Regina Dubovitskaya is a popular presenter whose name is strongly associated with humor and laughter. Her subtle charm, unchanging smile and very special professional style made her one of the most beloved heroines on Russian television. Today she is almost native to millions of viewers in different corners CIS, but what became the basis of such success? How did the career of this extraordinary TV presenter develop, and what road did our today's heroine take to the famous "Full House"? We will talk about all this in our today's article.

Early years, childhood and family

Future famous TV presenter was born in the city of Shadrinsk in a family that was inextricably linked with science and pedagogy. So, the father of Regina Dubovitskaya worked as a professor Old Russian literature and was a fairly well-known scientist in this field. The fate of her mother, who was also engaged in science and teaching, but specialized in practical biology, was somewhat similar.

When our today's heroine was not even ten years old, she and her parents moved from Russia to Moldova, namely to the city of Chisinau. Here the childhood and adolescence of the future TV presenter passed. In the Moldovan capital, the girl visited comprehensive school, and also studied in a local amateur circle. As many acquaintances of our today's heroine note, she famously showed her creative and acting abilities even in childhood. However, despite this, in early age the main successes of Regina Dubovitskaya were associated with journalism. Our today's heroine often wrote articles for the school wall newspaper, and also always enthusiastically searched for new burning topics for subsequent materials.

A similar state of affairs continued after the parents of the future Anshlag star moved from Chisinau to Kostroma.

During this period, her relatives were sure that the girl would become a famous journalist, however, despite this, after graduating from school, Regina chose a slightly different path for herself and entered the institute. foreign languages(Faculty of German). The reason for this was the fact that admission to the Institute of Journalism required at least two years of experience in the relevant field. In addition, some of her acquaintances entered the Pyatigorsk Institute of Foreign Languages. That is why, in the end, the choice fell on this educational institution.

Alone with everyone. Regina Dubovitskaya

Regina Dubovitskaya's career in radio and television

Ultimately, the girl graduated with honors. However, she did not work by profession. At the end of the sixties, the girl went to work in the letters department, which operated under the Editorial Board of humor and satire of the All-Union Radio. In this place, she worked for a couple of years, and later received the position of editor of the radio program "S Good morning! ". It is very noteworthy that it was here that she met many future members of the "Full House".

There was a very special atmosphere in the editorial office, and many years later our today's heroine several times called her in her interviews nothing more than "the world of humor."

It is quite remarkable that, due to her youth, Regina Dubovitskaya could never count on the help of real "stars". All the popular artists who worked on the radio at that time have long been disassembled by the real luminaries of the All-Union radio. And therefore, our today's heroine at some point decided to bet on young novice comedians. The first "nugget" that Regina managed to find was Vladimir Vinokur. After that, Shifrin and Evdokimov also made speeches in Dubovitskaya's program. Their concerts were a huge success, and therefore very soon the young presenter became a real star your radio station. She has gained immense authority among colleagues and the love of various categories of viewers. Everything went pretty well, but very soon our today's heroine decided to leave the radio.

My hero. Regina Dubovitskaya

The beginning of the changes was the Soviet perestroika. Widespread publicity began on television. Only on the radio long time persisted old order of things. That is why at some point Regina Dubovitskaya decided to leave former place work and start implementing a new large-scale project.

In 1987, our today's heroine organized the "Full House" program, which brought together many talented Soviet comedians on one stage. So, in particular, in the theater of "regina humor" in different years performed by Yan Arlazorov, Mikhail Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Galtsev, Viktor Koklyushkin, Svetlana Rozhkova, the comic duet "Rabbits", as well as many, many other famous comedians.

Over its twenty-five-year history, the "Full House" program has changed several times from one channel to another, and has also repeatedly changed its format. However, despite all the changes, the humorous project of Regina Dubovitskaya has always been loved by millions of viewers. At one time, "Full House" was actually the first clearly structured humorous program on

Soviet and Russian television. V last years his popularity declined due to increasing competition from younger and more modern comedy projects. However, this program will always have its "viewer". And in the history of the television industry, Regina Dubovitskaya's program will always be one of the first.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

In 1965, our today's heroine met the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Yuri Ayvazyan. Their acquaintance began during a joint train ride and soon spilled over into a lingering romance. Four years later, the lovers got married. Some time later, only daughter TV presenter - Ilona (currently works in "Full House" as assistant director).

The last important news in the personal life of the popular TV presenter was the birth of a little granddaughter, who was also decided to be called Regina.

Regina Dubovitskaya is a well-known TV presenter of both Soviet times and modern Russian television. Its brainchild on the TV screen can be called the "Full House" program.

Biography of Regina Dubovitskaya

The city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region, met a newborn girl, Regina, on December 31, 1948. The family in which this beautiful little girl was born consisted of scientific works nicknames... Father - philologist Igor Alexandrovich Dubovitsky, mother - biologist Nina Zhamkochyan. After the appearance of their daughter, the family soon left Russia, moving to Moldova, the city of Chisinau. Having received a certificate of education high school Regina, together with her parents, returns to Russia, the city of Kostroma.

Even from school, Regina decided to become a journalist. At school, she published a wall newspaper, found interesting material for her and wrote about it. But the faculty of journalism did not shine for her, since to enter the university, she needed at least two years of experience in journalism.

Her father helped Regina and brought her to a friend in the newspaper Kostromskaya Pravda. A few days later, while walking with a colleague, we met a good friend who worked on the radio. The girl was invited to the editorial office of the Kostroma radio. Regina fell in love with radio.

She enrolled in the correspondence faculty at the Pyatigorsk Institute of Foreign Languages, specializing in teacher German language... Regina Igorevna's father's health deteriorated, and the family left the town of Kostroma and moved to Pyatigorsk.

In the fourth year of the institute, Regina tied the knot, received a diploma with honors and changed her place of residence, moving to her husband in the Moscow region.

The end of the 60s was marked in the life of our heroine by getting the position of a junior editor by letters to the satire and humor department of the Good Morning program on the All-Union Radio.

A lot came to the radio editorial office famous artists but they all worked with feather sharks. Regina had to look for talents herself, and she began her search with young actors. Vladimir Vinokur was the first to get on the show. Subsequently, many young actors who sounded on the radio at that time switched to television in the "Full House" program.

The end of the 80s brought glasnost to the country, old venerable wolves worked on the radio, who did not let a lot of things go on the radio. At this moment, Dubovitskaya leaves the radio and goes to television.

In 1987, Regina created the "Full House" program on television, the task of which was to acquaint the viewer with the spoken genre.

In 2000, due to competition, the arrival of young actors, the program began to lose its popularity. A lot of criticism began to pour out in her address from the media.

In 2007, Regina Dubovitskaya, together with Elena Vorobei, got into a car accident. She received a fracture of her right hip. But in the fall of 2007, Regina has already joined the ranks of the presenters and began filming new issues of the "Full House" program.

Dubovitskaya has a wonderful hobby, she collects dishes and bottles.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

Regina Dubovitskaya has been married for forty years. The spouse of the TV presenter is Yuri Mkrtichevich Ayvazyan. He is a scientist in the field of physics, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. In the field of magnetism he laid the foundation for the physical direction.

With her husband, then still a young girl, she met on the train Pyatigorsk - Sochi. She went to Sukhumi to see her grandmother. Seeing Yura, from Regina's words, she immediately realized that this was exactly what I needed. Young people met for about four years. At a certain point, they put an end to their meetings by marrying each other.

Children of Regina Dubovitskaya

V happy marriage between Regina and Yuri, a girl was born - Ilona's daughter. it an important event in the life of the young spouses happened on August 28, 1966. Ilona received a diploma from the Power Engineering Institute and is considered an applied mathematician. On this moment works on television, assistant director of the TV show "Full House".

In 1998, Ilona gave birth to a daughter, for Regina Igorevna a granddaughter - Regina.

Name: Regina Dubovitskaya

Date of Birth: 31.12.1948

Age: 70 year

Place of Birth: Kishinev city, Moldova

The weight: 55 kg

Height: 1.63 m

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: married

The biography of Regina Dubovitskaya is an example of incredible constancy, be it a career, personal life or love for children. The woman devoted all of herself to one program "Full House", which has been running for 30 years. Throughout her life, she had one husband, with whom she still lives, and an only daughter, surrounded by selfless love. Regina's achievements are admired not only by "Full House" fans, but also by her own family.


Regina Igorevna was born on December 31, 1948 in Shadrinsk, in a family of scientists, and remained only child in family. Her mother, Nina Zhamkochyan, is a biologist, and her father, Igor Dubovitsky, is a professor who taught Russian language and literature.

Regina spent her childhood in the capital of Moldova, where she went to a regular school and attended dance and handicraft circles. Parents tried to comprehensively develop their daughter, therefore they welcomed any of her undertakings and provided support in the choice of circles. Despite the fact that Regina had many friends, she preferred to spend most of her time reading books. Love for literature helped her to develop comprehensively, drawing from them knowledge that was not given at school.

Dubovitskaya in her youth

When the girl was 11 years old, her parents moved to Kostroma, where a continuation of their career and a better future awaited them. In the same place, Regina graduated from high school and, already in high school, planned to enter the Faculty of Journalism.

Therefore, she entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Pyatigorsk, choosing the faculty of the German language, which she graduated with special honors, receiving a red diploma. True, Dubovitskaya never used the knowledge gained in her adult life, which she does not regret at all.

Interrupted career

After graduating from the institute, Regina got a job at the All-Union Radio. She could not enter the Faculty of Journalism without 2 years of professional experience. During the search for a suitable vacancy, the girl was offered a place in the letters department at the Editors of Humor and Satire. But Regina Dubovitskaya did not continue her studies, having accumulated experience, moving up the career ladder.

In the early 70s, the girl was offered the post of editor of the program "Good morning!" Initially, a woman's heart was devoted to working with children's creativity. But the corresponding vacancy was filled. Disappointment was soon replaced by an excited expectation of future success in the world of humor.

Regina Dubovitskaya host of the "Full House" program

When Regina Dubovitskaya got into the editorial office, all the venerable artists had already been distributed in other directions. Therefore, the girl often had to work with young people who are just learning to joke. But such difficulties paid off in the future. Many aspiring stars have passed through the hands of the editor. Among them were Vladimir Vinokur, Mikhail Evdokimov and Efim Shifrin. Thanks to talented humorists, the ratings of the radio station's programs increased, and their boss herself became a local celebrity among the team.

The biography of Regina Dubovitskaya developed promisingly: her career rushed forward, her personal life improved, and she was happy with the appearance of her husband and children. But history has made its own adjustments to the plans of a successful and ambitious woman. The Soviet government has always closely followed public speeches.

On stage with Mikhail Zadornov

All the jokes of the artists went through strict censorship. At that time, Gorbachev came to power and announced Perestroika. New trends were easy to spot in movies and on TV screens. But for the radio, it was as if there were no changes.

Regina Dubovitskaya wanted more room for creativity, which was greatly facilitated by constant communication with young people. Therefore, she decided to give up working on the radio. In 1987, the editor moved to the television staff and offered new project"Full house". Regina continued to do what she was good at. She chose the best jokes, made a program and aired it.

30 years on the air

"Full House" became one of the first television humorous programs. Over time, the brainchild of Regina Dubovitskaya turned into a real forge of personnel. Many famous humorists and satirists periodically appeared on the stage of the program. Some of them made their debut in the program. The initial composition of the team was recruited thanks to the extensive contacts received at the radio station. Among the famous people who attended the program, you can remember:

With Mikhail Evdokimov

  • Evgeny Petrosyan;
  • Victor Koklyushkin;
  • Vladimir Vinokur;
  • Yana Arlazorova;
  • Efim Shifrin;
  • Clara Novikov;
  • Mikhail Evdokimov;
  • Elena Vorobeiy;
  • Duets "Rabbits" and "New Russian grandmothers".

In 2017, the program celebrated its 30th anniversary. For his rich history, the team had to repeatedly switch from one channel to another, and make changes to the format of the show. The audience of "Anshlag" annually is millions of people, although in recent years its popularity has fallen.

Until 2000, the program had a stable rating of 33%. This means that every third inhabitant of a huge country watched the program. But gradually, a lot of competitors appeared on the humorous front, and the figure dropped to 14%. The frequency of broadcasts has also dropped, especially since 2007, when Regina Dubovitskaya and her team could be seen no more than once a month.

Regina Dubovitskaya and other comedians

From 2011 to 2016 "Full House" became just an annual performance on the eve of the old New Year. But in 2017 the situation improved a little and comedians began to appear on the stage every 2 months.

In 2014, there was even a conflict between Regina Dubovitskaya and Gennady Khazanov in the studio "Let them talk!" The woman spoke about the low quality of jokes in the program "Repeat". Gennady, speaking in defense of his project, in response pointed out that even this level is higher than in the "Full House", which is mired in vulgarity. But it is worth noting that people who have known each other for a long time started an argument, interspersed with humorous comments.

A step away from the wheelchair

One of the reasons for the decline in the popularity of "Full House" in 2007 was the fact that Regina Dubovitskaya temporarily stopped following her project. The reason was not fatigue. While vacationing in Montenegro, a woman was involved in a serious car accident. She rode in a taxi with. According to the interview, the driver lost control, taking the women to the hotel at night on a serpentine road. They were not wearing their seatbelt when the accident happened.

This event could put an end to the biography and personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya, leaving the children to remember their mother and grandmother only from a photo. But, fortunately, everything worked out. Elena Vorobei escaped with lighter injuries.

Dubovitskaya spruce recovered after a terrible accident

59-year-old Dubovitskaya broke her hip and received a hematoma that covered half of her head. Doctors worried about possible brain damage and internal organs middle-aged woman. Another unfavorable prognosis spoke of possible lifelong paralysis.

But over time, the strong-willed Regina Dubovitskaya was able to fully restore her health, doing daily rehabilitation. So the woman returned to the "Full House" stage again to her beloved spectators.

Personal life

Regina Dubovitskaya, like any woman, in her youth dreamed that her biography would be closely connected with success in her personal life, her husband and children. Her innermost desire was fulfilled very early. In 1966, an 18-year-old girl went by train to Sukhumi to see her grandmother. Her neighbor turned out to be a man with a difficult to pronounce patronymic - Yuri Mkrtichevich Ayvazyan, who decided to relax in Sochi. Despite the 11 years age difference, the girl was seriously interested in a man. First of all, he impressed her with his sense of humor.

The couple met for 4 years, and by the time she received a red diploma, the young girl already had an official husband and beloved daughter Ilona. Since then, there have been no changes in Regina Dubovitskaya's personal life, and she has no other children.

Yuri Mkrtichevich was engaged all his life exact sciences... In 1976, when his wife was already an editor at the radio, the man received the position of head of the sector of physical and radio engineering measurements of the All-Russian Research Institute. In the same year he was invited to lecture at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. And 10 years later, exactly one year before the opening of the "Full House", Ayvazyan received his doctorate.

The biography of Regina Dubovitskaya is familiar to all fans of the domestic humorous stage. She is one of the founders and permanent host of the "Full House" program, which aired on Russian television since the late 1980s for 30 seasons. The project participants were all the most famous modern comedians; for many, the appearance in the program was the first opportunity to publicly declare themselves.

early years

We will start telling the biography of Regina Dubovitskaya from the small town of Shadrinsk. It is located in the Kurgan region. It was there that the heroine of our article was born. The year of birth of Regina Dubovitskaya, whose biography you are now reading, is 1948. Her father, Igor Dubovitsky, was a philologist, and her mother, Nina Zhamkochyan, was a biologist. Both were teachers, dad wrote many scientific works, had the title of professor of ancient Russian literature.

Once Dubovitskaya herself admitted that in childhood she asked her parents for a brother or sister for a long time, but they did not dare to have a second child because of their high employment.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to the Moldavian SSR, settling in Chisinau. All childhood passed here. In addition to school, she attended a children's creativity circle, wrote articles for a wall newspaper on a variety of topics, did real journalistic work, constantly looking for new ones. interesting topics for publications.

Serious changes in the biography of Regina Dubovitskaya occurred when her parents decided to return from Moldova to the territory of Russia, they settled in Kostroma. From childhood, the heroine of our article was sure that she would become a journalist, but the competition for this department was high. Therefore, she entered the faculty of the German language at the Pyatigorsk Institute of Foreign Languages, and studied in absentia.

Labor activity

She graduated from the university successfully, but the German language was never useful to her in her life. Her first official job after graduation was a position in the department of letters at the all-Union radio, as she approached her dream of becoming a journalist. In this place, Regina worked for several years, and then went on a promotion, becoming the editor of the Good Morning! It was on this project that she met most of the artists who in the future began to perform in the "Full House".

Due to the lack of connections and her inexperience, Dubovitskaya nevertheless came to Moscow from the provinces, she could not invite famous and popular comedians to the radio broadcast Soviet Union... Namely, this was the responsibility of the editor. Therefore, she decided to act differently: she began to independently search for young, promising, but so far little-known artists.

Her first success was Vladimir Vinokur. It was Regina Dubovitskaya, whose biography is given in this article, who opened it to the national stage. Soon, performances by Mikhail Evdokimov and Efim Shifrin appeared in her program. It was a new word, a fresh stream of Soviet humor, the program was a success, everyone listened to it and discussed it, and Regina soon became a local celebrity. Her colleagues began to respect her, and her program was loved by radio listeners throughout the country.


Dubovitskaya's radio career was developing successfully, but during perestroika she still decided to quit. She was one of the first to catch the flow of modern times. At that time, television became the main tribune of freedom of speech, on which the glasnost, which the country's leaders asserted, was most clearly felt. It was on television that it was already possible to say that no one had yet decided on the radio; in that more conservative structure, changes took place much more slowly. Dubovitskaya realized that the future belongs to television, she began to implement her new television project.

In 1987, the heroine of our article creates a comic program "Full House", in which in one issue she gathers on the stage the most famous Soviet comedians of that time with their best numbers.

The biography of the host of the "Full House" Regina Dubovitskaya has since been closely associated with this project on long years... Yevgeny Petrosyan, Yuri Galtsev, Klara Novikova, Yan Arlazorov, Viktor Koklyushkin and many other famous pop artists took part in its broadcast over the years.

The fate of the "Full House"

"Full house" has been going on for more than 30 years, the project is still in operation, even in recent times new releases are extremely rare. During this time, "Full House" repeatedly moved from one channel to another, changed formats, only its host Regina Dubovitskaya remained unchanged.

At the same time, the program remained in demand among viewers, gathering a multimillion audience every evening at the screen. In the 90s "Full House" was the only humorous program of this level and scale, which united all domestic comedians, without exception. The project was repeatedly criticized, accusing it of vulgarity, inadequate artistic level and flat jokes. There were even pickets demanding to replace "Full House" and "Smekhopanorama" on the air with analytical and educational projects.

To this Dubovitskaya herself always replied that she works for those who like humor, her task is to entertain, and to teach is the prerogative of others.

Loss of popularity

Having started in the late 80s, "Full House" began to lose popularity in 2010. This happened against the backdrop of high competition, many channels began to release humorous projects that were similar in format to Dubovitskaya's program.

Against their background, "Full House" looked frankly weak, stopped changing and developing, for which they immediately began to criticize him. At the same time, it should be admitted that the project became the very first mass entertainment show on domestic television.

From 2011 to 2016, new issues appeared only on New Year's holidays; in the last couple of years, the program began to appear on average once every two months.

Over the years, many artists have parted ways with the project; Vladimir Vinokur, Elena Vorobei, Sergei Drobotenko, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, Igor Mamenko, Nikolai Lukinsky, Svetlana Rozhkova, Yuri Galtsev, Klara Novikova, Gennady Vetrov, and the Ponomarenko brothers are still loyal to him.

Conflict between Dubovitskaya and Khazanov

In recent years, artists and authors of jokes have increasingly begun to accuse "Full House" and the heroine of our article on various occasions. In particular, they talked about the delay or complete non-payment of royalties, copyright infringement, when the presenter continued to air the numbers of the artists who said goodbye to the project, actually hiding the fact of the collapse of the team from the audience.

In 2014, on the air of the program "Let them talk" on Channel One, he quarreled with Dubovitskaya famous artist Gennady Khazanov. The reason was her dismissive statement about the program "Repeat!", In which he participated. In response, Khazanov said that "Full House" is significantly inferior to this project in terms of humor, and then left the set.

A family

In the biography of Regina Dubovitskaya, her personal life always had great importance... Her first love was Yuri Ayvazyan, whom she met back in 1965. She met him during a train ride, finding herself in the same compartment. Soon they began an affair, and four years later the couple officially formalized the marriage.

The couple have been happy together for over forty years. Ayvazyan - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He is considered one of the founders of the physical direction in the field of magnetism.

About the biography, personal life, children of Regina Dubovitskaya has always been interesting to her many fans. In 1966, the couple had a daughter, Ilona. She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the Power Engineering Institute, but then came to work on television. As an assistant director, she helps her mother make "Full House". Despite her age, she continues to work. You ask, how old is Regina Dubovitskaya, whose biography this article is devoted to? And the heroine of our article will turn 70 this year.

In 1998, Ilona had a daughter, whom she named after her mother. Children in the biography of Regina Dubovitskaya, as she herself admits, play important role, helping and supporting her in everything.

Accident in Montenegro

Regina Sr.'s health seriously deteriorated in 2007 when she had an accident in Montenegro. It turned out that the taxi driver who was taking her was drunk. Doctors discovered that she had a fractured hip, but even with such an injury, she did not leave television, after four months she again attended the filming of new issues of "Full House", gave interviews.

When the heroine was brought to Moscow after the accident, the forecasts of the doctors were disappointing. Doctors seriously doubted that a woman would ever be able to walk without crutches. But when she needed to go on stage, she did it without anyone's help.

Rumors of illness

In 2017, there were rumors about the illness of Regina Dubovitskaya, whose biography this article is devoted to. Some fans even began to claim that she had cancer.

All conjectures were dispelled by the host herself, inviting a film crew of journalists to visit her at Vacation home in the Sheremetyevo area. She noted that she was healthy, but lately she increasingly wants privacy. Rumors about her illness appeared after she, haggard and without makeup, appeared at the funeral of Mikhail Zadornov. The actress admitted that she was so depressed at that moment that she did not care about her appearance at all.

Dubovitskaya Regina Igorevna is a well-known TV presenter and mother for hundreds of comedian artists who have gone through the "Full House" program in three decades. The woman constantly smiles and gives everyone sparkling jokes.

Dubovitskaya is an incredible woman who can charge viewers with positive, fun and great mood for several days. More than a hundred thousand spectators from all CIS countries are ready to receive Regina Igorevna in their own home, as a dear person.

Fans of the TV program "Full House" all over the world are in a hurry to clarify what Dubovitskaya's height, weight, age are. How old Regina Dubovitskaya is can be clarified by knowing the exact date of her birth.

Dubovitskaya was born in new year's eve 1948 so she turned sixty-eight full years... According to the zodiac sign of Capricorn, Regina received such character traits as punctuality, stability, perseverance in achieving goals, shyness.

The eastern horoscope gave the sign of the Rat, which is famous for punctuality and artistry, rationality and ambition.

Regina Dubovitskaya: the photo in her youth and now has not changed, however, several wrinkles from laughter have added on her face. The growth of the beauty was one meter and sixty-three centimeters, and her weight stopped at around fifty-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

The biography and personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya prove that you can live in such a way as to get everything from life at once. It is worth noting that the TV presenter achieved everything with her own labor, and also easily overcame obstacles.

Little Reginka was born in the Kurgan region, so she had few prospects and opportunities to achieve anything. Her parents were never rich or famous.

Father - Igor Dubovitsky - was famous, but far from being in the field of television or humor, he was studying ancient Russian literature and language.

Mother - Nina Zhamkochyan - also gave all of herself to science, studying practical biology, and then began to teach this subject in high school.

The girl lived in Moldova, she not only went to school and at the same time attended a journalistic circle in the local house of culture. She constantly prepared a wall newspaper at school, and also told everyone that she would certainly become a famous journalist.

When the family returned to Kostroma, the girl entered the German language department at the Institute of Foreign Languages. Then she worked at the All-Union Radio, where she analyzed letters from listeners, and later became an editor who invited little-known but talented humorists to the air.

In 1987, Dubovitskaya left the radio and began to create her own show "Full House", which existed for more than thirty years and simply wandered from channel to channel.

Regina Dubovitskaya's personal life is stable and vibrant, she is an example of how you can live with your beloved man all your life in peace and harmony, just by meeting him on a long-distance train.

Her beloved daughter gave the TV presenter a gift; in 1999, her granddaughter, Regina Ayvazyan, was born. The girl was named after her grandmother, but received the nickname Nick. Regina studied well at school, was cheerful and wayward, adored cats, sweets and pancakes.
It is worth noting that the news circulated on the Internet that Dubovitskaya had a terrible disease - cancer, however, this all turned out to be ridiculous and evil gossip.

Family and children of Regina Dubovitskaya

The family and children of Regina Dubovitskaya are what she lives for in this world, the TV presenter is proud of her parents, husband and daughter. The husband strove to preserve his own family, therefore he was loyal to the fact that his wife spent the day and spent the night at set"Full house".

At present, everything has paid off in full, since Yuri and Regina have a wonderful and strongest family in the world. They live in the Moscow region, but the daughter and her family often come to visit.

By the way, Dubovitskaya also considers his family members of the comic TV program "Anshlag". For a long time, the TV presenter considers Vladimir Vinokur to be her friend and brother, who always supported and helped her in difficult times.

Regina Dubovitskaya has few children, namely, her beloved daughter, who followed in the footsteps of her mother and is her reliable friend. Ilona is currently a mother herself, because she gave Regina a granddaughter.

Daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya - Ilona Ayvazyan

The daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya - Ilona Ayvazyan - was born literally right after the marriage with her father Yuri Ayvazyan was registered, in 1966. By that time, her mother graduated from the institute and was able to completely surrender herself to the joy of motherhood.

It is worth noting that the active and inquisitive girl was brought up not by her mother who is always busy in creative projects, but by her grandparents, whom Ilona often called parents.

However, the girl was a long-awaited and incredibly talented child, she studied well at school and was a pronounced "techie". She was most easily given algebra, geometry, physics and chemistry.

Ilona received a higher technical education at the Institute of Energy, but did not work by profession, becoming an assistant director in many television projects, including "Full House".

Regina Dubovitskaya's husband - Yuri Ayvazyan

Regina Dubovitskaya's husband, Yuri Ayvazyan, appeared in her life absolutely by accident, when she found herself with him in the same compartment carriage since 1965. The Pyatigorsk-Sochi train was carrying an eighteen-year-old girl to her grandmother in the seaside Sukhumi, and young man in Sochi on vacation.

During the conversation, it turned out that the young people have a sea of ​​common topics, they talked until the morning and exchanged phones.

The romance lasted about four years, and then a modest wedding was played, which grew into a joint story four decades long. Regina and Yuri never quarreled, did not reproach each other, but simply decided everything together.

Ayvazyan is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, he works at a research institute, researching the influence of magnetism on humans. The couple lives in the Moscow region, while Dubovitskaya is still grateful to her husband for supporting her during her rehabilitation after the accident in 2007.

Photo by Regina Dubovitskaya in Maxim magazine

The photo of Regina Dubovitskaya in the Maxim magazine never appeared, and on request on the Internet, as a rule, photos of completely different actresses, television presenters and ordinary namesakes appear.

Naked Regina has never been filmed anywhere either, so if you enter this request on the Internet, you can get information in tandem with the ransomware virus. It should be noted that candid photos TV presenter is nothing more than skillful photoshop and attractive advertising, behind which lies pure fraud.

Regina Dubovitskaya did appear in a swimsuit, but they are most likely stored in personal archive the ancestor of the "Full House". By the way, even without this kind of photographs, fans and ordinary gossips do not stop talking about the numerous plastic surgery, which Regina did in order to keep her forms.

Instagram and Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya are very popular among fans of the TV presenter, who simply cannot imagine their life without the comic "Full House" program. Official page Dubovitskaya on Wikipedia contains only up-to-date information about personal and family life, creative plans and awards, as well as childhood, youth and education, spouse and daughter.

The Instagram profile was followed by a large number of her fans, who can enjoy photos and videos from family archives, filming programs and travel. At the same time, Regina leads a very active life, constantly uploading photo reports.