These mushrooms grow large groups, forming rings. The most interesting thing is that in the subfamily there are mushrooms such as, for example, garlic. Like most other mushrooms, edible mushrooms have twins: inedible brick-red and sulfur-yellow false mushrooms, as well as poisonous mushrooms. Most of the twins grow in the same way as real mushrooms, but there is a serious difference between them. It is very useful to know this difference so as not to get poisoned or spoil the whole dish with an inedible bitter mushroom.

Honey mushrooms are false

The edible summer mushroom has several twins, one of them is false honey agaric gray-lamella. In this mushroom, the coloring of the cap is approximately the same as that of the summer honey agaric, but the color of the plates changes and becomes gray. It is from the gray plates that the name of the mushroom came. False honey agaric gray-lamella never grows on deciduous trees. It is worth noting that this mushroom is considered conditionally edible, but before eating it must be boiled.

And here's another doppelgänger false honey agaric sulfur-yellow, not suitable for food. Although this mushroom does not contain poisons, it is inedible. The pulp of the mushroom smells unpleasant, and has a very bitter taste. Because of such a strong bitterness, false honey agaric sulfur-yellow can spoil the whole dish like gall fungus. Main distinctive features sulfur-yellow false honey agaric:

  • No leg ring.
  • The plates are yellow-green, gray, olive-black.
  • The color of the caps is too bright, downright screaming about the inedibility of the mushroom.

In addition to conditionally edible and inedible counterparts, summer honey agaric has a very dangerous counterpart - bordered gallery. similarity of this poisonous mushroom with edible very seriously. If the bordered galerina mistakenly gets into the basket, the price of the mistake will be high: this mushroom contains a very dangerous poison - amatoxin (the same poison is found in pale grebe and spring fly agaric).

To avoid mistakes, you need to remember a few nuances. Below the ring, the leg of the poisonous mushroom is fibrous, in addition, galerina grows exclusively on rotten coniferous trees. Knowing these nuances, the mushroom picker will distinguish the summer mushroom from the gallery.

The autumn, or real honey agaric has conditionally edible counterparts:

Its legs are too fibrous for cooking or pickling, so mushroom caps are eaten.

Marinated after pre-boiling

Also known as yellow-red ryadovka - a mushroom with a bitter aftertaste that is removed only after a good soak and boil

There is also an inedible double, a false honey agaric brick red. This mushroom grows on stumps deciduous trees, sometimes on wood coniferous trees. The hat is brick red, this color literally screams about the inedibility of the mushroom. The flesh of the false brick-red honey agaric has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

Meadow honey agaric, a fungus from the genus Negniyuchnik (these mushrooms never grow on wood), has a very dangerous counterpart. It is very poisonous whitish talker. It contains a lot of muscarine, more than in fly agaric. You can distinguish a whitish talker from a meadow agaric by the color and shape of the hat, as well as by more frequent plates. ,

Honey mushrooms edible

Spring in mixed or deciduous forests(dominant tree species - aspen or oak) mushrooms appear on a thin stem - honey mushrooms spring, from the genus Negniyuchnik. These mushrooms grow on decaying foliage and rotting fallen trees. The leg is thin, elastic, the color of the cap is first brick, then yellow-brown.

Grows on both rotten wood and live deciduous trees. Both types of mushrooms are of little value, they are used as food as a kind of supplement for other mushrooms.

In April, numerous colonies appear on stumps and rotten wood. summer honey agarics. In this mushroom, the cap is first convex, then flat with a bulge in the center. Summer honey agaric has two distinctive features: a ring on the leg, as well as the color of the plates. At first, the mushroom plates are creamy, then they turn brown. The pulp of the mushroom has a pleasant taste and a pleasant smell of a living tree. Summer honey agaric is sometimes valued even higher than its autumn counterpart.

Autumn honey agaric has a number of distinctive features:

  1. Caps of adult mushrooms are very large, their diameter can reach up to 15 cm.
  2. On the leg of the autumn honey agaric, a ring is clearly visible
  3. Hats of old mushrooms seem moldy due to spilling white spores

The color of the autumn cap is dull - gray-yellow or yellow-brown. In young mushrooms, the plates are white-yellow (creamy), in adults, the color of the plates is brown. The pulp of the mushroom has a pleasant taste and smell.

Autumn mushrooms are used for food both fresh and pickled.

Appear late autumn and in winter. Mushrooms grow on stumps or fallen trees. The main difference from autumn mushrooms is the absence of a ring on the leg. Wild mushrooms are boiled and then either fried and boiled or pickled. It is also worth noting that winter mushrooms can be artificially grown, like champignons and oyster mushrooms. domesticated winter honey agaric tastier than the forest counterpart, and besides, it can be used fresh for food.

In addition to typical mushrooms, there are also so-called "atypical" ones that do not grow on wood. The most famous of them are meadow honey agaric and garlic. The last variety of mushrooms got its name because of the characteristic smell.

Meadow mushrooms are used fresh and pickled, and garlic is not only pickled and fried, but also dried.

False mushrooms include several types of mushrooms, very similar to edible mushrooms. In addition, they are easy to confuse, because false mushrooms like to grow in the same places as edible ones - they grow in families on stumps, fallen trees, on trunks and protruding parts of tree roots. Some types of false mushrooms are inedible, others are conditionally edible, and others are poisonous. However, a mushroom picker, especially a beginner, should not experiment and one should never forget the main rule: "If you're not sure - don't take it!" Collect only real mushrooms when you are absolutely sure that they are! At the slightest doubt, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting the mushroom in the basket.

The most important sign by which you can distinguish a real honey agaric from a false one is a membranous ring (skirt) on the leg. This ring is the remnant of the veil that protects fruiting body mushroom in young age. False mushrooms do not have such a ring.

In edible mushrooms (on the left), the ring on the leg is clearly visible.
In false mushrooms (on the right), there are no rings on the legs.

For children, they even came up with a poem in order to better remember this main difference between edible mushrooms:

Edible mushrooms (autumn):
A, B - young, C - old

There are other differences as well.

1. The smell of edible mushrooms is a pleasant mushroom, false mushrooms emit an unpleasant earthy smell.

2. Hats of inedible mushrooms are more brightly, loudly colored than those of edible ones. The tone can vary from sulfur yellow to brick red (depending on the species). Edible mushrooms have a modest soft light brown color.

A - sulfur yellow, B - gray lamellar, C - brick red

3. In edible mushrooms, the hat is covered with small scales; in false mushrooms, there are no scales on the hat - it is usually smooth. But you need to remember that edible mushrooms at the age of flakes on the hat also no longer exist (see photo of old mushrooms above).

4. There are differences in the color of the plates (on reverse side mushroom caps). The plates of false mushrooms are yellow, those of old ones are greenish or olive-black, while those of edible mushrooms are cream or yellowish-white.

Plates again:
A - edible (autumn), B - gray lamellar, C - sulfur yellow

5. They note the bitter taste of false mushrooms, which edible ones do not have, but you should not get to the taste assessment - and without it there are enough signs by which you can distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones.

For an experienced mushroom picker, these signs immediately catch the eye, but beginners need to apply this knowledge with caution, since the signs listed above are largely subjective, that is, each person evaluates characteristics such as smell or color differently. Only experience can fix this. In the meantime, focus on the first, most important, sign - look for a skirt with legs again.

With the advent of autumn, the number of mushroom pickers going to the forest to “hunt” does not decrease, because the long-awaited time has come when you can collect a rich autumn harvest of mushrooms. At the same time, not everyone knows how to accurately distinguish real mushrooms from false ones. In order not to harm their health, mushroom pickers need to remember the signs of poisonous and edible mushrooms.

Edible representatives

Edible mushrooms grow from August until the autumn cooling and the appearance of frost. They can be found in large groups, located on stumps or tree roots. Juveniles have a round cap, usually yellow or brown, covered with small brown (brown) scales. Over time, it becomes more and more prostrate, and the scales partially disappear. The hat reaches 10 cm in diameter, and the plates first look light, slightly whitish, and then turn yellowish or brown. Leg edible honey agaric, in contrast to the legs of the false, thin, rather long and hollow inside. Real autumn honey agaric has important difference- the ring remaining on the leg. The double has only barely visible remnants of it, which look like a ring formed by a blanket protecting young mushrooms.

Having dealt with the signs and places of growth of honey mushrooms, you should understand how dangerous twins of summer or autumn honey agarics look in all their varieties.

Honey agaric false, serolamellar pseudofoam

The gray-lamellar mushroom is an autumn mushroom that occurs from late summer to mid-autumn on rotten coniferous trees, stumps, roots, ground or deadwood. Has a convex hat bottom covered with a veil. Over time, it straightens, growing up to 8 cm. From the pale yellow color inherent in a young mushroom, it changes color to a rusty brown, with a brightening towards the edges. Its surface is smooth and moist, becoming sticky in wet weather. You can distinguish a mushroom by a long (up to 10 cm) and thin (0.5 cm) stem.

This variety grows in large groups, nestling on deadwood or rotten stumps. Mushrooms love deciduous and coniferous forest, come across on the plains and in the mountains. grow up all year round, the only exception is winter cold. It is easy to distinguish them from real ones: a hat young mushroom has the shape of a ball, as it grows up it turns into a hemisphere. It is smooth and dry, brick red in color, with a light tint around the edges. Young false mushrooms are distinguished by a hat covered with inside a cobwebbed cover that disappears over time (although its remains may hang from the edges). At first, its plates are painted in a yellowish tint, gradually changing to olive, and then chocolate. These dangerous doubles of autumn honey agaric have a special difference - their leg is empty inside, red-brick in color, thin and curved. Possessing no smell, mushrooms are distinguished by pulp with a bitter taste.

False sulfur yellow mushrooms

Found from late spring to mid-autumn, the false sulfur-yellow honey agaric grows in groups on rotting trunks or stumps, sometimes next to them. These toxic doppelgangers recognizable by a hat with a curved edge and a lower part covered with a cobweb layer. As the fungus grows, a tubercle appears in the center of its cap, which grows up to 6 cm in diameter. It becomes drier and smoother, and its color changes from the center to the edges, moving from dark orange to yellow-green. On the inside, the hat is a sulfur-yellow color, changing with age to black with a purple tint. Poisonous mushrooms have a cylindrical leg of the same color as the hat, surrounded by a fibrous brown ring. Autumn honey agaric and its twin differ in smell (in the latter it is stable and rather unpleasant), in scales that are absent in false mushrooms, and in plates, which in edible individuals always have a light, cream or light yellow color and never sulfur yellow.

Honey mushrooms are popular with mushroom lovers. They are used for frying, pickling, marinating and freezing for the winter. Honey mushrooms are very easy to collect. They grow big families, closely spaced to each other. Finding such a family in the mushroom season is not difficult. The most important thing is to distinguish the real from the false. How to do it?

Honey mushrooms - autumn mushrooms growing in flocks, families. They can be found on stumps, old fallen trees, where they are located in whole clusters. Small mushrooms are considered the most valuable. They are used for frying, salting and marinating. Adult mushrooms look less attractive, so mushroom caviar is made from them.

How to distinguish mushrooms?

The honey agaric has a thin and flexible leg. It can reach 15 cm in length. The color of the legs can be different - light yellow and dark brown. It all depends on the age of the fungus. On the leg you can see a skirt that rings it. But not all mushrooms have such a sign.

The hat is neat, rounded down. It also differs in its shape, it depends on age. Young mushrooms have a spherical cap with small scales. With age, it becomes like an umbrella and smoothes out. Hats are yellow, cream and even red.

These mushrooms are hard workers, they love to grow on diseased and lifeless wood residues or depleted soil. They are able to process biomass into useful trace elements, restore the balance in the soil and make it fruitful for healthy plant growth.

In ancient times, there was a sign: where the honey agaric family settled, a treasure was buried. In addition, honey agaric was attributed medicinal properties. Its skin was used as a band-aid to heal cuts and burns.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms: types of mushrooms

To know how to distinguish honey mushrooms from false mushrooms, you need to know that there are several types of edible mushrooms.

  1. Summer honey agaric is a mushroom that likes to grow in families on the stumps of deciduous trees. It is small in size, its leg reaches a length of no more than 7 cm. The leg is smooth on top, covered with dark scales below. The skirt is not always present, it may fall off with age. In young mushrooms, the hat is convex, with growth it levels off and a bulge forms in the center. Plates are located under the cap. This species appears from April and continues until November. The pulp of the mushroom is very tender with a pleasant smell of natural forest.
  2. Autumn mushrooms: how to distinguish summer mushrooms from autumn ones? Autumn has a longer leg up to 10 cm. At the bottom, the leg expands slightly. From above it is yellow-brown, from top to bottom it becomes dark brown. At autumn mushrooms a white skirt with a yellow edging is expressed. The first mushrooms appear at the end of August.
  3. Winter mushroom - grows on dead deciduous trees. The leg is 2 to 7 cm long. The hat has a brown or red-brown tint. Unlike other species, winter honey agaric does not have a skirt under the hat. Grows from autumn to spring.

Forest mushrooms everywhere attract special attention of fans of original food, because they can be boiled, fried, pickled, salted and dried. Unfortunately, in nature there are edible and false mushrooms, which often fall into the basket of inexperienced mushroom pickers. Before going out into the forest, it would be wise to get to know the mushrooms that grow in the area where we live.

The main symptoms of poisoning with inedible mushrooms occur a few hours after eating them. sharp headache, nausea, dizziness, intestinal cramps signal a problem.

Edible and false mushrooms: criteria for difference

Who doesn't like to go to the forest for mushrooms and in a few hours to pick up a full basket or bucket? This is exactly the case with mushrooms. After all, they grow in huge families of several dozen pieces, located in a small area. For the campaign to end successfully, it is important for everyone to know how to distinguish honey mushrooms from false mushrooms. Otherwise, joy can be replaced by bitterness. food poisoning. First, consider edible and safe specimens. And then, we will remove the “mask” from false mushrooms, which strive to get into the basket of inexperienced mushroom pickers.

Experts advise paying attention to several criteria that help to notice the dangerous difference between edible and false mushrooms:

  1. Aroma. If when collecting forest gifts, there are doubts, you can smell the hat of the fruit to inhale its smell. The edible mushroom has a pleasant aroma, while the “imitator” has notes of rotten soil.
  2. Leg. Young mushrooms have a leg, which is decorated with a film "skirt". It is next to the hat. Mushrooms similar to honey mushrooms do not have such a “decoration”.
  3. Plate color. At edible mushrooms they are yellowish or cream colored. False mushrooms boast a bright yellow, olive or earthy hue.
  4. The outer texture of the hat. In young edible mushrooms, the surface of the cap is often scaly. false mushrooms have a smooth surface.
  5. The color of the surface of the fungus. Edible mushrooms have a light brown cap color. Mushrooms "imitators" are distinguished by more elegant shades: the bright color of sulfur or red brick.

Of course, all these criteria are very important, but if doubts remain after the study, we apply the main principle: "Not sure - don't take it!".

Inexperienced mushroom pickers should not go for mushrooms alone. Useful advice a specialist will help not to fall into the trap of greed, but to take only.

Features of your favorite autumn mushrooms

To learn how to distinguish between edible and false mushrooms from each other, it is important to have a good understanding of the characteristics of the growth of these plants. As you know, in nature there are many various kinds again. But all of them are united by the general indicators of these cute mushrooms. It turns out that it is not enough to know how mushrooms look from the outside. It is important to get to know them better.

Edible mushrooms most often grow in large groups next to stumps or with tree roots protruding from the soil. When they are just poking out of the soft forest soil, they are decorated with a semicircular cap. In older specimens, it completely changes shape. Now it looks more like a wide plate turned upside down.

Looking at the photo of false and edible mushrooms, you can notice differences in the coloring and size of the hats. These can be such shades:

  • orange;
  • rusty yellow;
  • brownish;
  • honey yellow.

The diameter of the cap reaches up to 10 cm. Its outer part is covered with scales, which partially disappear with time. The back plates of the cap in young mushrooms are usually light. In mature specimens, they are colored brown or yellowish.

If you carefully examine the legs of edible specimens, you will notice that they are hollow inside. In addition, they are decorated with a leathery ring, which was formed from the protective cover of a young mushroom.

The pulp has a light brown color, which does not change even when water gets on it.

The enemy is better known by sight

With the onset of autumn, when the sun is still pampering people with its warm rays, many go to the forest for mushrooms. Particularly attractive are places with fallen trees or low stumps, covered with many pretty mushrooms. But in order not to run into disguised "enemies", it is worth getting to know the false mushrooms better. How to distinguish them from edible relatives and not accidentally put them in the basket and then on the table? Consider some types of such inedible options.

Inexperienced fans of forest gifts should take into account that false mushrooms can grow next to edible specimens of the same friendly families.

At the end of August, on the forest edges among old stumps and fallen trees, autumn grows in large groups. The photo helps to see this disguised "enemy" in all its glory. Most often, its convex hat is from 4 to 8 cm. In its mature form, it opens a little, thereby becoming similar to its relatives. The cardinal difference is the brick-red color of the outer covering of the cap. The flesh of the mushroom has a bitter taste and a pale yellow color.


These false mushrooms "settle" in large families near the stumps and roots of centuries-old deciduous trees. They appear in late spring and bear fruit until early September. Distinctive feature young mushrooms of this species - a hat in the form of a bell. Over time, it opens like an umbrella, on top of which a convex tubercle flaunts. The edges of the cap of this camouflaged mushroom are framed by a light fringe that remains from the protective coverlet. Its diameter is from 3 to 7 cm. The color is most often yellow-brown, although it can be whitish.

This autumn honey agaric is truly dangerous double. The name and photo of the mushroom tell a lot about it. As a rule, sulfur-yellow honey agaric grows on trunks, branches, stumps and around deciduous and coniferous trees. Depending on the climatic conditions it actively fructifies up to the first October frosts. At the same time, it grows in numerous groups.

His hat, resembling a bell, eventually transforms into an “open umbrella” and is distinguished by the following coloring:

  • yellow;
  • greyish yellow;
  • yellow-brown.

There is a contrasting darkening in the center of the cap. If such mushrooms end up on the dining table of fans of forest gifts, the outcome may be irreparable. Therefore, knowing what false mushrooms are dangerous for helps to stay away from them.

Royal mushrooms

This type of mushroom rightfully deserves special attention, because it is an exquisite delicacy for lovers of forest gifts. Edible specimens have a broad, bell-shaped hat that is rusty yellow or olive in color. The whole fruit is abundantly covered with brown scales, resembling flakes or graceful tubercles. And the pulp of royal mushrooms is colored yellow.

It is best to pick mushrooms that have slimy caps that are smooth to the touch. If the fetus has dark shade It means he is no longer young.

Despite such popularity, disguised false royal mushrooms are also found in nature. Often they grow on the sites of old ashes or fires, which are already overgrown with grass. And the pulp of such mushrooms smells unpleasant, which is one of the hallmarks of these poisonous mushrooms. Some of them acquire a slimy character during the rainy season, and also have a small number of scales. With age, the graceful hats of false mushrooms change, which indicates their unsuitability for food.

Learning to distinguish between edible and false mushrooms - video