“Yellow Leaves”, “In the Land of Magnolias”, “Old Maple” - these songs seem to be from the distant past.

And their performer - Renat Ibragimov - is not going to grow old at all. Moreover, today he is expecting the birth of his ninth child! And thus dispels the rumors that he allegedly experiences problems in the male part ...


Few of the artists are happy in one marriage all their lives. Say, Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Alla Pugacheva is in her fifth (and not the fact that in the last) marriage. 70-year-old Renat Ibragimov is still far from these star ladies, Svetlana Minnekhanova is his third wife. True, the chosen one of the artist is younger than his children from former wives!

Sveta and I have a difference of 40 years, but we don’t feel it at all, because we are spiritually close, - Renat smiles. - In the Koran there is a phrase: "I will give a sinner to a sinner, and a believer to a believer." So it was faith that brought us together.

I made a Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia, where in the Al-Haram mosque is the main shrine of Islam - the sacred Kaaba. - Red .), the wife regularly performs namaz (canonical prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam. - Red .). Together we observe all urazas (fasts. - Red .)».

But Ibragimov met his third wife quite banally.

She came to Moscow, entered the university and, in order to survive, got a job as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant. That's where we met, - says the artist. - When I saw Svetlana, my heart sank! This 20-year-old girl, so modest and so beautiful, sunk into my soul.

He admits that he immediately fell in love with the pretty Sveta. However, then he was married and, as a decent person, decided to tell his wife about the new hobby. But the singer failed to part with his former wife Albina in peace.


Their family litigation continued for several years - the former spouses for a long time could not divide the property, deal with alimony. Albina was all killed, talking with reporters:

I can't believe that my husband traded me for someone who is fit for his granddaughter. I think this is a real betrayal of our love. We have lived together for 25 years, we have two children. There were, of course, disagreements, as in any family, but according to by and large we lived very happily. Therefore, his novel was a shock to all our friends. Nobody imagined that this could happen.

It is interesting that Albina for Ibragimov was also once just a mistress. Once she asked him for an autograph - and so began their stormy romance. Although Renat was married and raised two daughters.

I did not understand how hard and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If I knew then how it would backfire on me ... - Albina later lamented.

By the way, Ibragimov not only signed with his second wife, but went through the “nikah” ceremony. During this ceremony, the newlyweds were asked if they agreed to polygamy in their marriage.

I answered “no”, and Renat said that he would never offer this,” Albina recalled.

And years later, the deeply religious Ibragimov nevertheless decided to bring his younger wife into the house - the same waitress Sveta from the Chinese restaurant. Of course, Albina was categorically against it. She called out to common sense, explained that in the Koran, which Renat reveres, there are several points that determine when a husband has the right to have a second wife - if the first wife agrees, if she is childless, if there is a war in the country and there are not enough men ... None of these conditions the situation does not match. As a result, a divorce and a new marriage followed.


From a previous relationship, Renat Ibragimov has five heirs - Nadezhda, Vera, Sultan, Aya and Attila. All of them, by the way, came to the anniversary concert, which their famous father recently gave in the Kremlin. According to the artist, his children reacted normally to the fact that in a few months their 70-year-old father would have a baby again.

This will be the fourth child from his young wife (she has already given him three daughters, whose names are Asylbika, Aisha and Maryam) and the ninth for Ibragimov himself.

It is necessary to be fruitful while there is strength and opportunity, - the singer believes. - Strange - when there are no children, not when they are. I think that I will not stop at the ninth child.

Apparently, therefore, colleagues call Renat Ibragimov nothing more than a hero father. It is noteworthy that his youngest girl was born ... in a bathhouse. Renat and Svetlana underwent special courses for independent childbirth, and the singer himself cut the umbilical cord.

For the first time I was present at the birth of my youngest son. In the maternity ward, they even handed me scissors, but psychologically I was not ready for this, the artist admits. - And during the last birth, Sveta knelt down, leaned on the side, I started to massage her back, and after 10 minutes Maryasha appeared. Naturally, it popped right into the water. He took his daughter in his arms, handed it to Svetlana, she put the baby to her chest ... But you can’t cut the umbilical cord right away. In maternity hospitals they do it wrong. The umbilical cord should pulsate, because food continues to go to the child from there ... Yes, I am already a scientist in this matter!

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

An outstanding singer, composer, producer throughout the country declared that he could freely maintain a whole harem - in life he follows his principles, however, he does not live with several wives at the same time, but changes them one after another. First wife of Renat Ibragimov Tamara lived with him for fourteen years and gave birth to two daughters - Nadezhda and Vera. They are already adults independent people, live and work in Moscow.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov with his second wife Albina

With his second wife Albina, the “Tatar nightingale” lived for twenty-five years and also exchanged her for a young girl. Albina still cannot calmly think about her ex-wife, to whom she has many claims. The second wife, Renata Ibragimova, fell in love with her future husband when she was only fourteen years old. She saw him on TV and fell in love at first sight, but did not even dream that she would ever marry him. Life itself brought them together - Albina's family moved to the house where the Ibragimov family lived, and one day she dared to ask her idol for an autograph - from that moment their unforgettable romance began.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov and Svetlana

Then Albina was not stopped by the fact that Ibragimov was not free - he had a wife and two daughters. But her parents were categorically against her union with famous singer Nevertheless, Renat packed his things and came to their house, where they lived with Albina, who was fifteen years younger than him. It so happened that she repeated the fate of Renat Ibragimov's first wife - having lived with Albina for a quarter of a century, having given birth to two children - a son and a daughter, the singer found her a younger replacement.

Secretary Renata Svetlana Minnekhanova, graduate of the faculty international economy The State University was forty years younger than her boss, which did not prevent Ibragimov from having a stormy romance with her. When Albina found out about Svetlana, it didn’t even occur to her that for the sake of this girl Renat would leave her and the children, but that’s exactly what happened.

The young secretary became the third wife of Renat Ibragimov, with whom he not only signed, but also got married according to Muslim customs. Svetlana bore him two more children, the last of which was born when the singer was sixty-three years old. Long time after a divorce from Albina, they shared property - the abandoned wife was offended that she received only four and a half thousand rubles of alimony for her son, and when he was to study at an elite school, Ibragimov refused to pay twenty thousand a month for education, saying, what left ex-wife expensive real estate.

This year, the beloved by many singer Renat Ibragimov, whose biography is of interest to many, will celebrate his 70th birthday. But, looking at a toned figure and unchanged, it is hard to believe that this imposing man is at such a respectable age. His velvety baritone continues to win the hearts of listeners for many decades. The details of the artist's personal life arouse the burning interest of the public, give rise to discussions and become the subject of good envy.

Childhood and youth

Renat Ibragimov, being a Tatar by nationality, was born in Ukrainian Lvov in 1947 (November 20). His father was a military man, so the family had to travel around cities and countries, obeying the call of duty. Parents often sent the boy to visit his grandmother, who lived in Tatarstan. Here, young Renat got acquainted with the peculiarities of village life and national traditions mastered the basics of his native language.

Grandmother got up very early and, having performed namaz, began to take care of the housework. A samovar boiled on the table from morning to evening, the family loved to drink fragrant tea with homemade cakes. Renat Ibragimov admits that he does not change the habits laid down from childhood even today - he cannot lie in bed for a long time and prefers hot tea to all drinks.

Education and first steps on stage

Renat Ibragimov, whose biography was just beginning, surprised teachers at the age of five kindergarten with their artistic abilities. Around this time, the family finally moved to Kazan. A little later, the boy enters a general education and at the same time a music school.

Having received a secondary education and not imagining his future life without a stage, Renat decides to become a student at the Kazan State Conservatory. In 1967, Ibragimov was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. Until 1968, his military service consisted of participating in rehearsals and performances of a song and dance ensemble based in the Volga Military District. In 1973, after graduating from the conservatory, Renat was enrolled in the troupe of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. M. Jalil.

Often, young artists have to wait a long time for their first significant role, but fate was supportive of the talent that Renat Ibragimov possessed. The singer's biography began with the performance of leading male parts in such famous operas as Prince Igor, Eugene Onegin, Carmen, and The Queen of Spades.

Later career and achievements

In 1974, Renat Ibragimov, whose biography is developing quite successfully on the stage, applies for participation in the All-Union Song Contest "Scarlet Carnation". The final stage of the event takes place in the city of Sochi, where the young singer wins the main prize and nationwide popularity.

Continuing to serve in opera and ballet, Ibragimov simultaneously works at the Kazan Philharmonic, taking his first steps in the cinema. His cinematic debut was a role in the lyrical comedy The Italian Contract, filmed in 1992.

In 1998, Renat Ibragimov, whose biography takes a sharp turn, says goodbye to his native Kazan and, at the invitation of the Gazprom leadership, moves to Moscow. Here he creates the Song Theater and calls it after himself.

The embodiment of creative ideas

During the years of his stage activity, the singer toured a lot with concerts in cities Soviet Union and post-Soviet republics, has released more than four dozen solo albums: “Give me back the music”, “Happiness has no age”, “Image of love”, “King of rock and roll”, “As long as I remember, I live”, “Melodies of love " other.

In the last few decades, Ibragimov Renat Islamovich has been performing not only as a singer, but also as a bright film actor and TV presenter, a talented composer and a successful producer.

In 1981, Ibragimov was awarded the title People's Artist RSFSR, two years earlier he became a laureate of the G. Tukay State Prize. On the pages of the Italian press, the talented singer is called nothing more than the “Russian Pavarotti”.

Renat Ibragimov: biography, family, marriages, children

Today, the eminent singer lives in happy marriage with Svetlana Minnekhanova, with whom he married according to Muslim customs and entered into a civil union in one of the Moscow registry offices.

Before that, Renat Islamovich was married twice. From his first marriage he has two daughters - Vera and Nadezhda, with whom his father bought apartments in the Russian capital. Ibragimov lived with his first family for 14 years until he met a girl named Albina. She, Russian by mother and Tatar by father, gave birth to Renata, daughter Aya and son Sultan.

The marriage with Albina Ibragimova seemed strong and happy, but soon after the silver wedding, it cracked. Moreover, Renat Islamovich does not see his fault in this. According to him, he offered Albina to be the eldest wife, since the Muslim religion allows this. This option did not suit the woman, divorce was the only way out of the situation. Trial on the division of property lasted more than two years, which could not but leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the souls of both former spouses.

last love

On the eve of his seventieth birthday, Renat Ibragimov, whose biography, personal life and work could become a role model for many contemporaries, feels young, full of strength man. According to him, charge vital energy he received thanks to a meeting with Svetlana, who is 39 years younger than him. The acquaintance with the girl happened in one of the Moscow restaurants, where a student of the University government controlled worked as a waitress.

According to Renat Islamovich, Svetlana conquered him at first sight with her beauty and Muslim humility. Soon he invited her to work at his production center, but before the wedding they did not allow themselves any relationship.

Today, Renat and Svetlana are growing up four wonderful children - three daughters and a son. The girl, whose parents gave the name Maryam, was born quite recently - in February 2017. According to the statement of the happy father, he is not going to stop there. If Allah wills so, the fifth child will appear at seven.

Attitude towards religion

Renat Ibragimov - a musician, singer, composer and a completely secular person - considers himself a cohort of deeply religious people. Following the religious precepts, he completely abandoned bad habits, does not use alcohol and products prohibited in Islam. Even at a wedding with Svetlana, instead of traditional guests in such cases alcoholic beverages served only fruit juices and mineral water. Five times a day, Renat Islamovich, together with his wife, performs namaz, twice a year he observes fasting - uraza.

Children born in last marriage, from an early age they join the national culture and religion, speak only the Tatar language. The singer does not hide the details of his personal life and religious beliefs.

The main reason that prompted him to turn to God was a rich biography in his youth and not always righteous, as Renat Ibragimov himself admits. His wife and son, as well as daughters from the first two marriages, to the great regret of the singer, have not yet been imbued with Muslim beliefs. But he really hopes that over time they will fill this gap.

According to Ibragimov, in his youth he sinned a lot, indulged in carnal pleasures, offended people who loved him. With his current way of life, he tries to make amends with his loved ones and God.

Singer Renat Ibragimov. What do we know about his life? A popular performer of opera and pop songs, Renat Ibragimov, winner of many awards and the “golden voice” of Tatarstan, remains a living icon of vocal mastery that is not subject to restrictions and talent that is not burdened by conventions, for which he has earned the love of a huge number of fans, and which is undoubtedly , gives rise to a lot of questions about the singer's personal life, the history of the formation of his talent and views on life through the prism of the years lived.

Renat Ibragimov. Biography

In fact, there is no secret - Renat Islamovich, a native of Lviv, then still the Ukrainian SSR, was born on the 47th, on the twentieth of November. From a young age, he was carried away by vocal skills, which aroused the envy of older friends and the pride of his father, a military man. Be that as it may, the boy's skills were highly noted by the matrons of the local musical institution, giving the guy the green light to conquer all the union republics, as well as radio broadcasts, and the hearts of every Soviet citizen. And they didn't fail.

In those distant years, when Renat had not yet earned his nickname "Russian Pavarotti", he served in the Volga Military District, performing in a local ensemble. And after graduating from the Kazan State Conservatory, he went with leaps and bounds towards all-Union popularity, performing from the stage of the Tatar Academic Theater the leading parts of world-famous operas, including Eugene Onegin, Faust and Carmen.

The real fame came to Ibragimov after receiving a prestigious award at the Scarlet Carnation competition, where he found the first significant award. Many noted the singer's possession of the deep secret of vocal art, the ability to excite the soul of the listener. To date Solo career Renata has 43 (!) Albums, including seven collections, the most sunk into the soul of the listener, compositions. Renat's talent was cramped within the framework of the only role of the performer, and several times the singer tested himself in writing. His works were "The Romanovs", "Oh, you muddler!" other.

During his long career, which has gone through more than one decade, Renat Ibragimov has also been noted in the cinema. The filmography of the singer will be an honor to a professional film actor. Among his most famous works, one can recall the "Italian Contract", "Ship and Harbor", "Oh, Motherland!". Except acting work Ibragimov tried himself as a producer in the Italian contract mentioned above, and even as a director. Under his leadership, such works as “One romantic remained on earth”, “Work, there is work” and “To the board!” were published.

Former wives of singer Ibragimov

Of course, the popularity of the singer could not but affect the personal life of Ibragimov, which turned out to be no less stormy than his creative career. Only officially Renat was married three times. These marriages gave the singer and actor a wonderful son Sultana who now lives and studies in Kazakhstan, as well as three daughters - Hope, Faith and ayu. Girls live in Moscow.

With the first wife, whose name is Tamara, Ibragimov lived in an official union for 14 years.

Second official spouse singer Albina, with whom they lived for many years and even managed to celebrate a silver wedding, is now, to put it mildly, not in the most good relations with ex-husband. She fell in love with Renata when she was only 14 years old. When the singer started an affair with a young girl Svetlana, he offered his wife the role of an older wife, as is common among Muslims. But the woman did not agree, and as a result, the couple filed for divorce. They not only do not maintain friendly relations, but also meet through representatives in court. The fact is that Renat Islamovich is not quite fair, according to Albina, deducts alimony for the maintenance of children. Her claims in court amounted to 150,000 rubles a month, but the court recognized Ibragimov's obligation to pay only 4,500 rubles! marriage contract the former spouses did not have, and what kind of contract in those distant years when they signed? Long litigation over the division of property exhausted nervous system former Albina. To this day, she is trying to achieve decent maintenance for her children, but pepper in this regard stubbornly defends her position by hiring professional lawyers.

Rinat Ibragimov and his young wife Svetlana Minnekhanova

In 2009, Ibragimov married for the third time, which caused a lot of controversy on the network and on TV, because his new companion is much younger than the singer and is quite suitable for his daughter. The future young people met when the girl just came up to take an autograph from the idol. She worked in a restaurant where the singer rested. He drew attention to her modesty, helpfulness and tact. Then he noticed a crescent-shaped pendant around her neck. He asked if she was a Muslim - so the conversation began. Ibragimov offered a young girl a job with him in the office. She, without hesitation, agreed. Soon, Sveta informed her parents that an affair began between them. Of course, at first, the parents were skeptical about this union, rightly believing that for such a star as Ibragimov, their relationship could only be a passing fad. But soon the doubts were dispelled when Renat insisted that life together they will only start after the traditional nikah ceremony. Interestingly, all Muslim traditions were observed at the wedding ceremony, for example, complete absence alcohol. Paying no attention to gossips, the young are happy together, and Svetlana Minnekhanova - that is the name of the singer's wife - gave birth to her beloved two daughters and a son.

Renat was born in 1947 in Lvov, in the family of a military man. Father was often on business trips, so a large number of The boy spent time with his mother. In the second year of his life, Renat moved to Kazan with his parents.

The boy's parents noticed that he loves to sing, and his voice is good. At the family council, they decided to send him to vocal lessons. Indeed, Renat showed great success, and he was early invited to children's concerts as a soloist.

Singer career

After school, Ibragimov was accepted into the song and dance ensemble in the Volga Military District, where he stayed for about a year. During this time, he realized that he wanted to seriously engage in the art of singing, and entered the Kazan State Conservatory. After graduation, he was accepted into the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, where he worked for 16 years.

During this time, Renat Islamovich performed the central roles in the operas Faust, Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, Carmen and others. Thanks to the high art of performance, he became the star of Tatarstan, and in 1974 he received all-Union recognition: he became the laureate of a variety competition. This and other competitions brought the singer a lot of love and respect from the audience, as well as recognition from colleagues.

Ibragimov is not only a talented singer, but also an excellent organizer: in 1999 he created the Renat Ibragimov Song Theater, where he could experiment with different musical and song genres. Concerts in this theater were held to a full house, the audience loved to go here.

The older generation remembers the hits that sounded within the walls of the Song Theater: “Lada”, “In the land of magnolias”, “What is the heart so disturbed”, “I feel good with you”, “The sun is walking along the boulevards”, “Spring in love”, “Let's bow those great years."

Now the singer's portfolio has hundreds of singles in Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian. Among them are pop hits, folk songs and opera compositions.

Now the artist performs at different venues and in different concert halls. On his personal website, fans can see the schedule of upcoming performances.

Personal life

The first wife of Ibragimov gave him two daughters, but there is no information about her. They lived together for 14 years, and after the divorce, Renat supported ex-wife and children financially.

Acquaintance with the second wife Albina was romantic and fateful: Albina fell in love with Renat when she saw him on TV. At that time she was 14 years old. Soon her parents got an apartment in the house where Ibragimov lived, and the meeting was unavoidable. On the day when Albina asked for an autograph from the singer, their romance began. Renat left his family and lived with Albina with her parents, and only three years later they got married

The couple was a believer, so they not only signed at the registry office, but also held a national wedding ceremony. During it, consent to a second wife is asked. Both Albina and Renat were against it. They lived together for 25 years.

One day, Ibragimov told his wife that he wanted to bring a second woman into the house. Albina offered options: either everything remains as it is, or a divorce. Her husband chose divorce.

Now Ibragimov is married to Svetlana Minnekhanova, they have two children. The Ibragimovs do not advertise their relationship, but in all interviews they say that they have common interests and are happy.