Galina Golikova
Summary of the lesson “Winter sings, shaggy forest cradles ...”

« The winter sings, shaggy forest cradles ...»

Target: Introduce winter events in life nature: to consolidate knowledge with children about trees: to develop the ability to observe, describe, establish the simplest cause-and-effect connections: to cultivate curiosity, careful and caring attitude towards nature.



To consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature;

Activate lexicon children;

Learn to communicate with peers, listen to each other and express your opinion on the topic.


Develop communication skills;

Contribute to the development of a sense of beauty.


Call in children positive emotions using art word

To form in children a sense of beauty, cohesion, unity, a positive emotional mood within the team.

Lesson progress:

(Excursion to the winter garden)

(On the way to the park, we pay attention to the work of snowplows, people's clothes, the work of a janitor. We came to the park.)

We listen to silence. Silence, silence, silence…. The forest is sleeping. Sometimes you can hear how heaps of snow falls from the branches.

The question is what smells winter? "Frost freshness, snow, Christmas tree".

How has the forest changed?

The trees are bare and covered in snow.

Let's find familiar trees. (The easiest way to recognize a birch)

She has a white trunk and earrings hanging from thin branches.

And what trees adorn the forest in winter?

High-rise houses stand

Floors uncounted

Spiers are prickly

Under the mighty clouds

This spruce is known and loved by everyone.

And this is her sister

And on top of this haze

Outgrowing the forest alone

In the rays of the sunset

In the glare of light

Burning bright pine.

Guys, what are the similarities between spruce and pine?

They are covered with pine needles.

These are the same leaves, but they are covered with a dense bark, a crust. Therefore, they are not afraid of frost.

Let's compare spruce and pine needles.

At the Christmas tree, they are hard, short, while at the pine, they are softer and longer.

Solve another riddle.

Thrush, bullfinch, other bird,

They can feed on it

As the frost intensifies

The demand for food will increase.


That's right rowan. Let's find a rowan.

By what signs do you recognize her? (On clusters of red berries)

Look what a beautiful winter forest. He looks like fairy forest What are tree branches covered with?

Think, tell me, how can you call winter, what is it like?

Zimushka, enchantress, queen of the snows, sorceress, snow queen

Well done, they named a lot, remember beautiful words about winter, and tell me, what is the weather like in winter?

In winter, the weather is snowy, blizzard, frosty, sunny, cold, warm, etc.

Let's remember what proverbs about winter do you know?

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

Trees in hoarfrost - the sky will be blue.

Frost chained the river, but not forever.

How winter is not angry and submit to the spring.

The frost is not great, but it is not necessary to stand.

If the frost is strong, then the snow is fluffy, crumbly.

Didactic game "Where is the snow?" Target: work out the use of the preposition on in sentences.

Is it possible to sculpt from loose snow? If it is not very cold, the snow can be molded, and it falls in flakes.

What's the weather like today and how's the snow?

Consider the snowflake on your mitten. How beautiful and small she is!

Compare snowflakes. Are they the same?

Imagine how many snowflakes must fall from the sky to form such snowdrifts!

What color is the snow? But it only seems clean and white.

Collect snow in a bucket. We will take him with us to the group and watch him there. (I draw the attention of the children to the fact that the snow in the group has melted and the water is unclean, I bring it to the fact that you can’t take snow in your mouth).

Snow is different:

Pure, weightless

Snow is dirty

Sticky and heavy.

Snow is flying fluffy

Soft and pleasant

The snow is loose

Snow is fluffy.

Why do trees need snow?

On frosty days, the branches of trees and shrubs are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not bent, not knocked on the trunk, not run into them with sleds.

Well done, you know a lot about winter and various proverbs. Listen to this proverb "Everyone is young in the winter cold" How do you understand it.

In winter, you need to dress warmly, move more, if you stand, you will get cold.

- Winter- winter fun games for children. Name what winter fun You know?

Sledding, ice-skating, ice-skating and skiing. They build snow buildings, make snowmen, play snowballs, hockey.

Listen to a poem about snow.

It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

What is snow, snow-snow, on earth have you become?

For winter crops you have become a warm feather bed,

For aspens - a lace cape,

For bunnies, it became a downy pillow,

For kids - their favorite game.

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Winter sings - calls out
Shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired

And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow

At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

Analysis of the poem "Winter sings, calls out" Yesenin

IN early period Esenin's creativity to the greatest extent manifested his pure and bright soul. From the very first works, he was interested in the amazing and magical world of nature. Folk tales and legends, which the poet heard in childhood, animated this world, gave it human features and qualities. The poem “Winter sings - calls out ...” was written by Yesenin in 1910. He considered it a childish and immature literary experience. It was first published only in 1914 under the title Sparrows.

The poem resembles a wonderful children's fairy tale. From the very first lines, magical characters appear in it. Winter appears as a loving mother singing lullaby"hairy forest". The bewitching picture of sleep is complemented by the "deep longing" of the clouds. Traditional appears fabulous image"country far away", personifying magical hopes and dreams.

The snowstorm can be compared to the snow queen, who is unbearably beautiful, but "painfully cold." Love for her can drive a person crazy and forever leave him in an icy captivity. The poet introduces the central image of the poem - "sparrows", which resemble "orphan children". All living beings tend to stock up on supplies and equip their homes long before the onset of winter. Only for carefree sparrows every time the arrival of winter is a sudden surprise. They can only hope for the mercy and kindness of man. The picture of “small birds” snuggled up at the window looks very touching. A dispersed blizzard, personifying an evil sorceress, seeks to vent its anger on defenseless birds. The salvation of the "sparrows" lies in their mutual support. Huddled in a tight bunch, they dutifully endure cold, hunger and fatigue. In a dream, happiness comes to them in the form of the long-awaited "beauty of spring."

In general, the poem clearly shows the features folk art. Yesenin uses traditional epithets: “shaggy forest”, “gray clouds”. The main images-characters are clearly divided into good and evil. In relation to the weakest, the author uses diminutive forms of words: “children”, “birdies”. They enjoy the sincere disposition and participation of the author. "Fairy tale", as expected, has a happy ending, but only in a dream.

The poem is one of the best works of literature for children. It can teach a child to understand and appreciate the beauty of his native nature, as well as instill feelings of kindness and compassion.

Sergei Yesenin's poem "Winter sings, calls out" was written by the poet at the age of fifteen. Then he did not think about serious literary creativity and for a long time did not dare to publish poems, considering them immature. But readers liked the poetic imagery of the poem, its simplicity.

Winter, as a harsh but beautiful season, has always been one of the favorite themes of Russian poetry. In Yesenin's poems, winter appears changeable and unpredictable. At the beginning of the poem, winter is akin to an affectionate mother cradling a child at the cradle. But the quiet gentle blizzard, creeping with a silk carpet, is replaced by an evil blizzard that hits the shutters, and the playful sparrows ruffled from the cold and snuggled up at the window, like lonely children. The whole poem is built on such antitheses.

In the verse “Winter sings, haunts, the shaggy forest cradles” there are many sound metaphors: “the chime of a pine forest” in a pine forest in a hard frost, the knock of village shutters from the “mad roar” of a blizzard. The author uses personifications: winter is calling, a snowstorm is spreading, a blizzard is angry; expressive epithets: the window is frozen, the clouds are gray, the spring is clear, the birds are small. Yesenin's poem is a vivid sketch of a powerful and harsh nature that frightens all living things. At the end of the poem there is an optimistic note: “gentle birds” see in a dream the smile of the sun and the beauty of spring. On the site you can read the text of the poem in full. It can be downloaded for free.

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
At the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

"Winter sings - calls out" Sergei Yesenin

Winter sings - haunts, The shaggy forest cradles the pine forest with a bell ringing. All around with deep longing Gray clouds float to a distant country. And in the yard the blizzard Spreads like a silk carpet, But painfully cold. Sparrows are playful, Like orphan children, Huddled at the window. The little birds are chilled, Hungry, tired, And huddle tighter. And the blizzard with a furious roar Knocks on the shutters hung And gets angry all the more. And gentle little birds doze Under these snow whirlwinds At the frozen window. And they dream of a beautiful, In the smiles of the sun, a clear Beauty of spring.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Winter sings - calls out"

One of the very first works of Sergei Yesenin, known to the general public under the title "Winter Sings - Calls", was written in 1910, when the author was barely 15 years old. The poet published it much later, as he considered this poem childishly naive and devoid of plot. Nevertheless, the image of winter that Yesenin managed to recreate turned out to be so multifaceted and memorable that today this work is one of the key works in the poet's landscape lyrics.

It would seem that the description of an ordinary snowfall is a tedious task and devoid of any meaning. However, the poet was so skillfully able to choose words and present a blizzard in different images that the imagination immediately draws a cold winter day, swirling snow and nature, asleep in anticipation of spring.

The poem begins with the line that winter "sings" and "the shaggy forest cradles." Therefore, a feeling of some kind of peace and tranquility is created, which emanates from trees dressed in snow caps and gray clouds that “float to a distant country”. But the weather is deceptive, and now "a blizzard is spreading like a silk carpet around the yard." This is the first sign of an impending snowstorm that is ready to destroy all life around, turning the world into an endless snowy desert. Anticipating it, “playful sparrows, like orphan children, nestled at the window,” hoping in this way to survive the bad weather. But such resistance only angers the harsh winter, arrogant and cold, which, feeling its power over nature, instantly turns from a gentle and caring ruler of fields and forests into an insidious witch, who "with a mad roar knocks on the shutters hung and gets angry more and more."

However, a sudden blizzard does not frighten the sparrows at all, which, clinging to each other, not only escape from the cold, but also sweetly doze under the howling of the wind. And they even see dreams in which the fierce winter is replaced by “a clear beauty-spring in the smiles of the sun.”

Despite the fact that this poem is one of the first written by Sergei Yesenin, the author consciously uses the technique of animating inanimate objects in it. So, he endows winter with features of domineering and cruel woman, he associates spring with a young girl. Even the sparrows, which the author calls "God's birds", resemble people. They flee from the weather, seeking each other's protection and at the same time hoping that they will be able to live safely until spring.

Many words and expressions of the Russian language were born from nature. Images in poetry: you always wonder how a poet could in simple words to express the very essence of the state of nature! Apparently, everything is important here: the combination of sounds, the sequence of images. And these images are real! But it is quite possible to feel them only by finding yourself at least approximately in the situation that inspired these poems to the poet.
Here and recently, in January, walking winter forest, I fully felt the power of the images of one poem

Sergey Yesenin

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Hug by the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.
A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
By the dead window.
And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
beautiful spring

Let's take these images one by one:

Yesenin grew up in the countryside, among nature, he knew and felt it firsthand. Is in his biography interesting fact, when in January 1910 he fled from the Spas-Klepikovskaya school, where he studied, home, in Konstantinovo. And he walked winter forests, which is about 80 kilometers. Please note that the poem dates from this particular year.

The poem is built on contrasts, oppositions, and goes as if in waves:

Winter sings - calls out,
Shaggy forest cradles
The call of a pine forest.

Yesenin often came up with new ones, unusual words. There is such a word here: ringing. The question arises: how can you cradle with a chime? Imagine a "lullaby" when a hundred bells ring around! But here it’s different: the ringing of a pine forest is a ringing frosty silence, when any small sound: the creak of snow under your foot or the crackling of trees from frost is heard in absolute silence with a ringing echo

hairy forest

A pine forest covered with hoarfrost, really shaggy, but some kind of unusual, silvery "shaggyness"

Pine chime

You look at these pines and clearly hear how they ring in absolute silence.

Around with deep longing
Sailing to a distant land
With eating clouds.

Take a look at the first picture! In winter, clouds are most often like this: whitish, gray, blurry

And then there is a sharp contrast in the poem: from the ringing silence of a majestic pine forest to an ordinary rural courtyard, along which a snowstorm sweeps and small chilled sparrows huddle against the window and each other

And in the yard a snowstorm
Spreads like a silk carpet,
Oh, painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like orphan children
Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle tighter.

A blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the shutters hung
And getting more and more angry.

And again a nap:

And gentle birds doze
Under these whirlwinds of snow
By the dead window.

And the poem ends brightly, with hope:

And they dream of a beautiful
In the smiles of the sun is clear
beauty spring

Notice here the frequently repeated solar letter C.