, the fish recipe we sent there.

Our vacation in the Crimea continued, and one day we were preparing the Black Sea garfish (recipe No. 1). And also in this post are collected other recipes for cooking this amazing fish.

Only in autumn, closer to winter, does this black sea fish, garfish. It looks pretty funny and looks like an igloo fish. It has tender, fatty and tasty meat that you will definitely like, especially since it can be cooked very easily and served beautifully.

Now, in autumn, it is the season for it; in summer and spring, it is only frozen for sale, and even then, not everywhere in the Crimea, we do not have it on the market in Sudak during these seasons, but you can always buy it at the Central Market in Yalta.

Garfish - what kind of fish is this?

Sargan - Black Sea fish (but not only where else lives - read below), mmaximum length t ate with argan - 93 cm, normal length 70-35 cm, maximum weight 1.3 kg.

common garfish- marine, schooling fish that lives in the thickness and near the surface of the water. The garfish has an elongated and narrow body, resembling the body eel too . The scales are very small, pearly-shiny. The jaws are strongly elongated, forming a characteristic "beak", reminiscent of the beak of an ancient pterodactyl . small sharp teeth on the beak they allow the garfish to grab small prey during fast swimming - sprat, anchovy, sprat, crustaceans. MMany fishermen compare the garfish with the famous armored pike.

This fish is unusual. not only in form, but also in color. During heat treatment, a greenish tint appears in the fish, and even the broth in which it was boiled or stewed also becomes a light green pistachio color.
no misconception that this color transformation is due to great content phosphorus in a garfish, and its bones glow in the dark (in fact, there is no glow). This feature is associated with the presence in its skeleton a large number the green pigment biliverdin, a special bile pigment, metabolic product. It is he who colors the bones and internal organs. You can eat a garfish and it is absolutely harmless, moreover, a garfish is a very tasty and healthy fish.
In winter and autumn time it quite often falls on the bait of fishermen catching fish from the shore.
It is dried, salted, baked, stewed and fried.

Recipe number 1.Garfish baked in the oven

KBJU: 100 gr fish 100 Kcal,
BJU: 16.5 gr; 5.3 gr; 0.0 gr.


1000 gr fresh garfish (we have small fish 30-35 cm long)
- 5 gr white pepper
- 10 gr salt
- 5 gr allspice (ground)
- 30 gr cold pressed olive oil


1. The fish must be gutted, that is, freed from the insides. To do this, you need to make a long longitudinal incision on the abdomen, preferably with a thin and very sharp knife, since the meat of the garfish is very tender. The fish must be washed in running water and dried with a paper towel.

2. Next, you need to cover the baking sheet with parchment and put the fish on it, after folding each fish into a ring (that is, put the tail in the fish's mouth). Brush each fish with olive oil using a silicone brush, sprinkle with salt and spices and send to bake in a preheated oven. 200 deg. From the oven for 8 min.

3. Put the finished garfish using tongs on a large dish or tray in several layers, serve with a salad of fresh vegetables.

gutted fish:

Fish prepared for baking:

Baked fish:

You can bake fish without rolling it into a ring:

Where is the garfish found

This schooling fish is very common in

warm seas eastern part of the Atlantic, in particular, in the Black and Seas of Azov . Rarely can it be caughtin the White Sea, off the coast of Iceland, Norway, the Kola Peninsula. In summer in South Primorye and Peter the Great Baycaught in the nets of fishermen Strongyiura anastomella, or pacific fish garfish.

It differs from its Black Sea and Azov brothers by a silvery-bluish stripe running longitudinally from two sides. However, the jaws, which occupy three-fourths of the length of the head, are present. The Pacific garfish is thermophilic, found mainly off the coast of Japan and Korea. Fish prefer the middle water column, and only in good nights approaches the surface. Both types of garfish have an ideal streamlined body shape.
A long needle-like body is capable of developing tremendous speed. In a hunting frenzy, a garfish jumps out of the water like a flying fish. Here in the Black Sea it feeds mainly on anchovy and small mackerel, after which it makes long migrations.

Garfish: beneficial features

Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus, iron… Is it worth continuing this list to prove the benefits of fish as such? And the type of garfish also has its advantages.
First, prevalence. Despite the limited habitat in our country (industrial production is carried out in the Azov and Black Seas), the catch of garfish fish is quite significant, hence the low cost of this species.
If we can afford salmon and salmon not so often because of the high cost, then everyone can afford to eat garfish.
The second plus of this fish is that it has few bones.

Despite the fact that the fish is quite inexpensive, it is quite a fatty species. Fish meat not only perfectly nourishes, it contains useful Omega-3 acids that moisturize the epidermis of the skin and thereby smooth wrinkles, are necessary for proper metabolism. The presence of B vitamins improves blood circulation, it protects blood vessels from blockage, helps maintain a healthy heart and even prevents oncology.

Fishing for garfish

it commercial species. It is caught from November to April in a net close to the shore.. Private fishermen go out to sea on a boat or boat and fish with a spinning rod. This species spawns in spring, the eggs ripen, depending on the water temperature, on the 10-30th day. The fry are completely different from the adults. Their characteristic "beak" grows only towards the end of the first year of life. Garfish fish reaches 93 centimeters in length, but specimens with body parameters of no more than seventy-five centimeters usually come across in the net. Individuals become sexually mature in the fifth year of life. A garfish lives on average about thirteen years.
Black Sea fishermen often call it
"sea pike"and appreciate this species for its extraordinary taste.

Below we will give a few more recipes for garfish dishes.

Recipe #2 . Garfish as a snack (dried)

This fish has small scales that extend well from the body. But in order to serve it with beer, you can not clean it and not gut it. Just roll the carcasses in salt and leave for twenty minutes. Then we hang them upside down and let them hang for about half a day.

Recipe number 3."Sprats" from garfish

Baltic canned food is inferior to this dish in terms of taste. These are not anchovies, but garfish! How to cook such "sprats"?

We take a medium-sized carcass, gut it, remove the head, fins and tail. Cut the garfish into pieces-sticks (5 centimeters long). We fill the fish with columns (that is, vertically) into a narrow deep saucepan.
Add a few peppercorns, bay leaves, a pinch of salt. Next, fill it all with vegetable oil so that it covers the fish by one centimeter. We put the dishes on the smallest fire and simmer under the lid about three hours. Such "sprats" are best served chilled, with Borodino bread.

Recipe number 4.Garfish in wine marinade

The taste qualities of this inhabitant of the Black Sea are fully revealed, however, not in snacks. In the southern fish markets, both dried and smoked garfish are sold. But, this type of cooking is not for everyone. And, here, a garfish cooked in a marinade will not leave anyone indifferent.

We clean a kilogram of fish, gut it, add some salt and fry in vegetable oil, and for now put it on a plate.

In a deep frying pan, fry three tablespoons of flour until creamy. Pour half a glass of dry white wine, acidify with lemon juice or vinegar. Add rosemary, pepper, salt. Pour another glass of water and boil the sauce until it thickens. In it, the fish should be stewed for at least ten minutes. Serve this dish with any side dish and a slice of lemon.

Recipe number 5.Garfish scarf

This dish is especially loved by the fishermen of the Crimea. Shkara dish consists of two layers of stewed onions, between which there is sea fish. Garfish is the perfect fish ingredient for this dish. Let's try to cook a "restaurant option". For him, the garfish is cut into fillets, the fillet strips are rolled up, stabbed with a toothpick, and fried in olive oil for literally 20 seconds.

Then the wooden sticks are taken out, and an olive stuffed with lemon is placed in the middle of each fillet roll.
In the usual "fishing" version of the dish, you can skip this stage and simply clean and gut the fish, cutting it into pieces or cutting it into fillets and cutting it too.
Next, cut the onion into rings. There must be a lot of it. Lubricate the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil, cover with onion rings. We will place the fish on them (in the restaurant version, carefully place the rolls with the olive up).

Salt and sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with herbs (rosemary and marjoram). Top with three shavings of very cold butter - not too much, cover the fish on top with onion rings. To stew the fish, add a little water to the pan. Shkara should be cooked under the lid for 20 minutes.

Recipe source.

Garfish fish, the photo of which in itself looks quite exotic, is an amazing inhabitant of the seas. Her jaws are so elongated that they resemble a bird's beak. And since her mouth is full of small and sharp teeth, many fishermen compare the garfish with the famous armored pike and even with the pterodactyl. His jaws are very reminiscent of the beak of an extinct lizard. His body is elongated, like a fish-needle. characteristic feature garfish are its green bones. And even the broth made from this fish acquires a pistachio hue. Many people think that this is due to the high content of phosphorus in the body. Idle tongues chatter, as if the garfish even glows in the dark. But amazing property It is not phosphorus that gives the fish, but biliverdin, a special bile pigment, which colors the bones and internal organs in green color.

There is a garfish absolutely harmless. Moreover, this fish is very tasty. Below we give a few recipes for dishes from it.

Where is the garfish found

This schooling fish is very often found in the warm seas of the eastern Atlantic. Less commonly, it can be caught in the White Sea, off the coast of Iceland, Norway, and the Kola Peninsula. In summer, in the Southern Primorye and Peter the Great Bay, Strongyiura anastomella, or the Pacific garfish, is caught in the nets of fishermen. The photo shows that it differs from its Black Sea and Azov brothers by a silver-bluish stripe running longitudinally from two sides. However, the jaws, which occupy three-fourths of the length of the head, are present.

The Pacific garfish is thermophilic, found mainly off the coast of Japan and Korea. The fish prefers the middle water column, and only on calm nights does it approach the surface. Both types of garfish have an ideal aerodynamic shape. A long, needle-like body is capable of developing breakneck speed. In a hunting frenzy, a garfish jumps out of the water like a flying fish. It feeds mainly on anchovy and small mackerel, after which it makes long migrations.

Garfish fish: useful properties

Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus, iron… Is it worth continuing this list to prove the benefits of fish as such? And the type of garfish also has its own personal advantages. First, prevalence. Despite the limited habitat in our country (industrial production is carried out in the Azov and Black Seas), the garfish catch is significant. And hence the low cost of this species. If we can afford salmon and salmon only on holidays, then enjoying garfish every day will be affordable.

The second plus of this fish is that it has few bones. Despite the cheapness, this is a rather oily look. Fish meat not only perfectly saturates. It contains beneficial omega-3 compounds that moisturize the epidermis of the skin and thereby smooth out wrinkles. A line of B vitamins improves blood circulation. This protects blood vessels from blockage, helps keep the heart healthy and even prevents cancer.

Fishing for garfish

This is a commercial species. It is caught from April to November in a net close to the shore. Private fishermen go out to sea on a boat or boat and fish with a spinning rod. This species spawns in spring, the eggs ripen, depending on the water temperature, on the 10-30th day. The fry are completely different from the adults. Their characteristic "beak" grows only towards the end of the first year of life. Garfish fish reaches 94 centimeters in length, but specimens with body parameters of seventy-five centimeters usually come across in the net. They become sexually mature in the fifth year of life. A garfish lives on average about thirteen years. Fishermen of the Black Sea often call it "sea pike" and appreciate this species for its extraordinary taste. It is dried, salted, baked, stewed and fried.

Sargan as a snack

This fish has small scales that extend well from the body. But to serve it with beer, you can not clean it and not gut it. Just roll the carcasses in salt and leave for twenty minutes. Then we hang them upside down and let them hang for about half a day. But the most tasty snack from garfish - these are "sprats". Baltic canned food is inferior to this dish in terms of taste. These are not anchovies, but garfish!

How to cook such "sprats"? We take a medium-sized carcass, gut it, remove the head, fins and tail. Cut the garfish into pieces-sticks (5 centimeters long). We fill the fish with columns (that is, vertically) into a narrow deep saucepan. Add a few peppercorns, bay leaves, a pinch of salt. Next, fill it all with vegetable oil so that it covers the fish by one centimeter. We put the dishes on the smallest fire and simmer under the lid for about three hours. Such "sprats" are best served chilled, with Borodino bread, with vodka.

Garfish fish: recipes for hot dishes

But taste qualities of this inhabitant of the Black Sea are not fully revealed in snacks. In the southern fish markets, both dried and smoked garfish are sold. But this is an amateur. But the garfish cooked in the marinade will not leave anyone indifferent. A kilo of fish is cleaned, gutted, salted and fried in vegetable oil. We put it on a plate. In a deep frying pan, fry three tablespoons of flour until creamy. Pour half a glass of dry white wine, acidify with lemon juice or vinegar. Add rosemary, pepper, salt. Pour another glass of water and boil the sauce until it thickens. In it, garfish fish should be stewed for at least ten minutes. Serve this dish with any side dish and a slice of lemon.

Sargan fried and baked

This fish, as we have already mentioned, has a strange elongated snout, reminiscent of the predatory beak of some prehistoric creature. You can take advantage of this and serve it baked whole, with the head. Say, this is not a garfish fish, but the last pterodactyl that has survived to this day. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with vegetable oil. We turn the cleaned and gutted garfish into a ring, putting the tail into the elongated jaws. Salt, sprinkle with spices for fish. Finally sprinkle with vegetable oil. Put the tray in the preheated oven. We will bake at 180 degrees for twenty minutes.

Garfish scarf

This dish is especially loved by the fishermen of the Crimea. Shkara is two layers of stewed onions, between which there is sea fish. Garfish is the perfect candidate for this dish. Let's try to cook a "restaurant option". For him, the garfish is milled, the strips are rolled up, stabbed with a toothpick, and fried in olive oil for literally 20 seconds to seize. Then the wooden sticks are taken away, and an olive stuffed with lemon is placed in the middle of each roll. In the usual "fishing" version of the dish, you can skip this step and simply clean and gut the fish, cutting it into pieces. Next, cut the onion into rings. There must be a lot of it. We moisten the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil, cover with onion rings. We will place the fish on them (in the restaurant version, carefully place the rolls with the olive up). Salt and sprinkle with pepper and herbs (rosemary and marjoram). Top with three shavings of very cold butter - not too much. And cover the dish with onion rings. To help the stewing process, add a little water to the pan. Shkara should be stewed under the lid for 20 minutes.

The upper jaw in juveniles is very short: in fish about 20 cm long, it is approximately 1/4 the length of the lower jaw. With age, the upper jaw lengthens greatly, but still remains slightly shorter than the lower. The short dorsal and anal fins of the garfish are carried far back, to the very tail. The caudal fin is forked. Almost at the very belly there is a well-marked straight lateral line. Small pelvic fins are located on the belly. The back of the garfish is dark, bluish-green, the sides are silvery. It's pretty big fish, reaching a length of 94 cm, the usual body length is 70-75 cm.

Garfish are common in moderate warm waters off the western and southern coasts of Europe and North Africa: from Cape Verde to Iceland and Norway. In the waters of Russia, it is found along the coast of the Black Sea, in the Sea of ​​Azov (mainly in its western part) and the Taganrog Bay, occasionally comes across off the coast of the Kola Peninsula and in the White Sea.

Sargan is a schooling sea fish. During the day, as a rule, it stays in deeper layers of water, and on dark calm nights it rises to the very surface. The garfish usually swims with the help of the wave-like bends of its long body, but it is also capable of sharp throws performed on high speed. When frightened or in pursuit of prey, garfish often jump out of the water, making large jumps. Sometimes they are thrown out of the water in order to jump over obstacles floating on the surface. In the coastal areas of the sea, the garfish is found all year round, but also makes significant migrations in search of food. In the Black Sea, the movements of this fish are associated with the migrations of anchovy, which is its main food here. In the spring, following the anchovy, the Black Sea garfish enters the Sea of ​​Azov. He does not stop eating during spawning. In addition to the anchovy, other small fish, as well as some invertebrates, become its prey.

Sexual maturity of the garfish usually reaches the fifth or sixth year of life and breeds annually, some individuals mature as early as three years. The garfish spawns in the spring at some distance from the coast at depths of 12-18 meters. Caviar is spawned in portions, so spawning is greatly extended and continues in the Black Sea from late April to mid-October. The main part of the fish spawns from May to mid-August. Small eggs, 3-3.5 mm in diameter, are laid on algae and any floating objects. Every egg

it is equipped with 60-80 rather long threads with which it attaches to algae. The fertility of this species is 30-45 thousand eggs. Depending on the water temperature, the development of eggs lasts from 10 days to 4-5 weeks. The first larvae in the Black Sea appear in early June. They stay in the upper layers of water in the coastal zone. Larvae differ sharply from adult fish in their short jaws. By the end of the first year of life, matured and acquired a typical appearance, small garfish migrate to the depths.

This fish lives for more than 13 years, however, 5-9-year-old individuals predominate in catches. Sargan is a commercial species, although its bones have a specific green color due to the bile pigment contained in them - biliverdin. Some economic importance it also exists here in the Azov-Black Sea basin.

AT summer time in Peter the Great Bay and off the coast of Southern Primorye, a close species appears in our waters - pacific garfish(Strongyiura anastomella). This more heat-loving fish is common in the seas washing the coasts of Japan, Korea and Northern China, reaches a length of 90 cm and differs from other types of garfish in a beautiful bluish-silver longitudinal strip running along each side.

Fish. - M.: Astrel. E.D. Vasiliev. 1999

See what "Common garfish" is in other dictionaries:

    common garfish

    Garfish- ? Sargan Scientific classification Kingdom: Animals Type: Chordates ... Wikipedia

    Garfish- common, or Atlantic, garfish (Belone belone), a fish of the garfish family. Body length up to 90 cm, weighs up to 1 kg. Distributed in warm temperate waters off the coast of Europe and North Africa, found in the Baltic, North, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    European garfish- ? European garfish Scientific classification ... Wikipedia

    European garfish- paprastoji vėjažuvė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Belone Belone engl. flat needlefish; garfish; garpike hornfish; greenbone rus. European garfish; common garfish ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

    garfish family- Common garfish (Below belone), common in all European and other seas, reaches a length of 1 m or more, and the weight rarely exceeds 1 kg. The signs are in a very elongated, eel-shaped body, elongated in the form of a long ... ... Animal life - a family of fish of the garfish order. Length from 30 cm to 1.8 m. Over 30 species, in the coastal waters of tropical, subtropical, less often temperate seas, including 2 species in the Black, Baltic and Seas of Japan. Object of local craft. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    GARGAN-SHAPED- (Beloniformes), a detachment of ray-finned (see. RAY-FISHED) fish. Known since the Eocene (see EOCENE SECTION). 4 families and about 150 species, widely distributed in the warm waters of the World Ocean and fresh water bodies, in the upper layers of water. All garfish… encyclopedic Dictionary

It has unusual appearance- flat elongated body and long jaws. Because of this feature, it is often referred to as the arrowfish. Belongs to the class bony fish, the garfish family. There are about twenty-five species of this marvelous fish.

Garfish: description

The garfish is distinguished not only by its special appearance, but also by the color of the vertebral bone in green (several types). This is what makes some people refrain from catching it, but absolutely in vain: the unusual color of the bone is just a pigment that does not affect the taste of the meat. On the contrary, the fish has an excellent taste, you can cook a lot of culinary masterpieces from it.

It boasts powerful and very long jaws with tenacious fangs, characteristic of a predator. The dorsal and anal fins are located near the tail, and the lateral line is located low, near the belly. The body is covered with very small scales, and its color depends on the subspecies:

  1. The most common - European (ordinary) - has a greenish back and greenish-silver sides, a dark stripe stretches along the entire back. The maximum size it reaches is 90 cm.
  2. Black Sea fish garfish. Belongs to a subspecies of the European ordinary. Garfish in the Black Sea is smaller (up to 60 cm).
  3. Giant (crocodile) has silvery scales with a bluish tint. It grows up to 2 meters, the maximum weight is 6 kilograms.
  4. Pacific or Far Eastern - the owner of small scales with a bluish tint on the back, to the belly - silver. The size of the Far East is up to 1 meter in length.
  5. Black-tailed - silvery with transverse stripes and an anthracite-colored spot at the tail, reaches 50 cm.

The average lifespan of a fish is about 13 years. Catch specimens are considered to be 5-8-year-old specimens. It swims very quickly and quickly jumps out of the water in case of danger, in the event of obstacles, into the light at night. There were cases when a predator that jumped out in this way inflicted serious grass on a person.


Garfish, except for a few freshwater species, marine. It lives in seas with moderately warm water. In Russia, these are the Black Sea, the Taganrog Bay, the Sea of ​​Azov and the Sea of ​​Japan. There is a garfish and off the coast White Sea. He also took a liking to Western and southern shores Europe and North Africa. The largest individuals, a little over a meter, are found right here, in the coastal waters of Cape Verde, Norway and Iceland.

One of the freshwater species that lives in water bodies South-East Asia, has a cylindrical body shape, a silver-green color and a small size - up to thirty centimeters. That is why it is bred in aquariums. And the ribbon-like lives in tropical waters and lives in the open ocean. Some subspecies have chosen coral reefs for habitat.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Our hero lives in packs. Floats in the upper layers of the water. In nutrition, he is not particularly picky: small fish, crustaceans, insects, and even the fry of his relatives do not disdain. All subspecies are characterized by seasonal migrations. Black Sea garfish spring migrates from the waters

Black Sea to Azov for anchovy - a favorite food. By autumn it returns to the Black Sea. And the Pacific comes from Korea in the summer to spawn in Primorye. Males reach puberty by 5 years of age, females - a little later, by 6 years.

Spawning and reproduction

Fish spawning begins in April and ends in August. Females always spawn near land, once every two weeks, choosing secluded places in reefs and among underwater vegetation. Algae are necessary not only for camouflage: the eggs are attached to them with sticky threads.

The caviar is close to the surface of the water. Favorable for the production of fry, the water temperature is more than 10 degrees. One female is able to lay from 15 to 50 thousand eggs.
The larvae have short jaws, unlike the adults. As they grow older, the jaws grow to normal sizes.

How and where to catch him, swift?

Near land, this fish is only during spawning and in pursuit of food. Flocks of small fish in the area of ​​bays, rocky shores, reefs serve as a good bait for him. The optimal distance for fishing from the shore is 40-100 meters.

In the open sea, when the water warms up well, you can hunt it with marine species transport. In cold weather, the bite is excellent throughout the day. At night and early in the morning it is good to fish in shallow water. An excellent bite occurs in autumn and spring, with a slight wind, an average wave, up to 1 meter, and a water temperature of more than 10 degrees. Small fish in such weather concentrates near the shore, and our hero follows her.

You will catch garfish along the coastline, in bays, coves and coral reefs. During low tide, he has a habit of burrowing into the silt to a depth of 1 meter in a drained area. A successful hunt can be a surf zone, fishing from rocks, the territory of seaports.
The areas where rapid current borders on slow, attracts small fish, and therefore our fish.

This predator is caught on a small organic bait:

  • Maggot.
  • Sea worms.
  • Little fish.
  • Fish or chicken fillet (cut into 4-5 cm pieces)
  • Shrimps.
  • Nereis.

Artificial baits are also suitable: spinners, wobblers, silicone worms. From the shore, the most popular are fishing with a bait (spinning) with a weighted float and a “bomb”. In the open sea better ways- with the use of a tyrant and without a fly-fishing hook. Some arrange hunting even under water. For this, a special wetsuit was created.

It must be remembered that this predator lives in the upper layers of the water and can perfectly see all your manipulations with tackle. He is cautious and shy, so the line should be thin and the bait should almost float. The hook should be hidden well in the bait. There were cases when the bite resumed if the fishermen "left in an ambush."

Video about sea fish garfish:

This fish is ideal for frying, as there are practically no bones in it. It will not work to fry it whole, as the fish is rather big.


  1. Cut the fish into portions. Salt a little.
  2. Roll in flour.
  3. Fry on sunflower oil until golden brown.

Sargan turns out to be very tasty, with tender meat and a crispy crust. Such fish can be served with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Garfish recipe

Shkara is a delicious dish that is not so easy to prepare.


  • garfish - 700 g;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • spices, salt and pepper.


  1. Gut the fish and roll into rings using toothpicks to secure.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into small pieces. Stuff olives with lemon.
  3. Melt a piece in another pan butter, add bay leaf, heat for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Fry the fish in vegetable oil for 10-12 minutes on each side. Remove the toothpicks, the garfish will keep its shape.
  5. Onion cut into rings. Put about half in a pan in a dense layer, lay the garfish rings on top.
  6. Put olives stuffed with lemon in each ringlet. Add spices and salt to taste.
  7. Put a little butter on each ring. Sprinkle the rest of the onion on top and pour in a little water.
  8. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. The lid must be closed.

The dish is very fragrant and tasty.

Fish garfish with vegetables

Fish on a vegetable pillow always turns out tender and juicy.


  • garfish - 800 g;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 5 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil- 75 ml;
  • paprika, pepper, salt.


  1. Cut the fish into portions and fry until golden brown.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots, cut the onion into rings, tomatoes into circles.
  3. Fry onions with carrots. Stew tomatoes in another pan.
  4. Put half of the vegetables in layers in a large pan, lay the fish on top, seasoning it with spices. Put the rest of the vegetables on the fish.
  5. Simmer 20 min.

Serve with rice or potatoes.

Dishes from garfish have a unique taste and aroma, so you need to treat yourself to this fish at least sometimes.