Horoscope Victoria-Aries: exalted, active woman. Any events resonate in her soul, and she tries to take a direct part in everything. Victoria-Aries is not shy about expressing her opinion, and sometimes even imposing it. This woman is incredibly passionate, often changes partners, and every time it seems to her that she has fallen in love forever.

Horoscope Victoria-Taurus: balanced, correct, diligent personality. It is difficult for her to adapt to a change of scenery, to new circumstances and people. In life, Victoria-Taurus appreciates stability and strength, she is very attached to the family and seeks to create her own. This woman is alien to coquetry, she prefers an open, trusting relationship. The deception of a loved one will shock her and can lead to depression.

Horoscope Victoria-Gemini: graceful, cordial, playful person. She sincerely seeks to help everyone, is condescending to other people's shortcomings, and does not notice her own. It is useless to make comments to Victoria-Gemini, she will simply ignore them. She likes all kinds of entertainment events, where she easily makes acquaintances. Victoria-Gemini men are attracted by the ease of communication, and she is pleasantly courteous. active people.

Horoscope Victoria-Cancer: nature is romantic, charming, timid. She paves the way in life by touch, she lacks energy and self-confidence. Possessing great potential, Victoria-Cancer rarely realizes itself. But her family life usually works out very well. Victoria-Cancer unmistakably chooses her partner, and the greatest happiness in her life is children.

Horoscope Victoria-Leo: an elegant, self-confident, practical woman. She highly values ​​herself, behaves with dignity and takes advantage of Alya from any situation. Victoria Leo will not climb over the heads, but she clearly guesses the moment for action. She needs the attention of men, and the more fans she has, the more it flatters her pride. This woman is not so easy to win: she strives for luxurious life where her every whim will be unquestioningly fulfilled.

Horoscope Victoria-Virgo: sensible, categorical woman. She believes only in what brings practical benefit. Dreams, in her opinion, should remain dreams, and there is no point wasting time on them. She acts clearly and does not participate in any dubious enterprises. But when Victoria-Virgo and a partner begins to choose, guided by reason, she gets into a mess. In love affairs, she is completely unorientated.

Horoscope Victoria-Libra: tactful, funny, pleasant person in communication. She has her life principles, she knows how to convince, very logically substantiating her point of view. Victoria-Libra can turn any brewing quarrel into a joke. Men bow before this charming woman. She does not mind starting a light romance, but she dreams of real boundless love.

Horoscope Victoria-Scorpio: eccentric, impressionable, jealous person. Her whole life is a series of ups and downs, accompanied by violent emotions. Like any woman, Victoria-Scorpio dreams of love and happiness, but such that they burn from the inside. Even if these feelings are not there, she herself will create them. Victoria-Scorpio's partner must fully correspond to her in terms of temperament, otherwise she will simply drive a man crazy.

Horoscope Victoria-Sagittarius: power-hungry, imposing personality. She has a wonderful sense of humor, which allows her to cope with everyday troubles. She likes to subjugate people and use their shortcomings for her own good. Victoria-Sagittarius, as a rule, is liked by men at first sight. However, she is in no hurry to respond to feelings, but will check and test the chosen one.

Horoscope Victoria-Capricorn: an imperturbable woman, with a liberal outlook on life. It seems that nothing can confuse her, provoke her, strike her imagination. In response to the antics of others, Victoria-Capricorn, at best, will shrug her shoulders. But close people know that she a kind person and reliable friend. It's just that Victoria-Capricorn is afraid of disappointment, and therefore hides her thoughts.

Horoscope Victoria-Aquarius: name and sign are perfect for each other. This is a lively, witty, hard-working woman. Her friends and acquaintances cannot be counted, however inner world Victoria-Aquarius is surrounded by a reliable wall in which there is no door even for loved one. Incredibly charming, she just bathes in male attention. Her novels replace one another. It is incredibly difficult to keep this woman: she slips away like the wind, and often never gets married.

Horoscope Victoria-Pisces: nature is gentle, sensitive. She knows how to approach any work creatively, to bring something of her own, original. It is easy to offend her, however, Victoria-Pisces will try to hide her feelings and blame only herself for everything. It was created for a romantic man, because it matches the image of a fairy princess.

Forms of the name Victoria

Common name variants: Vika, Vikusya, Vika, Vikulya, Vikta, Viktusya, Tosha, Tusya, Vikusha, Vita (Vitya), Vitulya, Vitusya, Vikuka, Kusya, Vitusha (Vityusha), Vityanya (Vitana), Vira, Torah ( Torya), Tori, Viktorka

The name Victoria in different languages

Name Victoria in English: Victoria (Victoria)
Victoria's name in Chinese: 维克托莉娅 (Waiketoliya)
Victoria's name in Japanese: ヴィクトーリア (Wee-ku-to-ri-a)
Name Victoria in Spanish: Victoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in German: Victoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in Polish: Wiktoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in Ukrainian: Vіktoriya

Origin of the name Victoria:

To date, there are several theories about the origin of the name Victoria.

According to the first theory, the name Victoria came to us from Ancient Greece. There is its modified form - which, in translation, means "victorious".

According to another theory, Victoria is very. It is found in Roman mythology. This name is given to the ancient Roman goddess of victory, whose cult existed long before the appearance of the Romano-Greek pantheon of gods.

Victoria's character

Victoria is "sorting" suitors for a long time. The reason for this is not a bad character, as they might think, and not her high demands on her future spouse, but indecision. She's always like this when we are talking about some significant step in her life. After marriage, she herself still does not believe in what has happened, she continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, she will love recklessly and strongly, for the sake of a loved one she is ready to sacrifice a lot. However, one treacherous act of her husband - and peace of mind violated again. It's a pity! Victoria, although a little lazy, but worthy true love and happiness in marriage. She is a caring and faithful wife.

Characteristics of the name Victoria by season

"Winter" Victoria is ambitious, proud.

"Autumn" - collected, practical. This is a referent, a programmer, a trade worker. The name is suitable for patronymics: Igorevna, Ivanovna, Vitalievna, Efimovna, Andreevna, Bazhenovna, Valerievna.

"Summer" - not indifferent to men, amorous.

"Spring" - in addition to everything that has been said, it is also insidious, unpredictable, mysterious. She will do well in the service industry.

Astrological features of the name

Victoria name incompatibility

The name Victoria hides in itself great power and power. Unlike many other names for girls, its origin is absolutely known. It has Latin roots (from the word "victoria"), and its meaning is translated as "victory", "winner". The name holds its strong position and does not lose popularity among newborns in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: cedar
  • plant: mimosa
  • Animal: bumblebee
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Victoria's character manifests itself already in childhood: she grows up as a stubborn and temperamental girl with an innate sense of style. She is often forgiven for frank mistakes and mistakes, because they know how kind and responsive she is. In addition, Vita never acts low and unworthy, this is unusual for her pure and open nature.

The beautiful name Victoria is inherent in a very athletic woman, who, regardless of her place on the podium, stands out with her champion posture and model photogenicity. Sometimes she tends to behave defiantly defiantly and assertively, which, combined with her striking beauty and inner charm, ensures her the attention of others.

The origin of the name Victoria leaves no doubt that its representative is an extremely active nature, to which brute force cannot be applied. Otherwise, hurt pride will force her to start satisfying her ego in the most outrageous ways, which can lead to serious trouble.

The meaning of the name Victoria ascribes ambition to the owner, but the girl herself does not like it when they focus on her mind or professionalism. The analytical mind allows her to easily separate lies and flattery from the truth, as well as delve into all the details of a particular task. She carefully plans her life, relying neither on chance nor on intuition. She has few friends, and these are only time-tested people. But she does not recognize rudeness and excessive familiarity even in friendly relations.

The disadvantages of Victoria include her inability to forgive people. In this regard, she is categorical to the limit - if a person offended her, deceived or betrayed her, such a girl no doubt breaks all relations with him, up to phone calls. A woman with this name has strong will, which is her "plus", but she lacks purposefulness. She often does not reach the finish line, breaking down in the middle of the distance, and this is already a “minus”.

Interests and hobbies

Victoria loves to read, being fond of "women's novels" and taking pictures. He is actively involved in sports, not thinking of his life without him. Loves long walks. The biggest passion in her life is love. She enthusiastically builds relationships, develops plans for the seduction of men, surrendering to this process with all the depth of her passionate nature. That is why many relationships develop according to her "scenario", which the girl thought through to the smallest detail during her leisure hours.

Profession and business

The characteristic of the name Victoria determines her profession related to scientific activity, engineering, pedagogy, the career of an athlete or coach. She shows amazing activity and efficiency, and she is not afraid to use her inherent evil irony when talking with higher authorities. Oddly enough, she is forgiven for this, because the girl does not hold hard work and charm.

If Vika has a developed creative streak, she becomes a writer, musician, ballet dancer, artist, choosing professions where the final result depends solely on herself. But he never uses unworthy methods in his career, so he won’t go over the heads or use sex as a weapon.


Victoria's health is average, she needs to take care of herself very carefully since childhood. Most of all, she tends to viral diseases and osteochondrosis. The best medicine for her is fresh air and sports.

Sex and love

In love, she is unpredictable, makes men literally “dry” on their own. The secret of the name Victoria hides a woman who knows how to evoke feelings of jealousy in her fans. She carefully "hides" her sexuality and bright, unbridled temperament, because she hates when someone else interferes in her life. She likes love itself, the state of being in love and romantic surroundings. This is more important to her than pure sex, so she tries to romanticize sensual pleasures.

The owner of the name Victoria is not able to quickly adapt and reluctantly goes to intimate life for compromises. He knows how to build innocence itself out of himself, forcing a man to become an "experienced dad." But in fact, she knows very well what she wants from life. Often, sudden mood swings can make her refuse to have sex on long time, as well as attacks of jealousy, which the girl hopelessly tries to suppress in herself.

Among Victoria comes across a large number of truly frigid individuals. But her ability to fake an orgasm, sexual attraction and literally African passion is so great that the partner never realizes that he is dealing with an experienced malingerer.

Family and marriage

Victoria chooses her husband for a long time, not because of her bad character but because of indecision. Despite her overconfidence, she has a little girl inside her who always hesitates when making big decisions. Even after getting married, she may doubt the correctness of the step taken, and only a husband who knows how to listen, to whom she is always faithful and devoted, can dispel it.

In marriage, Victoria is often unhappy, because her chosen one often does not meet her expectations and ideas about a handsome prince. But her natural honesty and responsibility does not allow her to destroy the family and abandon the person she once loved. Moreover, in public, she continues to protect her husband, sacrificing herself for the sake of the child and the very concept of "family".

Victoria is a wonderful housewife and may well become a "makeweight" to her husband, choosing a family, not a career. She is distinguished by rare hospitality, hospitality and generosity, gladly welcomes guests. He loves children very much, and all without exception. She loves her child and selflessly indulges. But if he sits on his head, he knows how to put him in his place.

Meaning of the name Victoria: victorious (lat.)

Energy and Karma: it is interesting that in the case of Victoria, her close connection with the male form of the name, Victor, is practically not evident. At least it doesn't affect her character.

But here such qualities of the name come to the fore Victoria, as sufficient hardness, mobility and the ability to display assertiveness. Of course, all this would not hurt a man either, it’s just that for Vika this has nothing to do with the male version of the name, but is due to its very sound.

Secrets of communication: usually Vika is not characterized by romanticism and excessive poetry, rather she is a purely earthly person and will be able to understand you much better if you build your communication with her precisely from these positions. She is hardly able to share and approve your ambitious plans if they are devoid of material background or if the latter is pushed too far into the future.

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors Victoria: blue, brown, steel.
  • Talisman stone: amber.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 2

Mystery of the name Victoria- "victory" (Latin).

Victoria often resembles her father. Lazy and somewhat slow. In games with children, she is rarely a ringleader - she is content with a passive role. For a long time she does not want to learn to read, she asks her parents to read aloud to her.

At the same time, she is calm, balanced, more silent than a talker, sometimes she can withdraw into herself for no reason visible to others.

In youth Victoria revives, begins to take care of himself. But inner uncertainty, shyness remain to live in it, and often attempts to assert themselves manifest themselves in a bizarre form: then a young Victoria amazes others with some extravagant smell of perfume, then puts on a very short skirt, then behaves provocatively at a party. This demonstrativeness, assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future. At work, she shows efficiency, with her bosses she even tries to force things, teach others, but, getting rebuffed, she instantly loses her militancy and becomes the same as always.

Of all professions Victoria chooses the one that does not require communication with people and where the final result depends solely on herself. She gladly takes on the role of a housewife, although with appropriate external data she can become a fashion model or fashion model.

Vika goes through the suitors for a long time. The reason for this is not a bad character, as they might think, and not her high demands on her future spouse, but indecision. She is always like this when it comes to some significant step in her life. After marriage, she herself still does not believe in what has happened, she continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help Victoria gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, she will love recklessly and strongly, for the sake of a loved one she is ready to sacrifice a lot. However, one treacherous act of her husband - and peace of mind is again disturbed. It's a pity! Victoria although a little lazy, she is worthy of true love and happiness in marriage. She is a caring and faithful wife.

"Winter" Victoria ambitious, ambitious.

"Autumn" - collected, practical. This is a referent, a programmer, a trade worker. The name is suitable for patronymics: Igorevna, Ivanovna, Vitalievna, Efimovna, Andreevna, Bazhenovna, Valerievna.

"Summer" - not indifferent to men, amorous.

"Spring" Victoria- to everything that has been said, it is also insidious, unpredictable, mysterious. She will do well in the service industry.

Name Victoria suitable for patronymics: Klimovna, Kirillovna, Izrailevna, Victoria should not work as a teacher, doctor.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 3

1. Personality. Women with secrets.

2. Character. 85%.

3. Radiation. 78%.

4. Vibration. 63,000 vibrations/s

5. Name color Victoria. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence is activity.

7. totem plant. Gentian.

8. Totem animal. Toad.

9. Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat delayed reaction. Do nothing hastily, do not panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on ghostly dreams.

11. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, one gets the impression that they are angry about something, while they are just watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

13. Excitability. Below average. Victoria needs time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Weak, as well as excitability. Christina does not count on some extraordinary luck. They achieve success with perseverance and diligence, although it comes late.

15. Field of activity. They are attracted scientific activity. Victoria can become scientists, electronics engineers or exemplary teachers. They should not interfere with their choice of profession.

16. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone Victoria carefully plans his affairs and actions.

17. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mindset. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. Analytical mindset gives them the ability to patiently delve into the details.

18. Susceptibility. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

19. Morality. Adhere to principles that many consider petty-bourgeois.

20. Health. Average, and it is necessary to follow it from childhood. They need long stay outdoors, walking, playing sports. Victoria prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

21. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​​​their nature, they cannot stand it when someone invades it. However, behind the impenetrability lies a stormy temperament ...

22. Activity. Such women need time to show their abilities.

23. Sociability. Victoria prefers a few selected friends. He likes to make friendships look beautiful, does not tolerate shameless intrusions of friends. Victoria appreciates the family, they make strict but fair mothers.

Conclusion. Vika needs someone to rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and comfortable family hearth.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 4

Victoria translated from Latin - victory.

She often looks like her father. Lazy and somewhat slow. In games with children, she is rarely a ringleader - she is usually content with a passive role. For a long time she does not want to learn to read, she asks her parents to read to her.

However, Victoria calm, balanced, more silent than a talker, sometimes she can withdraw into herself for no reason visible to others. In her youth, she perks up, begins to take care of herself, but inner uncertainty, shyness remain in her, and often attempts to assert themselves manifest themselves in a bizarre form. That young Victoria ten meters away, he will strike those around him with a strong smell of perfume, then he will put on an indecently short skirt, then he will behave excessively provocatively at a party. This demonstrativeness, assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future. At work, she shows efficiency, with her bosses she even tries to force things, teach others, but, getting rebuffed, she instantly loses her militancy and becomes what she always is.

Of all professions Victoria choose the one that does not require communication with people and where the end result depends solely on Victoria herself. With pleasure she takes on the role of a housewife, although with appropriate external data she can become a fashion model or fashion model.

It takes a long time to choose a husband. The reason for this is her bad temper Victoria, as one might think, and not her high demands on her future husband, but indecision. She is always like this when it comes to some significant step in her life. After marriage, she herself still does not believe in what has happened, she continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, will love recklessly and strongly, sacrifice a lot for the sake of her beloved. However, one treacherous act of her husband - and peace of mind is again disturbed. It's a pity! Victoria worthy of true love and happiness in marriage. She is caring and loyal.

The most favorable marriage of Victoria is with Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergey, Leo, Semyon, Savely. The least - with Dmitry, Albert, Vitaly, Grigory.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 5

Name Victoria means "Winners".

Actually it is not. Always like their fathers, contradictory and stubborn. Lazy at work. For the sake of profit, they can lie, but not always clearly. Temperamental, but sexually passive.

Compliant in the family, they like to misbehave in the company. They are pleasing in appearance, when they want, they can conquer anyone with their charm. They have artistic taste. And although they don’t study so well at school, in the future Victoria takes its place in life. They love subtle flattery and everything refined. Meaning of the name Victoria option 6

Victoria- from the Latin victory.

Derivatives: Viktorka, Vikta, Viktusya, Vika, Vikusha, Vita, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitush, Vityanya, Vira, Torah, Tosha, Tusya.


Victoria always has some inner uncertainty in her character, and she constantly strives to assert herself with the most different ways, sometimes annoying others: either he dresses provocatively, or he behaves, so to speak, inadequately. Victoria not very sociable, but devoted to a few friends and beloved recklessly and, as a rule, for life.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 7

Victoria- victory (Latin)

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - cedar.
  • Treasured plant - mimosa.
  • The patron of the name is a bumblebee.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli.


Victoria always has some inner uncertainty in her character, and therefore all her life she strives to assert herself, however, in a somewhat bizarre form: then Victoria the defiant dresses, then behaves, so to speak, inadequately. Not very sociable, but few friends and, most importantly, beloved Victoria betrayed recklessly.

The meaning of the name Victoria option 8

Victoria outwardly similar to his father. Stubborn, inclined to cunning, dodge. Good, very amorous, but not sure of herself. Before venturing into something, he thinks for a long time, consults with everyone.

Even if she loves deeply and deeply, she will not dare to decide on her own whether to marry this person or not. And if he does make a choice, he will still doubt his correctness. In communication, she is a sincere and sincere person. He loves not only his own. Wiki's vocation is pedagogy.

Victoria can be a counselor, teacher, educator, nanny, pediatrician, nurse, nurse. Well developed fantasy. Her hobby is collecting, collects stamps, postcards, works of art.

Short form of the name Victoria. Vika, Vikusha, Vicky, Torka, Vikta, Toria, Viktorka, Viktosha, Vita, Vitya, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitusha, Vityusha, Vityanya, Viktusya, Vira, Torah, Torya, Tosha, Tusya.
Synonyms for Victoria. Vitoria, Viktoria, Vittoria, Victoria, Vihtoria.
Origin of the name Victoria The name Victoria is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Victoria comes from the Latin word "Victoria", meaning "victory". The same interpretation is given to this name. In Roman mythology, Victoria, the goddess of victory, corresponds to the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, therefore the analogue of the name Victoria is the name Nike.

The name Quiz is considered a related name. Diminutive forms of Thor, Vita are also independent names.

Victoria's christening Orthodox Church produced under the name Nika. AT Orthodox saints the name Victoria is not mentioned, the Catholic name days of Victoria are indicated.

A woman named after Victoria has such character traits as assertiveness, stubbornness, cunning, physical activity and mobility. At the same time, Victoria is a kind, amorous, extremely indecisive and shy person. To compensate for her indecision and assert herself, Vika uses demonstrativeness and pretentiousness: either she starts using harsh perfumes, or she buys an ultra-short skirt, or she simply behaves hyperactively.

Vika is lazy, she can suddenly withdraw into herself, outwardly, because of her insecurity, she looks timid, but in fact this woman has great internal reserves. She can lie if there is a benefit. Vika is a self-willed and stubborn woman, firmly standing on the ground, with a strong will and a masculine mindset.

AT professional activity Vika shows all the same assertiveness and demonstrativeness. However, if obstacles or resistance arise, Victoria will step back from her plan. This woman is suitable for a profession where the result will depend on herself. She has a talent for pedagogical activity, so she will make an excellent teacher, educator, electronics engineer, scientist, pediatrician, nurse. With external data, she can try herself as a fashion model or model. She has excellent organizational skills, so Victoria will make a talented leader. Nevertheless, Victoria will cope with the role of a housewife no less successfully. Victoria's parents should not interfere with her choice of profession. Success for these women comes a bit late, but Vika will definitely achieve it thanks to her perseverance and diligence.

In choosing a partner, Victoria shows herself to be a fastidious woman due to her indecision. Even after getting married, Vika will doubt the correctness of this step for a long time. Her partner should be a sensitive and attentive man who will give Vika confidence in her abilities. In response, Victoria will give her partner trust and frankness, sincere love and a willingness to give everything for her beloved. Victoria will be a caring wife and a good housewife. She will never forgive her husband for cheating or infidelity. Vika is a temperamental woman, as a rule, she has good looking and natural charm, so it can turn the head of any man.

Vika is a sociable woman, but she has few friends. She prefers to have a few reliable buddies than a lot of stupid ones. Victoria does not strive for leadership; a passive role is also suitable for her. In friendly relations, she appreciates beauty, does not tolerate shamelessness on the part of her friends. This is a sincere and sincere woman, lovingly relating not only to relatives and friends, but in general to all the people around her.

sound. Victoria is pretty long name consisting of four syllables. Beauty is its most noticeable characteristic. Many also note the majesty (93%), strength (89%) and mystery (86%) of the sound of the name. Sometimes they hear a certain femininity in him (73%). The most similar names in terms of phonosemantic profile are Valeria, Zarina and Ekaterina.

Victoria's name day

Victoria celebrates name days on March 12, March 23, April 29, May 8, September 12, October 24, November 17, December 23.

Notable people named Victoria

  • Victoria Yagling (cellist, composer and teacher, laureate international competitions cellists, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Victoria Postnikova (Russian pianist)
  • Victoria Abril (real name - Victoria Rojas; Spanish actress. Played in more than 80 films. Known for playing roles in the films of Vicente Aranda and Pedro Almodovar)
  • Victoria Dayneko ( Russian singer and actress)
  • Victoria Platova (real name - Victoria Solomatina; Russian writer, author of action novels)
  • Viktorija Daujotytė-Pakerienė (Lithuanian literary critic)
  • Victoria Perez (Argentine human rights activist)
  • Victoria Kovalchuk (graphic artist, illustrator, designer, writer)
  • Victoria Dawn Justice (American actress and singer)
  • Victoria Nikiforova (Russian playwright and journalist)
  • Victoria Volchkova (married Butsaeva; Russian figure skater who performed in singles, currently a figure skating coach)
  • Victoria Chekova (Russian jazz, blues and ethnic singer)
  • Victoria Ocampo ((1890 - 1979) Argentine writer, public figure and literary organizer, publisher, influential intellectual. Igor Stravinsky dedicated the ballet Persephone to her, and Jorge Luis Borges dedicated the story The Garden of Forking Paths.)
  • Victoria Feodorovna ((1876 - 1936) nee - Victoria Melita; Princess of Great Britain, Ireland and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Duchess of Saxony, since 1907 grand duchess with the title of Imperial Highness)
  • Victoria Cmilyte (Lithuanian chess player)
  • Victoria Yartseva ((1906 - 1999) Soviet and Russian linguist, professor (1943), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968) and the Saxon Academy of Sciences (1976); known for her works on history and style of English language, Celtic languages, grammar theory, contrastive linguistics)
  • Victoria Pratt (Canadian actress and fashion model)
  • Victoria Bonya (TV presenter)
  • Victoria Azarenka (Belarusian tennis player)
  • Victoria Gerasimova ( Russian actress movies and commercials, former MTV Russia VJ)
  • Victoria Belomlinskaya ((1937 - 2008) pseudonym - Victoria Platova; Russian writer)
  • Victoria Begalskaya (Ukrainian-Russian artist)
  • Victoria Motrichko (Ukrainian checkers player, specializing in the game on a small board (draughts-64); international grandmaster, world champion in 2007, champion of the World intellectual games 2008)
  • Victoria Nikishina (Russian foil fencer, Olympic champion 2008, world champion 2002)
  • Victoria Hernandez (Spanish biathlete, member of the Spanish Olympic team in biathlon at the winter Olympic Games 2010)
  • Victoria Sanchez (Canadian actress)
  • Karen Victoria Silvstedt (Swedish fashion model, actress, singer and TV presenter)
  • Victoria Alasheeva (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Victoria Lepko (Russian theater and film actress)