The first spring month pleases absolutely all Russians, exhausted by the winter cold, with the first and timid rays of the sun. Feeling their gentle warmth, you just want to rush somewhere far away to the sea and the sun in order to forget about slush and dullness for at least a few days. But here's the problem - not every country is suitable for spring holidays. So, the question remains open - where to go to the sea in March? We will present a list of places where you can have a great rest and enjoy the warm sea breeze at the very beginning of spring.

March: Benefits of Spring Break

Before you solve the problem of where to go to the sea in March, you should find out how safe this trip will be for you. After all, not every person will benefit from a spring vacation and add health, a March trip to the sea has its pros and cons. Let's look at them, and you yourself decide whether you really need a warm sea in March.

The advantages of the March holiday include, first of all, the preparation of the body for the summer season. After a long winter, the body is in dire need of warmth and sunlight. On vacation, vitamin D begins to be produced, which is necessary for a person to feel good. In addition, the sea allows you to relax and saturate the body with oxygen and trace elements. When you get home, you are unlikely to catch a cold. Do not forget about fruits, on vacation they will become yours the best helpers to cleanse the intestines from toxins. After all, in winter we prefer to eat heavy and fatty foods, in the spring our body tries to adapt to a different mode of operation, and fruit abundance will help it with this. And most importantly, a beach holiday in March will give you a lot of positive emotions, which will give you the opportunity to successfully survive the slushy and wet spring in the city.

Cons of a beach holiday in March

After all these pluses, I don’t want to talk about the minuses of relaxing at sea in the spring. But they still exist. The most serious enemy that can ruin your beach holiday in March is beriberi. During the winter period, the body experienced a severe lack of vitamins and sunlight which significantly undermined its resources. Therefore, a sharp change in climate can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases and a host of other problems. This should not be forgotten when planning your vacation. Instead of enjoying your time at the beach, you can spend your entire vacation lying in bed with a fever or indigestion. Another whim of the body can be spring depression. Psychologists believe that more than 70% of the population is affected by it. And after sunny and lazy days of rest, it will be even harder for you to return to the working rhythm, which can cause an exacerbation of depression even in a very persistent person.

Where to relax in March: Asia

If you definitely decided to relax in the spring, we will tell you where to go to the sea in March. The list of places offers a wide enough range to choose from, so you will definitely be able to find a country that will become your refuge from the gloomy winter days.

Asian countries will be the best choice. In March, the dry season has not yet begun in many of them, and the weather is extremely comfortable for Russian tourists. In Thailand and Vietnam you can enjoy warm sea and great weather. And in India, you will feel how the monsoon season is gradually coming with high temperature and humidity. The climate in Singapore allows you to have a great vacation here in March, you don’t have to worry about cloudy days and showers.

Is it possible to relax in March in Israel and the UAE?

March holiday in the UAE is good, at this time it is very warm weather, and the number of sales just rolls over. You can not only soak up the sand, but also have a great time in numerous shopping malls and boutiques.

In Israel, in March, the air warms up to twenty-three degrees above zero Celsius. Without the suffocating heat, you can enjoy the beauties of the country and get medical treatment on bank of the Dead seas.

In the Seychelles in March, there is a very comfortable temperature, but do not forget about the showers. They sometimes go for several days, however, without affecting the average daily air temperature.

March holiday price

If you want to save on vacation, then feel free to buy tours in March at sea. This is exactly the season when tour operators discount prices for their services. This decrease in prices is connected with the fact that the winter influx of tourists has already ended, and the next one is expected only on the May holidays. Therefore, in order to entice our compatriots, travel agencies race to reduce prices and offer a wide variety of package tours.

On average, the price of a two-week vacation, for example, in Thailand will be 30% lower than in January-February. And Mexico and Cuba will cost even less, because in the spring the dry season begins here, when the number of tourists gradually begins to be reduced to a minimum.

The most inexpensive resorts for a March holiday

You can relax inexpensively at sea in March in several countries. Feel free to refer to them:

So, first things first. by the most budget vacation on the warm sea will, of course, be Thailand, Vietnam and Bali. During this period, there is a decline in tourists and you can enjoy a serene holiday away from the crowds of our compatriots. If you are very limited in budget, but want to be closer to infrastructure, then choose Thai beaches. Pattaya is ideal for you - the air temperature at this time does not fall below thirty-five degrees Celsius, and the sea warms up to thirty degrees. Add to this a lot of cheap fruits and inexpensive excursions - and all the terms have a great holiday collected.

It is very calm in Bali in March, at the end of the month they celebrate the arrival of the new year. This holiday is traditional local residents celebrated with asceticism and modesty. Therefore, if you want fun and beach parties, then Bali is still not your option.

Holidays in Vietnam will be a little more expensive than in Thailand, but also very democratic. On average, a ten-day trip for two will cost you fifty thousand rubles. The average monthly temperature in Vietnam in March does not fall below thirty degrees, the sea warms up to twenty-eight degrees Celsius.

Egypt is currently one of the cheapest destinations in the tourism industry. Problems in the country have almost completely cleared the beaches of tourists, and only now our compatriots are starting to return to the shores of the Red Sea. Many tourists are afraid to rest in March in Egypt due to strong winds and rather low average monthly temperatures. But in fact, the situation with the weather at this time does not quite coincide with how it is presented - the winter winds calm down, and warm pleasant weather sets in on the coast. During the day, the thermometer rises to twenty-five degrees, and sea bathing is suitable for those who are not afraid of temperatures of twenty degrees Celsius. When choosing a hotel, ask about the presence of an indoor pool. In March, day and night temperature differences in Egypt can be up to ten degrees.

Cuba is good at any time of the year, but in March it is very comfortable here. The dry season has not yet arrived, so tourists can enjoy the warm sea and the gentle sun, from which they still do not need to escape in the shade.

Holidays in March: where is the warmest sea?

The competition for the best sea in March would have been rightfully won by the Indian state of Goa. Usually our compatriots prefer to relax in Goa in winter, they believe that during this period the weather is the most comfortable. But in fact, in March, the coast will open before you from a completely different side. The arrival of wet monsoons is accompanied by a lush growth of plants, in addition to this, the average monthly temperature rises. During this period, tourists will be able to sunbathe and swim at thirty degrees, and the water temperature is almost equal to the air temperature. This makes a beach holiday in Goa very comfortable and desirable.

Only Sri Lanka can compete with a March beach holiday in Goa. In March, it rains very rarely here, and the air warms up above thirty degrees Celsius. The sea will also please lovers of swimming with a temperature of thirty degrees. The only trouble can be the differences in day and night temperatures. Although usually they are not more than five degrees. The advantages of Sri Lanka include low prices in March, which will delight budget travelers.

Let's talk about Israel: holiday features in March

Holidays in Israel all year round so March is no exception. You can dedicate your vacation only to a beach holiday or combine it with visiting holy places. In any case, the weather will please you, it will not be too hot here, but at the same time it will be warm enough to enjoy being under the sun.

The sea in Israel in March is not suitable for swimming at all resorts. If you definitely want to swim, then go to Eilat. At this time, the air temperature in the Red Sea rises to twenty-six degrees Celsius, and the sea warms up to twenty-four degrees Celsius. And it only opens in March. tourist season, and all the attention of the hotel staff will be focused only on you.

The warmest in March Israel is the Dead Sea. Its temperature reaches summer marks and fluctuates within twenty-five degrees. During the day, the air warms up to the same temperature, the differences in daytime and nighttime temperature indicators are not as significant as in Egypt. Tourists hardly notice them. Therefore, if you are still wondering where to swim in the sea in March, then feel free to go to Israel.

Mediterranean: beach holidays in March

Do you love the coast? mediterranean sea? And that's why you don't even want to think about where to go to the sea in March? Very in vain. No matter how eager you are for familiar shores, this is not the best place to swim in March. The air and water temperature leaves no chance for beach lovers. Spain, Italy, Greece can "please" you with temperatures no higher than seventeen to twenty degrees. You can imagine what sea bathing will be like at this time.

Of course, in March you can visit the Mediterranean coast in order to travel around the countries and enjoy the architectural and historical monuments, but you will have to forget about swimming until May. But if the vacation cannot be rescheduled, and the Mediterranean beckons, then try to go to Cyprus. Here the climate is a little milder and the weather will really please you.

Cyprus in March: weather and sea temperature

Spring in Cyprus is a special sight. Carpets of flowers bloom all around and fruit trees begin to bloom. The gentle sun makes any walk pleasant, and the sea beckons you to plunge into it at least for a few minutes.

But still, not every tourist will go to Cyprus in March - the weather and sea temperature are not very conducive to long swims. During the day, the air can warm up to twenty-five degrees, but at night it can drop to fifteen. This significantly affects the temperature of the water - it usually does not rise above eighteen or twenty degrees Celsius. Therefore, decide for yourself whether Cyprus in March suits you. Our compatriots who have returned from a trip to this island often talk about the excellent weather and show off their golden tan.

Latin America: is March suitable for holidays?

If you have long dreamed of visiting the Mexican pyramids or seeing a statue of Christ over Rio de Janeiro, then March is the most best time to travel to countries Latin America. In Mexico, Brazil and Chile in March there is a real hot summer. The average monthly temperature is thirty-five degrees Celsius, and the sea resembles fresh milk. In March, the heat is still slightly offset by the cool night air, so you can not only swim and wallow in the sand, but also travel around all the sights. And there is something to see in Latin America!

China: swimming season opens

If you want to swim and sunbathe, then go to Hainan Island. It is simply beautiful in spring, besides, the weather in March is more like summer, but is not accompanied by suffocating heat and humidity.

Usually the air warms up to thirty degrees Celsius, and the sea temperature in March does not fall below twenty-five degrees. This is great for a beach holiday. In addition, do not forget that here you can not only relax, but also improve your health. There are many hotels in Hainan with special programs, after which you will forget about the winter blues and fatigue.

If your vacation fell in March, then don't worry. There are many places in the world where the first month of spring is a real paradise that is waiting only for you to give unforgettable days of rest.

But spring is coming soon...

New Year's winter holidays already behind, and new holiday season hasn't arrived yet. But this, of course, has its advantages. During this tourist off-season, you can relax on the best resorts the world at half price and go where you never dreamed of.

March is the first month of spring according to the calendar. It’s not quite winter anymore, but it’s still a long way from real spring. Plus, it's spring break in March. And this means that again it is time to develop a route for the upcoming trip with children.

Decide on the purpose of travel

If you look closely at the world map and study the air and water temperature in March in different regions and countries, the picture will roughly look like this:

  • beach holiday. You can go sunbathing in March: to Vietnam and Cambodia, China and Malaysia, to Singapore or Thailand, to the Maldives, Philippines or Goa, to Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates or Jordan, to the Seychelles, Bahamas or Canaries, as well as to Egypt, Kenya, Brazil or the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru and Chile, Cuba or Jamaica.
  • Excursion rest. You can visit any of the countries listed above, combining beach and sightseeing holidays. In addition, this time is a great opportunity to ride with excursions to the cities of Europe.
  • Ski resorts. At this time, you can still go skiing on many European ski resorts. For example, in Austria, Andorra and Bulgaria, in Germany, Spain or Norway, in Poland, Romania and Slovakia, as well as in Turkey, Finland and Switzerland. Although high season almost over already. But for those who are not yet tired of the winter cold, this is only at hand. Holidays can be relatively inexpensive.

Obviously, there are not so few tourist destinations in March. Basically, you can go anywhere. It all depends on how long you want to fly, how much you are willing to spend, what you dream of seeing and visiting, and how you are used to relaxing.

Where to go with children to the sea in March?

If you still want to escape from the annoying frosts and cold, bask in the sun, swim in the warm sea, then there are several great destinations for a beach holiday in March.


Holidays in Egypt in March:

  • the most affordable (prices for air tickets and hotel accommodation at this time are much lower than in other months, many hotels have discounts for children)
  • very convenient (flight - 4.5 hours from Moscow and no problems with a visa)
  • quite comfortable children's rest organized well: children's mini-clubs, discos, animation, special children food, amazing undersea world, good beaches).

And the weather pleases: the water temperature in Hurghada is +19-22°C, in Sharm el-Sheikh +20-24°C. It's not hot yet - a great excuse to visit the famous sights of this ancient country without languishing under the scorching rays of the summer sun.

But there is one minus in the March Egyptian weather - at this time it often happens strong wind, which makes life very difficult for beach lovers. But even if you are not entirely lucky with the weather, you can swim in the pool and have fun in the water parks.

What if you still don't want to go? Then you can go, for example, to the United Arab Emirates.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Spring in the UAE is our real summer. Very pleasant comfortable weather The sea is already warm and you can swim. But there is no sweltering heat and you can spend a lot of time outdoors.

The flight is also short (5 hours), but at a cost (which, however, is quite consistent with the level of service), this direction will be more expensive.

The United Arab Emirates is a wonderful country for families with children. Any hotel on the coast has everything to make everyone (both parents and children) happy with their vacation: wonderful well-maintained beaches, water parks, playgrounds and playrooms. And plus to this - a lot of all kinds of entertainment outside the hotel.

Find tours in the UAE

You can’t call a holiday in Tenerife cheap, but you can’t call it overly expensive either. The beautiful beaches of the island of Tenerife are a place for a paradise holiday almost all year round. March is no exception: the air temperature at this time is up to + 24 ° C, water - + 20-23 ° C.

Tenerife has a lot of entertainment for children. March is also the time of spectacular holidays, incendiary dances, colorful carnivals.

On this list beach resorts, the closest to us geographically and which you can visit in March, unfortunately ends. And in Europe, the opening of the beach season is still very far away. Therefore, to the question: “Where else to go to the sea in March?” - the answer would be quite logical: "To the Beaches of Southeast Asia" .

The list of Southeast Asian countries with a good beach holiday in March is very impressive. But the prospect of a wonderful vacation in these exotic places is overshadowed by very long flights (which, you see, is not always good when traveling with children, especially small ones), a large time difference and not quite a budget trip.


Favored by Russians, they are ideal in March for swimming, sunbathing, surfing, exploring the underwater world with scuba diving, excursions to exotic places and local attractions. In mid-March, Thailand hosts a festival throughout the country. kites. In addition, in Thailand it is very sunny and there are a lot of all sorts of exotic fruits.

In March, on many islands: Phuket, Samet, Phi Phi, Krabi, Koh Samui, Lanta - comfortable warm weather (sometimes even hot - up to + 35 ° C), the sea warms up to + 28 ° C, there is almost no rain.

Another advantage of a holiday in Thailand in March is the ability to buy relatively cheap tour(at this time there are fewer tourists). Not very high prices, no visa problems, good condition resorts are additional arguments in favor of Thailand.

Best prices for tours to Thailand


The best time to relax with children on the beaches of the Indian state of Goa on the coast of the Arabian Sea is from October to March. No sweltering heat during the day and stuffy nights (air temperature - up to + 31 ° C, water - up to + 28 ° C). It almost never rains.

In Goa, this is the last cool month of winter. And this is the best time for interesting excursions around nature reserves with spectacular shows, visits to Buddhist temples. In March, you can even participate in the fun annual Hindu spring festival - the Holi Festival of Colors.


Vietnam is moving from the category of “exotic” to the category of quite affordable countries for recreation, which more and more tourists want to visit. It attracts inexpensive accommodation and the possibility of visa-free visits (for up to 15 days).

In addition, Vietnam is a solid attraction. There are a lot of beautiful places, interesting excursions and a wonderful beach holiday on the shores of the South China Sea.

In Vietnam, in principle, there are no cold weather. At this time, almost the entire coast has good sunny weather, the air temperature is up to +30°C, and the water is up to +26°C.

For a beach holiday in March, experienced tourists recommend where there is the least chance of rain and cold winds.

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China - no less exotic country than Vietnam, and also not yet a very developed destination for families with children. Bye we are talking about one of the tourist destinations - the beautiful tropical island of Hainan with sandy beaches and calm seas.

In the town of Sanya - the most famous tourist center islands - there are many hotels where family vacations are thought out to the smallest detail.

In March, you can have a good rest here with children, combining a beach holiday (air temperature - up to + 30 ° C, water - up to + 25 ° C) with interesting trips through the ancient monasteries. Atmosphere ancient civilization and Eastern philosophy make holidays in China unusually interesting and informative.

Maldives and Sri Lanka

Also in March, you can go to paradise beaches in the Maldives, Sri Lanka or the Seychelles.

Not so long ago, combined tours allow you to combine holidays on white sandy beaches and the azure sea in the Maldives with an interesting excursion program in Sri Lanka. A wonderful combination…

However, do not forget that in March the tourist season is high in the Maldives, so you need to take care of tours and tickets in advance.

An excellent beach holiday in March is offered by the countries of the Caribbean.

Dominican Republic

Far away and not very cheap, but with a wonderful beach holiday in the most beautiful places on the island of Haiti, combined with exciting excursions country. In the Dominican Republic at this time it is warm, even hot, and there is very little rain.

Possible problems due to a long flight and acclimatization and expensive tours are fully compensated by the pleasure received from staying in these places and the high level of service.

Find tours in the Dominican Republic


It's wonderful in March in Cuba. This month is considered dry and quite comfortable, although there are occasional showers.

But this is fully compensated by the warm sea, tropical sun, fruits, diving, incendiary cheerful dances of smiling and hospitable Cubans.


Hot summer (+28-30°C), calm gentle sea, exotic places- are waiting for you in March in this country. In March, the beaches of Mexico are so good that you can spend your entire vacation by the water.

But, probably, it would be unforgivable, having visited these places, not to visit famous cities and the sanctuaries of the Mayan Indians, do not visit one of the Mexican carnivals, do not try the dishes of the original Mexican cuisine.


Brazil is interesting both for the beach (the air temperature in March is up to + 30 ° C, and sometimes a little higher), and for sightseeing holiday. And there is something to see here: a trip to the Amazon and tropical forests, visiting ancient Indian settlements.

But the most important thing for which they go to Brazil at this time is the famous annual Grand Carnival, which is supposed to be held this year in late February - early March.


But still, according to many tourists, this city is more suitable for educational tourism. There are plenty of activities for kids here. different ages. One of the best in the world is the Singapore Zoo, the local Disneyland, the famous Oceanarium, the Bukit Tima Reserve Park and much more interesting things can be seen in this amazing city. Children will definitely be delighted with such a trip.

March is the time for interesting excursions and educational trips.

Do not forget that March is the time of school holidays. In addition, in March in many European cities it is already quite warm spring weather. And this is a great opportunity to go to other countries and without haste and fuss (there are not so many tourists at this time) to get acquainted with the sights and history of other countries, visit museums and theme parks.

Spring, ancient fortresses and palaces of Portugal, chic museums and delightful, and, friendly and warm Italy, a trip to the historical and biblical places of Jordan and, a city of interest - all European cities are ready to accept young tourists in March.

If we discard for a while the usual ideas about some countries as intended mainly for beach holidays, then you can quite inexpensively, Greece or Cyprus.


The temperature in Turkey at this time is completely unsuitable for swimming (+ 17-18 ° C), but this is a great opportunity to get to know Turkey from the other side: go on excursions, get acquainted with the architecture and history of the country. There is something to see here. You can also swim in the indoor pool.

Agree, this is a chance to spend time with benefit and buy a tour at a very affordable price.

Tours to Turkey

The situation is similar with Greece and Cyprus.

Greece and Cyprus

No less popular routes: Greece and Cyprus - in March are also not yet ready to receive beach lovers. Although for walks and acquaintance with ancient Greek culture and art and the opportunity to admire the exotic beauties of the spring awakening nature at this time, it's time.

But still, if you want to relax in a relaxed atmosphere with small children, you can consider this option. The cold sea can be replaced by relaxing in a hotel with an indoor pool. Plus - it's not hot yet, but you can already sunbathe.

Other advantages in Cyprus are a short flight, a lot of flights (both regular and charter), many hotels with children's pools, playgrounds, and animation.

A trip to Cyprus and Greece in March is a great opportunity to relax without the influx a large number tourists at an affordable price.

Find tours to Cyprus


March weather, especially in northern Italy, at this time is unpredictable and rich in both warm sunny spring days and rainy days.

Which, however, does not in the least prevent residents and guests of the country from participating in many fun holidays, cultural events and competitions for children. For example, the Chocolate Festival awaits those with a sweet tooth in Turin.

Going this year is especially important, since children under 12 years old can visit the country in the Russia-Italy Cross Year of Tourism for free.

Ski resorts

There is still enough snow on the mountain slopes in March. And those who have long dreamed of learning how to ride skiing or snowboarding, can make their dream come true. March is the last month ski holidays. And at this time, when the season is on the decline, you can have a good and relatively inexpensive rest on the ski slopes of European resorts.

This can be done on or go to, or Andorra, Italy or France.

Traditional routes in Russia during school holidays are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the cities of the Golden Ring. Although, of course, we, unlike European countries, yet we can not boast of warm spring weather.

Exciting and unforgettable trips! Bye Bye…


Often people wait for spring to bask under warm rays sun and rather forget cold winter. And now spring comes, the calendar tells us that March has come. Hooray, the long-awaited spring! But in fact, spring came only according to the calendar, and real warmth is still far away, ... what to do? How to fix the situation? Easy and simple - you can go to the sea with a child at the end of March! And we will tell you where to go. Check out our recommendations the best tourists, and you yourself will learn about the rest in March.

To begin with, let's recall what we already have on the site about holidays in March. And there is the following:
- European countries, where you can go on vacation in March.
- and a list of cities in Russia, where in March it is beautiful and beautiful.
So check out these tips and you might not fly to the sea!

And now our list of countries and places where at the end of March it will be comfortable at sea with a child.

Goa - perfect place for holidays with a child.

Yes, Goa immediately fell in love with Russian tourists. And he fell in love with himself with his landscapes, warm sea, hotels and, most importantly, democratic prices! Holidays in Goa are not the most expensive holidays. And even seven with average incomes can afford to buy a tour to these resorts.
What awaits you in Goa in March? Warmth and sunshine awaits you. During the day, the air warms up to +33 degrees. At the same time, there is no strong heat, as it is already coming to an end beach season and the winds begin to blow. They alleviate the heat and make you more comfortable to rest.
But the winds will not interfere with your rest, the water will be consistently warm, around +27 degrees. There is little rain, and sometimes they simply do not. The only downside is the tourists. There are a lot of them here in March and April, as everyone wants to “steal” the summer before it starts.

Thailand is the best place for family vacation.

Thailand is known for having wonderful hotels that are built exclusively for families. Almost every hotel has its own beach, where there is sand and no dirt. Plus, there are a variety of attractions for children.

And many more Phuket hotels have their own water parks! these hotels and choose one of them. Your child will spend the whole day in the water park and give you a quiet rest.

Also hotels in Thailand have children's playgrounds. And Russian-speaking nannies work for them, who will be happy to look after your child.
In general, a holiday in Thailand with children is a fairy tale that you want to extend for a lifetime.

Vietnam and its resort Nha Trang.

The resort of Nha Trang is ready to receive tourists on its beaches in March. Every day the air here becomes warmer, and the water warms up to the desired temperature.
Resorts and hotels in Nha Trang also have water parks and entertainment for children. And sandy beaches will allow you to enjoy your vacation on the beach to the fullest!
You can also rent a boat or a small boat and take your children on a trip to some bay. And there to have a picnic that you will never forget.
And if your children are already adults, they are over 14 years old, then you can dive with them under the water with scuba gear. You will see the amazing underwater world and take amazing photos as a keepsake.

Nha Trang also has its attractions. What is it worth cable car to an island across the sea! You will always remember this trip.
worth visiting on vacation.

Distant shores - Cuba, Maldives, Seychelles.

These and other Latin American countries. They will also delight you with their warmth. But their minus is that the flight takes almost a day. And plus acclimatization, which children do not tolerate well. And if, after a rest, the child goes to study, and even exams are on the nose, then such a flight will have a bad effect on health and academic performance.
But this is all talk about what could be. But what will definitely happen if you fly here is a wonderful vacation!
Sandy beaches, clear water, magnificent bays, landscapes like in the pictures - all this is a holiday in the Maldives and other islands of the Caribbean. You will also be surprised when you see hotels standing right on the ocean! Living in such hotels is a pleasure, however, it is an expensive pleasure in finance.
On the beaches of the Maldives, you can rent jet skis, boats, boats and other entertainment. You will have fun, and when you get tired of lying on the beach, you can visit the mountains and view the entire Caribbean from their heights.


When spring is on the calendar, not everything is so rosy and beautiful outside the window. Snow still lies, blizzards sweep, and the temperature is still low. So spring is only in the calendar and in the soul. But it’s too early to despair, because there are places in the world where a beach holiday in March 2019 at sea is a reality. Where to go to swim and sunbathe in the first month of spring? That is what we are going to talk about with you. Let's look at the world map and look for best places for a holiday where it is warm and inexpensive.

March is the beginning of spring. In some countries, the holiday season is just beginning, and in some, on the contrary, it is coming to an end. We will offer you several options, but we cannot say for one hundred percent that you will be lucky with the weather or with the hotel. In our article, only “bare” statistics figures and that’s it.

Thailand is the last chance for a vacation.
With the beginning of spring, the resorts of Thailand begin to slowly empty. But this is not because of the beginning of the rainy season, but because of the upcoming heat. Yes, it is in March that the heat begins, which after a couple of months will smoothly turn into the rainy season.

In March, there are still quite a lot of tourists on the coast of the country who are trying to catch the last chance to relax in local resorts. During the day, the air temperature often rises above the mark of +40 degrees. but in March, such a temperature is tolerated more or less normally. Humidity helps, which is also high and makes the air softer.

But the water in the sea at this time of the year is simply gorgeous, it is warmed up to +29 degrees. the most popular destinations these days are Phuket and Pattaya. It is to these two resorts that tourists fly to spend their days of rest.

Goa is the second most popular place.
After the resorts of Thailand, Goa is the most popular holiday destination. People come to the Indian state for a beach holiday, for excursions and elephant riding.

Whoever comes to Goa for the first time, relaxes on the beach all day long and enjoys the sea and the sun. Tourists who have already been here go into the jungle, admire nature and go on excursions.
In March, the weather is dry in Goa, as well as on the entire coast of Southeast Asia. There is no rain here, and every day the air warms up more and more. Because it's getting hot. Yes, and the rainy season is just around the corner, even without that inexpensive vacation becomes even cheaper. Hotels make discounts to keep tourists. Cafes and restaurants are also not far behind them. It is in March that Goa has the lowest prices and here you can have a great rest for little money.

Vietnam - golden beaches.
Many people say that Vietnam is the eastern Hawaii. Perhaps this is so, we will not argue. One thing is clear - there is a very high quality holiday for tourists.

Vacationing in Vietnam means visiting eastern country where its laws, its own style of life and its own flavor. There are beautiful beaches, gorgeous jungle and unique waterfalls.
Vietnam every year more and more strengthens its position in the tourism market. Residents of Europe and the USA fly here, tourists rest here all year round.
Palm trees grow on the coasts, coconuts on them. Tourists pluck coconuts and drink milk. If you go further into the jungle, you can find wild bananas and try them. In general, the nature of the country is very diverse and beautiful. Therefore, you should not spend all the time on the beach, you can walk along the coast and come across a waterfall or a blue lagoon.

Israel - you can relax in the sea.
With the beginning of spring, tourists begin to appear in the resorts of Israel. In fact, they didn’t go anywhere, they just couldn’t be seen near the sea, since it is a little cool. But with the onset of March, the sea warms up and you can swim in it.

Israel compares favorably with Asian countries in that it does not require a visa. Plus, the flight will not take so much time. And there are also many attractions, chic medical SPA salons and the Dead Sea, which heals in itself.
Rest in the country and healthy and useful. Tourists leave here with a smile on their face and in a great mood.

I continue my-our list of where to go with a child. In our new column, I wrote about winter holidays in the article. It's spring now, and I'm thinking about warmth. So, where to go with a child in march.

I decided not to turn into a copywriter, but simply to make a real list of where we ourselves would go relax with children or travel and gain emotions. I was somehow outraged when I walked through the search engines and found articles where Egypt was recommended to parents with children in March. What Egypt in March, guys! There are terrible winds, also that "Javier", and we are advised to go there with the children. "The weather in Egypt in March brings with it a dry wind from the desert, which hits the whole country. The wind brings with it sandstorms, that's why this month is not the best time to relax in Egypt," - I found this in the intricacies of tourism. For me, this is not news, because we have already traveled through the system, and I studied the seasons for holidays before the trip. March - in Egypt is out of season.

In fact, March is a rather strange month for holidays. It is not very popular, at the same time, the family set of destinations for travelers and tourists is very diverse. If you are still thinking about, then the very resorts that I mentioned in the February review will go.

Where to go with a child in March for a beach holiday

For beach holidays with a child in March fit UAE, Goa, Thailand, Bali and Gili, Hainan Island in China(I add to the list only where I myself would go with my family).

UAE in March

I asked a question to one of the travelers who recently returned from Dubai, having spent three weeks there - partly in February and March. According to Katerina, “with the advent of spring, as if by order, the weather is +30, the sun is very warm and soft, even hot. There is nothing special to see in Dubai, the Arabs rode donkeys there a couple of decades ago. you need to know where and what you can successfully buy. cheap gasoline- for 1 dollar - 4 liters, - a rental car costs about 25 USD. per day. The UAE is small, you can see a lot." United Arab Emirates they really took care of the infrastructure for vacationers, and with children here you can fall out great on the beach. Cheap fuel and the rental price of a car just whisper to take the kids and ride around the emirates. If you are going to travel outside of Dubai, it is better to be accompanied by a strong half of humanity.

Goa in March


about. Hainan, China

Direct regular flights Moscow - Hainan (Sanya or Haikou airport) are operated by Transaero, the flight time is about 10 hours. Hainan can also be reached via Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong by domestic airlines. The closest flight is from Hong Kong (about an hour), but more often fly through Beijing or Shanghai, as in these cities you can stay for a few days and see the sights.

In Hainan perfect weather for holidays with children from March to October. All the beaches in the resorts of Hainan are municipal, equipped by caring hoteliers with everything you need: sunbeds, umbrellas and showers. The beaches are sandy and gently sloping everywhere, the water is warm and clear. Most Popular Resorts Sanya, Sanyavan, Dadonghai and Yalunvan.

Bali and Gili, Indonesia

Inexperienced tourists imposed pictures with Bali with white sand beach. By by and large, Bali- an ideal island for surfers, for romantics, or for those who know places where you can more or less swim. Of course, the waves may not be a hindrance to wallow on the beach (I lived for several months on the shore Atlantic Ocean, often spending time on the beach, and even tried to swim. BUT! When the wave takes you out, you look like a flattened jellyfish, forgetting that you may no longer be wearing a swimsuit. And it’s good if the wave still takes you out, but it often sucks you in). If this does not scare you, do not be afraid to fly to Bali, especially since in March there is still a tourist lull, the rains are normal, there is no heat. If you want to go to Indonesia and swim, then a great place is

Three micro-islands 35 km from the easternmost point of Bali. Gili Trawangan is the largest, and two smaller ones - Gili Air and Gili Meno. They are, in fact, next to the island of Lombok, neighboring Bali, but you can also get to them directly from Bali. Gili is a great place for relaxation and swimming, diving, if it is important for you to be in contact with the water all the time, and you are not a surfer - you are here. Even children can swim here. I found a great blog about Bali (including Gili) - a Russian girl who has been living in Bali for several years, talks about many nuances of life and recreation in Bali. I recommend.

If we consider where to go with children in March for an excursion, I am for Europe. As an example, here is one of the latest stories -. The weather for the last couple of years around the world has become unpredictable, in Europe it is quite peculiar and capricious at this time, so I would recommend getting to know Italy or Spain (for example, the colorful one is perfect for sea and study walks), and the countries "higher" and to the north leave for April-May.

March gives us new strength and a bright mood, may your March be the most inspiring. Buon viaggio!

Zarina Bobko