Son of the Fatherland" of Travel and Research Popular Articles. Department of Poetry
Highlighting the participation of the best poets of the time, for the most part -
members of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Fans.
Artistic original prose almost never appeared on the pages of "Son
Fatherland, "if not counting essays and historical descriptions.

After the uprising of the Decembrists "Son of Fatherland" not only deprived of the main
parts of their employees, but also cool turns into the reaction camp and
Very soon loses any literary meaning.

2. "Enlightenment and Charity Enlightenment Competor"

The desire of nikitin deploy publishing activities Free
Society of lovers of Russian literature was crowned with some success in
late 1817. At the meeting of the Company was decided to publish a magazine
"Enlightenment and Charity Competor" (the second name on the title:
"Proceedings of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Lovers"). For the first time
Four parts of the magazine (1818) entered the earliest works of members
Societies accumulated in large quantities For two years of meetings.

Due to caution caused by censorship considerations, in the journal
There were no journalistic and artworks with explicit
political program. The first place was nominated,
Educational problem, determining the encyclopedic nature of the magazine.
However appeal to the materials domestic history and development
National and patriotic topics determined his connection with the Decembrism, the
more that the connection of the "Competor" with free society was not only
ideological, but also an organizational character, unlike the "Son of the Fatherland" in
which members of the Company participated as influential employees.

Works printed in the "Competor" pre-
Read the meetings of society, the magazine was published on his funds.
The circulation was small: 200-300 copies. Revenues from publication walked on
Support for needy scientists and writers, as well as in favor of students -
Children of the poor bins and nobles.

"I. Science and art.

The literature is ancient and new. Studies on the property of languages. Antiquities.
Description of lands and peoples. Historical passages and biographies of famous
husbands. Travel scholars. Different reasoning, speech and all
Curious in part of science and arts. New inventions, discoveries, etc.

II. Elegant prose.

Picturesque travel, image of characters, stories.

III. Poem.

IV. Mixture.

1. Bibliography, or news and judgments about books, also extraction from
These. 2. Extract from different magazines. 3. Notes of the Company. "

The main place was held in the journal "Science and Art" and poem,
Research and popular articles, descriptions of travel. But the central place in
The journal was held by articles on philosophical and aesthetic issues.
Among these articles is the most significant speech N.I. Gundych, which he
said when he joined him to the actual members of free society and
Which was placed in part XV "Competor" for 1821.

In his speech, Galdich developed a program that he adhered
Most of society, seeing moral education in the literature and
improvements in morals. "Let it (i.e. writer) writes not for a person, but
For humanity, "the Galot finishes his speech. The same ministry idea
humanity is also expressed in the "European letters" Kyhehelbecker,
We printed in the "Competor".

In parts of the XXIII and XXIV for 1823, Articles of O. Sovova were printed
Romanticism, which was the first to justify in Russian
The literature of aesthetics and the theory of romanticism.

In the enhanced and constant interest of the magazine to folk creativity
The requirement of the identity and nationality of literature has affected. Abundance of articles
about folk songs, legends, publishing on the pages of the journal
numerous samples of folk poetry - were a direct consequence
of this interest. "Competor" began a genuine study of the people
Creativity and introduced readers with his best samples.

In the art department of the journal, which occupied a relatively little place,
First of all, the poets-Decembrists poets - Ryleev,
Kyhehelbecker, F. Glinka. In addition, several poems in
"Competor" printed Zhukovsky, Delvig, Baratinsky, Galdich and,
Finally, Pushkin.

And yet the circulation of the magazine was small. Obviously, the complete success of the "Competor"
Having prevented the lack of political information, at least overseas.

3. "Nevsky Spectator"

To the "Enlightenment and Charity Competor" is particularly closely adjacent
"Nevsky Spectator", who shared general ideological positions with him and
Also in the circle of the ideology of free society and the Decembrists.

In the first issue of the "Competor" for 1820 (h. Ix) a message appeared:
"To this 1820, a magazine is published under the name" Nevsky Spectator ". Here
The program of the new edition was set out. "Nevsky Spectator" existed
Not long - from January 1820 to June 1821. A total of 18 monthly
Books of the magazine that made up 6 parts. Publishers of the magazine were G. Kruglikov,
M. Yakovlev and I.Snkin.

"Nevsky Spectator" was distinguished from the "Competor" in the first place
predominant interest in social history issues, pedagogy and
Economy. The leading place in the journal was held by the Departments "History and Politics"
and "upbringing." In the "Nevsky Spectator" there were following permanent
Sections: 1. History and politics. 2. Education. 3. Morals. 4. Literature.
5. Criticism. 6.Instick art. 7. Mix.

The public position of the magazine was determined by faith in peaceful improvement
Society by enlightening and reasonable legislation. Implementation of this
The tasks served as a number of articles of the bottom. This liberal educational
The program was supported and articles about education.

A significant place in the Nevsky Spectator was given to issues of the economy.
The magazine stood for the development of the domestic industry, advising in
Trade issues.

The literary part of the magazine occupied much less space than
Publicistic. However, the participation of Pushkin, Ryleev, Kyhelbecker,
Baratynsky, Deligus - made a poetic section exclusively
Interesting and significant.

The department of "elegant prose" consisted mainly of the translation
Sentimental ages.

The critical department occupied an important place. It was published "a look at
Current literature "Kyhelbecker, SOMOVA Articles and others. Presents
Interest and analysis of "Ruslana and Lyudmila", placed in №7 for 1820

Completely unexpectedly in the middle of 1821, the Nevsky Spectator is forced
It was stopped existence. Referring to weak health and extreme
Employment in service, Ivan Nestlikin July 29, 1821 declared
St. Petersburg Cancer Committee that he is not able to publish
This magazine and subscribers return money.

The actual reason forced in the middle of the year to close the magazine,
There was constant censorship. Enough to remember that the magazine is hardly
was not closed back in October 1820, because Ryleevskaya placed in it
Satira "To the Time" caused a venge of the graph. Anyway, but "Nevsky
The viewer "was closed.

III. Conclusion

As mentioned at the beginning of the course work, the Decembrists gave
Various importance to public opinion. Enough to remember that in
The beginning of the action of the secret societies among their members was extremely few
Adherents of armed uprising. Union of prosperity decided to fight
absolutism and serfdom do not rely on the Guards bayonets, but on
Peaceful propaganda of the ideas of enlightenment and true morality "in all
estates. " Gradual improvement in morality and distribution
Enlightenment Society hoped to achieve a quiet and inconspicuous coup
in the rule of the state.

Decembrists believed that it would take about 20 years to the advanced
Public opinion took possession of the minds of all layers russian society.

Naturally, the main means of spreading advanced
Public ideas were enlightening and printing.

The first attempt to publish its own magazine was taken back in 1817
year. Established the issue of publication on the basis of the literary association
"Arzamas". The idea of \u200b\u200bthe magazine belonged to N.I.Turgenyev. Edition of ne.

Since the end of 1818, Turgenev has again taken measures to organize publications.
magazine called or "Russian XIX century", or "Archive of Political
Sciences and Russian literature. " But this enterprise is also not
It was carried out because Turgenev did not receive permission to magazine from
Governments. The political orientation of the magazine immediately caused
Suspicions in the censorship committee.

In October 1824, the Decembrist P.A. Mukhanov sought permission to
Edition of the Military Journal. But not only did not achieve it, but also got
Purpose by service.

It was almost impossible to get permission to publish a new magazine.
The censorship policy of Russia was very strict. Therefore, for propaganda
Advanced ideas Union of prosperity attracted "free" (one of the values
of this word - "legal") literary societies. Through free magazines
Societies of fans of Russian literature to society reached the ideas

In addition, free society, according to V.G. Bazanova, "played outstanding
The role in the preparation of the Decembrist personnel. " Especially increased value
Society and its publications after the dissolution of the Union of Benencies in 1821.

Conquesting advanced Russian journalism of the first quarter of the XIX century found
Further creative development In the journalistic activity of A.S. Pushkin,
N.A. Polevoy, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzena, N.A.Nekrasov and other
Advanced publicists and literary critics of the next decades. AND
You can safely say, not afraid to make mistakes that the free fans society
Russian literature and publications played a huge role in development
Russian journalism and literature.


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7. Fedorov V.A. Decembrists and their time. - Publishing House of Moscow

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