Our article will present the biography of the popular Russian maestro Igor Krutoy, the creator of hits of all time: “I love you to tears”, “Unfinished novel”. Recognized Ukrainian and Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, producer of "New Wave", "Songs of the Year".

Igor Krutoy is known not only in Russian Federation but also beyond. He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Federation. Now many famous singers dream that this famous artist would write a song and music for them. But how his path to success began, you will find out as soon as you read the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy

Many adherents of his work are interested in the question of what height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy. At 62, Igor Krutoy looks like a fit, stately man. He leads active image life, and this all affects his external data.

He is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 78 kilograms. Weight is in harmony with his height. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is a lion, and according to Chinese calendar horse. Igor can be compared to a horse, they are both hardworking and proactive.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy is eventful. Almost everyone thinks that Krutoy is the pseudonym of the artist. 07/29/1954 Igor Krutoy was born in Ukraine. Mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked from a sanitary and epidemiological station, and father, Yakov Krutoy, worked at a factory. At the age of six, a button accordion was bought for the boy. This tool started creative career. As a child, the artist did not even think of being a composer, he wanted to be a driver. But, over time, he realized that most of all in life he likes to compose music and write poetry.

The future pop star studied at a music school in Kirovograd, graduating with honors. The guy dreamed of entering the conservatory, but this did not happen. In 1974 he entered the Nikolaevsky pedagogical institute at the conducting and choral faculty. While studying at the institute, the future composer worked at school, teaching musical art, and also worked in restaurants and taverns with his friend Alexander Serov in his spare time. Igor Krutoy played the piano, and Serov sang. In 1986 he entered the Saratov Composer University.

Success overtook the composer in 1987, when he composed the song "Madonna", which was performed by his friend Alexander Serov. After this song, Krutoy's career as a composer began to grow. In 1998, he became president of the ARS concert and production company.

At famous artist many awards and orders.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was arranged for a long period of time. Krutoy has an unsuccessful marriage behind him. When Igor was a student, he met his first wife, Elena. Elena captivated him so much that he proposed to her on the third date.

The family did not last long, due to difficulties in everyday life, lack of money, they decided to divorce. From his first marriage, the composer has a son, Nikolai. In 1995, he ties the knot for the second time. This marriage is strong, he went through "fire and water, and copper pipe". The second wife is Olga. She gave Igor a daughter, Alexander.

Family of Igor Krutoy

The family of Igor Krutoy lives in two houses. The wife will live in the USA, and Igor in Moscow. Maestro big family, he has a loving wife, son, two daughters and granddaughters. Rarely do they get together. Igor Krutoy constantly has to fly to his daughters in America.

The composer has enough successful family: wife is a business lady, daughter is a singer. Their family has a tradition - this is a joint celebration of the New Year. The biggest gift he received from his wife Olga Krutoy was the birth of his daughter Sasha.

Children of Igor Krutoy

The children of Igor Krutoy constantly delight their father with their talents and successes. Son Nikolai grew up without the participation of his father. Since his first wife, Elena, went to another man, and Kolya grew up with a different “dad”. Igor has a stepdaughter Victoria, but he considers her his native daughter.

Igor adopted Vika and gave her his last name. The most favorite child is daughter Sasha. Sasha is a late child, and the actor has the most reverent and tender feelings for her. Alexandra is now 14 years old, and she is already as tall as her dad. But, for Igor Krutoy, she remains a little girl.

The son of Igor Krutoy - Nikolai Krutoy

The son of Igor Krutoy is Nikolai Krutoy. Nikolay was born in 1981. After the divorce, Elena Krutaya forbade Igor to see her son, but after a while she thawed and allowed Kolya to see her father. Krutoy gave the boy not only moral, but also financial assistance. Nikolai Igorevich received a decent education. Kohl takes high position in the largest machine and construction company, which is located in Moscow.

The son of a popular composer first married in 2007. In this marriage, a daughter, Christina, appeared. Igor doted on the granddaughter of the soul. In 2013, the couple separated. In 2015, Nikolai marries for the second time. The wedding was magnificent, many celebrities were invited.

Is the daughter of Igor Krutoy - Alexander Krutai suffering from autism?

The daughter of Igor Krutoy - Alexander Krutaya was born in 2003. The girl is brought up in severity, but for her father she is an outlet. Igor Krutoy composed for her music and poetry "Lullaby to Sashenka". At her age, the girl is not registered in any social network.

Sasha tried herself as a singer, performing in the competition for young performers "New Wave". There are many facts on the Internet that Igor Krutoy's daughter Sasha has autism. The producer himself does not comment on this fact.

Igor Krutoy's wife - Olga Krutaya

The wife of Igor Krutoy is Olga Krutaya. The meeting of Olga and Igor took place in America in 1995. Igor Krutoy arrived with his concert program "Song of the Year". A month after this meeting, they began a relationship. In 1997, the couple decided to get married. Igor adopted Olga's daughter Victoria.

Olga Krutaya does not waste hours on quarrels and resentments, as they rarely see each other. From the lips of the couple's comrades it is said that due to the fact that Igor and Olga often part, they do not have time to get bored with each other. In 2017, the couple will celebrate a pearl wedding.

Illness: Igor Krutoy has cancer?

Everyone is interested in the question of what illness Igor Krutoy has. Everyone was shocked by the news that Igor Krutoy had cancer. Igor had a pancreatic cyst. The composer was able to overcome this disease. The operation was performed at the oncology clinic, which is located in Los Angeles.

A difficult operation, which lasted more than twenty hours, and soon long rehabilitation days helped to overcome the disease. After suffering an illness, the composer rethought the values ​​in life. Igor still adheres to proper nutrition no matter what provokes the disease.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Krutoy

The composer does not update his Instagram feed often, due to his busy schedule. On Instagram, you can see photos with celebrities such as: Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Laima Vaikule and others. Also lots of family photos. The composer is not registered in other social networks.

Igor Krutoy shared a joint photo with his fourteen-year-old daughter.

The Krutykh star couple is having fun abroad. In addition to his beloved, the head of the family also took his youngest daughter, 14-year-old Alexandra, with him. The girl's mother published a photo in the microblog, in which Sasha poses with her father. Apparently, they are waiting for an order in one of the local restaurants. Relatives hug and look very happy.

Interestingly, some considered the girl an adult beyond her years. She is not only stylishly dressed, but also almost taller than dad. Judging by the photograph, Igor Yakovlevich is with his daughter in close and warm relations. The girl gently hugged him and leaned her head against her parent. Olga's followers appreciated the frame and noted that the celebrity heiress has changed markedly. Also, users of the social network found similarities between Krutoy and the young beauty. They left comments on Instagram with words of admiration.

“How quickly not only their children grow up, but also strangers”, “Daddy’s daughter”, “Wow, what a beauty!”, “Daddy’s copy, daddy’s daughter, chic, daddy’s joy”, “Have a nice vacation! Sashulya is a beauty!”, “This is a change! Beautiful girl! How grown up! Happiness to you!”, “Sashulya is a beauty!”, Fans wrote compliments to Alexandra.

Faithful admirers of the popular composer's work have long known about his love for family members. A celebrity tries to communicate with relatives to the maximum, despite being very busy. Close men admitted that they often ask Steep Senior for advice, and also share the most secret. A friendly family tries to get together for the most important events in life: the birth of children, New Year and other holidays.

Earlier, Igor Yakovlevich himself spoke touchingly about his relationship with children. He spoke especially warmly about his youngest daughter. According to the composer, they have a completely different relationship with Alexandra than with older heirs. The girl always expressed awe and tenderness for her father, calling herself "little Igorechek." The man believes that such friendship arose due to his own awareness - Sasha was born when Krutoy was already 49 years old.

There is only one step from sadness to joy. This immutable truth is familiar to every person. However, in all cases, trouble overtakes a person absolutely unexpectedly. The statistics are relentless: in the US, autism affects one out of every 88 children, Down syndrome - every 700th. Many star families encountered developmental disorders in their own children, but did not give up.

Irina amazed many by deciding to have a baby at 42. In 2004, she experienced a terrible family tragedy. Doctors put her youngest daughter Masha terrible diagnosis- leukemia. The girl underwent a course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this disease. And two years ago, Irina Mitsuovna came to the premiere of the blockbuster "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" with the matured Masha. This publication was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada. Everyone saw: her daughter suffers from Down syndrome - and imbued with respect for this persistent woman.

Athlete's wife Victoria, she former member musical group Spice Girls, she herself confirmed the information about the illness of the offspring. According to the mother, her middle son reacts very painfully to camera flashes, which make the child fall into tantrums, the continuation of which may well become a seizure.

It is known that people suffering from epilepsy, although not terminally ill, are nevertheless extremely limited in their actions. So they are forbidden to ride cars and motorcycles. Almost all patients are required to take mountains of pills throughout their lives, since it is extremely difficult to cure epilepsy.

Lolita does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, besides, she has poor eyesight. The singer herself never mentioned what the girl was sick with. But it has long been rumored that Eve has Down syndrome. They say that, having learned about this diagnosis, the singer was initially shocked, and now she is trying to do everything so that her daughter can realize herself as fully as possible.

The singer said that the birth began in the sixth month of pregnancy. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber.

4. Evelina Bledans

The 43-year-old actress became a mother in the spring of 2012 - the first-born Bledans and her husband Alexander Semin were born.

the boy was named Semyon and soon the whole family moved to the countryside, deciding that the village life in the fresh air is much more suitable for mom and baby. No one could have imagined what was hiding behind this pastoral idyll.

The baby, whom Bledans gave birth to on April 1, suffers from a severe genetic pathology - Down syndrome.

According to the actress, the doctors noticed the first signs of an anomaly during an ultrasound examination at the 14th week of pregnancy. Then the doctors suggested that Bledans have an abortion. But the couple resolutely refused.

Recently former model Jordan defended the title of a good mother in court. Inspired by the fact that the court found her completely right, Jordan decided that she could well take another baby into her family (recall that she has three children). Katie is determined to adopt a disabled child, something no celebrity has yet dared to do before her. By his own admission, thoughts about foster child with developmental disabilities arose in Jordan after she saw on TV a report about the life of disabled orphans.

It is worth noting that it is Katie who knows how to take care of a child with a diagnosis - her first son, Harvey, was born blind and suffers from autism.

4-year-old son James suffers from a rare disease - a neuro-genetic disorder. Colin has been praising his baby ever since he revealed James's Angelman syndrome.

7. Sylvester Stallone

Sergio (born 1979), the youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow, and his then wife, Sasha Czack, saw her husband's fault in the child's illness.

8. Toni Braxton

In October 2006, the American singer burst into tears at a concert at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, telling from the stage that her youngest son Diesel (born March 31, 2003) had autism, and also stating that if the diagnosis was delivered earlier, the boy could have been given much more help.

9. John Travolta

Jett, the son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, suffered from autism and died in 2009 at the age of 16 from a seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome, a disease characterized by vascular damage.

10. Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

The daughter of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk Varvara mostly lives abroad. Barbara was born ahead of time, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. In the Bondarchuk family, they do not use such words as illness, and they believe that they are raising a child with developmental disabilities. True, since the adaptation of such children in Russia is difficult, the girl has to spend most of her time abroad. There she studies, there she receives appropriate medical care.

Show control panel

Igor Krutoy Alexander's daughter has autism.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is closed to journalists. She does not attend social events, does not take part in the filming of various shows, does not give interviews, she does not pose for photographers, she is not on social networks. Since the composer himself does not comment on the closeness of his daughter in any way, journalists have long had a version that the girl may have problems with socialization, up to mild degree autism. And since the girl was born when Igor Krutoy was 49 years old, then some kind of pathology in Sasha's emotional sphere could very well be. Those rare moments when you manage to see her are either on the pages of relatives on Instagram, or at some singing competitions. Alexandra has long been fond of vocals, and in 2012 there was one of her rare performances at the New Wave competition for young performers. After the concert, the Internet was filled with a rumor-joke that Sasha could very well be the daughter of Semyon Slepakov, she turned out to be so similar to him, the same dark curly hair, blue eyes, full lips.

As is known from numerous interviews with Igor Krutoy, he tries to communicate with relatives to the maximum, despite his busyness. A friendly family tries to gather together for the most important events in life: the birth of children, the New Year and other holidays. Always especially warm, the musician speaks about his youngest daughter. According to the composer, they have a completely different relationship with Sasha than with older heirs. From childhood, a girl expresses a special awe and tenderness for her father, in early age even called herself, "little Igaryochek." Such a close and touching relationship appeared thanks to the parents, and their own awareness and maturity.


wonderful girl and live in a society of such moral freaks and degenerates, if there are such headlines. you are trying to hang a stigma on everyone and determine the diagnosis, but she is still a child!

Either Trump's son is not like that, then Krutoy's, then Lolita's, the main thing is that they are loved.

She became a beauty. I follow her on instagram. Beautiful slim girl

How embarrassing to talk about a child like that! Fear God!



That's just normal and adequate do not sit in social networks. In general, people, have you completely gone from the cards, making the subject of discussion something that absolutely does not concern you.

Mikhail Vorobyov, you’re right, what do they care about the Krutoy family, what right to open their mouths and shamelessly invent, and in general it’s none of their business they got it for anyone who is not too lazy to climb where they are not asked

Leave this alone beautiful person and composer! What do you care about his personal life! Even if he is sick, will YOU help him with your gossip?! What do you care about the girl, his daughter? Curious "gossips"! Fu, disgusting!

Even if it’s true, about a child, they are called a rain man, none of us ordinary will understand the world around us, others are better than these children

The daughter of Igor Krutoy suffers from autism, the composer commented on the rumors

Igor Krutoy: Alexander's daughter has autism - Recently, many reports began to appear on the Web that the daughter of the famous composer suffers from a severe mental disorder, also known as infantile syndrome. Should we believe the speculation on social media, where do these rumors come from and what is really going on?

Igor Krutoy is a popular composer who has collaborated with many giants of the national stage. History knows many cases when in the families of successful and wealthy people, famous musicians and actors, children with disabilities and physical disabilities are born. So, according to a lot of news on the Internet, it happened with Krutoy's daughter.

The daughter of the Russian composer is only 14 years old today, and there is already a lot of gossip and rumors about her in online communities. Alexandra's parents have repeatedly said that they are raising their daughter and she is a real outlet for her family.

As a rule, children at this age are active users of social networks and other Internet resources. However, you can’t say the same about the musician’s daughter - it’s impossible to find her on social networks, apparently, the young girl is not interested in this and spends little time with her smartphone.

Social networks and blocks are overflowing with new information about the health status of Igor Krutoy's daughter, it is assumed that the girl has autism. As for the composer himself and his family, there have never been such statements on their part, moreover, celebrities do not try to hide their child from cameras and cameras. There is a high probability that all the rumors are just fiction, since there were no grounds and evidence on this matter.

Many users and visitors to news resources still cannot understand why such articles and blog posts began to appear? In the photographs, you can see that the girl at her age already looks quite pretty, in addition, there is not the slightest sign of a mental disorder or any other deviation.

20:17:44 - - Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14A456 Safari/602.1 - http:// therussiantimes.com/news/252971.html

Friends of the family of Igor Krutoy admire the external data of his daughter, and it is possible that ordinary human envy could become the basis for rumors about Alexandra's autism - and this is far from uncommon these days. The composer is in no hurry to comment on the situation, but once he spoke a little about his daughter, noting that the girl is growing up by leaps and bounds. So, the composer's family is doing well.


Igor Krutoy: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Our article will present the biography of the popular Russian maestro Igor Krutoy, the creator of hits of all time: “I love you to tears”, “Unfinished novel”. Recognized Ukrainian and Russian composer, People's Artist of Russia, producer of "New Wave", "Songs of the Year".

Igor Krutoy is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Federation. Now many famous singers dream that this famous artist would write a song and music for them. But how his path to success began, you will find out as soon as you read the article.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy

Many adherents of his work are interested in the question of what height, weight, age. How old is Igor Krutoy. At 62, Igor Krutoy looks like a fit, stately man. He leads an active lifestyle, and this all affects his external data.

He is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 78 kilograms. Weight is in harmony with his height. According to the sign of the zodiac, he is a lion, and according to the Chinese calendar, he is a horse. Igor can be compared to a horse, they are both hardworking and proactive.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The biography of Igor Krutoy is eventful. Almost everyone thinks that Krutoy is the pseudonym of the artist. 07/29/1954 Igor Krutoy was born in Ukraine. Mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked from a sanitary and epidemiological station, and father, Yakov Krutoy, worked at a factory. At the age of six, a button accordion was bought for the boy. With this instrument began his creative career. As a child, the artist did not even think of being a composer, he wanted to be a driver. But, over time, he realized that most of all in life he likes to compose music and write poetry.

The future pop star studied at a music school in Kirovograd, graduating with honors. The guy dreamed of entering the conservatory, but this did not happen. In 1974 he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute at the conducting and choral faculty. While studying at the institute, the future composer worked at school, teaching musical art, and also worked in restaurants and taverns with his friend Alexander Serov in his spare time. Igor Krutoy played the piano, and Serov sang. In 1986 he entered the Saratov Composer University.

Success overtook the composer in 1987, when he composed the song "Madonna", which was performed by his friend Alexander Serov. After this song, Krutoy's career as a composer began to grow. In 1998, he became president of the ARS concert and production company.

The famous artist has many awards and orders.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

The personal life of Igor Krutoy was arranged for a long period of time. Krutoy has an unsuccessful marriage behind him. When Igor was a student, he met his first wife, Elena. Elena captivated him so much that he proposed to her on the third date.

The family did not last long, due to difficulties in everyday life, lack of money, they decided to divorce. From his first marriage, the composer has a son, Nikolai. In 1995, he ties the knot for the second time. This marriage is strong, he went through "fire and water, and a copper pipe." The second wife is Olga. She gave Igor a daughter, Alexander.

The family of Igor Krutoy lives in two houses. The wife will live in the USA, and Igor in Moscow. The maestro has a large family, he has a loving wife, son, two daughters and granddaughters. Rarely do they get together. Igor Krutoy constantly has to fly to his daughters in America.

The composer has a rather successful family: his wife is a business lady, and her daughter is a singer. Their family has a tradition - this is a joint celebration of the New Year. The biggest gift he received from his wife Olga Krutoy was the birth of his daughter Sasha.

The children of Igor Krutoy constantly delight their father with their talents and successes. Son Nikolai grew up without the participation of his father. Since his first wife, Elena, went to another man, and Kolya grew up with a different “dad”. Igor has a stepdaughter Victoria, but he considers her his own daughter.

Igor adopted Vika and gave her his last name. The most favorite child is daughter Sasha. Sasha is a late child, and the actor has the most reverent and tender feelings for her. Alexandra is now 14 years old, and she is already as tall as her dad. But, for Igor Krutoy, she remains a little girl.

Igor Krutoy Alexander's daughter has autism

Lyudmila Putina about Kabaeva: the family status of a former gymnast

Marat Kabaev answered questions about his daughter's marriage that this was Alina's business. He does not know anything about the wedding. To a provocative question: how does he feel about the president as the future husband of his daughter, he answered: “If she marries such a man, it will be very good. He really looks like me."

The composer's official sources commented as follows: “Surgical procedures were planned and were not done urgently. Igor Krutoy has no serious problems at the moment. The cancellation of filming was forced, only for the period of the operation, and the postoperative period.

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On August 16, 2017, People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 62. Despite the terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer, the actress continued to work and was simultaneously treated in Germany.

In June 2008, actor Patrick Swayze was one of the first people in the world to try a new treatment method on himself.

Died June 15, 2015 Russian singer and actress Zhanna Friske. The singer was treated first in the United States, then underwent a rehabilitation course in the Baltic States.

Alan Rickman died a few months after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The actor passed away on January 14, 2016.

In August 2007, actor Alexander Abdulov underwent surgery to remove a perforated ulcer, immediately after which he began to have serious heart problems. The actor passed away on January 3, 2008.

The news of David Bowie's death swept the world at lightning speed and shocked the entire public. On January 10, 2016, David Bowie passed away surrounded by his family after an 18-month battle with liver cancer.

At the end of November 2009, actress Anna Samokhina, due to sudden stomach pains, decided to undergo a gastroscopy.

Founder of Apple and Pixar, developer of one of the first personal computers Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011.

At the end of 2008, actor Oleg Yankovsky complained of constant pain in the stomach, nausea and lost a lot of weight. On May 20, 2009, actor Oleg Yankovsky died in a Moscow clinic.

Marcello Mastroianni in last years was seriously ill, suffering from pancreatic cancer. Mastroianni died on December 19, 1996.

Actress Lyubov Polishchuk, who was literally bedridden due to a spinal injury, was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away on November 28, 2006.

Actress Audrey Hepburn was diagnosed with a tumor in her colon in 1992 after acute pain in her intestines.

In the early 80s, Anna Herman was diagnosed with cancer - a bone tumor. On August 25, 1982, the singer died.

When Edith Piaf was 46, she learned that she was terminally ill with liver cancer.

Actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva has suffered in recent years from a serious oncological disease - brain cancer. Nadezhda Rumyantseva died on April 8, 2008.

The Beatles guitarist found out he had lung cancer in August 1997. George Harrison died on November 29, 2001.

June 3, 2014 musical and literary critic, TV presenter Svyatoslav Belza died in Munich.

The last performance of tenor Luciano Pavarotti took place on February 10, 2006. Luciano passed away on September 6, 2007

In 2006, Valentina Tolkunova was diagnosed with breast cancer. The singer died on March 22, 2010.

Actress Lyubov Orlova was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The actress died in the Kremlin hospital on January 26, 1975.

Actor and director Mikhail Kozakov suffered from lung cancer. Mikhail Kozakov died on April 22, 2011.

One of the greatest Russian actors Oleg Efremov was a heavy smoker. Oleg Nikolaevich died of lung cancer on May 24, 2000.

In July 2012, Ilya Oleinikov was diagnosed with lung cancer. Ilya Oleinikov died on November 11, 2012.

Royalty Free Music:

The authors are outraged that pensions after the latest pension reforms have become almost the same in size for everyone: forty years of service or fifteen, you are a cleaner or a teacher. Pensioners who have given their years for the good of their homeland, if they are able, continue to work in retirement, since the pension is not enough anywhere.

As the authors note, such a reform will have a positive impact on the economy. More funds will be deposited in local budgets, and the unemployment rate will decrease due to the freed up jobs. In addition, people will understand how their pension was calculated, and there will be no need to maintain the huge apparatuses of the Pension Fund of Russia and employment centers.

For this idea to be considered federal level, until November 16, 2018, it must collect 100 thousand votes. Now it is supported by 1493 users.

The main enemies of Igor Sokolovsky - drug addict Stas and businessman Ignatiev - are killed, a new villain will appear. This is the same mysterious interlocutor of Ignatiev, with whom they talked in the car. In the frame then flashed the hand of a mysterious stranger, whose name Ignatiev did not have time to pronounce before his death.



The following categories of citizens can receive this compensation:

1) Clients born before 1991.

2) Heirs of those clients who were born before 1991.

3) Heirs or physical. persons who paid for funeral services in case of death in 2001-2017 of the contributor. In this case, they will be paid financial compensation 6 thousand rubles (only if there are 400 rubles or more in the account in 1991), or the amount will be multiplied by 15 if it was less than 400 rubles.

The amount of compensation for the deposit depends on the period of storage of deposits, and is determined using the following coefficients:

1 - for deposits that are currently in effect, as well as for deposits that were in effect in 1992 - 2012 and closed in 1996 - 2015;

0.9 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1994 and closed in 1995;

0.8 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1993 and closed in 1994;

0.7 - for deposits that were in effect in 1992 and closed in 1993;

0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992;

– In the event of the death of the owner of the deposits in 2001-2015, the heirs or individuals who paid for funeral services are paid compensation for the payment of funeral services in the amount and on the conditions specified in parts 5-7 of Article 117 federal law dated December 19, 2006 N 238-FZ "On the federal budget for 2007".

2) Document on the right of inheritance.

3) Certificate of death of a bank client.

4) A document confirming the citizenship of the deceased.

5) Savings book.

Detailed information about compensation and the provision of documents can be obtained by calling the Sberbank consultation center. You can also download in electronic form a special form for receiving payments on the official website of the bank.

QUESTION TO YOU>Personally, do you like the couple Milos Bikovich and Aglaya Tarasova? Write in the comments!

Six months later, Sasha was spotted on the beach in Miami in the arms of an unknown young man. After that, questions from journalists who suspected her of infidelity rained down on the model. Milos Bikovich himself put everything in its place, who admitted: “To avoid indecent conclusions about Sasha, I must write that we broke up some time ago. Photos of Sasha in Miami came out when we were no longer together. We stayed in great relationship. Sasha and I do not feel the need to notify the public about every moment of our relationship, but now we have to warn the wrong conclusions, ”Bikovich wrote on Instagram.


It should be noted that benefits can be provided both at the federal and regional levels. Mostly federal incentives are used. Benefits include free medical service. Also, the pensioner is served out of turn. This list of benefits can include housing and communal services, travel in transport, and so on.

Every labor veteran is entitled to a fifty percent discount. In some cases, the pensioner is completely exempt from paying utility bills. Do not forget about those veterans who live in their own homes. They also have benefits. For example, setting home phone out of turn, assistance with connecting gas and water to the house, assistance with the purchase of solid fuel.

In our difficult times, pensioners, namely labor veterans, are entitled to a pension supplement. Now the average size veteran's pension is thirteen thousand rubles. This is a relatively small amount compared to the constant rise in prices. If the pension is below the subsistence level in the region, then the labor veteran has the right to count on an additional payment in the amount of such a difference.

Seniority pension supplement bd_GiFEspvw

Increase in pension after 80 years in 2017 viDRZMRkL4k

Increasing pensions for working pensioners in 2017 latest news 7QM9IBh8NPQ

Supplement to pension for 30 and 50 years life together spouses mzWtxISnL-M

Which of the pensioners benefits from the recalculation of the pension for children 35PousbutMA

Recalculation of pension for children born before 1990 new information from the pension fund CBQbEWVCT9Y

Sberbank has developed a program for pensioners 1luLLPrMHsI

Supplement to pension for more than 40 years of service in 2017 ashJtQH_OF8

Supplement to pension for women who have given birth to 2 children or more sjwZVVxIXbo

Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners clarifications of the pension fund of the Russian Federation XkvF4r1GdwI

Social additional payments to pensions for non-working pensioners in 2017 kN-Swt_FbTY

Old-age labor pension in 2017 latest news y0DWVqd_aPE

Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners dxKMXj3NFeA

Retirement age in Russia for men and women from 2018 2019 and 2020 cHf1dnXPeWo

Additional payment to pension for children born before 1990 l5BFCWrZZgU

Benefits for pensioners in the second half of 2017 V6794-uyvd0

Additional payments to pensions for children born in the USSR nzNji1ry3v4

Women's pension supplement for 2 children in 2017 RJY83mCmbg4

Pensions for disabled people of groups 1,2,3 in 2017 latest news Kl9inJi43y0

Recalculation of pensions for women for children born before 1990 tKMwVFbOQM4

Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners clarifications of the Pension Fund K5X3FH1NgNk

Pension supplement for 40 years of service in 2017 GLEd32xNM6k

Pensioners, like other citizens who take a loan by law, must return it. Information about the possibility of not returning loans and loans probably appeared on the Internet, in connection with a new bill aimed at protecting social benefits and funds of the Russians.

Draft amendments to the law "On Enforcement Proceedings" and Labor Code was submitted at the beginning of November 2017. The initiative is aimed at limiting the collection of court debts from the income of a citizen. This will allow you to leave on the debtor's account an amount equal to the cost of living.

Today, the legislation limits collections at the level of 50% of the debtor's income, while the balance of funds is not taken into account. This leads to the fact that some citizens are left without a livelihood.

The State Duma will also consider a project to create special bank accounts for the receipt of social benefits and alimony, which bailiffs will not be entitled to withdraw. Since often the bailiffs, despite the legislative prohibition, write off child allowances and alimony from the accounts of debtors, because they do not know the source of their receipt.

When the bills are passed, this will not free pensioners from paying loans and other debts, but will reduce the percentage of deductions from their pensions, taking into account the living wage.

In 2018, several types of allowances for pensioners are expected. One of the innovations is surcharges for seniority. This category includes citizens whose work experience is at least 30 years. The more time a person worked, the more he could get a raise.

Experts noted that the amount of payments will also be affected by the level of the pensioner's salary and the amount of his deductions in Pension Fund. The seniority allowance for pensioners in 2018 can be quite small if a person has received a “black” salary for most of his life.

For the allowance, the main indicator of seniority for men is 45 years or more. For women, 40 years is enough. With such a length of service, payments can be recalculated by a coefficient of 5. With a length of service of 30 years, an additional payment is also possible, but not so large - only one additional coefficient.

Seniority bonus for pensioners is a new concept, which was approved by the legislation this year. There are rules under which additional payments. Bonuses can be counted on by people who received mostly “white” salaries and made contributions to the Pension Fund. Allowances can also be received by working pensioners, but, again, a lot depends on salary and deductions.

Experts believe that with a pension increase for seniority, people may be motivated to work longer, even with the opportunity to retire. Payments will be recalculated for every five years of service: 30, 35, 40, 45, etc.

The adopted law will continue to operate in 2018. Existing pensioners can work for several years for recalculations, but they must be officially employed.

From the age of five, the girl was seriously engaged in ballroom and sports dancing. By the age of 19, Diana became a candidate for master of sports. Despite her success in dancing, Diana decided to connect her future with performing arts. The girl successfully passed the exams at VGIK and entered the acting department. Until 2016, Pozharskaya studied acting in the workshop People's Artist Alexandra Mikhailova. Already a student, the girl managed to light up on television in the episodic role of the TV series Concerned, or Love of Evil. The project was directed by Boris Khlebnikov and written by Semyon Slepakov. In 2014, Diana played in the short film Infinity.

In the series "Hotel Eleon" Dasha plays the role of a maid. With Miilos Bikovic, with whose hero she has a famously twisted relationship, Diana immediately became friends. He seemed to me a simple cheerful guy, we often dined together, Pozharskaya said.

QUESTION TO YOU> And how do you assess whether the cinematic relationship between the actors Bikovich and Pozharskaya can develop into something more? Leave your comments!

For 2018, a number of benefits are provided for people with different groups disability. In addition, people with disabilities are entitled to social security.

At the end of each year, the topic of benefits and pensions for needy categories becomes relevant. The latest news reports that in 2018, various benefits will be provided to people with disabilities, not counting pensions.

According to breaking news, disabled people of all groups are entitled to benefits for payment of housing and communal services. The discount can be up to 50 percent. In addition, benefits for people with disabilities allow you not to pay taxes on certain types of income. According to this, taxes should not be deducted from disabled people from pensions and other payments, from vouchers to sanatoriums, from medicines and from those funds that are directed to charity.

Benefits for people with disabilities in 2018 will also depend on the group. The largest number benefits are due to disabled people of the 1st group. People in this category are entitled to regular increases in pensions and insurance payments, increased student scholarships, a shorter work week (if a person is recognized as able-bodied), free travel and no housing taxes.

The benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are similar to the same privileges that the 1st category has. A noticeable difference is only in the amount of pension and insurance payments. People in this category are entitled to a long vacation and free treatment.

Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group are provided primarily for reduced payments for almost all housing and communal services. Disabled people of the 3rd group are also entitled to tax benefits. People in this category can buy solid fuel products for residential heating at discount prices. In some cases, benefits allow people with disabilities of group 3 to apply for an apartment, in the absence of their own housing.

People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy, raising his youngest daughter Alexandra, faced problems in the development of children.

The composer's fans suspect that the fourteen-year-old daughter from her second marriage has autism. After all, the teenager has no friends at all, she is not registered on social networks and is always in the field of view of her relatives under constant care.

At one time, parents do not confirm this information, and moreover, they are outraged. They don’t understand where the information about the girl’s illness was taken from.

Igor Krutoy's daughter Alexander is ill with autism: the sincerity and kindness of the composer's youngest daughter contribute to her father's special attitude towards her

The famous composer Igor Krutoy has three children. Son Nikolai and stepdaughter Victoria from their first marriage, which took place with Elena Krutoy. In the second marriage, the artist's beloved gave the star father a daughter, Alexander. Igor loves all his children madly, but still admits that with youngest daughter they have a special connection. He sees a little angel in her and says that she is infinitely sincere, pure, kind and is not shy about her quivering feelings for her parents. Therefore, the composer composed poems and songs dedicated to the baby.

Sasha is brought up in the strictness of her parents, but she feels care in this. The girl has been fond of drawing for a long time. I tried myself in a singing career, participating in youth competitions for performers.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is sick with autism: the ambiguous interests of the youngest daughter of the people's artist give rise to gossip and discussions on forums

Today, many forums discuss the illness of Igor's youngest daughter. The composer's fans noticed that the girl leads a too constrained lifestyle. She does not have a photo on the Internet, moreover, she is not a member of any of the social networks. Alexandra very rarely appears in public, although with her father's popularity it is possible to do so quite often. Our daughter does not like to waste her time on gadgets - this is how parents comment on this situation.

All this is alarming because in the yard of the 21st century and now it is simply impossible to find a teenager who is not fond of modern technologies. As you know, the desire to get away from contacts with the outside world and self-absorption are the main signs of the disease. However, there is no official information about the girl's illness.

The daughter of Igor Krutoy Alexander is sick with autism: the grace and beauty of a teenager overshadows the existence of the disease

Alexandra's mom, on her birthday, posted a photo of her girl on Instagram. So, in the photo, Sasha looks like an absolutely healthy person. Moreover, she has quite beautiful facial features and a bright appearance that will easily outshine the appearance of her peers. The girl has always been an ordinary, unremarkable teenager, but by the age of 14 she has become just a beauty.

Friends of the family of Igor Krutoy, as well as subscribers, seeing such an elegant girl, refuse to believe in her illness, which can lead to death. It is argued that, most likely, envy encourages the spread of sad rumors.

Composer Igor Krutoy married eldest daughter. The wedding ceremony of Victoria Krutoy and her chosen one, hereditary restaurateur David Berkovich, took place on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, in Monte Carlo, in the Principality of Monaco. About where the young people met, how David made an offer to Victoria and what Igor Yakovlevich wished his son-in-law on the wedding day - in the HELLO! report.

David Berkovich and Victoria Krutaya

Monte Carlo, Saturday evening. In the still bright sky, the first star lit up. Fog slowly descends from the mountains, white-winged albatrosses circle over the sea. In the garden of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel, guests dressed in flowing dresses and elegant tuxedos look forward to the wedding ceremony. Dressed in a festive attire, the rabbi stands under the arches of a snow-white tent and smiles, looking over his glasses. "The star is on fire, Shabbat is over. It's time!.." - says the Rebbe. A string band plays and the ceremony begins.

Peace and love reign in the family of Victoria's chosen one. David Berkovich's mother Tatyana (top left in the photo) and the second wife of his father Boris - Elena

Children strewed the road with young white rose petals. In the background: the youngest daughter of Igor and Olga Krutykh - 11-year-old Alexandra

Victoria and Igor Cool

First, along the "white path" of the Le Jardin Mediterraneen garden, friends of the groom and bridesmaids follow, followed by children, scattering rose petals, the procession is closed by Victoria's younger sister, Alexandra Krutaya. Followed by the movie soundtrack Dangerous ties"Bitter Sweet Symphony, groom David Berkovich appears - in a suit with a butterfly, a kippah and with a traditional model bedspread tallit on his shoulders. Mother Tatyana leads the groom to the altar, or rather, a chuppah (a canopy on four pillars, under which the marriage ceremony takes place - kiddushin). and his father's second wife Elena.

The marriage ceremony according to all the canons of Judaism was conducted by Rebbe Lieberman, at the end of the ceremony he presented Victoria and David with a marriage certificate - ketubu

The music changes, the ensemble plays the composition of Lana Del Rey Young & Beautiful, and to the applause of the guests, a dazzling bride appears - young and beautiful Victoria. Igor Krutoy leads her by the arm, followed by Olga Krutaya. So lightly and solemnly began the wedding of Victoria Krutoy and David Berkovich.

Igor Krutoy with his wife Olga and the bride and groom

She is the daughter of a famous Russian composer, beautiful and smart. Grew up in America - lived in Miami, New York. She graduated from high school in New Jersey, received a diploma from New York University with a degree in Business Communications Manager. Vika trained for two years at the American Glamor magazine, took acting classes at an acting school, tried herself as a singer - she recorded several songs, and last year, together with her friend, she opened her own flower boutique Florist Gump in Moscow.

Victoria Cool

He is a hereditary restaurateur, the son of Tatyana and Boris Berkovich. Born in Berlin, graduated from high school in Switzerland, where he turned out to be the third Russian in its history. Diploma of higher education received at the prestigious Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, EHL (Hotel Management School of Lausanne). Easily explained in six languages. Now David is a co-owner of several restaurants in Moscow: Hudson Deli, Kung Fu Kitchen, Shawarma Republic, and in August he opens another one - the Japanese bar Buba-sushi.

Igor Krutoy with his youngest daughter Sasha

Grandmothers came to the wedding for the young (in the photo on the right): Lyolya - David's grandmother, Tatyana Berkovich's mother; Svetlana Semenovna - mother of Igor Krutoy and Nina Nikolaevna - mother of Olga Krutoy

Igor Krutoy's sister Alla flew to the wedding from America with her daughter NatalyaThe son of Igor Krutoy Nikolay with his girlfriend Yulia

They met in Miami sixteen years ago.

He was 14, he was nice, funny, cute, but the most ordinary guy. I used to like older guys

Victoria remembers with a smile.

And even then, at the age of 12, she was already beautiful, about which I immediately told her: “Vicki, I will definitely marry you!”,

Adds David.

Victoria's parents Igor and Olga Kruty and David's parents laughed at the touching remark and soon forgot about it. Victoria and David went to school: she flew to the state of New York, he - to Switzerland.

Elizabeth and Margarita Mamiashvili and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Alsou and Yan AbramovLaima Vaikule

Natalya Shkuleva and Andrey MalakhovIlya Stewart and Svetlana Ustinova

Further in this story, the phrase: "Years have passed ..." is appropriate. Young people have matured. They got themselves accounts on a social network, started chatting on Facebook, began to global network good friends and once through mutual friends got into one company. That meeting, which happened about five years ago, became the starting point of their newest history: unexpectedly for themselves, both Victoria and David realized that there was no one closer, dearer, and those tender feelings that they had for each other were not at all memories of teenage years. hobby, but a serious, adult feeling. Sergey Dzeban and Olesya SudzilovskayaIgor Nikolaev and Yulia ProskuryakovaLev Leshchenko and Vladimir VinokurNelly and Joseph KobzonGrigory Matveevichev and Anastasia Vinokur

David made a marriage proposal to Victoria in 2012 - December 13, 2 days after his birthday.

I won’t say that it was unexpected, because David announced his intentions many years ago. But it was incredibly touching!

Vika is joking.

Aras Agalarov with his family: wife Irina and children - daughter Sheila and son EminIgor Krutoy with legendary American basketball player Scotty Pippen: Igor and Scotty's wives have been friends for many yearsWife of Alexei Kudrin Irina with son ArtemAlla Weber Jacob Arabo with his wife AngelaArkady Novikov with his wife Nadezhda Advokatova

Victoria and David got married a month and a half ago in America - the official registration of the marriage took place in the suburbs of New York, in the Hamptons, on June 1. A few weeks later in Monaco, they became husband and wife according to Jewish custom. At the end of the traditional ceremony, David crushed a glass wrapped in a towel with his right foot, and the guests shouted in chorus: "Mazal Tov!", in translation - "Good fortune!"

Twilight fell over Monte Carlo, and the guests began to slowly move to the Sporting Club, located next to the hotel. A spacious hall with a stage and a long terrace with a panoramic view of Monaco and the bay of the Ligurian Sea has become an ideal place for a big celebration. The mood, already beautiful, was supported by the musicians A "Studio, SEREBRO, Ivan Dorn, the famous American hip-hop artist and producer Jean Wyclef, as well as the host of the evening Nikolai Baskov.

successful women and handsome men! Say hello to the newlyweds! Baskov announced. Victoria and David appeared on the stage in the spotlight. Nicholas continued:

And right away I want to invite the outstanding composer and his wife, the beautiful Igor and Olga Krutykh, to the stage. Cool wedding! Cool family!

Igor Yakovlevich noted Baskov's sense of humor and addressed the audience with words of gratitude:

Thank you for coming thousands of kilometers to share the joy with us today. Our family is very much indebted to you. Of course, the entry of a new member into our family is not an easy process. But when David came in and for the first ten minutes he talked nonstop about how my wife Olga was the best beautiful woman in the world, and I am the best composer and he listens only to my music, then, you understand: he immediately came to court. And now, in any of his conflicts with Vika, we take his side. I want them to be healthy and happy, to give birth to our grandchildren, and laughter always sounded in their house, as it is now.

The mother of the bride Olga Krutaya wished children to Victoria and David: My dears! I love you very much, I just love you. Vika, you are everything to me - my life, my happiness! I was told today: "It's amazing how easily you give your daughter in marriage!" So, I do not give away my daughter - I accept my son. And I accept the title of mother-in-law. And I will be happy if I become a grandmother soon. I wish you that your life was as beautiful, extraordinary as today. At that moment, Igor Krutoy quietly said: "How is your life with me?". "Yes, like mine," Olga replied just as ingratiatingly.

The first toast was followed by a dance of the bride and groom, traditional, but in this case not quite ordinary. The youth was accompanied by Igor Krutoy. He sat down at the black piano, and everyone heard the words of a familiar song: Forever, I hug you./ Forever, I saw you and melted./ Your look, like an angel, gives light./ You leave a trace in the sky./ It is impossible to be careful.. .

"Women can cry!" Baskov allowed. And Vladimir Vinokur called the next five hours of the holiday "perhaps the best concert of Igor Krutoy." And the truth is: the guests did not get bored for a minute. The toasts were followed by the performances of the artists, and, it seems, absolutely all the guests danced to their hits. During short intermissions, videos were shown on large plasma screens. In one, the voice-over told the love story of Victoria and David.

In another, made up - as if they were under a hundred years old - the newlyweds themselves recalled how they met and fell in love with each other. In the third, I congratulated Victoria and David, walking with a baby carriage, close friend Tatyana Berkovich - Gosha Kutsenko, who recently became a father for the second time.

According to Jewish tradition, the marriage ceremony is usually followed by a light kosher dinner and Jewish songs are performed. However, since a large international company of friends and relatives congratulated the young, both the Jewish “Mazal Tov” and the Russian “Bitter!” sounded that day, and on the tables there were dishes from different cuisines of the world - pancakes with red and black caviar, foie gras, medallions beef, risotto with white truffles, sea bass with champagne sauce, tomatoes with Italian mozzarella and much, much more.

Keti Topuria, Emin Agalarov and Alsou lit up on the dance floorNikolai Baskov and Yana RudkovskayaMarina and Valentin Yudashkin and Olga Krutaya
Galina Yudashkina with her fiance Peter Maksakov

Exactly at midnight, four chefs rolled a five-tier cake weighing 50 kilograms into the hall. Victoria and David cut a confectionery masterpiece together and went out onto the terrace, where volleys of festive fireworks were heard.