Incredible Facts

One of the most common questions that worries people who have lost their loved ones is how often the deceased loved ones will appear in a dream or contact them in some other way.

This will help us remember that no one dies physically and that life and love are forever.

The following tips will help you establish full contact with your deceased loved ones, as well as feel their presence:

How to contact the dead

1. Examine the documented and scientifically proven clinical and empirical evidence that death is not the end.

Such data prove that life continues after our physical body dies. In addition, this is clear evidence that sooner or later the meeting will be inevitable.

Exist scientific evidence this theory, as well as statistics and facts that you can find in serious scientific studies.

Death is not the end, but simply a new beginning in the next stage of life - this is exactly what supporters of the theory that there is life after death claim.

2. Speak out loud

One of the most simple ways connection with your deceased loved one is a simple conversation.

Start communicating with him as if you were talking to a living person who is present next to you.

But you need to do more than just talk into the air. Pick up a photo of the person you are trying to communicate with and send her or him your message, a verbal message.

Of course, it is best to do this in a quiet place where you can retire and not be disturbed by external distractions.

Start with very simple questions, which should be followed by the answer "Yes" or "No". Ask your invisible interlocutor to answer in a certain way, for example, the answer "yes" is a knock on the wall, and the answer is no, this is silence.

Try to let go as much as possible of the feeling of fear, embarrassment, or any other feeling that can interfere with the communication process.

You should talk to your loved one in the same way as if he were present with you in the room. Do not think too much about what to say and in what order, just try to pour out your thoughts as sincerely and directly as possible.

Communication with those who left us is the most difficult and at the same time the easiest of all existing species communication.

Let go of all preconceived notions, thoughts, clear your mind and just speak as if your loved one is right there in front of you.

Communication with the dead

3. Dreams

Our dreams have amazing power. They can connect us with new ones, with old ones, as well as with very strange places and objects.

Pay close attention to your dreams because your deceased loved one may be trying to contact you through your dream.

When you sleep, any barriers and restrictions disappear, so it becomes easier for someone in the spirit world to contact you. You can refer to them through your dreams.

To continue communicating in a dream, you need to immerse yourself in it again. One way to do this is to allow yourself to return to the dream you just woke up from. Close your eyes and focus on this dream - imagine that you are already in it, and try to hold this thought until you fall asleep again.

When you manage to take control of your dreams even a little, you will be able to communicate with deceased loved ones who come to you in dreams.

4. Meditation

Sometimes, if we want to make contact with our deceased loved ones, we need to renew our consciousness. And one of the best ways to do this is meditation.

Communication with the dead is usually not explicit, it occurs under certain conditions and at certain times. This communication is rather light and transparent. To be able to recognize it, you need heightened senses and a calm mind.

And what if not meditation sharpens our senses and calms the mind?

To meditate properly, get into a comfortable seated position and find an object to focus your attention on, such as a tree or other object that grabs your attention.

Try to keep it in your mind without letting other thoughts intrude and without judging yourself for your thoughts wandering. Stay in this state for as long as you can.

In the end, you will learn how to keep your meditative state enough for a long time. Once you succeed, you will be able to focus on the face and image of the loved one you want to connect with.

This helps to "tune" yourself to the right communication.

5. Help "intermediary"

If you yourself are unable to establish contact with a departed loved one, you may need the help of someone who can.

It can be a medium or just a person endowed with certain psychic abilities, which will connect you with the souls of deceased loved ones.

Unfortunately, finding such a person is very difficult. Most so-called psychics or mediums are just plain scammers who are just looking for easy money. They want to earn more money on the deceit of gullible people.

Don't let your desperation fool you. It is quite logical that you would like very much to hear from your loved one who left this world.

However, there are many who can take advantage of this weakness and your gullibility. Dishonest people may try to mislead you by very subtly manipulating you, getting the information you need through leading questions, and then they will tell you what you want to hear.

Unfortunately, there are very few who really have such abilities to contact the world of the dead.

6. Prayer

If you are a believer, then the surest way to communicate with your deceased loved one is through prayer.

By the way, the church accepts this particular way of communicating with deceased loved ones, denying various magicians and sorcerers.

Virtually every religion includes beliefs about what happens after death, and in most cases we are talking about life after death, and that our deceased loved ones are aware of what is happening in the realm of the living, they can also contact us.

Therefore, do not be afraid to turn to God and ask him for your loved one to receive your message.

It will not necessarily happen that your deceased loved ones will answer you - and indeed, in some denominations it is forbidden to try to conduct two-way communication with the dead, but they will certainly hear you.

Try to remember that the spiritual world is a very thin and fragile substance, and, as mentioned above, you need a calm mind and a pure heart in order to contact a loved one.

Your faith is the strongest feeling in the world, so if you really believe and put your heart and soul into prayer, your loved one will definitely hear you.

7. Take his favorite thing

If you have something that belonged to your close deceased relative and was of particular value to him, take it.

You can use such an item to try to connect with its former owner.

To use the things of a deceased person to establish contact with him is also called upon by mediums. And in combination with one of the above methods, this method should work better.

It is known that material things can absorb and store the spiritual energy of a person during his lifetime, and over time can even improve your connection with their previous owner.

This method is especially effective when combined with meditation. Let the object (thing of the deceased) become the center of your meditation, discard extraneous thoughts. This will help create a powerful bond with the person you are trying to connect with.


Is it possible to talk with deceased loved ones, will we meet with our husbands and wives after death, and is there any hope for salvation among suicides and atheists? These and other questions are answered by Priest Stefan Domusch, Candidate of Theology and Philosophical Sciences.

No. 1. Can you speak with the dead, ask for their help and their prayers?

As in almost all questions concerning the afterlife, there can be no unambiguous answer here. It is no coincidence that St. Anastasius of Sinai says that a person who tries with his weak mind to find out the secrets of the afterlife will fall into the most terrible delusions, because this is not useful to him. That which is useful to us, says the monk, God has revealed to us, and to the extent that it is useful.

As for prayer, from antiquity goes the custom to pray to the dead Christians, or, more precisely, to ask them to pray to God. In ancient times, the Church made a very clear distinction between a dead Christian and a dead non-Christian. A person who died being connected with Christ, died a member of the Church, although he is physically separated from his brothers and sisters, through Christ remains deeply connected with them! When we say at Easter that Christ "trampled death with death", we are talking about the fact that He conquered our death, and physical too, but first of all conquered death as the separation of the soul and God. Therefore, he who dies in Christ, although he dies physically, no longer dies spiritually, that is, he is not separated from God and remains alive in Christ. And when the Church buried her dead, she felt that these people remained connected with the rest of the living members of the community.

In this vein, of course, one could also ask the dead to pray. We are accustomed to asking for prayers only from saints, but in ancient times all members of the Christian community were called saints, because they are a chosen race, a sacred race: the Apostle Paul writes, for example, to the saints who are in Corinth, thus addressing all Christians of Corinth. Therefore, people could ask for the prayers of all the deceased members of the community. For example, in the catacombs they find inscriptions on tombstones in which people turn to deceased relatives. On one of the tombstones in the ancient Roman catacombs of the 4th century, there is a request from the Christian Pectorius that they remember him every time they look at Christ. Moreover, it is clear that his relatives were simple Christians and died an ordinary death, they were not martyrs.

And in this sense, of course, communication with the dead is possible.

On the other hand, St. Anastasius of Sinai says that the soul after death loses the ability to manifest itself and perceive anything. That is, a person sees through the eyes, hears through the ears, speaks through the tongue and ligaments, and, accordingly, when all this dies, the soul does not see, does not hear, does not speak, does not communicate. However, he further explains that souls that have passed into immortality, being enlightened by the Holy Spirit, are still able to see, hear, and pray for their neighbors, and show their love. And those who are not enlightened by the Holy Spirit are in some remorse - and nothing else ...

Often for people, talking with the dead is such a psycho-training, a psychological practice that helps a person to calm down. The Church is more supportive of praying for the deceased than "talking" with him. Probably the only context in which such a conversation is possible is the context of prayers. To do this, a person really must live a spiritual life - he must be a faithful member of the Church.

No. 2. Is it an Orthodox tradition to hang a photo of a deceased loved one on the wall?

Of course, hanging a portrait in a red corner, next to the icons, is not worth it. But we can quite calmly hang portraits of relatives somewhere else in the house - there should not be any superstitious fear: the deceased cannot do anything to us, they cannot bring good luck or failure to a person. The obvious benefit of such a portrait is prayerful memory: seeing a photograph of a relative, a loved one, we will remember him and pray for him. It often happens that a person dies, is lost from sight and soon disappears from memory.

No. 3. They say: "The deceased became my guardian angel" or "He helps me". This is right?

There is no cult of ancestors that protect, protect, in Christianity there is not even a mention - this is typical for many pagan beliefs that are still found today. In Christianity, there is respect for ancestors, there is a prayer for them, but, of course, there is no concept that they protect the living. As I said, the deceased can help with his prayers if he was a pious Christian, a faithful member of the Church, his love does not leave his loved ones, although he has already left this world. But, of course, a person does not become any kind of guardian angel.

No. 4. It is sometimes believed that if an infant who did not have time to live dies, he can return to the family in the next child. Can we count like this?

The Church clearly does not allow any reincarnation. The baby who dies is with the Lord and, of course, cannot return anywhere. So this is a mistake.

No. 5. For suicides, people who died unbaptized, or for those who were ardent atheists during their lifetime, is there no hope of salvation?

There are people who affirm already here and now about others that they have died, that they will not be saved, but will be in hell, but still the Church has never denied the possibility of praying for all the people who have left this world. There is even a Trinity parent saturday, in which, according to Basil the Great, you can even pray for "those who are held in hell." On this day, as the first ode of the canon says, we pray for all those “who have died from the ages,” that is, for all people. And this is very important! This means that God is merciful, and the last judgment is in His hands, we have no right to anticipate it and say whether such and such a person will be saved or perish.

The Monk Silouan of Athos was given the following “formula”: keep your mind in hell and do not despair. We can doubt our salvation, but hope for it, and as regards the salvation of other people, the apostle Paul directly writes in the Epistle to the Corinthians: Therefore do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord comes, who will also illuminate the hidden in darkness and reveals the intentions of the heart (1 Cor 4:5). We do not know the relationship of a particular person with God - how can we judge whether he is saved or not? In the end, many saints have confidence that people who could not hear the message of Christ during their lifetime or heard it in a distorted form, the Lord will judge differently from those who heard the gospel in full. So there is always hope! And hope, as Scripture says, does not put you to shame (Rom. 5:5).

No. 6. Will we recognize each other after death, will we keep family ties, because Christ said: "There will be neither marriage nor marriage"?

Christ does not say that there will be no kinship attachments - it is not worthwhile to ascribe to Him what He did not mean. Saint John Chrysostom said that a husband and wife will know that they are husband and wife, but family relations, there will be no more marital relations: the spouses will love each other, and together grow in love for the Lord. Therefore, those who claim that we will not recognize each other after the grave, no one will care about anyone are wrong. When Christ says that they no longer marry and do not get married, this means that people no longer create new families, do not give birth to children, do not live such a household family life to which we are accustomed here. This is obvious, that’s why it and the Kingdom of Heaven are a completely different state, and not just some next stage of earthly existence.

About our bodies after the resurrection, the apostle Paul writes that they will be such as the body of Christ was after his resurrection. From this, they sometimes conclude that we will all be 33 years old ... Yes, we know what the properties of our body will be - like the body of Christ, but nothing can be said about age, there is no such unambiguous church teaching about it! If only because it is easy to imagine how an 80-year-old man will be resurrected in a 33-year-old body, but how, for example, at this age, an aborted baby will be resurrected, neither bodily nor as a person? .. We do not know.

If you look at the writings of the Holy Fathers, you will hardly see in them any detailed descriptions of the afterlife. Because the emphasis in Christian theology has always been on something else - on the resurrection of the dead and on the life of the future age. Often all detailed descriptions we find the afterlife in the apocrypha, that is, in non-canonical books, whose authority is not absolute: “The ordeal of blessed Theodora,” for example, is also an apocrypha, a pious pedagogical narrative, rather late, which certain level church consciousness is useful, but not an accurate, completely adequate picture of what will happen after death.

Therefore questions “Will we recognize each other?”, “How old will our relatives be in the afterlife?” and so on - these are questions about the world after the resurrection of the dead, about the Kingdom of Heaven, and not about the afterlife. And I think that such close attention to what will happen in the Kingdom of Heaven is a big mistake, it is wrong. Orthodox Christian he should not be interested in this, he should pray, hope in God and not ask Him how He is going to support souls in His Kingdom - this is none of our business! They are with God, and the Lord knows where they are - that's it, nothing else is needed. It is also a question of trust in God. The Lord is merciful, and we must understand that He will deal with the dead with love and as good to man as possible.

Leibniz once wrote that our world is the best of all worlds. The same can be said about the afterlife of a person: God will deal with him the best way- as much as the person himself allows to do with him (here we should not forget about the freedom of man).

No. 7. How to commemorate the dead outside the temple: is it necessary to read the Psalter or can you pray in your own words?

Prayer is always very individual. Even though there is general rule, a person, by agreement with a priest or at his own discretion, if there is no priest nearby, according to his own strength, according to his conscience, can read those prayers that he considers appropriate for himself.

Prayers for the departed are in any prayer book, they can be read both in church and at home. And, of course, no one forbids praying in your own words. Traditionally, in the first 40 days, they read the Psalter for the deceased, and there is certain rules reading the Psalter - one kathisma every day, but at the same time, a person is not limited by these rules! He can calmly read the Psalter at other times, and to the extent that he has the strength, in Church Slavonic or in Russian - as it suits him.

Why is the Psalter read? Other books Old Testament mainly historical, where the narrative is going on, teaching, where worldly wisdom is written, or prophetic, in which there is a conversation about the future, a reminder of the Judgment of God, and so on. And the Psalter is a book of prayers, a constant appeal to God in hope, in faith, in trust in Him, in a request for salvation. Therefore, of course, this is the best reading for both the living and the dead. And, it seems to me, there is no need to separate whether we read the Psalter on behalf of the deceased or on our own behalf, even if only due to the fact that we, as members of the Church, are one, and therefore we pray not so much for the deceased, but together with the deceased. .

No. 8. Is it necessary to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person and the day of his death?

Usually people just order a memorial service on this day and pray.

We must be aware that the commemoration, which is usually arranged, has a double meaning and historical origin. On the one hand, unfortunately, it often happens at the wake that people just drink alcohol, start laughing, joking and just having a good time. The reason for which people gathered is lost, no one especially remembers the deceased. On the other hand, the commemoration has deep Christian roots: the fact is that different people gathered at the commemoration, everyone who could, both acquaintances and strangers, and the poor, and the rich - all people were fed so that they, in gratitude for this treat commemorated the deceased, prayed for him. That is, the commemoration was perceived as a mercy on his behalf.

No. 9. People worry that they rarely come to the grave of a loved one. How important is it?

It would be better if people didn’t worry about the fact that they couldn’t get to the grave in the cemetery native person, but about the fact that you can’t pray sincerely for him, you can’t become a member of the Church, take communion, confess and remember your relatives in prayer! And the fact that we do not often go to the cemetery and this will entail some bad consequences is just a superstitious fear that should not be.

In relation to the grave of the deceased, to the body of the deceased, unfortunately, there is still an element of paganism: if we are talking about attempts to somehow “appease” the deceased, make sure that “everything was fine with him there” and he did not disturb the living, as people often think. Sometimes it is believed that the deceased begins to dream, that he himself influences this in this way, and people begin to carry out some rituals so that this does not happen again. It is not right.

As for the general attitude in the Church towards the bodies of the dead, there were different traditions. We know that we have a special relationship with the bodies of saints - they are revered as relics. But even the bodies of ordinary Christians are treated with reverence and respect. That's why Orthodox Church does not approve of cremation, although he goes to meet those who cannot do otherwise - we still serve a funeral service, a memorial service, regardless of the method of burial.

No. 10. Is it a sin to go to the cemetery on Easter and Bright Week?

On Easter you have to go to the temple: Easter is the time to celebrate the victory over death!

So the Soviet tradition of going to the graves of relatives on Easter is erroneous. IN Soviet families in general, there were many different traditions, often quite erroneous, they had to be fought.

Most the best option for visiting cemeteries - this, of course, is Radonitsa, Tuesday of the second week after Easter, a specially set day for a special commemoration of the dead. But you can go to the cemetery in advance, before Easter, many people do just that, put things in order on the grave of their relatives after the winter, try to clean up there by the holiday, if possible. You can go there the next Sunday after Easter, if there is no other time, if a person works and knows that he will not break out of work on Radonitsa. This is better than striving to get to the graves of relatives on Easter day!

No. 11. If a person experiences the death of a loved one hard for years, how can he overcome grief and a sense of despair?

Sorrow, sadness is natural, but St. John Chrysostom says that Christ, who shed tears on the tomb of Lazarus, showed us the measure of our sadness. That is, it should be precisely sadness, sadness that a person lived next to us, and now died, but this should not be excessive grief, which, as many authors write, offends God.

There are three main themes in the funeral service: the theme of the obligatory prayer for the deceased, the theme of the memory of death (that is, you yourself must remember death) and - the hope of the resurrection. The gospel reading at the funeral and the apostolic reading speak precisely of the resurrection!

Accordingly, if a person grieves immeasurably, then he shows with his life that he has no hope, that he does not fully hope in God, does not believe in His support, does not believe in His consolation, and as a result, it turns out, does not believe in the immortality of the soul and resurrection of the dead. If he does not believe, how can the Church help him? And if he believes, then he should not grieve excessively, and here the Church gives him consolation. As the apostle Paul writes: I do not want to leave you, brethren, in ignorance of the dead, so that you do not grieve like others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, then God will bring those who have died in Jesus with Him (...) The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first; then we, the survivors, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. So comfort one another with these words (1 Thess 4:13-18).

Recorded by Valeria Mikhailova

Priest Stefan Domuschi

Can. The question is how, where and why. No one forbids us to mentally or aloud communicate with the dead, but from the outside it may look, to put it mildly, not very adequate. Most The right way communication is prayer. If we are just talking with the dead, it is not a fact that they hear us, but a prayer, that is, its grace-filled action, unequivocally reaches the addressee. The most “safe” place for prayer is the temple: put a candle for the repose of the soul and talk if there is such a need. Why safe - because if you talk somewhere else, temptations are possible, entailing consequences, for example, mental deviations after such “talks” or the danger of falling into pagan worship of spirits without noticing.

It is also important not to forget about another aspect of "mourning" the dead relatives. When we weep for the dead, we, first of all, feel sorry for ourselves - how we will miss them. We must remember that they are by no means happy to see us weeping. If we really love someone, then we try to help him, in this case, to alleviate the fate, and better way than a prayer for that no.

It is especially useful for the departed to commemorate Divine Liturgy. During this service, the particles seized for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: "Wash, O Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here by Your Honorable Blood, by the prayers of Your saints."

Also very important is the alms given for the deceased. She helps him there, because the suffering person to whom you give will pray for him. Blessed Saint Xenia of Petersburg laid her whole future life in the repose of her beloved husband - she distributed all her property to the poor.

How to pray for the dead

Professor A.I.OSIPOV

Indeed, it is not in vain that the Church prays for the departed. If there was no change spiritual state souls, then what was the point of praying? However, the Church commemorates the departed at every liturgy and calls all believers to prayer, teaching them how to do it correctly. She says that prayerful help to the soul during the first 40 days after the death of a person is especially important. It is, of course, necessary after. What kind of prayer are you talking about?

When a person dies, very often relatives limit themselves only to ordering a funeral service, requiem services, magpies, submitting funeral notes, giving money to monasteries, temples, etc. All this is good, but it is good only when the main thing is not left. After all, it is clear that the Lord God does not need any money.

And what is the main thing? What should a person who wants to help the deceased do? We touch on the highest degree a serious question: who and how can help the deceased? What does it mean to pray for him? If God is love, then, it seems, why should He pray, for He will do everything that needs to be done anyway. And if nothing can be done, then what is the point of praying? Protestants, by the way, rejected prayers for the dead. The Orthodox Church, from the very beginning of its existence, affirms the need to pray for them. And there are good reasons for this.

The Church claims that the state of a person who finds himself in the bonds of passions after death can be changed. After all, for whom does the Church call to pray? For saints? No. For sinners. That is, she claims that our prayers can help the soul get rid of the passionate demon-tormentor. How? To this the Lord directly answered the disciples who failed to cast out the demon: “This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(Matthew 17:21). By this, He explained that the liberation of a person from demon possession, or, what is the same, from slavery to passions and tormenting demons, requires not only prayer (which, alas, is often replaced only by presence on it - without prayer), but also fasting, that is, an ascetic life. It is no coincidence that the gift of exorcism was given by God only to rare ascetics.

Here, for example, is a striking case, which is described in the ancient life of St. Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome (who lived as early as the 6th century, that is, before the division of the Churches). He prayed not for anyone, but for Emperor Trajan, one of the cruel persecutors of Christians and at the same time the best emperor in his justice, who persecuted Christians because of his justice and confidence in the need to fulfill the law. It was his justice and honesty, rare for Roman emperors, that were the reason for praying for him. Trajan once interceded for a poor defenseless widow who was in a desperate situation, and St. Gregory was so touched by this act of his that he began to pray intensely, with a feat, for him. As a result, it was revealed to him that his prayer had been accepted. How to understand it? After all, Trajan not only was not baptized, but was also a persecutor of Christians. But what do we hear? “Let no one be surprised when we say that he (Trajan) was baptized, for without baptism no one will see God, and the third kind of baptismit is a baptism of tears.” Whose tears? — Saint Gregory. Such is the power of prayer combined with fasting! “Although this is a rare case, explains Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), — but it gives hope to those whose loved ones have died outside of faith.”. Saint Isaac the Syrian wrote: “Any prayer in which the body did not bother and the heart did not grieve is counted as one with the premature fetus of the womb, because such a prayer does not have a soul in itself.”

A Christian has three birthdays: physical, spiritual (in baptism), and the day of death (birth into eternity). It is no coincidence that the days of memory of saintsthese are the days of their death. Death is not a dead end, deathit's a door. Christian experience reveals that death is not the antonym of life, death is a part of life.(Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev)

After physical death, the soul does not die, it continues to live and develop in new conditions. What they will be depends on the experience of earthly life. Heaven and hell we carry within ourselves today and therefore we carry with us into eternity. A person who carries evil within himself is outside of God and remains alone with this evil. Courtit is a permanent phenomenon. And our clash with good and evil, when we have a choice on the way,this is the court. Therefore, one should not think that the courtit's only at the end of the story.(Archpriest Alexander Men)

At birth, a person receives from his parents human life. This is a temporary and imperfect life, but we have the opportunity to receive from GodHis eternal perfect incorruptible life (divine life). We can receive this perfect life only when we are “born again” (John 3:3-8), i.e. for this you need to be born of God, becoming His child. Every person who believes in Jesus Christ as God manifested in the flesh and died on the cross for our sins receives the forgiveness of sins, finds God as his Father, and receives the gift of ETERNAL DIVINE LIFE (Rom. 6:23). There are NO other ways to receive this gift. Whether you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or not will determine where you spend eternity: in the presence of God in New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. For this choice we are given a human life.

Prepared by Julia KOKORINA

From 20 to 40% of people say that at least once they came into contact with deceased relatives. But scientists simply brush aside such stories, simply attributing it to a fertile imagination. Relatively recently, Dr. Camille Wortman from Duke University, who became famous for his attention to.

Wortman and colleagues found that about 60% of people are able to feel the presence of their deceased spouses, parents or children, and 40% believe that they managed to make contact with the deceased. According to the researchers, such contacts can serve as a kind of psychotherapy for the loss of someone close.

However, in society it is not customary to take them seriously. “Grieving relatives, despite the emotional relief that contact with the dead brings them, are afraid to discuss this kind of experience with someone, because they are sure that they will be considered abnormal,” Wortman commented. “Therefore, due to the lack of information, society does not believe in otherworldly communications.”

Alexei M., lost his wife. She died of cancer at a very young age. And a year after her death, she began to ... visit her husband. This happened every night. After midnight the doorbell rang. For some reason, Alexey felt that it was not necessary to open it right away, he waited for the deceased to knock ... Svetlana each time looked beautiful and healthy, and not exhausted, as before her death. She was in her favorite lilac dress and the shoes she was buried in. At first they drank tea in the kitchen and talked. The most curious thing is that the woman sincerely believed that she was alive! She assured that she did not die at all, but moved to another house, an apartment building. She talked about neighbors, calling them all by name ...

She said that she misses her husband very much, so she comes to visit. Called Alexei several times. But he refused, realizing that this would mean his earthly end. Then they got into bed. At the same time, Svetlana did not even take off her clothes and shoes. Once the husband wanted to take off her shoes - it did not work out. And she, smiling, said: “Do not be afraid, they are clean!”. And indeed, the shoes did not leave any marks on the linen.

Because of such visits, Alexei refused to meet with other women, even quarreled with his mother, who believed that her son should marry again. Yes, and colleagues at work began to look at him strangely - a healthy, handsome man, but lives as a bean. Of course, he was silent about visits to the deceased. However, realizing that this was not normal, he told his story to the paranormal researcher Viktor Afanasyev. He asked if he could be present when the ghost of Svetlana appeared.

At the appointed hour, when Victor was in Alexei's apartment, a sharp knock was heard at the door. A young beauty in a lilac dress stood on the threshold ... She looked at the guest with bewilderment ... and melted into the air before his eyes. The ghost is real!

Back in 1944, Bernard Ackermann's book One Hundred Cases of Life After Death was published. One of the stories cited there tells of a manufacturer from Glasgow. Once he had a dream that he was sitting in his office and a young employee of his factory named Robert McKenzie, whom he literally words once saved from starvation by giving him a job. “I want to warn you, sir, that I am being accused of something I did not do,” he said. “I want you to know about this and be able to forgive me for what I am accused of, because I am innocent.”

In the morning, waking up, the manufacturer learned that MacKenzie had died. He allegedly drank from a bottle of a poisonous substance used in a factory for staining wood. Meanwhile, the owner of the factory insisted on a more thorough investigation, and it turned out that it was not suicide at all, but an accident: the unfortunate man wanted to take a sip of whiskey, but mixed up the containers ...

One Ukrainian family is convinced that their dead son, on the 40th day after his death, rang at the door with a broken bell. There were five witnesses in the house at the time. The family has not slept peacefully for several months. The dead son sometimes reminds of himself. At night, tightly closed doors spontaneously open, a broken bell goes off, the dead son appears in dreams.

After Yaroslav first dreamed of his father, several months had already passed. A mother cannot bring herself to forget her son. Every night the woman cries, and then the whole family shudders from strange sounds that fill the apartment. There is a creak of doors and floors, steps, sometimes even a quiet cry. The parents are sure that this is their son, because in the morning after such nights they already had to correct the warped portrait of their son on the wall several times.

Bill and Judy Guggenheim are engaged in this kind of post-mortem communication research. Since 1988, they have interviewed about 2,000 Americans and Canadians who claimed to have had contact with the deceased. Bill Guggenheim, a simple stockbroker who had never been into science or the paranormal, became interested in the subject after having had the experience himself. One day, while at home, he suddenly heard the voice of his late father: "Go outside and check the pool." Bill went out and saw that the gate leading to the pool was ajar. When he went to close them, he saw his two-year-old son in the water.

The kid at that time was supposed to be in the bathroom, but somehow he managed to leave the room ... Having fallen into the pool, the child, who could not swim, naturally began to drown ... Fortunately, help arrived in time. Subsequently, the same father's voice told Bill to conduct research on the topic of communication with the dead and write a book about it. So their joint book with his wife ““ was born.

1995 - "Guided Communication Therapy" was developed by Dr. Allan Botkin. Using this technique, his patient Julia Mossbridge managed to get in touch with her close friend, who died while they were still in college. The thing is, Julia felt guilty about Josh's death. She persuaded young man to go to the party even though he had other plans for the evening.

On the way, the car had an accident and Josh died. Botkin asked Julia to imitate the rapid eye movements normally seen in REM sleep. At the same time, he asked her to focus on the emotions associated with the loss of a friend. This is how Julia Mossbridge described what happened to her in a psychotherapy session: “I saw Josh coming in the door. My friend, with his characteristic youthful enthusiasm, was delighted when he saw me. I also experienced great joy that I could see him again, but at the same time I could not understand whether all this was really happening. He said he didn't blame me for anything, and I believed him. Then I saw Josh playing with the dog. I didn't know whose dog it was. We said goodbye and I opened my eyes smiling.

I later learned that Josh's sister's dog had died of the same breed that my friend used to play with. I'm still not sure what happened. The only thing I know for sure is that I managed to get rid of the obsessive images in my head where I call him or see him die in a car accident. “It doesn't matter whether the patient believes in such things or not,” says Dr. Botkin. “In any case, they can have a positive effect.”

There is an opinion that some people have the gift not only to see the dead, spirits and others in a dream. otherworldly entities, but they can also communicate, receive information from parallel worlds. Usually such people are called clairvoyants or mediums. Such stories of communication with the other world in a dream have not been proven by science, but scientists are not able to refute this evidence either. Believe it or not, it is the choice of each person.

But there are examples from the lives of different people that cause great amount questions. Whether there is a life after death? What are the souls of dead people trying to convey to us? Is it possible to contact in a dream with the dead when it is significantly necessary? There are no definite answers, but meetings with the mysterious and inexplicable have always been and will continue to occur.

According to Edgar Cayce, an American mystic of the 20th century, death is like moving from one place to another. And when we move, we do not stop communicating with loved ones through means of communication: telephone, Internet, letters. Sleep is the very means communication with souls in other dimensions.

Prophetic dreams as a method of communicating with the dead

Among the people, dreams in which a person receives information from sources unknown to science,. In such dreams, a person can see a warning about something in the future or predict an event. As a rule, prophetic dreams are a rare and exceptional event. famous example in history is prophetic dream scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, in which he saw his table chemical elements. But there are also examples from life ordinary people: friends, acquaintances or neighbors. Most often you can hear stories about dreams of warnings.

if you dreamed of a dead person or a ghost, you should not be afraid of such a dream. We must think about what accompanied such a dream, with whom or what did you have to face? What did the dead want to convey to the living, in what mood is the soul in that world? It is no coincidence that such meetings take place in a dream. Dreaming is an intermediate state of consciousness. During daytime activity, the human brain is loaded with worries and deeds. Everyday life, therefore, it is not tuned to the subtle energy wave of its inner consciousness. In the state of sleep, everything happens the other way around: brain activity slows down, the person is in an immovable state, and it becomes possible to receive information that the brain had no idea about when awake. In most cases, the dead are dreamed of by their close relatives, with whom they were closely connected during life. Contact can occur when the person is less than a year old. During this period, it is believed that the soul is in places dear to her during her lifetime. Sometimes the dead come to ask for help. Waking up, it is worth saying the request out loud and doing what the soul asked.

Dead people can come in a dream in different ways. It is worth remembering the details: how you are dressed, how old you are, is there any smell. Clean and beautiful clothes speak of a harmonious state of mind, also a good sign there will be youth and beauty. A pleasant smell speaks of a cozy place of the soul. Be sure to pay attention to the state after sleep. With a positive awakening, one can judge that the deceased person in the afterlife feels good.

Examples of contact with dead people in a dream

Edgar Cayce story

This story was told by the son of Edgar Cayce according to the memoirs of his father.

Not yet an old woman, with whom E. Casey had previously worked, suddenly died of an illness, and after a while, several years later, she appeared in a dream to her colleague. The story was very exciting for everyone. The father said that in his sleep he heard a knock on the window. Then he began to hear a voice, realizing that someone was talking to him from another world. He found out who wanted to talk to him, it was a girl who worked with him many years ago. She was well brought up during her lifetime and strictly observed the rules of lady behavior, so she asked, without changing her habits, to open the door for her in accordance with the rules of etiquette. Which is what Casey did, letting her into the house. Having examined the girl, he noticed that her body was smoky and slightly transparent. In conversation, she said that she was confused and asked for help, realizing that she had died and no longer knew who to turn to now. She spoke about the cause of her death, that she died of a stomach ailment during an operation. After death, she continued to suffer from the disease, so the doctor who operated on her died, and already being next to her, who died, completed the operation. Now she is healthy. She was no longer aware of the time after death, the years flew by in minutes. In order to understand the time, they explained to her that she needed to wait for the white light that would lead her, but for now, she needed to pray and meditate.

mother comes to son

Jay's mother was a heroin addict and when he was 14 she went missing. Jay believed that she was dead due to drug deals. Due to her addiction, the woman's social circle was criminals. But, despite this way of life of the mother, the son remained faithful and close to her, even in the most difficult periods, as he loved her very much, and the mother took care of her son as best she could. Two months after her disappearance, Jay saw his mother in a dream. In his dream, he was driving along the road and crossing the old railway bridge, just beyond the bridge he saw the spirit of his mother, who wanted to warn him about something. In the dream, he also realized that his mother had died a violent death, and her body was severely torn. His mother brought him to a wasteland behind the bridge and began to explain something, pointing down with her hand. This place turned out to be a fresh grave. Jay was filled with a feeling of liberation from invisible shackles, and he suddenly woke up. After awakening, the son felt a deep relief that he now knew for sure that his mother was dead, but her soul felt good.

Father communicates with daughter

Adult daughters learned about the death of their father. When the funeral was over, Janet - one of the daughters - dreams that she is sitting in an armchair, greatly experiencing the departure of her father. In the same room, the spirit of the father appears. According to Janet's story, she clearly understood that she could speak with her soul. Her father was busy putting himself in order. The daughter began to ask her father if she could help him during her lifetime, as she felt guilty for not making an effort to save her father's life with treatment in another clinic. To which the father replied to Janet that she should not worry, because after death he felt better. Janet, after having a dream, realized that it was a real contact with her father, because she felt light in her soul, and also all her undertakings went uphill.

A way to communicate with the dead in a dream

And finally, about one way to try to tell a dead person in a dream about something important.

Before going to bed, think about what you need to say to a person who is no longer alive. Lying in bed, start repeating your sentences in order to fall asleep with these thoughts. Perhaps this exercise will help you meet with a dead person, and if you are very lucky, you will be able to remember this contact. But if this meeting in a dream cannot be remembered, but it happened, upon awakening a feeling of joy and relief will come, and then everything will become clear whether there was contact with the deceased or not.