Entertainment for the development of speech

middle group

"Mysteries from Prostokvashino"

Program tasks:

    To consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities to use and use synonyms in children's speech;

    Strengthen the ability to select adjectives;

    To teach children to convey the image of a hero with facial expressions and gestures;

    Continue to consolidate the ability of children to classify objects according to one sign.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today to see how we play and take part in our game. How are guests received? Let's say hello and meet the guests.

finger game"Guests"

The children began to invite guests,

The children began to treat the guests.

Each guest got a jam.

Fingers glued that treat.

Just pressed hand to hand.

Guests can't even take spoons.

A strange letter came to us today in kindergarten. Now let's see who it came from. There is a riddle on the envelope, let's guess it and find out who sent it to us.

Lives in Prostokvashino

He carries out his service there.

The post-house stands by the river,

The postman in it is an uncle ......

Pechkin informs us that a package has arrived, but in order to receive it, we will have to complete the tasks that he has prepared for us. The first task is to guess the riddles, the heroes of which fairy tales are in the envelope.

I went to visit my grandmother

She brought the pies.

Gray wolf was following her

Deceived and swallowed.

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

She is the most important of all in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandfather and grandmother.

Near the forest on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the story, don't you?

Who was it……..?

Well done! Done with the task! Pechkin, though good, does the opposite. Let's also call the words the other way around. (Children stand in a circle) The teacher throws the ball to each child and he calls the word opposite in meaning.

We say white, and Pechkin is black, sweet-bitter, big-small, tall-low, fat-thin, loud-quiet, day-night, long-short, kind angry, cold - hot……….

At the post office, Pechkin was asked to stick pictures, but he again mixed everything up and pasted one extra one at a time.

The game "The Fourth Extra" is being played. Children are divided into groups and collect cards, highlighting the extra. Then they explain their choice.

Educator: Who else lived in Prostokvashino?

Children: The cat Matroskin still lived in Prostokvashino.

Children find a cat toy, pass it to each other and say adjectives.

Teacher: What is he?

Children: He is kind, fluffy .... (children's answers).

Educator: Show how he is when he is happy, sad, angry ... (showing children)
Educator: Let's play with Matroskin

Physical education is carried out:

Like our cat

Huge eyeballs.

Like our cat

Sharp claws.

Washing the cat

Every day it gets cleaner.

Shakes off the muzzle

From leftover food.

And hunts in the evening

In the closet for mice

And plays patty

With fluffy cats.

Educator: But Pechkin does not give us the package, he has prepared another task for us. I cut and mixed up all the pictures. Let's help you pick up and put everything in its place.

The game "Pick up the pictures"

Educator: So we coped with this task. All the riddles of Pechkin were solved. And here is our package, but it does not open, there is a lock on it. Let's try to open the lock.

Held finger gymnastics"There's a lock on the door."

The parcel opens, there is a treat for the children.

Abstract of entertainment for the development of speech in senior group

Material Description: This summary will be useful for kindergarten teachers of older groups.
Target: The development of connected speech.
1. Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.
2. Improve the ability of children to guess riddles.
3. Develop monologue, dialogic, coherent speech.
4. Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales, friendship.
Equipment: a tape recorder, a flower with petals, a beautiful speech fairy toy, illustrations with fairy tales
entertainment flow:
: - Guys, when you came to the group today, did you notice something unusual? (unusual flower).
Educator: Who do you think gave it to us? (children's answers).
-And it was given by the Fairy of beautiful speech, who lives in the Land of Knowledge. She was in a hurry and left the Speechflower with tasks. Whoever copes with the task better will be in for a surprise, so try very hard. And the tasks are written on the petals of a speech flower. By completing the tasks, we will show the beautiful speech fairy what we have learned over the year. Well, are you ready?
So 1 task the fairy of beautiful speech invites you to remember the fairy tale about the cheerful tongue. I will tell the fairy tale and you show the movements with the tongue.
Fairy tale "About the Merry Tongue"
Mouth - house, lips - doors.
Who lives in this house?
In this house, my friend,
The Merry Tongue lives.
Oh, and he is a smart boy,
And a little bit of a slut.
(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise "Arrow".)
Our Merry Tongue
Turned back to side.
Looking left, looking right...
And then forward again
Get some rest here.
(Exercises "Watch", "Snake".)
Opened the language window,
And it's warm outside.
Our tongue stretched out
Smiled broadly at us
And then he went for a walk
sunbathing on the porch.
(Exercise "Smile", "Sting", "Arrow".)
Lying on the porch
I ran to the swing.
He flew up boldly ...
But it's time to get to work.
(Exercises "Shovel", "Swing".)

I hurried to my yard,
To fix the fence.
He got down to business quickly.
And work began to boil.
(Exercise "Fence".)
Nails, hammer and pliers -
Carpenter's essentials.
The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"
Tongue he best friend.
(The mouth is closed. Teeth are bared. Tap on the teeth with a tense tip of the tongue, repeating “t-t-t” many times.)
Here is a can of paint next to it.
The fence needs to be updated.
The brush began to dance,
Our fence is unrecognizable.
Exercise "Painter".)
Our tongue finished the job.
He can safely rest
- I'll walk with the horse,
I'll play the harmonica for her.
I drive football
And I'll score a goal.
Very difficult task -
Drive the ball into the goal.
(Exercises "Horse", "Accordion", "Football".)
The sun hid behind the mountain
The tongue went home.
He locked the door.
He lay down in bed and fell silent.
(Exercises "Slide", "Shovel".)
Well done with the first task. We tear off the second petal.
"Tell the opposite" task
Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot is sad
The crow is heavy and the butterfly is light
The witch is evil, and the fairy is good
The highway is wide and the path is narrow
The ocean is deep and the puddle is shallow
The snake is smooth, and the fox is fluffy,
The wolf in the forest is hungry, and the dog in the forest is full
Hot in summer and cold in winter
The pine tree is tall and the herringbone is low
Tights are long and socks are short
The bun is soft and the cracker is hard
It's dark at night and light during the day
The web is thin and the rope is thick
The star is small, but the sun is big

We tear off the next petal.
- Children, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers)
Solve riddles.
1) Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots
She is looking for them, calling.
And along the way, tears are pouring. (Fedora) Fairy tale "Fedorino grief"
2) And a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit) Tale "Doctor Aibolit"
3) Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya) Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."
4) Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house,
Who were these
Small children? (Seven kids) Fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids"
5) Above my simple question
Don't spend a lot of energy
Who is the boy with long nose,
Made from logs. (Papa Carlo) Fairy tale "The Golden Key"
4 petal task.I have cubes on which vowels and consonants are written. But they are all mixed up. Your task is to disassemble the cubes into 2 groups. In 1 vowels. 2 consonants.
5 petal. I will read poetry to you, and you will correct mistakes. And the team captain will show how many syllables are in the added word. Examples of poems:
Smoke curls from the oven, A delicious BOOT is baked in it. (that's right - pie)
A bee will drink nectar from a flower, And prepare sweet ICE. (honey)
The steamboat floats along the river, And it puffs like a CANDLE. (stove)
Who cracks nuts finely? Well, of course it's HOTEL. (squirrel)
Rumbling just in case, Brought us a bunch of rain. (cloud)
And we have one more petal left. The fairy of beautiful speech opened the book and saw a drawing, but it was not painted. You need to color only those objects in which the sound (L) occurs. Well done, you completed all the tasks of the fairy. And she left you a surprise, help yourself.
Our red flowers
Spread the petals
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our red flowers
close the petals
shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly.

A fashion show that shows outfits made from junk material is a super popular entertainment event in kindergartens. We will help you to make it more vivid, spectacular, cheerful, memorable.

See what wonderful dresses, outfits, hats were created by "crazy hands" in different regions Russia and abroad. Pay attention to the scenarios of recreational activities based on "ecological fashion" collected in this section. Take note original ways creating unusual outfits, presented in the form of step-by-step master classes.

Ecological fashion shows and "garbage fashion" in a striking variety.

Contained in sections:
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.
  • Garbage. Classes, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme

Showing publications 1-10 of 123 .
All sections | Waste suits. Eco fashion, outfits and dresses from garbage for children

On April 20, 2018, an amazing, bright, spectacular holiday was held in our kindergarten, timed to coincide with Earth Day - a show of clothing models from waste material"Eco- Fashion. This wonderful garbage» . It was attended by pupils of all age groups. wonderful suits...

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Publication "Scenario of the holiday" Garbage Fashion ". Ecological project "Don't cry..." Participants: Presenter, Aibolit, bug, ant, spider, 2 waxwings, bear, children, participants of the "Trash Fashion" contest. Equipment: Waste basket, masks and caps for participants, images of clean and dirty cities, wood. Purpose: Formation in children of a responsible ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Dress made from waste material. Eco fashion, clothes and dresses made from garbage for children, fashion shows that showcase clothes made from waste material are a super popular entertainment event in kindergartens. It makes our life brighter, spectacular,...

On the eve of the New Year, there is probably not a single person who would not succumb to the festive atmosphere. I want to create, decorate, create comfort and a fairy tale. You can make a real snowman not only from snow! You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials and even ...

Open event for parents in the senior group "Fashion and me" Type of project: creative, medium-term, group. Project relevance environmental education- one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views ...

Waste suits. Ecological fashion, outfits and dresses from garbage for children - Scenario of the contest-defile "Eco-chic. Beauty and junk fashion"

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Synopsis of entertainment for the development of speech in the senior group.

Subject. Nathan's name day.

Target. Education of spirituality through familiarization with folklore.

Educational: to systematize children's knowledge about folk beliefs, traditions, folklore; consolidate knowledge of proverbs about friendship, fairy tales, poems.
Developing: enrich lexicon; strengthen the ability to participate in joint game, conduct short dialogues in situations of creative and gaming communication.
Educational: to teach to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others, to explain their judgments; to form positive relationships between preschoolers, encourage them to do good deeds.

Material. Attributes of Russian life, an apple tree, a chest, domovyata dolls, the game "Cut pictures", a treat for drying, boards, fabric blue color, water lily flowers, frog toys, models of reeds, trees, baskets, a letter, arrows, a chrysalis amulet.

Preliminary work. Memorizing proverbs about friendship, working on the meaning of proverbs; telling fairy tales, reading the book by T. Alexandrova "Kuzya Brownie", "Vasilisa the Beautiful"; learning ditties, Russian outdoor games, visiting the museum to get acquainted with the life of the Russian people; making amulets.

Literature. "Golden Gate". Compiled by N.A. Tarasevich. Novosibirsk 2002.
"An affectionate word is like the sun in bad weather." Compiled by G. Naumenko. Moscow "Children's Literature" 1979.
"Cause time, fun hour." Moscow "Children's Literature" 1988.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Publishing house "Kid" 1990.

Lesson progress

Children sit in a group.

Educator. There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them!

Do you guys like fairy tales?
How do fairy tales usually begin?
- How do they end? (Children give examples.)
What does a fairy tale teach us?

This morning, I found a letter from Vasilisa in the group. Listen to what she wrote to us.

“Hello, dear guys! I was visiting the brownie Nafanya, and there I left my doll - an assistant. Help me get her back."
- What did you decide, let's go for Vasilisa's amulet?
- Then repeat after me the magic words:

Hello wise country
What can't be seen from here!
Appear from nowhere
Let a miracle happen!
Get in the way
Let us in!

Children follow the teacher and repeat the words, enter the hall. On the way they meet arrows - pointers "into a fairy tale" Suddenly, from behind a tree, crying is heard.

Educator. What do we do? Will we pass by, because we are in a hurry or will we help someone who is in trouble? (Children offer to help).

Educator. What good hearts you have. Let's get closer then. Who is crying there? Come out to us.
A fox comes out (a girl dressed up in a fox costume).
- Little fox, what happened? Why are you crying?

Fox. I'm lost, I don't know where my home is.

Educator. Guys, in what fairy tales does the fox live? (Children list the names of fairy tales where there is a fox).

Fox. Oh, I remembered from which fairy tale I am. And you will know this from my riddle.
I'm tired, so tired.
I walked along the river.
The peasant outwitted
And she took all the fish!

The fox thanks the children, says goodbye to them and runs away.

The children continue on their way looking for arrows. They go to the apple tree.

Educator. What fairy tale are we in?
Children remember what fairy tales talk about the apple tree. Apple tree asks to help her. Collect apples from her.

Educator. Let's help the apple tree, we're going to another fairy tale, aren't we? (Children decide to help).
Take off the apples together.
And fill the baskets!

Children take dummies of apples from the tree and put them in baskets. They notice that apples are not simple, but with a task.

The first task is to solve fairy-tale riddles:

And the road is long, and the basket is not easy.
To sit on a stump, to eat a pie.

There is no river, no pond - where to drink water?
Very tasty water - in the hoof hole!

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut,
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.

Before the wolf did not tremble. Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Still got caught (Kolobok).

The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us,
The good blue river helped.
Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,
We got home to mother and father.
Who took the brother? Name the book.

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin,
Did you suddenly become beautiful and pretty?

Second task. Guys, Baba Yaga visited here and mixed up all the fairy tales. Let's collect them.
Children collect cut pictures. Each child has a picture with a different fairy tale. Whoever collected first helps his friend.

Educator. Well done! Everything was put together correctly. As they say: “Finished the job, walk boldly!”
Let's have some rest, let's play the game "Golden Gate".

Two people stand facing each other, hold on to both hands and raise them, forming a gate. The rest of the players join hands, run under the gate in a chain and sing:

Pass the golden gate, gentlemen!
The first mother will pass - she will lead all the children.
The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,
And the third time we will not miss you!

With these words, the gates lower and catch someone from the chain. Those caught join hands with those who were the gates and form vicious circle, through which the chain passes, repeating the song each time and sneaking into the gate formed by raised hands, standing in a circle of players. The circle expands each time, and the chain decreases. The song is repeated until the whole chain is caught - this is where the game ends.

Educator. Had a lot of fun. And you played together, and you know fairy tales. And they guessed all the riddles, and helped, they didn’t leave anyone in trouble. They acted like true friends. What proverbs about friendship do you know? For each answer, the apple tree will give us a board (rectangular sheets of cardboard), and they will still come in handy on the way.
The children take turns saying the words.

The children move on. On their way there is a swamp. (The fabric is blue, there are water lily flowers, tussocks, frog toys on it, reeds are on the edge of the swamp). (Educator. So the planks that the apple tree gave us came in handy. We helped her, and she helped us. (Children lay out the bridge and cross it, through the swamp. They get to the house where the little brownie Nafanya lives).

Nafanya (adult in costume). Hello dear guests, today is my birthday. Welcome to my house. A guest in the yard is a joy to the owner.

Children. Peace to your home, health to all!

Educator. Guys, how can we congratulate Nafanya, because we came without a gift?
Children offer to sing ditties to him.

Brownie thanks the children for such a gift. He invites them to look into his chest, while pronouncing the magic words:

Chest, chest, gilded barrel,
Painted lid, brass latch!
One two three four five!
You can lift the lid!

When the children open the lid, music is heard from the chest (a musical card glued to the lid). There they find a drying treat. They thank him, take Vasilisa's amulet and leave for the group.

Attached files

Entertainment for the development of speech for children of the middle group "Toys"

Target: To create a joyful mood in children, to consolidate children's knowledge about the works of A. L. Barto, to develop children's activity, expressiveness of speech, memory, to form a sense of self-confidence in children.
Tasks: develop speech activity, coherent speech of children, memory, attention, thinking; cultivate interest in literary works;
Preliminary work: reading poetry by A. Barto in a group, looking at illustrations for works.
Material: images of toys - a bear, a bull, a hare, a horse, a Tanya doll; toy bear, ribbed track; ball.
Entertainment progress.
Educator: Guys, look who came to visit you today! It's Michael the bear! He brought to you with him interesting pictures and wants to play with you, do you want to?
Children: Yes!

Teacher: Guess the riddle:

They beat him, but he does not cry, only jumps higher, higher?

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,
The ball will not sink in the river.
Educator: To calm Tanya, we will play a game with her.
The game "What, what, what." (The sun is round, yellow, bright; the sky is blue, beautiful; the doll is beautiful, new; the house is big, orange, etc.)
Children sit on chairs.
Teacher: Who is this?

children: bunny

Educator: Do you know the poem about the hare?
The hostess abandoned the bunny.
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.
Educator: Let's calm the bunny and play the game "Bunny has a birthday"

Q: Bunny has a birthday. A bunny prepared various treats (shows subject pictures: nuts, fish, honey). Guess who the bunny cooked nuts for? Fish? Honey?

D: nuts - protein

Fish - fox

Honey - teddy bear


Look how beautiful I am

Nice tail and mane

Tsok, tsok, tsok, hooves are knocking,

Don't you want to ride? Who is this?


The teacher, together with the children, recalls the poem:
I love my horse
I brush her hair smoothly.
I stroke the tail with a scallop,
And I'll go on horseback to visit.
Educator: How does the horse click? (children show). Let's ride like horses.
Educator: Children, look who is this?

Children: Bull.
The teacher, together with the children, recalls the poem:
There is a goby, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!
Educator: Let's show Bull how to walk along the ribbed path

carefully so as not to fall.
Educator: Well done.

Clubfoot and big

Who sleeps in a den in winter?

Children respond... (bear.)
The teacher, together with the children, recalls the poem:
They dropped the bear on the floor.
They cut off the bear's paw.
I still won't drop it.
Because he's good.
Educator: Let's play the game “Call it affectionately” with the bear - the children stand in a circle and pass the Bear to each other and call him affectionate, kind words.
Educator: Guys, did you like to play with the bear? Who did we see today? What they were doing?

Children: (children's answers).

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the bear!

Summary of entertainment for the development of speech in the senior group

Material Description: This summary will be useful for kindergarten teachers of older groups.
Target: The development of connected speech.
1. Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.
2. Improve the ability of children to guess riddles.
3. Develop monologue, dialogic, coherent speech.
4. Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales, friendship.
Equipment: a tape recorder, a flower with petals, a beautiful speech fairy toy, illustrations with fairy tales
entertainment flow:
: - Guys, when you came to the group today, did you notice something unusual? (unusual flower).
Educator: Who do you think gave it to us? (children's answers).
-And it was given by the Fairy of beautiful speech, who lives in the Land of Knowledge. She was in a hurry and left the Speechflower with tasks. Whoever copes with the task better will be in for a surprise, so try very hard. And the tasks are written on the petals of a speech flower. By completing the tasks, we will show the beautiful speech fairy what we have learned over the year. Well, are you ready?
So 1 task the fairy of beautiful speech invites you to remember the fairy tale about the cheerful tongue. I will tell the fairy tale and you show the movements with the tongue.
Fairy tale "About the Merry Tongue"
Mouth - house, lips - doors.
Who lives in this house?
In this house, my friend,
The Merry Tongue lives.
Oh, and he is a smart boy,
And a little bit of a slut.
(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise "Arrow".)
Our Merry Tongue
Turned back to side.
Looking left, looking right...
And then forward again
Get some rest here.
(Exercises "Watch", "Snake".)
Opened the language window,
And it's warm outside.
Our tongue stretched out
Smiled broadly at us
And then he went for a walk
sunbathing on the porch.
(Exercise "Smile", "Sting", "Arrow".)
Lying on the porch
I ran to the swing.
He flew up boldly ...
But it's time to get to work.
(Exercises "Shovel", "Swing".)

I hurried to my yard,
To fix the fence.
He got down to business quickly.
And work began to boil.
(Exercise "Fence".)
Nails, hammer and pliers -
Carpenter's essentials.
The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"
Tongue is his best friend.
(The mouth is closed. Teeth are bared. Tap on the teeth with a tense tip of the tongue, repeating “t-t-t” many times.)
Here is a can of paint next to it.
The fence needs to be updated.
The brush began to dance,
Our fence is unrecognizable.
Exercise "Painter".)
Our tongue finished the job.
He can safely rest
- I'll walk with the horse,
I'll play the harmonica for her.
I drive football
And I'll score a goal.
A very difficult task
Drive the ball into the goal.
(Exercises "Horse", "Accordion", "Football".)
The sun hid behind the mountain
The tongue went home.
He locked the door.
He lay down in bed and fell silent.
(Exercises "Slide", "Shovel".)
Well done with the first task. We tear off the second petal.
"Tell the opposite" task
Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot is sad
The crow is heavy and the butterfly is light
The witch is evil, and the fairy is good
The highway is wide and the path is narrow
The ocean is deep and the puddle is shallow
The snake is smooth, and the fox is fluffy,
The wolf in the forest is hungry, and the dog in the forest is full
Hot in summer and cold in winter
The pine tree is tall and the herringbone is low
Tights are long and socks are short
The bun is soft and the cracker is hard
It's dark at night and light during the day
The web is thin and the rope is thick
The star is small, but the sun is big

We tear off the next petal.
- Children, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers)
Solve riddles.
1) Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots
She is looking for them, calling.
And along the way, tears are pouring. (Fedora) Fairy tale "Fedorino grief"
2) And a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit) Tale "Doctor Aibolit"
3) Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya) Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."
4) Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house,
Who were these
Small children? (Seven kids) Fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids"
5) Above my simple question
Don't spend a lot of energy
Who is the boy with the long nose,
Made from logs. (Papa Carlo) Fairy tale "The Golden Key"
4 petal task.I have cubes on which vowels and consonants are written. But they are all mixed up. Your task is to disassemble the cubes into 2 groups. In 1 vowels. 2 consonants.
5 petal. I will read poetry to you, and you will correct mistakes. And the team captain will show how many syllables are in the added word. Examples of poems:
Smoke curls from the oven, A delicious BOOT is baked in it. (that's right - pie)
A bee will drink nectar from a flower, And prepare sweet ICE. (honey)
The steamboat floats along the river, And it puffs like a CANDLE. (stove)
Who cracks nuts finely? Well, of course it's HOTEL. (squirrel)
Rumbling just in case, Brought us a bunch of rain. (cloud)
And we have one more petal left. The fairy of beautiful speech opened the book and saw a drawing, but it was not painted. You need to color only those objects in which the sound (L) occurs. Well done, you completed all the tasks of the fairy. And she left you a surprise, help yourself.
Our red flowers
Spread the petals
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our red flowers
close the petals
shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly.

Svetlana Glukhova

echevoe entertainment in the senior group

Subject: « Holiday correct speech »

prepared and conducted by Glukhova S.V., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU Rostov-on-Don

"Kindergarten No. 70"


Correctional and educational:

To consolidate the ability to clearly articulate the delivered sounds;

Improve the skill phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Work on building a connection speeches;

Teaching children to express their thoughts in grammar correct form;

Correction- developing:

develop phonemic perception and hearing;

develop speech breathing;

Prevention of writing violations speeches;

development of a common, fine and articulatory motor skills.

Correctional and educational:

Create a positive emotional background;

To educate the ability of children to interact with each other;

Cultivate the desire to speak correct and expressive;

Instill interest in your native language.


magnetic letters and numbers, Karkusha crow glove puppet, "magic bag", soft three-dimensional letters, butterflies on a fishing line, Old man - boletus, Hedgehog (soft toy, felt flower, Sun model, turntables by the number of children, Snake image, Witch image, air ionizer with color and sound effects.

Lesson progress:

Calm music sounds. Parents are invited to the music room. Children enter.

Speech therapist:- Hello, dear guests! Today you will see and hear how our children have learned to expressively and beautifully pronounce words and sounds, made friends with letters.

Well, now listen to funny ditties, which we hope will cheer you up.

(children sing ditties)

We can’t understand Dasha in any way,

After all, Dasha has porridge in her mouth.

But not buckwheat and not pilaf -

This porridge is something of words!

love letter "R" tiger cub -

Since childhood, he growls her.

loves the letter "R" small fish -

Best of all her. is silent.

letter "R" our piggy

Grunts loudly from diapers.

I will be close friends with him -

"R" help me learn.

Every officer must

speak perfectly "R"!

Otherwise he is a soldier

Will not line up.

(Commands: "Attention!", "Equal!",

Deputy or singer

Being burry does not suit.

Don't give bread to parodists

Learn to speak clearly.

We sat in order

Let's do exercises together

Not with feet, not with hands,

And theirs. tongues.

Visiting a speech therapist

I'm running as fast as I can:

After all, the teacher is strict

I can show my tongue!

(Children sit on chairs.)

Speech therapist: And why do you need to speak expressively and clearly?

(Children's answers : to communicate with each other, to understand each other)

Which rule we try observe both in kindergarten and at home?

We always speak beautifully

Bold and slow.

Clearly, clearly speaking

because we are not in a hurry

To make the tongue obey us, we do special exercises and we can teach all our guests. Join us.

(children perform articulation gymnastics)

Speech therapist: Look who came to visit us?

This is the Karkusha crow. (glove puppet demonstration)

Why is she so sad?

A misfortune happened, a magic flower dies in a clearing in the forest.

The evil witch hid the sun, and it became dark and cold in the forest.

Let's let's go to the rescue.

Close your eyes and listen carefully to the sounds around you. (forest noise)

We are with you in a wonderful forest.

And here is Old man - Borovichok! (demonstration of a wooden doll)

To return the sun, you need to complete the tasks that the evil one came up with. witch:

1 task - Collect mushrooms

(finger gymnastics)

This finger went to the forest,

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to clean,

This finger has become frying,

This finger ate everything, that's why he got fat!

Well done boys! Now close your eyes and listen to the sound of the rain!

(sounds of the rain)

Task 2 - Help the butterflies.

See what beautiful butterflies but they cannot fly, the rain has wetted their wings.

Let's turn into a breeze and dry the wings.

(breathing exercises: deep breath in through the nose, long, continuous exhalation through the mouth).

3 task - Cheer the Snake

Near the stump lies the Snake and does not want to let us go further until we complete next task. She has the most favorite sound Sh, because she is very good at hissing.

You guys need to come up with words that start with a sh sound.

(Children take it in turns to think of words)

Task 4 - Guess the letters

The hedgehog has prepared for you "Magic bag", and in it multi-colored letters. Every child needs eyes closed guess which letter he took out of the magic bag.

(children take turns taking out three-dimensional letters and reciting poems about them)

Speech therapist: Well done boys!

But Karkusha wants you ask: Why are there vowels and consonants?

What did they agree to? (children's answers about how vowels and consonants differ)

5 task - Disenchant the word "SUMMER" by arranging the letters in numerical order.

(letters on the magnetic board under the numbers 2,4,3,1.)

(noise of the forest during the day, birds singing)

And here comes the sun.

It became light and joyful in the forest, the birds sang and the magic flower blossomed again. Well done boys!

You are great completed all tasks! And we are with you going home.

And so our journey ended!

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Synopsis of entertainment for the development of speech "In book corner»

for older preschool children

Buldakova Irina Vasilievna

Teacher speech therapist

Entertainment for the development of speech "In the book corner"

For older preschool children.

Target: find out how well children are familiar with Russian folk and author's fairy tales, works, poems, whether they know their names, dialogues, heroes, whether they can characterize the main character, whether they understand the idea of ​​a fairy tale; improve the expressiveness of children's speech, consolidate the ability to use when answering various types offers; to develop in children memory, creative imagination, fantasy.

Equipment: poem by Tokmakova I. “Read to me, mother”, poster, books (illustrations): Ch. Perrot “Little Red Riding Hood”, S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, Russian folk tale“Geese-swans”, A. Barto “About toys”, toys, theater (masks) “Teremok”.

Entertainment progress:

Educator: Guys, today we meet with you in the book corner. It is very good when a person can read himself. Almost all of our children can read too. Listen to I. Tokmakova's poem "Read to me, mother."

When my mother reads a book to me,

Not at all what I read myself.

Although I know all the letters perfectly

And Aibolit himself has already read.

But if mom sits next to a book,

How interesting to listen to this book!

As if in the wheelhouse a brave captain,

Who is not afraid of evil pirates,

Just like that - I myself!

Or I go on patrol to the border,

Or in a rocket heading for the sun

And the fearless astronaut is me too!

I beg you, you read to me, mother,

Today I seem to become a bird

And save poor Thumbelina!

In order for books to last a long time, you need to take care of them. What are the rules for handling books? (The teacher shows a poster with the inscription: “This book got sick: my brother tore it up. I’ll regret the patient: I’ll take it and glue it”)

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Guys, can you guess the book from the picture? Let's play the Guess Game! (the teacher shows the children illustrations for the works: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Swan Geese”. Children guess the works.

Educator: Guys, look what toys we have in the group. Do you happen to know poems about them?

(Children recall A. Barto’s poems from the “About Toys” series: “They dropped the bear on the floor”, “The hostess threw the bunny”, “I love my horse”, “Our Tanya cries loudly”

Educator: Well done! And now, listen to the words and think about which heroes and from which work they belong:

“I don’t have a mustache, but mustache,

Not paws, but paws,

Not teeth, but teeth ... "

"Oh, if I drown

If I go down

What will happen to the sick

With my forest animals?

What good fellows, and coped with this task!

Educator: Guys, remember from which work these words are:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east…..

Children: children's answers.

Educator: That's right, these are the words from the fairy tale "Flower - seven-color". Do you remember who main character this fairy tale?

Children: Zhenya girl.

Educator: And where did she get a seven-flower flower?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, did Zhenya dispose of the seven-flower petals correctly, why?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Well done boys!

Educator: Remember, we recently learned a joke: “We walked with you,” let's play.

The teacher with the children play a comic dialogue game:

Did we go with you?

Did you find a gingerbread man?

What? Etc. repeated 6-7 times.

Educator: Guys, let's play theater. (Some of the children remain spectators, and the other part shows the fairy tale "Teremok")

Educator: So our book gatherings are ending. Did you enjoy the book corner? I also really enjoyed playing with you. (The teacher gives all the children small books as a keepsake).