Mackerel can often be found on the shelves of the fish departments of supermarkets. Moreover, it is not always signed with her real name.

Some sellers unknowingly, or following a marketing strategy, prefer to list it under a more publicized name -. Due to the fact that not everyone knows how these two “twins” differ, people believe that a slightly different color is just a “side effect” of the region caught.

In fact, this is far from the same thing, despite similar external characteristics and pleasant taste characteristics. To understand the intricacies, you should learn about the habits and other features of mackerel.

And the next time you go to the store, you can show off the acquired knowledge and choose the really right option, so that later you can make a real culinary masterpiece in the oven.

Confusion in the mackerel family

Mackerel, like mackerel itself, belongs to the mackerel family of the same name. Due to the fact that English-speaking consumers call the mackerel familiar to the Slavs precisely mackerel, difficulties with recognition begin when importing.

The sizes of representatives of this family vary greatly in length, sometimes reaching a record several meters. But, regardless of the specific species, they are still predators. Biologists claim that the mackerel is somewhat larger than the "colleagues" with which they are regularly confused. Its description includes an elongated carcass, as well as powerful jaws, where triangular teeth are located for convenient capture of prey. Its favorite habitat is warm seas, where there are rocky coasts or Coral reefs.

Record holders for weight among this species are two options: Spanish and striped. They are often caught not only in the coastal zone of the Indian Ocean, but also in western districts Pacific Ocean. The sailors who go fishing in the waters are not surprised by it. mediterranean sea. Striped beauties stand out especially brightly due to the special break of the stripes and the light belly. There is also a Japanese subspecies, which, as is clear from the assigned name, prefers Japanese ones, and also comes across in the waters of Korea and northern China. Usually its weight does not exceed five kilograms. If you managed to catch a giant, then you can count on a body about a meter in length.

Despite the fact that the royal Spanish version seems to be huge, based on the name, it is actually the most modest in size. Individuals barely reach the mark of 60 centimeters. It will be possible to catch it near the southern or southeastern part of Asia. The traditional diet of a predator is based on the daily consumption of shellfish,. But if it was not possible to catch a herring juvenile or another familiar dinner, then especially nimble specimens will simply hunt for all the small fish that are within reach.

But no matter what variety the cook decides to cook, he will be satisfied with the result due to the excellent taste characteristics. If you know how to cook such an almost delicacy, you should choose royals. They have white tender meat, which, with minimal heat treatment, will delight you with a high content nutrients.

How to choose?

Having figured out what kind of fish it is, people begin to be interested in how to distinguish it from its eternal rival.

Experts remind that real mackerel stands out against the background of mackerel with the following features:

  • gray belly, sometimes with a yellowish tint;
  • stripes across the body;
  • large sizes;
  • coarser meat.

It is believed that the difference in taste is especially noticeable here. But gourmets prefer to add it to a salad, when more often than a “small younger sister”.

In order for the planned dish to succeed, experts advise choosing only those specimens that still have completely clear eyes and pink gills. If you press on a fresh individual, then the formed notch should level out almost instantly.

The smell of fresh meat has a slightly sweet aroma. But any strong odors like fishy fragrance indicate that the seller tried to give the product a second life, using chemical additives. If the seller does not allow you to smell the future purchase, then you can limit yourself to only a visual inspection.

The future main ingredient should remain shiny and slightly moist. Versions with a dry and dull surface, blood streaks and other strange marks should not have a chance to get on the consumer's table.

In addition to the desire to please themselves with an unusual dinner, people must constantly remember the so-called rule of distance. The farther the point of the intended catch is, the less nutritional value the raw material has. And later, an increased risk of becoming a victim of food poisoning adds to this.

Carcasses that are frozen and thawed several times become perfect home for various pathogenic bacteria. In a matter of hours, they transform initially useful into toxins, provoking nausea, vomiting, headaches and other “charms” of food intoxication in the consumer. Because of this, gourmets insist that knowing how to cook deliciousness means nothing without knowing how to choose it correctly.

Cutting basics

Before you start cooking mackerel in any form, you need to properly cut it. Experienced cooks usually choose larger individuals from half a kilogram so that the carcass is fat in moderation. But proposals with an already cut off head should be abandoned altogether, especially if it is planned to pickle the workpiece further. This categoricalness is explained by the fact that the meat has lost some of the juices and the cooked food will turn out to be dryish or even harsh.

Most stores offer fresh-frozen interpretations that don't have to wait until fully thawed to cut. It is necessary to leave the purchase in a container to drain excess liquid for a very short time. If the defrosting goes to the end, then the pieces will not be cut evenly and accurately.

Another problematic stage is the doubt about the need to wash under running water. Cooks with experience wipe the workpiece with a paper towel instead of a full wash, otherwise the fillet will quickly turn sour.

Next, you will need to cut off the head and tail, and then make one precise cut with a sharp knife along the spine. Through the resulting hole, the insides are removed. This secret is usually taught in culinary schools, while the old-fashioned way, the entrails are removed through the belly. The reason for such an extravagant technique is hidden in the place of accumulation of useful, which is just concentrated in the abdomen. If cut on the stomach, then the baked goodies will lose most of their internal juice, turning the carcass into. Moreover, you need to remove the insides even at the stage when the purchase was not completely defrosted, and only then remove the black film.

If stuffing is planned, then you need to remove the ridge and the rest of the bones. But the heads and tail should be left in place so that the finished treat looks more aesthetically pleasing.

World Trends

Each country has its own recipes with mackerel. Especially enthusiastic reviews when tasting dishes with this fish are received by restaurants of countries aimed at the industrial catch of this seafood. Italians prefer to cook nutritious raw materials in a deep frying pan, adding a spicy dressing consisting of,.

Then water is added to the container almost to the very top and the semi-finished product is sent to the oven for about twenty minutes. After the expiration of the set period, the carcass is simply removed from the pan, carefully laid out on a dish, sprinkled and eaten just like that. Not far behind their European counterparts are the French, who appreciated the mackerel several centuries ago.

Only instead of the standard set of spices, they prefer spicy white sauce, implying the addition of and .

The British approached the issue of cooking more pragmatically. They have a delicious salted fish or a smoked variation in every themed store. And the Spaniards like the dish, which received the frightening name "devil's mackerel". The name was given to her for a reason, but because of the shock dose and in the composition. The only thing that brightens up the sharp picture is breadcrumbs and eating dinner with sherry.

Calorie content and composition

Due to the fact that the presented favorite of fish lovers surprises with its huge content, many automatically rank it in the camp of high-calorie foods. But in reality, this is just a stereotype, since in the course of laboratory studies it turned out that even the fattest varieties barely exceed 158 kcal per hundred grams. This indicator is characteristic of a cleaned carcass, which was cooked in the heat. If we talk about the Spanish type in its raw form, then the figure is just over 110 kcal. When processing with steam, it will be possible to almost completely preserve the original.

The information received from researchers gives grounds to record mackerel in the ranks of dietary products, which will be especially appreciated by athletes and other adherents. healthy lifestyle life.

Biologists warn that a stable composition of fish can not be looked for, as it fluctuates depending on three important factors:

  • age;
  • catch time;
  • habitats.

If the prey was brought from the northern latitudes, having been caught in the winter, then one can hope for really fat specimens. But in terms of the vitamin-mineral complex, all specimens have identical indicators, providing for:

British scientists in their recent reports released information regarding the ability fish oil slow down the aging process. If we add to this the reduction in the risk of disease diabetes the second type, it turns out an almost ideal ingredient for daily use.

Another secret weapon fish acts, which is an active participant in metabolism and contributes to the breakdown of accumulated fats. After they are neutralized, fats are removed from the body naturally, cleansing the body from the inside.

Controlling cell synthesis DNA, vitamin triggers the rejuvenation of the body. It is especially useful for those who suffer from hypoxia.

And due to the "bone builders" - phosphorus and calcium, the eater will take care of the health of his skeleton. It is worth leaning on the product for the elderly and children during the period of active growth. Additionally, you can count on help with joint pain. The minerals that make up the fillet are responsible for oxygenating cartilage cells.

The only warning is the observance of all sanitary standards during storage and subsequent preparation in order to avoid the danger of poisoning.

Often in stores you can see mackerel and mackerel sold nearby. Some argue that they are one and the same. Someone says it's completely different fish although they are relatives. In this article, we will figure out who is right and find out what kind of fish it is - mackerel.

We type in the search "Mackerel" and first of all we get to the Wikipedia page, which claims that mackerel and mackerel are one and the same.

Wikipedia believes that mackerel and mackerel are the same fish. But don't fool us :)

But, if you seriously approach the issue and rummage through the classification, it turns out that mackerel and mackerel are, from a biological point of view, two different genera - Mackerel ( Scomber) and Macreli ( Scomberomorus).

Name confusion

Often the trade name of a fish does not correspond to its real biological name (take at least strange marketing moves with growing popularity). The confusion arose because English word"Mackerel" is used to refer to the mackerel family, which includes both mackerel and mackerel (as well as tuna and bonito). Thus, in English, mackerel and mackerel are denoted by one word, so sometimes in stores you can also find mackerel under the guise of mackerel and vice versa. Often under the name "mackerel" they sell all representatives of the mackerel family, except for mackerel and tuna. What is the difference?

Atlantic mackerel - Scomber scombrus
Spanish mackerel - Scomberomorus commerson

What is the difference between mackerel and mackerel?

The mackerel is much larger than the mackerel and has a sharper snout. In the photo at the beginning of the article - mackerel (larger) - on top, mackerel, respectively, smaller and lower.

Mackerel - Scomberomorus

On some sites they write that the stripes and spots of mackerel never go on her white belly. In mackerels, the abdomen can be yellowish or gray, sometimes with spots and stripes. Perhaps this will help to distinguish between the species that hit the shelves, but strictly speaking this is not true. hallmark. For example, in southern mackerel ( Scomber colias) spots are evenly distributed throughout the body.

Southern mackerel (Scomber colias) has spots on its belly

Mackerel meat is drier than that of mackerel, but it is quite suitable for cooking, for example, salads. Mackerel has a fairly fatty meat with a bright taste and is a more valuable fish in this regard.

Biology mackerels

Since mackerel and mackerel belong to the same family, consider in in general terms features of their biology.

A distinctive feature of the mackerel is the bony ring around the eye. The fish of this family have a number of small fins from the second dorsal fin to the caudal and from the caudal fin to the anus. These fins are needed to avoid turbulent eddies when the fish develops high speed. By the way, mackerel, mackerel and tuna are some of the fastest fish in the world, their speed can exceed 70 km/h. At active swimming the body temperature of these fish can rise by several degrees, helping them to quickly cover considerable distances.

All mackerels are predators, feeding mainly on fish. Their main enemies are sharks, dolphins, fish-eating large birds, and, of course, humans. They prefer to move in shoals.

Mackerel huddled in large shoals

Spawning and feeding of juveniles occurs near the coast. The life span of a mackerel is about 25 years.

Mackerel fishing

Mackerel is an object of both industrial and amateur fishing. For those who are close to the topic of fishing - a short film about fishing for mackerel in Norway, and after it - a video about catching mackerel on the Black Sea.

Many people think that mackerel and mackerel are the same fish. Most sellers sincerely believe this, but this opinion is a common mistake.

How did the confusion come about?

Mackerel and mackerel are often confused due to the fact that in English language the word "Mackerel" refers to the entire mackerel family, which, in addition to these two fish, includes tuna, Atlantic bonito and wahoo.

Therefore, on the shelves you can find mackerel under the guise of mackerel and vice versa. Mackerel is not as nutritionally valued as mackerel. But they are not so difficult to distinguish externally.

Main differences

One of the main differences between these fish is the size. The mackerel is slightly larger than the mackerel and has a sharper head shape.

The next distinguishing feature is their color. The body of the mackerel is covered with dark spots and stripes, which in some species can also cover the belly of a gray or yellowish color. In mackerel, the back is crossed only by stripes that do not go over the silvery abdomen.


Mackerel usually reaches a length of 30 centimeters, specimens up to 60 centimeters are less common. The body is fusiform. Back blue-green color with dark slightly curved stripes, sides and belly white or silvery.

There are about 9 species in the mackerel genus. The most common of these is king mackerel. She has an elongated body, large teeth and a powerful jaw.

This species is found in all warm seas. Its weight can exceed 4.5 kilograms. Mackerel is predatory fish and in natural environment habitat feeds on mollusks, sand eels and other small fish.

Taste properties

Mackerel meat is valued for its fat content and rich taste. Its meat has a creamy pink color, while mackerel meat is quite dry and has a less attractive gray tint.

What to choose and how to cook?

Mackerel meat is quite dry, so it is best used in fish salads.
Mackerel is best for grilling.

Excess fat from the fish flows out, and therefore there is no unpleasant aftertaste, as during frying in a conventional frying pan.

Fresh mackerel or mackerel is not so difficult to choose. It is important that it fits the following criteria:

  • the carcass is shiny and moist, without spots;
  • a faint slightly sweet smell emanates from it;
  • the scales fit snugly against the skin;
  • the abdomen is not swollen;
  • pink gills;
  • eyes are clear and shiny.
  • If you lightly press on the carcass, then the trace should immediately straighten out.

Mackerel Dishes

Fried mackerel with potatoes in spicy sauce


  • fillet - 4 pcs.;
  • small potatoes - 200-250 g;
  • broccoli - 1/3
  • ginger root - 5 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • hot red pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pomegranate seeds (for decoration);
  • small cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lime - 1/2;
  • grapefruit - 3 slices;
  • teriyaki sauce - 100-150 ml;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the fish, salt and fry.
  2. Break the broccoli into florets and blanch.
  3. Boil potatoes, cut into slices. Fry until golden brown, add broccoli, finely chopped ginger and chili pepper, salt.
  4. Warm up the teriyaki sauce.
  5. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes. Peel lime and grapefruit, cut into slices and cut into cubes. Stir, add chopped herbs and salt.
  6. Arrange potatoes with broccoli on a plate. Put the mackerel on top, pour over the teriyaki sauce, put the cucumber, lime and grapefruit on the fillet. Top with greenery and pomegranate seeds.

How to catch more fish?

Every ardent fisherman undoubtedly has his own secrets of successful fishing. I myself, during the time of conscious fishing, have found quite a few ways to improve the bite. I share my TOP:
  1. . Stimulates strong appetite at the fish, attracting it even in cold water. Blame it all pheromones included in its composition. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. Proper selection of gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Mackerel in apple sauce


  • smoked mackerel 250 g each - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley, dill - 2 bunches;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • cream or sour cream - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • freshly grated horseradish - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • ground white pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut greens. Mix one teaspoon of herbs with butter, salt and pepper to taste. Stuff the tomatoes with this.
  2. Lay the fish on big piece food foil. Put the tomatoes there, wrap in foil and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees.
  3. Sauce: mix the cream with lemon juice and horseradish. Add grated apple.

Korean style fried mackerel


  • mackerel - 800 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • soy sauce- 2 teaspoons;
  • lime or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt to taste;
  • flour for breading;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the fish from the bones. Marinate the fish in the following mixture: salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce and lime juice for 1.5-2.5 hours.
  2. Fry rolled in flour in hot oil.

Mackerel with tomatoes and cheese


  • mackerel (medium) - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley (cilantro) - 1 bunch;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish fillet into bite-sized pieces. Salt and season with pepper to taste. Cut cheese into slices.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  3. Put a piece of cheese and a tomato on each piece of fillet. Top with the second slice of fillet.
  4. Dip first in beaten eggs, then in flour and fry on both sides. Submit ready meal on a plate, garnish with parsley.

Mackerel with lemon and dill


  • mackerel - 2 large carcasses;
  • lemon - 1 large;
  • salt;
  • greens - 2 bunches;
  • black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to cut each carcass diagonally from one of the sides and put small sprigs of dill into them. Stuff the fish with lemon cubes and whole sprigs of dill. Cover and refrigerate for half an hour.
  2. Transfer the fish to a greased dish, pour over the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Close the form with food foil, cutting through it in several places. Bake the fish in the oven at 190 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the foil from the mold, transfer the finished fish to a dish, decorate with fresh herbs.

Mackerel baked with potatoes


  • mackerel 0.5 kg;
  • young potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • flour - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground crackers - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • black pepper, salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cilantro (you can parsley) - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled potatoes. Salt the mackerel, roll in half the flour and fry on both sides for strong fire.
  2. Pour the rest of the flour into sour cream, salt. Grease a baking dish with oil and pour half of the sour cream. Put the cooled potatoes, lay the prepared fish on it. Top with the rest of the sour cream, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs.
  3. Bake in the oven until golden brown at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Fishing for mackerel and mackerel

Tackle selection

Mackerel and mackerel are very unpretentious in terms of biting, so it is possible to use a huge number of a wide variety of baits. The fish responds well to both live bait and fish slices or shellfish meat.

Fishermen with extensive experience often use "tyrants" - special tackle with which you can catch several fish at the same time.

It usually consists of:

  • winder;
  • main line and additional line;
  • carbines;
  • leashes;
  • sinkers;
  • hooks;
  • baits.

The reeler can be replaced with an ordinary fishing rod with a strong reel.

Fishing line is usually chosen kapron or nylon. It is better to use tackle, the length of which will be more than 50 meters. Its thickness will depend on how deep the reservoir on which fishing is planned.

For leashes, monofilament with a diameter of up to 0.3 mm is used, the length of which is 2.5 - 4.5 meters.

Hooks are selected depending on the size of the fish. As a bait, bright threads and feathers are tied to them. It is advised to combine colors so that they contrast with each other.

Features of fishing

Both mackerel and mackerel are mainly caught at sea. When schools of fish come close to the shore in spring, the catch can be very worthy. An ordinary float rod is suitable for shore fishing. In this case, it is best to catch live bait. Bait for fishing is not required. In addition, you can use the "tyrant" about which was described above.

You need to hook immediately after the first bite, otherwise the fish will break and leave. While playing it is necessary to be very attentive and careful, because the fish strongly resists. With tackle, you also need to be careful, it can easily get tangled due to the fact that the fish is wriggling.

Having studied this information, it will not be difficult to learn to distinguish between these two fish. And if you wish, you can not only cook deliciously, but also catch them with your own hands.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. I have never caught these before, but now every time I bring trophy specimens from fishing! It's time for you to guarantee your catch!!!

It is difficult to imagine a human diet without seafood. In almost any store there is a wide range of ocean gifts for every taste. The fishing industry is a significant source of income for many countries. About 140 million tons of fish are caught annually in the world. Mackerel fish belongs to the mackerel family, it occupies an important place in the global catch.

Features of the mackerel family

mackerel family quite numerous and includes more than 50 species. This is the well-known mackerel, mackerel and tuna. They live all over the world in the open ocean, mainly in coastal areas and near coral reefs. They feed on plankton, small arthropods, mollusks and small fish. The length of the family members varies from a dozen centimeters to several meters (the record tuna is 4.5 meters). All mackerels, without exception, are predators and are able to move very quickly in the thickness of the ocean; these fish can reach speeds of up to 70 km / h. Usually collected in shoals.

External signs:

  • the body is shaped like a spindle;
  • a ring of bones around the eyes;
  • two dorsal fins;
  • several small fins on the body to combat turbulence that occurs when high speed;
  • the forked fin on the tail is quite wide and has a clear shape;
  • scales are mostly small and rudimentary, large and strong plates are observed only on the head and front of the body;
  • two ventral fins are very close to the head;
  • closer to the chest are the ventral fins;
  • the lateral line is uneven and may undulate.

Meat has good taste and very nutritious. Large mackerel representatives are able to accumulate a dangerous heavy metal, mercury, in muscle tissue. In this regard, it is recommended to use royal fish meat with caution. First of all, this applies to lactating and pregnant women, as well as small children.

A little about mackerel fish

It lives in coastal waters everywhere except the Arctic and Antarctic. I have chosen coral reefs, quiet bays, harbors and rocky shores. This fish belongs to the perch-like order and can reach a length of more than a meter. Like all mackerels, it feeds on marine life, and itself also often becomes food for more large predators and a person. The massive harvest of mackerel has led to the fact that some of its species are on the verge of extinction. The average life expectancy is about 20 years.

The mackerel genus is quite large and includes 18 species:

As can be seen from the names, you can meet mackerel in the most different corners the globe.

Similarities and differences

For an inexperienced person, mackerel looks the same as mackerel. Due to the great similarity, confusion with names occurs everywhere. In many Western countries only one name is accepted - mackerel. In the post-Soviet space, on the contrary, the name mackerel has taken root more. Due to this inaccuracy of definition, it is possible to buy one fish instead of another.

But do not forget that these two representatives of the mackerel family belong to different genera and the differences, although not too big, are there.

Here is the difference between mackerel and mackerel:

Mackerel has a thinner and more tender pink-colored meat with excellent taste and is excellent for salting. Mackerel in this regard is slightly inferior to her. The greyish meat is tough and dry, great for grilling.

Commercial and amateur fishing

Fish is a very valuable and nutritious food product.. Therefore, commercial fishing for mackerel continues to be relevant and necessary.

IN Russian Federation Fishing is carried out in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. For the year it is possible to extract about 50 thousand tons of this valuable fish. Fishing takes place with the help of special nets and seines. In the past, mackerel was also found in the Black Sea, but, unfortunately, disappeared about 35 years ago.

The habitat of mackerel is coastal waters, thanks to which you do not need to swim in the open ocean for fish. It can be easily caught with a fishing rod and spinning right from the shore or a small boat.

You can fish from early spring until the very cold. For lovers of fishing from the shore, the spring period will be the most favorable. A hungry fish swims closest to the shore, where more food can be found. Special gear for mackerel is not required, the usual float fishing rod is enough.

You can use artificial bait, you can easily make it yourself using shiny objects. It bites perfectly on live bait, but fish cuttings are also suitable. Due to the fact that mackerel usually swims in a large flock, you can easily catch a lot of this mackerel-like fish in a relatively short time.

Almost everyone knows such a fish as mackerel. It is easy to find on the shelves of both small shops and supermarkets. Mackerel dishes are prepared for a regular dinner, but also for holiday tables you can find this fish. However, quite often, hostesses use mackerel instead of mackerel, and they are not even aware of it. At first glance, these two fish are really very similar. An inexperienced person who rarely uses fish in his dishes can simply be deceived. Due to the wrong choice, you can spoil your "crown" dish. Mackerel and mackerel should be distinguished.

Where did the confusion in definitions come from?

The confusion in the names arises even in the store. The fact is that the word Mackerel refers to the entire mackerel family. However, this family also includes tuna, wahoo, mackerel, and bonito. The mackerel family are representatives of predators. Due to their elongated body, they move quickly enough in the water. Distinctive features of this family - small fins, which are located in the tail part of the carcass, and around the eyes there is a bone ring. Therefore, often sellers, even without knowing it, define these types of fish as mackerel.

As far as cooking is concerned, mackerel is less valuable than mackerel. But do not worry - these two types of fish can be distinguished by any person even with a simple external examination. It is only necessary to carefully consider each of them.

Main differences

When choosing a fish, pay attention to the size. Mackerel is larger than mackerel. The mackerel has a sharper head. And also it is necessary to carefully consider the color of the fish. Mackerel is distinguished by its expressive coloration in the form of stripes that do not affect the abdomen. Mackerel has a coloration in the form of spots covering both the top and bottom of the carcass. In mackerel, the carcass has a spindle shape, and the back is blue-green. If possible, then you can consider the jaw. Mackerel, as a predator, has a very sharp teeth triangular shape.

Mackerel fish - small in size, thin. It has a light belly, which is never covered with stripes. Mackerel fish is a large and thickened body of a gray-yellow hue. Mackerel can be covered with both spots and stripes that are located throughout the carcass. When viewed externally, it looks more advantageous and attractive than mackerel. According to taste differences, mackerel meat is more pleasant, tender and not as dry as mackerel. The meat of the first fish has a pleasant pinkish, and sometimes a rich red hue, but the second one is less attractive, a grayish color prevails.


In Russia, mackerel fishing is carried out in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. In this case, special nets and nets are used. Previously, mackerel was harvested in the waters of the Black Sea, but, unfortunately, more than 35 years ago this species the fish is gone. Mackerel prefer coastal waters. This type of fish does not need to go to the open ocean, which makes it easily accessible for fishing enthusiasts. Most favorable period for fishing is spring. Mackerel caught in the spring is the least oily. It has only 3% fat. If the same fish is caught in autumn, then the percentage of fat content will increase to 30%. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but the highest percentage of fat content means that the largest amount of vitamins has been accumulated in fish.

When fishing, it is quite possible to use a regular fishing rod. Mackerel bites well on live bait. However, some fishermen also use artificial bait made by themselves. Most often, mackerel swims in a large flock, so you can easily get enough in a short period of time. As soon as the fish begins to peck, it is required to hook right there, otherwise it will break. When fishing, you need to be extremely reasonable and accurate. The mackerel will bend a lot, which may cause it to fall off the hook or get tangled in gear.

The popularity of mackerels in different countries

In Russia, mackerel is more often sold and served using the name "mackerel". Mackerel itself is not valued as highly as in other countries. In central Europe, this fish is the main dish. IN Eastern Europe, and also in England they prefer to fry mackerel. The French bake it in foil. In some countries, mackerel is even eaten raw. In Europe, mackerel is most often served smoked or frozen. In Japan, mackerel, which has a rich red tint of meat, is added to sushi, while designating it as "saba". Such fish is considered by the Japanese to be the most delicious and nutritious.


In terms of the structure and amount of vitamins and macronutrients, mackerel and mackerel are not inferior to each other. If you need to replenish the supply of nutrients, then both are perfect. However, there are differences in taste. Mackerel meat is drier, so this fish will be ideally used in salads. An excellent option would be if this fish is stewed, baked or fried. Mackerel is healthier to cook on the grill. With this method, fish will flow out excess fat, which will save the dish from an unpleasant aftertaste. If this fish is fried in a pan, then it will simply drown in its own fat, which will significantly spoil taste qualities. Grilled mackerel can compete with expensive fish in taste.

If there is a desire to salt or smoke fish in order to enjoy a dish in the winter, then here the best option there will be mackerel.

Due to its high fat content, there is no need to add oil during harvesting. Mackerel meat with this method of harvesting will become even drier, so the dish will not be a pleasure. A nice plus for the hostess is that the fish of the mackerel family is easy to cut. Unlike other fish, there is no need to remove the scales when cutting. The fillet is quite simply separated from the ridge, which allows you to clean the fish with an ordinary kitchen knife.

So that the fish does not spoil a wonderful dish, you can use some tips when buying it.

  • There should be no spots on the carcass of the fish.
  • The abdomen should not be swollen.
  • The fish should not emit an unpleasant odor. Weak, slightly sweet smell comes from fresh good mackerel.
  • If, with light pressure on the carcass, the trace does not straighten, then it is better not to take such a fish.
  • The eyes of fresh mackerel and mackerel are light, not cloudy and shiny.
  • Traces of blood on the body of the fish are unacceptable.

Mackerel is useful for people who have problems with cardiovascular diseases and nervous disorders. Thanks to a large number protein meat of this fish is easily digestible and slows down the aging process. Another plus is an increase in immunity, as well as an improvement in the functioning of hormones. Mackerel is no less useful than its sister. It improves memory, and also fills the human body with B vitamins. For women, mackerel is especially useful: it reduces the risk of such terrible disease like breast cancer. plus leads to best condition hair and skin.

However, it should be remembered that the use of even such useful products should be in moderation. Otherwise, all the benefits can turn into harm.

Delicious recipes

Mackerel and mackerel are each good and tasty in their own way. To make fish dishes enjoyable, you need to learn how to cook them correctly.

Mackerel in apple sauce

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • smoked mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • butter;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 4 tomatoes, lemon;
  • one tablespoon of freshly grated horseradish, greens;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

fish and stuffed tomatoes wrap in food foil and place in the oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200°C. While the fish is cooking, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, put horseradish and a couple of tablespoons in sour cream lemon juice, to stir thoroughly. Grate the apple on a fine grater, add to the sauce and mix again. When serving, fish can be poured with sauce or put it next to it. It is also possible to decorate the dish with vegetables and herbs.

Mackerel baked with potatoes

For this dish products required:

  • 0.5 kg of mackerel;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • a tablespoon of ground crackers;
  • herbs, pepper, salt to taste.

Peel and boil potatoes. Salt the fish, roll in flour and fry in a pan over high heat. Mix sour cream with the remaining flour and salt. Pour half the sour cream into a greased pan, spread the potatoes on it, next layer- mackerel. Top everything with the remaining sour cream and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the dish in the oven for about 40 minutes at 180°C. When serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.

For information on how to cook mackerel on a podium of vegetables in foil, see the following video.