Have you ever encountered such a situation that guests came to you, and there is absolutely nothing to do with them except for tea drinking and watching TV programs? I think this situation is familiar to many. And for people like me, who don’t even have a TV in their house as unnecessary, there are not so many options for entertaining guests at all. You have to remember about the TV only when guests come to the house and begin to look for it with their eyes. In this case, interesting and exciting board games, for the game in which you can spend more than one hour.

Top 10 most interesting board games

If you get a couple of entertaining board games, then these wonderful helpers will be a wonderful decoration for family evenings or noisy parties with friends. Naturally, board games are very different: for children and adults, exciting and not so much. What games can be included in the top 10 most interesting and popular board games?

1. Colonizers

Who said that board games are only children's entertainment? In stores you can find a bunch of games for adults, one of which is the game "Colonialists".

This game invites players to compete in the development of a wild island. A maximum of four people can play it, each of which will have to build cities, estates and roads. This game is logical, and the one who collects ten victory points first will win. Game time is over 75 minutes.

2. Monopoly

If you list the most popular board games for a party, then you cannot ignore such a world hit as the Monopoly game. The world's most popular economic strategic game can be found in various publications. With the help of game dice, game participants move around the field, getting the opportunity to acquire enterprises and build their branches on them. As a result, the winner is the player who remained with the money and did not go bankrupt.

3. Jenga

A board game does not always involve building a strategy and strengthening the brain. The game "Jenga" is very fun and fast. It is also great because the whole family can play it. First, the players build a wooden tower out of blocks, then a dice is rolled, and one by one the blocks are pulled out of the tower by the players. The further - the more shaky the structure becomes.

The game continues until someone topples the tower. Of course, the real jenga is not as big as the one played by Leonard and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, but it gives colossal emotions!

4. Scrabble

The famous board game in which players compete to form words on a board of 225 squares. It can be played by two to four people. This game is so popular that in some European countries even Scrabble competitions are regularly held.

5. Munchkin

Munchkin is one of the most popular and fun board games in the world! The game box contains the rules, a game die, and two decks of cards - treasures and doors. Players will have to visit dungeons with mysterious monsters, fight them, earning a wide variety of bonuses or receiving fines. In fact, the munchkin is a parody of role-playing games in the fantasy genre. The first player to reach level 10 wins the game.

6. Carcassonne

Carcassonne is an original and colorful strategy and economic board game. Players assemble the playing field step by step and place various pieces of their subjects on it. When all the squares not placed on the field are finished, the game is over. After that, points are calculated, where the winner is the one who scored the most points.

7. Uno

Uno is a desktop card game, where the deck consists of 108 multi-colored cards with numbers from 0 to 9. The task of the game is to get rid of all the cards by shouting “Uno” loudly when only one card is left in hand (in Spanish, Uno is one). When the winner is determined, the rest of the players count the points. If one of the players exceeds the points threshold, then he is considered a loser.

8. Evolution

Evolution is an entertaining board game about survival and adaptation between various types. It can be played by 2 to 4 people. During the game, a variety of creatures will develop, choose food resources, eat and die out. At the end, the player who has as many surviving and developed creatures as possible wins.

9. Wild jungle

A totem is placed in the center of the table. Players take turns revealing their cards, so that under certain conditions they must grab the coveted totem. The game is so tense and interesting, it requires such care and speed that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

10. Activity

At the speed of the game participants by all accessible ways explain the words to their team: with synonyms, drawings or pantomime. The first team to reach a certain number of points wins.

These were the most popular board games, what are your favorite games?

Various virtual projects give us a lot of emotions and sensations, but there are no less interesting options for spending time with the whole company - it is with this in mind that we present you the best board games.

The Settlers of Catan. A unique game that dates back to 1995 and this moment has sold 15 million copies. It has simple rules, pleasant design and interesting during the game - you can spend several hours unnoticed behind the colonizers without any problems, and spend quite a lot of fun. Cultivate completely new lands, harvest and do everything to become the best colonizer.

It is worth mentioning that in 2012 they even started to hold world championships for this tabletop, so there is nothing more to add here - go to the store and then play with friends!

Middle Ages (Carcassonne). Another phenomenon in the board game industry that is played by all ages. The game is designed for 2-5 people and takes up to 1.5 hours. During the game, you yourself lay out the playing field from the cards, which makes it possible to create unique worlds everytime. You have to capture as many territories as possible and score points to win.

At the moment, the game has sold 7 million copies and this figure continues to grow rapidly every day. Some players even buy several boxes at a time to increase the number of cards.

Pandemic. But in this game you will need to take control of saving the world. It takes one game an average of about an hour and can accommodate up to 4 players. If you usually have to compete and take everything to heart, then here the maximum emphasis is placed on team game. Unite and send the best specialists in the world to fight rampant diseases.

There are wonderful and thoughtful mechanics here without any accidents, there are moments where you will need to communicate animatedly and actively - in general, a very wonderful game.

Dominion. Designed for 1.5 hours of play with a maximum of four, this board game is a set of cards. Each player will have to redeem them and collect their own deck to collect points and further victory. 10 types of kingdom cards per batch, 25 per box, plus various add-ons, guaranteeing many hours exciting game which will bring you new surprises every time.

Accumulate funds, turn coppers into gold, collect a unique set and show that you are the best Dominion!

The best board games

7 Wonders (7 Wonders). But this wonderful game can take as many as seven people for at least an hour. You have to go to the distant times of conquest and deal with the production of resources, the development of the army, the construction of Wonders of the World, filling the treasury and applying the laws of development. It's like the well-known Civilization in computer games, only on paper and more simple in the good sense of the word.

The replay value of the game is simply amazing, and the competitive spirit is present like nowhere else. If you want to show your tactical savvy and wipe everyone's nose, then this is the very chance.

Agricola (Agricola). This desktop invites you to try on the role of a landowner. You alone or in the company of three more people bring your own agriculture to success periodically competing. Colorful design, unusual rules and even a simplified family version of the rules for beginners in board games.

When it comes to replay value, no two games are the same. Always and everything is new, taking into account the fact that everyone follows their own path of development and collecting points.

Puerto Rico. You in the company of 4 players for 2 hours are offered to experience a rather interesting confrontation on one of the islands Caribbean Sea. The game is somewhat similar to the Colonizers - you need to cultivate plantations, import products and always be able to get around your rivals in cunning ways.

A board game that offers unique combinations and is the true quintessence of Eurogaming. Build unique buildings, perform unusual actions, be smarter than others and be sure to succeed.

Ticket for the Train (Ticket to Ride). A game with a huge list of rewards that can compete with the Colonists or the Middle Ages and entertain a company of 5 people. The player needs to collect various cards, stake out certain routes and then lay them between cities.

You have to make rather complex tactical decisions, but despite this, the rules of the game are simply extremely simple and you can learn them in just a couple of minutes. Almost 3 million copies have been sold so far.

Small World (Small World). Board game of medium difficulty for a whole company of 5 players or at least 2. Offers to plunge into the world of magic and fantasy. The simplest mechanics, 14 main races and a bunch of add-ons, constant competition, wars, intrigues and much more await you here.

It looks quite beautiful and is played excitingly, so it’s simply unrealistic not to fall in love with such a masterpiece! Fun and unusual adventures are just more than enough here!

Power grid (Power Grid). We have already seen something similar in the Train Ticket, only here we are talking on the laying of power lines. You need to buy power plants, provide them with a certain type of fuel at any cost, and then deal with laying lines. You can play alone or gather a company of up to 6 people.

The game is suitable for gambling people who like to think carefully - it is not the easiest to play. this list, but in the end it brings great amount pleasure from the game and fun in the process.

How to have fun with friends without resorting to banal pastimes like drinking strong drinks? How to bring a spark of enthusiasm if it becomes boring? You can, of course, play on the console, fighting in a tournament with friends. But if you want to relax and unwind, but this method seems boring or not suitable for a large company, you want something else.

Read also: And

Board games will come to the rescue. They allow you to have an exciting time with loved ones and comrades, banishing boredom without a trace. Especially for such purposes -rating of the best board games for the company. Some are aimed at an adult audience and are not recommended to involve children in them, while others are suitable for the whole family.

There are many old games that have been tested for centuries, but not all of them are good in quality. fun entertainment. For example, checkers and chess, no doubt, are a good workout for the mind, but they are not suitable for a company: they are too calm, measured and require concentration. And yes, it's only for two people. You won't be able to relax at the checkered board (except perhaps if you play Chapaya).

Playing cards are a great storehouse of entertainment (from the simplest fool or drunkard to the more complex skills of poker or preference). But they are familiar to almost everyone. Because card games inIt was also decided not to include.

The TOP of the best board games for a company of adults is aimed primarily at a young audience aged 18-35, and may not coincide with personal opinion. This is not the ultimate truth, but just a selection of interesting and popular entertainment. Everyone can change priorities for themselves, arrange the list in a different order, exclude some games from it and / or replace them with others.

Opens TOP of the best board games for the companyadult game that is not a board game. It is rather outdoor, because the actions twister unrolled on a special rug. Despite the fact that many do not need to introduce it, the basic rules are worth recalling.

The props of the game consist of a special mat with multi-colored spots and a special roulette wheel. It shows parts of the body (right and left leg, right and left hand) and colors. The host rotates the drum so that the arrow stops in one of the sectors. The player whose turn has come must become the part of the body that the roulette wheel pointed to, the spot whose color fell out.

With all its simplicity, already from the second or third move, entertainment turns into real acrobatics. To keep his balance, you have to repeat the tricks of Neo from The Matrix, dodging the bullets of Agent Smith. Already on the fifth round, a rare player is able to demonstrate endurance, which allows him not to fall to the ground, knocking down the whole company behind him. But from such intricacies of bodies it only becomes more fun.

The winner in the game "Twister" is the one who was able to stay on his feet (or on his hands - how lucky) the longest. True, usually it doesn’t come to this: laughter, tickling, incredible figures lead to the fact that the whole laughing company falls into a single ball.

4th place: Jenga

Mentioning the best board games for a company of adults, it is worth paying attention and entertainment called " Jenga ". The game seems quite harmless to itself, but in the course of events it is able to ignite real fire passions.

The name "Jenga" from the African Swahili language is translated as "build" (in the sense of "erect"). The props of the game are 54 identical oblong blocks-bricks, most often made of wood (but there are variations). The size can also be any. Before the game, a tower is erected from the bars, 18 floors high (3 planks per floor).

The task of the players is to rebuild the tower, from the bottom up. Everyone in turn must pull out the block from the first floor and shift it to the very top, so that the structure does not fall. At the same time, it is allowed to take blocks with only one hand, it is impossible to hold the turret.

The loser is the one on whose move (or immediately after it) the structure collapsed. Cunning players, in order to set up a neighbor, deliberately lay bricks in such a way that any careless movement of the opponent leads to the destruction of the structure. But this only makes Jenga more fun and exciting.

3rd place: Monopoly

IN best board games for friends hit and Monopoly ". Everyone has probably heard of her, too, but given fact does not detract from the beauty of entertainment. Build a business, ruining competitors, in more adulthood even more interesting and exciting than in childhood.

Game props consist of big map with businesses, cards, a bank of banknotes and a pair of dice. Players receive starting capital and take turns rolling the dice, buying an enterprise or taking another action indicated on the space where the dice pointed.

The game is quite long, and if in the classic version you need to bankrupt all opponents to win (which sometimes takes many hours), then to speed up, you can agree on other conditions in advance. For example, after a specified time, it is calculated who managed to accumulate the largest fortune.

2nd place: Mafia

"Mafia" in best board games for companyadults got it for a reason: this is a real psychological quest with elements of a detective story, in which everyone must show ingenuity, cunning, endurance and intuition.

The props of the game consist of cards with characters to be played. Failing that, one can also use regular cards, having previously agreed on the correspondence of denominations to specific characters. Players are divided into 2 teams: members of a criminal group who know each other, and unfamiliar citizens. Each of them sets a goal for victory (remove all civilians or eliminate the mafia, respectively). Game moves - alternating days and nights, during which the "struggle" takes place. The mafia is cracking down on the townspeople, the police are looking for villains, the doctors are saving the dead, while the rest are involved in the process, introducing intrigue, confusing the plot and helping to catch the mafia.

There are a great many rules of the game, besides, they can be changed by agreement of the company. From this, "Mafia" only acquires color and becomes more interesting. And the fact that you can play it without having special props (a deck of cards or even a stack of identical pieces of paper with roles signed in advance is enough) puts it in second place inTOP of the best board games for the company.

1st place: Cards against everyone (Cards against humanity)

Heads best board games for adults"Cards against all." She is a real test of a sense of humor and a competition for the title of "chief Petrosyan." Sometimes - on the verge of a foul, so it's better not to dedicate minors to this action. Among the possible combinations are pearls like " Best friends girls are scooter hijackers” or “The security services have introduced a ban on kidnapping children on airplanes.” After 10 minutes of the game, even the most absurd combinations will "punch" the whole company into wild laughter.

The essence of the game is simple: there are two sets of cards - black and white. A phrase is written on black cards, which should be supplemented with words from white cards. At the beginning, each player draws 10 light cards from the pile, after which the host takes out a dark one, reading out its contents. It can be a question, or a phrase in which you need to insert the missing phrase. Each player is looking for in his cards the one whose inscription, in his opinion, looks the most funny and witty. Then the facilitator addresses everyone, reading out the question and listening to the answer.

After everyone has expressed their options, the host determines whose improvisation turned out to be the funniest (judging by the reaction of the company). He gets the black card. The winner in the game "Cards against all" is the one who has accumulated the most black cards with questions.

Ten best games according to our customers - the most simple, cheerful and sociable. It was not easy to choose them: sales statistics speak more about the popularity of games than about their versatility. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your feedback. Let's check if you have played all the games in our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put a Russian game in the first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations to strange drawings on the cards, trying to make at least someone, but not all, guess your card. The creators of "Imaginarium" Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov were big fans of the Western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not completely repeat it, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The paintings in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted by Russian artists. Perhaps it is more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And why is the Imaginarium so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults enjoy playing! During the game, all participants reveal themselves better as individuals, so in addition to having an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other.


“Great game, it’s always interesting to play it, despite the fact that there aren’t many cards in the set, they don’t bother you, because different associations come with different moods =)”

2. Activity

“The Elias game is not new for us, we played it with our friends at home, in the country. When the question arose of how we would entertain the invited guests, the only answer was Elias and Activity!”


4. Uno

“The Svintus game was liked not only by children, but also by adults. I advise you to buy the game if you want to have fun with friends"

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Consideration

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the title. Each turn, you need to open two cards from the piles: one indicates the situation, the other - the letter. Whoever comes up with the first word with the given conditions, he takes the card with the letter. At the end of the game there is a count and the player with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in a big company? Just imagine how you open the cards “weighs more than a ton” and “F”, and your friend shouts “ass” joyfully at this. By the way, it is worth agreeing in advance which words are banned in the game.

"A fun game. played in new year's eve, maybe that's why they didn't think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend to buy "

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of "" is the number of versions and additions. For example, our section with games of this series occupies two pages of the online store. What is good about this game? The fact that if you delve into the rules once (it takes 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play Munchkin all day long all the way, he is so reckless and replayable. Each game depends on the nature of the players at the table and game situations are very rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who hear about "" for the first time, this is a card game in which you need to put on clothes and measure strength with monsters. For defeating monsters, you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others can harm your opponents, and universal ones can do both. To win, you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this one is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkins, try them all and beat them! Keep in mind - I warned you)) "

9. Bang

"" is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark roles are distributed: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns walking - draw cards from the deck and activate their abilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to go to the distance of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel, beer has healing properties, the Indians harm everyone. To win here, you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game, no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed), and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and fast game in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will come in handy. On round cardboard discs are drawn different characters For every two there is at least one thing in common. You need to open the disks one by one and compare with your own: whoever sees the match first gets the disk for himself. Whoever has more wins!

" " is one of the best family games, but we added it to the adult selection because adults also enjoy playing it. And at alcohol parties, this test of mindfulness becomes even more difficult!