Mushrooms have been eaten since ancient times. They are not only among the most delicious products nutrition, but also the most satisfying. But not all macromycetes are equally useful and may be suitable for consumption. Some of their species pose a serious danger to human body due to high toxicity.

In order not to become a victim of fungi that are dangerous to human life and health, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list, which includes the most poisonous mushrooms in the world.

10. Olive Omphaloth

Omphalote olive opens the top ten most poisonous mushrooms on the planet. The mushroom has a bright orange color. European forests are considered to be the place of growth. It grows, as a rule, on old, rotten stumps. In addition to their attractive appearance, these mushrooms smell very good. But eating them is extremely dangerous for health. Poisoning manifests itself as a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. A person experiences nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in dehydration.

9. Russula burning

Russula burning is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. Despite the high toxicity, no cases of death have been identified. Conditionally suitable for food with proper processing. The taste of this russula is bitter, with a pronounced sharpness. When used in large quantities, it causes a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. There are signs of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and general weakness.

8. Panther fly agaric

Fly agaric panther considered one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, known to man. His hat has white color with a cream tint and white dots in the form of warts. The highly poisonous fly agaric is similar in composition to henbane. When intoxicated, it has a number of similar symptoms with henbane poisoning: headaches, tachycardia, visual impairment, speech disorder, hallucinations and convulsions. When a large dose enters the body of the panther fly agaric, a fatal outcome occurs.

7. Foliotina wrinkled

Foliotina wrinkled is among the top ten dangerous mushrooms for human health and life. The place of growth is considered the northwest of America. These macromycetes are similar to psilocybin, which is used as a medicinal decoction. Unlike the last Foliotin, wrinkled has a very strong toxicity and can be fatal. When ingested, a person develops liver failure. This leads to general intoxication and death.

6. Zelenushka

Greenfinch ranked sixth among the most poisonous mushrooms. It got its name from its green color. For a long time it was considered a conditionally edible mushroom. But recent studies have shown that with regular consumption of greenfinch, acute renal failure develops. Poisoning manifests itself in the form of weakness, the appearance of convulsions, general pain.

5. False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow

False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow considered one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. These dangerous macromycetes grow in light forests. Usually they do not grow singly, but are found in groups, adjacent to dead stumps and tree roots. The smooth cap has a bright yellow color with a brown tint in the center. After eating, after a few hours, the first symptoms of poisoning appear in the form of vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the side. This species can cause kidney failure, which can be fatal.

4. Thin pig

Pig thin ranks fourth in the list of the most poisonous mushrooms. Another name sounds like "brown roll" because of the color and shape. For a long time it was considered edible. But recent studies have shown that with periodic consumption of food, the substances contained in this fungus destroy white blood cells. Symptoms may not appear immediately after ingestion. Svinushka thin causes general malaise, vomiting, nausea. After a while, a person begins to have a fever, then kidney failure develops, which is fatal. Signs of poisoning can appear for a long period, and death occurs after two weeks.

3. Ergot purple

2. Fly agaric Ocreata

View fly agaric Amanita Ocreata is the second most poisonous mushroom in the world. In the people it is also called as the "angel of death." Distributed throughout the area North America in oak forests. This species has a yellowish color with a brown tint in the center of the cap. When even a small particle of the fungus enters the body, it causes severe poisoning with pronounced symptoms: pain in the side, vomiting, sometimes with blood, diarrhea, etc. Symptoms appear for several days. Full recovery is possible in 1-2 weeks. The dangerous substances that make up this fly agaric destroy the liver and kidneys.

1. Pale grebe

Death cap- the most poisonous mushroom in the world. These mushrooms are yellow-green in color with a white border. Distributed in European forests with broad-leaved trees. When ingested, it affects vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Often this leads to death. This species is so poisonous that it is not recommended to touch it. with bare hands, and contact with mushrooms collected for food should not be allowed. Symptoms of poisoning may appear gradually over several days. The poisoned person is haunted by colic, dizziness, vomiting and loose stools. During this period, the destruction of the above organs occurs. At the first sign of poisoning, seek immediate medical attention. medical care. This also applies to poisoning by other mushrooms that are on our list.

A variety of mushrooms are already firmly rooted in the diet of many people. Some even like to collect them on their own, going to nature for mushrooms. However, lovers of this activity should be very careful: many mushrooms are poisonous. About some of the edible mushrooms I will tell you in this top 10 most poisonous mushrooms in the world.

10 Fibres of Patuillard

Eating this mushroom can cause severe muscarinic poisoning with fatal. There is even more muscarine in Patuillard's fiber than in the red fly agaric, and several times more. The first manifestations of poisoning with this fungus appear in the victim approximately 30 minutes - 2 hours after the use of Patuillard fiber.

9 Russula burning

This mushroom is one of the most poisonous on the planet. Russula stinging is very toxic, but, fortunately, no deaths have been observed so far due to the use of such a fungus in food. Russula burning is considered conditionally edible with proper processing. But it's better not to risk it. After all, the processing may turn out to be incorrect, or a person may simply eat a lot of these mushrooms, which can lead to bad consequences.

8 Foliotina wrinkled

In nature, these mushrooms are most often found in the northwestern part of America. These macromycetes are very similar to psilocybin, which is used for medicinal decoctions. But unlike him, Foliotina wrinkled is very dangerous for humans. The fact is that this mushroom is very toxic.

7 pig thin

Surprisingly, but for a long time This poisonous mushroom was considered edible! If you periodically eat it, substances from the fungus begin to destroy white blood cells. Symptoms may not make themselves felt immediately after a person has eaten a mushroom. Signs of poisoning with a thin pig can manifest themselves for quite a long time, and the death of a person poisoned by this fungus occurs two weeks later.

6 Whitish talker

The whitish talker "surpassed" even the red fly agaric in terms of the content of muscarine. Muscarine that contain her fruit bodies(as well as fruiting bodies related species, which are called Clitocybe rivulosa and Clinocybe cerussata), can cause severe poisoning. 15-20 minutes after consuming Govorushka whitish, the victim shows the first signs of poisoning with this fungus. Often the symptoms of poisoning begin to subside after two hours.

5 Galerina fringed

In appearance, Galerina bordered has some resemblance to a summer honey agaric. However, do not be deceived by the appearance of Galerina bordered - this mushroom is deadly poisonous.

4 spring toadstool

The spring grebe (also called the spring fly agaric) is called by some a variety of the Pale grebe. Whether, in fact, the Spring Grebe is a variety of the Pale Grebe or not, in principle, does not matter. The only important thing is that the Spring Grebe is deadly poisonous.

3 False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow

These deadly macromycetes usually live in woodlands. The first signs of poisoning with Sulphur-yellow False Mushroom appear in the victim several hours after such poisonous mushrooms have been eaten.

2 Fly agaric

There are several varieties of this deadly poisonous mushroom. Below I will describe some of them. Panther fly agaric is a very poisonous mushroom. It contains muscarine and muscaridine, which are also found in other poisonous fly agarics, as well as scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which are found in henbane, dope, and some other poisonous plants. The smelly fly agaric has an additional danger - inexperienced mushroom pickers may mistake it for some kind of champignon, which this poisonous mushroom looks like. The type of fly agaric Amanita Ocreata is popularly called the “angel of death” ... In general, fly agarics are very poisonous and dangerous to humans.

1 pale grebe

In order to get poisoned by the Pale grebe, it is enough to eat only half or even a third of one mushroom (about 30 g). The first symptoms of poisoning with this fungus appear in the victim 0.5-2 days after the use of Pale grebe. In most cases, Pale grebe poisoning leads to death of the victim. The pale grebe is so poisonous that it should not be touched with bare hands, and it should not be allowed to come into contact with edible mushrooms collected for food.

Of course, in addition to the mushrooms described above, there are many more poisonous mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to human health or even life. Therefore, if you are fond of picking mushrooms, be sure to carefully study all the information about edible and poisonous mushrooms so as not to confuse them.

Harmless mushrooms, "elite" white, dubious "cow lips" and definitely poisonous fly agaric. But is the edibility of mushrooms always obvious? Let's see which mushrooms are the most poisonous.

The most poisonous mushrooms in Russia

IN Russian forests great mushroom variety. Mushroom pickers, as a rule, know most of the edible mushrooms, but of the poisonous ones, they know only two species - fly agaric and pale grebe.

Fly agaric is the most famous poisonous mushroom in Russian forests. The red fly agaric has been familiar to everyone since childhood, but he has many brothers who are much more dangerous than himself. The poisonous subspecies include the shell fly agaric, the smelly fly agaric and pale grebe. Amanita muscaria is poisonous, but fatal cases of poisoning by it are rare. It contains small amounts of the poison muscarine.

Timely seeking medical help leads to recovery. A tincture of red fly agaric is even used in medicinal purposes. And if you believe the Scandinavian legends, then the soldiers were given a small piece of fly agaric before the battle. Those who ate such a “vitamin” became insensitive to pain. This is because the fly agaric contains an alkaloid - bufotetin, which is a strong psychotropic and hallucinogenic substance. The red fly agaric is ubiquitous. Its ripening period is from late June to late autumn. Its bright colors warn of danger and protect the mushroom from encroachment.

The smelly fly agaric is closest to the pale grebe in terms of the content of toxins and toxic substances. But these mushrooms are poisoned very rarely. The unpleasant smell of rotten potatoes does not make you want to try them. It grows from June to October in mixed and coniferous forests. Pale grebe is the most dangerous mushroom growing in Russian forests. A quarter of a hat is enough to poison an adult. At the same time, people who survived the poisoning claim that the mushroom is very tasty. Pale grebe contains amanitotoxin - a terrible poison that is not destroyed by heat treatment. Poisoning with this mushroom is dangerous, primarily because the symptoms do not appear immediately, but a day or even three after eating the mushroom. The chances of survival depend on how healthy the person is and how much toadstool they have eaten. The first symptoms of poisoning - headache, nausea, weakness. Then there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, the pulse becomes thready, often the liver is enlarged. The cause of death is toxic hepatitis or acute heart failure.

Pale grebe is easy to confuse with russula, greenfinches, champignons. Basic hallmark toadstool - a tuberous thickening at the bottom of the leg, the so-called Volvo calyx, from where the mushroom grows. The ring is clearly visible on the leg white color.

What other signs can distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one?

To mushroom hunting did not end badly, you only need to collect well famous mushrooms, unfamiliar or mushrooms that are in doubt, it is better not to touch. Unfortunately, there are no recommendations that will help with 100% certainty to distinguish edible from poisonous mushrooms.

The main sign of a poisonous mushroom is the content in it is deadly hazardous substances, and not external "dissimilarity" to " good mushrooms". Often, poisonous mushrooms have no characteristic signs at all; flakes on a fly agaric hat, for example, can be washed away by rain.

There are many misconceptions that supposedly allow you to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. Here are the most common ones.

Poisonous mushrooms have a bitter taste and an unpleasant smell. But the same pale toadstool practically does not smell, and some claim that its smell is similar to the smell of champignon.

The belief that worms and snails do not eat poisonous mushrooms is also wrong. They gnaw them no less than edible mushrooms. The opinion that a silver spoon will turn black in a decoction of poisonous mushrooms is also incorrect. The spoon darkens on contact with the sulfur contained in mushrooms, regardless of their toxicity.

Onions and garlic turn blue when touched due to the presence of the tyrosinase enzyme in it, and not toxic substances. So which mushrooms can be safely put in a basket, which ones should be avoided, and what are conditionally edible mushrooms?

Conditionally edible and poisonous mushrooms

Edible mushrooms are porcini, boletus, boletus, etc. well known to experienced mushroom pickers. They do not contain toxins, do not have bitterness and an unpleasant odor. Immediately after harvesting, they can be boiled or fried and eaten.

There is also a group of inedible mushrooms. They do not contain harmful substances, but have a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. Eating them does not cause poisoning, but may cause mild stomach upset. TO inedible mushrooms include, for example, bitter or gall fungus, false chanterelles, vomiting russula, etc.

Mushrooms are poisonous and contain toxins that cause poisoning. Such mushrooms retain their qualities after any type of processing: boiling, soaking, salting, drying, etc. Approximately 25 types of mushrooms are considered the most dangerous. Among them are smelly and panther fly agarics, pale grebe, Patuillard fiber, some types of umbrellas and talkers. These mushrooms, of course, need to be known by sight in order to prevent dangerous mistakes when collecting.

What is the most poisonous mushroom in the world?

In some sources, the most poisonous mushroom on the planet is called the bloody tooth mushroom. They say that even breathing next to him is dangerous, and to go to another world, just touch him with your tongue. There is no evidence for this yet, according to other sources, it may even be useful to mankind, because it contains substances that thin the blood and has an antibacterial effect.

Rumors about his super poisonousness are caused in many ways by his unusual view. Another name for this mushroom is strawberries with cream. Indeed, at first glance, it is very similar to this dessert, and even the aroma resembles delicious treat. The surface of the mushroom is velvety, white, strewn with scarlet drops. These drops are secreted by the fungus itself - in this way it lures the insects that it feeds on. With age, the mushroom loses its beauty and becomes an inconspicuous brown color. Also, with age, sharp outgrowths appear along the edges of the cap, in which spores ripen. Hence the word "tooth" in the title.

Until recently, this fungus was found in the forests of North America, Australia and Europe. But the facts of its growth are already known in Russian forests, for example, in the Komi Republic.

Picking mushrooms is an interesting and exciting activity, but you need to approach it with all seriousness in order to avoid sad consequences.

By the way, mushrooms are among the largest creatures in the world because of the huge myceliums. According to the site, even the largest tree in the world, the sequoia, is inferior to them in size.
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Since ancient times, gathering, along with hunting, have been the main occupations of man, and today, at the end of summer and autumn, dozens of mushroom pickers go out to “hunt” for mushrooms. But among the whole variety of mushrooms, there are those that are better not to be eaten, as this can lead to serious illness, and often death. Therefore, consider the category of poisonous mushrooms, and find out which is the most poisonous mushroom in the world.

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia

In Russia, messages about mushroom poisoning in the summer-autumn period are received at the operational points of the Ministry of Emergencies almost daily. To avoid trouble, the "enemy", as they say, you need to know in person, and know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones.

Pale Grebe / Amanita phalloides

One of the most poisonous mushrooms in the vast expanses of Russia, it is better not to allow poisoning by this representative of the large genus Amanita.

The danger is that outwardly pale toadstool strongly resembles edible Forest mushrooms, and therefore can easily fall into the basket of an inexperienced mushroom picker.

On top of the hat of the toadstools there is a white ring, which protrudes hallmark pale toadstool.

Red fly agaric / Amanita muscaria

Amanitas look very beautiful and appetizing, but it is strictly forbidden to eat them, and the name itself should scare away those who want to feast on a forest dweller.

Amanitas are widespread almost everywhere, growing in groups or alone. Mostly give preference to birch forests.

Not considered deadly poisonous, but can cause hallucinations and severe poisoning.

False Chanterelle / Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

Poisonous mushrooms also include the so-called “twins of edible mushrooms”, which, despite their external similarity, contain poison dangerous to health and life.

False chanterelle and hat shape and bright orange color resembles its edible relative. It grows in families, and rarely singly.

But still, at edible chanterelle a lighter color, the hat is flat, but the edges are slightly wavy. The false chanterelle also has an empty leg.

Poisonous mushrooms of Ukraine

In the vastness of Ukraine, due to geographical proximity and a similar climate, almost the same mushrooms grow as in Russia, but there are also some species differences, which we will present.

Entoloma poisonous / Entoloma sinuatum

The most dangerous mushroom from the genus Entomola grows in the Carpathian region, mainly in the expanses of virgin steppes, but can also be found in deciduous forests.

It develops throughout the summer, and disappears by the beginning of autumn. This is one of the largest representatives of this genus, and the hat sometimes reaches 25 cm.

It was first discovered and described in 1788, and in 1871 it received its modern name, and is listed in reference books as poisonous. In Russia, they grow in the North Caucasus and some regions of Siberia, but these are quite rare mushrooms.

Fiberglass Patuillard / Inocybe erubescens

The Russian name for this dangerous fungus is reddening fibre, and in the genus Inocybe it is one of the most deadly species.

In Ukraine, it grows from July to November, mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. Locally found in Europe and Asia. The hat is umbrella-shaped with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm, and the leg reaches a height of up to 10 cm.

Fibers contain a toxic alkaloid - muscarine, which can cause severe poisoning and lead to death.

Thin pig / Paxillus involutus

According to Wikipedia, this species was considered conditionally edible for a long time, but then it was listed in the category of poisonous harmful mushrooms.

It occurs in almost all types of forests, choosing moist shady places, and can also grow on tree trunks. The hat reaches a diameter of 15 cm, and the color of the pig varies from light brown to rusty-brown.

For the first time, poisoning from eating a thin pig was recorded in 1944.

Poisonous mushrooms of the world

Our list will continue with mushrooms growing in different corners the globe, and are considered the most poisonous.

By the way, there is also a website on our website interesting article about! We advise you to read and see these enemies "in person"!

Smith's Fly Agaric / Amanita smithiana

grows in mixed forests North America, and the toxins contained in this fly agaric affect the liver and lead to death.

The hemispherical cap grows from 5 to 17 cm, and the stem is thin with a flocculent ring. The color of the cap is completely white or cream, and the cap itself is covered with tubercles.

By chance, the spores were brought to the islands of Japan, where the fungus has taken root and grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Spring Amanita / Amanita verna

In appearance, the spring fly agaric looks like a pale grebe, but belongs to an independent species from the Amanitaceae family.

It is widely distributed in the forests of Europe and is considered deadly. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of poisoning are the same as those of the pale grebe.

In Russia, it is called white fly agaric or spring grebe, but in Russian forests it is much less common than its red counterpart.

Bordered Galerina / Galerina marginata

One of the most poisonous mushrooms of the Strophariaceae family has a brown cap and a lighter stem with a characteristic ring.

It is found mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, but has also been found in Australia. It is noteworthy that it grows in the subarctic and arctic places of Canada.

The body contains poisonous amatoxins, and when it enters the human body, they cause death.

Yellow-skinned mushroom / Agaricus xanthodermus

There are poisonous mushrooms in the Champignon family, and the Russians call it false champignon or yellowing champignon.

Distributed in Europe and North America, but was introduced to Australia by accident. It can be found not only in forests, but also in city parks, gardens, forest plantations.

You can distinguish it from edible in the process of cooking. The fact is that, unlike ordinary mushrooms, it begins to smell bad when boiled.

Brown-Red Lepiota / Lepiota brunneoincarnata

Another mushroom from the genus Lepiot is considered one of the most deadly. Grows in Western and of Eastern Europe, but it is not found in Russia.

The semicircular bell cap is up to 7 cm in diameter, and the color is usually pale gray with dark concentric circles. The leg is slightly curved and has a cylindrical shape.

Long studies have shown that it contains the strongest poisons from the cyanide group, so any ingestion will lead to death.

Satanic Mushroom / Boletus satanas

This species from the Borovik genus is also called Satanic Bolet, and it is common in deciduous forests. Southern Europe and in the Middle East.

The diameter of the cap grows on average from 8 to 25 cm, but specimens up to 30 cm in size have been found. The stem is spherical and has a reddish color.

In some European countries, it is eaten, but in reference books it is listed as inedible. It is believed that even 1 gram of the satanic mushroom causes severe food poisoning.

Sulphur-yellow honeycomb / Hypholoma fasciculare

False honey fungus, called sulfur yellow because of its characteristic color, is very poisonous, and grows in mixed forests of Europe and North America.

In appearance, it resembles a summer honey agaric, so you need to be careful not to confuse it with an edible fellow. The hat is small, only 1.5-7 cm in diameter, and the stem does not grow more than 10 cm and 0.5 cm in diameter.

After eating, after a couple of hours, nausea begins, severe vomiting and the person loses consciousness.

Cobweb / Cortinarius gentilis

The name of this mushroom should not be misleading, as its body contains toxins that are deadly to life. Its poisonousness was proved by experiments on rats.

It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, rather small, since the hat is 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter. The color is yellowish-brown or orange.

When it enters the human body, it primarily affects the activity of the kidneys, and without medical intervention a person may die.

Facts about poisonous mushrooms

In conclusion, we present a few facts related to poisonous and terrible mushrooms:

  • The most poisonous mushroom, growing both in Europe and in Asia, is considered a pale grebe.
  • Mushroom Bloody tooth is considered by many to be poisonous, and that even breathing its spores is deadly to the body. But while science does not know the facts of poisoning with this mushroom, but maybe just its awesome appearance repels mushroom pickers and is not eaten.
  • Most animals in the body have enzymes that easily break down mushroom poisons, so animals eat poisonous mushrooms and do not get poisoned.
  • Pale toadstool, mixed in food, was poisoned by the Roman Emperor Claudius and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV.
  • Poisonous mushrooms are widely used in traditional medicine, as well as in official pharmacology for the production of certain types of drugs.
  • Fly agaric is the most recognizable mushroom in the world. Of the respondents in Europe, 96% of respondents recognize him in the photo, while, edible Porcini learned only 53%.

In nature, getting poisoned is quite easy, because poisonous plants and mushrooms grow in almost any region of the globe, so you need to be careful and better avoid unfamiliar plants, and especially mushrooms. It is unrealistic to describe all poisonous mushrooms in one article, but we tried to highlight the most dangerous for human health and life.

Be sure to watch this video!

Before use, it is important to know that the mushrooms that are on the plate are really safe. There are many types of mushrooms in the world that are actually extremely poisonous, because they can cause severe poisoning. Most of them can only provoke indigestion. However, there are also species that, if they enter the body, will cause no small harm to it and can even provoke a fatal outcome.

Mushroom poison has a selective mechanism of action. That is, each type of mushroom affects certain organs or entire systems. So, there are mushrooms whose poisons affect mainly the central nervous system, on the heart, liver, stomach and intestines and so on.

But some mushrooms have a toxic effect not one, but on many organs and systems of the body. And yet, even in this case, the selective effect on a particular organ always manifests itself earlier and with a smaller dose of poison.

The poison is absorbed directly into the blood. It usually occurs in the lower intestines. With irritation of these departments, the absorption of the poison increases. In acute lesions, toxic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis) most often develop.

Mushroom poison has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea occur. At the same time, under the influence of mushroom poison, hemorrhages occur in the wall of the stomach and intestines (hemorrhagic gastritis and enteritis).

The active principle of such mushrooms is all kinds chemical compounds, which are represented mainly by alkaloids, glycosides, vegetable soaps and acids. It's pretty complex elements containing carbon and hydrogen.

Their salts are highly soluble in water, quickly absorbed in the stomach and intestines. The presented list includes ten of the most poisonous and deadly species of mushrooms for humans. It got into:

Omphalote olive

Representative of rather poisonous mushrooms. Grows predominantly in wooded area on rotten stumps, rotten trunks of deciduous trees in Europe, mainly in the Crimea. Distinguished by its unique bioluminescent properties.

It looks like a fox in appearance. In contrast, olive omfalot has an unpleasant odor and contains the toxin illudin S. When ingested, this substance leads to very severe pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Does not usually cause death.

This species is quite widespread in the northern hemisphere. This mainly concerns deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. It is an opportunistic fungus.

That is, with proper processing, this mushroom is edible, but it tastes bitter, with a pronounced sharpness. Raw is poisonous, it contains the poison muscarine. Not even drinking a large number raw mushroom leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

This type of fungus usually grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The mushroom is highly toxic. In addition, it contains poisons such as muscarine and mycoatropine, which adversely affect the central nervous system.

A number of toxic alkaloids are often found in the composition of this fungus, which cause gastrointestinal disorders, hallucinations, and can even sometimes lead to death.

Foliotina wrinkled

On the seventh line in the list of the most dangerous and poisonous mushrooms in the world is Foliotina wrinkled. This is a rather poisonous mushroom that grows mainly in Europe, Asia and North America. Contains the strongest poison amatoxins.

It is highly toxic, primarily affecting the liver and causing many deaths. Sometimes these mushrooms are confused with blue psilocybe. This is what causes most of the deaths.

This mushroom grows in small groups mainly in dry coniferous forests on sandy soils in North America and Europe. More recently, it was still considered a good edible mushroom, but everything changed dramatically in 2001.

This year, reports of poisoning were published when consuming a large number of greenfinches (12 cases, 3 of them fatal), this mushroom began to be suspected of being poisonous. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle weakness, pain, cramps, nausea, and sweating.

False honeysuckle sulfur-yellow

This plant is a highly poisonous mushroom. You can often meet him on all continents with the exception of Africa and Antarctica. Similar mushrooms grow on old stumps of deciduous and coniferous trees in August-November.

It is strictly forbidden to eat it, since the fungus causes severe, sometimes fatal poisoning. Symptoms appear after a few hours and are accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea and bloating, sometimes blurred vision and even paralysis.

Pig thin

A representative of poisonous mushrooms, common in moist deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, gardens, forest belts of the Northern Hemisphere in areas with temperate climate. The mushroom has long been considered conditionally edible. But now, after lengthy studies, its toxicity has been fully proven.

Prolonged use of a thin pig in food leads to severe poisoning. This is especially pronounced in debilitated patients and in people with diseased kidneys. Potentially fatal complications include acute renal failure, shock, respiratory failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Death in such cases occurs almost instantly.

Ergot purple

The alkaloids of this plant have a psychotropic, neurotoxic effect on the central nervous system. In large doses, it is toxic to humans and, if ingested, causes convulsions, prolonged spasms, mental disorders, and often death.

Amanita ocreata

The species is better known as the "angel of death". It's about about a deadly poisonous mushroom from the Amanita family. It is distributed in mixed forests mainly in the northeastern part of North America from Washington to Baja California.

It contains predominantly alpha-amanitin and other amatoxins, which cause the death of liver cells and other organs, as well as a violation of protein synthesis. Complications of poisoning include increased intracranial pressure, intracranial hemorrhage, sepsis, pancreatitis, acute renal failure, and cardiac arrest. Death occurs in 9 cases out of 10.

Today it is the most poisonous mushroom in the world. Is the cause of most fatal poisonings arising after the use of mushrooms. It grows in almost all types of forests. Prefers dark, damp places.

Contains two types of toxins, amanitin and phalloidin, which cause hepatic and kidney failure. It has been proven that the toxicity of the fungus does not decrease after it is cooked, frozen or dried. Sometimes they are mistakenly collected instead of champignons and green russula and eaten.

Video: 10 most poisonous mushrooms