What do you think, what is a holiday with tears in your eyes? This is a holiday in Thailand at an incredible price that coincides with the rainy season. Just imagine the feeling when you are offered to go to Thailand at an insanely attractive price, in a premium hotel.

Add more excursions here, well, almost for nothing. And shopping at ridiculous prices. This is where intuition wakes up, dozing itself in a sound sleep, and begins to obsessively give signals.

Street in Pattaya during the rainy season

Yes, indeed, there is one small nuance - just during this period in Thailand it will rain every day. As for the rest, a beautiful marquise... And now your imagination paints a picture of relaxation, where you are standing in ankle-deep slates in the water. The situation around you is increasingly reminiscent of an illustration to the biblical parable of the global flood. Water below, around, above.

Here you are already knee-deep in water, waist-deep - a Thai is rafting by on a boat. You imploringly stretch out your hands to him, but he, sternly raising his palm, tells you the price of your salvation: "1000 baht, mister!"

You drop your hands in impotence and look doomed after the sailing boat, while your wallet, carried away by a turbulent stream, rushes to the Gulf of Thailand. Your imagination has done its job.

But, there are also facts that you can not argue with. So is it true that the rainy season in Thailand is so relentless that even thinking about a vacation during this period is unsafe? Or is it all the slander of insidious tour operators?

Note: the average cost of a tour for two with a flight, accommodation, transfer in November 2019 is $ 2000-2500.

What is the rainy season really - five naive questions about the rains in Thailand

Temperature and rainfall graph during the rainy season in Pattaya

What is the rainy season in Thailand

The rainy season is the period in which there is the most rainfall. Characterized by high humidity. For Thailand, this is quite normal, as the seasons change.

When does the rainy season start and end?

The boundaries here are very arbitrary. As a rule, the first heavy rains begin in May. The average rainfall this month is 177 mm (for comparison: during the hottest period, the average rainfall is 12-13 mm).

The peak of the season falls on September, October - these months correspond to a record amount of precipitation of 205 mm and 250 mm. By the end of November, there is a decline in storm activity.

The southwest monsoon brings rain to the kingdom. On average, the rainy season in Thailand lasts about 5-6 months.

Is it true that during the rainy season it pours non-stop for days

No that's not true. Seasonal rains are usually very fast.

They start suddenly and stop just as suddenly. The duration of such rain is from 15 minutes to an hour. They come in the afternoon or at night. The largest number precipitation falls in the central and northeastern regions of Tai, it can rain for several hours and even days. But all popular resorts are concentrated on the coast in the southern part.

Is it true that there are floods in Thailand during the rainy season?

Yes, it happens.

Floods are most frequent in the central part and in areas adjacent to the Chao Phaya River. From the coastal resort area, water quickly leaves for the sea.

Floods are most frequent during the peak season, when the soil and drainage systems already saturated with a colossal amount of water, and the city sewers simply do not have time to cope with such volumes.

Read also

Amazing and inexpensive May holiday in Pattaya

It happens that a flood is a consequence of a cyclone, then, indeed, the water can reach the knee and above.

Severe flooding in Bangkok

This happened in September and October 2018, when a powerful cyclone (which coincided with the rainy season in Thailand) almost flooded the resort of Pattaya.

locals take this phenomenon lightly. The reaction of tourists is ambiguous: it frightens someone, someone perceives this situation with delight, considering it another adventure.

Is it true that it rains all over Thailand at the same time?

No it is not true. The distance between the extreme southern and northern points of the kingdom is just under 2000 km. Thus, when the southwest monsoon brings rain to some resorts, you can enjoy the hot sun in others.

For example, in Phuket the rainy season corresponds to the period from July to October, on Koh Samui - from August to November. It should be noted that Thailand is located mainly in the tropical and subtropical zones, which are characterized by heavy rains during the off-season. Average temperatures in the kingdom are from +33 degrees in the hot season and from + 28 degrees in winter.

The rainy season in Thailand does not have strict restrictions, and in different resorts it starts at different time. Rains will not be able to significantly affect your holiday, because all the moisture that has fallen out evaporates very quickly. The rainiest are September and October. The rest of the time, you can safely plan a vacation.

natural anomalies

Thailand is famous for being suitable for almost all kinds of holidays. all year round. The weather, of course, is a capricious lady, and periodically makes her own adjustments. In 2018, she never ceased to amaze and presented surprise after surprise. In July (and it belongs to the rainy months with high humidity), the amount of precipitation was very insignificant, while the temperature did not fall below +30 C.

The situation approached critical. In especially arid regions, a rationed water supply was introduced (!) - the local authorities came to such a decision.

cheap vending machine drinking water in Thailand

Both ordinary peasants, resorting to ancient rites, and pilots of a specially created squadron, who used modern methods– sprayed reagents in the sky that could cause precipitation.

The requests reached the addressee, and two months later Thailand was at the mercy of the cyclone. September 2015 surprised Pattaya with flooding - this is the resort that suffers the least from rainfall. There they are usually advised to wait out the rainy season. And yet, these are more exceptions than the rule.

Pros and cons of holidays in the rainy season

But even at a time when streams of water periodically pour from the sky, you can find many pleasant moments. With the arrival of rains, the resorts of Thailand are captured by surfers. During this period, the sea is stormy, high waves are frequent. Phuket is the most attractive for surfers - there you can find training schools, equipment rentals, and suitable waves. Good for surfing and areas such as Koh Samui and Chaweng.

Map of Thailand showing major highways and cities

Key Benefits of Recreation

  1. Significant price reduction. Everything is getting cheaper: plane tickets, the price of accommodation, services, excursions, shopping. All this thanks to the rains in Thailand.
  2. Due to the outflow of tourists during this period, the beaches are freer.
  3. Excursion groups are small, you can enjoy the cultural heritage of Thailand without the hustle and bustle.
  4. The unbearable heat subsides.
  5. Rains disperse smog - an indispensable companion of big cities. The air is literally filled with freshness.
  6. At this time, many fruits ripen.

Cons of rest

Otherwise, you can become easy prey for Praya Tana - this deity is responsible for the rains here, who will gladly pour a couple of lakes of water on you and throw 5-6 lightning bolts after you. Or Thai taxi drivers will get you, and they will gladly announce the price to you, obviously higher than usual. Not only surfers, but also local mosquitoes are glad to rain in Thailand. Make sure that you have a remedy for these unpleasant insects at hand.

Thailand managed to fall in love with our compatriots. No monsoon cyclone can stop a Russian tourist. While other vacationers prefer to wait out the rainy season, ours tend to visit during this period. Unfortunately, the crisis, which led to the collapse of the ruble, could not but affect the tourist activity. According to the Tourism Authority of Thailand, in the first half of 2019, the flow of tourists from Russia decreased by more than 50%.

Pattaya - what kind of fruit is it and what is it eaten with

Pattaya is one of the resorts in Thailand, located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. Some three decades ago it was a small fishing village. Today it is a fairly well-known resort. If you were planning a trip to Thailand and your vacation just happened to coincide with the rainy season, Pattaya is worth considering. Why? The location on the shore of the bay gives Pattaya some advantages in relation to other resorts. There are no hurricanes and gusty winds, regardless of the season.

The rainy season - a characteristic phenomenon for the subequatorial climate - passes almost imperceptibly here. Average annual temperatures keep at around +30 C. Water temperature +28 C.

Water after showers practically does not linger and quickly goes into the sea. The remaining puddles quickly evaporate.

Rainy season in Pattaya, features

The rainy season in Pattaya begins in May, and is considered closed by the end of October.

Precipitation chart in Pattaya

The boundaries of the season are very blurred. Again, there is no season for a season. It can be two weeks of showers in May for an hour a day, and light drizzling rains in June, and rains with lightning in October.
It often happens that in one area of ​​Pattaya it is raining, and in another the sun is shining.

But in any case, these are not showers that charge from morning to evening for a month or two. At an average temperature of 30 degrees, the rains do not bring coolness, but the humidity rises significantly. Seasonal rains in Pattaya are characterized by swiftness - at one moment a stream of water fell from the sky and just as suddenly stopped. After the rain, the clouds disperse and the sun shines again. Yes, by the way, a significant part of the rain falls in the evening or at night.

Note: even if there are clouds in the sky, you can get burned! The sun in Thailand is very insidious. Don't neglect sunscreen. Floods due to rain are rare in Pattaya.

The latest events in September-October 2015, when Pattaya was almost flooded twice, give reason to doubt the above. But the cause of the high water was the cyclone, and not at all harmless rains. The rainy season in Pattaya is not such an extreme period to refuse to rest. More precisely, not extreme at all.

Hello friends! The closer the rainy season in Pattaya, the more often we are asked what the weather is like in Pattaya, whether it really pours like a bucket every day and whether it is worth going at all. “Maybe we hurried to buy tickets?” Tourists are skeptical. Let me tell you what the rainy season in Pattaya is and what it is eaten with. And you decide for yourself whether it is worth visiting Pattaya at this time.

When does the rainy season start and end in Pattaya?

According to statistics, most of the rain in Pattaya falls on September and October. There is still a lot of rain in May, but in our experience, May showers in Pattaya cannot be compared with September ones at all. It's like comparing a cat to a tiger. Just kidding, not everything is so bad in Pattaya in September.

We are not afraid of the rainy season in Pattaya: we come from the snowy season! In the photo - the Czech village of Spindleruv Mlyn, where there are only mountains above the pines, and in winter it is more beautiful than in summer.

How is the rainy season in Pattaya

Once, during the rain, we stood for forty minutes in a parking lot not far from where we rented an apartment for the first month after moving to Pattaya. The rain was falling in such a wall that we could not even run 30 meters to the house.

Negative aspects of the rainy season in Pattaya:

  1. The situation on the roads is getting worse. Transport travels very slowly when it rains, plus whole lakes form on some streets. All this leads to long traffic jams.
  2. Taxis are jacking up prices. If you need to go somewhere and get far, be prepared for the fact that all taxi drivers will complain to you about a broken meter and overcharge.
  3. Always carry an umbrella(s) and raincoat(s) with you. Raincoats are sold in 7 Eleven stores, which are found literally at every turn in Pattaya, and are inexpensive.
  4. Rain makes adjustments to your plans. Usually It is raining 1 to 2 hours.

The rainy season in Pattaya is just flowers. It's a different matter - that's where the real downpours are!

Is it possible to swim in the sea during the rainy season in Pattaya?

When we made up, some beaches still had to take prizes. But most people go to swim on the beaches of Koh Lan, and we recommend doing this too.

Then you will notice the approximate distribution of temperature and precipitation throughout the year and draw your own conclusion about the climate of the resort.

Climate features

In short, then Pattaya climate one of the best in Thailand. Thanks to its good location, there are no strong waves on the sea, and even more so storms when it is dangerous to swim. There is also very little precipitation, during the six months of the dry season (from November to April) it can rain only 5-7 times (20-30 minutes). For example, the author of these lines was in Pattaya in November-December and never even saw a hint of him.

The geographical position and climate in Pattaya are such that flooding is almost impossible. If there are incessant downpours during the rainy season, then the water flows back into the sea through numerous pipes. The maximum water level can reach a height of 10-20 cm and stay for several days (and even then only near the coast - on Beach Street and Second Road). But this is rather an exception, this practically does not happen.

Rain season

What is the climate like during the rainy season? Precipitation frightens many, but they do not frighten the experienced at all.

The rainy season lasts from May-June to the end of October (as in the rest of Thailand). The highest rainfall in Pattaya is in September and October. Many consider this period not very good for visiting the resort, thinking that daily showers will spoil the whole vacation.

We hasten to dispel this: the rainy season in Pattaya is 1-2 hour showers 4-5 days a week (sometimes less), and often at night. There is no such thing here that it rains lightly all day or even days, as, for example, in Russia, precipitation in Thailand is powerful, but short-lived downpours. They freshen the air, making it cooler; it's more of a blessing than a detriment.

Let's analyze the cool season, hot and rainy seasons by month and by resort. Where is the best place to relax at this time?

The most popular tourist season- from December to February. At this time, there is a minimum of precipitation, the sea is warm, there are few storms, and the air temperature is very comfortable for vacationers.

Look at the table, here are the most and least comfortable months of rest for.

Seasons in Thailand


Rain and clouds finally gave way bright sun. The air is cooled at night and during the day creates a comfortable environment. The sun is warm, but not scorching. Therefore, December is recognized as the month-leader for excursions.


The most popular holiday season. Compatriots celebrate long new year holidays and come here for "winter". Therefore, it is easiest to meet Russian speech in January.

In Bangkok, this month is characterized by comfortable weather and lack of rain. The air temperature is moderate - 25-27°C. Night temperatures drop to 20°C, further cooling the air, buildings and asphalt.

In some regions of the country, mainly in the northern ones, the temperature during the day stays at a level slightly above 20°C. The locals are very happy about this.

Bright sun, almost no rain, comfortable temperature no higher than 28°C, warm and gentle sea - such characteristics of the Thai climate can be given in January. Only in the southeast does rain occasionally feed the earth (Koh Samui).


February is considered perfect month to visit Thailand. Not only weather contribute to this, but also the decline in the number of tourists who combined their holidays with the New Year holidays.

Bangkok welcomes tourists with sunshine and temperatures that do not exceed 30°C. Great time for walking and sightseeing.

In the north of Thailand, the temperature has already risen by 3-4°C. But the lack of rain makes it possible to travel freely even where there are no paved roads.


In Thailand hot season starts in March. The air temperature during the day reaches 33 ° C, and the lack of rain does not cool the earth below 25 even at night. Not the maximum yet, but already noticeably hot. It is better to go on excursions in the morning or in the late afternoon (after 16), when the sun is already fading.

Bangkok is slowly turning into a hot hell. It is best to relax at this time by the sea, and in the city to replace it with air conditioning.

The north and northeast of the country are terrible not so much with heat as with the smoke of conflagrations. It is the peasants who prepare the fields for new crops, and the old crops are burned. It's definitely not worth going here in March.

The best time to visit the islands in March west coast Siam - Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao. It will also be great in Phuket, Krabi and Phi Phi.

But the east of Thailand is already beginning to conquer precipitation - Pattaya, Koh Chang. It is still nice to relax here, but the rains appear more often.


The hot season is in full swing, but Thailand celebrates in mid-April. The custom of the holiday is to pour water on each other. This is also justified because of the weather conditions, and saves from overheating.

Bangkok at 35+°C will not make you happy. Except from the window of an air-conditioned bus. The northern provinces are still quite hot due to more continental climate- +40, and the smoke from the fires will not let you breathe normally.

Near the sea, the climate is much milder. In Pattaya, Koh Chang will be much nicer. Rains 2-3 times a week cool the air and make the stay comfortable. On the Andaman coast, the amount of precipitation is growing rapidly, in proportion to the decreasing number of tourists.

The most comfortable holiday in Thailand in April can be called Koh Samui and the western coast of the Gulf of Thailand.



The rainiest season is summer and autumn. June in many parts of the country is characterized by a decrease in precipitation compared to May, but they fall almost every day. The islands of the southwestern region are difficult to reach, ferry service is discontinued.

In Bangkok, water floods the area near the temples and sightseers have to roam on the water. However, to some extent - it's even interesting.

Most rains in the central - agricultural part of Thailand. Least of all - on Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao.

At this time, there are very few tourists and prices are lower by a third.


The rainy season continues. The most pleasant place at this time is the west of the Gulf of Thailand. It is better to be still not on the islands, but on the coast of the mainland. Cities are flooded, ferries do not run, but National parks are a unique spectacle.

Full-flowing rivers and waterfalls, "rain" forests, you'll see it all if you can get to it.


The most favorite season for Russians is August. If you are not afraid of rain, if you like unusual natural phenomena then come to Thailand in August. The whole country is filled with water, mountainous areas suffer from landslides, in cities the water level reaches a meter.

The air temperature usually does not exceed 30°C, but the high humidity will prevent those with health problems from breathing normally. The sun comes out from behind the clouds for 1-2 hours a day, it rains mostly at night, but during the day you will definitely meet it.


The rains have subsided. Bangkok and the central part of the country are still suffering from them to the fullest. The Andaman coast at this time is attacked not only heavy rains, but also strong waves, which attracts surfers from all over the world. The most pleasant place to relax in September is the islands of the western coast of the Gulf of Thailand - Koh Samui and its neighbors.

The air temperature remains stable at around 30°C.


The northern and central parts of Thailand have already been freed from moisture. If the “rainy season” was intense, then the country has to restore what was damaged by downpours - roads, buildings, temples.

The most pleasant vacation spot in Pattaya, on Koh Chang and in the north of the country. Southern regions still dominated by cyclones and watered almost daily.


In Thailand, the season starts in November. This month is considered the beginning « high season» . The rain has already receded across the country. The flow of tourists gradually fills hotels and beaches. The temperature is not very high, but there is still high humidity away from the coast.

Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang enjoy warm and dry weather. The north of the country also rejoices, but the temperature drops. On the Andaman coast, there are still rainy days. But on the Siamese coast, showers are raging. The most uncomfortable place at this time will be Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and the mainland coast.

Have a nice trip!

Most of the rainfall in Pattaya during the rainy season occurs from September to October, it is during these months that tourists are not recommended to visit the resort. In the remaining months of the rainy season, you can go to Pattaya without any doubts and fears that your vacation will be ruined. Summer is considered good time of the year for a holiday in Pattaya during the rainy season, since there is an optimal combination of weather conditions - low air temperature and infrequent rains.

Formally, the rainy season in Pattaya lasts from May to November, but you can comfortably relax in the resort almost all year round. It is during this period of time that the sun does not appear in the sky as often as in the sultry heat. The rains themselves are short tropical downpours that can be waited out under any roof.

Short showers during the rainy season occur almost every day several times, but they average duration does not exceed an hour. After the rains pass, the sun peeps out again and you can already sunbathe on the beach again.

The sea and sand are well warmed up by lunchtime, since most of the precipitation falls at night or in the early morning. Many people are deeply mistaken when they think that during the rainy season one cannot comfortably swim in the sea or sunbathe on the beach under the sun.

Monthly rainy season

Let's take a closer look at the rainy season by month.


In May, a sharp increase in the amount of precipitation begins, which on average falls about 180 mm (despite the fact that in April they are only 60 mm). Average air temperature in last month spring is about +33-35 degrees Celsius. This is the most hot month wet period. Read more about the weather this month in my article.

June August

IN summer period year from June to August, the average monthly rainfall is 120-130 mm, which practically does not interfere with rest in Pattaya. The average temperature of these months is +30-+32 degrees Celsius.

September and October

These two months are considered the most unfavorable period for a holiday on the coast of Pattaya, since it is in September that the temperature drops sharply and the amount of precipitation increases. Over two months, on average, more than 400 mm of precipitation falls, which is 15 times higher than the norm of the winter period. The air temperature in September and October does not rise above +25 degrees. October is considered the rainiest month of the year. During these two months there is a high risk of floods. Therefore, in September and October, I would not recommend going on vacation to Pattaya.


In November average temperature air drops another two degrees, but in some sunny days the thermometer can show a mark of +30 degrees. Precipitation becomes 2 times less compared to the previous two months of the year, but still a lot - about 140 mm.

On this graph you can see how precipitation is distributed in Pattaya throughout the year.

Benefits of the rainy season

For most tourists, the rainy season is not terrible and does not pose any danger, and even more so it cannot spoil the long-awaited vacation. There are 4 main advantages why you should not be afraid to go on vacation to Pattaya during the wet season:

  1. There are no constant and prolonged downpours. Most of them take place at night, when most tourists sleep in their rooms or relax in closed entertainment venues. For example, if you come to rest in Pattaya for 10 days, then you can catch the rains in the daytime only a few times. In order not to end up in a prolonged night shower, it is not recommended to plan long trips at this particular time of day. It is best to walk along the promenade or near the hotel.
  2. Very often it does not rain all over the city, despite its small size. Therefore, you may be lucky and not catch the rain on the beach at all.
  3. Even after a heavy downpour, you can walk in flip flops and sandals, as the puddles on the roads in Pattaya dry up with space speed.
  4. The wet season in Pattaya is the optimal weather conditions when there is no sweltering heat and you can feel the fresh air. Many people are afraid to visit Thailand because of high temperature and the scorching sun. These tourists are recommended to visit Pattaya for the first time during the rainy season, when it is quite cool here by the standards of the locals.

Sometimes the rain in Pattaya comes suddenly and can pour for 30 minutes in a solid wall without the ability to run a few meters under it. You must always be ready for this. But usually, before a heavy downpour, the wind rises and it becomes abruptly overcast.

Weaknesses of the rainy season

There are 5 disadvantages of resting in Pattaya during the rainy season, which confuse not every tourist:

  • the situation with transport on the roads leaves much to be desired, since the speed of cars and public transport drops sharply, and these are traffic jams;
  • many taxi drivers raise the cost of the trip very much because they complain about a broken meter or huge traffic jams;
  • rain can spoil your plans, because you don’t know if it will last 15 minutes or several hours;
  • raincoats during the rainy season are a must-have in your holiday bag and can be purchased at any 7-11 store or Family Mart;
  • The main disadvantage of the rainy season is high humidity. It feels stuffy outside, as if you are in a greenhouse.

In fact, all these shortcomings are not so significant as to solve a long-awaited and cherished holiday on the coast of Pattaya. The only person I would not recommend to go to Pattaya during the rainy season is people suffering from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as high humidity can adversely affect your health.

Should I go to Pattaya during the rainy season?

Of course, it's up to you to decide. I can tell you it's worth it. After all, in addition to the sea and the beach in this resort, you can do a lot of things. In the mandatory list of entertainment activities, in addition to excursions, it is necessary to include, visit, zoo and. You can go karting or ride elephants.

Locals and instructors do not recommend diving during the rainy season, because during the dive under water you can hardly see anything. The sea during and after a downpour is worried, the water becomes cloudy, and all interesting Marine life hide in their hiding places.

Evening and night long showers contribute to visiting many entertainment places in Pattaya, most of which are located on the famous and popular. It is located parallel to the city embankment and most of the hotels are built in close proximity to it. There are many bars, restaurants, discos, clubs, cafes, go-go performances and shows of transvestites are held daily.

The wet season in Pattaya does not mean that you have to sit in a hotel room all day long. On the contrary, from May to August and in November you can comfortably sunbathe, swim on the best beaches resorts, as well as find a lot of entertainment to your liking and visit many excursions.