
Before you start a network business, you need to correctly choose a company so as not to fall into the pyramid. The main rule of the network business is the presence of the proposed product or service, in the pyramids, as a rule, there is no such product, and people pay for "air" without any confirmation.

On the this moment a significant part of network companies offer biologically active additives, cosmetics or household chemicals, or all of these products together. There are companies that offer services instead of goods. The main part of such organizations develops due to internal consumption, which is provided not only by the right motivation, but also by psychological pressure.

To select a company, you need a unique product or service, a transparent marketing plan (this is a reward system for distributors), a training system, leaders, and the opportunity to receive passive income. It would also be nice to know the dynamics of the company's growth and sales volumes.

In order to start making good money in the network business, you need to “plow” a lot, and at first there may be little return, but in the future it will pay off. It should also be remembered that this is not a job for hire, this is work for yourself, here you are your own boss, you do not owe anything to anyone except yourself. You will need a lot of self-discipline.

Having come to the company, at first it is necessary to invest a lot of time, effort and finances in training. Such a system of doing business is unfamiliar to most people, it needs to be learned. Just like in institutions, people study for a profession.

In any network company, sales of goods or services are necessary, this creates a turnover of the company, due to which distributors receive large rewards. This skill also needs to be developed. At first, sales will help you get a quick income.

And the most important thing is to build a network of distributors. The main income depends on the growth of the network, which will grow in direct proportion to the increase in the number of invited people. Invitations alone are not enough, you need to teach your people the same things that you yourself learned so that they begin to duplicate your actions. Success largely depends on this.

An important feature network marketing is the fact that, depending on the marketing plan, upon reaching a certain level, the distributor receives the possibility of passive income. At this stage, you can retire and just enjoy life, since you have worked hard enough in your time.

From the very first steps in the network business and throughout the journey in it, you will grow as a person. This is a completely different form of work, or rather business, and in order to cope with all the tasks set and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to change, obeying the ideology of the network structure.


Still, working in the network business means not just working for yourself, but also for the person whose referral you are, plus those people who are higher in the pyramidal hierarchy.

Network marketing is a method of direct sales, in which the movement of goods is carried out along the chain "manufacturer-seller-buyer". Intermediaries and margins are excluded as much as possible. The "network" of people-employees is built on the principle of a pyramid, and many believe that newcomers to this business a priori cannot earn decent money. This is not true - the best of the best in this business receive high pay, regardless of their place in the hierarchy.


Do not underestimate and skip the trainings and classes organized by the company. The earnings scheme may seem simple and self-explanatory to you, but this is far from being the case. At the meetings, they will tell you about the state of the market at the moment, show you a sales schedule, introduce you to successful colleagues and talk about partner companies. A successful network marketing salesperson must always be up to date with the latest company news.

Try to attract as many people as possible to your business. How more people interested in such earnings and follow in your footsteps, the more bonuses and Money you will receive and the sooner you will move to the next step.

Look up to those who have been successful. Positive motivation - The best way reach the heights. Do not give up after the first failures, do not look at less successful colleagues - if they retreated without achieving their goal, this does not mean at all that failures await you too. Perhaps they simply did not have enough willpower or leadership qualities, or they do not believe in their own strength and the prospects of such a business. Faith in success and strict adherence to the accepted work plan will help you become the best.

There is a kind of direct promotion of goods and services on the market - multi-level (network) marketing or, in other words, marketing "from person to person". The essence of this type of marketing is that the manufacturing company recruits an army of independent distributors who distribute products, recommending them to friends, relatives and acquaintances. How realistic is it to earn something in this type of business?


Select the network company you will be with. You may have to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the products and compensation plan of companies, which are many in the domestic market today.

Pay attention to the product distributed by the companies (goods or services). The product must be exclusive (unique), of high quality, in demand and located in the middle price category.

Check out the company's marketing plan, also called the compensation plan. Ask the person who invited you to the business to explain in detail and in detail the features of payments for the work done.

Read the conditions under which you can become a distributor of the company. As a rule, the company offers the minimum requirements: to conclude a contract and buy out an inexpensive starter kit with the documentation necessary to build your business. From this moment on, you are entitled to a discount when purchasing company products. In fact, this is one of the types of remuneration, since the distributor has the opportunity to buy a product at a wholesale price, which is sometimes 30-50% lower than the price for an ordinary consumer.

Before swinging big

Today I want to answer the questions of my subscribers about money. The first question that often comes up is why only a few earn in network marketing, because there are a lot of people who like mlm. And the second question: is it possible to earn big money in any network company or not?

In this article, I will give my opinion on how to make big money in network marketing?

So obviously there are poor people and rich people. After the publication of the book Robert Kiyosaki "Cashflow Quadrant" people learned in which sector, what money people can count on.

Also in one of his books, Robert Kiyosaki classified the network marketing industry in the number 2 and 3 quadrants. Explaining to people that the easiest way to create big business is to develop as a person and a businessman within a network company, creating your own team.

And yet, despite the fact that this path is indeed easier in terms of business development and investments, according to statistics, only 5% of people succeed.

  • Many heard for the first time about the free mode of work, about the prospects big money, about passive income rush headlong into this business. They go to training several times a week, read books, meet people and are surprised to find that it is not so easy to do everything. There are more and more difficulties and obstacles, but there are no desired results.

This is where most people return to their usual way of life. After all, doing what you have been doing for 20 years is much more familiar. And although this does not bring the desired money, it does not require much effort.

  • Some part of people think: I can’t do anything, maybe I don’t know something. Will be studying. And he goes headlong into his studies: he goes to seminars, trainings, events. So much studying and doing nothing to get money. Does not hold meetings, does not recruit, because at the first stage he faced refusals and feels great resistance. And, as a result, there are no meetings, no sales, no money. Thoughts in my head: “this is not mine”, “this is difficult”, “this does not bring money”, this is a bad business.”

Disappointed, he leaves. After all, leaving is easier and painless than overcoming the fear of "going into a thunderstorm."

  • And now there is only a small part of people who have gone through all the previous stages of growth and continued to move forward, creating their own business that will bring enough money to fulfill their dream.

People from the third group also experienced all the difficulties and doubts on their way. But when you ask them about how they managed to achieve success and reach incomes of more than 5-10 thousand dollars a month, they give approximately the same answers.

  1. They longed to change their lives and the lives of their families in better side. talking in simple words, they very much wanted to get away from poverty, lack of money, joyless life. They dreamed of a life when their children and parents would not need anything and live full life. And they understood that the responsibility for this lies with them.
  2. Asking yourself the question: what would I like to do? They answered themselves: only this, this is what they are interested in, what inspires them and allows them to be realized.
  3. understood in order to live new life- you need to completely change, although it is very painful. Change your beliefs, habits, worldview.

So I revealed to you 3 secrets of big money in network marketing

Returning to the book Robert Kiyosaki "Eight Non-Money Values ​​of Network Marketing" he talks about what network marketing provides life-changing education. Developing within a network company, a person changes mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

“When I talk about a life-changing education, I mean a powerful enough education that can “turn a caterpillar into a butterfly.” Robert Kiyosaki.

And these changes don't happen quickly. People who achieve great success understand this. And give yourself time to make the necessary changes. Can't be today employee and become tomorrow successful businessman. You can't get paid 15,000 a month today and 100,000 tomorrow. You can't have hired work experience today and have the skills and mindset of an entrepreneur tomorrow.

Everything you want to achieve in this life is ALL REAL! But give yourself time to succeed. Don't take away your dream and give yourself the opportunity to realize it. And you will definitely fall into the top 5% successful entrepreneurs in network marketing and in any other business.

Start learning right now on my trainings and courses -

Let me inspire you. And help you inspire the world.

Abramova Elena

So it is with the use of new technologies - Internet business. In this article, we will talk about promoting this business on the Internet.

Due to the fact that most people are dissatisfied with their work (they are not satisfied with the salary or they simply do not like the job), they begin to ask the question “How to make money?”. Those people, free time which is very limited very often ask the question "How to make money on the Internet?". Working on the Internet in a system such as network marketing allows you to create your home business from scratch. Not every person can boast that he is very well versed in computers, can create websites and promote them. The law “the simpler the better” works in the MLM system. Simply put, if you work hard, then few people can repeat such actions, so your business will develop with a creak. When creating your business on the Internet, you need to take this into account. Also, work on the Internet involves contact with strangers. You will be called and written. You need to be prepared for this. Why am I talking about this!? Yes, because many people are afraid to look unprofessional, because, as at the initial stage of your business on the Internet, you will not have information, and this is normal. In order to be effective, even at the initial stage of business development, you just need to learn how to use those tools that will tell about your business without you. So now I propose to still talk about the system and actions.

When choosing an MLM company, you will need to pay Special attention for online registration. If this is not possible, then it will greatly hinder the promotion of your business.

Working from home involves, first of all, the presence of constant access to the Internet. If you are far from creating sites, are not interested in this and do not understand this, the easiest way in your case will be to refer to the official website of your company in your ads. If you don't mind figuring it out, with a little effort you can create a tool that will talk about you and your offer. You can create a website both on a free hosting and on a paid one. You can create a website for free on Google or Ukoz. How to do this, you can see detailed tutorials on Youtube. Having created and filled the site, you can proceed to the next step.

After the site is ready, we proceed to posting ads on various boards on the Internet, job sites, thematic forums (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.), in Vkontakte groups (dedicated to MLM, work, etc.).

Be sure to register on all sites where you are going to place your ads. This is necessary in order to be able to manage your ads (update, edit, delete, view attendance). In order for your ads to give results, it is necessary to place 20-30 ads daily on a large number of sites (recommendation) to update your ads at least once every three days. You can independently find bulletin boards in search engines in your region, as well as throughout Ukraine. If your sponsor also works on the Internet, ask them for a list of message boards.

Place ads in the following sections:

  • MLM, network marketing
  • Cooperation
  • Managers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Agents
  • Business
  • Leaders
  • Miscellaneous
  • Regional representatives
  • Trade
  • Sales Managers
  • and similar sections

Create a file with several different ads to save your time (copy, paste). You can also ask your sponsor for templates.

Pay close attention to ad headings and discuss with your sponsor.

It is important to accumulate a large number of active ads!!! And the more of them there are, the more often people will contact you, and accordingly your Internet business will grow faster.

People look for ways to receive additional or basic income every day, looking at vacancies or ways to earn money in various sources. became popular and therefore allows you to solve the issue of income if made right steps at the start. In the article, we will consider important points that will tell you how to make money in network marketing and not fall into the “pyramid trap”.

Learn to differentiate

The concept of "network marketing" causes various associations among people, because in order to make a profit, a person becomes an agent and must interest customers who can not only buy, but also earn money themselves. Gradually, a network is formed that connects each level of attracted agents. The more of them, the higher the income, especially for the curator of the branch.

The scenario of network marketing is similar to building, which usually affects the trust of a potential client. In order not to be deceived in an effort to earn money, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Network marketing is based on the sale of a specific product or service, which is offered according to the manufacturer's catalog. There is no need to purchase products in advance. Only what customers order is sold. The goods are paid on the day of receipt at the warehouse.
  2. A pyramid scheme usually requires paying membership fees or buying "securities", although outside of this organization they will become ordinary candy wrappers. Benefits can be obtained not from the sale of goods, but by bringing new people who will pay a membership fee.
  3. There is another type of network earnings, which can also be called into question - selling software or other equipment. To get started, you need to pay for a package of services that will allow you to take a certain place in the sales chain. It could be Personal Area, a plastic card or other tools for work, for the use of which a subscription fee is required.

An example of the latter type of MLM business is Talk Fusion, which attracts both buyers of its tool and sales agents for the service. To earn, you must first pay and bring two or more new agents so that the chain begins to generate income. But even those agents must develop their line. It's more like a pyramid, there is only a product that can be sold. We need the qualities of a leader, speaker and psychologist. Only here it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly rise from the initial stage to "gold" or "platinum", as representatives promise.

Having considered three options for network marketing, we conclude that in order to make money successfully in the MLM business, it is necessary to study the terms of cooperation. Choosing a company with which you can earn is the main step for successful promotion.

Assessing the prospects

In the list of network business representatives, you need to choose a direction that will allow you to succeed. It is safer to start with a well-known brand. No need to make an effort to convince customers. This applies to manufacturers of cosmetics (Oriflame, Artistry, Faberlik) or household goods (Amway). Buyers have already appreciated the products and will take them without fear.

niche only famous brands already occupied by other distributors. Competition requires a special strategy in order to develop a customer base and form your passive income branch, given the workload of the segment. It is easier to make money in the network business with a new offer that has consumer confidence, but is in short supply on the market - new dietary supplements, electrical appliances for health and home, training courses, life insurance, property. The choice of direction depends on personal interest and the ability to make money on it.

Pay attention to the assistance provided by representatives of the network company to students. Visual material, video tutorials, meetings, trainings are usually provided free of charge to improve the performance of agents. Some curators help in attracting the first clients.

The scheme of accrual of bonuses and cash is important, because earnings are the main motivation for a person in network marketing. For example, in the MLM cosmetics business, the distributor earns margin revenue. The coefficient is different, but on average about 30% of total amount. The supplier sets the wholesale price, the client receives the products according to the price list in the catalog, the difference settles in the intermediary's pocket. In addition, points are awarded for the implementation of the plan, if any, and for the work of other links in the branch.

If the scheme is transparent, there are no penalties or unbearable installations according to the plan, then it is realistic to succeed in the chosen form of network marketing.

Action plan

Having passed the stage of choosing an area where there is an opportunity to earn money, you need to draw up a business plan and understand what to pay attention to:

Training is essential at every stage. The more product information you have, the easier it is to convince people by telling them about the benefits that matter to them. Persuasiveness depends on the knowledge base. The experience of mentors will also help, who will tell you how to make a profit as soon as possible and attract agents for passive income.

We choose the way to receive money - with or passive option. Some distributors tend to start with personal sales, studying demand and finding a client base. But network business gurus advise starting from two positions at once, because among the clients there are people who want to get an increase in their basic income or secure the purchase of products at the purchase price. Large and medium-sized networkers note that most of the earnings are the work of subordinates, and not direct sales. After some time, you can completely refuse to distribute a product or service if the multi-level structure of agents .

Find ways to attract. There are different methods of successful sales:

  1. Direct contact with people if there is time to visit public places or if there is a large circle of acquaintances, relatives who are not involved in the MLM business by other curators. It takes a lot of time and is not always effective. This option is relevant with an already formed client base when only the delivery of products and catalogs is required.
  2. attraction target audience through social networks or the creation of a website, an online store, if the manufacturer does not have such a direction. The reach of potential customers is wider. Less time is required. Users who are interested in products or opportunities to earn respond.
  3. Sending offers to email and ad sites, creating landing pages and contextual advertising.
  4. Promotion through is becoming popular due to the reach of various settlements and the opportunity to build a network not only in your city, but also outside of Russia. Especially if there is a wholesale warehouse of the company or really get the goods as soon as possible. For example, in countryside you can find clients through social networks, accepting applications in in electronic format and sending goods by mail. We arrange payment through the online payment system.

It is possible to increase earnings several times at the initial stage if you choose two or three MLM partners. For example, it is profitable to distribute several brands of cosmetics and products for body and face care. The prices of competing manufacturers differ, which allows people of different incomes to choose the right product.

Again, making a comparison between the Avon and Faberlic cosmetic brands, which have serious differences in the price list for the same type of product, the more offers, the faster orders will appear, the network will build up.

Know yourself

Not everyone can be successful in network marketing. If a friend or relative is delighted with the MLM business and does not want to sit for eight hours in the office or at work, this does not mean that everything is so simple. Networkers with high income have the following qualities:

If the listed qualities are inherent in you, then you can be sure that you will succeed in making money in network marketing.

Sometimes people test themselves in practice by spending one day with distributors of something.

Let's give an example

There is a company in the city that sells literature of various profiles. When inviting agents to work, representatives promise a reward of 500 rubles, subject to a daily income of 10,000 rubles. This is the minimum plan. The price of products is different, from 150 to 1000 rubles per copy.

The applicant is given books and a mentor is assigned on the first working day. The specifics of work in visiting various places where there are people ( shopping centers, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, offices, institutions). So the work began. We visited several places, but the result is zero. Basically, refusals and dissatisfaction from persons who have been disturbed follow. Even the goal of demonstrating the product has not been achieved.

Two hours later, potential clients were found who agreed to look at the list of books. Interested in children's fairy tales worth 250 rubles.

The route continues. The result may be different, but the main thing is your stability and desire to go further, to try to sell what the interlocutor was not aiming to spend the budget on in the near future.

If at the first refusal there was a desire to go home, then you should think about your chances of making money in network marketing. This example paints a clear picture of what the young distributor has to do.

Summing up

Network marketing is rapidly gaining momentum. The initiators of the sale of goods without intermediaries, who make a large margin, are manufacturers (MLM companies). They provide an opportunity for the consumer to receive goods at an affordable price, and for distributors to promote the brand - to receive a reward. Earning a solid capital in a short time, of course, is not entirely realistic, but feasible for a person who has all the makings of a successful networker. The most difficult and important thing is to choose the right niche and put all your efforts into development. The level of income depends only on your performance and motivation.

How to make money in MLM? A logical question that every newbie asks himself at the beginning of his journey

But let's first look at the root and first we will figure out whether it is possible and realistic to make money in the network business and in particular through the Internet.

Is it possible to make money in network marketing

Why the Internet, you ask? Yes, because today it is a trend and demand is growing more and more every day

Here is a small example:

You see two pictures. One picture shows that 2,526,370 people every month search the Internet for information related to online business ohm. This screenshot was taken about half a year ago.

And the second picture was taken today, and you see growth for six months amounted to as much as 28%!

And this means that there are more and more people who want to open their online business every day.

I think not building a network business on the Internet today is just a crime.

From all of the above, we can draw an obvious conclusion. There is a demand and it is growing every day

And as you well know, demand always creates supply! And here is the question. Or it will be your MLM business proposal or someone else's, or even another business, it doesn't matter

Only one thing matters. People want their online business and are willing to pay for it

Therefore, it is obvious that in network marketing it is real, I would even say reinforced concrete, you can earn money via the Internet

Where such confidence?

Yes, because my team and I have already proved it! We got results that we could only dream of.

By the way, you can get free access to my new book on the right or immediately below this article and learn in great detail about that unique system which we successfully use in our business

How to make money in MLM business

You must understand the golden rule: money makes money!

I think it's a big mistake today to connect business partners for free

Imagine you are opening a restaurant with a partner. You have invested all the money, and your partner has nothing. I think you will not take such a partner, since it is obvious that your motivation will go off scale at a time when your partner will not be particularly worried

Yes, and you spent money, time, energy and did not earn anything at the same time ... Doesn't this seem strange to you?

Money makes money! The client, the partner has paid - you have received your percentage. The more and more often they pay, the more and more often you earn

Therefore, the first thing you need to do to successfully make money in network marketing is to determine the cost of entering your business.

And here I will give you a useful life hack. This is one sales technique that works great is called " Choice without choice»

When you offer a candidate one option to join you in the business, he chooses between joining or not joining. But if you offer 3 switching options, starting with the most expensive one, then he already switches and chooses between options

Thus, the percentage of connections will be much higher! Make good use of this moment

Second important point, this is payment frequency

According to statistics, it is 7 times easier to sell an existing client than to attract a new one! This means that if your partners make regular monthly purchases, then you will consistently earn many times more in network marketing.

To do this, you can apply additional stimulation. For example, organize training only for those people who make purchases for a certain amount every month

The third equally important point is increase in the average check

I see one big mistake in many places. Everyone pays the same, from beginners who do not earn anything, to leaders who already have a decent check. I think this is fundamentally wrong.

It is important to create a partner's path that he will follow, earn more and naturally pay more. Of course it doesn't have to look like a pyramid. There should be real value behind a higher payment, and you can very well create it, again organizing additional training, as an option.

So, as a result, we get the following:

Payment amount * Number of payments * Average check growth rate * Your percentage of sales * Number of partners = $$$

With the help of it, you can see on real numbers how important those points that I told you about above are.

Put zero in at least one place (which is often done by networkers who do not understand) and you will have zero at the output