Liberation of Kalinin

December 16, 2011 marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Kalinin (Tver) from the German fascist invaders.

In the plans of the Nazi command, Mr. Kalinin was given serious importance. The city is located between two capitals - Moscow and Leningrad. Three strategically important roads converge in it: the Oktyabrskaya railway line, the Moscow-Leningrad highway, the waterway - the Moscow-Volga canal. Kalinin was a large regional industrial center. Before the German occupation, the city had, according to the 1939 census, 217 thousand inhabitants. The main industry was cotton. Its daily production was equal to 610 thousand meters of fabric. The second branch of industry was car building. Also developed were: sewing, machine-building, knitwear, flour-grinding industries. A pedagogical and teacher's institute worked in the city, where more than 2 thousand students studied; institute foreign languages, engineering and thermal engineering technical school, medical and theater school. In 1940, there were 30 schools and 46 libraries in the city.

In 1941, a large grouping of German troops that broke through to

approaches to Kalinin, set herself the task of several days take over the city. With the capture of his Nazi command associated far-reaching goals. Along with the seizure of enterprises where it was possible to produce weapons to supply their army, create a threat of coverage Moscow from the north. The Red Army prevented the implementation of Hitler's plans, stopped and defeated the Nazi hordes on the outskirts of Moscow. order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin's counteroffensive began Soviet troops on the flanks in order to eliminate the Nazi formations on the outskirts of Moscow. December 5, 1941 a big battle began in the region of the city Kalinin. The task assigned to the front command was not only in occupying Kalinin, crushing the Kalinin grouping of Germans, but also to go to the rear of the enemy units operating on the outskirts of Moscow. Back at 3 o'clock in the morning three avant-garde rifle battalion almost simultaneously crossed in different places across the ice to the southern bank of the Volga and broke into the villages occupied by the enemy. The Germans turned the coast into an ice fortress, making the slope of the coast almost steep, inaccessible to humans (the shore was flooded with water and iced over).

The Germans responded to the attack of the Soviet troops with a hurricane

mortar and machine gun fire. But nothing could hold back the fighting impulse of our troops. An hour and a half after the start of the offensive, a group of our troops, having broken through the enemy’s defenses, captured the outskirts of the village Staro-Konstantinovskoe.

The formations of General Goryachev, concentrating on the left bank of the Volga, crossed the river during the day, silenced the coastal

enemy guns and broke into the Vlasyevo state farm, thereby cutting highway Moscow-Leningrad east of Kalinin. The blow was so fast that only a few Nazis managed to escape from Vlasievo. Our parts, not giving the Germans a break, they approached the city closer and closer. Hot fights Large and Small Peremerki flared up outside the village. The Germans turned them into a strong fortification. Aviation came to the aid of our infantry, dominated the air from the very beginning of the offensive. Despite frost, the pilots made 3-4 sorties a day.

Overcoming the stubborn resistance of the Germans, our troops

tighter and tighter squeezed the ring around Kalinin. Particularly stubborn battles flared up on the left flank of the units of the Red Army advancing on the city. The villages of Small and Bolshoy Peremerki, the elevator and other strongholds had to be taken around by parts of General Goryachev.

The struggle went on with a fierceness never seen before.

The Germans used their old tricks: psychic attacks, throwing rear of submachine gunners, there were even hand-to-hand fights, but everything remained fruitless. By the end of December 15, 1941, the ring of our troops had almost closed. On the night of December 16, the advancing squad of Major Kolkov captured the area of ​​the elevator, the villages of Big and Small Peremerki. Storming the city started at 3:30 am.

Our fighters were coming from different directions. The city was on fire. Here and there

there were explosions. It was the Nazis who blew up ammunition depots, which could not be taken out, buildings of enterprises, houses. Walked on the streets fussy movement of the retreating units. Enemy, sensing a threat environment, in a panic threw weapons, ammunition, equipment. At 14.30 from the south from troops of the Red Army entered the city in battle and occupied Zheleznodorozhny station, then moved deeper into the city and the Soviet area. On the night of On December 19, Zatereche was liberated, in the morning of the Red Army occupied the Trans-Volga region, the River Station, and then, having crossed the Volga, they entered to the central part of the city. On the afternoon of December 16, 1941, the city of Kalinin was completely cleared of individual groups of German machine gunners and finally passed into the hands of the Soviet troops.

On the roofs - a scattering of white snow,

Frost twitches on the poplars.

Someone lacked two steps,

To live to enter his native Kalinin.

To wearily sit down and smoke

On the bricks burning from the battle.

And suddenly see in the reflections of dawn,

How proudly the flag flies overhead.

A bloody scarlet trail bloomed in the snow,

And friends walked in stern silence ...

Years have passed. But after so many years

As mothers and widows cry before.

As before they are frightened by silence,

Cities sleep, but they can't sleep.

Far harsh war

Lives in the hearts and at night they dream.

As before, they wait

Those who left in battle once.

Who from that past, furious war

From himself will not throw off the rank of soldier.

Woke up a peaceful city at dawn

A wounded and surviving hero...

Found by soldiers through the decades.

To stand next to everyone today in the ranks.

Bravery and courage combined with high military

art provided the soldiers of the Kalinin Front with combat success, a major victory over the enemy. When the city was liberated on preliminary data reported by the Information Bureau, the Germans were taken: 190 guns, 31 tank, 9 aircraft, 1000 vehicles, 160 mortars, 303 machine guns, 47 motorcycles, 4500 rifles, 18 radio stations, 4 battle banners.

After two months of fighting Soviet troops cleared the city of the Germans. Warriors and partisans witnessed a terrible battle in the city. The Nazis destroyed all enterprises, entire residential areas. Handsome-

the bridge across the Volga (the only river crossing in the center) was blown up. Everywhere the wreckage of burnt cars, downed planes. Painting The destruction of the city was truly stunning. Survived from big houses only walls blackened by fire. On Sovetskaya Street, the entire northern side from Lenin Square to the city garden. Dozens were burned schools, club buildings, kindergartens. In ruins were: Dramatic theatre, Youth Theatre, the building of the Philharmonic. The malls were blown up, as well as monument to V.I. Lenin.

The Germans inflicted incredibly heavy damage on industry

cities. The factory was completely destroyed. A.P. Vagzhanova, spinner factory, the workshops of the car building plant were partially destroyed.

After the liberation of the city, the corpses of tortured residents and underground workers were discovered within a few months. In April 1942

In the Proletarsky district, the bodies of 67 people were found in three pits. On examination, it was found that their skulls were crushed, their teeth were knocked out. Forty-two people had their hands tied with electric wires and ropes. In January 1942 in the courtyard of the house on the street. Perovskaya was found 21 corpses of brutally tortured citizens: 11 people had their hands tied, 10 had gunshot head wounds, 18 people were disfigured beyond recognition.

The capture of the city of Kalinin by the troops of the valiant Red Army

improved the situation of the units of the Kalinin Front and allowed them spread success throughout the western part of the front up to Toropets, Rzhev and Zubtsov.

In the severe December frosts of 1941, the city was barely

receding rumbles of artillery rolled. The front went to the west, in the liberated city from the first days life resumed.

Fascists are on the run! Their path is long.
At the crossroads of cities
The liberated Kalinin stood up,

Relatives welcomes sons.

He is here again, he is with us again...

In the liberated blue

Native, joyful banner,

As the sun stretches towards Moscow.

Sergei Ostrovoy

On the fronts Patriotic War about 700 thousand of our countrymen fought. About 250 thousand of them died. For courage and heroism, more than 300 natives of the Tver land were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.
Four were awarded this high title twice: fighter pilots A.V. Alelyuhin, a native of the village of Kesova Gora; IN AND. Andrianov, a native of the Bezhetsk region; A.S. Smirnov, a native of the Rameshkovsky district; Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov, a native of the Staritsky district.

All the losses cannot be listed soon.

12 days and the same number of nights

This heavy battle for the city lasted

With a frenzied pack of executioners.

All on fire, he is heard as if moaning,

My city, which knew how to wait for help.

"Storm!" - orders Konev.

"Beat them here, don't let them back!"

And the soldier's work began.

It was a frosty early morning.

As if on wings, the infantry moved,

From everywhere it was heard: "Hurrah!"

The enemy is broken. Kalinin is with us again

It will revive and bloom again.

Here it is, our banner of victory,

We have to carry it to Berlin.

The Tver land gave the Motherland such outstanding military leaders as the Chief Marshal of the Armor tank troops P.A. Rotmistrov, a native of the Selizharovsky district; Colonel-General of Tank Troops A.G. Rodin, a native of the Penovsky district; Air Chief Marshal P.F. Zhigarev, a native of the Vesyegonsk region; Air Marshal G.A. Vorozheykin, a native of the Nelidovsky district; Admiral F.S. Oktyabrsky, a native of the Staritsky district

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people.
Come on people never
Let's not forget about it!
May the memory of her be eternal
Keep about this flour
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren grandchildren ...

The Germans were in Kalinin for sixty-three days, from October 14 to December 16, 1941. This is one of the most tragic pages in the history of my hometown.

During my work as a journalist, I had to talk more than once or twice with older native Kalinin residents.
The stories about the war, about the occupation, about the loss of relatives and friends remained the most significant events in the life of each of them. Always. The only way. Everything else paled before the experience of the war.

The history of the occupation of the city has never been written. Of course, there are archives that can be looked into fifty years from now. Maybe even better - everything will be digitized and the researcher will not have to swallow archival dust.

But the living witnesses of the era will gradually leave. As some of my interlocutors have already left, whom I once wrote about as part of the large cycle "Tver Saga".

I don't have answers to these questions...

Kalinin's Liberation Day is celebrated on December 16th. Until this period, I will try to post materials about the war, about heroes and ordinary people about the occupation.
I hope they pique your interest.

For the inhabitants of the city of Kalinin, October 14, 1941, is perhaps the most tragic day in the history of the already cruel twentieth century.

On this day, the Nazi troops, moving in the direction from the east, reached the outskirts of the city in the Migalov region and gradually occupied the entire city.

Thus began the occupation, which lasted 63 days.

Not much, some would say.

But the civilians who remained in the occupation could not know when it would end. They experienced hunger, cold, and most importantly, mortal fear of the new government.

Some people did not survive the occupation, dying from unbearable living conditions or the new government. The gallows became part of Kalinin's landscape. Executions and arrests are commonplace. It was forbidden to walk freely around the city, a pass was needed, at 16.00 the curfew began.

All those who survived the occupation or were evacuated consider this period the most significant in their lives. All conversations of the inhabitants of Tver about the past sooner or later come down to this topic. But it was not always so. A long stay in an occupied city was considered a shameful stain in a person's biography. Now you can remember everything. But are there many people left in Tver who remember the occupation? The word goes to those who can tell about the tragic events of the end of 1941.

Inna Georgievna Bunina,
in 1941 - 9 years:

On June 22, 1941, my mother gave birth to twins, Vera and Kolya. My father almost the same day went to the front, he was a surgeon.

In the second decade of October, the evacuation of the city's residents began.

At that time we lived in house number 10 on Vagzhanov Street, in the so-called Kreps house, from the windows of our apartment the exodus of residents from the city was clearly visible. The commanding staff were allocated cars, on which they loaded their things, furniture, up to tubs with ficuses.

Ordinary people left on foot, taking with them only their hand luggage, the wounded in bloody bandages, many on crutches, women with children, old people walked along the side of the street. It was a terrible picture.
By the evening of October 14, motorcycles with Germans appeared on the street, followed by tanks. They entered an almost empty city.

My mother refused to evacuate. There was nowhere to go, and how would you go? In addition to me and the tiny twins, there were grandparents in the family, already elderly people.

So we remained, as they said then, under the Germans. Shops were closed, there was nowhere to get food. Mom went to the field behind the current Gagarin Square, where one could find frozen cabbage, and to the elevator for burnt grain.

It was very cold, we all lived in the same room, stoked the only potbelly stove.

Thus passed two long months of occupation.

It is bitter to remember that the liberation of the city by Soviet troops brought new troubles to our family.

Mom was accused of aiding the invaders and arrested.
She was placed in the city prison No. 1, which is not far from our house.
The twins were crying from hunger. Once a day, mothers were allowed to feed them; for this, the grandmother took the children to prison on a sled.

Grandmother wrote to her father about the arrest of her mother, he came from the front and secured her release.
Mom was again taken to KREPZ, where she long years was in charge of the chemical laboratory.

But being in the occupation remained a black spot in her biography.

After the Victory, my father returned from the front unharmed, and my mother once again gave birth to twins, it was again a boy and a girl.

Elena Ivanovna Reshetova,
in 1941 - 16 years:

On the afternoon of October 13, I was visiting my aunt on Mednikovskaya Street, in the very center of Kalinin.

When we were told that the enemy was already approaching the city, I went home, to the village of Andreevskoye, this is in the area of ​​​​the village of Sakharovo, beyond Tvertsa.

We tried not to leave the house. Who knew that our village would be almost at the forefront?

Units of the Red Army marched along the street every day. The Red Army soldiers spent the night in the huts, about twenty people in each. They seemed to me boys not much older than me. In some houses there was not enough space, not just to lie down, sometimes there was nowhere to sit down, and the soldiers stood all night like horses.

In the morning they went to the front line, to the banks of the Volga. The fighting went on in the area of ​​​​Konstantinovka, Savvatiev, Poddubya.

Our units stormed the high opposite bank. From a height, our soldiers were clearly visible, the Germans shot them almost point-blank.

Few returned. The dead were buried in a mountain near Andreevsky.

New wounded were brought in every day. Until a hospital was opened in Sakharov, the soldiers lay in cold sheds and moaned.

We helped them in every way we could, tried not to cry and not to think about our warring fathers, husbands, brothers.

Nina Ivanovna Kashtanova,
in 1941 - 15 years:

My father, Ivan Timofeevich Krutov, fought in Finnish war and returned badly wounded. There were five children in our family, I am the oldest.

In October 1941, we went on foot to evacuate, settled in the Rameshkovsky district, in a Karelian family, from there my father was called to the front, we never saw him again, in March 1942 a funeral came from near Rzhev.

The hosts treated us well, gave us milk and cottage cheese. But still, I was hungry.

My mother, Anna Arkhipovna, to feed us, went from house to house, asking for alms. In the evening she returned, laying out bread rolls, boiled eggs, potatoes, pieces of porridge from a canvas bag.

We have been looking forward to this moment all day. On December 16, a foreman ran into the hut and shouted: “Kalininskys, rejoice! The city has been liberated!

But we did not return to Kalinin soon. I returned first, at the end of January. She walked for three days, spending the night in the villages.

Our house on 1st Begovaya, fortunately, survived, although there were no windows in it, and stars shone through the roof. But many of our acquaintances had housing in even worse condition.

On the very first day after my return, I went in search of work, without which they did not give bread cards.

But there was no work: the enterprises stopped, the workers were required only to clear the rubble, where they did not take me, still 16 years old.

I was lucky to get a job as a courier at the Proletarian District Commissariat. This made it possible to receive a card for 400 grams of bread per day. I wanted to eat always, constantly.

For fraud with cards from those times they planted without hesitation. In our house management, several women paid this way, who were given 10 years in the camps.

Galina Anatolyevna Nikolaeva,
in 1941 - 18 years old:

Before the war, my mother and younger sister Augusta and I lived at the Kulitskaya station, where my mother worked at the school.

Six months before the start of the war, my mother died, and my 15-year-old sister and I were left alone.

In June 1941, I received a matriculation certificate and applied to the Pedagogical Institute. I was enrolled as a student, but I did not have time to start classes.

The occupation has begun. All two months my sister and I sat in the teachers' dormitory on Kulitskaya.

At the end of December, I went on foot to the liberated Kalinin. The city was in ruins.

What frightened me most of all was the spectacle of the German cemetery on Revolution Square. Corpses were piled vertically into shallow graves. They froze and swayed in the wind, creaking disgustingly.

I reached Mednikovskaya Street, where our relatives lived. There I was met by my aunt and sister, frightened but unharmed. They told about the terrible death of our father's sister, Nadia Akhmatova.
Before the war, Nadia was considered a disgrace to the family. She worked as a cashier in the city garden, then in the bathhouse, met with different men.

With the outbreak of war, Nadia became a scout of the 31st Army, many times she crossed the front line. Once she was captured and ended up in the Gestapo, where she was tortured for a long time. The mutilated body of Nadia was found after the liberation of the city.

Classes soon began at the Pedagogical Institute. I began to study, but quickly realized that I could not withstand constant hunger.
Bread was given on cards, and sour cabbage was given in the institute's canteen. The old men kept coming up to the tables and begging the students to leave at least some food. In one of the beggars, with horror and shame, I recognized my school teacher of the German language, Maria Vasilievna.

Soon I left the institute, at the school on Kulitskaya I was given a referral to Vyshny Volochek, for a 6-month teacher training course, after which I went to teach in the village of Pogoreloye Gorodishche.

My sister Gutya at the same time entered the Likhoslavl Pedagogical College, but due to constant malnutrition, she fell ill with tuberculosis and died.

Father, who lived separately from us, in Staritsa, was arrested on a denunciation. His further fate is unknown to me.

Zoya Evgenievna Zimina,
in 1941 - 17 years:

Before the war, my mother, Nadezhda Ivanovna Baranova, worked as a secretary in the Hospital City, with the famous Tver doctor Uspensky.

We lived not far from the hospital, on the streets of Sofia Perovskaya.

When the Germans were already approaching Kalinin, my mother was preparing hospital documents, so we did not have time to evacuate.

It is not far from our house to the Old Bridge across the Volga, but when we ran to cross to the other side, it was already too late.

The city was heavily shelled, our house burned down from a fire. We only managed to pull out a few blankets.

Fortunately, before the Germans arrived, my mother put the family photos, which she treasured, into a large candy tin and buried them in the garden, so they survived.

During the occupation, we were sheltered by relatives living in Smolensky Lane. I remember hunger, cold and fear of the unknown.

Mom's sisters waited out the occupation in Kashin, but it wasn't much better there. She came back scary, exhausted, lice-ridden. Aunt Masha soon died of illness.

Antonina Nikolaevna Bradis,
in 1941 - 16 years:

On October 13, a high-explosive bomb fell near the house on Volny Novgorod Street, where our family lived. She broke the glass in the windows, killed two neighbors and concussed me.

These were the days of mass exodus of residents from the city. Those who survived them will never forget the panic fear that gripped the entire population of Kalinin. Tens of thousands of people fled aimlessly from the advancing German troops.

Our family - father, mother, my younger sister and I walked more than one hundred kilometers on foot to the city of Uglich.

There we managed to board a barge. Before our eyes, a German plane bombed another barge, and it sank with all the passengers. It was very scary, but we did not see any other way out but to sail into the unknown. The barge traveled along the Volga until the ice settled (in 1941, winter came very early, already in mid-October there were real winter frosts).

We settled in the Mari Republic. Father, a shoemaker by profession, quickly found a job. Mom in Kalinin worked as a store manager, then as the head of the coop insurance cash desk, during the evacuation she managed to get a job in a vegetable store to sort out vegetables. I also went to work, they took me to a factory for the production of army skis.

We returned home only in the spring, on the same barge. Kalinin was found in ruins. Fortunately, the home has survived.

But many of my classmates at school and children from the yard I no longer saw. Zhenya Inzer, Zhenya Karpov, Yura Ivanov, Zhenya Logunov died, all of these were boys from our 22nd, now 16th school.

They remained in the occupied city, fought as best they could with the enemies, and died. They were given out by Zhenya Karpova's housemate. He lived with his mother at number 9 on Stepan Razin Embankment. The underground group had a meeting place there. The Germans took Zhenya's mother Maria Efimovna along with the guys. They were tortured for a long time, and then they were all killed, the bodies were found after the liberation of the city.

At the end of the war, I went to Moscow and entered VGIK, the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography.

She lived in a hostel with Nonna Mordyukova, Inna Makarova, Sergei Bondarchuk, Evgeny Morgunov, Lyalya Shagalova. All of them played in the film by Sergei Gerasimov "The Young Guard".

When the film was released on the screens of the country, deafening fame fell upon my friends, letters were brought to the hostel in bags.

The audience identified the young actors with the dead heroes.

And the guys from my hometown were never recognized as heroes.

Their feat did not receive such fame as their peers from the Krasnodon "Young Guard", but for me they are heroes forever.

From our 22nd school, dozens of guys and girls fought. Many died.

Yura Mikhailov died in December 1941 near Volokolamsk.

Kolya Tumanov was a sniper, died in 1944.

Yura Shutkin, a nurse, went missing.

Sasha Komkov was not taken into the army because of his age, he went to the partisan detachment, then was mobilized, died in East Prussia.

Volodya Moshnin, a bomber-saboteur, went missing.

Yura Pasteur, clever poet, was killed in 1943.

Slava Urozhaev died near Leningrad.

Lev Belyaev served in the Navy, died of wounds.

Lida Vasilyeva spent the entire war in an evacuation train, often donated blood for the wounded, died in 1950 from illness.

Rosa Ivchenko was a partisan scout. Many times I went to Kalinin across the front line to collect intelligence. After the war, she sold pies at the station, as in the film "Military Field Romance". She got married and had two children.

Volodya Zaitsev, the youngest of us, also survived. At the age of 13, he was already a scout. His sister Tonya served as a radio operator and died.

Of all our guys long life got only me and Volodya Zaitsev ...

During the liberation of the city, over 20 thousand soldiers of the Red Army died. During the 63 days of occupation, 7714 buildings were destroyed in the city, 510 thousand square meters. meters of housing (more than half of the housing stock), more than 70 enterprises were disabled.

Until March 3, 1943 (the day Rzhev was liberated), Kalinin remained a front-line city and was subjected to systematic German air raids.

After the liberation of Kalinin, the inhabitants began to return to their destroyed homes.

But they had to solve not only everyday problems. The authorities, which left the civilian population to the mercy of fate before the approaching enemy, now decided who could live in the city and who was not worthy of it.

On January 7, 1942, the decision of the executive committee of the Kalinin Regional Council of Workers' Deputies "On the registration of the population in the city of Kalinin and the norm of living space" was adopted.

This decision was prescribed in the period from January 15 to February 1, 1942 to carry out a new registration of citizens.

Registration was denied to family members of traitors and traitors to the Motherland who fled with the Germans; who have served imprisonment for crimes provided for by a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, including Article 58; who worked during the occupation in institutions and in any work; who had connections with the Germans, for example, attending meetings, parties, banquets, etc. The latter category included mostly young women and girls.

Family members of persons arrested after December 15, 1941 were also not registered. For registration, a reduced standard of living space was set at 4.5 square meters. meters, so that you can resettle citizens who have lost their homes due to its destruction.

The history of the occupation of Kalinin during the Great Patriotic War has not yet been written.

The military part of this period has been studied to a greater extent - how the city was left to the enemy, how it was liberated.

What happened in the occupied city, how people lived without a livelihood and without knowledge of their future, historians are still not very interested.

I would like to believe that the true history of the occupation, based on the documents and memories of the people who survived it, will nevertheless be created and people who know the occupation firsthand will have time to read it.

To be continued

Material includes script class hour and multimedia presentation. The classroom is based on historical facts associated with the history of the liberation of the city of Kalinin (now Tver) from the Nazi invaders, as well as the damage that the occupiers inflicted on the city. At the end of class, students are given a quiz. The multimedia presentation contains photographic materials from the archives.



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Slides captions:

DECEMBER 16 Kalinin's liberation day Completed by: Blinova M.A., teacher of the Russian language and literature.

Obelisk of Victory

Kalinin before the war

An occupation

Fires in the city

Breasted on the embrasure

Fights for the city

Attack in the city

Battle on the Ice on the river Orsha

Orshinsky Monastery

Monument near the village of Orsha




River Station



Broken bridge

Kalinin after the occupation

Kalinin after the occupation

Eternal memory to the Heroes!


1. Name the date of the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders. December 16, 1941 2. What was interesting for the Germans geographical position Kalinin? Position between Moscow and Leningrad Oktyabrskaya Railway Highway Moscow - Leningrad Waterway - Canal Moscow - Volga

3. Name the industries in Kalinin before the occupation Cotton Car building Sewing Machine building Flour mill

4.What educational establishments worked in Kalinin? Pedagogical Institute Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Mechanical Engineering College Thermal Mechanical College Medical school drama school

5. Why did the Germans decide to capture Kalinin? Capture of enterprises for supply Capture of Moscow from the north 6. What date did the counteroffensive of the Red Army begin? December 5, 1941 7. Which villages were liberated first? Staro-Konstantinovo Vlasievo Large and Small Peremerki

8. What time did the assault on the city begin? At 3:30 am 9. Which sections of the city were liberated first? Train Station Zaverechye Zavolzhye River Station

10. What was completely destroyed in the city? Bridge across the Volga Drama Theater Youth Theater Schools and kindergartens 11. How many months were the battles for the city? 2 months


Blinova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, the highest qualification category.

Purpose: to remember the date of the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders.

Tasks: to develop the skills of perception of information by ear, expressive reading; cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: interactive board, computer, multimedia presentation.

Event progress:

(slide 1) The recording of the song “Holy War” sounds.

"The obelisks call:

Never forget what happened

Never forget

Where did your strength come from!”

Already on July 2, 1941, the western part of the Kalinin region became the scene of fierce battles between the Soviet troops and the Nazis.

The fatal danger looming over their hometowns was acutely felt by Kalinin residents at the beginning of October 1941: the Nazi hordes launched a second offensive against Moscow.

December 16, 2012 marks the 71st anniversary of the liberation of the city of Kalinin (Tver) from Nazi invaders.

(slides 2,3,4) In the plans of the Nazi command, Kalinin was given serious importance. The city is located between two capitals - Moscow and Leningrad. Three strategically important roads converge in it: the Oktyabrskaya railway line, the Moscow-Leningrad highway, the waterway - the Moscow-Volga canal. Kalinin was a large regional industrial center. Before the German occupation, the city had, according to the 1939 census, 217 thousand inhabitants. The main industry was cotton. Its daily production was equal to 610 thousand meters of fabric. The second branch of industry was car building. Also developed were: sewing, machine-building, knitwear, flour-grinding industries. A pedagogical and teacher's institute worked in the city, where more than 2 thousand students studied; institute of foreign languages, engineering and thermal engineering technical school, medical and theater school. In 1940, there were 30 schools and 46 libraries in the city.

(slide5) In 1941, a large grouping of German troops, breaking through to the approaches to Kalinin, set itself the task of capturing the city in a few days. With the capture of his Nazi command associated far-reaching goals. Along with the capture of enterprises where it was possible to produce weapons to supply their army, create a threat to the coverage of Moscow from the north. The implementation of Hitler's plans was prevented by the Red Army, which stopped and defeated the Nazi hordes on the outskirts of Moscow. (slide 6,7) “Warehouses with property, valuables, factory and factory buildings were on fire ... Residents, having gone beyond the city, went to the rear areas of the region along the highways to Bezhetsk, Kimry, Kashin. The glow over the city was visible for tens of kilometers.”

Ilya Ehrenburg. 1941

Crumpled tanks, warm bread,

And the hut burned like a candle.

Villages passed. Never Forget

The screech of dying carts,

How the girl lay without legs,

How there were no roads on earth. (Ex. Reading)

On December 5, 1941, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin began a counteroffensive of the Soviet troops on the flanks in order to eliminate the Nazi formations on the outskirts of Moscow. Kalininskaya offensive was an integral part of the Soviet offensive plan near Moscow.

(slide 8) It was in this operation that Vyacheslav Vasilkovsky participated, who, near the village of Ryabinka, covered an enemy machine gun with his chest in order to enable his comrades to attack.

Evgeny Bereznitsky.

For the honor of the Motherland.

For every ear fallen

From your, Fatherland, fields;

For every hair that has fallen

From the heads of our children;

For a groan from cruel pain,

Flying from brotherly lips,

We will pay an eye for an eye,

We will pay tooth for tooth.

Do not be a slave to the Fatherland.

And we can't live as slaves!

For the happiness of a free life

It's not a pity to lay down your heads!

Hence our fearlessness

It takes its beginning;

Holy is our hatred,

Payback is near!

No more beautiful, native country,

We go, despising death,

Don't die, but live! (ex. Reading)

The liberation of Kalinin and the beginning of the offensive near Moscow was preceded by a small but significant episode in the history of the Kalinin region - the "Battle on the Ice" on the Orsha River.

(slide 9) On the right bank of the Orsha River stands the monument of antiquity Orshinsky Monastery, built in the 15th century by Prince Boris Alexandrovich of Tver.

(slide 10) In mid-November 1941, on the orders of the headquarters of the 31st Army, the 5th Rifle Division fought back to the northern bank of the Orsha River. Here they had to repulse the Nazis. The division commander R. Vashkevich saw the convenient position of the Orshinsky monastery, an order was given to take refuge in the monastery and not show signs of life, so that the Germans would have the impression that the monastery was empty. In the morning, a column of fascists appeared on the opposite bank. The Germans with the help of pumps fortified themselves on the ice and began to move along the river. Here the enemies reached the middle of the river and found themselves in the firing sector Soviet soldiers who fortified themselves in the monastery. This battle was the shortest, the Germans were destroyed as in the time of Alexander Nevsky on the Neva River.

(slide 11) Near the village of Orsha there is a monument to a 112-millimeter howitzer, and the words are written on the slab:

Here the war raged

Soviet people died here.

We won't forget their names

And let's not forget their heroism...

On December 5, 1941, a big battle began in the area of ​​the city of Kalinin. The task assigned to the front command was not only to occupy Kalinin, to defeat the Kalinin group of Germans, but also to go to the rear of the enemy units operating on the outskirts of Moscow. As early as 3 o'clock in the morning, three vanguard rifle battalions almost simultaneously crossed in different places across the ice to the southern bank of the Volga and broke into the villages occupied by the enemy. The Germans turned the coast into an ice fortress, making the slope of the coast almost sheer, inaccessible to humans (the coast was flooded with water and iced over).

(slide 12) The Germans responded to the attack of the Soviet troops with hurricane mortar and machine-gun fire. But nothing could hold back the fighting impulse of our troops. An hour and a half after the start of the offensive, a group of our troops, breaking through the enemy defenses, captured the outskirts of the village of Staro-Konstantinovskoye.

(slide 13) The formations of General Goryachev, concentrating on the left bank of the Volga, crossed the river during the day, silenced the coastal

enemy guns and broke into the state farm Vlasyevo, thereby cutting off the Moscow-Leningrad highway east of Kalinin. The blow was so swift that only a few Nazis managed to escape from Vlasevo. Our units, not giving the Germans a break, were getting closer and closer to the city. Hot battles flared up outside the village of Big and Small Peremerki. The Germans turned them into a strong fortification. Aviation came to the aid of our infantry, dominating the air from the very beginning of the offensive. Despite the frost, the pilots made 3-4 sorties a day.

Overcoming the stubborn resistance of the Germans, our troops

tighter and tighter squeezed the ring around Kalinin. Particularly stubborn battles flared up on the left flank of the units of the Red Army advancing on the city. The villages of Small and Bolshoy Peremerki, the elevator and other strongholds had to be taken around by parts of General Goryachev.

The struggle went on with a fierceness never seen before.

The Germans used their old tricks: psychic attacks, throwing machine gunners behind the lines, even hand-to-hand fights went on, but everything remained to no avail. By the end of December 15, 1941, the ring of our troops had almost closed. On the night of December 16, the advancing squad of Major Kolkov captured the area of ​​the elevator, the villages of Bolshie and Malye Peremerki. The assault on the city began at 3:30 am. (slide 14)

Our fighters went with different directions. The city was on fire. Here and there there were explosions. It was the Nazis who blew up the ammunition depots that they could not take out, the buildings of enterprises, houses. A fussy movement of retreating units was going on in the streets. The enemy, sensing the threat of encirclement, threw weapons, ammunition, and equipment in a panic. At 14.30, Red Army troops entered the city from the south and occupied the Railway Station (slide 15), then moved deeper into the city and Sovetskaya Square (slide 16). On the night of December 19, Zatverechye was liberated (slide 17), in the morning, units of the Red Army occupied the Trans-Volga region, the River Station (slide 18), and then, having crossed the Volga, they entered the central part of the city with a fight. On the afternoon of December 16, 1941, the city of Kalinin was completely cleared of individual groups of German machine gunners and finally passed into the hands of the Soviet troops. (slide 19)

On the roofs - a scattering of white snow,

Frost twitches on the poplars.

Someone lacked two steps,

To live to enter his native Kalinin.

To wearily sit down and smoke

On the bricks burning from the battle.

And suddenly see in the reflections of dawn,

How proudly the flag flies overhead.

A bloody scarlet trail bloomed in the snow,

And the friends walked in stern silence...

Years have passed. But after so many years

As mothers and widows cry before.

As before they are frightened by silence,

Cities sleep, but they can't sleep.

Far harsh war

Lives in the hearts and at night they dream.

As before, they wait

Those who left in battle once.

Who from that past, furious war

From himself will not throw off the rank of soldier.

Woke up a peaceful city at dawn

A wounded and surviving hero...

Found by soldiers through the decades.

To stand next to everyone today in the ranks. (Ex. Reading)

(slide 20) Bravery and courage, combined with high military art, ensured military success for the soldiers of the Kalinin Front, a major victory over the enemy. During the liberation of the city, according to preliminary data reported by the Information Bureau, the following were taken from the Germans: 190 guns, 31 tanks, 9 aircraft, 1000 vehicles, 160 mortars, 303 machine guns, 47 motorcycles, 4500 rifles, 18 radio stations, 4 battle flags.

After two months of fighting, Soviet troops cleared the city of the Germans. Warriors and partisans witnessed a terrible battle in the city. The Nazis destroyed all enterprises, entire residential areas. (slide 21) The handsome bridge across the Volga (the only river crossing in the center) was blown up. Everywhere the wreckage of burnt cars, downed planes. The picture of the destruction of the city was truly amazing. Of the large houses, only the walls, blackened by fire, survived. On Sovetskaya Street, the whole north side from Lenin Square to the city garden is on fire. Dozens of schools, club buildings, kindergartens were burned. The following were in ruins: the Drama Theatre, the Youth Theater, the building of the Philharmonic. Trade rows were blown up, as well as a monument to V.I. Lenin.

The Germans inflicted incredibly heavy damage on industry

cities. The factory was completely destroyed. A.P. Vagzhanova, a spinning factory, the workshops of the car building plant were partially destroyed.

(slide 22) After the liberation of the city, the corpses of tortured residents, underground workers, were discovered for several months. In April 1942, in the Proletarsky district, the bodies of 67 people were found in three pits. On examination, it was found that their skulls were crushed, their teeth were knocked out. Forty-two people had their hands tied with electric wires and ropes. In January 1942, 21 corpses of brutally tortured citizens were found in the courtyard of a house on Sofia Perovskaya Street: 11 people had their hands tied, 10 had gunshot wounds to their heads, and 18 people were disfigured beyond recognition.

The capture of the city of Kalinin by the troops of the valiant Red Army

improved the situation of the units of the Kalinin Front and allowed them to spread success throughout the western part of the front up to Toropets, Rzhev and Zubtsov.

In the severe December frosts of 1941, the city was barely

receding rumbles of artillery rolled. The front went to the west, in the liberated city from the first days life resumed.

Fascists are on the run! Their path is long.
At the crossroads of cities
The liberated Kalinin stood up,

Relatives welcomes sons.

He is here again, he is with us again...

In the liberated blue

Native, joyful banner,

How the sun reaches for Moscow. (Ex. Reading)

Sergei Ostrovoy

About 700 thousand of our countrymen fought on the fronts of the Patriotic War. About 250 thousand of them died. For courage and heroism, more than 300 natives of the Tver land were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Four were awarded this high title twice: fighter pilots A.V. Alelyuhin, a native of the village of Kesova Gora; IN AND. Andrianov, a native of the Bezhetsk region; A.S. Smirnov, a native of the Rameshkovsky district; Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov, a native of the Staritsky district.

All the losses cannot be listed soon.

12 days and the same number of nights

This heavy battle for the city lasted

With a frenzied pack of executioners.

All on fire, he is heard as if moaning,

My city, which knew how to wait for help.

"Storm!" - orders Konev.

"Beat them here, don't let them back!"

And the soldier's work began.

It was a frosty early morning.

As if on wings, the infantry moved,

From everywhere it was heard: "Hurrah!"

The enemy is broken. Kalinin is with us again

It will revive and bloom again.

Here it is, our banner of victory,

We'll carry it to Berlin. (ex. reading)

The Tver land gave the Motherland such outstanding military leaders as Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces P.A. Rotmistrov, a native of the Selizharovsky district; Colonel-General of Tank Troops A.G. Rodin, a native of the Penovsky district; Air Chief Marshal P.F. Zhigarev, a native of the Vesyegonsk region; Air Marshal G.A. Vorozheykin, a native of the Nelidovsky district; Admiral F.S. Oktyabrsky, a native of the Staritsky district

(slide 23) The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people.
Come on people never
Let's not forget about it!
May the memory of her be eternal
Keep about this flour
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren grandchildren ...

Let - not all heroes -

Those who died

Fallen - eternal glory!

Eternal glory!

Let's remember everyone by name

We will remember our grief.

It's not for the dead

It needs to be alive.

People of the Earth!

Kill the war

Curse the war

Earth People!!!

Carry the dream through the years

And fill with life

But about those who will never come

I conjure - Remember! ”(vyv. Reading)

(slide24) Let's summarize the knowledge gained at today's event. Quiz.


(slide 25) 1. Name the date of the liberation of the city of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders.

2. Why was the geographical position of Kalinin interesting for the Germans?

(slide 26) 3.Name the industries in Kalinin before the occupation.

(slide 27) 4. What educational institutions worked in Kalinin?

(slide 28) 5. Why did the Germans decide to capture Kalinin?

6. What date did the counter-offensive of the Red Army begin?

7. Which villages were liberated first?

(slide 29) 8. What time did the assault on the city begin?

9. What areas in the city were liberated first?

(slide 30) 10. What was completely destroyed in the city?

11. How many months were the battles for the city?

For several months the regional center lived under the control of the Germans.

December last year we celebrated a solemn date - 75 years since the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders. It was in the first year of the war, in many respects difficult for our army, the enemy then stood on the outskirts of the capital, and on the way he had a strategically important regional center.

Many good historical books and articles have been written about how the German offensive went, how the townspeople lived under the occupiers, and how the Red Army returned Kalinin under its control. In our material, we tried to tell you about the most key points, as well as about some, not very pleasant, events.

The enemy is rushing to Moscow!

In October 1941, the situation on the Western Front was not in the best way. The superior forces of the Germans broke through the Soviet defenses, and the conditions for an attack on the capital of the USSR became more favorable than ever. The enemy occupied Zubtsov and Pogoreloe Gorodishche, Lotoshino and Staritsa, and the advanced units of the German troops were confidently advancing towards Kalinin.

The command of the enemy paid our city great importance, and this is not surprising: the capture of a large industrial and transport hub would create a powerful springboard for a rapid attack on the capital. Judge for yourself - the Oktyabrskaya railway, connected with Leningrad and Moscow, the highway leading to main city countries, as well as access to the Moscow-Volga canal. In addition, Kalinin was a major center for the training of chemical troops. From a strategic point of view, it was very, very important. Having captured our city, the Germans planned to continue the offensive not only on the capital of the USSR, but also on large industrial centers- Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Ivanovo.

The situation was complicated by the fact that there were no Soviet troops in the direction from Rzhev to Kalinin, and from that side the enemy approached our city almost without hindrance. The regional center faced a real threat of capture and subsequent occupation. Kalinin was defended by the forces of the 142nd and 336th regiments of the 5th rifle division. To help them, a marching company and a detachment of students from the Higher Military Pedagogical Institute, as well as several detachments of militia armed with Canadian rifles, were allocated. The forces were clearly not enough, therefore, instead of a single line of defense, only defensive centers were created.

It is difficult for us, living in the 21st century, to imagine what our grandparents felt when they realized that foreign troops were about to enter the city. On October 13, the Germans approached the village of Danilovskoye, 20 kilometers from the regional center, and aircraft began bombarding city blocks. The western part of Kalinin was subjected to intensive shelling. Fires started.

Enemy tanks and motorized infantry units approached Kalinin along the Staritsky highway. On the same day, October 13, the village of Migalovo (now a microdistrict within Tver) was captured. Panic reigned in Kalinin itself. Those who did not have time to escape were seriously afraid of hunger and therefore stocked up with everything they could. Not without looting, unfortunately. What is most unpleasant, before the arrival of enemy troops, our city found itself ... without police and fire protection. There was no one to catch marauders, and there was no one to put out the fires. How did it happen?

From the report of Brigadier Commissar Abramov, a member of the military council of the 30th Army, and the memorandum of the military prosecutor Berezovsky, a sad picture emerges. The population in a panic left the city in the direction of Klin and Moscow, the arriving units of the 5th Infantry Division immediately went into battle, but could not hold back the enemy. The local authorities, in fact, withdrew themselves, and no specific measures were taken to organize the defense of the city, except for the hastily formed militia. And even then, Abramov notes, for the most part, the militias were not only not prepared for street fighting, but they did not even know how to handle a rifle. After the first shot of the enemy, they fled in a panic ...

Members of the Military Council of the army summoned the secretary of the regional committee, the chairman of the regional executive committee and the head of the NKVD. From these people, vested with power, they demanded to mobilize the population, organize the evacuation of valuables and restore order in the city. But it was too late. Most of the residents fled in panic, there was no transport left in the city, and the leaders of the city, Abramov states, were in the mood to leave Kalinin instead of defending it. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that up to 900 police officers and from one to several hundred NKVD workers left the city on the orders of the deputy head of the regional people's commissariat and the head of the police. Comrade Abramov also suggested that all this happened with the tacit consent of the head of the NKVD Directorate himself. We do not know whether this version of the military commissar, who arrived in the panic-stricken city, was confirmed, and therefore we will not assert anything. But the fact remains: law enforcement officers from Kalinin fled, and firefighters joined them. In fairness, it should also be noted that by the next day the head of the regional NKVD still managed to return about sixty operatives from among the deserters.

The troops defending the city were sorely lacking in shells, the Military Council immediately took measures to provide the soldiers with ammunition, but they were received only in the afternoon of the next day - October 14. The Military Council had to resort to other measures - punitive ones. From political workers and special officers, detachments were organized, which detained one and a half thousand armed Red Army soldiers who fled towards Moscow. Both privates and officers fled. Special officers immediately shot several people, the rest were formed into units, which were immediately thrown to the front. The flow of refugees was redirected from Moscow to the north and northeast. In total, up to two-thirds of the population, which then amounted to 260 thousand people, left Kalinin in one night.

Defense of Kalinin

From the documents of the Commission of the Military Council it follows that the blame for the failure of the defense of the city largely lies with the authorities, who not only did not take effective measures, but also clearly planned to escape. However, not everything depended only on them - for example, the defensive structures built over several months from Rzhev to Kalinin were not occupied by a single soldier. Who is to blame for this miscalculation? And why did only two regiments arrive to defend the city with unsecured rears and an acute shortage of ammunition?

It is not our task to find the culprits. We are simply trying to describe the difficult situation that developed during the cold days of October 1941. If military units The Red Army arrived in the city a few days earlier, Commissar Abramov believed that the defense of Kalinin could have been more successful. Alas, the army was late, and the government showed exceptional cowardice. The militiamen alone, placed under arms, could have been a serious help to the troops, but, as we know, they deserted along with the firemen.

In reality, everything turned out so that the superior forces of the enemy forced out the fighters of the 5th Infantry Division to the Small Peremerki. The 256th rifle division, consisting of two rifle regiments and one artillery regiment, arrived on the night of October 13-14 to help the defenders of the city, fought the enemy in the Volga region. And the 8th tank brigade, which approached from Likhoslavl, even helped to drive the enemy out of the entire northern part of the city.

The building where the Gestapo was located. Photo: A. Ustinov

Fierce street battles were fought for several days, separate parts of the city repeatedly passed from hand to hand. The documents of that time recorded the most different cases- And heroic deeds, and successful counterattacks by our soldiers, but also command mistakes and supply miscalculations. Unfortunately, the Soviet troops failed to keep the city. Already in the evening of October 14, a huge part of Kalinin was occupied by the German Army Group Center, and the Trans-Volga and Zatereche remained under the control of the Red Army. Some sources indicate this date as the beginning of the occupation of Kalinin, but the city was completely occupied by the Germans on October 17, and this day is taken by official historiography as a starting point.

Of course, despite the fact that our troops were forced to leave the city, due to the special importance of what was happening, the Kalinin Front was formed and the Kalinin defensive operation was organized. Soviet agents and residencies operated in the city, battles in the immediate vicinity of Kalinin and even in the city itself were fought throughout the entire period of occupation, and the command did not stop trying to liberate the regional center from the Germans. However, for two whole months the city lived according to foreign laws.

An occupation

The Soviet troops failed to defend Kalinin, but the enemy's main plan - to use the city on the Volga as a springboard for a quick attack on Moscow - was thwarted. Also, the Red Army managed to significantly strengthen the defensive lines on the Moscow, Bezhetsk and Leningrad highways. In the city itself, a new administration began to operate. True, not immediately - for the first five or six days, chaos reigned in the city. Warehouses, shops and enterprises were robbed, and not only by the occupiers, but also local residents. The Germans did not interfere with this process.

The military branch of government was represented by the so-called Ortskomendatura, headed by Lieutenant Meller, who was subordinate to General Rekka. And the city government became the body of local self-government. The highest official in it was the burgomaster, to whom all employees, as well as subordinate organizations and institutions, were subordinate.

The blown up bridge across the Volga

The occupation authorities changed the administrative-territorial division of the city, dividing Kalinin into eight districts: Central, Proletarsky, Railway Station (aka Station) and Zavokzalny, Pervomaisky, Novopromyshlenny, Zavolzhsky and Zatveretsky. In some of them, their own councils were formed, which were headed by the so-called foremen. Districts, in turn, were divided into sections headed by precincts, and sections into quarters headed by districts. The commandants of apartment buildings were already subordinate to the latter.

The burgomaster was elected on October 25, and six out of eight districts participated in the elections - fighting continued in Zavolzhsky and Zatveretsky. Those wishing to receive the position of foreman put forward their candidacies, accepted with the consent of the rest. The newly-appeared district leaders, in turn, approved a certain Yasinsky, recommended by the Germans, as burgomaster. We will talk about his personality in detail.

Valery Amvrosievich Yasinsky belonged to a noble family. He was born on the territory of the current Kemerovo region in 1895. In Omsk he graduated from the school of ensigns, also received a higher education. During civil war joined the army of Admiral Kolchak, then proclaimed the Supreme Ruler of Russia, had the rank of staff captain. After the final establishment of Soviet power, Yasinsky, however, remained in our country - he lived in Leningrad. He was convicted twice for supplying former white officers with false documents, and in 1930 he was arrested on suspicion of serving in Kolchak's counterintelligence. However, there was no evidence against him. Nevertheless, five years later, in 1935, Yasinsky was expelled from the northern capital to Kazakhstan, where he stayed until February 1941. After that, he ended up in our city, having arrived from Kazakhstan's Petropavlovsk.

German anti-aircraft gunners in the area of ​​the Railway bridge

It is known that his wife worked as a doctor at the Vagzhanov weaving factory, he himself was the technical manager at the toy factory of the city industrial complex. Together they raised a neighbor's boy who was left without parents. When the Germans occupied Kalinin, Yasinsky went to cooperate with the enemy. By the way, he lived at number 46 on Tchaikovsky Avenue - this address has already appeared in one of the materials of "VT" ("Gas explosion: a holiday in mourning colors").

The city government headed by the burgomaster was located at number 31 on Novotorzhskaya Street (at that time it was called Krasnoarmeyskaya). It is worth noting that no more than 35 thousand people remained in Kalinin after the withdrawal of Soviet troops. Someone did not have time to evacuate, someone, perhaps, voluntarily decided to stay. In addition to the burgomaster Yasinsky, members of the council and district foremen with district and quarter officers, there were other people who collaborated with the Germans - alas, this is a fact, and it cannot be denied. Thus, the “Russian auxiliary police” created by the Germans (the very notorious “policemen”) consisted of Kalinin residents who agreed to cooperate with the Germans. Vladimir Bibikov headed the police department - also, like Yasinsky, from the "former" (army captain). The main task of the "policemen" was to identify the underground and Soviet agents. For this purpose, a whole network of informants was created - over one and a half thousand people.

It should be noted that cooperation with occupation authorities not only former nobles and white officers were walking. Among them were ordinary Soviet citizens who were dissatisfied with the power of the Bolsheviks and the repressions being carried out in the country. As for the “stratum between workers and peasants” (i.e., the Soviet intelligentsia), some of its representatives cooperated with the occupiers in an effort to preserve the city's cultural and scientific values. For example, Gnatyuk, head of the Department of Literature at the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute (now Tver State University), and employees of the institute's library hid especially valuable books in the cellars. It was also possible to save the equipment of the physical office. It also turned out that one of the German officers was an assistant professor at the University of Giessen, and Gnatiuk entered into negotiations with him in order to preserve some scientific values.

Another employee of the Pedagogical Institute, a teacher by the name of Yurenev, who remained in the city because of his sick mother, headed the art gallery, to the creation of which he himself was involved, and personally hid the most valuable exhibits from the Germans. His merits include the preservation of the exhibits of the Kalinin Museum, located in the Travel Palace - for a short time under the Germans, he was its director. As you can see, not everything was so clear. We do not defend these people - Gnatyuk and Yurenev, but we believe that we have no right to condemn them.

And at the same time, it was precisely the intelligentsia that the Germans used for propaganda purposes, in particular in compiling leaflets. Agitation distributed among the population spoke of the major defeats of the Red Army and the incredible successes of the German troops. Individual representatives of the intelligentsia actively promoted pro-German ideas to the masses, in Kalinin even the newspaper Tverskoy Vestnik was published with obvious anti-Soviet content. It is noteworthy, by the way, that some sources report the return of the historical name to the city, but there is no confirmation of this.

The Soviet ideology in the occupied Kalinin was eradicated with special care. All books on Marxism-Leninism were withdrawn from libraries and subsequently destroyed. The statues of Lenin and Stalin were thrown down, and the invaders installed a swastika on the square named after the leader of the world proletariat. At present, the only photograph with this symbol on the pedestal has been preserved instead of the usual Lenin.

Used for propaganda purposes and such a side of life as faith. De jure, German soldiers were forbidden to assist in the revival of religion in the occupied eastern territories, but de facto the restoration of church life was supported. For example, in the center of Kalinin, the Ascension Cathedral, closed by the Soviet authorities, resumed its work. From the point of view of propaganda, this was beneficial for the occupiers - the anti-religious policy of the communists was clearly losing in the eyes of individual citizens against the background of the favorable attitude of the Germans towards the church.

German cemetery in Kalinin

And on the square in front of the Travel Palace is the Cemetery of the Heroes of Kalinin, the largest burial place for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht in the city. Three more German cemeteries were arranged on Lenin Square, on the territory of the tram park (near the modern Kaposvár Square) and the city hippodrome.

What was it like for an ordinary person to live in occupied Kalinin? The most severe security measures were taken by the German troops. From four in the afternoon until eight in the morning, the curfew continued, the rest of the time it was possible to appear on the streets only with special passes. It was forbidden to cross rivers on ice, violators were shot on the spot. Partisans were ordered to be executed by hanging, civilians, suspected (not convicted, but only suspected!) in connection with them - to shoot. Executions were carried out in public, the bodies were not removed for a long time - for intimidation. By the end of October, all the inhabitants remaining in the city were resettled by the Germans in the central part of the city, which was strictly forbidden to leave.

Males between the ages of 17 and 50 who seemed suspicious to the Germans were sent to POW camps. Women and teenagers under the age of 17 were sent to forced labor. Among other things, it was possible to suffer from the fire of the Soviet troops - the city was often fired upon by the Red Army ...


Battle for Kalinin. Photo: B. Vdovenko

An anti-fascist underground emerged in Kalinin immediately after the occupation, and NKVD agents were active in intelligence activities. So, a group of underground workers led by Nefedov destroyed sentries, disabled equipment and disrupted communications. Another group, led by Eliseev, collected intelligence and posted appeals of the Soviet authorities to the population on the streets of the city. Exploration was also carried out by employees of the KREPZ plant (later - Iskozh).

The number of underground workers in occupied Kalinin reached four hundred people, but these data are considered incomplete. There were probably many more. Many were captured by the Nazis and executed. Died in German dungeons and Soviet intelligence officers who arrived in the city through the front line. Someone broke down under torture, someone endured to the end. And in addition to those residents who went to cooperate with the Germans, there were those who actively helped the Soviet troops without fear of death. An important role in the development of the operation to liberate Kalinin was played by the information received by the doctor Nikolai Petrov. In December, he was sent to the city along with two contacts, Anna Belozerova and Nina Kazakova, and got a job in a field hospital under the legend of a former German prisoner of war.

Many people - scouts, underground workers, ordinary Kalinin residents - risked their lives for the speedy liberation of the city. Moreover, intelligence work continued even after the invaders were driven out of Kalinin - the enemy planned to return to the city, and therefore the Germans built their own intelligence network, regularly dropping new scouts.

The counteroffensive of the Red Army near Moscow began on December 5, 1941. The troops of the Kalinin Front were faced with the task of not only occupying the regional center, but also reaching the enemy rear northwest of the capital. On the very first day, units of the 31st Army broke through the front line of the German defense and cut the Moscow-Leningrad highway east of the city, freeing 15 settlements (many of them are now part of Tver).

It was more difficult on the southern approaches - the German command transferred several divisions to Staritskoye Highway, which prevented units of the 29th Army from completing their task. Ivan Sergeevich Konev, in connection with this, turned part of the 31st Army to the northwest in order to surround the Germans in the city and enter Kalinin in cooperation with the 29th Army.

On December 13, Soviet troops liberated Koltsovo, Small and Bolshoi Peremerki, Bobachevo and Bychkovo, reaching the eastern outskirts of Kalinin by the end of the day on December 15. On the same day, the encirclement almost closed, the Germans were asked to surrender, but they refused. The enemy had only one way to connect him with the rear - the Staritsky highway. All other roads by this time were already under the control of the Red Army.

Soviet tank crossing the Volga

And at 3.30 in the morning the assault on Kalinin began. From different sides, Soviet troops made a breakthrough, meeting fierce resistance from the Germans on their way. The city was completely liberated from the invaders by 13:00.

The regional center was badly damaged - more than half of the housing stock was destroyed, entire neighborhoods in different districts were burned, more than 70 industrial enterprises and the entire energy sector were put out of action. During the liberation of Kalinin, more than 20 thousand people died, two and a half thousand inhabitants of the city were killed during the entire occupation, which lasted two months. Burgomaster Yasinsky left Kalinin with the Germans and subsequently organized detachments to fight the partisans in the Smolensk region. After the end of the war, he lived in Germany, presumably died in Australia in 1958.

Kalinin, on the other hand, was gradually restored - both during the war years and after it. And in 2010, the regional center, already renamed Tver, was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory".


P.S.The theme of the war will not be exhausted for a long time, we see this in the example of one seemingly small but very important episode - the occupation of Kalinin and its subsequent liberation. Unfortunately, the format of a newspaper article does not allow to tell about everything. But someday we will definitely tell you about the people who fought for our city - tankers Mikhail Agibalov, Mikhail Lukin and Stepan Gorobets, marshals Pavel Rotmistrov and Ivan Konev, pilot Evgeny Pichugin and many others.

The feat of our countrymen

Today we celebrate the 67th anniversary of the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders. The military operation carried out in our city on December 16, 1941, became one of the first victories of Soviet soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. On this historic day not only for Tver, but for the whole of Russia, we pay tribute to war veterans and remember the fallen soldiers.
ceremonial events, dedicated to the Day liberation of Kalinin, began in the city yesterday - with the opening memorial plates two of our countrymen who died during the war. The memory has been perpetuated former director Kalinin secondary school No. 7 (now it is gymnasium No. 6), the owner of the Order of the Red Star Arkady Smirnov and a graduate of this school, Olga Baranova. The decision to install commemorative plates for him was once made by the teachers' council of the gymnasium staff. Subsequently, the idea was personally supported by the governor Dmitry Zelenin.
Arkady Smirnov and Olga Baranova glorified Tver with their military exploits. Being the director of the school, Arkady Dmitrievich, as part of the fighter battalion, took an active part in the defense of Kalinin. He was certified for the position of senior lieutenant-political officer and awarded the Order of the Red Star for the operation at the crossing through a water barrier. Arkady Smirnov died in 1943 on the front line in the Smolensk region. The fate of Olga Baranova, a graduate of the 7th school, a third-year student of the Kalinin Pedagogical Faculty, is much shorter and more tragic. At the beginning of 1941, she voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army and a few months later she was brutally murdered in Nazi dungeons, only 10 days before the release of Kalinin. The girl died at the age of 21...
Memorial plates to Arkady Smirnov and Olga Baranova are installed on the facades of the houses where they lived - Svobodny per., 20 and st. Dostoevsky, 29. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Tver City Duma Sergei Aksenov, head of the regional Center for Patriotic Education Viktor Ovsyannikov, pupils of the Tver military-patriotic club "Sokol" and students of the 6th gymnasium.
Many kind words were said to our heroically dead countrymen. But, probably, Sergei Aksyonov expressed the main idea, saying that these people fought for our freedom, and their feat entered the history of the country forever.
Today Tver will host a whole series of celebrations timed to coincide with Kalinin's Liberation Day. Flowers will be laid at the obelisk of Victory, mass graves and military graves. A solemn reception of veterans of the Great Patriotic War will take place in the House of Officers. Virtually all schools in the city will organize demonstrations, rallies and lessons of Courage dedicated to the feat of the soldiers of the Soviet Army who liberated Kalinin. And in the temples of Tver there will be memorial services for the fallen soldiers.

Let us bow to the courage of the defenders of our city

Today, the residents of Tver and our entire vast region have a big holiday. For the 67th time we are celebrating the anniversary of the liberation of our native city from the fascist invaders.
The farther from us the harsh autumn and winter of 1941, the more clearly we realize the significance of the events that took place almost seven decades ago on the Tver land.
Today the editorial guest is Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor Mikhail Dmitrievich Khetchikov. The scientific military-historical center headed by him held a large research work in military archives, which allows you to complete the picture of those unforgettable days:
- It is known that the capture of Kalinin was given special importance in the plans of the German command. During the operation to capture Moscow in the area of ​​our regional center, the enemy intended to solve three interrelated tasks - to carry out a deep coverage of the capital from the north, capturing a large transport node, to deprive the Soviet command of the ability to maneuver the forces necessary to defend Moscow, and by the joint efforts of the 9th field army of the Center group and the 16th field army of the North group, in conjunction with the 3rd tank group, surround and destroy the 22nd, 29th Army Western Front and the 31st Army of the Reserve Front. It was planned to create conditions for the encirclement of the northwestern grouping of the Red Army.
The main result of the two-month battles on Tver land was the fact that the German troops could not fulfill their tasks.
Yes, Kalinin had to be given to the enemy. But not at the low cost that the enemy was counting on.
Although by the beginning of the operation, that is, by the morning of October 13, the total number of defenders of the city did not exceed 3,000 people, the defense was deployed at the turn from the Volga to Nikolsky, Krivtsovo, Bortnikovo.
On the night of the 12th to the 13th and on the morning of October 13, German aviation dealt powerful blows to the city, accompanied by huge destruction, fires and casualties. Nevertheless, our units, having entered into battle with the advance detachment of the enemy's 1st Panzer Division west of the village of Danilovskoye, managed to stop the enemy. The Germans decided to wait for the approach of the main forces. After their arrival in the afternoon, the first attempt is made to take the city on the move. After a powerful artillery and aviation preparation, units of the enemy's 1st Panzer Division attacked our 142nd Rifle Regiment. The fierce battle lasted almost two hours. By this time, the 190th Rifle Regiment and the main forces of the 27th Artillery Regiment had arrived in Kalinin, which also immediately entered the battle. The defenders of the city countered the multiple superiority of the enemy in manpower, absolute superiority in tanks and aircraft with stamina, courage and professionalism. As a result, on the first day of fighting, the Germans failed to take the city.
On October 14, they make a second attempt, inflicting three simultaneous strikes from different sides. By this time, units of our 256th Infantry Division had arrived in the city, but the position of the defenders remains extremely difficult. Moreover, the centers of defense were continuously subjected to massive attacks by German aircraft. The fighting went on all day, in the southern part of Kalinin street fighting lasted until dark. Under pressure from superior forces, the 142nd regiment of the 5th rifle division, as well as the militia battalion, began to retreat to the city center, and on the night of the 15th, under the threat of encirclement, the 5th division was forced to retreat to the line of Staraya Konstantinovka - Small Peremerki - Kotovo.
It would seem that having captured the central part of the city, the enemy got the opportunity to continue the fulfillment of the assigned tasks - to develop an offensive against Moscow, Bezhetsk, Torzhok. For this, two more German divisions were brought into the city - the 36th motorized and the 6th tank divisions. However, in none of these directions, the enemy armored formations could not complete their assigned tasks. The path of the Nazi tanks to Torzhok was blocked by the troops of the 934th Infantry, 46th Motorcycle Regiments and the 8th Tank Brigade in the area of ​​the Gorbaty Bridge.
Around the same time, the way for the fascist tanks to Bezhetsk in the area of ​​the Tveretsky bridge was blocked by artillerymen of the 531st artillery and infantrymen of the 937th rifle regiment, 256th division, soldiers of the fighter battalion. For three days they fought off enemy attacks with unparalleled courage.
In fact, our units locked up two enemy tank and one motorized divisions in the city. The armored formations of the enemy were forced to conduct defensive operations in the city that were not characteristic of them.
Another bright page of the October battles is the oncoming battle on the Leningrad Highway on October 18th. Our four rifle divisions, two brigades and a motorcycle regiment dismembered the enemy grouping with simultaneous strikes and began to smash the 1st Panzer Division and the 900th Motorized Brigade. The enemy was stunned. In the middle of the day, our units captured the settlements of Novo-Kalikino, Nikolo-Malitsa, and by the end of the day they closed the encirclement, having captured the crossroads of the highway and railway northwest of Kalinin.
From the morning of the 19th and all day of October 20, our fighters repulsed the continuous attacks of the 129th German Infantry Division, which was trying to break the ring. All attempts by the enemy proved fruitless.
At the same time, our second strike group smashed the enemy in the Maryino area. And the 185th Rifle Division, together with the 8th Tank Brigade, for two days - October 18 and 19 - destroyed the Nazis in the settlements of Yamok, Sloboda, Mednoe. At the same time, the German tank grouping in Medny was defeated in a night battle. Day and night the Siberians beat the Nazis!
The 119th Rifle Division, included in the operational group, crossed the Tma River and smashed the enemy garrisons in Gorodnya and Shiryakovo for three days.
For three days, the tank division and the German motorized brigade actually ceased to exist. Their remnants fled to Kalinin.
A significant contribution to the overall result of the struggle for the city was made by the soldiers and officers of the 21st tank brigade, which defeated an enemy motorcade in the Pushkino area on the morning of October 17. During the day of fighting, the brigade destroyed 38 German tanks, about 40 guns and mortars, 70 vehicles. On the southern outskirts of the city, the brigade was met by massive fire from enemy artillery, tanks and aircraft. In a fierce battle, two Heroes of the Soviet Union were killed - the commander of the tank regiment Lukin and the commander of the tank battalion Agibalov.
The raid of the 21st Brigade, unexpected for the enemy, which coincided in time with the attack of rifle divisions, forced the German command to switch to all-round defense.
Unfortunately, newspaper squares do not allow to tell day after day about all two months of hostilities in the Kalinin region. But it can be said without exaggeration that these were two months of continuous counterattacks and fierce battles that pinned down 16 enemy divisions. The active actions of the Kalinin Front thwarted the implementation of the "deep coverage of Moscow from the north", did not allow the German armored formations to reach the rear of the troops of the North-Western Front. In the Kalinin area, the myth of the invincibility of enemy tank groups was dispelled for the first time. Here, near Kalinin, the Germans ran out of steam: the 9th field and 3rd tank groups exhausted their offensive potential in battles with our units. Any new offensive required the introduction of fresh forces, which the enemy no longer had.
On December 5, the troops of the Kalinin Front were the first to go on the offensive on the right flank of the Moscow battle. The winter was snowy, and this complicated the position of the attackers. Nevertheless, from the first days fierce battles unfolded for Emmaus, Gorokhovo, Chupriyanovka, Kuzminskoye, Small and Large Peremerki. The enemy removes the 129th Infantry Division from the Moscow direction and transfers it to Kalinin. The 110th and 251st Infantry Divisions, which operated against the troops of the right wing of the front, are also sent here.
Taking into account the increased strategic importance of the Kalinin Front in the outcome of the offensive near Moscow, the Stavka is taking measures to strengthen it. The fighting for the city continues. In accordance with the order of the commander, the 29th Army creates a strike force with the aim of cutting off the enemy's withdrawal routes to the west and southwest. The 31st Army manages to strike in the direction of Lebedevo, Mamulino and liberate the city. Rifle and cavalry divisions, two tank battalions, two artillery regiments and two divisions fought for the liberation of the city. rocket artillery, three ski battalions.
As a result of twelve days of fierce battles of the front, on December 16, the city was liberated.
Two months of continuous fighting in the region of the regional center demonstrated the perseverance, steadfastness and mass heroism of the defenders of the Fatherland. Behind military merit in the October battles, two rifle divisions received the rank of guards. Four participants in the battles for Kalinin were presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 24 - with the Order of Lenin. Not everyone knows that we had two of our Matrosovs: Sergeant Vasilkovsky and Private Paderin also closed the loopholes with their chests. Vasilkovsky was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. Paderin was awarded the title of Hero. Pichugin, also posthumously awarded the title of Hero, performed his feat in the skies of Kalinin. 144 soldiers and officers were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, 183 - Orders of the Red Star.
Kalinin is not only the first liberated regional center, not only the right flank of the Moscow battle. This has not been mentioned before. But by holding the German troops in the Kalinin area, destroying more than half of the 9th Field Army and inflicting serious damage on the enemy’s tank units, we thereby helped Leningrad, in the direction towards which some of these forces would otherwise have moved.
The courage and heroism of the soldiers and officers of the Red Army, partisans and underground fighters, workers and employees of the militia, shown in the defense and liberation of our city, will always cause universal recognition and gratitude of their heirs in the Tver land.

Messenger of the second partisan

humble name locality"Pustoshka" for the Kalinin partisans is a whole chapter of their difficult military affairs.
Pustoshka is the intersection of the Moscow-Riga railway line and the Leningradskoye Highway. It is clear what importance the occupiers attached to the preservation of these "arteries of life." That is why a special occupation regime was introduced in Pustoshka, and the entire Pustoshkinsky district was literally stuffed with SD, Abwehr, and military commandant's offices. But, despite this, the partisans constantly let the invaders know about themselves. At the most unexpected moments, they prepared "surprises" for the Fritz, and it seemed that the highly classified plans of the Nazis did not represent secrets for the people's avengers.
This was indeed the case, since the partisans everywhere had their own "eyes and ears" - messengers and underground workers.
Among them was a young girl, Anna Parfenenkova, who had just finished her tenth grade before the war. All the relatives of the girl and her friends joined the partisan struggle. Her brother Peter was in the detachment. He went to the front as a volunteer, was taken prisoner under Velikie Luki, successfully escaped. In the detachment of Aleksadrov of the 2nd partisan brigade, he led a group of demolition workers. Anna's uncle Grigory was in the partisans, and her father was also associated with them. Naturally, the girl also began to help the partisans. Under the guise of a thrush, she went to Pustoshka, clarified the deployment of enemy units and punitive units. I met with policeman Alexander Nikolaev - he was sent to the police by partisans and collected abundant information for them. The information he gave through Anna was often very useful.
As the front approached Pustoshka, the punishers became hardened and grabbed "suspicious". When performing a partisan mission, the Gestapo arrested Anna's father, and soon her.
For seven days, the Gestapo tortured and beat the father and daughter with whips. But they did not achieve recognition in ties with the partisans. In the end, they were thrown into prison, and then the journey began through concentration camps - in Opochka, Moglin, Salaspils.
In 1944 they were taken to France. For the father, who by that time was completely exhausted, this move turned out to be the last. There, on French soil, he died. Anna decided to run away with three more women. We hid in the forest for two nights, and then we reached a shed in the middle of a field. Here they were found by the owners - a peasant family.
They were not handed over to the Gestapo, but were hidden until the arrival of American troops.
Further, Anna was lucky to meet with the then famous Soviet correspondent Daniil Kraminov. He and the emigrant Maria Murataeva, the mother of the commander of the Belgian anti-fascist detachment, helped her get to Brussels, where the Soviet repatriation mission began to work in the autumn of 1944. Anna was invited to cooperate with her. There, abroad, Anna met Victory Day.
After the war, Anna married a military man, became Lapina, and wandered with her husband to distant garrisons. In the 60s, the family settled in Kalinin.
In civilian life, Anna turned out to be an excellent pharmacist.
The Lapin family raised a son and a daughter, three grandchildren.
This information about the partisan Anna Lapina (Parfenenkova) was presented to the editor by the regional council of veterans of the Kalinin partisans. The other day, the partisans saw off their fighting girlfriend in last way. But, according to veterans, the history of this life deserves to be known not only by close people.
Blessed memory of partisan liaison Anna!

That day we cried with happiness

For all Tverites who survived the war, December 16 is a particularly dear day. I was 15 at that time, and I remember well how it was.
Our village Vednoe is not far from Kalinin, the echoes of the battles came constantly. Soldiers lived in all the houses. Refugees from the western regions of the region, occupied by the enemy, were walking non-stop through the village. And along the road to Kalinin, troops marched day and night.
We have been bombed many times. But almost simultaneously with the German bombers, our “hawks” appeared in the sky, the German pilots got nervous and dropped bombs anywhere. So great harm they did not harm the village.
On October 14, children born in 1923 were escorted to the army in the village. Among them was my brother Alex. He was already the fourth of our family to go to the front.
The school was closed and a hospital was placed in it. They learned from the wounded what was happening in Kalinin and around it. It was amazing that, despite the injuries, the mood of the fighters was cheerful, they all said in unison that Kalinin was about to be released. And the fact that Kalinin is ours again, we learned first of all from the wounded - before the radio reported about it. People were crying with happiness.
On December 22, we were sent to build fortifications in the Staritsa area, a little to the left of it. On the way, we stopped in Kalinin for about two hours. We managed to see what happened to our hometown during the occupation. For only two months the Nazis ruled the city, but what did they turn it into! The monument to Lenin was blown up, Revolution Square was turned into a fascist cemetery, German graves also occupied the square in which the monument to Krylov was erected. The travel palace was partially burned down. When we drove towards Migalov, we often met destroyed and burned buildings. Often came across the corpses of German soldiers. It can be seen that the Nazis retreated in great haste, not having time to bury them. There was also a lot of abandoned equipment.
The wounded in the Vednovsky hospital were very worried that such important events were taking place without them. Everyone asked to be discharged as soon as possible in order to take part in the decisive battles. But, of course, it was impossible to do so. Moreover, many of the seriously wounded died. All of them died in the battles for the Motherland ...
In 1956, the remains of the fallen soldiers were reburied in a mass grave. The villagers looked after her, planted flowers. Then the idea was born to erect a monument here. Fundraising has begun. We appealed to the district administration and to the deputy of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Vasilyevich Danilov. Everyone responded - thank you very much. Equipment for construction was allocated in CJSC Tverzhilselstroy"And PDA" Perel ". They didn't charge us a dime for it.
It was decided to place the monument at the mass grave. Since more than 1000 people went to the front from the Vednovsky district, and less than half returned back, it was decided to immortalize the names of the fallen on the plates memorial complex. Now their names are forever inscribed in granite. At least 300 people gathered here on the anniversary of the Victory. And on the day of the liberation of Kalinin, the Vednovites will come here to remember those who died for the liberation of the city, and their countrymen.