Modern style interior is rich in ideas. Even with a small investment, you can quickly add original accents and decorative solutions. This issue is about one of these very budget, but very original ideas. Transparent glass vases, their benefits and 33 ideas for inspiration.

Transparent glass is perhaps the leader among inexpensive ultra-fashionable materials. More recently, multi-colored stained glass in the Tiffany style was at the peak of popularity, and today transparency and conciseness are in vogue. This is, of course, the influence of minimalism. Nevertheless, transparent glass vases organically fit into almost any style of interior.

Their advantages:

  • transmit light and therefore do not clutter up the space visually,
  • look beautiful both alone and in company with each other,
  • can be filled with flowers, decorative material or become an independent art object,
  • and, which is especially pleasant, they are quite inexpensive and are sold in almost any city.

In a word, transparent glass vases are an excellent field for experiments. Check out the ideas from Pottery Barn and learn the designer's secrets to using this piece of decor.

And also see how this technique is used by the master of modern interior

for every taste

Transparent glass vases are very diverse in shape and size. But the most fashionable of them:

  • absolutely smooth cylinders - high and low,
  • wide rectangles and narrow - for one flower,
  • narrow-necked cones and balls,
  • on legs: reminiscent of glasses or aquariums.

what to fill

In transparent glass vases, both one graceful flower or even a large beautiful leaf of a plant look great, as well as a combination of various decorative elements (layers of different materials are especially effective):

  • flowers, stems and leaves,
  • small indoor plants
  • fruits and spices
  • sea ​​pebbles and shells,
  • wood shavings and colorful sand,
  • acrylic crystals and stones,
  • any natural materials according to the season.

design secrets

Transparent glass vases are a very malleable material for decoration. It is only important to emphasize its advantages: lightness and transparency. We will work with this:

Background(most often - the surface of a table or chest of drawers, less often - the plane of the wall) - an important element. If you want to draw attention to such a vase in a rather bright interior, the background must be made dark or bright enough. If the interior is designed in soothing colors and devoid of strong contrasts, then the glass vase will be in plain sight anyway.

balance and composition. Here in question that the size of the glass decor should be proportional to the horizontal on which it is placed.

  • one rather large vase or a composition of several small ones looks beautiful on a large table;
  • if it is a rectangular dining table, a row of identical vases with different fillings looks impressive;
  • a coffee table or bedside table will be perfectly decorated with a free composition of vases of different heights and shapes;
  • if such vases are placed on a console table, chest of drawers or shelf, consider the design of the wall that serves as a background;
  • transparent glass vases are an element of a laconic style, so do not burden the space closest to them with objects with fine and bright details, as well as richly decorated classic decor;
  • such vases perfectly support the eco-style about which we had a mini-series, links at the end of this post.

Check out 33 ideas for inspiration from professional decorators!

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Decorating a vase with your own hands is quite an exciting hobby. Author's, unique ready-made vases are quite expensive, and a vase decorated with your own hands will definitely suit your interior, because you will select materials according to color and style to an already finished room. Another advantage of decorating a vase on your own is its uniqueness. You will never find exactly the same, even if you use materials from a specific master class.

A vase in the interior is not just a vessel in which you can put a bouquet of flowers. This is a work of art, and a piece of furniture, and a thing that can cover an empty space. And in combination with the bouquet itself, the vase will become an integral part of your interior.

To decorate a vase with your own hands, you may need improvised materials and various tools, but of course, your hands. Decorating a vase with your own hands is a creative process that can be an exciting activity for the whole family. Well, we will give you ideas and tips on how to decorate a vase with your own hands in this article.

There are many ways to decorate, the most popular of them:

  • painting on glass;
  • decoupage;
  • decoration with fabric;
  • using colored or corrugated paper, newspapers, notes;
  • design with pencils or brushes;
  • decoration with twine, rope or colored threads;
  • using artificial flowers;
  • decorating with edible materials - pasta, seeds;
  • using improvised materials, for example, buttons, coins, beads;
  • decorating a vase with ribbons and lace.

Consider some of them - do-it-yourself vase decor with a photo.

Twine is an excellent material for decorating bottles, glasses and vases. Its flexibility (in the truest sense of the word) allows you to decorate even the most complex shapes. Along with twine, you can also use other materials: rhinestones, beads, buttons, threads, fabric, ribbons. As an adhesive, both ordinary PVA and hot-melt adhesive or “moment” are suitable.

Natural materials can also complement the twine or rope: cones, shells, dried leaves, small pebbles or other stones.

Of course, art painting is not for everyone. But on the other hand, a hand-painted vase will look expensive and unique. For painting on glass, use stained glass paints or special acrylics marked "for painting on glass." You can go another, more economical way: first, the vase is covered in two layers with PVA glue, and then a pattern is applied to it with ordinary gouache.

Important! Before starting work, the vase must be well degreased - wiped with either alcohol or an alcohol wipe.

In order not to spoil a large vase, having no painting experience, you can practice on an ordinary glass or a bottle of wine or champagne.

To create a relief contour, use a special acrylic contour on glass.

The fabric can be used not only for tailoring or home textiles. It is also an excellent material for decorating various interior items.

You can decorate a vase with fabric in different ways: sew a cover on it, glue it with pieces of multi-colored fabric, wrap or tie a vase.

You can decorate with a cloth not only a vase, but also any other container, for example, a bottle. This requires the following materials and tools:

  • textile;
  • bottle;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • decorative elements - beads, buttons, shells, ribbons.

The fabric should be soaked in glue and wrapped around the bottle. Then glue the decorative elements and paint.

No less beautiful and elegant is a vase decorated with lace and ribbons. To glue materials to the surface of the vase, you can use hot glue, moment, PVA. Combine also with artificial flowers, buttons, rhinestones, beads and beads.

Decorating a vase with lace is quite easy, and you get a unique and original pattern.

Any natural, natural materials can act as a decor for a vase with your own hands: wood, twigs, cones, shells, pebbles, dried leaves and flowers, straw.

How to decorate a vase with your own hands natural materials? As well as other materials for gluing, you can use PVA, hot melt adhesive, moment. Before applying the glue, the vase must be degreased.

One of original ways decorate a vase with your own hands - paste over it with pasta different shapes and size. Thanks to the huge selection of pasta in modern supermarkets, vases are unique and original. From above, the entire pattern is covered with paint and varnish for durability.

Old newspapers can be used to decorate a vintage vase. Aged paper or sheet music is also suitable for this purpose. Just cover the vase with pieces of newspaper and decorate with twine or thread.

Today, only lazy people do not improve the design of their home. Fashion trends allow satisfying the most sophisticated tastes of demanding consumers. At the same time, at all times there was a demand for decorating the interior with high floor vases. However, their affordability does not always coincide with the desired appearance. Like any other thing, a floor vase can be made by hand. Such a beauty will be in the desired shape and in the right color scheme, and much cheaper than their store counterparts.
Materials for work:
Glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters - 2 pcs.;
Tea saucer - 1 pc.;
Plastic container from preserves - 1 pc.;
Silicone sealant - 1 bottle;
PVA glue liquid (construction) - 1 liter;
Building alabaster - 4 tablespoons;
Potato starch - 100 gr.;
Egg lattices - 4 pcs.;
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
Vaseline - 1 tbsp;
Three-layer napkins - 2 pcs.;
Plasticine - 1 box;
Old tube of PVA glue with a narrow nose - 1 pc.;
Glue "liquid nails", white and "gold" paints, blush, eye shadow, face powder, brush, colorless acrylic varnish, water.

Stages of work:
The first stage: we form the basis.
We turn one jar upside down and glue “liquid nails” to it a tea saucer turned upside down.

Glue the bottom of the second can to the bottom of the same can.

Cut off the bottom of the canning container. We glue the inverted container to the neck of the second jar.

Let the base dry for 1 day.

The second stage: we give the vase the outline of the vessel.
Finely chop the egg racks.

Fill with water so that the entire torn mass is immersed in it. We leave for the night.

We wring out the soaked grids.

Tear off large pieces. Fill the whole mass with PVA glue.

Thoroughly, until a homogeneous gruel is obtained, mix the soaked grates.

We fill the space between the neck of the jar and the container with the egg mass.

Apply a thin layer of egg mass over the entire surface of the jars.

We dry the base for 2 days.

We paint white.

The third stage: we apply a three-dimensional drawing.
Print your favorite stencil.

We make cuts along the contours, cut out the necessary points.

We place the drawing on the vessel in a checkerboard pattern in a straight and inverted form (2 times above, 2 times below; top and bottom facing each other).

Draw voids and cuts with a pencil.

Squeeze silicone sealant into an empty PVA tube.

We put a sharp nose on the tube and squeeze the sealant along the contour of the picture.

If necessary, make adjustments with a toothpick.

Dry the sealant for 1 day.

With superficial movements with a large brush, we apply blush toning on the drawing.

Fourth step: do silicone mold.
Mix potato starch and silicone sealant.

Thoroughly knead until a pasty mass is obtained.

We coat the surface of the figure blank (in this case, a magnet) with Vaseline.

Press the pastry into the flattened dough with the right side down.

Carefully prying with a knife, we take out the workpiece.

Fifth stage: casting the figures.
Lubricate the inside of the silicone mold vegetable oil(pour it in, then turn the mold over and pour out the oil).

Pour a tablespoon of alabaster (or gypsum) into the container.

Add a spoonful of water there, mix. If the solution becomes thick, add water.

We fill the silicone mold with alabaster solution.

We leave the solution to harden (you can check the readiness by pressing the nail on the figure - the trace should not remain on the surface). We pry the figure with a knife and take it out of the mold.

We repeat the preparation of the solution and pouring 3 more times.

Sixth stage: paint the angels.
We paint over the blanks with white gouache.

The bodies of the angels are matted with face powder.

We dye our hair.

We draw sponges.

Draw the eyelids and eyebrows with a pen.

With white gouache we close the extra layer of powder (next to the bodies of the angels).

Draw the wings in gold.

We apply “liquid nails” on the back surface of the figurines and glue them on the vase.

Step 7: Make roses.
We knead the plasticine, lay it on a hard surface with a thin plate, cut it into squares. In each square we make cuts in a circle from the center.

Gently prying the central center, twist the spiral, moving from the center to the edge. We bend the square corners like large leaves.

We paint the roses white.

We tint them with blush in the color of the volumetric pattern.

The edges are gilded.

"Liquid nails" fasten the roses to the vase.

Any housewife dreams of an unusual and compact decor element that would fit well into the interior. It can be a handmade vase, because every girl has flowers at home with the approach of spring holidays. Who would have thought that something really beautiful could be created from the simplest glass jar or a transparent vessel. Such a unique little thing will not only delight you, but also attract the attention of guests.

This version of creating a vase is not suitable for beginners; a firm and experienced hand is needed here. But as they say, experience comes with the process, so for those who want to create something quite unusual, the ideal option would be to choose the dot painting method.

For this you will need:

  • Acetone.
  • Cotton discs.
  • Outline paints.
  • Thread or toothpicks.
  • Degreaser.

For skilled craftsmen, creating a masterpiece in this way is not difficult, but if you are just mastering the technique, then you better print out a sketch and practice on plain paper to apply dots of the same size and density. After that, you can start decorating:

geometric vases

A vase made in this way will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. To make it, you only need a degreaser, adhesive tape, multi-colored spray paint, a brush, cotton pads and a transparent vase:

  1. Use a degreaser and a cotton pad to treat the surface.
  2. Wait until it dries and tape it in the order you like.
  3. Now spray paint the surface without touching the tape.
  4. Wait until everything is dry and remove it.

Such a vase will look much more interesting than a simple one, and will add a bright accent to your interior.

You can also use tape of a small width, so the decoration of the vase with your own hands will be more detailed.

The pattern is especially attractive when you cover the vase not completely, but only it. lower part. To do this, you need to take the usual plastic bag and secure it with tape as shown in the photo.

For a vase in such an unusual style, gold or silver sequins are an excellent choice. The main thing in creating this decor element is to choose the right tones and shades so that it attracts attention and complements the interior. To solve this problem, you should choose golden and copper colors, as well as black or white.

Full coverage

If you do not want to spend a lot of time creating a picture, then the best way out is to simply paint the vase in one tone. To do this, you will need acrylic or any other spray paint. The peculiarity of acrylic paint is that you can choose any color that you like.

Don't forget glitter.

You can also partially cover the vase by covering the top with a plastic bag.

There is another solution for covering a vase in one tone, if you don’t want to buy specialized paint. You can cover it with regular foil. To do this, you will also need glue and a brush. Getting Started:

  1. Cut the foil into small pieces to make it easy to glue.
  2. Apply glue to the transparent vase and fix the vase decoration material.

Paste it step by step. You can partially cover the surface, which will also look very impressive.

If you really want to please yourself with flowers in the approach of spring, but weather do not allow you to find a couple of tulips, then you can create them yourself, using paints and brushes.

Such an element of decor will not only delight you and your loved ones, but will also make an excellent gift on the eve of March 8th.

For this you will need:

And now step-by-step instruction. To begin with, you need to rinse the vase well with soap and wipe it dry, and then walk with acetone or another degreaser so that the paint adheres well. After the surface is prepared, you can begin to create an image. Take a tube and carefully squeezing out the paint, start drawing the outline of your future colors. Even if you do not know how to draw, the main thing is not to be afraid and bring the lines to the end. After the contour of the flowers is ready, you can start coloring. Apply the paint carefully and in small portions, as it is quite liquid and can spread quickly. The next steps are:

Ready! Just let the paint dry.

Such, at first glance, a vase that is difficult to perform, absolutely anyone can make it if desired.

Cereal vase

Decorating a vase with your own hands seems like a complicated and time-consuming process, but is it? Of course, if you want to create a painting or decorate with a dot method, then some experience is needed here. But the semolina decor is so simple to perform that even a child can handle it.

You will need:

First you need to wipe the surface with a degreaser. Just moisten a swab and walk well along the walls of the future vase. So, now you can start:

By the way, vases from coffee beans are no less attractive. They are made in almost the same way, only hot glue is used, and the grains are attached one after another.

If you prefer working with cereals, then there are many options for decorating in this way. For example, corn and buckwheat, as well as millet porridge.

Thus, you will get an exclusive and cute vase that can be used both as a gift and as a decoration for your home.

Original woodwork

Not everyone can create a wooden vase decor with their own hands. The master class consists of several steps. First, you need to choose the material. In this example, a log of cherries is used as the base. It can be purchased at special warehouses or cut yourself. After dry and store appropriately. Secondly, do not forget to keep the proportions, the diameter of the log should be twenty centimeters.

After all the manipulations, you can proceed:

After all the manipulations, you can lightly sand the letters with sandpaper.

We use twine

Jute twine is a fiber from the stems of the plant. It can be used both independently and as part of yarn. It is usually used in plumbing or gift wrapping, and various miniature interior items are also made.

How to make a vase decor with your own hands using twine - many needlewomen ask these questions.

To create you will need:

  • Jute twine.
  • Balloon.
  • Wire.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.

So, you can get started. First you need to inflate a balloon of a size that matches the depth of the vase. Next, wrap it with fiber. Unlike craft toys with a thread and a ball, in which you first need to get the thread wet and then wrap it around, here you need to do the opposite. First fix the twine, and then apply glue, since this is a natural fiber, it will absorb it very quickly. Now we do this:

Agree, it is nice to receive flowers as a gift, and it is no less pleasant to buy them yourself in order to add freshness and bright colors. In this case, you will never do without a vase. Take your time and make it yourself. Such cute decor elements will give your home coziness and warmth. The main condition for creating the above crafts is time, patience and work.

Attention, only TODAY!

You can create a beautiful decor without large investments and hand-made skills. There are many ways to decorate: from gluing rhinestones, bows and ribbons to painting the glass surface. Consider the main ways how you can decorate a flower vase with your own hands.

Product forms

Vases of the traditional form are no longer relevant. The shape and size of the product can be changed with homemade decor. Round, cone-shaped, flat - all these types of vases can decorate the interior, become the missing highlight. The shape of the product depends on the imagination of the master and the chosen material. Most often, round or square shapes are used for blanks.

Round vases are clear and concise. They are most often modeled plastic bottles, papier-mâché, primer and decorate. To make the vase look like a finished decorative element, painted dry branches are inserted into it. Square products are complemented by fashionable details and used in an interior designed in a minimalist style. The vase is coated with a primer or paint, and then decorated.

You can, of course, buy a finished vase in the store. But even the most expensive thing cannot be compared with a unique piece of decor made by oneself.

Vase decor


The easiest way to decorate a plain vase with your own hands is to stick a stencil, sticker or paper cut inside with any filler. They will look especially impressive on transparent vases. Additionally, you can paint the surface with metallic acrylic paints.

Advice! You can also stick a strip of rhinestones in the form of a ribbon on a glass vase. This decor can be found in sewing stores.

Filling a vase

Material for decor can be made with your own hands from cereals. Barley, rice, buckwheat, millet can be used as a filler. Each of them gives its own texture. The result will be even more interesting if you mix different cereals on paper, cover with paint and let dry.

You can decorate such a flower vase not only from the outside, but also from the inside, for example, using the same cereal. To do this, you need to install a glass or other container in a vase, and fill the space between the walls with colored cereals.


For such a decor, you need to take a vase and an original bottle. Next, you should cut the surface of the container, apply a pattern on it with paints and blot the surface with a sponge to give it a relief texture. When the paint dries, you need to outline the location of the future drawing with a pencil. Next, with a pen or a toothpick, apply dots of the same size to the drawing.

Clothes decor

You can decorate a vase or a glass with your own hands with ordinary socks or golfs. It is necessary to cut off the part of the sock above the heel. Next, put the glass on cardboard or fabric, circle its bottom with a pencil and cut it out along the outlined outline. A similar figure must be cut out of the remnants of the sock. Sew the cut piece and sock together. Lay the fabric on the bottom of the container, and place the cardboard on top.

Important! For this method of decoration, it is better to choose a small container.

Paper decor

A paper application made using quilling technology can be placed on a glass or vase. You can prepare a simpler paper decoration with your own hands. To do this, you need parchment, glue and a container for decoration. It is necessary to cut strips from paper and twist them into cords. Next, stick even strips on the vase. When the container dries, you need to glue paper bundles and decorate it with rhinestones or sprinkle with colorless varnish.

You can find other uses for newspaper tubes. Glue the cardboard to the bottom, and then wrap the base around the base with bundles, forming the body of the vase. The shape of the product depends on the slope of the tubes. Ready product should be covered with varnish or diluted PVA to secure the bundles, and then paint the vase in any color.

Decorating with chopsticks

The next time you walk, collect several branches of the same thickness. Then clean the material. Make all branches the same length, color each acrylic paint and let dry. When the material is ready, you can start decorating the glass vase with your own hands. Having placed the branches around the perimeter of the circle, you need to fasten the product with ribbons, threads with buttons or other materials.

Other decor options

For decoration, you can also use napkins, tree bark, dry branches, fragments of an old lattice. All these elements will be appreciated by lovers of eco-decor.

Papier mache. The base of the vase is covered with a mixture of marked paper and PVA glue, which gives it unusual shape and creates a durable product. After the mixture dries, you can continue to decorate the relief with improvised materials, you can clean the surface with sandpaper, or leave nothing to do at all. Anyway With the help of papier-mâché, you can create a unique piece of art.

Leg-split is a thin thread twisted from fibers. With this item, you can decorate many things, including a flower vase with your own hands. It is enough to glue the twine to the bottom of the container with glue and then wind it up along the product.

Gypsum. This material requires the skills of the master. Gypsum in the form of putty is applied to the vase. While the material dries, it is given a relief base with a knife or palette knife.

Twine. Any containers (glass, plastic, porcelain) are wrapped with palm fiber. It is better to fasten the twine with construction glue.

Glass decoration

Ribbon decoration


  • satin ribbons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • artificial flowers;
  • feathers;
  • paint for glass;
  • glue.

The easiest way to decorate a glass with your own hands is with white and pink flowers. To do this, you need to fold the strips in one row, wrap the glass with them, cut off the edges and strengthen the decor with glue. Glue a ribbon bow in the same place.

Advice! Tape can also be wrapped around the stem of the glass.

In this case, it is better to use thin tapes, and cut the already pasted strips. The ends of the fabric must be treated with fire so that they do not crumble.

Lace decoration

The lace contains an uncomplicated pattern. This material looks great on glass. In addition to the main decor, the glass can be decorated with rhinestones and flat beads.

Advice! I often use this decor for wedding glasses.

Loose decoration

This option is more suitable for people who work well with a brush. You can decorate the glass with swirls, dot patterns, hearts, bows, etc. For beginners, it is better to use stencils for scattering. Or offer lace and repeat its design on the glass.

Advice! For decoration, you can use simple paint or gouache.

Decoupage and decoration of a vase for a gift (2 videos)