1. Full adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -n-, -sk-, -ovsk-, -chat- , usually have the stress on the same syllable as the nouns: kitchen - kitchen (!), waste - waste, transition - transitional, purple - purple and purple, charter - charter (!), facsimile - facsimile (!), expert - expert (!), August - August(form august acceptable, but still undesirable) gospel - gospel, healer - healer, boy - boyish, Ukraine - Ukrainian (!), Sponge - spongy, box - box, staple - bracket.

At the same time, deviations from this model are also possible: trump (trump), card table, tinsel(from tinsel), mosaic(from mosaic), sinusoidal(from sinusoid), scabrous, mural(from murals), scanty(admissible - scanty).

In addition, it should be noted that the suffix -chat- most often unstressed ( ribbed, palmate, lancet, needle, grooved), but in a number of adjectives the stress falls on the suffix ( cobbled, granddaughter, coarse, serrated, but in compound wordsfinely serrated, two-toothed).

2. Adjective with an ending -Ouch always has the stress on the last syllable: onboard, gross (!), priority, knife, bypass, alcohol (!), soup.

3. Adjectives with a suffix -ov- , -ev- , formed from two-syllable nouns, usually keep the stress on the same syllable as the nouns: bomb - bomb, heather - heather (!), pear - pear(admissible - pear), jeans - denim And denim, willow - willow, mango - mango, minus - minus(admissible - negative), modern - modern, peaks - peak, fir - fir, plum - plum.note for different stress in single-root adjectives: cherry, laurel.

But action general trend can lead to a transfer of stress to a suffix or adjective ending. Especially a lot of fluctuations are observed in the formation of adjectives from monosyllabic nouns with the help of suffixes -ov- , -ev- .

Cf .: preservation of stress on the first syllable: armorial, marching; transfer of stress to a suffix or ending: downy, bass, brindle, moss, gross, knife, soup, alcohol.

In some cases, the stress depends on the meaning of the adjective and on compatibility: laurel family - bay leaf; language barrier - language sausage, temporary categories - temporary difficulties, house book - a brownie lives in the house.

4. Adjectives with the suffix -ist- have the following tendency.

If in a noun the stress falls on the first syllable, then in the adjective the suffix -ist- will be stressed: velvet - velvety.

If in a noun the stress falls on the second syllable, then in an adjective the stress remains on the same syllable: swamp - marshy.

However, deviations from this trend are also possible here. So, the variants of the adjective formed from the noun are equal. muscle - muscular And muscular. Among the variants formed from the noun sugar, option sugary is the main one, but the variant is also acceptable sugary.

5. Emphasis in forms comparative degree(with suffix -her ) and superlatives (with the suffix -aysh-/-aysh- ) is determined by the form of a short adjective female.

If the accent falls on the ending -A , then the comparative and superlative suffixes will be stressed ( long - longer, longest).

If the accent is short form adjective falls on the stem, then the stress on the same syllable is preserved in the comparative and superlative forms: hasty - more hasty; sultry - hotter; convenient - more convenient; beautiful - more beautiful, more beautiful.

6. For one-syllable and two-syllable short adjectives, the most typical is the following model: the ending is stressed only in the feminine form, in other forms the stress falls on the stem: brisk - brisk, brisk, brisk, brisk; right - right, right, right, right.

Variants with an emphasis on the ending and on the basis of the plural form are now perceived as equal in rights ( poor And poor) for a number of adjectives.

Finally, some short adjectives in plural a form with a stressed ending can become the main normative variant ( simple), while the accented form is based on ( simple) is fixed as valid and/or deprecated, deprecated, like so: prominent(visible, visible) proud(meaning proud) necessary, simple, strong.

The process of transferring stress from the stem to the ending can extend to forms not only of the plural, but also singular, first of all - the middle kind. In speech, non-normative (!) Forms are quite frequent: pale, important, visible, dirty, long etc. Such pronunciation is unacceptable in literary speech!

At the same time, for some adjectives, the stressed ending in the neuter gender becomes either an equal variant along with the unstressed ending, or the main or only normative variant. As a rule, these adjectives also have a stressed ending in the plural: white - white, white, white And white, white And white; sick - sick, sick, sick, sick; great - great, great, great, great; high - high, high, high(admissible - high), high And high; deep - deep, deep, deep (allowable - deep), deep And deep; hot - hot, hot, hot, hot; distant - far, far, far(admissible - far), far away And far; red - red, red, red and red, red and red; small - small, small, little, small; dead(deprived of vitality, barren) - dead, dead, dead(admissible - dead), dead(admissible - dead); general(not specific, schematic) - common, common, common, common(admissible - general); sharp - sharp acute), sharp, sharp(permissible in the meaning of "not stupid" - spicy), sharp(permissible in the meaning of "not stupid" - sharp); motley - motley, motley, motley And motley, motley And motley; equal - equal, equal, equal, equal; fresh - fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh And fresh; light - light, light, light, light; warm - warm, warm, warm, warm; heavy - heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy; smart - smart, smart, smart, smart; cunning - cunning, cunning, cunning(admissible - slyly), cunning(admissible - cunning); black - black, black, black, black; wide - wide, wide, wide(admissible - wide), wide And wide.

Exercise 4. Check the spelling dictionary (see the list of references) for the stress of adjectives, note the presence of options.

Alto, bass, swampy, bomby, gross product, heather, explosive, cherry, granddaughter, herbal, pear, spongy, two-pronged, denim, treble, house book, smoky, healer, notched, willow, needle, cedar, trump, more beautiful, beautiful, grainy, kitchen, laurel cherry, bay leaf, card table, boyish, mango, marching, finely serrated, scanty, minus, tinsel, modern, mosaic, muscular, knife, detour, adolescent, transitional, peak, purple, downy, ribbed, sugary, laurel family, obscene, plum, alcohol, soup, tiger, Ukrainian, statutory, facsimile, Christian, expert, language sausage, language barrier.

Exercise 5. Read the sentences, paying attention to the pronunciation of adjectives. Check the correctness of the stress in the orthoepic dictionary (see the list of references).

1. We bought a kitchen set. 2. The expert group started to work. 3. The city was bombed. 4. I can't win without the ace of spades. 5. We plan to increase gross product by ten percent. 6. The store received a facsimile edition of Vladimir Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. 7. Cherry, plum, pear, mango juices are very healthy. 8. The patient was not given an alcohol compress. 9. The house book is kept by the responsible tenant. 10. I bought a denim suit. 11. New shoes are much more comfortable than old ones. 12. Your bouquet turned out more beautiful than mine. 13. Your conclusions are correct. 14. She is too greedy. 15. The ceilings are low and the corridors are narrow. 16. You are very pale and sad. 17. New trousers are big and long for you, and old ones are small. 18. She is too bossy. 19. This deal is very important to us, but it is also important that we honor all previous commitments. 20. You are too cheerful and lively today. 21. His arguments are simple and clear because they are true, but yours are too general. 22. Such quiet evenings are rare in our house. 23. Your reproaches are bitter to me. 24. You are deaf to my request. 25. We have been friends since childhood. 26. You are rude and quarrelsome. 27. Your silence during the argument was smart and harmless.

Lesson Objectives: 1) improving the ability to use various linguistic dictionaries when determining orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms;

2) to form the skills of using adjectives in one's own speech, taking into account their exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility.

I. Checking the ability to conduct morphological analysis adjectives(check homework).

II. Repetition of information about the types of norms that exist in the Russian language(Ex. 876).

III. Improving the ability to use pronouncing dictionary to determine the correct pronunciation of adjectives (Ex. 877).

IV. Practicing the ability to form and correctly pronounce forms of degrees of comparison and short forms of qualitative adjectives (Ex. 878, 879).

V. Compilation of phrases with similar-sounding single-root adjectives, taking into account the requirement of lexical compatibility (ex. 880, 882).

In a strong class, we will ask the students to remember the term that refers to words with the same root that are similar in sound, but different in meaning and lexical compatibility (paronyms).

VI. Definition of homework.

D. h.: ex. 881, or 883, or 884 (at the choice of students).

Approximate distribution of lesson time: I stage- 5 minutes., II stage- 3 min., Stage III - 10 min., IV stage- 15 minutes., Stage V– 7-10 min., VI stage- 2 minutes.

Lesson 170

Subject. A culture of speech. Correct use adjectives in speech. Consolidation (§ 67).

Lesson Objectives: 1) improving the ability to use adjectives-paronyms, taking into account the peculiarities of their meaning and use in speech;

2) organize observation of the use of adjectives with a special stylistic function in speech and learn to use adjectives with an expressive function in one's own speech;

3) to summarize what has been studied on the topic "Adjective name" on the basis of morphological analysis different forms this part of speech.

I. Checking homework.

Students speak according to the content homework, write down the most successful phrases or sentences compiled by classmates when performing the exercises they have chosen.

II. Training in the ability to correct speech defects in the use of adjectives(Ex. 885).

In a weak class, you can give words for reference: memorable, viscous, freedom-loving, inactive.

III. Observation of the figurative function of adjectives in speech(Ex. 887), analysis artistic text, ex. 890).

Exercise 1. Read the text expressively. What feelings does the author convey? Decide on a topic and main idea text.

The first snow had recently fallen, and everything in nature was under the control of this new snow. The earth, the roofs, the trees, the benches on the boulevards—everything was soft, white, young. The lanterns burned brighter, the air was more transparent, and along with the fresh, light frosty air, a feeling like white, young, fluffy snow was asked to enter the soul.

(According to A. Chekhov)

Task 2. What kind of description does the author use? What part of speech words play a special role in creating a description? Prove that adjectives can describe not only the state of nature, but also the state of man. Think about what epithet conveys the feeling of freshness, novelty that the author experiences.

Task 3. Underline all adjectives as parts of a sentence. Try to explain why the words first, brighter are not adjectives.

Task 4. Conduct a morphological analysis of one adjective in a short form (optional) and an adjective in the form of a comparative degree.

Analyzing the text, fifth graders will determine the joyful, cheerful mood that the author conveys. The theme of the text is "The First Snow". The author conveys the idea that the first snow greatly decorates nature and enlivens everything around. Nature looks renewed, and this pleases with a feeling of novelty, youth, freshness. Students will note the role in the text of the epithet young, which is used by the author three times. The type of speech is a description of nature and a description of the human condition. In creating a description, a special role is assigned to adjectives in full, short form and in a simple form of comparative degree.

Russian language lesson in grade 6 Culture of speech. Correct use of adjectives. Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature Ilchenko E. M. MOU secondary school No. 3 p. Kitaevsky Novoselitsky district It would seem that there is nothing more natural and easier than talking to someone. However, our everyday life gives many examples of the fact that we sometimes do not know how to communicate or do it not well enough. N. Formanovskaya Twenty fifth of December A culture of speech. Correct use of adjectives Classwork Lesson Objectives:

  • develop the concept of speech culture, the ability to correctly and beautifully build one’s speech;
  • cultivate love for the native language, native word;
  • continue acquaintance with language norms, linguistic dictionaries;
A culture of speech A culture of speech- a branch of the science of language, which deals with the observance of language norms and the appropriateness of use means of expression language in speech, depending on the figurative conditions of communication between people. Correctness of speech Correctness of speech– compliance with the language norms of the modern Russian literary language. Language norm – rules of use speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language. MAIN TYPES OF LANGUAGE REGULATIONS




Spelling and punctuation Orthoepy Orthoepy- a section of the science of language that studies norms literary pronunciation sounds and accents. stress- highlighting a syllable in a word. Pronunciation- reproduction of speech sounds. Exercise No. 319 Exercise No. 319 [shn] [ch'n] Decent [shn] Kopek Boring Hearty (friend) Trifling [ch'n] Milky Mosaic Final Ordinary Buckwheat Full-time Exercise. No. 320 Kitchen Exerc. No. 320 KITCHEN MUSCULAR CIRCULAR CU [p’e] but ku[pe] NEEDED PLUM PEAR COURSE JACKED BEAUTIFUL DOORY [p’e] In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? 1) include 2) quarter 3) donizu 4) sent Grammar norms


(shaping, inflection)


(construction of phrases and sentences)

Difficult cases use of forms of adjectives Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form 1) at their request 2) in two thousand and five 3) beautiful scenery 4) rinse the laundry Lexico-phraseological norms- norms for the use of words and phraseological units in their characteristic lexical meaning and norms for combining words and phraseological units with other words in a sentence. Phraseology - a branch of the science of language that studies stable combinations of words. Phraseologism- a lexically indivisible, stable in its composition and structure, a phrase that is integral in meaning. In which sentence should you use WHOLE instead of the word WHOLE? In which sentence should you use WHOLE instead of the word WHOLE?
  • You need to have a whole view of the world.
  • Entire flocks of birds make an annual migration.
  • He returned from the war safe and sound.
  • I was ready to love the whole world.
In which sentence, instead of the word UNTOLERABLE, should I use UNTOLERABLE? In which sentence, instead of the word UNTOLERABLE, should I use UNTOLERABLE?
  • Several times a day, he polished his boots to an UNBEARABLE shine.
  • INTOLERANT attitude towards others interferes joint work a team.
  • Always irritated, INTOLERANT to the weaknesses of other people, Lyudmila constantly provoked conflicts.
  • INTOLERANT to other people's opinions, Alekseev hardly compromised.
Paronyms- words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning Homework: 1. Textbook material (read, learn definitions). 2. Exerc. No. 326, No. 324. 3. Spelling minimum No. 328. REFLECTION 1. At the lesson I worked actively / passively 2. I am satisfied / not satisfied with my work in the lesson 3. The lesson seemed short / long for me 4. For the lesson I was not tired / tired 5. My mood got better / got worse 6. The material of the lesson was clear to me / not clear useful / useless interesting / boring 7. Homework seems easy / difficult to me interesting / not interesting

The least stable stress is in short forms of adjectives. In short form adjectives with suffixes - iv-, - liv-, - chiv-, - im-, - n-, - aln-, - eln-, - ist- the stress falls on the same syllable as in full form adjectives:

beautiful - beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful;

talkative - talkative, talkative, talkative, talkative;

sustainable - sustainable, sustainable, sustainable, sustainable, etc.

The list of adjectives, which in short form are characterized by the movement of stress, is not very large - as a rule, these are words with a single word. stems without suffixes (or with simple, ancient suffixes - k-, - n-, partially "absorbed" by the base).

There is a certain. regularity movement of stress in these adjectives, which, however, is not always maintained: in the short form of the feminine adjective, the stress falls on the ending, in the rest. short forms - on the basis and usually coincides with the stress in the full form:

fast - fast, fast, fast, fast;

good - good, good, good, good;

thick - thick, thick, thick, thick.

Accent fluctuations are allowed in the following short adjectives, rel. to the middle gender or used. in plural including:

white - white mily - mily


harmful - harmful HIGH - HIGH DEEP - DEEP GOOD - GOOD

need - need full - full old - old

wide - wide

large - large

In Russian literature. language the following applies. rule: if in the short form of the feminine the stress falls on the ending, then in comparative form it appears on the suffix - her: long - longer, visible - more visible, needed - needed, etc. If, in the short form of the feminine, the stress is on the basis, then in the comparison. degree, it remains on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, lazy - lazier, terrible - worse, etc.

52. Stress in verbs. Past tense forms

First of all, it is necessary to say about the stress in frequently used. verbs call, turn on(and derivatives from them), pronunciation norms cat. violated by many people. In these verbs, when conjugated, the stress always falls for personal ending:

call - call, call, call, call them, call, call;

turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on.

Similar scheme stress is used in all derivative verbs with prefixes (call, call, phone, etc.; turn off, turn off, connect, etc.).

Very often, stress fluctuations are also observed in verbs with the suffix - irritate. When conjugating such verbs, the stress remains motionless, that is, it always falls into a vowel and: designing, designing, designing, etc.

In some verbs, vosh. into the Russian language in the 19th century, the emphasis falls on the last. vowel - A(reward, seal, etc.). When conjugating these verbs, the stress is always for personal endings: I reward, you reward, you reward, etc.

The least stable stress norms in past tense verbs suffer. participles and personal forms of verbs present. and bud. time. Stress in past verbs. time usually matches the stress in the infinitive:

speak - spoke, spoke, spoke, spoke;

do - did, did, did, did.

If the infinitive ends in - sti, - whose, then the stress in all forms is past. time is falling at the end(with the exception of the masculine form, which has no ending):

lead - led, led, led, led;

oven - peck, pekla, peklo, pekli.

However, if in such verbs there is a prefix you-, then in the forms of past. time, the accent always moves to it:

Bring out - brought out, brought out, brought out, brought out;

Bake - baked, baked, baked, baked.

There are about 280 verbs in Russian - non-derivative (without prefixes and suffixes), ancient, monosyllabic, ending. on - it or - at, as well as derivatives, image. on the basis of noun. now self. fundamentals - nya- And - cha-, into a cat fluctuations of stress are especially often observed. The stress in these verbs moves according to the following scheme: to be - was, was, was, were.

This group includes the following verbs and their derivatives: to take, to take, to twist, to lie, to drive, to rot, to give, to fight, to wait, to live, to call, to curse, to lie, to pour, to drink, to swim, to spin, to tear, to be known, to weave, to reach, to take in, to borrow, to hire, to start.

In reflexive verbs(with particle - sya) the stress moves to the ending (unlike the corresponding non-reflective verbs):

pour - poured, poured, poured, poured;

pour - poured, poured, poured, poured.

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

Topic: "Pronunciation and use of adjectives in speech"

Goals and objectives:

- deepening the idea of ​​the role of adjectives in speech;

- developing correct spelling skills Not with adjectives, vowels in endings, adjective suffixes; compound adjectives;

-determination of the syntactic function of adjectives of different forms in a sentence and their correct use;

- developing the ability to correctly use adjectives in speech, to be able to find them in the text

- Practicing the pronunciation of adjectives

During the classes:

    Organizational moment. Hello. Sit down. Who is absent today?

    Determining the topic of the lesson.

The date is written on the board. The teacher asks the students to choose the theme of the lesson on their own.

Please open your notebooks. Write down today's date.

The student asks a question:

Svetlana Nikolaevna, what is our topic today?


But today you will determine the topic of the lesson yourself, but only a little later. In the meantime, leave one line and please complete the following task.

On the projector - a small text with missing spellings. Students copy it in a notebook, inserting the missing letters and explaining the spelling rules.Team members answer at number 1 .Find adjectives, underline them. Representatives under number 3 voice the answer.


Now look at the affirmation cards, read them. Take half of the landscape sheet. Draw 2 columns. head right"Before" , left- "After" . In the right, write the numbers of the statements and whether you agree with them or not.(Hey ar guide given 15 sec ) .

Now I invite you to read the text that you wrote down in your notebook again. Try to remove all adjectives from it. What will happen? In the left column, write down whether your opinion has changed after re-reading. Discuss the answer as a team(Singleround robin - one-time discussion in a circle; given 15 sec) Team members answer number 4.

Now try to determine the topic of the lesson (discussion in a circle with the whole teamFink Wright Round Robin given 2 minutes). Discuss the answer as a team.

Children write down their answers, discuss in a team. Answer sheets are posted on the board. The teacher voices the topic.

Well done! We coped with the task. Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Please open your textbooks on page 109, do exercise 242 in writing (completion time 5 minutes). Students answer undernumber 2.

Now let's get down to creative work. Write down the adjectiveFRESH on half of the landscape sheet, make up all possible phrases with it, then draw a line after your last answer. Task execution time15 seconds. Children write.

Take these pieces of paper, pens and start moving in a circle. Your task is to write down as many of your classmates' ideas as possible. given2 minutes (Stose class- adding new ideas to your list) . The teacher asks randomly.

Sit down. Let's check the meaning of this adjective by " explanatory dictionary» S.Ozhegova.

On the projector screen, students read the meaning of the word.

What new things can you add to your list? (children give answers) Now try to write down as many synonyms for these phrases as possible, make 2-3 sentences with them (3 minutes are given).

Students read out their answers.

Well done! Please write down homework exercise 247. Let's summarize what we learned in the lesson:

1) What is the role of adjectives in speech?

2) What allows you to avoid speech errors when using adjectives in the text? (presence of synonyms, antonyms).

Thank you. You can be free.


    Adjectives make speech figurative, colorful

    Adjectives name a sign of an object

    Without the use of adjectives, it is impossible to give an accurate description of the subject.

    Some adjectives (epithets) are used as a means of artistic expression

    Adjectives have a full and short form

    Short form adjectives in a sentence are predicates

    Adjectives in a sentence are always an attribute

    Adjectives are divided into only 2 categories: qualitative and relative


Exercise 1. Insert missing letters, graphically explain the choice of spellings .

Task 2 . Underline all adjectives as part of the sentence. Determine their rank.

Morning. I look out the window and (not) recognize the forest. What splendor and tranquility! Above the deep ... mi, fresh ... mi snow that covered the thicket of fir trees - blue ... e, a huge and surprisingly tender sky. We have such bright, joyful (?) colors only in the mornings in January (?) m ... roses. And especially x ... r ... shi they are today over fresh ... snow and green ... pine forest. So (?) Ntse still beyond the forest, a clearing in deep shade. In the ruts of the toboggan track, the shadow is completely blue. And on the pines in ... the ridges, on their lush green crowns, the golden light of the sun (?) is already playing. And the pines stood still under the deep sky. (I.A. Bunin)