Intercontinental ballistic missile

RS-28"Sarmat" developed by the State Rocket Center. Makeev (GRC im.Makeeva, Miass) in cooperation with NPO Mechanical Engineering (Reutov) and other enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia. Development of a new heavy liquid intercontinental missile(ICBM) was launched before 2010 with the aim of creating a replacement for the RS-20 / R-36 / SS-18 SATAN heavy ICBM in the Strategic Missile Forces. The state contract for the implementation of the R & D "Sarmat" was signed between the Makeev State Research Center and the Russian Ministry of Defense in June 2011.

The terms of reference for the development of a new heavy ICBM were approved in 2011. In 2012, a large scientific and technical council was held on a new heavy missile. October 19, 2012 Interfax reported that in October 2012 the Ministry of Defense generally approved the draft design of a new heavy ICBM.

In January 2013, the terms of reference were issued for the development of a promising propulsion system "product 99" and work began on the preparation of serial production of engines. In 2014-2015 work on the development of mass production continued. The production of the rocket is planned by the cooperation of enterprises formed by the V.Makeev State Research Center. The head enterprise for the production of Sarmat ICBMs is the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant. The contract with the plant for the production of prototypes was signed in 2011.

Tests of the heavy ICBM RS-28 "Sarmat" began after several postponements on 12/27/2017 with the first missile launch at the Plesetsk training ground. On March 29, 2018 and at the end of May 2018, the second and third launches of the new ICBM were successfully carried out there.

Throwing launch of ICBM 15A28 / RS-28 "Sarmat" at the Plesetsk training ground, 03/29/2018(

Rockets RS-28 "Sarmat" in the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia

In 2011, Interfax reported that new heavy Sarmat ICBMs would begin to combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces starting in 2018, but due to difficulties in creating ICBMs, the timing of the receipt of missiles in the Strategic Missile Forces was later shifted to 2020-2022. The deployment of missile systems "Sarmat" is planned in Uzhur ( Krasnoyarsk region) and in Dombarovsky ( Orenburg region) instead of RS-20 / R-36 / SS-18 SATAN missiles.

The composition of the complex and the design of ICBMs

The Strategic Missile Forces will be armed with one version of the complex with the mine-based RS-28 "Sarmat" ICBM. Start - mortar, under the action of a powder pressure accumulator.

The design of the rocket is two-stage with a series connection of stages, with a warhead breeding unit. Type of rocket engines - liquid engines at all levels.

TTX missiles

Rocket length- 32 m Case diameter- 3m Rocket weight- 200,000 kg Cast weight- up to 10 000 kg Range- more than 11,000 km QUO- 150 m

Installation of TPK with the RS-28 "Sarmat" missile in the silo launcher

Combat equipment

Option 1 - presumably at least 10 MIRVs with a perfect set of means to overcome missile defense; Option 2 - presumably several maneuvering warheads. For example, from 3 to 5-6 warheads of the object 4202 / 15Yu71 type.

Throwing launch of ICBM 15A28 / RS-28 "Sarmat", Plesetsk, 03/29/2018

Control system and guidance

Autonomous inertial control system with onboard computer.


RS-28/15A28 "Sarmat"- stationary mine missile system with a heavy liquid ICBM in the mine launcher(SHPU).

"New defense order. Strategies"

In 2021, it is planned to put into service a new missile system with an intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 "Sarmat". On this moment the new one is undergoing a test cycle, and the main part of the data on it remains secret for now. However, official sources have already managed to reveal some of the information about the project, thanks to which the main features and capabilities of the promising missile became known. The available data make it possible to understand why the Sarmat ICBM poses a particular danger to a potential adversary.

For several recent years command of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the military and political leadership countries repeatedly raised the topic of the Sarmat project and announced various information about it. As a result, it became known that in 2021 the Strategic Missile Forces will receive a new complex with a heavy-class missile, which is distinguished by the highest characteristics. Such weapons are intended to replace the old R-36M Voyevoda ICBMs and should use the same launchers.

global weapon

It is known that the new RS-28 missile is distinguished by an improved propulsion system, which gives it the highest performance. In the past, it has been repeatedly noted positive traits"Sarmat", provided by new efficient engines. It is the engines that make it possible to increase the combat stability and efficiency of combat work.

Due to the greater engine thrust, the RS-28 product differs from previous Russian-made liquid-propellant ICBMs in the reduced duration of the active flight segment. This fact in a certain way makes it difficult for the enemy's anti-missile defense systems to attack the target during acceleration, when it is most visible and vulnerable. In addition, this leads to the fact that during acceleration and reaching the trajectory, the Sarmat remains in a safe zone, inaccessible to enemy missile defense.

The new engines (possibly combined with certain weapon options) give the missile increased range performance. For example, back in 2014, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that the new missile system had practically no range restrictions. Warheads "Sarmat" will be able to fly to their targets through the Northern or South Pole. Later this information was confirmed by President Vladimir Putin. According to him, in terms of firing range, the new RS-28 ICBM is superior to the existing R-36M. However, both in the past and now, accurate data on the flight range are not available.

For some time now, the definition of "global weapon" has been used in relation to "Sarmat". Indeed, the new propulsion system, combined with various types of combat equipment, significantly increases the range of the missile system. In the area of ​​responsibility Russian missiles includes not only the territory of the expected potential enemies, but also other areas the globe. The practical value of such weapons is obvious.

Accurate hit

During last year's sensational appeal to Federal Assembly V. Putin said that "Sarmat" will be able to carry a wide range of high-yield nuclear weapons. In terms of the number and power of warheads, it will surpass the Voevoda. It also provides the possibility of using advanced hypersonic gliding warheads - a fundamentally new combat equipment with unique characteristics and capabilities.

It follows from the President's statements that in the carrier variant of the traditional multiple warhead with individual targeting units, the RS-28 will be able to carry at least 10 warheads. The power of each warhead is at least 800 kt. However, it is not yet entirely clear how exactly the Sarmat will surpass the Voevoda in terms of the number and power of warheads and the composition of the MIRV. Along with warheads, decoys and other means of overcoming missile defense should be present in the warhead. Claimed Application modern systems providing a breakthrough through existing and future defense systems.

Of particular interest is the variant of the RS-28 complex with the Avangard hypersonic maneuvering warhead. So far, such products are used with UR-100N UTTKh missiles, but in the future they will be transferred to modern Sarmatians. According to known data, the Avangard product is a hypersonic glider with its own warhead, launched with the help of ICBMs. Previously, domestic missile systems were not equipped with such products.

According to recent statements, in flight the Avangard glider can reach speeds of up to M = 27. He carries a special warhead and is capable of delivering it to an intercontinental range. A gliding flight with the ability to perform maneuvers makes it impossible to effectively intercept using existing air defense and missile defense systems. At the same time, increased accuracy of hitting targets is provided.

Apparently, in the future, ICBMs "Sarmat" with different options military equipment. However, the exact composition of warheads and the proportions of different products in the general grouping remain unknown, and are unlikely to be revealed in the foreseeable future.

Safe duty

From open data it follows that the ICBM RS-28 "Sarmat" is a milestone development of its kind. Obviously, missiles with enhanced combat characteristics are becoming a priority target for a first strike from a potential enemy. Such risks are taken into account when developing a new Russian weapons. As far as is known, in parallel with the Sarmat, new means are being created for the operation and protection of missiles.

Missiles of a new type in the future will be placed in existing silo launchers, freed from obsolete weapons. Such structures themselves have high class protection against direct impact, and in addition, must be equipped with additional means. In 2013, work was resumed on the topic of active protection systems for silo missile systems. In the past, such a system has confirmed its capabilities in practice, and in the future serial samples of this kind will have to protect the "Sarmatians" on duty.

With the implementation of all current plans, the silo of the Sarmat complex will become an extremely difficult target for the first strike of the enemy, capable of maintaining its functionality and providing a retaliatory attack with a high probability. In the event that an incoming ICBM warhead or other enemy weapon is detected, the KAZ silo will have to shoot it down at a safe distance. If the ammunition can pass through the protection systems, the missile will remain intact thanks to the durable launcher. It should be noted that the methods of passive protection of silos and ICBMs have been worked out for a long time, while active protection systems are a novelty.

Threat from the future

The RS-28 Sarmat product is a serious threat to a potential adversary, but all the risks associated with it are still problems for the future. The first missiles of the new type will go on duty in 2021, and the full replacement of the obsolete R-36M will take place only a few years after that. Thus, in the coming years, the potential adversary will be deterred mainly by existing ICBMs.

Nevertheless, the moment of taking the Sarmat into service is approaching, and the industry is doing everything necessary for this. In a new message to the Federal Assembly dated February 20, V. Putin mentioned the continued testing of the RS-28 product, but did not go into details. On the same day, the Zvezda TV channel published some data on the current success of the project.

Last year, the stage of throwing tests of the new rocket was completed with success. In the course of this work, fifty design and test tasks were completed. It was possible to confirm the correctness of the design solutions used in the project. Bench tests of engines for the rocket were also carried out. underway practical work by breeding level.

At the same time, industry is being prepared for serial production missiles and objects of the Ministry of Defense for new tests. So, at the Plesetsk test site, the infrastructure for flight and state tests of the Sarmat is being completed. The enterprises involved in the project are updating their production facilities, which will later allow them to participate in the assembly of an experimental batch of missiles, and then master the series.

This year, the first test run a new missile, followed by a full-fledged flight and the defeat of a conditional target at the Kamchatka Kura training ground. Flight tests should be completed in 2020-21, after which the missile system will be put into service. Then full-fledged mass production will begin with the missiles put on duty.

It is in 2021 that the RS-28 ICBMs will begin to realize their potential and become a new military-political tool. At first, they will solve common problems together with the outdated R-36M, but then they will completely displace them and completely occupy the corresponding niche. Most likely, the renewal of heavy ICBM arsenals will not lead to a noticeable change in quantitative indicators, and in the future there will be about the same number of Sarmatians on duty as Voevod is now worth. However, we should expect a noticeable increase in quality, provided by improving the characteristics and obtaining new opportunities.

Thus, by the middle of the next decade, Russia will have a new promising instrument of strategic deterrence with special capabilities. The threat of retaliatory use of RS-28 Sarmat missiles, capable of breaking through any existing missile defense and delivering accurate strikes using one or another combat equipment, should have a sobering effect on overly ardent representatives of the command of a potential enemy.

According to the websites:

Deliveries to the troops of the latest intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat" will begin in 2018, 2 years ahead of schedule, very timely in the current conditions of aggravation of relations between Russia and NATO. The new missile should become a powerful deterrent, significantly surpassing all existing carriers in the world nuclear weapons.

Image of the ICBM RS-28 "Sarmat" from the website of the Makeev State Research Center, October 2016 ().
The order for the development of the Sarmat missile went to the Miass Design Bureau named after V.P. Makeev. It would seem that the decision is extremely strange, since the Makeevites specialize primarily in the creation of marine products - ICBMs for strategic submarines. And here their achievements are impressive. The Sineva rocket holds the record for power-to-weight ratio among all existing rockets. That is, it has best regards rocket power to its mass.
However, there is no paradox in the fact that Sarmat was made in Miass. Firstly, a huge experience has been accumulated here in the development of liquid-propellant rockets, which have better power characteristics than solid-propellant ones. And the Sarmat, in order to surpass the Voevoda in terms of combat characteristics, was conceived and embodied in metal precisely as liquid. Secondly, the design bureau has experience in creating land-based missile systems. These, for example, include the R-17 missile (“Scud” according to NATO classification).
Designers KB im. Makeeva went, as they say, their own way. That is, they did not engage in the modernization of the Voyevoda, but created a completely new rocket. Although there were opportunities for modernization - the "heart" of the rocket, the RD-264 engines, were developed not in Ukraine, but here - in the Khimki Design Bureau "Energomash" under the leadership of Vitaly Petrovich Radovsky.

Enhanced protection of missiles at launch positions. They are installed in the same mines in which the "Voivods" are now located. The mines are able to withstand close nuclear explosions, which is achieved through the use of special damping containers, for which large seismic loads are safe. The defense of the mines is strengthened by the Mozyr active protection system specially created for the Sarmat complex. It consists of a hundred artillery barrels that fire a cloud of arrows and balls 3 cm in diameter towards an incoming cruise missile or ballistic missile warhead. The height of the shot is 6 km. This system is served by a radar that has a long range and detection accuracy. In addition, it is planned in the future to cover the region where the Sarmat complexes are based.
At the same time, the "penetrating ability" of the warheads of the new missile is unique. It is based not only on the highest energy qualities of the missile itself, which, before the warheads are separated from it, has the ability to maneuver with high overloads. The warheads themselves also have high maneuverability. In addition, they are equipped with electronic warfare equipment. Also, their targeting accuracy has increased by almost two orders of magnitude - the maximum deviation from the target is 5-10 meters. This makes it possible, if necessary, to use kinetic warheads instead of nuclear warheads, which destroy enemy strategic targets with a mechanical impact of enormous energy.
Well, and, finally, by 2020 the rocket will be equipped with, which now have only a code name - “product 4202”. Their trials began in 2010. To date, a stable flight with a given accuracy of hitting the target has been achieved. Their speed is within 17M-22M. The warhead, presumably since the mid-2000s, has been developed at NPO Mashinostroeniya, located in Reutov, near Moscow.
Now "" not a single missile defense system in the world is able to stop. And in the foreseeable future, such opportunities are not visible. The Reutov warhead is capable of long-term hypersonic flight in the atmosphere, maneuvering in vertical and horizontal planes.

In early January, at a meeting in the Ministry of Defense, the head of the military department, Sergei Shoigu, instructed to prepare a draft of a new State program weapons for 2018-2025. Particular attention, according to the minister, in this program should be given to the creation of a promising strategic missile system, which is being made at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, where Shoigu has already flown more than once, personally controlling the process. Moreover, the minister demanded that reports on this project be heard in the military department daily, until the work was included in the approved schedule. What kind of complex this is, the creation of which is given such increased attention, the minister did not specify at the meeting. However, it was clear to everyone that we are talking about the heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Sarmat", which should replace the famous "Satan".

Why do we need a new heavy ICBM

This story was told to me by the ex-head of the military security department of the Security Council apparatus, chief of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces (1994-1996), Colonel General Viktor Yesin: - In 1997 - then I first visited the United States as part of a delegation from Russia - we traveled with Americans on a bus in San Francisco, chatting, joking ... Suddenly, through the window, I saw a lighthouse and I say: “Oh, this lighthouse is familiar to me.” - "Where, - ask the Americans, - are you in California for the first time?" - “You forgot that I was involved in nuclear planning, and this beacon was the aiming point for our missiles. Next to him you have a fault here earth's crust. If you hit him, then half of California will immediately slide into the ocean "...

The bus became quiet. Nobody joked anymore. All the Americans traveling with us lived in San Francisco, and in the event of such a strike, their city, along with their homes and families, would also be buried by the ocean ... Later, R-36ORB intercontinental ballistic missiles (orbital), which could circle the globe and hit the California lighthouse , were destroyed under the SALT-1 Treaty - the world became safer for a while. But when the United States again confronted Russia with the fact of deploying its global missile defense system, including in Europe, directly at our borders, it became clear that this supposedly “protection system” against some mythical Iranian or North Korean threat really pursues the goal of leveling the Russian nuclear potential. Moreover, the deployment of a global missile defense system will allow the country that owns this system to be the first to strike at strategic, including nuclear, targets of its potential adversary under the pretext of preempting its attack. In fact, the creation of a global missile defense system enables the United States to implement an offensive military doctrine. Defense in this situation can be either the deployment of a similar missile defense system, which is very costly, or the creation of a retaliatory strike weapon capable of providing guaranteed retribution to the aggressor in any case. It is much less costly economic sense and more effective in the military. It was this step that was chosen by Russia as a response to the deployment of US missile defense. The creation of a new heavy complex, which would fundamentally solve the problem of strategic containment of the United States, was also important because any equipment, including nuclear carriers, tends to age. Until recently, the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces was the R-36M “Voevoda” (aka “Satan”) carriers, which no missile defense was able to intercept. "Satan" carried ten powerful warheads to the target, simultaneously releasing thousands of false ones, creating an absolutely hopeless situation for the enemy's missile defense system. These still Soviet ICBMs were made in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, in Ukraine. After the collapse of the USSR, their maintenance and extension of terms became too problematic, and in the light of recent political events, even impossible. That is why, with the gradual decommissioning of the Strategic Missile Forces "Satan", the creation of a similar heavy nuclear carrier has become especially relevant.

What is already known about "Sarmat"

Sarmatians (translated from ancient Greek as "lizard-eyed", lat. sarmatae) - common name Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes that inhabited the vast territories between the Tobol rivers (the Kustanai region of Kazakhstan, the Kurgan and Tyumen regions of the Russian Federation) and the Danube.

So far, there is not much information about the Sarmat missile - work is being carried out in secrecy. However, something is gradually becoming known to specialists and the media, although these data sometimes look rather contradictory. They name such approximate characteristics of the future rocket: - in terms of weight, the Sarmat is planned to be twice as light as the old Satan - about 100 tons, but at the same time, in terms of combat characteristics, the Sarmat will have monstrous strength, sharply surpassing the parameters of the Satan »; - the missile will be equipped with additional means of overcoming US missile defense - a hypersonic maneuvering warhead, which in the West is called the Yu-71; - "Sarmat" uses liquid fuel and in flight will be able to overcome more than 11 thousand km, while carrying combat equipment weighing 4350 kg; - most likely the new missile "Sarmat" will have two stages; - according to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, "Sarmat" will not have restrictions in the direction combat use. That is, one of the central ideas of the Sarmat ICBM is the revival of the concept of "orbital bombardment", implemented earlier in Soviet rocket R-36ORB, which is an excellent means of overcoming missile defense, allowing you to attack targets in the United States along a variety of trajectories, including through the South Pole, bypassing deployed missile defense systems. This will require the United States to create a "circular missile defense system", which is significantly more expensive than the individual THAAD batteries currently deployed on the usual flight path of Russian silo-based ICBM warheads.

Creation and testing of a new rocket

Work on the heavy ICBM project began in 2009. For two years, the designers of the Makeev State Rocket Center (Miass, Chelyabinsk Region) conjured over the rocket. They did not take the path of modernizing the well-known "Satan", choosing more hard way creating a completely new product with unique combat characteristics.

True, in order to reduce the cost of creating a rocket, as well as to speed up the timing of its adoption into service, the developers proposed to use as much as possible in the design of the Sarmat already tested components and elements from other serial missiles, which was quite justified and gave the desired effect. For example, according to some information, Sarmat uses an upgraded version of the Russian RD-264 engine, which has already been tested in practice for the R-36M, and therefore the tests of the propulsion system were quick and successful. Just two years after the start of work on the project, the developers were already able to start flight tests of the product.

True, the first launches, which took place in the fall of 2011, were unsuccessful, which, however, is quite natural. But a year later, the rocket flew. And on October 25, 2016, residents of villages located near the Kura test site witnessed a successful test of a hypersonic warhead and even managed to film its plasma trail while it maneuvered in the atmosphere along an unpredictable trajectory. But officially none detailed information tests were not made public. Starts were carried out from the site of one of military units, from the mine (Orenburg region, area of ​​​​the village of Dombrovsky), where the Voevoda rocket was previously stationed. The flight of both the missile and its warheads took place along a "closed track", which seriously complicated the tracking of tests by means of US telemetry control.

Fuel efficiency

"Sarmat" is a rocket that will use liquid fuel. This criterion initially caused a lot of controversy. Opponents of this idea insisted that a liquid-propellant rocket is out of date, that more modern technologies Plus, they are easier to maintain. The Americans abandoned liquid rockets a long time ago. But the designers from the Makeyev GRC, which is one of the recognized rocket centers, which since Soviet times has specialized in the creation of liquid rockets, defended their positions. The fact is that the largest part of the weight of any ICBM falls on the fuel in its stages. According to this criterion, all launch vehicles are conditionally divided into three types: - light, weighing up to 50 tons; - medium, weighing from 51 to 100 tons; - heavy, up to 200 tons in weight.

The fuel parameters of an ICBM directly affect its range: the more fuel a rocket has, the farther it flies. Opponents of heavy liquid rockets have always argued that the low weight of the rocket is its advantage. Such ICBMs do not need large mines, because of their relatively small size they are easier to transport and maintain. Solid-propellant missiles have a shorter (two to four times) active part of the trajectory, which is very important for overcoming enemy missile defense. In addition, due to the use of solid fuel, the service life of such a rocket is significantly increased, which means that it is cheaper for the budget.

In addition, solid fuel from the point of view of ecology is much preferable to liquid fuel, the components of which are extremely toxic (liquid rocket fuel heptyl is more toxic, for example, than hydrocyanic acid). However, with all the advantages of a solid rocket, there is one significant drawback that can cover all its advantages: the energy efficiency of solid fuel is lower than that of liquid fuel.

And this means that a liquid rocket is capable of carrying significantly large quantity warheads, including a larger set of decoys, and therefore a liquid rocket has an advantage over a solid rocket in terms of protection against missile defense in the ballistic and, most importantly, final sections due to a larger set of quasi-heavy decoys, which are a big problem for the missile defense system, since it is to recognize and she simply does not have time to distinguish them from the real ones.

In addition, the following fact was also important specifically for Russia: from 2000 to 2009, our Strategic Missile Forces were reduced from 756 ICBMs with 3,540 warheads to 367 ICBMs with 1,248 warheads, that is, by half in missiles and three times in warheads. This happened due to the fact that all these years the Strategic Missile Forces received exclusively solid-propellant monobloc ICBMs, and mainly liquid multi-charge missiles were removed from service. This failure could only be compensated for by the creation of a new heavy multi-charged ICBM, which was supposed to become liquid.

The warhead of the new ICBM

The design of the new missile contains many unique technical solutions, one of which, judging by the information received from the military, was the warhead. According to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, the Sarmat ICBM will be equipped with maneuvering warheads. In this regard, a number of experts believe that if we are talking specifically about warheads maneuvering in the atmosphere, then the warheads are in some way the completion of the innovative Albatross atmospheric flight control project, which began to be developed for the R-36 in 1987.

The Albatross project was based on a proposal for a guided warhead, which should have been able to maneuver to evade anti-missiles. The block fixed the launch of the enemy's anti-missile, changed the flight path and evaded it. Such a missile system, which has enhanced capabilities to overcome a layered missile defense system, was conceived as an asymmetric response of the USSR to the deployment of the US SDI program (strategic defense initiative). The new missile was supposed to receive maneuvering, gliding (winged) warheads with hypersonic speed, which could perform maneuvers with a range of up to 1000 km in azimuth when entering the atmosphere at speeds of the order of 5.8-7.5 km / s or Mach 17-22. In 1991, it was planned to start testing the complex, and in 1993 to begin its mass production, but after the collapse of the USSR, these plans were never implemented. And now, apparently, the Sarmat designers, going in the same direction, were able to make significant progress in creating a warhead moving in hypersonic mode and at the same time maintaining a high maneuvering speed. According to some information, "Sarmat", as well as "Satan", will have at least 10 units of individual guidance.

Only in a new rocket will they combine the qualities of the two most different types weapons: cruise and hypersonic missiles, which until now was technically considered incompatible, since cruise missiles with a flat trajectory could not fly very fast.

In any case, American missiles do not withstand such regimes, as a result switching to supersonic, which allows Russian funds PRO-air defense "catch" them. The Americans are generally very concerned about the incoming information regarding the work on the Sarmat project. According to their military experts, Yu-71 high-precision hypersonic warheads for the first time can fundamentally change the strategy and tactics of using ICBMs. According to American analysts, the Yu-71 could enable the use of Russian and Soviet ICBMs in local wars according to the "global strike" strategy, with the defeat of strategic objects by the kinetic energy of the warhead without using nuclear explosion. Hypersonic maneuvering warheads, due to maneuvering, can hit moving targets and, when they are developed into anti-ship weapons, they pose the main threat to US large ships, as they are able to hit them, despite the most advanced missile defense systems.

Basing missiles "Sarmat"

It is clear that the enemy, who planned to launch a nuclear strike first, would like to destroy the missiles that pose such a serious threat immediately, already in initial phase war, so as not to receive a retaliatory strike on their own strategic objects. That is why the mines where the Sarmat missiles will be located - and they will be placed in the same place where the old heavy liquid rockets RS-18 and RS-20 were previously based - will be seriously modernized. They are planned to be equipped with multi-level protection: active - missile defense systems, and passive - fortifications. According to experts, in order to guarantee the destruction of the Sarmat missile, the enemy would have to inflict at least seven accurate nuclear strikes on the area where the missile silo is based, which is almost impossible with the new multi-level protection.