The operation of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom or in the bathroom is sometimes associated with rather specific problems. This applies to the accumulation of moisture on the toilet tank. To eliminate such unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to understand exactly what factors led to the occurrence of such inconveniences.


Condensation on the toilet bowl contributes to the formation of indoor advanced level humidity, due to which dampness appears, and an unpleasant odor accumulates. Such a microclimate renders the components of metal plumbing equipment unusable, provoking the formation of rust and corrosion. And this is already fraught with all sorts of problems, ranging from small streaks on various surfaces in the room, to the formation of leaks and other more serious breakdowns in the toilet. For residents, mold and other microorganisms will be at risk, for which such conditions are most favorable for reproduction.

Most often, condensate forms where there is a temperature difference, and due to their properties, bathrooms and bathrooms are just such a room. As a rule, the temperature in the bathroom is sometimes quite high, especially in winter. And the water that is used to flush the toilet is colder, it will not be difficult for her to cool the tank itself quickly enough.

There can be several reasons why excess moisture collects on the toilet.

  • Frequent use of the device, due to which the water entering it cannot heat up to optimal temperature premises. In residential areas where a large family lives, plumbing is used many times more often than in apartments where one or two people live. Frequent draining of water contributes to a noticeable difference in temperatures between the water from the pipeline and the temperature in the living room.
  • The occurrence of malfunctions in the drain system, due to which water from normal temperature leaves, and the missing volume is replenished by cooled from the pipeline. Various breakdowns of shutoff valves entail the provision of a toilet bowl cold water, in winter its temperature is about 3 degrees Celsius, and the room in winter warms up to a temperature exceeding 20 degrees. A difference of 15 or more degrees contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the surface of the toilet, which sweats.

  • High humidity in the room. Often, a bathroom in apartments is combined with a bath, where a clothes dryer is additionally located. The presence of wet tissue, water that drips from pipes, and the combination of these phenomena significantly increase the concentration of moisture in the air. Plastic and ceramic surfaces do not allow it to dry, so they are covered with drops.
  • Malfunction of ventilation of the toilet room or its absence. There are times when a special window for ventilation is tightly sealed during repair work. This entails a failure in the circulation of air, and excess moisture from it condenses on the surface of the flush tank.
  • The arrangement of the bathroom in such a way that in the immediate vicinity of the toilet there will be many pipes with hot water supply, heating radiators or towel dryers.

After identifying the cause that contributes to the fact that the toilet cistern fogs up, it is necessary to take measures to combat the phenomenon of condensation.


First of all, you need to check how well the tank itself is functioning. The technology for performing such work is not particularly difficult. To do this, you need to observe a little how the mechanism performs its functional tasks.

When the toilet is not in use, but water still flows from the tank, even if it pours in a small trickle, the drain system needs to be repaired. Such a leak can be determined by the formation of a trace of water, which eventually appears inside.

To fix the problem, you will need to check every detail of the device, Special attention while giving the connecting elements and inlet fittings. If it is not possible to cope with the task on your own, it is better to use the help of a specialist who can perform both diagnostics and troubleshooting. Plumber call - perfect solution for users who lack knowledge and practical experience to get rid of breakdowns in plumbing. Repair will fix the problem and solve the problem with the wet surface of the tank.

If the problem is too frequent use of the toilet, then installing a two-stage button on the mechanism can help. Latest Models plumbing devices are initially sold in this configuration. The button can be easily purchased at any building supermarket, the cost of production is quite affordable for most consumers.

Thanks to the installation of a button, it becomes possible to drain only a certain part of the water that is contained in the toilet tank. The button is a system that consists of two drain modes - full and partial. This feature makes it possible to save water, which is relevant today for most owners of apartments and houses, and also allows the incoming liquid to warm up over time. This will reduce the chance of moisture forming on the surface of the toilet bowl.


Sometimes the cause of the accumulation of condensate is not the mechanism of the plumbing device itself. The question may concern other points, for example, high levels of humidity. This phenomenon is often the root cause of the accumulation of moisture on the outer surface of the tank.

Proper arrangement of ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom will help not only to get rid of fogging different devices in these rooms, but also to optimize the microclimate throughout the home.

The first step is to resort to mounting a fan with good power, which is installed in a circular slot in the wall. Now many types of ventilation devices can be easily connected to the light switches in the room, so that they will carry out their work when the lighting in the bathroom is turned on. Moreover, the installation, tied to lighting, can also be carried out in the reverse mode of operation of the fan - that is, the mechanism will begin to supply fresh air when the light in the room is turned off. In light of the fact that ventilation devices still make noise during operation, models that will work with the lights off are more in demand.

In order for ventilation to help reduce moisture levels and ventilate, bathrooms and toilets often have certain door models that have special grilles or holes for air circulation. Such design features of the door panels provide free exit of humidified air from the room, and that, in turn, quickly mixes with the general microclimate in the apartment.

It will not be superfluous to additionally clean the ventilation ducts leading to the bathroom, the air exchange in the dwelling also depends on their condition. Lack of traction will indicate that the channel is clogged.

Another factor affecting the operation of general ventilation in the apartment may be the closing of the window with some material. The plug must be removed, since ventilation in the bathroom is mandatory. In the early days, after the acquisition of housing, this factor could simply not be paid attention to. However, it can cause a number of unpleasant phenomena in the future, among which the main ones are condensate, fungus, an unpleasant smell in the room, and corrosion of water pipes.

The hole is sometimes sealed, guided by the aesthetic component when the window for ventilation does not meet the requirements of the owners in appearance. But today there are a lot of options for beautiful ventilation grilles on sale, which will make it possible to give this obligatory component a neater look that does not attract too much attention.

How to raise the water temperature?

The next way to help deal with strong condensate is to increase the temperature of the liquid in the toilet bowl. This can be done by ensuring that the tank is filled with slightly heated water. For the winter season, this technology will be very useful.

You can access warm liquid into the system in the following ways:

  • The purchase of a water heater that will heat the liquid before it is poured into the tank.
  • Insulation of the pipe through which the liquid passes. This method has a fairly affordable price, but will require a number of works. First of all, you need to buy insulation material that wraps the supply pipe.
  • Reduce the pressure with which water enters the apartment. This will reduce the rate at which the tank fills, allowing the water to reach room temperature more quickly.

Many professionals prefer the installation of a double-body cistern. Although the products appeared on the market not so long ago, they are already in great demand, as they are considered the latest alternative development in the field of plumbing fixtures. The high cost of products is justified by its effectiveness, since the toilet does not “sweat” due to the features of its design.

The device is a reservoir made of plastic and a body with an air gap. This feature of the configuration will help to make the difference between temperatures completely insignificant, which will eliminate the risk of moisture on the device.

A modern bathroom boasts practicality, convenience and comfort. If you take care of the toilet properly, its appearance and functionality will last longer. long term. But when fogging occurs on the toilet tank, it can lead to damage to plumbing fixtures, the appearance of foreign odors and the formation of black mold. How to cope with leaks and eliminate the cause completely?

When, it is necessary to identify the initial cause of the appearance. Usually, she is high level humidity in the room. To normalize this indicator, it is necessary to determine the reasons for the increase in the level.

  1. Faulty pipes or plumbing fixtures. Such breakdowns must be eliminated as soon as possible, since ignoring them can only aggravate the situation. Under the influence of moisture, pipes corrode, which leads to unnecessary leaks and flooding of neighbors.
  2. Drying large loads of laundry. This is true for large families and small rooms. In this case, it is recommended to dry things on the balcony (if available), as well as in the yard or in a separate room.
  3. Poor ventilation system. Because of. That ventilation does not properly perform its functions, the air in the room does not have time to be updated in time. From what, the room does not dry out well enough.
  4. The most common cause of toilet sweating can be considered a breakdown inside the tank itself. As a result, cold water flows in a constant mode, not having time to warm up to room temperature in time. That is why the tank starts to sweat.
  5. A large amount of vegetation in the house, requiring moisturizing procedures. Also, the presence of an aquarium affects the increase in the level of humidity in the room. You can eliminate this cause by installing an air dryer.

A prime example of a toilet cistern fogging up

Ways to eliminate condensate

The appearance of dampness, mold and unpleasant odors is far from full list effects of fogging on the toilet cistern. To resolve these shortcomings, it is necessary to take a number of measures to improve the functionality of the premises.

Reducing water consumption

Since large families use the toilet quite often, the amount of flushed fluid should be reduced by adjusting the amount of water supplied. More simple option The solution to this problem is to purchase a new toilet with a flush that can be adjusted automatically. Also, on sale there are toilet cisterns with an improved flushing system. When the button is pressed for the first time, the water is drained, and when the button is pressed again, the process stops.

Improving the ventilation system

Poor ventilation is the cause of many problems: respiratory diseases, insufficient oxygen, bad smell, humidity in the room.

In order to check the functionality of the air ducts, it is enough to bring a sheet of paper to the air vent. In this way, you can check the quality of the system. If it malfunctions, the walls and floor can be covered with drops of water and fogging, which in turn can lead to the formation of fungus.

Forced ventilation

Installing forced ventilation helps to solve the problem of condensation on the toilet cistern. Many consumers, wanting to decorate the room, close the vent. Under no circumstances should this be done! For such purposes, you can turn your attention to decorative grilles that cover the non-aesthetic appearance of the hole. At the same time, maintaining normal air circulation in the toilet room. Another solution is to install a fan that starts when the light in the room is turned on. And of course, the easiest option would be to leave the door to the restroom a little ajar, in the absence of visitors.

Change in water temperature

Misting on the drain tank is formed as a result of the difference in the temperature of the water and the room. Usually, it varies from ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. By minimizing this difference, you can partially get rid of the condensate.

To do this, it is necessary: ​​to insulate the pipeline, change the source of water from cold to hot, or install a water dilution system.

Drain tank insulation

An example of insulation of a toilet bowl with polyethylene foam

It is possible to insulate the drain tank by placing a plastic structure in it at a distance of no more than two to three millimeters from each other. Between which, you need to install gaskets. Thus, you get a tank-in-tank system. When working, it should be borne in mind that the thickness of the material used should not exceed one centimeter, otherwise the required amount of water will not fit in the tank. When installing insulation, you can use available funds: sealant, adhesive and mounting foam. It is worth remembering that these works are carried out only after the water is completely blocked, and the tank is freed from all moisture.

Repair of the construction of the drain tank

In the event of a breakdown in the design of the drain tank, it is necessary to pay attention to the elasticity of the pear, the quality of the rubberized elements, and the functionality of the shut-off valve. A used part is best replaced rather than trying to upgrade it yourself. Otherwise, such self-activity can lead to uncontrolled discharge of water into the sewer, as a result of which, the formation of condensate can increase up to two to three liters per day.

Before installing a new system, you should pay attention to a few details: if the nuts are made of plastic, then they must be tightened by hand; do not connect some parts too tightly, this can lead to premature wear of the structure; drain mechanisms should be located in the tank in such a way as to prevent accidental contact with its walls.

Drain control

To reduce the amount of water drained, it is enough to purchase a newer model of the tank. If this option is not possible, then the drain unit can be adjusted manually by setting the valve mechanism yourself.

In addition, installing a double drain button can help solve the problem. At which, pressing one of them will mean draining the water, and the second - stopping the current process.

Home microclimate

To normalize the operation of the drain system, you will need to start with the modernization of the home microclimate. Since, fogging on the toilet cistern may be the result of poor ventilation in the apartment. More specifically, the exhaust air does not leave the room, but lingers, warms up and accumulates, settling on the surfaces of walls and plumbing. If it is not possible to replace the old duct, then the ventilation of the room should be controlled. Moreover, the restroom is a haven for various kinds of bacteria. It is not necessary to improve their conditions for the harmonious arrangement of their existence and reproduction.

Toilet cistern sweating is a common problem for many apartment owners. Sometimes, in search of its solution, the owners correct a number of other possible consequences. Thus, ennobling your home. If the condensate on the tank dries quickly, and its formation is infrequent, then in such a situation there is no reason to panic. Since, the use of radical measures is not required.

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One of the annoying surprises in the toilet and in the combined bathroom can be the appearance of condensate on the toilet bowl. Agree, this is not just a minor nuisance - this is a real problem that not only lowers the level of comfort, but can also adversely affect the health of all family members.

Yes, and any repair made with the highest quality materials will fail in the fight against the consequences that arose after prolonged exposure to condensate.

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. And you can do it on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists. To do this, you need to understand why condensation appears on the toilet bowl, and how to eliminate the root cause of its formation.

We will help you determine the causes of “precipitation” on plumbing, and also describe possible ways problem solving. We supplemented the material with videos and photo instructions that clearly demonstrate how you can get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own.

The condensate that appears on the tank belongs to the category domestic problems. To learn how to deal with it effectively, you have to figure out the reasons for its appearance in a particular room.

Only then will it be possible to choose the best option to deal with it.

The nature of the formation of condensate

First of all, you need to understand the nature of the occurrence of "precipitations" on the drain tank. Condensation is water droplets that fall out of the air. They are formed from a sharp temperature drop and act on the surface of objects.

Condensation after taking a shower is a fairly common phenomenon that disappears in a matter of minutes. But the constant trickles flowing down from the toilet bowl and through the cold water pipes can bring a lot of problems.

The condensate on the drain tank is water formed from the impact of cold water at a temperature of 7-15 ° C on the inner walls of a faience container and warm air at a temperature of 25-32 ° C acting from the outside.

From a sharp drop on the outer walls of the container, like dew, drops of water protrude

Causes of condensation on the tank

The appearance of condensate on the drain tank indicates the presence of one of the problems that must be identified and measures taken to eliminate it.

To understand who is to blame, you have to pay attention to the following factors:

  • cold water consumption;
  • ventilation in the bathroom;
  • condition of the tank fittings;
  • humidity level.

With frequent filling of the drain tank, a large amount of condensate forms - cold water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

Condensation can also be a symptom of a second problem - a non-working ventilation system. Especially if the ventilation hole is removed in the room with the toilet, there is a threshold at the entrance, and the doors fit snugly.

This is quite dangerous for users of combined bathrooms - without proper ventilation, you can simply suffocate.

No matter how beautiful the interior of the combined bathroom is, you have to think about safety first of all by making ventilation holes

Another reason for a drain tank to get wet is a broken shutoff valve. When seals leak or, then increased water consumption and, as a result, excessive condensation on the outer wall of the faience container cannot be avoided.

Even the most expensive monolithic drain tank is not immune from the breakdown of the internal filling, when you can see puddles of condensate on the floor, which simply should not be there

An increased level of humidity in the bathroom may be due to the circulation of excessively humid air entering this room from other rooms in the house/apartment.

Or due to the fact that the owner of a small apartment constantly dries clothes in the bathroom combined with a toilet. The same problem is observed if wet linen hangs in the kitchen, bordering the bathroom.

Whatever the reason causing the formation of condensate on the drain tank, it must be clearly identified and only then proceed to elimination. After a successful solution of the identified problem, the condensate will also go away.

Condensation cannot be removed

It is the owner of the bathroom who will have to decide where exactly to put the comma in this sentence. It all depends on the specific situation and the attitude of all household members to it.

First option. The toilet cistern fogs up a little, but between visits to the bathroom / toilet, everything has time to dry out. Here you can do without radical methods to solve the issue of removing condensate.

Slight fogging of surfaces is unable to lead to irreparable consequences and somehow seriously damage the exterior finish of the room.

Second option. If the drain tank is constantly wet, trickles of condensate now and then flow down to the floor and nothing has time to dry. Here the solution is unequivocal - it is necessary to fix the problem.

Drops flowing down the outer surface of the earthenware container form puddles that need to be wiped off every now and then. Sometimes the situation is quite deplorable - in a day a whole lake is formed in the bathroom. This not only causes inconvenience when visiting the premises, but also greatly unnerves.

Depending on the volume of escaping condensate, diligent hosts methods are used to correct this problem. Some put a towel, while others substitute all kinds of jars and saucers

Constant precipitation of condensate on the drain tank is not only troublesome at the current time, but also threatens with even greater problems in the coming years.

Firstly, drops of condensation may remain in small crevices and hard-to-reach areas. Over time, the water will stagnate and begin to smell unpleasant.

Secondly, the constant loss of condensate increases the level of humidity in the bathroom. Especially if it's combined. This situation will certainly provoke the growth and active reproduction of mold and fungus.

Mold spoils appearance any room. It adversely affects the body of people who constantly use the bathroom, provoking allergic reactions, headaches and other health problems.

Third, the outer surface of the drain tank, being under the constant influence of water drops, will not last long - in the next 2-3 years a network of small cracks will appear, in which mold and fungus will also begin to form.

Fourth, due to high humidity, all wooden interior items in the toilet room or combined bathroom will begin to rot. Especially if it is a wooden floor, solid oak / beech parquet or other wood species.

Fifth, metal parts of furniture, water pipes and other items will begin to suffer from corrosion. Even a mirror can suffer - a whole colony of black mold will grow on its inside.

The mold that has settled on the mirror makes it impossible to use it further. You will need to buy a new one, and this is an additional expense item

As a result, the constant appearance of condensate will result not only in the deterioration of the microclimate in the bathroom, but also in the loss of working condition and loss appearance many interior items. Already after 5-6 years it may be necessary overhaul shared bathroom or toilet.

Methods for getting rid of condensate

The condensate found on the toilet bowl is not encouraging at all - the owners of the apartment / house immediately try to get rid of it by everyone possible methods. In the course are towels, jars, saucers and other items that do not belong next to the toilet. However, the formation of "dew" on the tank is much easier to prevent than to constantly collect and clean.

In the fight against drops settling on the tank, the following methods are used:

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The second option is to insulate the walls of the tank from the inside. For these purposes, tepofol, foamed polyethylene, polystyrene and other types of insulation are used. Depending on the type of material chosen, additional adhesive and sealant may be needed.

Toilet bowl malfunctions and their elimination

If even a thin stream of water flows into the toilet unhindered, then its volume in the tank must be continuously replenished. Hence the water droplets on the surface and high water bills. The solution to the problem is to fix the leak. Sometimes it helps to replace the worn-out rubber membrane of the siphon, for which:

  • water is completely drained from the tank;
  • fix the lever in such a position that the hole is closed by a valve and no more water flows;
  • dismantle the siphon by disconnecting it from the lever;

First of all, you should eliminate possible tank leaks, if any.

  • the worn out membrane is removed and replaced with a new one;
  • return the siphon to its place and fix it;
  • perform a test run.

The reason may be hiding in a faulty float, then perform the following actions:

  • remove the float from the tank;
  • pour water out of it;
  • let dry;

float repair

  • seal the hole through which water enters it;
  • set in place.

If it is possible to buy a new float, then this option is better, because. the repaired part will still not last long. The problem can be solved even easier if the leak is due to the wrong position of the float, in order to fix it, it is enough to open the tank and return the lever to its normal position.

Other Ways to Eliminate Condensation

Never sweaty toilet

Not so long ago, models of toilet bowls with a two-piece tank appeared on sale. The water in it is in an internal plastic tank and does not come into contact with the walls of the main vessel, therefore, condensate does not form. The solution is ideal, but the cost is confusing - it is several times higher than that of a toilet bowl with a traditional cistern.

The device of a two-piece toilet bowl

Drain minimization

The less water goes into the sewer, the greater the chance that there will be no condensate. There are toilet bowls with a tank equipped with a two-button mechanism. When one button is used, approximately 5 liters of water flows out of the tank, the other about 7 liters. And in tanks with an aquastop drain system, one control button is mounted in the lid: with one press, the water begins to pour out, and with the second press, this process can be stopped.

Two-button mechanism for descent of water

Drain tank insulation

Some craftsmen independently isolate the walls of the tank from interaction with cold water. The refinement is as follows:

  1. Turn off the water supply.
  2. Disconnect the hose through which water enters.
  3. Take off the sump.
  4. Dismantle everything inside the tank.
  5. Rinse the container, wipe dry.
  6. Cut out the liner from the insulation. To do this, it is laid out on a flat plane, the tank is placed on it in the same position as it usually stands in the working position, the bottom is circled around the perimeter, and then the workpiece is cut out.
  7. Put the workpiece inside, press firmly.
  8. The height of the walls is measured from the inside, starting from the liner and ending with the upper edge of the tank. Subtract from the resulting size about 3 cm.
  9. The perimeter of the walls is also measured from the inside, an allowance of about 100 mm is added.
  10. Put the pattern inside. The joint is overlapped, therefore, gently pressing the workpiece against the walls, a through cut is made in this place. Take out the blanks.
  11. Perform assembly:
  • apply sealant to the bottom, around the holes for installing fittings;
  • set the bottom in place;
  • insert the inner liner, having previously applied glue to the sidewalls;
  • fill the vertical joint with silicone;

Insulated cistern

  • treat the joint between the bottom and the side walls with a sealant;
  • give time to dry for at least a day, cut holes for reinforcement, apply sealant to the edges;
  • set everything in place.

Here are the main causes of fogging of the toilet cistern and how to eliminate them. If you cannot remove the condensate yourself, contact a professional.

Forced ventilation

In the case when all the necessary actions with the tank have been carried out, and the presence of moisture on it is still visible, it is worth thinking about forced ventilation of the room. Ventilation problems can be solved in the following ways:

    1. Forced ventilation, one of operating methods, which is suitable even when moisture collects not only on the tank itself, but also on all surfaces of the bathroom. Such a solution to the problem consists in acquiring a special fan, which is installed in the circulation hole.

To supplement air circulation, you can install a grate and on interior doors. So moist air will quickly mix with the rest. instruct installation work, better for professionals, which will correctly calculate the required (specifically for this room) ventilation level. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the ventilation ducts are clean and have good draft.

Often there are situations when the previous tenants of the apartment cover the ventilation hole with some kind of material, and the new guests simply do not pay attention to it.

  1. With a slight manifestation of condensate, you can simply leave the doors to the bathroom ajar, or in their lower part, make a strip of space so that they do not sit tightly in the door frame.
  2. A dehumidifier also helps in the fight against condensate. This is an electrical device in which a fan is mounted. Thanks to him, moist air flows into the cooling chamber, where the liquid is separated and collected in a container, and the already dried air is returned to the room.

Condensation cannot be removed

It is the owner of the bathroom who will have to decide where exactly to put the comma in this sentence. It all depends on the specific situation and the attitude of all household members to it.

First option. The toilet cistern fogs up a little, but between visits to the bathroom / toilet, everything has time to dry out. Here you can do without radical methods to solve the issue of removing condensate.

Slight fogging of surfaces is unable to lead to irreparable consequences and somehow seriously damage the exterior finish of the room.

Second option. If the drain tank is constantly wet, trickles of condensate now and then flow down to the floor and nothing has time to dry. Here the solution is unequivocal - it is necessary to fix the problem.

Drops flowing down the outer surface of the earthenware container form puddles that need to be wiped off every now and then. Sometimes the situation is quite deplorable - in a day a whole lake is formed in the bathroom. This not only causes inconvenience when visiting the premises, but also greatly unnerves.

Depending on the amount of escaping condensate, prudent owners use methods to eliminate this problem. Some put a towel, while others substitute all kinds of jars and saucers

Constant precipitation of condensate on the drain tank is not only troublesome at the current time, but also threatens with even greater problems in the coming years.

First, drops of condensate can remain in small crevices and in areas that are difficult to reach. Over time, the water will stagnate and begin to smell unpleasant.

Secondly, constant condensation increases the level of humidity in the bathroom. Especially if it's combined. This situation will certainly provoke the growth and active reproduction of mold and fungus.

Mold spoils the appearance of any room. It adversely affects the body of people who constantly use the bathroom, provoking allergic reactions, headaches and other health problems.

Thirdly, the outer surface of the drain tank, being under the constant influence of water drops, will not last long - in the next 2-3 years a network of small cracks will appear, in which mold and fungus will also begin to form.

Fourthly, due to high humidity, all wooden interior items in the toilet room or combined bathroom will begin to rot. Especially if it is a wooden floor, solid oak / beech parquet or other wood species.

Fifth, the metal parts of furniture, water pipes and other items will begin to suffer from corrosion. Even a mirror can suffer - a whole colony of black mold will grow on its inside.

The mold that has settled on the mirror makes it impossible to use it further. You will need to buy a new one, and this is an additional expense item

As a result, the constant appearance of condensate will result not only in the deterioration of the microclimate in the bathroom, but also in the loss of working condition and loss of appearance in many interior items. After 5-6 years, a major overhaul of a combined bathroom or toilet may be required.

Why does condensation appear on the tank

The condensate that appears on the tank belongs to the category of household problems. To learn how to deal with it effectively, you have to figure out the reasons for its appearance in a particular room.

Only then will it be possible to choose the best option to deal with it.

The nature of the formation of condensate

First of all, you need to understand the nature of the occurrence of "precipitations" on the drain tank. Condensation is water droplets that fall out of the air. They are formed from a sharp temperature drop and act on the surface of objects.

Condensation after taking a shower is a fairly common phenomenon that disappears in a matter of minutes. But the constant trickles flowing down from the toilet bowl and through the cold water pipes can bring a lot of problems.

The condensate on the drain tank is water formed from the impact of cold water at a temperature of 7-15 ° C on the inner walls of a faience container and warm air at a temperature of 25-32 ° C acting from the outside.

From a sharp drop on the outer walls of the container, like dew, drops of water protrude

Causes of condensation on the tank

The appearance of condensate on the drain tank indicates the presence of one of the problems that must be identified and measures taken to eliminate it.

To understand who is to blame, you have to pay attention to the following factors:

  • cold water consumption;
  • ventilation in the bathroom;
  • condition of the tank fittings;
  • humidity level.

With frequent filling of the drain tank, a large amount of condensate forms - cold water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

Condensation can also be a symptom of a second problem - a non-working ventilation system. Especially if the ventilation hole is removed in the room with the toilet, there is a threshold at the entrance, and the doors fit snugly.

This is quite dangerous for users of combined bathrooms - without proper ventilation, you can simply suffocate.

No matter how beautiful the interior of the combined bathroom is, you have to think about safety first of all by making ventilation holes

Another reason for a drain tank to get wet is a broken shutoff valve. When the seals leak or the float is out of order, the increased water consumption and, as a result, the excessive appearance of condensate on the outer wall of the faience tank cannot be avoided.

Even the most expensive monolithic drain tank is not immune from the breakdown of the internal filling, when you can see puddles of condensate on the floor, which simply should not be there

An increased level of humidity in the bathroom may be due to the circulation of excessively humid air entering this room from other rooms in the house/apartment.

Or due to the fact that the owner of a small apartment constantly dries clothes in the bathroom combined with a toilet. The same problem is observed if wet linen hangs in the kitchen, bordering the bathroom.

Whatever the reason causing the formation of condensate on the drain tank, it must be clearly identified and only then proceed to elimination. After a successful solution of the identified problem, the condensate will also go away.

Faulty ventilation as a cause of condensation

A poorly functioning ventilation system can also cause the cistern to sweat. But many apartment owners, trying to improve the appearance of the room, simply cover the ventilation openings with cladding. This should not be done, it is better to purchase beautiful decorative grilles, specially designed for this.

To check if the ventilation in the bathroom is working well, you must do the following:

  1. Light a lighter or match and bring it to the ventilation hole.
  2. Look at the spark. If it goes out or is drawn into the ventilation duct, then the ventilation system is working properly. When the position of the fire remains the same or the deviation is insignificant, the ventilation does not work.

Be sure to check the ventilation in the bathroom

You can perform ventilation diagnostics by another method - just bring a sheet of paper to the ventilation grille. Its sticking indicates the normal functioning of the system, but if it falls, then measures are necessary to improve the operation of ventilation.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Cleaning of ventilation ducts.
  2. Forced ventilation system device, i.e. installation of a fan on the exhaust duct. This is the most efficient way to remove exhaust air.

Tip: To allow fresh air into the toilet, leave a gap of about 2 cm between the bottom of the door and the floor, or install a door valve. It will let air in from the outside and at the same time block the penetration of odors from the bathroom into the apartment.

What are the consequences of this trouble?

In addition to the fact that the toilet bowl is constantly wet and cold due to condensation, this excess moisture can bring a lot of trouble. Dampness leads to deterioration of equipment, which looks unaesthetic due to stains. The fastening bolts are slowly but surely rusting, brown streaks form around them.

Over time, moisture, flowing down from the toilet bowl, collects in puddles, penetrates under the floor covering. From there, it can flow even lower and damage the thermal insulation, or even get to the ceiling of your neighbors from below.

Note! High humidity of surfaces due to condensation leads to the formation of mold, fungus and unpleasant odors in the bathroom

How to prevent it from happening

  • monitor ventilation: clean in a timely manner, check the quality of work with a match or a lighter;
  • often ventilate the room, try not to dry things in the house with the windows closed;
  • monitor the condition of the plumbing: if the drain button sinks, fix the problem;
  • to not allow great leap temperature: install the toilet further from heating appliances;
  • reduce the water supply.

If you plan to repair the entire room, it is advisable to replace the ordinary toilet with the “no tears” option. Then you don’t have to spend money on buying an additional tank, sealant and worry about the flood from your neighbors.

Install a "double" tank

Installing a double tank does not require special knowledge and a lot of time. Specialists identified step by step instructions allowing you to upgrade on your own. Moments:

  1. Just unscrewing a single button and screwing on a two-standard one will not work. You will have to change all the fittings.
  2. The cost of a two-mode drain mechanism will fully pay off with the absence of smudges and water savings. It will be consumed in two modes - "semi-drain" and "standard". Half drain allows you to mix cold water with the one that has already warmed up.

after buying a new mechanism, the water supply is shut off;
the rest of the water is drained from the tank;
old fittings are dismantled;
the entire tank is removed;
installed new system;
then the tank is again installed in its place

Particular attention is paid to the "lambs". With the help of them, you can properly fix the tank, because even a minimal deviation can cause noise or leakage.

At the end, a double button is twisted and a valve for water supply opens. The whole procedure will take only 20-30 minutes.

Check ventilation regularly

Faced with the problem of ventilation, experts recommend paying attention to the entire microclimate in rooms and non-residential premises. As an alternative to an automatic system that intersects with light, we can highlight:

  1. Mounting holes in doorways. To make them look natural, you can insert a grid or special caps with a filter mesh into them, which will eliminate the transfer of dust and small particles due to the formation of air flow.
  2. There are special air dryers that are installed in the ventilation hole.
  3. Salt can be a budget option. By placing a small amount of scented bath salt in all rooms, you can partially get rid of excess moisture.

The reason for the accumulation of condensate can be hidden not only in a plumbing malfunction. Often the problem is initiated by neighbors who regularly heat other citizens. For example, setting stretch ceiling, you may encounter the fact that the neighbor will simply hide the fact that there was a leak. Unpleasant smell of mustiness and dampness without apparent reason may be the first call to check the walls.

The second popular problem is the violation of the tightness of the pipes. Even the PFC system, which takes high rating products related to plumbing engineering have their own service life.

The third reason may lie in the eyeliner itself, which quickly fails due to impurities in the water.

Any repair should begin with an analysis of the situation. Putting a rag under the tank or regularly removing drops from the surface of the tile is not an option. Neglect can lead to poor health and unnecessary costs for finishing the entire room.

Reasons for the appearance

Moisture drops appear on any surfaces that are affected by sudden changes in temperature. The same situation is observed with the toilet bowl. A temperature difference of 15°C is sufficient for fogging to occur.

Drops occur for the following reasons:

  • high humidity in the room,
  • hot pipes (working heating system in the bathroom),
  • lack of a ventilation system or blockage of the opening with unnecessary objects,
  • breakage of shut-off valves in the drain tank (water flows out in a thin stream from the tank, new liquid from the water supply comes in its place),
  • frequent use of plumbing (the liquid in the tank does not have time to warm up to the required temperature parameters).

After determining the causes of fogging, you can begin to get rid of the condensate on the toilet cistern with your own hands.

Causes of condensation on the surface of the tank

First you need to understand what the concept of "condensate" means. If you delve into physics, the “sweating” of devices causes a sharp change in temperature. This phenomenon is often observed after taking a shower, when the mirror “sweats”. With high-quality ventilation and the absence of problems, water evaporates quickly.

If moisture begins to collect on the walls of the tank and drip down, this may be the “first call” indicating a system malfunction. Experts identify the following reasons:

  1. Frequent use. The water accumulated in the tank does not have time to warm up to room temperature. Often this problem can be found in large families.
  2. Drain breakage. Due to the constant leakage, the water in the tank is filled with cold water, which complicates heating.
  3. Increased indoor humidity. Many people dry things at home, which causes the effect of a greenhouse.
  4. Next to the tank is a heating device. As an example, we can highlight the presence of a dryer, passing pipes with hot water.

These are the main issues that need to be addressed first. As practice has shown, many of them can be solved on their own.

Negative consequences

The owner of an apartment or a private house has the right to independently decide when to start solving the problem with condensate. In most cases, the tank does not sweat constantly, water drops have time to dry. It does not create problems or negative consequences, but if the tank is constantly sweating, then drops of water will flow down the surface of the appliance and fall to the floor. Small puddles will appear, which will have to be constantly cleaned, which creates certain inconveniences even for the owner of the dacha.

The main consequences of moisture condensation on the tank:

  • drops of liquid fall into the cracks floor covering. It is virtually impossible to remove water from there. After some time, mold forms on problem areas, a specific smell appears,
  • the humidity of the air in the room increases, which leads to the intensive development of pathogenic bacteria, the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls of the room and plumbing surfaces,
  • if the toilet bowl sweats for several years, then the material of the device will begin to break down, cracks will appear on it, in which microorganisms harmful to humans will develop,
  • high humidity in the bathroom or toilet leads to rotting of wooden structures,
  • metal pipes and furniture made of steel will begin to rust, mold will appear on the inside of the mirrors.

Why does condensation form?

Condensation on the toilet flush tank occurs as a result of the condensation of water vapor, which is present in the air. It condenses on surfaces with more low temperature than the dew point temperature. This is because the air, when cooled, can no longer hold the previous amount of water vapor in the gaseous state and it condenses. In addition to temperature, direct influence on the condensation process relative humidity air. As humidity increases, the risk of condensation increases. Unfortunately, determining the value of humidity is difficult to predict at the design stage of a bathroom ventilation system.

In construction and renovation, we widely use insulation to reduce the energy loss caused by the change in temperature of the transported medium, when the temperature environment different from the temperature inside the system. In the case of devices with average temperatures below ambient, such as a cistern in a toilet, the insulation has another very important function - it prevents condensation from forming on the surface of the device.

Why is the toilet cistern sweating?

Condensation on the toilet tank appears due to the fact that the temperature of the water in it differs from the air temperature in the room by an average of 15 degrees. That is why the surface begins to "sweat". Water enters the toilet from a pipeline that is located on the street or underground, if it is winter in the yard, and the room is heated at the same time, then the difference will be huge.

Condensation may occur due to the following factors:

  • water leakage - appears due to a malfunction of parts of the fittings when the tank begins to fill with cold water. In this case, condensate forms regardless of the pressure of the water, but it depends on how much the tank fogs up. To get rid of the condensate formed due to leakage, you need to adjust the drain system or change the faulty parts of the toilet;
  • excessive water consumption - the more often the toilet is flushed, the more cold liquid enters it. Accordingly, the likelihood that the surface will fog up will be higher. To solve this problem without compromising the cleanliness of the toilet bowl, you need to adjust it so that less water is supplied. If the family is large and you have to use the toilet often, it is better to purchase a toilet with a stepped or adjustable drain. This will significantly reduce the use of liquid and can save the tank from the appearance of condensates;
  • too cold water - if you live in a private house, you can additionally insulate the water supply route, this will slightly heat the water when it is supplied and reduce the likelihood of condensation on the toilet bowl;
  • high humidity in the bathroom or bathroom - to cope with the fogging of the tank with high humidity in the toilet, install air dryers;
  • problems with the ventilation system - if they exist, then air masses will not be able to exit qualitatively, respectively, this will lead to the appearance of condensate. For example, the quality of ventilation deteriorates significantly if the holes are tightly lined, so we do not recommend doing this in places of high humidity.

How to prevent condensation

It is possible to prevent this problem, but it is impossible to say with full confidence that in the future condensate will not appear on the tank. So, you can prevent the accumulation of excess moisture on the drain device by taking the following measures:

  • install high-quality ventilation;
  • regularly ventilate the premises;
  • purchase a half-flush cistern, in which, after draining warm water some of it remains, which helps prevent condensation;
  • once a quarter or every six months, check the ventilation;
  • in time to eliminate the malfunction of the parts of the drain tank.

If these measures remain ineffective, then it makes sense to change the old plumbing to a modern toilet model, where the tank is equipped with an additional anti-condensation shell.

Why does condensation appear on the toilet bowl

It is harmful to health when the air in the apartment is dry, but high humidity also leads to not very good consequences. This can also cause the tank to sweat. Often this occurs where clothes are dried indoors, there is a large aquarium or lovers of indoor flowers, trying to create conditions close to natural for their green pets, they are constantly sprayed.

The most common cause of condensation is high humidity in the apartment.

These reasons are easy to eliminate - you can put air dryers or take out the laundry after washing on the balcony. It is more difficult when there are leaks in the plumbing or heating systems, ventilation does not work well. The most common cause is the continuous flow of low temperature water due to problems in the design of the drain device or due to frequent descents. Condensation in these cases is the result of the contact of warm room air with the constantly cooling surface of the cistern.

What is condensate

IN general case Condensation is a water sediment that arises from the air and settles on various surfaces. As a rule, it appears due to a sharp change in temperature.

Often a similar phenomenon can be observed after taking a shower on the walls of the booth and other objects, however, such moisture evaporates within a few minutes. But if thin streams of water constantly form on the toilet bowl or pipes, this is a problem and certain measures must be taken to eliminate it.

This is interesting: How to choose the right toilet so as not to regret - no splashes, wide, attached, with a hidden tank

Do I need to remove it What consequences threaten a new appearance

Any moisture must be dealt with. When it comes to condensate on the tank, experts identify the following consequences:

  • the accumulation of sediment in small cracks can lead to chips on the enamel of the toilet bowl;
  • due to the constant stagnation of water, mold occurs, which negatively affects respiratory system household members;
  • unwanted bacteria appear;
  • corrosion begins to destroy metal elements.

If you do not immediately begin to deal with excess moisture, then in a few years you will have to make a major restoration of the entire bathroom. For the average citizen, such expenses can negatively affect well-being.


The toilet bowl can be insulated from the inside using heat-insulating material. You can see this in action in the video:

The video clip demonstrates how the simplest 10-mm insulation inside the toilet bowl will behave after a year:

On the effective disposal of condensate by supplying heated water to the toilet bowl in the video:

In addition to insulating the drain tank, it will not be superfluous to take care of the pipes that supply cold water to the apartment / house. About it in the video clip:

Having dealt with the cause of the appearance of condensate on the drain tank, you can choose the most appropriate option for getting rid of it, based on specific conditions.

This can be a budget solution, which is easy to implement with your own hands, or the purchase of a modern model of a sanitary ware with a tank that has a condensation protection function.

Condensation falling out on the toilet bowl puzzles many homeowners. Due to the constantly flowing water droplets from the surface of the drain tank, puddles form on the floor, which must be wiped up in a timely manner. Otherwise, dampness will lead to mold and bad smell. Of course, you can adapt some container to collect water, and then do not forget to empty it of the contents in time. Many housewives do just that, trying to solve this problem in this simple way. Men try to find out why the toilet cistern is sweating in order to eliminate the cause and forget about the problem forever. Are there effective ways struggle with the condensate periodically appearing on the toilet bowl? Let's figure it out.

Causes of condensation on the drain tank:

  • High level of humidity in the bathroom and in general in the whole apartment. High humidity may be due to big amount indoor plants, drying a large number wet laundry, leaks of water pipes or heating systems and other factors.
  • The incessant flow of cold water into the toilet bowl for a second due to a malfunction of the valves, as a result of which the water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

To understand why the toilet cistern is sweating, you need to remember a little the school physics course. The contact of warm and moisture-saturated air with cold surfaces inevitably leads to the appearance of water droplets on them. This means that it is necessary to look for ways to dry the air, as well as to increase the surface temperature of the drain tank.

Checking the condition of the vents

To reduce the level of humidity in the air, it is necessary to adjust the ventilation of the bathroom. Each apartment has special ventilation "windows" that provide air circulation. In pursuit of the beauty of the interior, some residents seal these holes with finishing materials, which, of course, is unacceptable.

To mask ventilation windows, you need to buy decorative grilles that are specifically designed for this purpose. They can be selected in terms of color, shape, and design. Before installing decorative grilles, clean the ventilation ducts from debris.

Installing a fan that turns on when the light is turned on will help partially solve the problem of condensation.

Air ventilation in the room can be organized even more efficiently if you connect a forced ventilation system. To calculate the power of the ventilation system, you must contact the experts. After assessing the condition of the bathroom and the intensity of its operation, professionals will give recommendations on the choice of equipment.

Repair of faulty valves

If the mechanism of the drain device breaks, then the water in the toilet flows without stopping. This leads to the constant replenishment of the tank with cold water, which reduces the temperature of its surface. In this case, the condensation process is ongoing. The problem can be eliminated only during the repair of valves or its complete replacement. Conduct repair work on their own or invite a plumber, each homeowner decides independently, based on the financial capabilities of the family.

In addition to partially eliminating the problem of condensate, repairing the drain mechanism of the tank will save water consumption. This is especially true for owners of those apartments in which metering devices are installed - water meters.

Double wall cistern

Manufacturers of modern toilets are aware of the problem of condensation and offer their own effective solution. The latest models of toilet bowls are produced with an improved design of the drain tank, which does not allow them to “cry”.

Cisterns with double walls modern models toilet bowls never sweat

In these models, an additional plastic container is inserted inside the tank, the walls of which do not come into contact with the ceramic surface of the product. As a result, its temperature is always constant and equal to room temperature. This constructive solution allows you to solve the problem once and for all. However, for many buyers, these models are still inaccessible at a cost that is several times higher than the price of conventional toilet bowls.

Some amateur craftsmen try to isolate the walls of the tank from exposure to cold water using heat-insulating materials that are glued to them with inside containers. However, this technology does not completely solve the problem of condensate.

Some amateur craftsmen are trying to deal with condensate on the tank by pasting its inner walls with heat-insulating material

If expensive "non-crying" models are still too expensive for you, then try installing forced ventilation. Even a simple fan inserted into the ventilation window and turned on when the light in the bathroom is turned on will solve the problem of condensation on cold surfaces. If after that the toilet bowl sweats, then call specialists to install more powerful ventilation systems.