Fleas in the apartment - it even sounds unpleasant! But if you already had to face this fact, then we leave emotions aside and move on to solving constructive questions: where did the fleas come from, how to get rid of them and what to do so that they never appear again.

Fleas - what is it?

To effectively deal with fleas, you need to have a complete understanding of them.

The special structure allows fleas to cling to and stay on the woolen or feather cover of animals, clothes and shoes, soft carpets, furniture, toys.

The life cycle of fleas, like most insects, includes several stages: egg - larva - pupa - adult (adult). Each stage of development lasts from several days to several months. Average duration The life of an adult flea is six months, during which it manages to lay about 500 eggs.

Only adult active blood-sucking insects are visible to the naked eye, but they prefer to lay their eggs in secluded corners: crevices of the floor and furniture, under baseboards, behind batteries, on the bedding of a cat or dog, etc. To reliably get rid of fleas in an apartment, insecticidal treatment is required carry out very carefully and not once with breaks of 2-4 weeks.

Fleas do not fly, but thanks to three pairs of legs (especially strong hind ones), they jump very high and far.

Carrying out anti-flea measures, you need to pay attention not only to the floor, but also to the walls, all pieces of furniture and textiles in the interior to a height of 1-1.5 m

If fleas are found, the fight against them must begin immediately, especially when there are children in the apartment who love to crawl or run on the floor and cuddle with pets.

Animals react to flea attacks with acute anxiety - biting and scratching

Fleas can easily breed on your rug under the front door, and then they just have to wait until you open it

Also, fleas in the apartment (their eggs or larvae) are found together with things that you bring from a warm basement, where homeless cats and rodents - mice, rats - often live.

On shoes, earthen fleas living in lawn grass get into the house. Although they do not drink blood, they can harm house plants, so getting rid of them is still necessary.

With the question of where the fleas come from in the apartment, everything is more or less clear, let's move on to the next: how to understand if you have fleas in your apartment?

If you have noticed the restless behavior of your pets, and you yourself feel some painful prickly strangeness in the ankle area, it is possible that these are fleas. To make sure, animal hair needs to be combed with a thick comb - you will immediately see adult insects first of all on the head, behind the ears, under the lower jaw and on the stomach.

When there are no animals, but there are suspicions, it is enough to cover the floor with white paper or a sheet - brown dots quickly moving across it in jumps (that is, suddenly appearing and disappearing sharply) are very likely to turn out to be fleas.

Wear white socks and walk on the floor, then put them in the water. If the dust collected on socks or collected with a dry rag contains flea feces with remnants of undigested blood, then the water will turn into pink color. In the case of a positive result of such home tests and confirmation of the presence of these insects, carefully read the recommendations on how to get rid of fleas in the apartment.

Put on your socks, walk on the floor, put them in the water. If the dust accumulated on the socks contains flea feces with remnants of undigested blood, then the water will turn pink

How to get rid of fleas in the apartment

General principles

The process of destroying fleas in an apartment is quite laborious and costly. The main rule for a successful fight against fleas is the constant maintenance of cleanliness and order in the house, regular general cleaning and washing. A powerful vacuum cleaner and steam generator will be a good help.

The vacuum cleaner necessarily requires regular cleaning of accumulated dust, in which eggs and flea larvae will continue to develop.

If you have pets, you first need to treat them with special insecticidal preparations that are sold at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy. All proposed forms - sprays, drops, shampoos, collars - are quite effective, but differ in composition, duration of action and price. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions, including contraindications and side effects, and even better, consult your veterinarian.

Need to be given Special attention bedding and places of permanent residence of pets. Organic residues accumulate there in large quantities, which feed on flea larvae. Therefore, cages and carriers need to be washed and cleaned regularly, and mats and bedding need to be beaten out, washed and dried in the sun. If fleas appear in the apartment, it is better to throw away the infected bedding and replace it with new ones.

If you keep not only warm-blooded animals, then simply take reptiles or amphibians out of the apartment for the duration of processing to some suitable place; cover the aquarium with fish on top with a film, remembering to turn off the compressor.

Open food, utensils, personal hygiene items must be packed and hidden to prevent their contact with insecticides

Open food, utensils, personal hygiene items must be packed and hidden to prevent their contact with insecticides. clothes, slippers, bed sheets, curtains and curtains, soft toys and other home textiles should be washed, rinsed thoroughly and hung outside to dry during cleaning. Blankets, pillows and mattresses need to be well shaken and knocked out, if possible, take them out to the sun, take them to a dry cleaner or process them with a steam generator. All fabric (especially fleecy), cellulose, wooden surfaces - carpets or floor coverings, walls (up to 1.5 meters in height), upholstery of upholstered furniture should be vacuumed.

Wet cleaning can be started only after you have disassembled and prepared all things, vacated and vacuumed the premises

hovering full order and perfect cleanliness, we turn to the main task - directly baiting fleas.

Most ready-made insecticidal preparations will help to cope with the destruction of only adult insects.

For those who are accustomed to act quickly and decisively, it is easier to buy a ready-made aerosol or powder designed to kill crawling insects. It can be the usual Dichlorvos or more environmentally friendly professional products that provide high safety and duration of protection - Empire, Biorin, Effective Ultra and others. When using aerosols, count on the fact that for every 10 m 2 of area you will need one canister.

It is necessary to apply any of the insecticidal agents strictly following the instructions.

After a massive treatment, everyone should leave the apartment for 2-4 hours, tightly closing windows and doors. Upon returning, you need to ventilate the room well, wipe the work surfaces with a clean, damp cloth, return all things to their places and forget about cleaning for at least a week.

Many insecticide manufacturers promise complete destruction of insects within an hour, but you must understand that fleas in an apartment can be in various stages of their life cycle, that is, it is possible that new ones will hatch in a few days. Therefore, anti-flea treatment is advised to be carried out several times.

Anti-flea treatment of the apartment must be carried out several times.

How to get rid of fleas in the apartment folk remedies

As an alternative to chemical attacks on fleas, there are proven home remedies. They are best used in addition to the anti-flea complex of measures or as methods of preventive (prophylactic) action.

Fragrant herbs: wormwood, eucalyptus, tansy, peppermint are used to repel and prevent the reappearance of fleas in the apartment

Insects do not like cold, sun and specific pungent odors, so living quarters should be regularly ventilated even in winter, in summer - bedding should be “roasted” at least once in the sun. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of fleas in an apartment with folk remedies, but it will work to scare away. The following repellents are recommended.

Herbal infusion

Infusion of herbs (wormwood, tansy, eucalyptus - in a ratio of 2: 1: 1). Dry or fresh herbs are brewed with boiling water and left to infuse for 10-12 hours in a dark, cool place. The finished infusion is filtered, poured into a spray bottle and carefully sprayed with floor coverings, carpets, furniture, baseboards. Also, herbal infusions rinse the hair of pets after bathing.

bunches of fresh herbs

Fresh wormwood, tansy, lavender or peppermint are laid out in bunches around the entire perimeter of the premises, under the bed, in front of the threshold and updated when the grass dries. And citrus zest can also be put into hoods, chests of drawers, cabinets and other hard-to-reach places (at the same time it will scare away moths).

coniferous sawdust

Pine (coniferous) sawdust will scare away and prevent the reproduction of fleas if you fill the bedding (pillow, mattress) on which your cat or dog sleeps with them. This method is considered especially relevant during the period of spring exacerbation of the activity of various blood-sucking insects.

soda and salt

Baking soda and table salt are equally effective at cleaning hairy surfaces (carpets, upholstery, soft toys) from eggs and flea larvae. Salt and soda, separately or mixed in equal amounts, are diluted with water and sprayed or simply scattered and lightly rubbed with a dry cloth into the pile. Then they are allowed to stand for 12 hours (overnight) and all scattered powders are carefully removed with a vacuum cleaner along with dirt and flea offspring.

Garlic and brewer's yeast

Chopped garlic and brewer's yeast, as strong-smelling foods, are also among the anti-flea products. They are mixed and treated with the resulting mass of floor coverings. After 10 hours, you need to vacuum everything well, however, it will be unpleasant not only for fleas to be in the treated room.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is recommended as a natural repellant for regular pet hair, carpet and furniture cleaning. A solution is prepared from it: 1 tablespoon of grated chips is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. laundry soap and add 1 cup apple cider vinegar. For greater effect, add a few drops of cedar oil or aloe juice. The resulting solution is rubbed with animal hair or pile of home carpets and sofas. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then bathe the animal, and wipe the furniture and carpets with a damp cloth and vacuum.

Call professional exterminators, perhaps the most effective method to get rid of fleas in the apartment. You will only have to follow all their preparatory recommendations, and the specialists will find out for themselves what exactly your case requires, they will select the optimal type of treatment and the necessary preparations.

Professional insecticidal treatment is best left to specialists.

Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

Olga 09.03.2018 21:05

We present a list of the most common freshwater (river) fish. Names with photos and descriptions for each river fish: its appearance, fish taste, habitats, fishing methods, time and method of spawning.

Pike perch, like perch, prefers only clean water, saturated with oxygen and contributing to the normal life of the fish. This is a pure fish without any ingredients. The growth of pike perch can be up to 35 cm. Its maximum weight can reach up to 20 kg. Pike perch meat is light, without excess fat very tasty and pleasant. It contains a lot of minerals, such as phosphorus, chlorine, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, fluorine, cobalt, iodine, and also a lot of vitamin P. Judging by the composition, pike perch meat is very healthy.

Bersh, like pike perch, is considered a relative of perch. It can grow in length up to 45 cm, with a weight of 1.4 kg. It is found in rivers that flow into the Black and Caspian Seas. His diet includes a small fish, like a minnow. The meat is almost the same as that of pike perch, although a little softer.

The perch prefers reservoirs with clear water. These can be rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc. Perch is the most common predator, but you will never find it where the water is muddy and dirty. Quite thin gear is used for perch fishing. His fishing is very interesting and entertaining.

The ruff has a peculiar appearance with very prickly fins, which protects it from predators. Ruff also loves clean water, but depending on the habitat, it can change its shade. It grows in length no more than 18 cm and gains weight up to 400 grams. Its length and weight directly depend on the food supply in the pond. Its habitat extends to almost all European countries. It is found in rivers, lakes, ponds and even seas. Spawning is carried out for 2 days or more. Ruff always prefers to be at a depth, as he does not like sunlight.

This fish is from the perch family, but few people know it, since it is not found in such an area. It is distinguished by an elongated spindle-shaped body and the presence of a head with a snout protruding forward. The fish is not large, not more than one foot long. It is found mainly in the Danube River and adjacent tributaries. Her diet includes various worms, mollusks and small fish. The chop fish spawns in the month of April with caviar of a bright yellow hue.

This is a freshwater fish that is found in almost all water bodies of the globe, but only in those that have clean, oxygenated water. With a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the water, the pike dies. Pike grows in length up to one and a half meters, with a weight of 3.5 kg. The body and head of the pike is characterized by an elongated shape. No wonder it is called an underwater torpedo. Pike spawning occurs when the water warms up from 3 to 6 degrees. This predatory fish and feeds on other fish species such as roach, etc. Pike meat is considered dietary because it contains very little fat. In addition, there is a lot of protein in pike meat, which is easily absorbed by the human body. Pike can live up to 25 years. Its meat can be stewed, fried, boiled, baked, stuffed, etc.

This fish lives in ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs. Its color is largely determined by the composition of the water that is available in this reservoir. In appearance, it is very similar to the rudd. The diet of roach includes various algae, larvae of various insects, as well as fish fry.

With the advent of winter, roach goes to wintering pits. Spawns later than pike, somewhere at the end of spring. Before spawning begins, it is covered with large pimples. The caviar of this fish is quite small, transparent, with a green tint.

The bream is an inconspicuous fish, but its meat is characterized by excellent taste indicators. It can be found where there is still water or a weak current. Bream lives no more than 20 years, but grows very slowly. For example, a 10-year-old specimen can gain weight no more than 3 or 4 kilograms.

The bream has a dark silver hue. Average life expectancy is 7 to 8 years. During this period, it grows up to 41 cm in length and has an average weight of about 800 g. The bream spawns in spring.

This is a sedentary type of fish with a bluish-gray color. The bream lives for about 15 years and grows up to 35 cm in length, with a weight of 1.2 kg. Gustera, like bream, grows rather slowly. Prefer bodies of water with stagnant water or not fast current. In spring and autumn, the silver bream gathers in numerous flocks (dense flocks), hence it got its name. The white bream feeds on small insects and their larvae, as well as molluscs. Spawning takes place at the end of spring or beginning of summer, when the water temperature rises to +15ºС-+17ºС. The spawning period lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The meat of the bream is considered not tasty, especially since it contains a lot of bones.

This fish is distinguished by a dark yellow-golden hue. It can live up to 30 years, but already at 7-8 years old, its growth stops. During this time, the carp manages to grow up to 1 meter in length and gain weight of 3 kg. Carp is considered a freshwater fish, but it is also found in the Caspian Sea. Its diet includes young shoots of reeds, as well as caviar of spawned fish. With the advent of autumn, its diet expands and various insects and invertebrates begin to enter it.

This fish belongs to the carp family and can live for about a hundred years. Can eat undercooked potatoes, breadcrumbs or cake. Distinctive feature carp is the presence of whiskers. Carp is considered a voracious and insatiable fish. Carp lives in rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, where there is a muddy bottom. The carp loves to pass the pliable mud through its mouth in search of various bugs and worms.

Carp spawns only when the water begins to warm up to a temperature of +18ºС-+20ºС. Can gain weight up to 9 kg. In China, it is a food fish, and in Japan, it is an ornamental food.

A very strong fish. Many experienced anglers are engaged in fishing for this, using powerful and reliable gear for this.

Carp is the most common fish. It is found in almost all water bodies, regardless of the quality of the water and the concentration of oxygen in it. Crucian carp is able to live in water bodies where other fish will immediately die. It belongs to the carp family, and in appearance it is similar to carp, but does not have a mustache. In winter, if there is very little oxygen in the water, crucian carp hibernates and remains in this state until spring. The crucian spawns at a temperature of about 14 degrees.

Tench prefers ponds with dense vegetation and covered with dense duckweed. Tench is well caught from August, until the onset of real cold weather. Tench meat has excellent taste characteristics. No wonder the tench is called the royal fish. In addition to the fact that tench can be fried, baked, stewed, it makes an incredible fish soup.

The chub is considered a freshwater fish and is found exclusively in fast-flowing rivers. It is a member of the carp family. It grows up to 80 cm in length and can weigh up to 8 kg. It is considered a bold fish, as its diet consists of fish fry, various insects, and small frogs. It prefers to be under trees and plants hanging over the water, since various living creatures very often fall into the water from them. Spawns at temperatures from +12ºС to +17ºС.

Its habitat includes almost all rivers and reservoirs of European states. Prefers to stay at depth, in the presence of a slow current. In winter, it shows the same activity as in summer, since it does not hibernate. Considered to be a fairly hardy fish. It can have a length of 35 to 63 cm, with a weight of 2 to 2.8 kg.

Can live up to 20 years. The diet consists of both plant and animal foods. Ide spawning occurs in the spring, at a water temperature of 2 to 13 degrees.

It is also a member of the family of carp fish species and has a dark bluish-gray color. It grows in length up to 120 cm and can reach a weight of 12 kg. Found in the Black and Caspian Seas. Selects areas with fast currents and avoids stagnant water.

There are sabrefish with silvery, grayish and yellow coloring. It can gain weight up to 2 kg, with a length of up to 60 cm, it can live for about 9 years.

Chehon is growing very fast and gaining weight. Found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas such as the Baltic Sea. IN young age feeds on zoo- and phytoplankton, and with the advent of autumn it switches to eating insects.

It is easy to confuse rudd and roach, but rudd has a more attractive appearance. Over the course of 19 years of life, it is able to gain weight of 2.4 kg, with a length of 51 cm. It is found, for the most part, in rivers that flow into the Caspian, Azov, Black and Aral Seas.

The basis of the diet of the rudd is food of plant and animal origin, but most of all it likes to eat caviar of mollusks. Enough healthy fish with a set of minerals such as phosphorus, chromium, as well as vitamin P, proteins and fats.

The podust has a long body and it chooses areas with a fast current. It grows in length up to 40 cm and at the same time has a weight of up to 1.6 kg. Podust lives for about 10 years. It feeds from the bottom of the reservoir, collecting microscopic algae. This fish is distributed throughout Europe. Spawns at a water temperature of 6-8 degrees.

Bleak is an ubiquitous fish, known to almost anyone who has ever fished with a fishing rod in a pond. The bleak belongs to the family of carp fish species. It can grow to small sizes in length (12-15 cm) with a weight of about 100 grams. It is found in rivers flowing into the Black, Baltic and Azov Seas, as well as in large reservoirs with clean, not stagnant water.

It is a fish similar to the bleak, but slightly smaller in size and weight. With a length of 10 cm, it can weigh only 2 grams. Able to live up to 6 years. It feeds on algae and zooplankton, while growing very slowly.

It also belongs to the family of carp fish species, and it has a spindle-shaped body. It grows in length up to 15-22 cm. It is carried out in reservoirs where there is a current and there is clean water. The gudgeon feeds on insect larvae and small invertebrates. Spawns in spring, like most fish.

This type of fish also belongs to the carp family. Feeds almost food of plant origin. It can grow in length up to 1 m 20 cm and weigh up to 32 kg. It has a high growth rate. White carp is distributed throughout the world.

The diet of the silver carp consists of microscopic particles of plant origin. It is a large representative of the carp family. This is a heat loving fish. The silver carp has teeth that can grind vegetation. It lends itself easily to acclimatization. Silver carp is grown artificially.

Due to the fact that it grows rapidly, it is of interest for industrial breeding. Can recruit for a short time up to 8 kg of weight. It is mostly distributed in Central Asia and in China. It spawns in spring, loves water areas where there is an intense current.

This is a very large representative of freshwater reservoirs, capable of growing up to 3 meters in length and weighing up to 400 kg. Catfish has a brown tint, but does not have scales. Inhabits almost all water bodies of Europe and Russia, where there are appropriate conditions: clean water, the presence aquatic vegetation and the right depth.

This is a small representative of the catfish family, which prefers small reservoirs (channels) with warm water. In our time, it was brought from America, where there are quite a lot of it and most anglers are engaged in catching it.

Its spawning occurs in conditions when the water temperature reaches +28ºС. Therefore, it can be found only in the southern regions.

It is a fish from the river eel family and prefers freshwater reservoirs. This is a snake-like predator that is found in the Baltic, Black, Azov and Barents Seas. Prefers to be in areas with a clay bottom. Its diet consists of small animals, crayfish, worms, larvae, snails, etc. Able to grow in length up to 47 cm and gain weight up to 8 kg.

This is a heat-loving fish that is found in water bodies located in large climatic zones. Its appearance resembles a snake. A very strong fish that is not so easy to catch.

It is a representative of cod-like fish and looks like a catfish in appearance, but it does not grow to the size of a catfish. It is a cold-loving fish that leads active image life in winter. Its spawning also occurs during the winter months. It hunts mainly at night, while leading a benthic lifestyle. Burbot refers to industrial species of fish.

Is not big fish with a long body, covered with very small scales. It can easily be confused with an eel or a snake if you have never seen one in your life. It grows in length up to 30 cm, or even more, if growth conditions favor. It is found in small rivers or ponds where there is a muddy bottom. It prefers to be closer to the bottom, and on the surface it can be seen during rain or thunderstorms.

The loach belongs to the family salmon species fish. Due to the fact that the fish does not have scales, it got its name. Grows to a small size. Its meat under the influence of low temperatures does not decrease in volume. It is characterized by the presence of fatty acids, such as omega-3, that can resist inflammatory processes.

It lives in rivers and feeds on various types of fish. Distributed in the rivers of Ukraine. Prefers shallow water areas. It can grow in length up to 25 cm. It reproduces by caviar, at a water temperature within + 8ºС. After spawning, it can live no more than 2- + x years.

The life expectancy of this fish is considered to be about 27 years. It grows in length up to 1 m 25 cm, gaining weight up to 16 kg. It is distinguished by a dark gray-brown color. In winter, it practically does not feed and goes to the depths. It has a valuable commercial value.

This fish lives only in the basin of the Danube arm and is not common anywhere else. It belongs to the family of salmon fish species and is a unique representative of the fish fauna of Ukraine. Danube salmon is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and it is forbidden to catch it. Can live up to 20 years, feeds mainly on small fish.

It also belongs to the salmon family and prefers rivers with a rapid current and cold water. It grows in length from 25 to 55 cm, while gaining weight from 0.2 to 2 kg. The diet of trout includes small crustaceans and insect larvae.

It is a representative of the Evdoshkov family, reaches a size of about 10 cm, while gaining a weight of 300 grams. It occurs in the basins of the Danube and Dniester rivers. At the first danger, it burrows into the silt. Spawning occurs in March or April. Likes to eat fry and small invertebrates.

This fish is caught on an industrial scale in Edver, the Urals. Spawns at temperatures not higher than +10ºС. This is a predatory fish species that loves fast-flowing rivers.

This is a freshwater variety of fish that belongs to the carp family. It grows up to 60 cm in length and gains up to 5 kg of weight. The fish has a dark color and is common in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas.

River fish without bones

Virtually no bones

  • in maritime language.
  • In fish of the sturgeon family, belonging to the chordate order.

Despite the fact that the water has a certain density, the body of the fish is ideally suited for movement in such conditions. And this applies not only to river, but also to sea fish.

Typically, her body has an elongated, torpedo-like body shape. IN last resort, her body has a spindle shape, which contributes to unhindered movement in the water. These fish include salmon, podust, chub, asp, sabrefish, herring, etc. In still water, most fish have a flat flattened body on both sides. These fish include carp, bream, rudd, roach, etc.

Among the many species of river fish, there are both peaceful fish and real predators. They are distinguished by the presence of sharp teeth and a wide mouth, which makes it easy to swallow fish and other living creatures. Such fish include pike, burbot, catfish, pike perch, perch and others. Such a predator as a pike during an attack is capable of developing a huge initial speed. In other words, she literally instantly swallows her victim. Predators such as perch always hunt in packs. Pike perch leads a benthic lifestyle and starts hunting only at night. This testifies to his uniqueness, or rather, his unique vision. He is able to see his prey in absolute darkness.

But there are also small predators that do not differ in the large size of their mouths. Although, such a predator as an asp does not have a huge mouth, such as a catfish, for example, and it feeds only on fish fry.

Many fish, depending on habitat conditions, may have a different shade. In addition, in different reservoirs there may be a different food base, which can significantly affect the size of the fish.

The diversity of river fish has been of interest to man since ancient times. Our ancestors fished to feed their families. Now, fishing is most often a hobby or recreation. This fact does not negate the benefit fish products in the diet of children and adults.

List of river fish in Russia pretty big. Consider its main representatives.



Schooling predatory fish with valuable meat, which includes the entire list of amino acids. Distinctive feature- camouflage color in the form of dark vertical stripes on the back. Lives at the bottom clean rivers, in the pits. Feeds on small fish, frogs, crustaceans. For a fisherman, pike perch is considered a trophy. You can fish with a spinning rod and a float rod on live bait.





Lives in cool water of fast rivers. It feeds on larvae, fry, frogs. Able to jump out of the water to catch an insect. It reaches 70-80 cm in length. The body and head are large. - difficult prey, as it is shy and cautious. You can catch in the spring on the dough and the larvae of the cockchafer. Summer bait - grasshoppers, dragonflies, flies.



Outwardly similar to a roach or chub. The scales are silvery, darkening with age. Omnivorous. Lives in pools, under a bridge, near a tree lying in the water. Ide gathers in flocks in winter. It tolerates temperature changes well. It is an object of sport fishing.



Lives in fast-moving waters, under dams and sluices. Predatory fish with original way hunting. jumps out of the water, falls on the victim, stunning it. Food is captured by a bony protrusion on the lower jaw, grinds with pharyngeal teeth. Reaches a size of 120 cm. The body is wide, laterally compressed, with a powerful back. The scales are light silvery in color. Valuable trophy for the fisherman.



Schooling, usually small fish. Dwells in clean water. Feeds on insects. Actively pecking at the bait. The bait can be maggot, silicone bait, grasshoppers. Taste qualities appreciated. Remove the gills before cooking.



Lives in fast flowing rivers. It feeds on bottom algae and larvae. Can eat caviar. Prefers cool water. Catches well in summer.



Schooling fish living in surface waters. The omnivorous bleak is often caught in the summer and late winter. Distributed everywhere.



Outwardly similar to bleak. A distinctive feature is a dotted stripe on the sides of the body. The size of the bystrianka is 10-12 cm. It feeds on algae and zooplankton. Inhabits fast flowing rivers.



This little fish is found everywhere. Chooses places with a sandy bottom. The minnow has a cylindrical body with large scales without mucus. Active during the day, sinks to the bottom at night. Feeds on small invertebrates, insects, larvae. In the spring they eat eggs of other fish. They are valuable as bait for catching large predatory fish. It bites well on small worms.

White amur

White amur

Herbivorous large fish, reaches 1.2 m. Amur scales are large, with a black rim. Likes warm water. Fishing lasts from May to October. Fishing takes place in the coastal zone overgrown with reeds. The bait can be semolina, dough, peas, potatoes. is a commercial fish, its meat is white, dense, fatty.

silver carp

silver carp

Large fish living in moderately flowing rivers. Dwells in warm water, with the onset of cold weather falls into hibernation. feeds on zooplankton. Schooling fish, weight reaches 20 kg. Caught on dough and vegetable baits.



Predatory single fish. It is distinguished by the absence of scales and the presence of a mustache. lives in the depths, inhabits underwater pits. It feeds on mollusks, frogs, and fish. Can eat dead fish. He also eats plant foods. Weighs up to 300 kg. The catfish is active at night, after rain and during fog. It was at this time that the fishermen hunted him. They catch on a boat, on a bunch of worms, mollusks, locusts, frogs, live bait.



River eel lives in places with a weak current and a clay bottom. Predator, like a snake. Feeds on crabs and worms. Crawls into another body of water on wet grass. It grows up to 47 cm. It lives in the European part of Russia, goes to the Sargasso Sea for spawning. After spawning, the fish dies. Eels are caught with float and bottom rods on live bait. The bait is cast in the evening and checked in the morning. The meat is nutritious, smoked eel is considered a delicacy.



Industrial bottom fish, Lives under snags. It feeds on mollusks, small fish, and frogs. It grows up to 1 m. Spawning and active fishing takes place in winter. They fish with float rods. Bait - pieces of fish, worms, bird giblets.



A small fish with a thin elongated body and a yellow back. Length up to 30 cm. Lives in quiet parts of the river. In a dangerous situation, it burrows into the mud. In time of drought, it looks for another body of water, crawls over land, at this time it is caught in puddles. During the catch, the loach squeaks. Feeds on larvae and eggs of other fish. Moreover, a flock of loaches can cause significant harm to the population of carp, crucian carp or tench. Due to its repulsive appearance, it is rarely eaten, although its meat is tender, fatty, and tench-like.



Representative of the salmon family. The back is brown, the body is in small spots. Scales are absent. The meat does not decrease in volume during heat treatment and contains Omega-3 fatty acids. It feeds on larvae and fish eggs. You can catch it on a bloodworm.



Found in the basin of the Kuban, Don. Lives in clean running water, lives on a sandy bottom. The larval period of the lamprey lasts 5-6 years. Larvae feed on plankton and small invertebrates, grow up to 17-23 cm. Adult lampreys do not feed. The adult state lasts about a year, then the lamprey spawns and dies. The fish is included in the Red Book.



Predatory inhabitant of rivers weighing up to 30 kg. It looks like a snake, fiercely guards its territory. Defeats an enemy of any size. In the reservoir it destroys fish and looks for another, rich in food. While searching for another body of water, it is able to breathe air for up to 5 days. For fishing you need a boat without a motor and a strong rod. The bait is a fish from the same reservoir. Snakehead meat is delicious, suitable for cooking



Valuable fish Lives at a depth of fast rivers. It feeds on larvae, small crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. The fish is dark grey-brown in color. Characteristic - narrow a long nose. Instead of scales on the body, there are five rows of bone growths. The sterlet is classified as an endangered species. In the regions, rules for catching it have been approved. Fishing without a license is prohibited.

Brook trout


inhabits in fast cold waters, enriched with oxygen. The body is thin, elongated. The scales are small, dense. Coloration from brown to yellow. The head is black with golden gill covers. The body is dotted with spots. The meat is white or with a pink tinge. Feeds on crustaceans, tadpoles, larvae. Eats caviar, even its relatives. Catch it wading or from a boat.

grayling european


An agile fish with a remarkable appearance. There are bright yellow spots on the dorsal fin of the grayling. Lives in northern Russia in fast waters. You can catch any lure. Fishing is allowed only with a license. The object of sport fishing. Grayling meat is valued, it is soft and tasty.

The list of Russian fish can be continued. River fish have common features- this is an elongated body, which is an element of adaptation to life in water of a certain density. Their appearance and habits are diverse and depend on the habitat, type of food and other factors.

For millions of years our planet has been inhabited by a large number of a variety of fish. Numerous lakes, rivers, seas and oceans became their habitat. Both river and Marine life Since ancient times, the underwater kingdom has been a source of food for people, rich in a huge amount of useful substances, such as a variety of amino acids, protein and various vitamins. Fish farming products are widely used in the manufacture of medicines and nutrient fertilizers for agriculture, as well as raw materials in light industry.

Features of the inhabitants of the rivers

We all know that fishing on the rivers is an exciting and varied activity. Therefore, any fisherman, before proceeding with the equipment for fishing gear, needs to accurately answer the question of what kind of fish are found in the river. And of course every angler should know physiological features hunting object:

Depending on the nature of the food taken, river fish can be classified as:

  • predatory;
  • herbivores;
  • omnivores.

river predators

Predatory individuals feed on other fish, some may eat animals or birds. Large-mouthed species swallow so much prey at a time that it is enough for several days of active life, but fish with a small mouth need to hunt constantly, since their prey is small.

The most common predatory river fish in the waters of Russia. The maximum size of a pike reaches up to 1.5 m with a weight of up to 30-35 kg, but specimens weighing up to 60 kg and longer than human height are known. The average life expectancy is up to 25 years, although there are individuals with an age limit of 35 years.

The fish is very strong, tireless and agile thanks to its slippery cylindrical body.. The shape resembles an underwater torpedo with a long flattened head and a huge mouth filled with a large number of sharp teeth.

The pike is so predatory that sometimes it even rushes at its relatives. True, he prefers more often cyprinid fish for food: crucian carp, bleak, roach, rudd. But he treats prickly species (perch, ruff) with great caution, even if he catches such a fish, he does not immediately swallow it, but keeps it in his mouth until it stops moving. During the hunt, it misses very rarely, but if it fails, it returns to ambush and waits for other prey.

The spotty coloration of the body of the pike allows it to perfectly camouflage among the vegetation of the reservoir. In the rivers keeps on not very deep places, with a weak current and grassy shores.

Pike meat contains little fat, therefore it is considered dietary.. It contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

spiny perch

This predatory fish, like the pike, is widespread in the waters of Russia and almost all European countries. She has a laterally compressed body, which has a kind of hump with stripes. dark color. The tail fin and eyes are highlighted with an orange tint. The color of the perch depends entirely on the transparency of the water. Individuals living in a dark environment with a muddy bottom have a more saturated color than fish living in light water.

The fish is quite large in size, there is evidence that perch can reach a weight of up to five kilograms and a length of up to half a meter. The average life expectancy is about 17 years.

By extraordinary gluttony and predatory greed, it is not inferior to a pike. Having swallowed one fish, it can immediately continue hunting for another. There are cases when a perch caught in the stomach had several fry. It feeds on any fish of a suitable size, while being active both in summer and in winter.

Prefers to stay at depth, but not at the very bottom. During the hunt, it easily rushes to the prey located in the upper layers of the reservoir.

The largest predator - catfish

It is the largest fish living in the rivers. Its body length can reach five meters, and its weight is over 300 kg. According to scientists, such specimens are 80-100 years old. In most cases, the color is brown with a brownish-green tint, the belly is white. Color change can be almost to light yellow depending on the place of permanent habitation.

Catfish is considered an active nocturnal predator, which prefers to rest in snags or holes during the daytime.

The diet of this large predator is very diverse. Easily eats frogs, shellfish or big fish. Sometimes geese, ducks, water rats and other animals and birds can be in the mouth of a catfish.

The meat of this inhabitant of the river depths contains some bones and fat. It is very nutritious and beneficial for the human body.

A predator reaching a length of up to one meter and a weight of up to 10 kg. There is pike perch in the clear water of large rivers and lakes. Life expectancy up to 15 years. It is a relative of the perch, has the same vertical stripes on both sides.

An adult tries to stay near stones at a depth or in pits, but young animals, on the contrary, prefer shallow sections of rivers. The fry mainly feed at the beginning of life on zooplankton, insect larvae and small things of other fish.

Pike perch actively hunts for prey, while trying to avoid areas with thickets, where he himself can become food for pike. However, its location is very unstable. Where pike perch was well caught the day before, the next day it may not be found.

Among freshwater fish, burbot is the only representative of the cod family. It is sharply distinguished from other fish by the peculiar shape of the body. The body is strongly elongated and compressed on the sides, especially in the tail. The head is flattened, similar to a catfish. The back is grayish-green in color with stripes and spots of dark color, but the belly is whitish.

Burbot is a voracious and extremely greedy predator whose diet includes insect larvae, frogs, molluscs and small fish. Sometimes, when an adult is opened, a large number of small perches, minnows or ruffs are found in the stomach. Despite his lethargic and lazy appearance, he swims dexterously and quickly. At the same time, it is especially active in winter, when other fish are more sleepy and motionless.

Burbot can reach a length of up to one meter and a mass of up to five kilograms, although there are also specimens weighing up to 24 kg. Life expectancy is quite high - up to 22 years.

There are also predatory fish of smaller sizes, such as:

  1. Bersh - very similar to pike perch, however, reaches a size of up to 50 cm.
  2. Chop - less common, in the Danube or Dnieper rivers.
  3. Ruff is a widespread fish, often called a thorn by fishermen, because it has sharp, prickly fins.

herbivorous fish

This species includes fish that spend most of their time looking for plant foods and various river plankton. Grows in ponds and rivers different kinds algae, especially in warm summer time, which are an excellent haven for various mollusks and crustaceans. They are the perfect delicacy for herbivorous fish.

Common fish - crucian

It is the most common fish in almost all reservoirs and rivers of Russia. The fish is quite unpretentious, preferring shallow sections of the river, warmed by the rays of the sun and overgrown with vegetation of all kinds. Poorly reacts to lack of oxygen and water quality in habitats. In the winter season, crucian carp is able to freeze into ice and not even die at the same time.

It belongs to the family of carp fish, in appearance it is very similar to carp, but does not have antennae. Weighs approximately 0.5 kg. It feeds mainly on zooplankton, various aquatic plants, worms and larvae.

Allocate silver and gold carp. It is most active during the warm season.

Carp and its types

Belongs to the carp fish family and is the most desirable prey for anglers. middle lane Russia. There are individuals of a rather large size, weighing up to 10 kg. According to scientists, life expectancy can reach 100 years.

There are the following types of carps:

  1. mirror;
  2. scaly;
  3. naked;
  4. framed carp and others.

Among themselves, all these representatives differ in the shape of the body, the type of scales and habits. It can eat bread crumb, undercooked potatoes or oilcake.

The fish is very strong, so experienced fishermen are more likely to catch it, using reliable and powerful gear.

The main types of carp

Bream and its use in cooking

This schooling, inconspicuous fish lives more often in places with a calm current and a muddy bottom. Life expectancy is up to 20 years, but the growth of bream is very slow. Only by the age of ten is he able to gain weight up to 4 kg.

It feeds mainly on crustaceans, mollusks, insect larvae, worms and algae. The coloring of the bream is dominated by a dark silver hue. Spawns at a water temperature of 13 degrees.

The meat of this fish is characterized by excellent taste. It is used boiled, salted, fried, dried or smoked.

Small representative - roach

This fish is found in almost all rivers and lakes. It leads a flocking lifestyle and prefers to hide from predators in quiet sections of rivers overgrown with grass and algae.

In appearance, it is very similar to the redfin. The color of the body depends on the composition of the water in its habitat. The fish is small in size (15-20 cm), however, there were also specimens up to half a meter in length and weighing up to two kilograms.

Roach spawns at a temperature of plus ten degrees, and after this period it is particularly active. The best time to catch this fish is early morning or late evening.

Of course, within the framework of one article, it is very difficult to describe all the representatives water world. There is more great amount types of river fish:

  1. Rudd is a beautiful fish that looks like a roach.
  2. Gustera is a distant relative of the bream, silver in color with reddish fins.
  3. Carp - is considered a freshwater fish, but is also found in the Caspian Sea basin.
  4. Tench is a royal fish with excellent taste characteristics.
  5. The chub is a freshwater fish found exclusively in fast-flowing rivers.
  6. Bleak is a ubiquitous fish known to almost any angler.

Other types of river fish

Unfortunately, many river systems are adversely affected by the unfavorable ecological situation, which is caused by various emissions industrial enterprises and factories. The inhabitants of many rivers and reservoirs become victims of such a human attitude to the environment.

Asking the question, what is the largest fish in the world, you can not find an exact answer to it. After all, sometimes they diverge from the information that fishermen own. If we take into account general statistics, it is safe to identify the main contenders for this position. Perhaps it would be wrong to classify all the inhabitants of the underwater bottom according to the same characteristics, so you should also decide which is the largest freshwater fish that lives in the world.

The biggest fish in the ocean

According to official data, the whale shark is the largest fish living in the ocean depths.


What does the biggest fish in the world look like? The average size of a whale shark is 9.7 meters. The weight of individuals is 9 tons. There are also larger individuals, in particular, a case of catching a whale shark weighing 22 tons and measuring 12.6 meters was recorded.

Outwardly, the whale shark is very different from representatives of this species. The thick skin in placoid scales on the back has a dark gray-brown color, and on the belly it is gray-white. Her back is painted with a pattern of light stripes and spots, which create a unique individual pattern that does not change throughout life, like human fingerprints.

The huge mouth of the whale shark is 1.5 meters wide. There are 300-350 small teeth in the mouth.


This large fish lives throughout the oceans, but its population is not the same in different areas. Individuals prefer warm temperate and tropical waters. You can meet representatives of the species in Florida, California. It lives in the Indian Ocean and swims to the coast of Africa. Not found in Japan, south of Brazil and northern Australia, does not swim in the Mediterranean.

Whale sharks move in a small group, rarely individuals stay alone. If the habitat is rich in food, then they can form colonies of hundreds of representatives.


Despite the status of the largest fish in the world, the whale shark is not a hunter for big booty. Her diet is:

  • krill;
  • shrimps;
  • small fish;
  • jellyfish;
  • plankton, etc.

In general, she eats everything that she can suck into her huge mouth.

While feeding, the shark moves very slowly, often positioning itself almost vertically to the surface of the water. After taking a sip, the fish closes its mouth and passes water through the gill slits. Filtered food enters the stomach, and water exits through the gills. The shark takes about 10-16 sips per minute. It takes quite a long time to get enough - about 7 hours a day.


Whale sharks reach sexual maturity at 30 years of age. Moreover, females become ready for breeding earlier than males.

This large fish is ovoviviparous. Fry about half a meter in size hatch immediately from the shell. The number of babies can reach up to 300 individuals. For the first couple of weeks, they feed on the internal reserves of their body.

The long-lived whale shark is her average age is about 80 years old.

The ocean is not the only habitat for huge fish. Now we will try to find out what the world's largest fish that lives in fresh water. Based on statistics, this is the beluga.


This fish belongs to the sturgeon family and is listed in the Red Book. Beluga is considered an endangered species, as it is hunted for its meat and caviar.

Outwardly, it differs from other sturgeons in its large mouth. Flattened antennae grow on the face of the fish. Her body is thick, cylindrical, with growths on the back, which are called bugs. Like most freshwater fish, the color of the beluga on the back is dark gray, while the belly is much lighter.

The weight of an adult individual reaches 1500 kg or more, with a total length of about 6 meters.


Beluga is not only a freshwater fish, as adults also live in sea ​​water. Only there can a large beluga find enough food. Anadromous fish for spawning goes to fresh water bodies of rivers, where it gets from sea ​​depths Caspian, Black and Seas of Azov. It also lives in the Adriatic and mediterranean seas. Fish from the Caspian Sea most often breed in the Volga, Azov returns to spawn in the Don River, and Black Sea individuals visit the Dnieper, Danube, and Dniester.


Because of large sizes Beluga consumes a lot of food. It is for this that adults go to sea. There, her diet is animal food - the beluga is a predator. Most often, she eats herring, sprat, goby and juveniles. In addition to fish, the beluga can catch ducklings and seal pups (white seals).


Like other long-lived fish, beluga become sexually mature at a fairly adult age - at 12-14 years old males, and at 16-18 years old females. The fish, ready for breeding, returns from the sea to the river. Migration takes place upstream. One individual can spawn once every few years. For spawning, the beluga chooses a rocky bottom at a depth. Caviar glued to stones and pebbles is fertilized by males swimming nearby. If, for some reason, the female failed to lay eggs, then it resolves inside her.

About 90% of the eggs die, the rest hatch into fry in a week, which behave like predators from birth. Gradually they descend downstream to the sea.

The nature of the beluga is intended for a long life - up to 100 years or more. But rare individuals live to this age, as the beluga, listed in the Red Book, is an ongoing hunt.

So, the answer to the question, what is the largest fish in the world, will be the whale shark. Beluga is rightfully the first among freshwater fish.