Tatiana Titova

Abstract directly - educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (application) in preparatory group on the topic "Forest - a multi-storey building" (teamwork)

Target: to teach children to make a three-dimensional application of the forest from individual parts: trees, plants, forest dwellers.

Integration educational areas: "artistic and aesthetic development", " cognitive development, "Social and communicative development".

Purpose: teamwork for Earth Day, didactic manual"Forest floors".


Clarify children's understanding of the forest and its inhabitants, consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature;

To cultivate love for nature, the desire to take care of plants and animals;

To cultivate the desire to protect our Earth, to treat natural resources sparingly;

To educate children in environmental behavior, to develop an idea of ​​what actions harm nature;

Develop artistic and creative abilities, a sense of composition in the process of creating a collective work.

Material: paper sheet blue color, corrugated paper brown and green, ready-made paper forms: leaves different breeds trees, flowers, butterflies, cut with a hole punch, squares of white, blue, red, orange napkins, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, glue stick, scissors.

GCD progress:

Forest riddle:

The house is open on all sides

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it.

What house am I talking about? (Forest)

A forest is a multi-storey house in which plants and animals live on different "floors". They find food, places for nests, and burrows in it.

Today we will perform a collective application of the forest.

What trees grow in the forest?

(oak, pine, maple, birch and others)

Stage 1. “We plant oak, maple and birch trees in our forest.” We fold oak and maple trunks from corrugated paper, and a birch trunk from white, crumpled paper.

Stage 2. We decorate the crown of trees. We cut green napkins into squares, slightly crumple and glue around the trunks. The crown made in this way looks voluminous.

Glue the leaves cut with a hole punch on top.

Stage 3. We glue the grass, bushes of green corrugated paper, cut into fringes, add mushrooms, berries, flowers.

Dynamic pause"We are trees"

Children, imagine that you are trees.

Raise your twigs-handles and move the leaves-fingers.

Now wave your twigs. Do you hear how the wind is picking up?

Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, imagine that these are your roots. Do you feel how they hold you firmly in the ground?

Well done! You have done a great job with the trees.

Who lives in the forest?

(animals, birds, insects)

Simultaneously with the first subgroup, the second subgroup of children is preparing forest dwellers from pictures printed on a printer.

Stage 4. Children paint insects, birds with felt-tip pens and wax crayons. Wild animals are pasted over with lumps of napkins, cotton wool.

The forest dwellers are ready.

It remains to populate the forest.

What will happen if only insects live in the forest?

(they will eat the forest).

What to do?

(settle birds in the forest).

It became good in the forest: birds sing, butterflies fly. Who is missing in the forest?

(wild animals)

What kind of animals will we settle in our forest?

(moose, bear, wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel and other animals)

Now we've got real forest. Trees, bushes, grass, berries, flowers grow in our forest. Animals, birds, insects live.

Why do animals love the forest?

(in the forest they find food, places for nests, holes).

Why do people love the forest?

(it's nice to walk in the forest, breathe clean air, enjoy the aroma of fresh tree leaves, forest herbs, watch animals and birds, pick mushrooms and berries).

Presentation. Rules of conduct in the forest.

What can not be done in the forest?

1. You can not make noise in the forest.

2 Do not break tree branches.

3. You can not destroy anthills, because ants are the orderlies of the forest.

4. You can not touch the bird's nests and destroy them.

5. You can not pick flowers in the clearings and lawns, because the plucked plants will quickly die and will not produce seeds.

6. You can not knock down with your feet inedible mushrooms: Animals need them.

7. You can not kindle a fire in the forest. After a fire, grass does not grow in this place for a long time.

Well done. You know well the rules of behavior in the forest, so we are going for a walk in the forest.

Psychological relaxation "In the forest" using the phonogram "music of the forest".

Children, imagine that you and I are in a spring forest. We are good and happy. We breathe fresh air, inhale the aroma of forest herbs. We listen to birds singing. We are protectors of forest plants. We will be attentive and caring to all living things on our planet. After all, the Earth is ours common Home.

Outcome. Everyone needs a forest: animals, birds, insects, people. The forest is a common home for plants and animals.

Is man a friend or master of nature?

A friend, because man himself is a part of nature, lives next to plants and animals.

The owner, because he cares about nature, makes it more beautiful, uses its riches.

Thank you for attention!

Related publications:

The work was done within environmental project"Trees are our friends" in order to expand children's knowledge about trees, their benefits to humans, education.

Nikishina Elsa Teamwork"Autumn forest". Purpose: To consolidate the material covered, to develop fine motor skills, imagination, fantasy.

Summary of GCD for applications in the younger group. Collective work "Airplane" The purpose of the lesson: 1. To encourage children to perform a collective application for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. 2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Train.

Summary of the GCD on the application using ICT "Chicken" (second junior group) Summary of GCD on applications using ICT (educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development") for the second junior group.

Purpose: strengthening the ability to create plot picture in the application Tasks: educational: - to teach to convey the shape of the rocket, using the symmetrical technique.


Berezkovsky kindergarten

Teacher Kaprinina Svetlana Evgenievna

Application« Animals, living in autumn forest » .

Program content: develop in children creative imagination, associate the content with the images depicted in the drawing, pick up the leaves in such a way that you get different animals, to bring up in children an interest in the environment, to develop observation.

Material: autumn leaves, dried and prepared in advance for work, a sheet of paper, glue, brush.

preliminary work: a walk in the forest plantation, observing the changes taking place in nature, collecting leaves of different shapes and colors, and preparing a herbarium from the collected leaves.

Methodology classes: the teacher shows drawings with leaf applications. Invites everyone to try to fold from cooked leaves animal which he liked best. The teacher explains what animals live in the forest remembers how life changes in forest during autumn explains life changes animals(became cold, hungry).

Artwork can be used.

Meeting autumn.

Here is a squirrel and a bunny,

Spiny hedgehog, brown bear.

Now we will ask them to say

how they all meet autumn.

It's time for me, bunny, to molt,

It's time for me to change my coat.

I can't be gray in winter

I will be seen in the snow.

And I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry

I dry mushrooms on knots.

Oreshkov make a stock.

That's how I try! Good time!

I will soon go to bed in the lair,

Behind autumn winter again.

Let me dream about honey

Wake up when spring comes.

I will also sleep like a bear.

I hunted for the summer:

Looked for mushrooms, caught mice.

I need to rest for this

I'm tired, exhausted.

I'll bring myself knots,

I will make an apartment forest wake up-

I'm going to meet spring

Hunting again, let's start!

After that, each child sticks the pre-assembled animal from autumn leaves . Finished works from applications placed on the stand.

Related publications:

Lesson on speech development "Who lives in the autumn forest" Program content: Continue to teach children to compose descriptive story about animals with the help of diagrams. Improve your negotiation skills.

Summary of the lesson "A walk in the autumn forest" Organizational component Vosp: Today, guys, I want to talk to you about what happens in the fall in the forest, about how they prepare for winter.

Autumn is a wonderful golden time. If you look at the forest, it seems that it contains all the colors that are in the world. A wonderful phenomenon - leaf fall,.

After a sultry summer, the children of the older groups grew noticeably, matured. The set of children is very interesting. What is not a child, then an artist! Wish.

Synopsis of the logarithmic lesson "In the autumn forest" Children enter the hall to the autumn melody and sit down. 1. Organizing time. Leading: On the gilded road, autumn has already come to us, And to our own.

Synopsis of the NOD "Teremok in the autumn forest" Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational institution Combined Type Kindergarten No. 7 "Fairy Tale" GCD Compiled by: Educator:.

Logorhymic lesson "In the autumn forest" Logo-rhythmic lesson on the topic "Berries and mushrooms". Theme of the lesson: "In the autumn forest." Non-speech goals: - development of coordination of movements, orientation.

Nadezhda Sorodnik

Target: Fix the idea of wild animals: Name, appearance, lifestyle, food. Learn to carefully trace along the contour, cut. Fix correctly place the details on paper. Observe accuracy in work. Carry out the work started to the end.

Material: cardboard brown, black; glue; scissors; eyes (can be pasted from paper or store-bought).

Lesson progress:

1. Guys with what animals we met this week (bear, hare, wolf, elk, fox, etc. e). And what are these animals? (wild)

tell me:

where the bear lives. (in the den)

where the wolf lives. (in the lair)

where the fox lives. (in the hole)

where the hare lives. (under a bush)

where the squirrel lives. (in the hollow)

where does he live elk. (in more often)

What do these people eat animals(listening to children's responses)

Well done boys!

2. Dynamic pause "Funny bunnies":

Well, everyone sat down together

looked at each other

And clapped their hands

Clap yes clap, clap yes clap

What's on the bunny's head?

The ears dance merrily there.

One jump, two jumps

Everyone jumped into the woods)

3. Guys when animals walk in the snow they leave what? (footprints)

Right! Tell me

if a wolf left a trail, then whose traces are these? (wolf)

if - foxes? (fox)

if it's a bear? (bearish)

if - hare? (hare)

if - proteins? (squirrel)

If - elk? (moose)

4. And let's leave our mark with you too. And from our trace we will make funny moose.

And that's what we have happened):

Well done boys! AND last question I have left for you, tell me please what you won't see animals in winter? (bear and hedgehog hibernate). Right! Well done!

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the topic: "How wild animals prepare for winter." Educational field: cognition, communication, creativity.

Summary of the integrated lesson in the senior group "Domestic and wild animals" The purpose of the lesson: To consolidate knowledge and the ability to distinguish between wild and domestic animals (appearance, food, housing); their cubs, to educate careful.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior speech therapy group "Wild Animals" Topic: "Wild animals" Purpose: Generalization of ideas about wild animals, their way of life. Tasks: I. Correctional and educational 1. Expand.

Summary of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic "Wild Animals" Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about wild animals; Objectives: To enrich the vocabulary.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of younger children preschool age about wild and domestic animals, their cubs, nutritional habits, appearance.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group "Wild animals of the Leningrad region" The purpose of the lesson: to summarize children's ideas about wild animals Leningrad region. Tasks: Educational: 1. Fix the names of animals.

Summary of classes on the development of speech. A story on a given topic "Wild animals of our forests" Purpose: To develop monologue speech. Objectives: Educational: -Continue to teach how to compose short story by reference pictures. -Exercise.

Directly educational activities in the group preparatory to school. Collective application"Animals in the Forest"
Purpose: - to develop compositional skills - to place the silhouettes of animals on the panorama winter forest; develop an eye, accuracy;
- educate an aesthetic attitude to nature; interest in the knowledge of nature and a more subtle reflection of impressions in fine art; confidence in their skills;
-to teach children to create a plot composition from the silhouettes of wild animals, cut out according to their own outlined template. Introduce the concept of silhouette; learn to use new materials in your work (threads, cotton wool); maintain personal creativity.
Materials and equipment: unfinished composition "Winter Forest", white sheets of paper, patterns of wild animals, scissors, glue, simple pencils, cotton wool, colored threads, napkins - cloth, oilcloth, toys - bear, squirrel, hare, fox, wolf, paintings depicting the nature of Russia.

Download abstract

Preliminary work: creating the composition "Winter Forest", talking about wild animals, looking at illustrations in books, magazines; did. games: “Call it right”, “Depict an animal”, “Who lives where”.

Educator: guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (Children: in Russia). That's right, in Russia. Our country is large and beautiful, the fields of Russia are wide, the rivers and lakes are deep, the forests of Russia are thick. (In the course of the story, pictures depicting the nature of Russia are exhibited). There are many animals in the forests of our country. Name them. (Children's answers). Well done! Diverse animal world our country. I will now make riddles, and you will name the animals in question.
In summer, he wanders without a road between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear).

Straight from the tree to the stump
The red light jumped.
And then on the trunk of an alder
Jumped up with a dashing jump. (Squirrel).

When I'm hungry, don't meet me
I will click my teeth and eat by chance. (Wolf).

Guess what the hat is?
Fur - a whole bunch,
The hat runs in the forest
Bark gnaws at trunks. (Hare).
Look what
Everything burns like gold
Walks in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.
On the evasions of a craftswoman.
What is her name? (Fox).
As the riddles are guessed, the corresponding animals appear from the basket, an examination and a conversation about each of them is carried out.
Educator: guys, I suggest you choose and make any animal and settle it in our winter forest. To do this, you have pictures on the tables - silhouettes. You must apply glue to this silhouette, and then fill the silhouette with finely chopped threads or cotton wool. And you get an animal with fluffy fur. It remains to make a nose, eyes and mouth and "settle" the animal in the forest. But before that, we'll play a little.
Conducted physical. minute "Funny animals":

A bunny jumps through the bushes, they jump on two legs, making "ears"
Through the swamp and over the bumps. from palms.
The squirrel jumps on the branches, They jump, bending their arms in front of their chest.
The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.
A clubfoot bear is walking, They are waddling.
He has crooked paws.
No paths, no paths Move in a half-crouch, making
A spiny hedgehog rolls. round backs.
Children sit down at the tables and each make their own animal, then glue it to the composition of the winter forest.
Educator: guys, look what beauty we got! Our forest came to life, as if someone had worked here with a magic wand! Well done we are with you!

  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"
  • Target: solution problem situation in the process of doing volumetric appliqué made of woolen threads.


    - fixing ideas about wild animals, through the use of appliqué elements with woolen thread;

    - clarification and expansion vocabulary on this topic;

    Development of coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills;

    Formation of independence skills;

    Raising respect for wild animals.

    Integration of educational areas: « Artistic creativity”, “Communication”, “Music”

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, reading.

    preliminary work: Examination of animals in encyclopedias, albums, calendars; creation of the composition "Autumn Forest"

    Materials, tools, equipment: composition "Autumn forest", colored woolen threads, scissors, glue, glue brushes, simple pencils, scrap boxes, napkins. The group is framed in the autumn forest.

    Lesson progress

    Educator: Guys, today we are going to the kingdom of wild animals.

    In the autumn forest for a walk

    I invite you to go.

    Become one after another

    Take hold of your hands firmly.

    Along the paths along the paths
    Let's go for a walk in the forest.

    Lots of interesting things

    We will always find in the forest.

    Educator: Well, here we come to the autumn forest, admire the beauty of the autumn forest, how beautiful, around the trees, colorful leaves. We really got into the autumn forest.

    Guys, who do you think you can meet in the autumn forest?

    Children: Wild animals.

    Educator: What wild animals do you know?

    Children: fox, hare, wolf, bear, boar, etc.

    Educator: Yes, we can meet them, why are these animals called wild?

    Children: Because they live in the forest. They get their own food...

    Educator: Why don't the inhabitants of the forest meet us?

    Educator: Look guys, whose trace?

    Children: Crow trail.

    Educator: Yes, let's go for it. (followed the tracks and found an envelope: "Help! Kidnapped all the inhabitants of the forest! Guard!")

    Educator: What a grief, how can we be? Let's help the inhabitants of the forest and bring them home to the forest!

    Children: Let's.

    Educator: Guys, look, here's someone else's footprint, let's follow it. Whose trace?

    Children: Bear.

    Educator: Where the bear's trail leads to a stump and an envelope on it, we read: Mystery:

    Who lives in the forest deaf,

    Clumsy, clumsy?

    In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

    And in winter he sucks his paw. (bear)

    Educator: Well done guessed, so we found a bear.

    Children: Squirrels

    Educator: That's right, squirrels, the squirrel's trail led us to the Christmas tree, and there is a letter, again mystery:

    I wear a fluffy coat

    I live in a dense forest.

    In a hollow on an old oak

    I gnaw nuts (squirrel)

    Cunning, yes clever,

    I got into the barn, counted the chickens. (fox)

    Here they found the fox.

    Educator: And here is someone else's footprint. The trail of the hare led us to the river.


    White in winter

    And gray in summer

    Doesn't offend anyone

    And he is afraid of everyone. (hare)

    Educator: So we found the rabbit. Whose trace? He led us to a tree, and there mystery:

    Friendship leads only with a fox,

    This animal is angry, evil.

    He clicks his teeth, yes click,

    Very scary gray ... (wolf)

    Educator: Here they found the wolf.

    Oh guys what strong wind rose, let's try to make it quieter.


    Hello forest, beautiful forest

    (spread arms wide apart)

    Full of fairy tales and wonders!

    (turns left and right with outstretched arms)

    What are you making noise about?

    (hands raised up)

    Dark, stormy night

    (wiggle left and right)

    Who is hiding in your wilderness?

    What kind of animal?

    What bird?

    (we peer into the distance, a hand above the eyebrows with a rounded palm, turning left and right)

    Open everything, do not hide

    (spread your arms wide apart, shaking your finger)

    You see, we are

    (raise your hands up, and then press your palms to your chest)

    Educator: Guys, so we found all the stolen animals, but do you know who wears a fur coat?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: Let's take our jobs and show the inhabitants of the forest that we know not only what their tracks look like, but also the color of their fur coats.

    Practical work.

    Educator: First you need to transfer the animal stencil onto cardboard and draw a silhouette. Choose a thread color that matches the animal. Cut the threads into small pieces. Apply glue to the template and sprinkle with scraps of thread. We make eyes out of black cardboard.

    Let's get to work. (the melody of the autumn forest sounds).

    Recall the rules for working with scissors and glue.

    Final part.

    caregiver: Who dressed the animal in a fur coat, we populate it in the forest (composition "Autumn Forest").

    Guys, look what a beautiful picture of the forest turned out. Well done, everyone did a good job. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Where have we been today?