What girl doesn't dream of a prince? And although there are not so many princes in reality, someone marries them?! The story of a girl who did not belong to an aristocratic family, Kate Middleton, is a vivid example of this.

From childhood, the girl was set up for a successful marriage, but could she count on the palace and a titled husband?! What drew you to Kate? Maybe beauty, modesty, education, demeanor, tenderness or fidelity. Whatever it is, today it is a strong family, loving and happy parents giving a piece of fairy tale to the whole world.

Village childhood of the princess

January 9, 1982 in the English county of Berkshire was born future wife Prince William Duchess Kate. The girl's mother, Carol Goldsmith, from working family Before marriage, she worked as a flight attendant. Father, Michael Francis Middleton, worked first as an air traffic controller, then as a pilot. Work and love for the sky introduced and brought young people together. They got married two years before the birth of their first child.

Future Kate Middleton is the eldest of three children. Catherine's ancestors never belonged to the British nobility. Both maternal and paternal relatives of the girl are from the middle and working class. When Katherine was five years old, the Middletons were considerably richer and were able to buy a house in Berkshire. This profit was brought to them by their own company (gifts and various trifles for the holidays).

Little Kate went to regular English kindergarten, and after - to a school in the village of Panborn, where their new home was located. The girl graduated from school at the age of 13 and immediately entered a private college in Marlborough. There she was fond of tennis, hockey, athletics. Her favorite subjects were chemistry, biology and art.

A few years before the palace

After successfully graduating from college, Katherine decides to take time out and go to university in a year. Free time the girl devotes to travel, she visited Italy and Chile. The future Duchess Kate participated in various charity programs from a young age.

Parents never spared money for the education of their children, they studied in the best educational institutions. The children were brought up in strictness, and little Katherine always behaved like a real duchess. Kate devoted a lot of time to her education, because she believed that a girl should be well brought up, educated and be an interesting conversationalist. Kate is the first of the Middletons to enter higher education. educational institution- St. Andrews University in Scotland.

Within the walls of this university, Kate and Ulyam met. But, according to the media, there was not, at least mutual.

In addition, in the life of a pretty student Middleton there was a young man - Rupert Finch. The guy was in his last years, so he graduated from the university earlier. The relationship between Kate and Rupert did not stand the test of time and distance, and soon the couple finally broke up.

And where is the dress, or how to choose an outfit to conquer the prince

Future Duchess of Cambridge Kate student years just Kate Middleton, participated with her friends in a charity show. Photos of the girl in a transparent dress began to appear in the media due to the increased interest in her person. And although the pictures show that Kate herself is not happy with the fashion show and her own outfit, she did not even know what role it would play in her life.

On the one hand, it was on this day that a modest student was noticed by Prince William. Who, as befits a royal and an active, handsome student, sat in the very first row. On the other hand, with the acquisition of the official status of "Duchess of Cambridge" Kate blushed more than once for her appearance and such an "elegant and modest" outfit.

By the way, the dress that was on that evening at Middleton recently went under the hammer for $ 104,000.

Looking ahead a little, I would like to note that today the Duchess Kate Middleton is considered a modern style icon in the UK.

love or friendship

It took a long time for young Prince William and Kate Middleton to confess to themselves, to each other and to the whole world their feelings.

At first they were just acquaintances, students attending the same lectures and living in the same hostel. Fortunately, the prince's mother at one time insisted that her son get used to the company of people from different backgrounds. Therefore, he was not ashamed to live in a common student dormitory (although the windows in his room were armored), attend various non-secular events or serve with ordinary guys.

It is not known that he had any serious relationships with girls during his studies, he was busy with his studies, journalists and plans for the future (he had thoughts of dropping out of school). And Kate dated a senior.

But soon young people began to spend more time together, go on vacation together, appear in public, and gradually friendship grew into a real romantic feeling. Kate and a few other friends were invited to the palace to celebrate William's birthday.

And although the press was waiting for news of the engagement and claimed that the future duchess had been determined, Kate had not yet thought about marriage, since the heir to the throne was in no hurry to make an offer. Soon they began to live together, first in a rented house in Five with other guys, and later in a country cottage.

But the romance with the prince is not as fabulous as it might seem...

An attempt to leave ended in a wedding

The relationship of young people developed, they lived together and Kate became known to everyone as Prince William's girlfriend. Girls different countries envied sweet Kate, but what has changed in her life?

Photographers were constantly “hunting” for her, dreaming of posting exclusive or revealing photos. She had to constantly control her appearance, speech, gestures, absolutely everything. Bodyguards were assigned to the girl, following her everywhere. At the same time, William not only did not propose, but was in no hurry to part with his bachelor habits. The girl had to wait for him at home while he spent time with friends at parties or vacations. After graduating from university, the beloved decided to go to a military camp. New life, distance and annoying photographers exhausted the lovers, and they decided to leave.

The prince's family was very fond of the modest Kate and believed that she was a positive influence on William. Their break was short-lived, in the same year, 2007, they resumed their relationship.

Three years later, the world learned about the engagement of one of the most beautiful couples and the wedding date of the heir to the British crown and Kate Middleton.

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and her husband received their high title thanks to the British Queen. The title was granted to them on the day of their wedding.

The marriage of Katherine and William was one of the most anticipated events of 2011. For any bride, almost the most important thing in the celebration is the dress. Duchess Kate chose two irresistible dresses from famous fashion designers. Photos of the bride in a dress for the official part flew around the world and amazed designers and fashionistas with their beauty.

On April 29, an event took place that the residents were looking forward to. The ceremony was held in The most famous and influential guests were invited to the wedding. Few were honored to be present personally, but the broadcast of the ceremony was carried out by TV channels around the world.

Women's happiness is simple even for a princess

In 2012, Duchess Kate Middleton gave birth to Prince William's heir, George Alexander Louis. In May 2015, a little princess was born - the daughter of the Duchess and Duke Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

The subjects love Kate very much for her kindness, sincerity and modesty. Katherine is involved in charity work, family and accompanies her husband at social events, business meetings. The style of the young duchess is considered impeccable: elegant, modest and modern. Very often in the media it is emphasized how much Duchess Kate looks like Princess Diana.

The attention riveted on William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, and his wife Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is no coincidence, because most likely they will become the next crowned heads of Great Britain.

Therefore, news from their personal lives is not just private facts, but an event that concerns an entire nation. The latest such news, confirmed official page royal dynasty (Twitter) was the news that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.


Rumors about this began to appear when Kate was admitted to the hospital for one day. Before that, the ubiquitous press, which literally follows every public movement of a married couple, noted that Middleton had clearly lost weight. Journalists speculated that this was due to interesting position the prince's wife. The reason was that during the two previous pregnancies of the Duchess, it was accompanied by a rather severe toxicosis in the first three months.

As it was later confirmed, their version was correct. Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child in 2017 and is experiencing some health issues. That is why some previously scheduled official meetings were cancelled.

On January 9, Kate celebrated her 35th birthday. She was 29 years old when on April 29, 2011, one of the most grandiose events in the life of the royal dynasty took place. The second heir, after his father, Prince Charles, Prince William married Kate Middleton. The ceremony was not only broadcast around the world, but also became one of the majestic events in scope. About 2,000 people were invited to the wedding at Westminster Abbey alone, among them many aristocrats. high level, famous people. People from all over the world came to watch the ceremony.

This wedding is notable for the fact that Catherine herself only after the wedding received the title of Duchess of Cambridge from Elizabeth 2, before that she did not belong to the aristocratic environment. If you look at the history of the dynasty, then last time this happened in the second half of the 16th century (in 1660). King James II of York took as his wife the maid of honor without titles, Anna Haight, who was loved by the common people. Therefore, this event is somewhat significant.

Over the years, Kate Middleton and Prince William have made the royal court, the nation, twice happy. In 2013 (July 22), Prince George was born, who became the third heir after his grandfather and father. Literally two years later, Princess Charlotte was born in the royal dynasty, whom Kate gave birth to in 2015 (May 2). And so last news Kate Middleton is reportedly pregnant with her third child.

It's really an important event, after all, the preservation, multiplication of the dynasty of England is a symbol of stability, stability, prosperity of the monarchy. Although economic situation The country is led by a prime minister this moment Theresa May) along with a bicameral parliament, the Queen has enormous influence not only in the UK but throughout the world. That is why, to be accepted by Elizabeth 2 is an honor that turns out to be few.

The prestige of the dynasty is an extremely important issue. And the fact that for ordinary families is just life's vicissitudes, such as divorce, betrayal, for dynastic families undermining the reputation. Therefore, the breakup of Prince Charles with Princess Diana, his marriage to Sarah Parker, was so painfully received.

But, of course, the tragic death of the mother of Princes William and Harry, Diana, became a tragedy for everyone. She deserved worldwide love, thanks to her charm, kindness, charitable activities. Like a web, rumors spread "something is wrong in the English kingdom." Elizabeth herself painfully experienced all these events. The prince's wedding and the birth of two heirs helped restore his reputation.

The married couple of Prince William and Kate Middleton is considered exemplary in terms of behavior, etiquette, human and family relationships. They really a beautiful couple, athletic, tall, always smiling and friendly. They adequately present themselves as ambassadors from the dynasty at all official visits and trips. The merit of Kate Middleton in this is no less than her wife the prince.

The news that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child has only reinforced that reputation.

Katherine's path to the top

If someone thinks that Kate's story is a fairy tale about Cinderella, then this is far from the case. In terms of the plot, maybe, but the road to this peak was not easy.

Catherine was born in the family of a pilot, formerly an air traffic controller, Michael Francis Middleton and flight attendant Carol Elizabeth. Maternal ancestors were ordinary people who worked in the mines in Durham. The father comes from a middle class background. Of the bright moments in the biography of ancestors can be called distant relative Thomas Davis, who entered the history of England as the author of religious hymns. In addition, Middleton is an eighth-generation relative of George Washington, who was the first president of the United States.

The family has two younger children, sister Philip, brother James. Sister Pippa recently married a millionaire. There are many photos of this event in the press, especially focusing on the picture where Katherine carefully straightens the bride's train. An interesting coincidence, while Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, there are rumors that her sister is also in an interesting position.

Later, Catherine's parents will start their own business (1987). They organize a company that will distribute parcels "Party Pieces" and sell souvenirs. Things will go quite well, this will allow parents to give their children decent education and provide a high standard of living.

Since childhood, Kate has been persistent. She studied well, aspired to leadership. This compares favorably with her younger sister. First there was a school in the town of St. Andrews. Then Marlborough College. In it, she studied under the program of the Duke of Edinburgh, the highest level, passing the exams with excellent marks.

Remarkable detail. Katherine attended a theater group during her studies. In one of the performances, she was appointed to the role of a girl whom the prince fell in love with. And what a coincidence, he was a tall blond, and his name was William.

Maybe now that Kate Middleton is already pregnant with her third child from a real prince, she recalls this fateful moment from her biography.

When college is over, Middleton takes a year off from studying, deciding on the choice of educational institution. Traveling around Italy, he is studying in Florence (3 months at the Florence British Institute), studying art history, linguistics. He goes on an expedition to Chile, according to a volunteer international program. And here is another remarkable coincidence, a year earlier, Prince William took part in the same expedition.

After a year-long break, Kate decided on the choice of a university, she entered the University of St. Andrews (Scotland, Fife), majoring in art history. She will graduate with second class honors.

During her studies, Katherine was actively involved in sports, moreover, in different types: tennis, rowing, athletics (high jump). In college, university, she played in the women's hockey team, at one time she was the captain. In the photo, even now, when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, we see her taut, slender figure.

Sports played here last role. William and Katherine are still leading active image life, rowing, playing tennis, cycling, skiing. They like to travel freely, although now they are less able to do so. Now they are the personification of the royal dynasty, public activities take a lot of time.

Love story

While studying at the university, Katherine is actively involved in various charity events. At one of these events, the fateful meeting of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place. It was a charity fashion show organized by the university. Katherine acted as a model. Ulyam was trained at St. Andrews University, he attended the show as a spectator. Kate walked the runway in a sheer veil dress with short top and shorts.

A beautiful girl with a perfect toned figure impressed the prince, although he attended the show with a friend. We can say that from this moment begins this novel, which will last for almost ten years. That is how long Middleton will have to wait until William officially proposes to her. The love affair developed gradually. The prince was quite amorous, for obvious reasons and due to external attractiveness, he was popular with women.

At first, their relationship looked like friendship. It is believed that Katherine was able to convince the prince not to quit his studies at the university. But gradually the friendship grew into a closer relationship, in the second year of study they already rented a joint apartment. It was a house where a group of students lived. Kate's public recognition as Prince William's girlfriend would only happen in 2004, when they were vacationing together at a ski resort.

Since 2005, they will already be shown together at various events. Journalists have paid attention privacy loving prince, but from that moment on, Kate is under their vigilant attention. In fact, the paparazzi accompany her everywhere, all the long 6 years until the wedding. And it should be noted that the girl passed the test with honor. She was never taken by surprise, she always looked good, behaved with dignity and naturalness.

True, once she filed an application with the court, when the intrusiveness of the paparazzi began to cross all acceptable boundaries. All these years the couple met, only in 2007 there was a gap for two months. It's hard to say what caused it. The official version says that William wanted to concentrate on the military profession. This is the tradition of the dynasty, the applicant for the throne must receive a military specialty, become an officer.

All these long years, not only the feelings of lovers were tested, there were unspoken bridegrooms from the royal family. Believe me, one wrong move or a reckless act could cross everything out, especially since Middolton is not from a titled family. Katherine was well aware of this, one might say that she was preparing herself for this mission.

Her recognition was that she receives invitations to the official ceremonies of the royal dynasty, for example, the wedding of William's half-sister. Before deciding on the wedding, Middleton had a personal audience with Queen Elizabeth 2, the girl passed the test and earned approval.

Getting engaged to Kate, the prince presented her with the same ring that Charles had given to Princess Diana. She touchingly refers to the memory of her husband's mother. They say that she had a conflict with Camila Parker when she spoke impartially about Diana.

An interesting fact is that the transparent dress that Prince Kate saw in was sold at auction for 115 thousand dollars. Does she remember him now, her seductive outfit, which, in part, paved her way to the heart of a prince when Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child,

The fact that the feelings of the spouses are strong, contrary to rumors, is evidenced by the last trip to India, Bhutan. They visited the temple of love Taj Mahal, where they took pictures on a bench overlooking the majestic building.

The family of British monarchs attracts the attention of the whole world. The subjects of the crown do not have a soul in the royal family, follow her life, rejoice with her and share the misfortune together. The paparazzi do nothing but try to capture interesting shots, find out some secret. Recently, the lenses of their cameras are aimed at the wife of Prince William. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, young and beautiful. And also - happy mother and wife.

Childhood of modern Cinderella

Today, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is surrounded by honor and glory. But she, like the fabulous Cinderella, ended up in the royal family quite by accident. She was born into a middle-class family on January 9, 1982. Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, the future wife of the grandson of the Queen of Great Britain, was born in the town of Bucklebury (Berkshire). In addition to her, two younger children, Michael and Carol, were growing up in the family.

In 1984, Katherine Elizabeth's father gets a job in Amman, the capital of Jordan. Together with her parents, the girl moves to the East, where she lives for two and a half years. Then the family moves to West Berkshire, and Catherine is determined to study at St. Andrew's School (Reading).

Youth and education

Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge in the future, entered Marlborough College in 1995, where she studied art, biology and chemistry, was actively involved in sports, and studied under the Golden Program of the Duke of Edinburgh. After graduating from the institution in 2000, the girl continues her education in Italy and Chile, and in 2001 she enters the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). Within the walls of this oldest university, she receives a degree in art history and meets the heir to the British crown.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge graduated in 2005 and worked for family business as a designer. And three years later, she launches her project called "First Birthday". At the same time, he is engaged in the purchase of London Jigsaw Junior boutiques.

love story

William and Kate's relationship began with a charity fashion show. The girl took to the catwalk in a skimpy outfit, which will then be sold at auction for 78 thousand pounds. The prince could not help but notice the beauty, and after a while the couple, together with friends, rented an apartment. At the same time, young people denied rumors about their relationship, although they were increasingly seen together. Only in 2004 did they admit that they were dating. In 2006, Queen Elizabeth herself invited Kate to Christmas dinner. The whole world was waiting for the announcement of the wedding, but the couple announced the breakup. Newspapers vied with each other to print pictures of William cuddling with others, but two months later, Catherine and the prince reappeared in public together.

In 2010, during a vacation in Kenya, a young man proposed to his beloved. At such a solemn moment, the prince presented the bride with the ring of his mother, Lady Diana. Kate accepted it and wears it on the same finger as the wedding ring worn during the wedding.

Oh, this wedding sang ...

Upon learning the news, the world began to wonder when the wedding would take place. The Duchess of Cambridge (Kate received this title after her marriage) and her husband, after consulting with the Queen Mother, set a date - April 29, 2011. The wedding ceremony took place at Westminster Abbey.

Catherine's wedding dress was designed by Sarah Burton, designer and creative director of Alexander McQueen. But the duchess also took part in its creation. The satin dress in fashionable ivory color was decorated only with lace. The train was 2.7 m long. The bride's head was decorated with a veil and a diamond diadem of Queen Elizabeth II. Earrings, worth 17 thousand euros, were presented to the girl by her parents.

The royal wedding was magnificent and rich. The invitations were adorned with the golden embossed emblem of the British monarchy, under which the names were written by hand. As souvenirs, sets of three porcelain objects, painted with gold and silver, were used. The entire event cost the country £20 million, of which £5 million was contributed by the bride's parents. If we compare the wedding of Prince William and the marriage of Charles to Diana, then it was very modest, since the latter cost as much as $ 110 million.

Modernity of the Duchess

The Duchess of Cambridge today is not just the wife of the heir to the throne, but the mother of two children who may also inherit the crown in the future. On July 22, 2013, Kate gave birth to a son, George Alexander Louis, who was third in line. On May 2, 2015, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge was born. The baby also has the right to become the head of state in the future.

Duchess Kate is often compared to Cinderella, as she, without having a noble background, managed to become a member of the royal family. She, like the late Princess Diana, is adored by the common people. The girl is engaged in charity work, sailing, swimming, tennis, painting and photography, raising children. And just lives, enjoying life, because she deserves it!

Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge (nee Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, eng. Catherine Elizabeth, Duchess of Cambridge, née Catherine Elizabeth Middleton). She was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Wife of the Duke of Cambridge William. In Scotland, the Countess of Strathearn.

Mother - Carole Elizabeth, nee Goldsmith (Carole Elizabeth Middleton née Goldsmith; born January 31, 1955).

Kate Middleton Family:

Kate's parents got married on June 21, 1980 at the parish church in Dorney, Buckinghamshire. They met while working at civil aviation: Carol was a flight attendant, Michael was an air traffic controller and later a British Airways pilot.

Kate's mother, née Goldsmith, was born on January 31, 1955. Her ancestors - the Harrison family - are representatives of the working class. They were miners in County Durham.

Kate's father was born on June 23, 1949. His family comes from Leeds, West Yorkshire. Kate's paternal grandmother, Olivia, belonged to the Lupton family, whose members were famous commercial activities and work in city services. On her grandmother's side, Kate is a relative of Thomas Davis, famous author hymns of the Anglican Church.

In 1987, the Middletons founded the mail order company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires.

The family settled in their own house in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

The Middleton family has three children: Kate and James William. Kate is the oldest of them.

In May 1984, when Kate was two years old, she and her family moved to the capital of Jordan, where her father was transferred to work. The Middletons lived there until September 1986.

When Kate was three years old, she began attending an English kindergarten in Amman.

Upon returning to Berkshire, she entered St. Andrew's School in the village of Pangbourne in Berkshire, where she studied until 1995.

After that, the future princess moved to Marlborough College, a private educational institution in Wiltshire, where education is conducted jointly. After graduating from college for a certificate of general education the second level of complexity, she passed the exams in the courses of chemistry, biology and art.

In college, Kate played tennis, hockey and netball, was involved in athletics - in particular, high jump.

While studying at Marlborough College, Kate also completed the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, the highest level program of the Duke of Edinburgh.

After graduating from college in 2000, Kate did not go to university, arranging a year's break from her studies. During this year she traveled to two countries - in Italy, where she studied at the Florence British Institute, and in Chile, where she participated in the program of the charitable organization Raleigh International. In addition, Kate managed to take a short cruise along the Solent.

In 2001, Kate entered the prestigious St. Andrews University in the Scottish region of Fife. There she met Prince William, the eldest son of Charles, Prince of Wales.

During her studies, she continued to play sports, in particular, she played hockey for the university team, and participate in charity events.

In 2002, for example, she walked for a charity show at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland wearing a see-through dress that recently sold at a London auction for $104,000 (£65,000).

Kate graduated with a straight A in 2005 with a second-class honors degree in art history.

After that, she began working for Party Pieces, which her parents founded in 1987. The Middleton company is engaged in mail delivery of goods for various holidays. In 2008, as part of her work at the company, Kate launched the First Birthdays project. In the family business, Kate was responsible for catalog design, product photography and marketing campaigns.

In November 2006, she began working part-time in the purchasing department of Jigsaw chain stores in London. A year later, the press wrote that Kate intended to leave her job at Jigsaw and start a career as a professional photographer. A few months later, it was even announced that she was planning to take private lessons with Mario Testino, a photographer who took several famous shots, and her sons. However, the photographer himself denied this information. The media noted that Prince William introduced Kate to Testino.

Prince and Cinderella. William and Kate

Height of Kate Middleton: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Kate Middleton:

About Kate as a new friend, the world media began to write in 2005. Their joint photo, which was taken during one of the excursions, graced the front pages of the world's leading publications.

Subsequently, Middleton turned to a lawyer in connection with the constant interference in her personal life and the persecution of journalists. At St. Andrews University, the couple studied art history together, but Prince William later changed his major to geography. According to some reports, Kate convinced Prince William to continue his studies when he wanted to drop out of his first year. According to another version, William remained at the university, thanks to the persuasion of his father, Prince Charles.

Having received the unofficial status of the prince's girlfriend, Middleton began to appear frequently at events involving the royal family. So, on December 15, 2006, she and her parents were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Royal Military Academy, which graduated from Prince William. The ceremony was attended by Queen Elizabeth II.

Since 2002, Kate and William, already friends, rented a house in Fife for housing, and since 2003 - country cottage. The beginning of their romantic relationship also dates back to this time. During student holidays, Prince William and Kate traveled together several times, and in 2003, the girl was among a small number of close friends invited to the prince's twenty-first birthday.

In 2005, Kate graduated from the University of St. Andrews with a bachelor's degree and increasingly appeared in public with the prince. Then there were rumors about their imminent engagement. But William began his studies at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, and Kate was invited to work in the purchasing department of the clothing chain Jigsaw. Since that time, she has lived in the London area of ​​Chelsea.

On December 15, 2006, Kate and her parents were invited to a graduation ceremony at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, which was also attended by Queen Elizabeth II and members of the royal family.

In 2007, Prince William went to a military training camp in Dorset, and Kate stayed in London. These circumstances, as well as the growing pressure on Kate from journalists, were named among possible causes the separation of Kate and William, which was announced in April 2007.

In the summer of 2007, the media reported on the likely resumption of the affair between Kate and Prince William, as in June they attended a party together in the military unit where the prince served. In July, Kate, along with William, attended a gala concert in memory of Princess Diana, although official sources did not confirm the rumors about the couple's reunion. It was subsequently stated that Prince William and Kate made the decision to rekindle their relationship in August 2007.

April 29, 2011 Kate Middleton married Prince William of Wales. The wedding took place at Westminster Abbey in London. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain granted the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The official title of the Duchess of Cambridge is Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus.

Kate Middleton ordered two for her wedding wedding dresses(one for the wedding ceremony, the second - for the wedding dinner). The first, which became the main intrigue of the celebration, amazed all fashion experts. The bride opted for a dress from the British brand Alexander McQueen. The second dress was created by the famous British fashion designer and stylist Bruce Oldfield, who previously took part in the design of Princess Diana's wardrobe.

Only the most famous, rich and influential people were honored to attend the most important ceremony of the year. The honorary list includes musician Elton John, director Guy Ritchie, football player David Beckham and his wife, actor Rowan Atkinson, who became famous not only for the role of Mr. Bean, but also for his friendship with the groom's father.

The British capital made good money on the marriage of the heir to the British crown, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Spending by guests of the British capital reached 107 million pounds (about $176.5 million), analysts at PricewaterhouseCoopers calculated.

Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William

In 2011, a film was also made called William & Kate, dedicated to the relationship, and then the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton.

December 3, 2012 official representative The Royal Court of Great Britain announced that the wife of Prince William, the Duchess of Cambridge, is pregnant, is in the King Edward VII Hospital in central London with symptoms of toxicosis and will stay there for a few more days.

July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time (19:24 Moscow time) she had a son - George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge.

On September 8, 2014, an official representative of the royal court confirmed the information about the second pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge. On October 20, 2014, it was announced on the official website of the ducal couple that the second child of Catherine and William would be born in April 2015.

May 2, 2015 at 8:34 am London time The Duchess of Cambridge. The child weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces (3.71 kg). The girl was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana(Charlotte Elizabeth Diana). She received the title Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

September 4, 2017 . "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that they are expecting their third child," the statement said. It was clarified that Kate, as in her previous pregnancies, was suffering from toxicosis, so she would no longer participate in official events.

April 23, 2018 . "The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a son at 11:01 (at 15:01 Moscow time). The child weighs 8 pounds 7 ounces (about 3.9 kg). Prince William was present at the birth," Kensington Palace reported.

Kate Middleton now

Prince William and Kate Middleton interview 2011:

CNN: Of course, the whole world is experiencing incredible curiosity, let's start with the obvious. William, where, when and how did you propose to Kate? Kate, what did you say?

William: It all happened about three weeks ago in Kenya, where we were on holiday with friends. I just decided it was the right moment. We've been talking about getting married for a while now, so it wasn't a big surprise. In Kenya, we went out for dinner in the evening, and I proposed to her.

Kate: It was very romantic, we have romance!

William: Exactly.

CNN: And you, of course, said yes?

Kate: Yes.

CNN: Did you absolutely know that you would propose?

William A: I've been planning this for some time. As anyone who has gone through this knows, you need to tune in to decide on this. I planned it, and then in Africa I just felt that the moment had come, very fortunate. But to show my romantic side, I needed preparation.

CNN: By that time, you had already been on vacation for some time. Did you suspect, Kate, that this would happen - was he nervous, jumping up and down with impatience?

Kate: No, absolutely not. We were in Kenya with friends and all, so I didn't expect him to propose to me at all. I knew that he was thinking about it, but at that very moment I experienced surprise and joy, of course.

CNN: Gave a ring? There and then?

William: Yes exactly. For three weeks I constantly carried it with me in my backpack - I was afraid of losing it. I knew that if the ring disappeared, I would be in serious trouble. Since I planned everything, everything went well. I heard a lot scary stories about how someone proposed to someone and everything went horribly, but everything went well for us, and I'm very glad that Kate agreed to marry me.

CNN: This is a family ring...

William: This is my mother's engagement ring. She is not with us, and she cannot share our joy, so I kind of want to bring her closer to what we have now.

CNN: Let's get a look. What kind of ring is this, do you understand it?

William A: No, I don't understand anything at all. I was told that it was a sapphire and diamonds, but I think that everyone will recognize this ring anyway.

Kate: It is very beautiful.

CNN: Now everyone will envy you!

Kate A: I hope to keep it carefully.

William: She will have a hard time if she loses him. (laughs)

Kate: It's very, very special.

CNN: I must say that you both look incredibly happy and relaxed.

CNN: So you kept it a secret. When you asked permission from Kate's father, what did he say?

William: I had a dilemma: to ask Kate's father, but I thought - what if he suddenly says no! And if I tell Kate first, he won't be able to refuse me. So I talked to Mike after I proposed to Kate.

CNN: What did your mother say?

Kate: Well, I think that any mother would be just happy. We had a very awkward situation, because I knew that William had already talked to my father, but I did not know if my mother knew. Mom behaved in a way that was incomprehensible. We looked at each other and it was awkward. But it was amazing to tell her, and of course she is very happy for us.

CNN: It is obvious that you have a very close-knit family, and that the family generally has for you great importance.

Kate A: Yes, I attach great importance to the family. I hope we can build happy family. My family and I had great relationship all these years, they have been very supportive of me in difficult times. We often see each other, this is of great importance to me.

CNN: Everyone is very interested in one more thing. The question, of course, is obvious - children. Do you want many children, or how come? What is your position?

William A: I think we'll need time to move on from the wedding first. And then we'll think about the children. But of course, we want to start a family, we must start with this.

CNN: Speaking of the beginning. The public is interested in all the details of your relationship. When did you first notice each other and what were your first impressions?

William: It was so long ago that I need to dig into my memory. We met at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. We were friends for a year, and that's where it all started. We started spending more and more time with each other, we laughed a lot, it was a lot of fun. We realized that we have many common interests, it was great and interesting to spend time together. Kate has a great sense of humor.

CNN: What did you think when you met William? Obviously, this is not just a meeting with someone average. Or just like that, I don't know. What was the first impression?

Kate: I was very shy when I first met William. You know, when the studies began, he was not at the university for the first weeks. We didn't get to know each other right away, but once we did, we quickly became good friends.

CNN: You know, they say that there was a poster of William in your room!

William: And not one, in fact, there were about twenty of them! (laugh)

Kate: Dreaming! There was a promotional photo of Levi's jeans on the wall in my room, not a photo of William. Sorry, I'm sorry.

William: It was a photo of me in Levi's, obviously.

CNN: You lived together in the same house, was it before you started dating or after?

William: We lived together as friends, several people lived there, all our friends. That's how it all started, we often saw each other, went to have fun together and all that.

Kate: Do you like how I cook?

William: Normally you cooked. Now it's better.

CNN: Tell me, does William cook? And in general, does it do anything useful?

William: Define what is "useful"! (laugh)

Kate: Yes. When we were at university, he cooked for me. I was always there to help him.

CNN: The ability to cook - does this skill worsen or improve over the years?

William: I would say that I cook better now, Kate will say that I cook a little worse.

Kate: I just didn't give you a chance to practice!

William: This is true. I'm lazy to cook food. When I come home from work, one thing I definitely don't want to do is cook. However, back then, at university, when I tried to charm and impress Kate, I tried to cook sumptuous meals, but I always ended up with something burning, escaping, spilling. Kate was by my side and tried to control the situation.

CNN: Many are interested in how the first meeting with families went? What are your impressions?

Kate: I was very worried before meeting with William's father, but he was very friendly, everything went just fine.

CNN: And a meeting with a grandmother, a queen, is also not just a meeting with some average grandmother. Did you worry?

Kate: Of course, before meeting the queen, I was also worried. But she was very friendly. We have a great relationship.

William: Yes, my grandmother received Kate very well. She knew that this was an important day, she had long wanted to meet her. She came up and said hello, we talked a little.

Kate has a very close-knit family, and I was lucky that they supported us so much. They always treated me very warmly, I felt like part of the family, and I hope that Kate feels the same.

CNN: Everyone knows that after graduating from university you broke up. It was big news, all the newspapers wrote about it. What was the reason for the breakup?

William: To be honest, I would not believe everything that is written in the newspapers, but that news was true, yes. We were both young, trying to find our way in life. There was a formation of characters, we grew up. We wanted some space. In the end it was a very rewarding experience.

Kate: At that time, I can’t say that I was happy, but that story made me stronger. At times like these, you discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before. I appreciate that period of my life.

CNN: Did you always know you wanted to start a family with each other? Did the realization come gradually? Or like this all at once for two weeks? The public has been waiting for your decision to get married for a long time.

William: Immediately after meeting Kate, I realized that this is a special relationship for me. I immediately wanted to get to know her better. We ended up being friends for a while. I believe that friendship is a great advantage. This is a kind of foundation, on which everything is built. I knew that over the years things would only get better and better. We had difficulties, as in any relationship. But we recovered from it, continued to live. And, you know, when you first start dating and getting to know each other, there are little strange problems - so we have it all behind us, and now it's very simple and very cool to be with each other, and, as you can see, I'm extremely funny, and she likes it, and it's good.

Kate: As you say, dear.

CNN: Kate, all your friends, both yours and William's, say that you have a very big love, which has been developing for a very long time, and which partly consists of friendship, but of course your relationship is more than friendship ...

Kate: Well, it seems to me that when you meet someone for a long time you get to know each other very, very well. There are Good times, there are bad ones - both for you personally and in relationships. It seems to me that as a result you become stronger and, as I said, you learn a lot about yourself. And, of course, they were good ones - how old are they?

William A: I lost count.

CNN: Of course, you were in no hurry, yes. Have you ever talked about it?

Kate: Well, we had conversations...

William: We talk about this a lot today, don't we? We talked about it a lot, so you can't say that Kate was in the dark, we planned it for at least a year or even more. It was all about finding the right time, and most people say that's what couples are all about - timing. I did military career, really wanted to concentrate all my attention on flying, and I could not get married if I was still in training. So I'm done with that, and Kate is doing well now in terms of work and who she wants to be - and so we just decided that now is the right time.

CNN: You are going to enter this family, the most famous royal family in the world. William's mother was a cult figure, the most famous woman of our time. Does it bother you, scare you? You think about it a lot, both of you? Although, of course, Kate, this question is primarily for you.

Kate: Well, obviously it would be... I would love to meet her, and she certainly inspires me, she is a woman to look up to... and you know, this is a wonderful family, those family members that I know , they have achieved a lot, they are very inspiring, so... yes, I think a lot.

CNN: Do you feel any pressure?

William: No pressure, as Kate said, it's about building your own future. No one is trying to take my mother's place. What she did was wonderful, but now it's about your own future and your own destiny. And Kate is doing very well.

CNN: Your life is a public domain to a certain extent, and there is no escape from that, you both understand that, right? William, you obviously understand this better than Kate, everyone can see that you are trying your best to protect her.

William A: Yes, extremely. Of course, she and her family - I really want to make sure that they do not have any problems. And for Kate, I wanted her to be able to see what life is like in the family [under the guns], and that's probably why I waited so long, because I wanted to give her the opportunity to see all this and get out of the game if see fit (Kate laughs) before things get over the top. Because you know, I try to learn from the past and I just wanted to give her the best opportunity to settle in and see what happens on the other side.

Kate: Yes, I'm also very glad that I had this time to grow up and understand myself better, so I hope...

William A: So I did everything right?

Kate: Yes, and I hope that I will succeed.

CNN: So you're saying that it was deliberate, that the fact that you weren't in a hurry to get anywhere is at least partly due to the fact that you spent a lot of time thinking about the future, calm thinking, right?

William: Yes, yes. Well, we talked a lot about the future. It has always been a topic of good conversation - and, as we said, we both came to this decision almost together. So I just chose when and how to do it, and being a real romantic, I did it extremely well.

CNN: Concluding the interview, I would like to ask you, Kate. People periodically criticize you, the way you work and play. Does it hurt you? How do you react when people say such things?

Kate: Well, you know, I work a lot in the family business, and sometimes it's very long working days. And I feel like if I know that I'm working hard and honestly doing my share of the work, and everyone I work with sees that, that's the most important thing for me.

CNN: You said that you are very close with your family. Are they hurt by what other people say, or do you just let it not bother you, is it just something to live with?

Kate: Well, as I said before… You know, people at home are very supportive of us, and these are the people who really mean something to us – our close friends and close relatives. And it seems to me that if they believe that you are doing everything right, you can only remain true to yourself and ignore most of what they say and write, take into account, of course, but remain yourself. And that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

CNN: What you're about to do is huge, and of course getting married is important to everyone, but being so public... Are you excited? A little horrified?

William: Extremely excited. We are very happy that this interview is almost over (laughs). But no, of course we are very, very excited and can't wait to spend a lot of time and our whole lives together and see what the future brings.

CNN: Kate, you had a lot of time to reflect on this moment...

William A: Okay, not that long actually. (laughs)

Kate: Of course, this is a big hassle, because I don’t know what’s what, but I’m ready to quickly learn everything and work tirelessly.

William: You're doing great.

CNN: Obviously, in the family you will have many opportunities, a huge opportunity to change people's lives for the better, you probably also thought about this.

Kate: Yes, of course... I really hope that I can make the world a better place, even if it is some small changes, and yes, I look forward to helping as much as I can.

CNN: Well, thank you very much for agreeing to talk to us. You look very relaxed and happy. Good luck to you.

Confusion Kate Middleton

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Great Britain is one of the few countries that managed to maintain a monarchy for many centuries. This became possible, among other things, thanks to loyalty to traditions. A special requirements to the appearance of royalty is part of these traditions. Therefore, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, being the wife of the heir to the throne, is in the center of attention of the world media and ordinary people. Today, Katherine is a model of elegance and looks almost flawless, but this was not always the case.

website admires the feminine style of the Duchess and remembers what fashion lessons she had to learn. We are not at all suggesting that you get a personal style assistant, as it should be for a royal person. It is enough to take note of some tricks from Kate's stylish arsenal.

Don't rely on yourself - hire a stylist

When "itself a stylist."

Images created in collaboration with a stylist.

In 2016, the Duchess of Cambridge posed for the cover of Vogue magazine (photo above). Kate herself came up with the image of a cowgirl in a simple casual clothes, refusing the services of stylists. Unfortunately, this image was criticized by the public - his found too simple for the duchess. More on such experiments, she did not dare, preferring to cooperate with experienced professionals.

In April 2019, it became known that Kate Middleton's permanent stylist Natasha Archer had gone on maternity leave, and her place is now taken by Virginia Chadwick-Healey. The future duchess met Virginia in her student years: the girls studied art history together at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Thanks to the collaboration with the new stylist, Katherine's wardrobe has become more modern and effective.

Introduce trends into your wardrobe carefully and dosed

The Duchess is the face of the British monarchy and future queen consort. She can't afford to get too caught up in fashion, unlike Meghan Markle, for example, whose husband is only 6th in line to the throne.

All images of Kate are limited by tradition, they are out of fashion and time. Only carefully introduce modern trends into them. Therefore, we can see the duchess in dresses with actual open shoulders or trendy pleats, but we will never see them in leopard tights, trendy bombers or oversized jackets.

Get rid of worn out items

When Katherine was just getting used to her new status as a duchess and a member of the British royal family, she could be seen repeatedly in suede ankle boots, which showed signs of wear. No one should wear clothes that look shabby, and the duchess, on whom millions of eyes are turned, even more so.

Buy a successful style in several copies

To avoid the problem described in the previous paragraph, the Duchess of Cambridge buys things she likes in several copies but often in different colors. As it happened, for example, with the Alexander McQueen brand dress: in dresses of the same style, but different colors The duchess made several appearances.

Choose skirts of elegant length

Having become a duchess, Catherine, out of habit, continued to choose rather short clothes, for which she received remarks from Queen Elizabeth II. Over time, she and her stylists reconsidered the attitude to the length of the skirt. Elegant midi length allows you to stay within the conservative royal style and not be afraid to get into an awkward position because of your clothes.

Be wary of flying silhouettes in windy weather

The duchess certainly has very beautiful legs, but the "Marilyn Monroe effect" and the royal dress code are incompatible. So today special weights are sewn into the hems of Kate's skirts, so that no gust of wind will hit the reputation of the royal.

Tailor your outfits to the dress code

On the podium, if not everything, then a lot is acceptable. But on the representative of the British royal family - no. That's why designer outfits are changed according to protocol requirements. Depending on the specific item of clothing, the length of the product and the shape of the sleeve, the transparency of the fabric and the depth of the neckline may vary.

Don't Forget About Stylish Diplomacy

During foreign tours, royal protocol specialists think through all the details of the wardrobe to the smallest detail. So, during a tour to Canada, the duchess wore an outfit in the red and white colors of the Canadian flag, and her hat was decorated with maple leaves, the symbol of Canada.

And to visit the poor quarters of New Delhi, the choice was made in favor of a dress in a typical Indian style costing only 50 British pounds (around ₽ 4,000). Such the art of fashionable diplomacy is worth learning not only for public figures: when choosing an outfit, you need to think about how appropriate it is in a given situation.

Use the coat as a second dress

A coat is an essential piece of clothing if you live in a country with the same climate as the UK. And if you are also a duchess, then you have to think not only about warmth, but also about aesthetics. And a coat that resembles a dress in silhouette - perfect solution, which allows you to combine comfort and femininity of the image.

Although why certainly England and the duchess? To the residents of our climate zone with long winters and off-seasons, this stylish trick is also worth keeping an eye on.

Feel free to introduce things of bright colors into the wardrobe (unless, of course, there is no queen nearby)

Catherine learned this directly from Queen Elizabeth II. The monarch is supposed to be dressed brightly in order to stand out from the crowd. And Kate, future queen consort, you have to get used to looking catchy and noticeable already today. Being in the status of Prince William's girlfriend, she chose clothes in more calm and muted colors, and after marriage, the number vivid images increased in her wardrobe.