Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences N.P. Bekhtereva about autoscopic perceptions that occur in the state clinical death and in stressful situations he notes: “When analyzing phenomena, not the last thing should be what a person reports about what he saw and heard not from the “name” of the body, but from the “name” of the soul that separated from the body. But the body does not react, it is clinically dead, it has lost contact with the person himself for some time! .. "

1975, April 12, morning - Martha became ill with her heart. When the ambulance took her to the hospital, Marta was no longer breathing, and the doctor accompanying her could not feel her pulse. She was in a state of clinical death. Later, Martha said that she witnessed the entire procedure of her resurrection, watching the actions of doctors from a certain point outside her body. However, Martha's story had another peculiarity. She was very worried about how her sick mother would take the news of her death. And just as Martha had time to think about her mother, she immediately saw her sitting in an armchair next to the bed in her house.
“I was in the intensive care unit, and at the same time I was with my mother in the bedroom. It was amazing to be in two places at the same time, and even so far from one another, but space seemed to be a meaningless concept ... I, being in my new body, sat on the edge of her bed and said: “ Mom, I had heart attack I may die, but I don't want you to worry. I don't mind dying."

However, she did not look at me. Apparently she didn't hear me. “Mom,” I kept whispering, “it’s me, Martha. I need to talk to you." I tried to get her attention, but then the focus of my mind returned to the intensive care unit. And I was back in my body."

Later, when she came to herself, Marta saw her husband, daughter and brother, who had flown in from another city, by her bed. As it turned out, his mother called his brother. She had a strange feeling that something had happened to Martha, and she asked her son to find out what was the matter. Calling, he found out what happened, and the first plane flew to his sister.

Was Martha really able to travel without a physical body a distance equal to two-thirds of the length of America and communicate with her mother? The mother said that she felt something, i.e. something was wrong with her daughter, but she could not understand what it was, and she could not imagine how she knew about it.

Martov's story can be considered a rare, but not the only case. Martha, in a certain sense, managed to get in touch with her mother and convey to her "a sense of unease." But most fail to do so. However, observations of the actions of doctors, relatives, including those who are at a certain distance from the operating room, are amazing.

Once a woman was operated on. In principle, she had no reason to die from the operation. She did not even warn her mother and daughter about the operation, deciding to inform them about everything later. However, clinical death occurred during the operation. The woman was brought back to life, and she did not know anything about her short-term death. And, having come to her senses, she told about the amazing “dream”.
She, Lyudmila, dreamed that she had left her body, was somewhere above, saw her body lying on the operating table, doctors around her and realized that she most likely died. It became scary for the mother and daughter. Thinking about her family, she suddenly found herself at home. She saw that her daughter was trying on a blue polka-dot dress in front of the mirror. A neighbor came in and said: "Lyusenka would have liked it." Lyusenka is she, who is here and invisible. Everything is calm, peaceful at home - and here she is again in the operating room.

The doctor, to whom she told about the amazing "dream", offered to go to her house, to calm the family. The surprise of the mother and daughter knew no bounds when she told about the neighbor and about the blue dress with polka dots, which they prepared as a surprise for Lyusenka.

In "Arguments and Facts" for 1998, a small note by Lugankov "Dying is not at all scary" was published. He wrote that in 1983 he was tested with a suit for astronauts. With the help of special equipment, blood was “sucked” from the head into the legs, thereby simulating the effect of weightlessness. The medics fastened his “space suit” on him and turned on the pump. And either they forgot about it, or the automation failed - but the pumping continued more than necessary.
“At some point, I realized that I was losing consciousness. I tried to call for help - only a wheeze escaped from my throat. But then the pain stopped. Warmth spread through my body (which body?) and I felt extraordinary bliss. Scenes from childhood appeared before my eyes. I saw the village guys with whom I ran to the river to catch crayfish, my grandfather, a front-line soldier, the deceased neighbors ...

Then I noticed how the doctors with confused faces bent over me, someone began to massage the chest. Through the sweet veil, I suddenly felt the disgusting smell of ammonia and ... woke up. The doctor, of course, did not believe my story. But I don’t care if he didn’t believe me - now I know what cardiac arrest is and that dying is not so scary. ”

The story of the American Brinkley, who was in a state of clinical death twice, is very curious. Over the past few years, he has spoken about his two post-mortem experiences to millions of people around the world. At the invitation of Yeltsin, Brinkley (together with Dr. Moody) also appeared on Russian television and told millions of Russians about his experiences and visions.
1975 - he was struck by lightning. Doctors did everything possible to save him, but ... he died. Brinkley's first voyage Thin world shocking. He not only saw luminous Beings and crystal castles there. He saw the future of mankind there for several decades to come.

After they managed to save him and he recovered, he discovered that he had the ability to read other people's thoughts, and when he touched a person with his hand, he immediately sees, as he himself says, "home cinema". If the person he touched was gloomy, then Brinkley saw "like in a movie" scenes that explained the reason for the gloomy mood of the person.

Many of their people, upon their return from the Subtle World, discovered in themselves parapsychological abilities. Scientists became interested in the parapsychological phenomena of the “returned from the other world”. 1992 - Dr. Melvin Morse published the results of his experiments with Brinkley in the book Transformed by Light. As a result of the study, he found that people who have been on the verge of death, paranormal abilities manifest themselves approximately four times more often than ordinary people.

Here is what, for example, happened to him during the second clinical death:

I broke out of the darkness bright light into the operating room and saw two surgeons with two assistants betting whether I could survive or not. They looked at my chest x-ray while they prepared me for the operation. I saw myself from a position that seemed to be largely above the ceiling, and watched my arm being attached to a shiny steel brace.

My sister smeared my body with brown antiseptic and covered me with a clean sheet. Someone else injected some liquid into my tube. The surgeon then made an incision across my chest with a scalpel and pulled back the skin. The assistant handed him a tool that looked like a small saw, and he hooked it to my rib, and then opened the chest and inserted a spacer inside. Another surgeon cut the skin around my heart.

After that, I was able to directly observe my own heartbeat. I couldn't see anything else as I was in the dark again. I heard the ringing of bells, and then the tunnel opened... At the end of the tunnel I was met by the same Being from Light as the last time. It drew me to Itself, while expanding like an angel spreading its wings. The light of these radiations swallowed me up.”

What a cruel blow and unbearable pain relatives receive when they learn about the death of a loved one. Today, when husbands and sons are dying, it is impossible to find words to reassure wives, parents and children. But maybe the following cases will be at least some consolation for them.

The first case was with Thomas Dowding. His story: “Physical death is nothing!.. You really shouldn't be afraid of it. ... I remember very well how it all happened. I waited in the crook of the trench for my time to take over. It was a wonderful evening, I had no premonition of danger, but suddenly I heard the howl of a shell. There was an explosion somewhere behind. I involuntarily squatted down, but it was too late. Something hit so hard and hard - in the back of the head. I fell while falling, did not notice even for a moment any loss of consciousness, found myself outside of myself! You see how simply I tell it so that you can understand it better.
After 5 seconds, I stood next to my body and helped two of my comrades carry it along the trench to the dressing room. They thought that I was just unconscious, but alive… They put my body on a stretcher. I always wanted to know when I would be inside the body again.

I'll tell you what I felt. It was like I ran hard and for a long time until I got wet, lost my breath and took off my clothes. This clothing was my wounded body: it seemed that if I didn’t throw it off, I could suffocate ... My body was taken first to the dressing room, and then to the morgue. I stood next to my body all night, but I didn’t think about anything, I just looked at it. Then I lost consciousness and fell fast asleep.

This incident happened to an officer american army Tommy Clack in 1969 in South Vietnam.
He stepped on a mine. First he was thrown into the air, then thrown to the ground. For a moment Tommy managed to sit up and saw that he was missing his left arm and left leg. Clack rolled over on his back and thought he was dying. The light faded, all sensations disappeared, there was no pain. Some time later, Tommy woke up. He hovered in the air and looked at his body. The soldiers put his mangled body on a stretcher, covered him up and carried him to the helicopter. Clack, watching from above, realized that he was believed to be dead. And at that moment he realized that he had actually died.

Accompanying his body to the field hospital, Tommy felt peaceful, even happy. He calmly watched as his bloody clothes were cut, and suddenly he was back on the battlefield. All 13 guys killed during the day were here. Clack didn't see them thin bodies, but somehow felt that they were nearby, communicated with them, but also in an unknown way.

The soldiers were happy in the New World and tried to persuade him to stay. Tommy felt happy and at ease. He did not see himself, felt himself (in his words) just a form, felt almost one pure thought. Bright light poured from all sides. Suddenly, Tommy found himself back in the hospital, in the operating room. He was operated on. The doctors were talking to each other about something. Clack immediately returned to his body.

No! Not everything is so simple in our material world! And a man killed in a war does not die! He's leaving! He leaves for a clean, bright world, where he is much better than his relatives and friends who remained on Earth.

Reflecting on his encounters with Beings from non-ordinary reality, Whitley Strieber wrote: “I get the impression that the material world is only special case a wider context, and reality unfolds mainly in a non-physical way... I think that the Luminous Beings, as it were, play the role of midwives when we appear in the Subtle World. The Beings we observe may be individuals of a higher evolutionary order…”.

But the journey into the Subtle World does not always seem to be a "beautiful walk" for a person. Doctors noted that some people have hellish visions.

Vision of an American from Roy Island. Her doctor said: "When she came to, she said, 'I thought I was dead and ended up in hell.' After I was able to calm her down, she told me about her stay in hell, about how the devil wanted to take her away. The story was intertwined with listing her sins and outlining what people think of her. Her fear increased, and the nurses were having difficulty keeping her in a supine position. She became almost insane. She had a long-standing sense of guilt, perhaps due to extramarital affairs that ended in the birth of illegitimate children. The patient was oppressed by the fact that her sister died from the same disease. She believed that God was punishing her for her sins.” Feelings of loneliness and fear were sometimes recalled from the moment when a person felt drawn into an area of ​​darkness or vacuum during near-death experiences. Shortly after a nephrectomy (surgical removal of a kidney) at the University of Florida in 1976, a 23-year-old college student collapsed due to an unexpected postoperative complication. In the first parts of her near-death experiences: “There was total blackness around. If you move very fast, you can feel the walls coming towards you… I felt alone and a little scared.” A similar darkness enveloped the 56-year-old man and “frightened” him: total darkness... It was a very dark place and I didn't know where I was, what I was doing there or what was going on, and I was scared.”
True, such cases are rare. But even if a few had a vision of hell, this suggests that death is not a deliverance for everyone. It is the way of life of a person, his thoughts, desires, actions that determine where a person will end up after death.

Very, very many facts have been collected about the exit of the soul from the body in stressful situations and in clinical death! .. But for a long time there was a lack of objective scientific verification.

Does this, as scientists say, phenomenon of continuation of life after the death of the physical body really exist?

This test was carried out by carefully comparing the facts reported by patients with real events, And empirically using the necessary equipment.

One of the first such evidence was received by the American doctor Michael Sabom, who began research as an opponent of his compatriot Dr. Moody, and completed them as a like-minded person and assistant.

In order to refute the "crazy" idea of ​​life after death, Seibom organized verification observations and confirmed, and in fact proved, that a person does not cease to exist after death, retaining the ability to see, hear and feel.

Dr. Michael Sabom is Professor of Medicine at Emory University (America). He has a huge practical experience resuscitation. His book Memories of Death was published in 1981. Dr. Sabom confirmed what other researchers have written about. But the main thing is not this. He conducted a series of studies, comparing the stories of his patients who experienced temporary death with what actually happened at the time when they were in a state of clinical death with what was available for objective verification.

Dr. Sabom checked whether the stories of the patients coincided with what was actually happening in the material world at that time. Are those applied medical devices and the methods of revival that were described by people who were at that time on the verge of life and death? Did the things that the dead saw and described actually happen in other rooms?

Sabom collected and published 116 cases. All of them were carefully checked by him personally. He drew up accurate protocols, taking into account the place, time, participants, spoken words, etc. For his observations, he selected only mentally healthy and balanced people.

Here are some examples from Dr. Sabom's posts.

Dr. Sabom's patient was clinically dead during the operation. He was covered with surgical sheets and physically could not see or hear anything. He later described his experiences. He saw in detail the operation on his own heart, and what he told was completely consistent with what actually happened.
“I must have fallen asleep. I don't remember how they moved me from this room to the operating room. And then suddenly I saw that the room was lit, but not as brightly as I expected. My consciousness returned… but they had already done something to me… My head and whole body were covered with sheets… and then I suddenly began to see what was happening…

I was a couple of feet above my head… I saw two doctors… they were sawing my breast bone… I could draw you a saw and a thing that they used to spread the ribs… It was wrapped all around and was of good steel… a lot of tools… the doctors were called with their clamps… I was surprised, I thought there would be a lot of blood, but there was very little of it… and the heart is not what I thought. It is large, larger at the top and narrower at the bottom, like the continent of Africa. The top is pink and yellow. Even creepy. And one part was darker than the rest, instead of everything being the same color...

The doctor was on the left side, he cut off pieces from my heart and twirled them this way and that and looked at them for a long time ... and they had a big argument whether to do a bypass or not.

And they decided not to do it… All the doctors, except for one, had green boot covers on their shoes, and this weirdo had white boots covered in blood… It was strange and, in my opinion, unhygienic…”

The course of the operation described by the patient coincided with the entries in the operating log made by a different style.

But the feeling of sadness in the descriptions of near-death experiences, when they "saw" the efforts of others to resurrect their lifeless physical body. A 37-year-old Florida housewife recalled an episode of encephalitis, or a brain infection, when she was 4 years old, during which she was unconscious and lifeless. She remembered "looking down" at her mother from a point near the ceiling with these feelings:
The greatest thing I remember was that I felt so sad that there was no way I could let her know that I was okay. Somehow I knew I was fine, but I didn't know how to tell her. I was just looking… And there was a very quiet, peaceful feeling… In fact, it was a good feeling.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by a 46-year-old north Georgia man when he recounted his vision during a cardiac arrest in January 1978: “I felt bad because my wife was crying and seemed helpless, and I couldn’t help . You know. But it was nice. It doesn't hurt.” Sadness is mentioned by a 73-year-old Florida French teacher when she talks about her near-death experience (NDE) during a serious infectious disease and grand mal seizures at 15 years of age:
I split up and sat much higher up there, watching my own convulsions, and my mother and my maid were screaming and yelling because they thought I was dead. I felt so sorry for both them and my body… Only deep, deep sadness. I could still feel sadness. But I felt that I was free there, and there was no reason to suffer. I had no pain and I was completely free."

Another happy experience, one woman was cut short by feelings of remorse over having to leave her children during a post-operative complication that left her on the verge of death and physical unconsciousness: “Yes, yes, I was happy until the time I remembered the children . Until then, I was happy that I was dying. I was really, really happy. It was precisely a jubilant, cheerful feeling. "Interesting newspaper"

clinical death. A line that you can still cross and come back. In this article, we will look at the stories of people who have experienced clinical death.

The first case happened to Vicki Noratuk. Blind from birth. Here is what she says: “I was blind from birth. I saw neither light nor shadow. Many have asked me if I see darkness? No, I don't see darkness, I don't see anything at all. And in my dreams there are no visual images. Only taste, touch, smell and hearing. But nothing to do with vision."

At 22, Vicki was in a serious car accident. She was taken to the hospital unconscious.

From Vika's memoirs: “I remember that I was in the hospital and looked at everything that was happening from above. I was even frightened, because I was not used to seeing the surroundings. I never saw anything. So at first I was scared. And then I saw mine wedding ring and thought that I was lying down there on the operating table.

Doctors fussed around me. One doctor even said that he was very sorry, because my eardrum. She is blind, but she can also lose her hearing. Then the nurse replied that she might not be able to get out of the coma at all.

And I thought aloof. I was calm. Why are they so worried, I thought. Then I thought that they would not hear me anyway. Before I had time to think so, I climbed up through the ceiling of the hospital.

It's so wonderful to feel free. Don't worry about anything. I knew where I was going. I heard music. Absolutely incredible sound from the lowest tones to the highest. I got very close beautiful place. There were green trees. I remember birds flying around them. There was also a small group of people there. But they were all like light. It was incredible and very beautiful.

I was filled with joy. Until that moment, I had no idea what light was. I had a feeling that I could get any knowledge. As if all the knowledge of the world was stored in this place. And then they sent me back to my body. It was painful for me. I remember feeling terrible.

Dr. Rawlings

Unlike most researchers, Dr. Maurice Rawlings was present at death and resuscitation, learning about the patient's feelings first-hand. In one case, Dr. Rawlings dealt simultaneously with science and religion, body and spirit, heaven and hell.

Here is an interesting excerpt from his interview: “I became interested in the experience of the afterlife when I dealt with a patient who had been to hell. He had pain in chest and I checked to see if they were of cardiac origin.

We put it on a moving track to increase the load on the heart and connected it to an ECG. We recorded painful manifestations. If the ECG goes off scale, then there is a problem with the heart.

But unlike the average patient, this guy dropped dead during the study.

Everyone knew what to do. The sister began to give him artificial respiration. His heart stopped. Breathing stopped. Then I began to do external cardiac massage, but he was dead.

Unfortunately, there was no blood flow to his heart. I took out the tools, but his eyes rolled back, he spattered everything with saliva, turned blue all over, stopped breathing, and his heart stopped beating.

I started work again. Usually in this case, half of the patients come back to life, half die suddenly.

He twitched in convulsions and said: "Doctor, I'm in hell." I told him not to worry because I'm a doctor. “Doctor, you didn’t understand.” And again, as soon as I walked away, his eyes rolled back, he spattered with saliva, and his heart stopped beating.

The sisters looked at me and asked me to do something.

And then the dying man, having come to himself for a second, said: “Doctor, pray for me. Get me out of hell, do something, every time you leave I go back to hell"

Clinical death was repeated in the same person under similar circumstances, and I decided to compose a prayer for him in order to somehow make it easier for myself and for him.

I said repeat after me now: "I believe in God" And he repeated these words after me and said: "Please forgive me my sins keep me from hell and if I die send me to heaven"

After these words, he began to behave calmly, like an ordinary dying person. There were no more seizures or saliva.”

Case in the hospital

And finally, a case that I was told personally. It was this incident that made me think about the existence of another life. It happened to my mom. While pregnant with her second child, my mother went into labor and went to the hospital with my father.

Upon returning from the maternity hospital, my mother changed a lot in her character, and later told us all what happened during childbirth.

Here is what she said: “The contractions started at night and I was taken to the nearest maternity hospital. The birth was difficult, it was decided to do a caesarean section. Then I switched off and felt myself rising up and saw that I was floating above my body, and the doctors were standing around me and performing the operation. I heard them talking and were clearly nervous, realizing that something was wrong with me. She lost a lot of blood, the midwife said.

But I was not afraid, I was very calm, I felt so good without a body, I felt light. But then I began to be pulled down, and I noticed how the thread that connects me to my body departs from me.

Then, without noticing how, I ended up in a cube. It was a translucent cube similar to jelly. Some entities were sitting in this cube, their faces were practically invisible. I remember only their angry eyes. They, seeing how I was being sucked into this cube, began to laugh. For some reason, I understood that it gives them pleasure to look at other people's suffering. In the end, I was sucked into the cube.

It was very crowded and scary. These entities pointed at me and laughed. Then I noticed that the thread that connected me with my body was very tight and was about to break. I realized that if this happens, I will stay here forever.

And then I felt a very sharp electric shock. The thread that connected me and my body tensed that hour and in an instant pulled me into my body, so that I immediately opened my eyes.

Based on the materials of the newspaper "AiF"

There is life after death. And there are thousands of testimonials to that. Still fundamental science dismissed such stories. However, as Natalya Bekhtereva, a famous scientist who has studied the activity of the brain all her life, said, our consciousness is such matter that it seems that the keys to the secret door have already been picked up. But ten more are revealed behind it ... What is still behind the door of life?

She sees through everything...

Galina Lagoda was returning with her husband in a Zhiguli from a country trip. Trying to disperse on a narrow highway with an oncoming truck, my husband swerved sharply to the right ... The car was crushed against a tree standing by the road.


Galina was brought to the Kaliningrad regional hospital with severe brain damage, ruptures of the kidneys, lungs, spleen and liver, and many fractures. The heart stopped, the pressure was at zero.

“Flying through the black space, I found myself in a shining, light-filled space,” Galina Semyonovna tells me twenty years later. Standing in front of me was a huge man dressed in dazzling white. I couldn't see his face because of the luminous flux. "Why did you come here?" he asked sternly. "I'm very tired, let me rest a little." "Rest and come back - you still have a lot to do."

Having regained consciousness after two weeks, during which she was balancing between life and death, the patient told the head of the resuscitation department, Yevgeny Zatovka, how the operations were carried out, which of the doctors stood where and what they did, what equipment they brought, from which cabinets what they got.

After another operation on a shattered arm, Galina asked an orthopedic doctor during a morning medical round: “Well, how is your stomach?” From amazement, he did not know what to answer - indeed, the doctor was tormented by pain in his stomach.

Now Galina Semyonovna lives in harmony with herself, believes in God and is not at all afraid of death.

"Flying like a cloud"

Yuri Burkov, a reserve major, does not like to reminisce about the past. His wife Lyudmila told his story:
Yura fell off high altitude, broke his spine and received a head injury, lost consciousness. After cardiac arrest, he lay in a coma for a long time.

I was under terrible stress. During one of her visits to the hospital, she lost her keys. And the husband, finally regaining consciousness, first of all asked: “Did you find the keys?” I shook my head in fear. “They are under the stairs,” he said.

Only many years later, he confessed to me: while he was in a coma, he saw my every step and heard every word - and no matter how far I was from him. He flew in the form of a cloud, including where his dead parents and brother live. The mother persuaded her son to return, and the brother explained that they were all alive, only they no longer had bodies.

Years later, sitting at the bedside of his seriously ill son, he reassured his wife: “Lyudochka, don’t cry, I know for sure that now he will not leave. Another year will be with us." And a year later, at the commemoration of his dead son, he admonished his wife: “He did not die, but only before you and I moved to another world. Trust me, I've been there."

Savely KASHNITSKY, Kaliningrad - Moscow

Childbirth under the ceiling

“While the doctors tried to pump me out, I watched interesting thing: bright white light (there is nothing like it on Earth!) and a long corridor. And now I seem to be waiting to enter this corridor. But then the doctors revived me. During this time, I felt that THERE is very cool. I didn’t even want to leave!”

These are the memories of 19-year-old Anna R., who survived clinical death. Such stories can be found in abundance on Internet forums where the topic of "life after death" is discussed.

light in the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel, pictures of life flashing before our eyes, a feeling of love and peace, meetings with deceased relatives and a certain luminous being - patients who returned from the other world tell about this. True, not all, but only 10-15% of them. The rest did not see and did not remember anything at all. The dying brain does not have enough oxygen, so it is "buggy" - skeptics say.

Disagreements among scientists have reached the point that a new experiment was recently announced. During three years American and British doctors will be examining the testimony of patients who have experienced cardiac arrest or brain blackouts. Among other things, the researchers are going to lay out various pictures on the shelves in intensive care units. You can see them only by soaring up to the very ceiling. If patients who have experienced clinical death retell their content, then the consciousness is really able to leave the body.

One of the first who tried to explain the phenomenon of near-death experience was Academician Vladimir Negovsky. He founded the world's first Institute of General Resuscitation. Negovsky believed (and since then the scientific view has not changed) that the "light at the end of the tunnel" is due to the so-called tubular vision. The cortex of the occipital lobes of the brain dies off gradually, the field of view narrows to a narrow band, giving the impression of a tunnel.

In a similar way, doctors explain the vision of pictures of a past life flashing before the eyes of a dying person. The structures of the brain fade away, and then are restored unevenly. Therefore, a person manages to remember the most vivid events that have been deposited in memory. And the illusion of leaving the body, according to doctors, is the result of a malfunction of nerve signals. However, skeptics are at an impasse when it comes to answering more tricky questions. Why do people who are blind from birth see and then describe in detail what is happening in the operating room around them at the moment of clinical death? And there is such evidence.

Leaving the body - a defensive reaction

It is curious, but many scientists do not see anything mystical in the fact that consciousness can leave the body. The only question is what conclusion to draw from this. Leading Researcher Institute of the Human Brain RAS Dmitry Spivak, member of the International Association studies of near-death experiences, assures that clinical death is only one of the options for an altered state of consciousness. “There are a lot of them: these are dreams, and narcotic experience, and stressful situation, and a consequence of disease, he says. “According to statistics, up to 30% of people at least once in their lives felt out of the body and watched themselves from the side.”

Dmitry Spivak himself investigated the mental state of women in labor and found out that about 9% of women experience “leaving the body” during childbirth! Here is the testimony of 33-year-old S.: “During childbirth, I had a lot of blood loss. Suddenly, I began to see myself from under the ceiling. Disappeared pain. And about a minute later, she also unexpectedly returned to her place in the ward and again began to experience severe pain. It turns out that "out of the body" is a normal phenomenon during childbirth. Some kind of mechanism embedded in the psyche, a program that works in extreme situations.

Undoubtedly, childbirth is an extreme situation. But what could be more extreme than death itself?! It is possible that "flight in the tunnel" is also a protective program, which turns on at a fatal moment for a person. But what will happen to his consciousness (soul) next?

“I asked one dying woman: if there really is something THERE, try to give me a sign,” recalls Andrey Gnezdilov, MD, who works at the St. Petersburg Hospice. “And on the 40th day after her death, I saw her in a dream. The woman said, "This is not death." Long years work in the hospice convinced me and my colleagues that death is not the end, not the destruction of everything. The soul continues to live.


Cup and polka dot dress

This story was told by Andrey Gnezdilov, MD: “During the operation, the patient's heart stopped. The doctors were able to start him, and when the woman was transferred to intensive care, I visited her. She lamented that she was not operated on by the surgeon who promised. But she could not see a doctor, being all the time in an unconscious state. The patient said that during the operation, some kind of force pushed her out of the body. She calmly looked at the doctors, but then she was seized with horror: what if I die without having time to say goodbye to my mother and daughter? And her consciousness instantly moved home. She saw that her mother was sitting, knitting, and her daughter was playing with a doll. Then a neighbor came in and brought a polka-dot dress for her daughter. The girl rushed to her, but touched the cup - it fell and broke. The neighbor said: “Well, this is good. Apparently, Yulia will be discharged soon.” And then the patient was again at the operating table and heard: "Everything is in order, she is saved." Consciousness returned to the body.

I went to visit the relatives of this woman. And it turned out that during the operation ... a neighbor with a polka-dot dress for a girl dropped in on them and a cup was broken.

This is not the only mysterious case in the practice of Gnezdilov and other workers of the St. Petersburg hospice. They are not surprised when a doctor dreams about his patient and thanks him for his care, for his touching attitude. And in the morning, having arrived at work, the doctor finds out: the patient died at night ...

Church opinion

Priest Vladimir Vigilyansky, head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate:

Orthodox people believe in an afterlife and immortality. IN Holy Scripture The Old and New Testaments, there are many confirmations and testimonies to this. We consider the very concept of death only in connection with the coming resurrection, and this mystery ceases to be such if we live with Christ and for the sake of Christ. “Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die,” says the Lord (John 11:26).

According to legend, the soul of the deceased in the first days walks in those places where she worked the truth, and on the third day ascends to heaven to the throne of God, where until the ninth day she is shown the abodes of the saints and the beauty of paradise. On the ninth day, the soul again comes to God, and it is sent to hell, where ungodly sinners reside and where the soul goes through thirty-day ordeals (tests). On the fortieth day, the soul again comes to the Throne of God, where it appears naked before the court of its own conscience: did it pass these tests or not? And even in the case when some trials convict the soul of its sins, we hope for the mercy of God, in whom all deeds of sacrificial love and compassion will not remain in vain.

Have you ever wondered what happens to us after death? Is there a heaven, Valhalla, is there a reincarnation, or will we just rot in the ground? We invite you to read a few stories of the lucky ones who visited the banks of the Styx River and managed to avoid meeting death. Maybe death is not as scary as we imagine it to be?

On July 4 last year, I nearly died. He flew off his motorcycle head first: there was a pneumothorax, as the clavicle pierced the upper part of the lung. There, on the side of the road, I lay and died.

At this time, I felt as if I was falling into some kind of dark pool. Everything around me was black and the world, our real world, decreased rapidly. It felt like I was falling into an abyss. Sounds were heard somewhere in the distance. Strange, but my heart was calm: the pain was gone, and the world just floated by.

Before my eyes there were different scenes from my past and images of people close to me, friends, family. Then I woke up ... It seemed to me that I had spent several hours in this state, but in fact only a couple of minutes had passed. You know, this incident taught me to appreciate the present.

It is difficult to describe what is really happening: there is no excitement or struggle for life. You just don't understand what's going on. You feel like something is going wrong, but you don’t understand what exactly. Everything is somehow unnatural, illusory.

The moment when you come to your senses is similar to when in the morning in a dream it seems that you woke up, brushed your teeth, made your bed and already had a cup of coffee, when you suddenly wake up in fact and wonder why you are still in bed? After all, a second ago you were drinking coffee for yourself, and now, it turns out, you are lying in bed ... It is difficult to understand whether you woke up in the real world this time.

About 2 years ago I died...and was dead for 8 minutes. It all happened because of a heroin overdose. Yes, it was clinical death. Whatever it was, it was both a terrible and pleasant feeling at the same time. It seemed to me that it didn’t matter - complete calmness and indifference to everything.

My heart was beating very fast, my whole body was covered in perspiration, everything seemed to be in slow motion. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness is the guy from the ambulance screaming: "We're losing him." After this I last time sighed and hung up.

I woke up in the hospital a few hours later, my head was very dizzy. I could not think clearly and walk, everything was swimming before my eyes. This continued until the next day. In general, this experience was not so terrible, but I would not wish anyone to experience it. And by the way, I don't use heroin anymore.

It's like the feeling when you slowly drift off to sleep. All in very bright and extremely saturated colors. It seems like this dream lasts for hours, although when I woke up, only 3 minutes had passed.

I don’t remember what was in this “dream”, but I felt boundless peace, and my soul was even joyful. When I woke up, for a few seconds it seemed to me that I was in the middle of a screaming crowd, although there was no one in the room.

After that, vision began to return. It happened gradually, you know, like in old TVs: at first, the darkness around, it snows, and then everything becomes a little clearer and brighter. The body from the neck down was paralyzed, and suddenly I began to feel how gradually the ability to move began to return to me: first the arms, then the legs, and then the whole body.

It was easy for me to navigate in space. It was hard to remember what happened to me. I could not understand who all these people around me at that moment, who am I myself? 5 minutes later everything was back to normal. All that was left was a terrible headache.

My younger brother has type 1 diabetes. When he was only 10, he went into hypoglycemic shock at night. I remember waking up to 6 doctors running up the stairs, and later there was a scream: “He stopped breathing. No pulse! They loaded him into an ambulance, and already at the hospital my parents were told what a miracle it was that they were able to resuscitate him on the way.

At the hospital, I asked my brother how he felt when he was "there." And this is what he answered me: “The sound seemed to increase, it became louder and louder, when suddenly, it suddenly died down and I seemed to be carried, as if through the water pipes of our water park. Only there was no one around. Are we going to the water park when I get better?”

Feeling like you're immersed in deep dream(in fact, it is so), and when you wake up, your head is full of confusion. You do not understand what actually happened and why everyone around you is so concerned about your condition. I was inexplicably afraid, as if this state had deprived me of all courage. I kept asking, "What time is it?" and lost consciousness again. I don't remember anything but an unbearable feeling of tiredness, and a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible so that this nightmare would finally end.

It's like you're falling asleep. You can't even understand at what point you lost consciousness. At first, you see nothing but darkness, and this evokes fear and a feeling of complete uncertainty. And when you wake up, if you do wake up, then your head is as if in a fog.

All I felt was that I was falling into an abyss. Then I woke up and saw doctors around the hospital bed, my mother and close friend. I felt like I was just sleeping. Slept terribly uncomfortable.

Mysteries of the man Rainbow Michael

What does a person feel during clinical death?

Exploring this topic, it is impossible to pass by its most famous researcher. Among other things, Raymond Moody is one of the first who took up the study of human near-death experiences.

Raymond Moody - born June 13, 1944. At the University of Virginia, he actively studied and taught philosophy, specializing in logic and the philosophy of language. Then he continued to study medicine and decided to become a psychiatrist in order to teach the philosophy of medicine. Author of many popular books. Married, has two sons.

If we describe the popularity of the topic he studied, the interest shown by the public in it, then suffice it to say that his most famous book, Life After Life, was sold worldwide in more than 12 million copies. We will not dwell on the descriptions of the results of his research and specific experiences, which are no different from the examples given in this book. Let us note only its most important and important conclusions for us.

The first and most important conclusion is that, despite the well-known similarity of experiences, out of many hundreds of descriptions, Raymond did not find a single pair of the same from beginning to end. This one simple proven statement makes it absolutely certain that there is no clear pattern and order created by anyone and generally existing in reality. We will assume the following: for sure, the same experiences can be, because only a few cases of near-death experiences in clinical death from the entire volume have been studied, and the usual, almost 100 million deaths per year, are not taken into account at all, since it is impossible to know what a person experienced during real death.

But these 100% identical descriptions are only probable because a large number cases, and not because of any particular pattern.

Reason says: if there is life after death, then the process of dying should be identical for everyone. This is not the case, which has been proven. But what is actually proven? After all, information is collected about clinical experiences of pseudo-deaths, and not real ones. That is, it is quite possible to assume that experiences in clinical death can differ significantly from the experiences of a person during the actual death of the organism. Let us assume that real near-death experiences do not begin in those five to seven minutes, when a person can still be brought back, after which he talks about the flight that happened to him in a tunnel with white light at the end. That is, there is a pragmatic theory that is quite noteworthy that in the first minutes after cardiac arrest, when blood is no longer supplied to the brain, people see peculiar extremely realistic visions of a still working brain, in which damped electrical impulses remain, which, according to some sources, can fade for many hours , and in the first minutes they are still sufficient for the critical work of the self-conscious functions of the central nervous system. It turns out that real dying visions, if they occur at all, can occur only at the moment when there is no electrical activity left in the brain, and this is the factor when it is impossible to reanimate a person, and it turns out that it is impossible to know what he experienced.

In favor of visions, and not real experiences, is their amazing similarity with the pragmatic view of the so-called phenomenon of “out-of-body” travel, where there are also disputes about the nature of the phenomenon, which will be discussed later.

But no less interesting conclusions can be obtained from the analysis of the possible experiences of a person who actually died on the basis of ongoing electrical impulses in the head. This is terrible, but some neurophysiologists argue that many people not only understand in the first moments what happened to them, but their consciousness and hearing continue to exist until the moment when death is declared. That is, we are all capable of being witnesses of this.

Especially for this book, one author, who wished to remain incognito, provided his revealing mini-story about the experiences of a person after sudden death. Before you read it, think about the fact that this is probably how it all happens and that you yourself may someday have to get into a similar situation.

Story: "The expected moment."

What time is it there?.. Yeah... it's already two minutes to ten. Not bad. Finally. But this one is boring summer evening I'm already very tired. There was not a single cloud in the sky all day. Horror. If only the rain had passed. That would be good. It is clear that for young people this is only a joy. They should sunbathe and swim. And for some reason I don't care anymore. Also, Tanya completely dragged me shopping. But now he sits with his clothes and calls all his girlfriends to show off new clothes. And that's good. Doesn't bother.

Now to watch the ten o'clock newscast and sleep, sleep, sleep. To end this day quickly. I didn’t think that the closer I got to fifty, the lazier and more apathetic I would become. And tomorrow there are so many things to do again ... True, it will be a much more interesting day than today. That's for sure. First, it will be necessary not to miss the morning lottery on the second channel. No wonder I bought tickets. Look, I'll get closer to my dream by winning at least a couple of thousand. Then Sanka will bring our little beloved granddaughter Lenochka for the weekend. Although closer to noon, I will leave her completely in the care of granny, and she will be happy. And then I'll go to Anatoly. We won't be bored there. Let's have a beer with a fish... How you want beer... And Arkady will have to show off the characteristics of his new Japanese car. Here's a thing ... Maybe someday I'll buy myself the same beauty. It would be a nice anniversary gift.

- Wow! So I'll skip everything. Tanya! So, so, so ... Why don't you turn on the TV? We will miss all the news because of your empty chatter. Ringing ... Come on quickly!

In ... They turned it on just in time. The screensaver has just begun. What's new there? If only somewhere they blew up something or someone again. And then in Lately one boring thing.

Op… And what is this? Has the pressure skyrocketed? Why can't I raise my hand to my forehead? She doesn't obey! And the other hand! And legs! What happened with me? Wait, why is my head throwing back?! Stop! Stop! Stop! Why can't I move?! Tanya, what's wrong with me?! Why can't I speak? Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!!! Why can't I control my body? Am I dying?! No. No. No! Can't be. It always passed me by, and I was so glad in the depths of my soul that it was not me. I thought it would never happen to me. But it's happening now... Moms... Mom, I don't want to see you... No! I'll get up now! I can’t… Ah-ah-ah… Don’t. It's not time yet! There is still so much to be done. Am I never going to see my Lenochka again?! And Sanya? Lord, will I never see Tanya again? Lenochka laughs so loudly and loves me so much, but I won’t see her picking dandelions again? Will I no longer go out, buy a car, and get a job as a foreman? There is so much more. Nightmare. Horror! No!!! Me that, will not be at all? At all?!! I can't think, see, or hear? After all, I already, apparently, like a corpse from the outside. I already see some big blurry spots before my eyes… I feel everything. But it seems that I was in a different position ... I'm dying. No! But where are the angels?! Where is God?

So Tanechka ran up to me. I hope it helps, I'll call an ambulance.

- Dima! Dima, what's wrong with you! Raise your head, Dimochka! What happened to you! Lord have mercy! What is this for me...

Fool, what are you saying! Save me somehow. Call an ambulance, give me ammonia. Hey Tanya! Tanya-I-I! Are you not reacting? Can you hear me? I say, can you hear me or not? Stop crawling around me and hugging me! Do something... Deaf, why can't you hear me?

God! Is this really true! I am very sorry to part with you, my beloved Tanechka, but I am already starting to fly up and I can see you perfectly. Yes, I see everything in general, and somehow I feel very good and pleasant. I'm getting all wadded. It's sad... But we'll meet again. 'Cause I'm flying to heaven now. There are pigeons flying around. Wow, Sanka and Lenochka have already arrived! Lenochka... But they are still in Perm... Oh, how beautiful you are, my Lenochka. Here's a doll for you, my Helen, Barbie. Barbie-sarbie… And yesterday I saw such a serious car… Tanya, someday I will buy the same one for myself… Now they will lift me up. And then I’ll go up in general ... Yes, Sash, take this to another room ... There are chickens ... Did you see? .. Tanya, you are a fool! Why are you flying around the room?.. Mom, I'll be home on time... Honestly... Eskimo... Let's borrow it... Yes... Do you think?.. Ha-ha-ha... Morning... Binoculars... Rav...

Second conclusion: R. Moody did not find a single person who survived all the details of the generalized experience. So he called the usual details and events that a person encounters when experiencing near-death experience. Other sub-conclusions followed from this, that there was not a single detail of a generalized experience that everyone had, just as there was not one that only one would have.

Conclusion three: the longer the clinical death, the longer man dead, the deeper and fuller his experience and the more differences from those who "died" on a short time Or maybe he just thought he was dead.

Conclusion four: a person does not necessarily experience any visions; sometimes he does not remember anything, and there are cases when one person has complete darkness in one case, and typical near-death experiences in the other.

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