Meteorology as a science arose after the invention of the thermometer by Galileo Galilei and the mercury barometer by E. Torricelli in the 17th century. Later in the 17th century, the hygrometer, rain gauge, weather vane and anemometer were invented.

The first similarity of a network of meteorological observations arose in Europe in 1654. The collection of information was carried out until 1667 by the Accademia del Cimento in Florence.

IN Russian Empire, unlike Europe, only at the end of the 17th century began to think about any regular observations of the weather.

R Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was the first to try to establish regular observations of the weather. At his command, astronomical instruments and meteorological instruments were brought from Europe, including the invention of Evangelista Torricelli, a student of Galileo, the barometer. However, Afanasy Matyushkin, the son of a deacon, appointed by the tsar to keep records of the weather, did not use tools and recorded in his Daily Notes mainly his own observations: when it started to rain, when it ended, when the Moskva River froze, when the ice opened.

A significant contribution to the origin and further development of meteorological observations was made by Peter I. By his order, at the end of the 17th century, constant observations of the state of the weather began. In 1715 on his instructions, the first water-measuring post in Russia was formed on the Neva near the Peter and Paul Fortress. On April 10, 1722, systematic observations of the weather began in St. Petersburg. The records were kept by Vice Admiral Cornelius Kruys. At first, the entries were rather stingy with interesting information and looked something like this: April 22, Sunday. In the morning the wind is northwest; water is the same as mentioned above. Overcast and cold ... at noon the wind is a small north - west and rain in the afternoon. Quiet and red day until evening". Later observations took on a more scientific character.

The first information about meteorological observations on the Vyatka land dates back to 1456 “when, ... in the spring, the Grand Duke of Moscow sent an army to Vyatka with Prince Semyon Ryapolovsky and returned in no time” ... “... then there was a great storm, a thunderous thunderstorm, and the sun died ...”. The Vyatka Vremennik (1905) contains similar information for 1471, 1667, 1698 and other years. Real meteorological observations were started in 1786 by the director of the Vyatka main public school, Iv. Stefanovich and were held until 1795. At first, he made visual observations (the timing of the first snowfall, frosts, etc.) was noted. In 1791 he acquired thermometers and made the first instrumental observations of air temperature. Unfortunately these observations were irregular.

After a rather long break in Europe in 1723, the secretary of the Royal Society of London, James Jurin, developed an instruction for observing the weather, which provided a form of standard measurements, a list of necessary instruments and a description of methods for measuring temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. With his participation, the second network of weather stations in Europe was organized, which existed until 1735.

Around the same time, the first semblance of a network of meteorological stations for observing the weather appeared in Russia. This was due to the Great Northern Expedition unfolding at that time. The instruction for observers was written by Daniel Bernoulli. During the period from 1733 to 1744, 24 weather stations were created throughout Siberia.

In 1724, the first meteorological station in Russia was formed, and from December 1725, observations were made at the Academy of Sciences using a barometer and a thermometer.

In 1781, the world's first meteorological society was founded in Mannheim. It supplied observers in different countries of the world with the same instruments. According to his program, there were 39 weather stations located from Cambridge to the Urals. They were asked to set four measurements per day: at 7, 11, 14 and 21 hours.

In 1802, independently, Jean - Baptiste Lamarck and Luke Howard proposed their cloud classification systems. However, Lamarck's terminology did not enter into scientific use, since he used French to write it. Howard used Latin in his classification. Exactly Howard gave the clouds their common names, which are still in use today.

Regular meteorological observations on Vyatka began in 1830(in the city of Slobodskaya (Nikanor Kulev, full-time superintendent of the county school), in the city of Kotelnich (teacher of the county school Afanasy Suvorov), the city of Vyatka (senior teacher of physics and mathematics of the Vyatka gymnasium I. Naumov).

In 1835, in the east of the European territory of Russia, on the initiative of E. A. Knorr, professor of Kazan University, with the permission of the Academy of Sciences and with the support of A. Ya. Kupfer, the first meteorological stations began to open. As a result, in 1835. in Vyatka, a weather station was opened, the first observer of which was a mathematics teacher A.P. Gabov. Observations were carried out at 9, 12, 15 and 21 hours for air pressure, Réaumur temperature, sky condition, precipitation, wind was determined by the weather vane.

Thus, the year 1835 is inscribed in golden letters in the meteorological history of Vyatka, since observations at the Vyatka meteorological station were already carried out according to the Instructions of the Academy of Sciences systematically, at the same time and using the same instruments. Observational materials were regularly sent to Kazan University and the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg, where, since 1860, they began to be regularly published in her Zapiski.

In 1877, the first water-measuring post on the Vyatka River was opened.(Vyatka), instrumental hydrological observations were organized. By 1900 on the river. Vyatka, two more posts were organized (Slobodskoy and Kotelnich) and two on the river. Kama (Sarapul and Karakulino). The first water-measuring posts on large rivers were opened for the needs of navigation and belonged in those years to the Ministry of Railways.

IN 1853 a start was made the first ever national meteorological agency, the UK Met Office. From now on, all the captains of English ships had to keep observations of the weather with the entry of data into specially designed tables. On the coast of Great Britain, as well as in some European countries, 24 meteorological stations were established. The stations were connected to the weather service center by the newly invented Morse telegraph.

The gradual accumulation of information about the weather and climate of different latitudes led to the need for further processing of meteorological data.


The first synoptic maps were published in Germany by Brandeis as early as 1826. On these very imperfect maps, there were still neither the contours of the continents, nor any isolines. Subsequently, weather maps were occasionally compiled in many countries and gradually improved.

Synoptic map of Europe 1887

After the famous Balaklava storm that broke out on the Black Sea on November 14, 1854, and sank 60 ships of the Anglo-French fleet, which acted against Russia during the Crimean War, the director of the Paris Observatory, Urbain Le Verrier, asked his European scientists to send him reports on the state of the weather. during the period from 12 to 16 November. When the reports were received and the data was mapped, it became clear that the hurricane that sank ships in the Black Sea could have been foreseen in advance. In February 1855, Le Verrier prepared a report to Napoleon III on the prospects for creating a centralized meteorological observation network. This conclusion served as an impetus for organizing the collection of meteorological data and the creation of a weather service in a number of countries.

First of all, the navy was interested in organizing the weather service. Therefore, at first, the weather service was created in coastal countries and the first weather forecasters were sailors.

The official start date of the weather service in Russia is January 1, 1872, when the Main Physical Observatory, founded on April 1, 1849 in St. Petersburg (now the "Main Geophysical Observatory" named after A. I. Voeikov (GGO), began regular publication of a daily weather bulletin. However, in the GFO, reception was started back in 1856 meteorological telegrams from 13 Russian and 5 foreign stations.In 1864, F. Miller's study "On the warning of storms, especially about the storms that raged from December 1 to 4, 1863" was published, and in 1867 the first storm warning was sent. The first storm warning was issued in 1874. In 1889, the first manual on synoptic meteorology by M. M. Pomortsev (1851-1916) was published. Beginning in 1890, regular warnings were established to the railway departments about snowstorms and snow drifts, which was of particular importance in the climatic conditions of Russia.

In 1873, the first international meteorological congress was held in Vienna, on which they were developed unified timing of measurements, a unified telegraph code for the transmission of meteorological information.

According to archival materials, as of April 1, 1898, 33 weather stations were operating in the Vyatka province. By the end of 1903 - 40. Observers were paid 2-3 rubles a month, then they were deprived of material support, and the stations began to close. In 1913, there were 19 of them, and after 5-6 years, due to revolutionary events, there was only one (Vyatka). During this period, an interesting fact is the founding of the Malkovskaya weather station in the Kotelnich district in 1913 at the expense of the poor peasant V. Kraev, "who gave everything for this." The observations were made by him. In 1919, Kraev was called to serve in the Red Army, but after 5 months he was released from service as an indispensable meteorologist.

During the First World War 1914-1918. the exchange of meteorological information between countries was disrupted. However, in the non-belligerent Scandinavian countries during this period, a fairly dense network of meteorological stations was created, which made it possible to draw up more than detailed maps weather. Using these maps, scientists were able to detect frontal sections between air masses, as well as link the occurrence and development of cyclones with fronts.

In Russia, the most outstanding studies of cyclones, anticyclones, synoptic conditions of hazardous phenomena and the development of weather forecasting techniques were carried out by P. I. Brounov, B. I. Sreznevsky and M. A. Rykachev. Many of these researchers have retained their importance to the present day.

The tasks set by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the meteorological service, signed by V. I. Lenin in 1921, were significantly expanded during this period. In 1929, a unified hydrometeorological service of the country was organized, new meteorological stations and divisions of the weather service were organized.

The beginning and development of aerological observations in Vyatka is closely connected with the activities of the Vyatka reference meteorological station, opened on October 1, 1921. Since September 1, 1923, regular aerological observations began to be conducted on Vyatka.

The invention of the radiosonde by P. A. Molchanov in 1930 opened a new era in the development of synoptic meteorology. Studying vertical structure of the atmosphere became possible not by indirect methods (according to ground-based observations), but by the results of radio sounding of the atmosphere. A network of aerological stations was established and the first maps of baric topography for scientific purposes began. For operational purposes, in the USSR and a number of other countries, maps of baric topography have been used since 1937. However, quite often global network The aerological stations from which they were launched were created only after the Second World War.

On January 1, 1930, the Central Weather Bureau of the USSR was opened in Moscow.(TsBP), later transformed into the Central Institute of Weather ( now Hydrometeorological Center of Russia). Weather forecasts have become more specific and detailed. The meteorological support of aviation was widely deployed. During this period, the systematic study of the Arctic began. In 1937, the first drifting station "North Pole" was created.

In 1933, a hydrological station was organized at the Vyatka meteorological station, began an intensive study of the regime of small rivers, mainly for the construction of hydroelectric power plants in countryside. Until 1941, 32 water-measuring posts were opened. Since 1935, snow surveys have been introduced at all weather stations. As of November 19, 1939, the network of meteorological stations in the Kirov region consisted of 68 units.

In 1939, a meteorological station was created in Kirov for the needs of aviation, converted in 1941 into an airborne weather station. A.S. Flegontov and Ananyin were the first chiefs of the aviation meteorological station.

During the Great Patriotic War, the weather service was militarized. In 1943, a point for vertical radio sounding of the atmosphere was organized in Kirov. Releases of radiosondes began on July 13, 1943.

Despite the grave consequences of the war in the USSR, synoptic studies of atmospheric processes, successfully begun in the 1930s, were actively continued. Regional weather forecasting and aeronautical meteorology have been greatly developed.

Launch in the Soviet Union of the first artificial satellite Earth on October 4, 1957, opened up exceptional fundamental opportunities for obtaining various kinds of new information, including meteorological.

In the 1950s and 1960s, a network of meteorological observation points was actively developed not only in European countries, but also in Russia. In 1966, unified eight-term weather observations were introduced (00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 hours). In the 1970s, a massive development of a network of hydrological observation points on large rivers and lakes began.

In the late 1960s, meteorological space systems were created in the Soviet Union and the United States. This made it possible to carry out synoptic analysis more objectively, especially in the territory poorly illuminated by meteorological data, to identify especially dangerous tropical cyclones in a timely manner, etc. Meteorological radars have been widely used. With the beginning of their application, researchers were able to study in more detail the physical processes occurring in the atmosphere. All these advances have made it possible to improve the quality of short-term weather forecasts and improve their skill.

IN last years the study of the general circulation of the atmosphere, including the problem of the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere, has intensified. It has special meaning for long-range weather forecasts. Unfortunately, the success of long-term weather forecasts is still significantly lower than the success of short-term forecasts, which is understandable in view of the great complexity of the problem.

The ground-based meteorological network in Russia reached its maximum development by the beginning of the 80s of the last century. The crisis processes that began in the late 1980s caused its tangible reduction. So, from 1987 to 1989. the number of weather stations decreased by 15%, and posts by 20%.

On the territory of the Kirov region, as part of the Kirov TsGMS - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Verkhne-Volzhskoye UGMS", in 2015 there were 61 observation units, of which: 20 meteorological stations (MS), 32 hydrological posts (GP), 6 observation points for atmospheric pollution air (PNZ), 1 meteorological post (MP) and 2 agrometeorological posts (AMP). In 2012 there were 68 of them, and in 2009 - 84.

At the same time, within the framework of the "Modernization and technical re-equipment of the observation network of Roshydromet" in the Kirov region in 2011-2012. 20 AMS (automated meteorological complex) and 7 AMS (automated meteorological station) were installed and are operating, of which 5 AMS were put into operation for the newly open points observations.

AMK installed at weather stations made it possible to bring the accuracy of observations up to world standards, prevent the possibility of missing meteorological observations, increase the discreteness of observations (not after 3 hours, but every 10 minutes), which is extremely important in the event of hazardous natural phenomena (HP).

According to the Federal Target Program "Creation and development of a monitoring system for the geophysical situation on the territory of the Russian Federation 2010-2015" 04/01/2016. DMRL-S (Doppler meteorological radar) was put into operation in the Kirov Center.

The value of using the DMRL-S radar in the criteria for recognizing HH with the ability to access the received meteorological information for a wide range of consumers, primarily aviation services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, security services for land and sea transport, housing and communal services and many others is obvious and indisputable. With a high degree of probability, it makes it possible to detect, within a radius of 200 km, such dangerous phenomena such as hail, thunderstorm, tornado, squally wind amplification, heavy precipitation, etc., to evaluate both the dynamic properties of the meteorological object and the features of its microphysical structure, which in turn increases the reliability of weather forecasts and the timeliness of warnings about emergency situations in order to reduce damage from adverse and dangerous weather events.

The accuracy of short-term (1-3 days) meteorological forecasts issued by the Kirov TsGMS for the territory of the Kirov region is 96-98%, the accuracy of storm warnings is 99-100%.

There are still many unsolved problems in synoptic meteorology, which have not only prognostic but also general scientific significance. Many scientists are working on the solution of these problems and the further development of synoptic meteorology.

I Introduction

Throughout the history of mankind, the development of science has been one of the elements of this history. Already from that distant and dark era for us, when the first rudiments of human knowledge were embodied in ancient myths and in the rites of primitive religions, we can trace how, together with social formations, in close connection with them. The natural sciences also developed. They originated from the daily practice of farmers and shepherds, from the experience of artisans and sailors. The first carriers of science were priests, tribal leaders and healers. Only the ancient era saw people whose names glorified precisely the occupation of science and the vastness of their knowledge - the names of great scientists.

The history of the development of meteorology as a science.

II.I. The origins of science.

Scientists of the ancient world created the first scientific treatises that have come down to us, summing up the knowledge accumulated by previous centuries. Aristotle, Euclid, Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy left us such important and profound studies that the subsequent era could add quite a bit to them, right up to the Renaissance, during which the rapid rise of science began again. This stepwise ascent, now slowing down, now accelerating, has brought the natural sciences gradually to their modern development, to their present position in society.

Even at the dawn of its existence, man tried to understand the surrounding natural phenomena, which were often incomprehensible and hostile to him. Its miserable huts did not protect it well from the weather, its crops suffered from drought or from too heavy rains. The priests of primitive religions taught him to deify the elements, with the onslaught of which a person was powerless to fight. The first gods of all peoples were the gods of the sun and moon, thunder and lightning, winds and seas.

Osiris among the Egyptians, the sun god Oitosur among the Scythians, Poseidon among the Greeks, the Thunderer Indra in India, the underground blacksmith Vulcan among the ancient Romans were the personification of the forces of nature, barely known by man. The ancient Slavs honored Perun, the creator of lightning. The actions and deeds of these gods, as the priests inspired the man, depended only on their capricious will, and it was very difficult for him to defend himself from the wrath of unfavorable deities.

In the epic and philosophical literature of antiquity, which has brought to our time some ideas and concepts of bygone centuries, information about the weather, various atmospheric phenomena, etc., is often found, characterizing their authors as attentive observers. Here are some examples related to different countries and cultures.

About the cycle of winds that overtook Odysseus near the land of the Phaeacians, Homer narrates in the Odyssey:

“Across the sea, so defenseless a ship was carried everywhere

winds, then quickly to Boreas Notus threw him, then noisy

Eurus, playing with him, betrayed him to the arbitrariness of Zephyr ... "

those. the north and west winds followed the east and south.

About the rainbow Bottom part which seems to be immersed in the sea, the Iliad narrates:

“... the wind-footed Irida rushed with the news

at a distance equal between Imbro steep and Samos,

jumped into the dark sea ... ".

In The Book of Way and Virtue (circa 6th century BC), which was previously attributed to the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, we read: "A strong wind lasts all morning, heavy rain doesn't last all day.

The Indian heroic poem “Mahabharata” describes in vivid colors the invasion of the summer monsoon into India: “... and when Kadru so glorified the great lord, who rode on light yellow horses (Indra, the god of thunder and thunder), then he covered the whole sky with huge blue clouds. And those clouds, sparkling with lightning, roaring continuously and strongly, as if scolding each other, began to pour water in great abundance. And as a result of the fact that wonderful clouds constantly poured out immeasurable masses of water and terribly rumbled, the sky seemed to open. From the many waves, from the streams of water, the heavenly vault, resounding with peals of thunder, turned into exactly a dancing ether ... And the earth was filled with water all around.

A little further on there is a story about the dust storms of India: “Garuda (the legendary king of birds) ... spread his wings and flew up to heaven. Mighty, he flew to the nishads ... Intending to destroy those nishads, he then raised a huge cloud of dust that reached the heavens.

The Qur'an in Sura XXX states: "... God sends the winds, and they drive the cloud: he expands it across the sky as much as he wants, weaves it into clubs, and you see how it rains from her bosom ...".

First written monuments, which have come down to us, belonged to the times when natural phenomena were interpreted as signs of divine will. Priests of ancient religions were sometimes the first scientists of distant antiquity. Thanks to them, religion firmly held the first glimpses of scientific thought under its control. She forced to believe that the deity is an unlimited ruler not only over man, but also over his surrounding nature.

The idea that the world was governed by divine arbitrariness, excluding science in the true sense of the word, as well as any attempt to find and formulate any laws of nature. When ancient Greek science was still in its infancy, Pythagoras (born 570 BC) already had to limit the power of the deity, saying that "God always acts according to the rules of geometry."

In the field of meteorology, the first regularity, which was known, of course, from time immemorial, was the annual cycle of the weather. The legends of the ancient Slavs more than once mentioned the constant struggle between good and evil, summer and winter, light and darkness, Belobog and Chernobog. This motif is often found in the legends of other peoples. The “Works and Days” of Hesiod (VIII century BC) tells how the whole life of a Greek landowner is connected with the movement of the sun and luminaries:

“Only in the east will the Atlantis-Pleiades begin to rise,

Hurry up to reap, and they will start to come in - take on the sowing.

“The month is very bad Leneon, hard for cattle.

Fear him and the cruel frosts that

Boreas is covered with a hard bark under the breath of the wind ... "

“For fifty days already comes after the solstice (summer),

And the end comes to a difficult, sultry summer,

This is the very time for sailing: you are not a ship

You will not break, nor will the abyss of the sea swallow people ...

The sea is then safe, and the air is transparent and clear ...

But try to get back as soon as possible,

Do not wait for young wine and autumn winds

And the onset of winter and the breath of the terrible Not.

Violently he raises the waves ... ".

The mention of the annual weather cycle played a special role in the creation of the first meteorological records of antiquity.

Already since the time of the astronomer Meton (about 433 BC), calendars with records of weather phenomena made in previous years were exhibited in Greek cities in public places. These calendars were called parapegmas. Some of these parapegmas have come down to us, for example in the writings of the famous Alexandrian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy (born about 150 BC), the Roman landowner of Columella, and other writers of antiquity. In them we find mostly data on winds, precipitation, cold weather, and some phenological phenomena. So, for example, in the Alexandrian parapegma, the appearance of southern and western winds is noted many times (which is not consistent with the fact that north winds predominate there in our time). Strong winds (storms) were observed in Alexandria mainly in winter time like now. Records of rain (about 30 cases per year) and thunderstorms occur in all months, which is obviously not typical for Alexandria with its cloudless, dry summers. The relatively frequent indications of fog in the summer confirm once again that the parapegmas were marked mainly by outstanding, exceptional events. One cannot see in them either a systematic weather diary or a climatological summary in the modern sense.

Chinese classical literature contains some phonological information that gives an idea of ​​the weather of past centuries. Thus, Li Ki's Book of Customs contains a whole chapter on the agricultural calendar dating back to about the 3rd century BC. In the book of Chow Kung, apparently written shortly before our era, it is indicated that the peach blossom then took place on 5/III according to our calendar (now, for example, in Shanghai, on average 25/III), the arrival of the domestic swallow was observed on 21/III ( now in Ning Po in the middle of March), and her departure is 21/IX. Keeping in mind that in our time the swallow in Shanghai only remains until August, we see that these records indicate a warmer climatic period. In the Chinese chronicles we also find quite a lot of information about frosts, snowfalls, floods and droughts. The latter were especially frequent in the 4th and 6th-7th centuries. AD The average date of the latest snowfall for every 10 years during the Southern Sun Dynasty (1131 - 1260) was 1/IV - about 16 days later than, for example, in the decade 1905 - 1914. The first experiments of weather forecasting on local grounds were started quite a long time ago. In the Chinese "Book of Songs" (Shijing), relating to the Zhou period (1122 - 247 BC), there is a sign: "if a rainbow is visible in the west during sunrise, it means that soon it will rain" . Quite a bit of similar signs we find in the Greek naturalist Theophrastus of Erez (380 - 287 BC), a student of Aristotle. Theophrastus wrote that “... the signs of rain, wind, stormy and clear weather we described as we managed to comprehend them. We observed some of them ourselves, some we learned from other trustworthy people.” So, for example, according to Theophrastus, a reliable sign of rain is the purple-golden color of the clouds before sunrise. The dark red color of the sky at the setting sun, the appearance of fog stripes on the mountains, etc. have the same meaning. Many of the signs he cites are based on the behavior of birds, animals, etc.

IN classical country regular change of seasons - India - observation of large and prolonged weather anomalies has long been used to predict it. We do not know exactly what centuries the first attempts to predict good or bad summer monsoon - the basis of prosperity or crop failure in India - go back, but they obviously were made a very long time ago.

We find numerous records about weather and climate in the book “History of Armenia” by Movses Khorenatsi (5th century AD). This historian tells about the legendary hero Gayk (obviously personifying Armenia), who "settled in the midst of frost." He "did not want to soften the cold of his numb proud disposition" and, having obeyed the Babylonian kings, live in their warm country. The legend about Semiramis, who conquered Armenia, says that she decided to build on the shores of the lake. Van "... a city and a palace in this country, where such a temperate climate ... and spend the fourth part of the year - summer time- in Armenia".

In the historical episodes described by Khorenatsi, the air humidity and frequent fogs of Adjara, snowfalls, strong winds and blizzards of the Armenian Highlands, etc. are mentioned. , clouds throwing lightning and hail, rains, untimely and merciless, severe weather, generating frost ... ".

The Indian astronomer Varaha-Mihira (5th century AD) in his book "The Great Assembly" systematized the signs by which it was possible to predict the abundance of the expected monsoon rains for a long time, grouping these signs according to the Hindu lunar months. Harbingers good season rains, according to Varaha-Mihira, were: in October - November (its division of the year into months did not coincide with ours) red dawn in the morning and evening, halo, not very a large number of snow; in December - January strong wind, great cold, dim sun and moon, dense clouds at sunrise and sunset; in January - February, strong dry squalls, dense clouds with smooth bases, broken halo, copper-red sun; in February - March, clouds accompanied by wind and snow; in March-April lightning, thunder, wind and rain.

Unfortunately, verification of these signs, which have such a respectable prescription, has not yet been done. Varaha-Mihira pointed out that if all the favorable signs indicated above are observed, then the number of days with rain (in terms of our calendar) in May will be 8, in June 6, in July 16, in August 24, in September 20, in October 3. Indian meteorologist Sen reports that the intense monsoon of 1917 gave, for example, a much smaller number of days with rain - respectively 5, 6, 12, 13 and 5 days.

The science of antiquity achieved the greatest success, systematicity and clarity in ancient Greece especially in Athens. Thanks to its colonies, which spread from the 6th century. BC, along the Mediterranean and Black Seas, from Marseille to modern Feodosia and Sukhumi, the Greeks were able to get acquainted with the culture of the Western world of that time. They adopted a lot from their predecessors - the Egyptians and Phoenicians, but managed to create a science in the modern sense of the word from relatively fragmentary elements. The Greeks paid great attention to the previously collected material, showed the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of things and find in them the most important and simple and the ability to abstract. Their natural sciences were closely connected with philosophy. At the same time, great philosophers such as Pythagoras and Plato saw mathematics (and especially geometry) as the key to true general knowledge.

Meteorological observations of the ancient peoples and their heirs, the Greeks, led them to the study of the physical laws of nature. Heat and cold, light and darkness, their regular change and mutual dependence were the first physical concepts of antiquity. For centuries, physics was not separated from meteorology.

The first book on atmospheric phenomena was written by one of the greatest scientists of ancient Greece, Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), called "Meteorology". It constituted, as Aristotle believed, an essential part of the general doctrine of nature. He wrote at the beginning of the book that "... it remains to consider that part which previous authors called meteorology." This shows that this science got its name long before Aristotle, and that he probably used many previous observations, bringing them into a system.

The first book, Meteorology, dealt with phenomena occurring, according to the author, in the upper layers of the atmosphere (comets, shooting stars, etc.), as well as hydrometeors. The upper layers, according to Aristotle, were dry and hot, in contrast to the moist lower layers.

The second book was devoted to the sea, again to winds, earthquakes, lightning and thunder. The third - described storms and whirlwinds, as well as light phenomena in the atmosphere. The fourth book was devoted to the Theory of the Four Elements. The content of Meteorology shows that the Greeks of the time of Aristotle were very familiar with many of the most important meteorological phenomena. They were so observant that they even had a clear idea of ​​the northern lights. Aristotle knew that hail is formed more often in spring than in summer, and more often in autumn than in winter, that, for example, in Arabia and Ethiopia, rains fall in summer, and not in winter (as in Greece), that “lightning seems to outstrip thunder, because vision ahead of hearing”, that the colors of the rainbow are always the same as in the outer, weaker rainbow, they are in reverse order, that dew forms with a slight wind, etc.

The great scientist did not shy away from the experimental method. So, he made an attempt to prove that air has weight. He found that an inflated bladder is heavier than an empty one; this seemed to give him the required proof (the principle of Archimedes was unknown to him), but the fact that not an inflated bubble sinks in water, but an inflated one floats, again led Aristotle away from the truth and led him to a strange, from a modern point of view, concept of absolute lightness air.




Rice. 1. Greek wind rose.

Aristotle tried to understand the processes taking place in the atmosphere. So, for example, he wrote that "... the liquid surrounding the earth evaporates by the rays of the sun and the heat that comes from above, and rises up ... When the heat that raised it weakens, ... the cooling vapor thickens and becomes water again."

He believed that water freezes in the clouds "...because three types of bodies formed by cooling fall out of this area - rain, snow and hail." Similarly, he noted that hail is more frequent in summer in hot areas because "the heat there pushes the clouds away from the ground."

It can be said without hesitation that the first foundation stone of the science of weather was the old idea of ​​a close connection between the weather and the direction of the wind. About this connection, Aristotle wrote: “Aparctius, Trasky and Argest (approximately north, north-north-west and west-north-west winds, Fig. 1), scattering dense clouds, bring clear weather, at least when they are not too dense . Their action is different if they are not so strong as they are cold, for they cause condensation (of vapor) before they disperse other clouds. Argest and Eurus (east-south-east) are dry winds, the latter is dry only at the beginning and damp at the end. Meuse (North-North-East) and more than all Aparctia bring snow, for they are the coldest. Aparktius brings hail, just as Trasky and Argest, Notus (southern), Zephyr (western) and Eurus are hot. Kaikiy (east-northeast) covers the sky with powerful clouds, with Lips (west-southwest) the clouds are not so powerful ... ".

Aristotle tried to explain these properties of the winds; “... there are more winds coming from the northern countries than winds coming from the noon. Much more rain and snow is brought from these latter, for they are under the sun and are located under his path.

The idea of ​​the winds as rulers of the weather took on artistic form in the so-called "Tower of the Winds" built in Athens by Andronicus Kirrest in the 2nd century BC. BC. The sculptural frieze of the octagonal tower depicts the corresponding winds in the form of mythological figures with attributes characterizing the weather brought by these winds. On the tower, an iron weather vane with a rod indicated where the wind was blowing.

In the era following the century of Aristotle, the conquests of his pupil Alexander the Great opened up a whole new world for the Greeks in the east - to the borders of India and the banks of the Syr Darya, where Alexandria Dalnyaya was built. In their campaigns, the Greeks got acquainted with the eastern seas (the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea) and their monsoons, which were first described by the commander Alexander. Alexander's successors founded in Egypt, in Alexandria, the second center of Hellenistic science, where a kind of academy of that time was created - the Alexandrian "Museion" (museum). This is where modern geography and map making were born. The head of the Museion Eratosthenes of Cyrene (275 - 194 BC) was the first to determine the dimensions the globe, and so correctly that its measurements were refined only at the end of the 18th century. Here Ctesibius (about 250 BC) and Heron of Alexandria (about 120 - 100 BC) first studied the elastic force of air and used it for many small mechanisms - air pumps, etc. They observed also thermal expansion of air and water vapor.

During this epoch, observations of winds in various parts of the basin did not stop. mediterranean sea. Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) mentioned twenty Greek scientists who collected wind observations.

To a certain extent, Pliny borrowed descriptions of the properties of various winds from Aristotle (Fig. 2). however, he already clearly understood that these properties depend on latitude. “There are two winds,” he wrote, “which change their nature, falling into other countries. In Africa, the Auster (south wind) brings warm weather. Aquilon - cloudy "(in Italy, their properties are just the opposite).




Fig.2 Roman wind rose.

Already in the first or second century of our era, there was a huge decline in ancient science. His reasons were public order. The slave system, which concentrated all power over a vast empire in the hands of a small handful of aristocrats, was on the path of decay and growing impotence. The lack of rights of slaves, the poverty of the Roman proletariat, the poverty of the oppressed provinces, the decline of trade and production led to the decline of crafts. There was almost no incentive for the progress of science, and its development, one might say, stopped. This happened long before the Roman Empire itself perished under the blows of the invasions of the Goths and Vandals.

In the centuries that followed, the center of civilization and culture moved far to the east, to the Arab countries, India, Khorezm and Iran. The successes of mathematics were especially great. In India, they were associated with the names of Varaha-Mihira, Aryabhata (5th century AD) and Bramagupta (7th century AD). Al-Khwarizmi (IX century), al-Biruni (973-1048), Omar Khayyam (1048-1122), Tusi (1201-1274) became famous in the Muslim world. great attention also devoted to chemistry and astronomy. Arabs in distant voyages penetrated east to the Sunda Islands, north to the Baltic Sea and the Middle Volga region, south to Madagascar. Everywhere they collected geographical information about climates and winds.

Unfortunately, the contribution made by the countries of the East in the first millennium of our era to the development of atmospheric science is still very little studied. We have only very fragmentary unsystematized information about him. This is all the more regrettable because, undoubtedly, numerous facts from this field of science were already known and the scientists of the East made attempts to explain and bring them into a system.

Even at the dawn of its history, man was faced with adverse atmospheric phenomena. Not understanding them, he deified the terrible and natural phenomena associated with the atmosphere (Perun, Zeus, Dazhbog, etc.). As civilization develops in China, India, and the countries of the Mediterranean, attempts are made to make regular meteorological observations, and individual conjectures about the causes of atmospheric processes and rudimentary scientific ideas about climate appear. The first body of knowledge about atmospheric phenomena was compiled by Aristotle, whose views then determined ideas about the atmosphere for a long time. During the Middle Ages, the most outstanding atmospheric phenomena were recorded, such as catastrophic droughts, exceptionally cold winters, rains and floods.

Modern scientific meteorology dates back to the 17th century, when the foundations of physics were laid, of which meteorology was at first a part. Galileo and his students invented a thermometer, a barometer, a rain gauge, and the possibility of instrumental observations arose. At the same time, the first meteorological theories appeared. By the middle of the 18th century, M.V. Lomonosov already considered meteorology an independent science with its own methods and tasks, of which, in his opinion, the main one was “weather forecasting”; he created the first theory of atmospheric electricity, built meteorological instruments, made a number of important considerations about climate and the possibility of scientific weather prediction. In the second half of the XVIII century. a network of 39 meteorological stations was created in Europe on a voluntary basis (including three in Russia - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Pyshmensky Zavod), equipped with uniform

graduated instruments. The network functioned for 12 years. The results of the observations have been published. They stimulated the further development of meteorological research. In the middle of the 19th century, the first state networks of stations appeared, and already at the beginning of the century, the foundations of climatology were laid in Germany by the works of A. Humboldt and G. D. Dove. After the invention of the telegraph, the synoptic method for studying atmospheric processes quickly came into general use. On the basis of the weather service arose and a new branch of meteorological science - synoptic meteorology.

By the middle of the XIX century. includes the organization of the first meteorological institutes, including the Main Physical (now Geophysical) Observatory in St. Petersburg (1849). Its director (from 1868 to 1895) G. I. Wild is credited with the historical merit of organizing an exemplary meteorological network in Russia and a number of fundamental studies of the country's climatic conditions.

In the second half of the 19th century, the foundations of dynamic meteorology were laid, that is, the application of the laws of hydromechanics and thermodynamics to the study of atmospheric processes. A great contribution to this field of meteorology was made by Coriolis in France. At the same time, the study of climate in close connection with the general geographical situation was greatly advanced by the works of the great Russian geographer and climatologist A. I. Voeikov, W. Köppen in Germany and others. By the end of the century, the study of radiation and electrical processes in the atmosphere intensified.

The development of meteorology in the 20th century proceeded at an ever-increasing pace. In very brief description to name only a few areas of this development. Works in theoretical meteorology, especially in the Soviet Union, increasingly focused on the problem of numerical forecasting, although pioneering work. With the advent of computers, these initially purely theoretical studies very quickly found application in the practice of the weather service in the USSR, the USA, England, France, Germany and many other countries. Synoptic meteorology also made rapid strides forward, and the most important practical problem of long-range weather forecasting began to be worked out.

Great progress has been made since the beginning of the 20th century. in the field of aerological research. In many countries, outstanding organizers and researchers came forward in this, then still new, direction. In particular, in Velik in the XX century. and progress in actinometry. - The study of radiation in the atmosphere.

In the second half of the 20th century great value acquired the problem of air pollution and the spread of impurities of both natural and anthropogenic origin. It required the creation of a special pollution service.

Throughout the world and in our country, the volume of meteorological research and the number of publications is growing rapidly; accumulated a lot of experience international cooperation in conducting such international programs as the Global Atmospheric Research Program and unique experiments,

similar to the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958).

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We can say that Russian meteorologists are still fulfilling the decree of Peter I - since December 1, 1725, they have been continuously conducting regular instrumental meteorological observations - for almost 3 centuries.

The emperor himself would undoubtedly have become a pioneer in this area if he had lived for a few more months, because it was he who organized the Academy of Sciences and personally undertook all the innovations: from building a ship to conducting episodic meteorological observations at sea. Thus, the will of Peter the Great was fulfilled, who issued a decree on the need to "make meteorological observations everywhere, and entrust their continuation to reliable persons in the most important places."

Those who gnawed granite sciences,

Instead of buns and cheese -

Memory keeps for three hundred years,

Forgotten nothing...

Academician Friedrich Christopher Mayer became such a "reliable person", who for the first time began to conduct instrumental observations of the weather at the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. These observations contained systematic records of air pressure and temperature, wind parameters, cloudiness and atmospheric phenomena. Observations were carried out at first twice, and from March 1726 three times a day. Academician G.V. Kraft.

Two years later, the first urban network of meteorological stations was created in the city on the Neva, and after it a series of meteorological studies began. In 1733, V. Bering led the Great Northern Expedition, which organized a number of meteorological stations in an easterly direction: in Kazan, Tyumen, Solikamsk, Tomsk, Kuznetsk and other points in Russia.

Unfortunately, this network did not last long: in 1743, due to the famine in Siberia, the work of the expedition was curtailed and most of the stations were closed. It is important to note that at that time the observers received an additional payment for their work, albeit a rather modest one - 4 rubles a year.

MV Lomonosov made a huge contribution to Russian meteorology. In his work "On predicting the weather, and especially the winds," he suggested that sailors and farmers organize a network of meteorological stations to study atmospheric processes. He himself conducted meteorological observations and was engaged in the design of instruments, such as anemometer, marine barometer. The world's first observatory with self-recording devices operated in Lomonosov's house. He also invented an aircraft (aerodynamic machine) for lifting meteorological instruments to heights, trying to fulfill the dream of aerological (high-altitude) observations. In continuation of Lomonosov's idea of ​​creating a meteorological network, the Russian scientist, founder Kharkiv University V. N. Karazin, in 1810, the idea was expressed that scattered attempts to observe meteorological phenomena would not lead to any results and that it was necessary to combine all work in this direction.

On April 26 (13), 1834, the "Normal Magnetic Meteorological Observatory" was organized by the law of the Russian Empire No. 698. It was created in St. Petersburg at the headquarters of mining engineers, which marked the beginning of a permanent geophysical network in Russia. This headquarters was subordinated to the Ministry of Finance. It was the Minister of Finance, Count Kokovtsov, at the suggestion of Academician Adolf Yakovlevich Kupfer, who sent a note addressed to Emperor Nicholas I about the creation of an observatory. This date can be considered the date of formation of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia.

Russia has embarked on the path of intensive study of meteorological conditions and the wide application of the acquired knowledge, ahead of many countries in this. Our meteorological service has become a model for the creation of similar services in most foreign countries and has made an important contribution to the creation of the foundations for international cooperation in the field of meteorology. AND I. Kupfer set out to create a central observatory, which would methodically supervise all meteorological stations in Russia.

"Such an institution that I am designing," he wrote, "does not yet exist in Europe, and its establishment would constitute a new era in the history of the observational sciences." It took another 15 years for the scientist to realize his plan. In 1849, the Main Physical Observatory (GPO) was organized in St. Petersburg, the director of which, like the Normal Observatory, was A. Ya. Kupfer. Its staff consisted of 7 people, the annual budget was 9 thousand rubles. The HFO in its work at that time relied on the activities of 50 observatories and stations.

Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, by 1865 (the year of Kupfer's death) their number had halved. His followers, outstanding scientists and organizers G.I. Wild (director from 1868 to 1895) and M.A. Rykachev (director from 1896 to 1915) did everything possible to strengthen the meteorological business. Many new meteorological instruments have appeared and, most importantly, their production and verification have been established. Numerous new stations began to open. In 1872 there were 73, in 1894 - 650, and by the end of the 19th century - 840.

One of the most serious difficulties was the inability to pay for the work of the majority of observers - disinterested enthusiasts who worked solely out of love for science and their country. Most often they were doctors, teachers, agronomists - representatives of various groups of the Russian intelligentsia. The reward was only the placement of their data in the "Chronicles of the HFO", and in exceptional cases - the assignment of the title of correspondent of the HFO with the presentation of a beautifully printed diploma.

In 1872, the Weather Service was created under the HFO and a weekly bulletin began to be published - the prototype of modern forecasts. Mutual agreement was reached with foreign countries on the free exchange of meteorological telegrams.

Over time, the activities of the Weather Service have steadily expanded. The main factor behind this progress was fast development industry, trade, agriculture, transport. The increased construction of railways led in 1892 to the need to service them with blizzard warnings; somewhat later, weather forecasting for agriculture and other industries began.

During World War I, on the initiative of the Observatory, the Main Military Meteorological Directorate was created, which undertook to provide the military operations of the army with weather forecasts, and created a network of military meteorological stations. At the same time, the network, established with such difficulty and reaching its peak in 1913 Russian stations began to disintegrate rapidly. The reason for this was the retreat of the Russian army and the drafting of observers into the army, as well as the famine, devastation and social upheavals of the first post-revolutionary years.

The beginning of the modern hydrometeorological service is associated with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the organization of a meteorological service in the RSFSR", signed by Lenin on June 21, 1921. By 1927, the number of stations had increased 22 times.

And as of June 1941, there were 3947 meteorological, 190 aerological, 240 aviation meteorological stations, 4463 hydrological stations and posts. A scientific and technical publishing house operated in the service, 4 factories for the production of hydrometeorological instruments and a number of other organizations were created. By this time, about 30 thousand employees worked in the GUGMS system, including more than 3.5 thousand specialists with higher and secondary specialized education.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the country's Hydrometeorological Service was transferred to the Red Army, performing work not only for military needs, but also all of its former duties. The famous polar explorer and scientist E.K. Fedorov, Hydrometeorological support of military operations of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. is one of the brightest pages in the activity of the service, which made an invaluable contribution to the defeat of the Nazi invaders.

With the end of the Great Patriotic War, the service returned to its direct duties, having created by this time a perfectly organized and equipped Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces. At that time, the network of stations in the occupied territory was destroyed and looted. But simultaneously with the offensive of our troops and the liberation of the occupied territories, this network was being restored. As a result, already in 1946 the observation network consisted of 9532 stations and posts, and in 1967 there were already 11,039 of them.

It must be said directly that post-war years, until the 1990s, were the best periods of development and prosperity of the Hydrometeorological Service in the entire history of its existence. With the collapse of the USSR, the integrity of the functioning of the Unified Hydrometeorological Service of the country was significantly violated. But even in these conditions, the hydrometeorological services of the CIS countries retained the relationship and coordination of their activities. After the collapse of the USSR, the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia was formed as part of the Ministry of Ecology of Russia. The hydrometeorological services of the former Soviet republics with a number of institutions, as well as the corresponding paramilitary anti-hail services, separated. The number of employees decreased from 100 thousand to 34 thousand people.

The activity of Roshydromet in the sphere of its powers is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring high rates of sustainable economic development countries, to increase the level of hydrometeorological safety of the population and the economy of Russia. Efforts are also aimed at reducing losses from hazardous hydrometeorological events (HH), which, due to their intensity, extent of distribution and duration, have a negative impact on people, economic facilities, farm animals and plants, and the entire environment.

A century and a half ago, President of the Academy of Sciences F.P. Litke, who did a lot to increase the prestige of the Weather Service, wrote: “Physics, chemistry, astronomy ... can develop and move forward everywhere, but no one except ourselves can study the climatic and physical conditions of Russia may or may not do. We must carry out these investigations for our benefit.”

What we are doing.

I congratulate you on the 290th anniversary of the beginning of instrumental meteorological observations in Russia.

Press Secretary of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Privolzhskoe UGMS" V.A. Demin

The first instrumental meteorological observations in Russia began as early as 1725. In 1834, Emperor Nicholas I issued a resolution on organizing a network of regular meteorological and magnetic observations in Russia. By this time, meteorological and magnetic observations had already been carried out in various parts Russia. But for the first time, a technological system was created, with the help of which all the meteorological and magnetic observations of the country were managed according to uniform methods and programs.

In 1849, the Main Physical Observatory was established - the main methodological and scientific center of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia for many years (today - the Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov).

In January 1872, the first "Daily Meteorological Bulletin" was published with messages received by telegraph from 26 Russian and two foreign tracking stations. A bulletin was being prepared at the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg, where weather forecasts also began to be compiled in subsequent years.

The modern meteorological service of Russia considers the date of its foundation June 21, 1921, when V.I. Lenin signed the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the organization of a unified meteorological service in the RSFSR".

On January 1, 1930, in accordance with the Decree of the Government on the creation of a unified meteorological service of the country, the Central Weather Bureau of the USSR was formed in Moscow.

In 1936 it was reorganized into the Central Institute of Weather, in 1943 - into the Central Institute of Forecasts, which concentrated operational, research and methodical work in the field of hydrometeorological forecasts.
In 1964, in connection with the creation of the World Meteorological Center of the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service, part of the departments was transferred from the Central Institute of Forecasts to this center. However, already at the end of 1965, the World Meteorological Center and the Central Institute of Forecasts were merged into one institution - the Hydrometeorological Research Center of the USSR, with the functions of the World and Regional Meteorological Centers in the system of the World Weather Service of the World Meteorological Organization.

In 1992, the Hydrometeorological Center of the USSR was renamed the Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia).

In 1994, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia was given the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (SSC RF).
In January 2007, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, this status was retained.

At present, the Research Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation occupies key positions in the development of the main areas of hydrometeorological science. The Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, along with methodological and research work, carries out a lot of operational work, and also performs the functions of the World Meteorological Center and the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center of the World Weather Watch in the system of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). In addition, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia is a regional center for zonal weather forecasts within the framework of the World Area Forecast System. On a regional scale, the same work is carried out by regional hydrometeorological centers.

The scientific and operational activities of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia are not limited to weather forecasts. The hydrometeorological center is actively working in the field of land water hydrology, oceanography and marine meteorology, agrometeorology and produces a wide range of various specialized products. Yield forecast for major agricultural crops, urban air quality forecast, long term forecast level of the Caspian Sea and other inland waters for management water resources, forecast of river flow and associated floods and floods, etc. are also areas of scientific and practical activity of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

The Russian Hydrometeorological Center conducts scientific research in close cooperation with foreign meteorological organizations within the framework of the World Weather Service and other programs of the World Meteorological Organization (World Meteorological Research Program, World Climate Research Program, International Polar Year, etc.). On the basis of Agreements on bilateral scientific and technical cooperation - with the meteorological services of Great Britain, Germany, USA, China, Mongolia, Poland, Finland, France, Yugoslavia, South Korea, Vietnam, India, as well as within the framework of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the CIS countries. 11 employees of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia are members of various WMO expert groups.

In the course of implementing the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 8, 2002 "On measures to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation on international exchange data of hydrometeorological observations and the implementation of the functions of the World Meteorological Center (WMC) in Moscow" in the second half of 2008, a new supercomputer manufactured by SGI with a peak performance of about 27 teraflops (trillions of operations per second) was installed in the WMC-Moscow. The supercomputer weighs 30 tons and consists of 3 thousand microprocessors.

The new equipment will allow Roshydrometcenter to make forecasts for eight days (the old equipment made it possible to make forecasts for 5 6 days), as well as to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts for one day from 89 to 95%.

According to Vladimir Antsipovich, director of the Main Computing Center of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, the uniqueness of this computer lies in the performance it provides for building technological schemes in order to read the weather forecast at a certain technological time. The supercomputer will allow you to calculate the weather forecast for tomorrow within 5 minutes.

The material was prepared by the editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources