Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you about one wonderful holiday that took place in December 2006 at MDOU No. 59 "Center for Child Development - kindergarten "Cinderella" Norilsk. We named this event "My lovely babysitter!" dedicated to the people of the profession junior educator. It was with this kind and affectionate word "nanny" that we, kindergarten teachers, allowed ourselves to call our junior educators that day, these wonderful workers, assistant educators from A to Z.

The work of a junior educator is practically invisible to parents. Many mothers and fathers do not see these kind and affectionate eyes that meet with children every day, do not hear how their children share their secrets with these wise women, they don’t know how motherly nannies teach the mind and order of children - the ability to set the table, make beds, monitor appearance and much more. Throughout the day, the junior teacher is next to the children, lives the entire group life, knows about all the little things of a child's life. Well, who of the parents knows about all this, who does not doubt the huge role of junior educators in the lives of their children, is certainly very grateful to the nannies for their work for the benefit of preschoolers.

In order to raise the prestige of the profession, in confirmation of the need and need for junior educators, as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary preschool education in Norilsk and the event "My Fair Nanny!" was planned and held.

During the whole day, junior educators were the main inhabitants of the Cinderella country. Preschoolers, by virtue of their age capabilities, helped the nannies in everything. Educators, together with children and parents, prepared "Nanny's Corners" in groups with stories about their younger educators, photographs, kind words addressed to nannies.

A competition for the most interesting and beautiful markings was held between junior educators. The nannies showed their talents with pleasure, they did their best! You have never seen such outlandish saucepans in your life - with deer, daisies, squirrels, fish! As expected, according to the results of the competition, the winners were announced and, of course, gifts were presented! The awarding took place at a matinee prepared by preschool children, under the guidance of music directors, for their beloved nannies. How nice it was for the children and parents invited to the holiday to see their junior teacher as a winner!

This day ended with a solemn big concert for junior educators with their own participation. Educators gave songs, romances, poems to their assistants, and the nannies, like creative natures, sang and danced, and acted as models! The holiday turned out to be sincere, lyrical and, at the same time, cheerful and invigorating. The junior teachers themselves, all the employees of the kindergarten, the guests of the concert received great pleasure and a lot of impressions!

I suggest that everyone who is interested, who may wish to arrange such a holiday for junior teachers in their kindergarten, read the script for the big concert "My Fair Nanny!" Ivanenko Ksenia Vasilievna

educator of MDOU No. 59 "CRR - Kindergarten "Cinderella" in Norilsk

Scenario for a big concert

"My beautiful nanny!"

The host opens the concert:

Good evening dear friends and guests of our holiday! Good evening, we tell you already by tradition.

We are glad to see you again in our hall - this meeting is not accidental. Indeed, in the coming New Year, the entire community of the city will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Norilsk preschool education. And on the eve of this anniversary, today we honor our beloved junior educators!

And here are the heroes of the occasion. Meet!...

To the tune of the song Good mood"Junior kindergarten teachers enter the hall.

Leading: Hello our lovely nannies!

And although officially your position sounds like a junior educator, but, if you allow, it is with this kind and gentle word nanny that we will call you today.

There are many different professions in the world.

The work of a miner can be measured by tons of coal mined, a steelworker by the amount of steel smelted, a doctor by the number of patients cured.

And how to measure the work of a junior educator? ...

It cannot be measured, because your work is immeasurable and priceless!

For you, our dear ones, this wonderful song will be performed by the choir "Magic Voices" (the choir includes kindergarten teachers).

Song "Lovely nannies!".

Yes, God forbid, good luck to you all, Prosperity in the family. And at work - respect And just happiness on earth!

Please accept this soulful song by composer Alexander Morozov "River" performed by our choir "Magic Voices".

And now, dear guests, you have unique opportunity get to know each of the representatives of this respectable profession - junior educator!

Having worked long years in kindergarten, with rich experience behind them, these women received the proud status of "Experienced and wise" junior kindergarten teachers.

So we present:

- it is she who knows how to be invisible when the kids are busy with their work and indispensable when they need help and support;

- you know how to be interesting for the kids all the time, and know how to accept them for who they are;

- you know how to see the uniqueness of each child, you realize that his life and his soul are in your hands;

- it is you who know how to take care of these souls and do everything to make the kids in kindergarten cozy and comfortable,

- you rejoice at how preschoolers grow up;

- out of habit, kids call you mom;

- it is you who feel the affection and trust of the kids.

And at the same time, you are not only wonderful workers, but also talented, gifted, creative people!

The elders perform ditties.

Our dear nannies! We wish you joy always. You accept congratulations from us. We sincerely wish you well. And so that you do not have sadness, And so that the children do not upset you. And for you to be in good mood- Accept this song as a congratulation.

Song "It's snowing"

Dear guests, as you have noticed, our kindergarten is a small country where people live and work together different characters and nationalities.

We present you the "Golden Mean" of the team of junior educators.

Please accept as a gift a gypsy romance performed by the music director.

And we also know about you that you yourself know how to have fun and ignite others with joyful enthusiasm.

Junior educators present the dance "Potpourri".

This is how she is ours golden mean- a treasure trove of talent.

Of course, it's not easy being a junior teacher! After all, you need to do so much in a day: wash the floors, wipe the dust, keep the tools in order, clothe, undress, feed the children:

In general, our nannies are real Cinderellas!

And we are now convinced of this!

A brand is being held - a kindergarten game (junior teachers and guests) "Both beans and peas".

At the end of the game, the facilitator sums up:

You proved that any business can be argued in your skillful hands, you confirm the industrious name of our kindergarten.

Accept this old romance as a gift.

For affection, kindness, care We will thank you. To collect all the flowers in the world And to give to you, relatives. We wish you health, happiness, More joy, kindness, So that everything in life is beautiful, So that you do not grow old for years.

We are all very pleased that young people, full of enthusiasm and fire, the desire to work and take care of little Norilsk citizens, new people are joining the team.

We present you the "Youth company" of junior educators, our girls: Victoria, Yulia, Elena. What wonderful names!

We give you, dear girls, a cheerful improvisation song "Of course, nanny:"

While the junior teachers are getting ready for the fashion show, the presenter continues:

Nanny! How much is in this word: Isn't the poet writing about you? We are very happy to congratulate you. After all, the holiday is just for you. To you, dear garden workers, Helpers from A to Z! Without you, neither purity nor harmony. And we are one family. Thank you for your kindness, for your work, for your help, for your care. After all, every preschool child knows about your hard work. You have time to wash, clean and clean. How are you doing? We won't stop being surprised! And if necessary, you will read books to children, Tell about this and that, play fun with them. You are an educator - a proud name, of course, they gave you what you deserved, although you are called the youngest - you are our best friends.

We offer you, dear guests, a fashion show "Modern Nanny!"

Junior educators demonstrate workwear accessories.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish happiness to all of our nannies. Young - in love consent, Longevity - the elderly. So, let luck and success await you in all your worries, And so that you work with pleasure, Well, and walk - without interference!

The floor is given to one of the oldest employees of our kindergarten.

One of the junior educators, who has been working in the preschool educational institution for a long time, is speaking.

On this wonderful evening, for you, our dear colleagues, beloved nannies, lovely women, we have prepared memorable souvenirs.

For the presentation of gifts, the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Gifts and flowers are presented by the head of the kindergarten and chefs.

Well, that concludes on a festive evening! And according to a good tradition, we invite everyone: both you, dear guests, and you, our dear nannies, and those who work hand in hand with you, to sing the anthem of our kindergarten.

The hymn "Kindergarten "Cinderella" is performed.

Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 19 "Yablonka"



Final submission of the competition


Prepared by:

Educator MDOU No. 19

Lapshina Tatyana Mikhailovna


Assistant educator MDOU No. 19

Kudryashova Svetlana Vladimirovna

With. Baranovskoe


1. "Submission":(3 minutes)

Assistant teacher Kudryashova Svetlana Vladimirovna enters the stage and reads her greeting (by heart).

(under her reading, a slide show of her work from the life of the group is shown on the screen to the French music from the film "Amelie")


I hasten to tell you about myself now,

The fact is that I love our valiant garden!

The garden is beautiful, wonderful and the best in everything!

And I work honestly every day!

I'm in a hurry to work

To meet cute kids there...

Here come all the guys ... And you need to again ...

Friendly, fun, in pairs, get up for exercises.

Having done exercises together, we go to wash our hands,

To cover our table with clean handles.

I'll bring them food, I'll feed all the children,

And full of classes, they will start soon!

I will help all the guys - we are going to walk.

Taking them for a walk, I will clean up the group.

I love my mop and cloth to it,

With them, the group becomes immediately brighter!

And I'll get rid of the dirt, and I'll remove the dust,

Feel warm and cozy right away!

All day long I'm like a bee, twirling and twirling,

But I'm never afraid of my work!

I love my work very much!

Back to work, I'll be back tomorrow!

2. "Hidden talents":(5 minutes)

Svetlana Vladimirovna invites the jury members (3 people) to make a “Bird of Happiness” with her (blanks for crafts are distributed and to the melody of the song “Bird of Happiness”, as instructed by Svetlana Vladimirovna, everyone makes their own bird of happiness)


Bird of happiness tomorrow

Flew with wings, ringing,

Choose me, choose me...

Bird of happiness tomorrow.

So as not to beg all the birds,

I suggest you.

Such a bird - have your own,

And do it yourself!!!

I dare to offer you all

A number of blanks.

Hurry up to make a craft out of them,

So that every home is happy!

How to do everything, I'll tell you

Please don't make any noise.

Who needs help

To do this, everyone should be able to!

3. "One to One":(3 minutes)

Svetlana Vladimirovna comes out in the costume of an assistant teacher with a badge and sewn-in pockets for the functionality of the costume. (The presentation of the costume is carried out to the music of the song "Our Educator")

My suit is functional

My suit is original.

This is for everyone to know

Who am I!(points to badge)

This is my rag!(points to a pocket with a dust cloth)

Here are handkerchiefs,

To wipe everyone's noses(pulls paper napkins out of pocket)

Here is a comb for work,

To braid braids.(pulls comb out of pocket)

It's a dust whisk

Or rather, from her(pulls out duster)

Pencil, for marking

On bed sheets (pulls out pencil)

In general, my costume is original,

My suit is functional!

4. "Magic Comb":(3 minutes)

Svetlana Vladimirovna will present to the jury a long-forgotten work with ribbons. (To the music of the dance at the ball from the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire").


I take the tape in my hands

Braiding braids.

I will tie, I will turn

Straightening the bow.

There are no more beautiful girls

With a ribbon in the braid.

Tape is the best

Everyone knows it!

5. "Step towards the goal"(5 minutes)

The music from the "Pun" program "Village of Fools" plays on the stage

Mom pulls a dirty child to kindergarten and says:

Mother: And the baseball cap ran away

She hid like a fire.

And a t-shirt like a frog

Ran away from you.

Do you want to drink cola

Went to the fridge

But pot-bellied from getting dirty

He went to his neighbor Vitenka.

Your child in the garden.

And on the slut - a boy

Passers-by look...

Suddenly from kindergarten,

The nanny came out in a hurry

Runs out, wipes

She is dirty - baby.

Nanny: Oh, you dirty, unwashed boy!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself:

You've got paint on your neck

You have paint under your nose...

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away.

You didn't wash at all.

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And socks and shoes.

I am the Great Cleaner,

The famous Svetulya!

I wash all the guys.

I accept kindergarten!

The nanny begins to wash the child, saying:

My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Washed endlessly.

Washed off the paint, washed off the paint

From an unwashed face.

Here is the Great Cleaner,

Famous Svetulya

Smiling, he says:

Nanny: Now I love you

Now I praise you!

Finally you're dirty

Chistyula pleased me!

It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings,

And not washed chimney sweeps -

Shame and shame, shame and shame!

Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel


The comb is thick.

Bathe, wash your hands, wash your face.

So that mothers take children from the garden,

Smiled, looking at you neat!

Let me finish with this

The moral of this scene is...

What a nanny, a very necessary "WARRIOR"

We really need a babysitter!

"My Fair Nanny" competition in kindergarten

September 27, the professional holiday of the teacher and all preschool workers.

The work of an educator is painstaking and everyday work, requiring a lot of love, patience, strength and full dedication, educators lay the foundations of morality and life principles, it largely depends on them how the little man will grow up.And next to the educator there is always an assistant, without whom you can’t do anything - the junior educator. The work of a junior educator is practically invisible to parents. But during the whole day the junior educator is next to the children, lives the whole group life, knows about all the little things of a child's life.The invaluable work of junior educators requires great attention to children, physical effort and for a very modest payment. Behind the routine and bustle, we sometimes do not notice the individuality and originality of each of these workers.

In order to raise the prestige of the profession, in confirmation of the need and need for junior educators, on September 27, on the day professional holiday preschool workers in the kindergarten "Berezka" in Budyonnovsk, the competition "My Fair Nanny!" was held, in which they participatedjunior educators.

"My beautiful nanny!" - talent competition Four junior educators took part in it, these are Kholyavko O.V, junior educator of group No. 7 “Why, Atakishiyan N.M., junior educator of group No. 6 “Friendly family”, Grebenyova A.V, from group No. 4, "Kapitoshka" and assistant teacher of group No. 10 "Smeshariki", Sergeeva A.G.

Participants were required to submit business card”, to tell about yourself as interesting and emotional as possible, to present the overalls of the junior teacher - defile, with comments on its use, to show knowledge of fairy tales, because they work with children, and, of course, knowledge of San Pina. And also talk about your hobbies, about your hobby, and protect it. All participants approached the matter with invention, humor, showed creativity and skill, artistry, revealed the most daring talents. And most importantly, they showed that each of them is a professional in their field.

"Strict jury" represented by the chairman - deputy. head of educational work Koval S.N., deputy. the head of the economic department N.V. Pogosova and the psychologist Ya.A. Smirnova, appreciated the performance of each participant. The first place was taken by Atakishiyan N.M., and all participants received prizes and gifts.

Educator MDOU DS

No. 18 "Birch", Budennovsk

Zimina O.I.

marina lupenko
Competition for junior educators "My Fair Nanny"

Target: Improving work to create conditions for the exchange of experience junior staff of preschool educational institution.

Tasks: increasing the level of professional skills and creativity to your work; work stimulation junior preschool educators in the education of preschoolers.

preliminary work: homework participants (business card, table setting, special clothes).

Competition progress.

Nanny! How much is in this word: Didn't the poet write about you? Without you, neither purity nor harmony. And we are one family. Thank you for your kindness, for your work, for your help, for your care. After all, every preschool child knows about your hard work. You have time to wash, clean and clean. How are you doing? We won't stop being surprised! And if necessary, you will read books to children, Tell us about this and that, and play games with them. To you teacher is a proud name, of course, they gave what they deserved, although junior are called - you - our best friends.

"Good afternoon, dear employees and colleagues! Dear, dear junior caregivers! Allow me to announce contest professional excellence "My lovely babysitter» open!

Introducing the participants competition:

Timoshchuk Elena Vladimirovna

Martirosyan Malvina Surenovna

Nokhova Tamilla Bayramovna

Karpenko Marina Ivanovna

For this competition we need a jury. Jury members are requested to take their places

Harutyunyan L.V.

Afanasyeva E. V.

Goryainova T. N.

draw (a flower at the jury members)

1 contest -"Business card", where the participants had to tell about themselves "as much as possible, as interesting as possible, as emotionally as possible."

Leading: Your work requires from you not only skills and dexterity, but also how you look outwardly depends on the comfort and mood of others!

2 contest -"Defile of clothes!" (participants presented overalls junior educator with comments on its use in the work).

While the members were preparing for 3 competition, a game with the audience "Shifters".

According to Russian folk fairy tales: "Palace" - "Teremok", "Square" - "Kolobok", "Cockerel - Ryabushok" - "Hen - Ryaba", "Chicken - Silver Paw" - "Cockerel - Golden Scallop", "Paper Cow" - "Straw goby", "Hatless Dog" - "Puss in Boots";

Based on films and proverbs: "Vasily Ivanovich stays at work" - "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", "Sad girls" - "Funny guys", "Do not be afraid of a bicycle" - "Beware of the car", "With laziness you will not put a bird into the sea" - "Without You can't even catch a fish out of a pond with labor. Not only boys in the symphony orchestra ("It's only girls in jazz").

3 contest"Table service". (this is creative contest, it is necessary to set the table in accordance with personal ideas about serving children's table tell what regime moment was presented, for which this table set is needed).

Leading: While the jury is evaluating this contest listen to aphorisms about life and communication from Dale's book Cornegi:

"Life is too short to waste it on trifles!"

“Forget your troubles while trying to give a little happiness to others. By doing good to others, you are helping yourself first.”

"Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself"

"Don't think too much about the faults of others"

“We rarely think about what we have, but we always worry about what we don’t have” (Schopenhauer)

“Happy are only those people who manage to do something that gives pleasure”

junior caregiver! junior caregiver!

He has a lot to do: he will feed and wash, the teacher will help,

Put everyone to bed to sleep

He will take the laundry to the laundress, in the sink he will pump.

He will put things in order in the group, wipe the bright dust in the bedroom

He will meet SES with a gentle smile - he will tell everything, he will understand everything!

4 contest"Attention - SES". The participants were asked to answer questions, the answers of which required knowledge of SanPin. (read cards, answer)

What color should a toilet mop be marked with?

What solution should be used to wash tables after meals?

How many towels should be in a group daily?

What is the name of the disinfectant used in kindergarten?

How often should toys be washed in kindergarten?

In which group is the report card of the chair of children?

How often are dishes soaked in a disinfectant solution from which children eat?

How often do you need to wash the flowers that are in the group room?

Where is the marking on the duvet cover and sheet?

After how many missed days is a child provided with a certificate from a medical institution?

5 contest: "Let's talk"

It is necessary to compose a proverb from parts while light music is playing. (Each participant is given part of the proverb.)

"Don't hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds"

"Hurry up - make people laugh"

"Tolerate a Cossack - you will be an ataman"

“For taste and color - there are no comrades”

"What fell into the water is gone"

“You can’t pull a fish out of the pond without labor”

“No matter how much you feed a wolf, he looks into the forest”

5 contest"Comfort a crying baby" (doll in crib or stroller)

6 contest"Hurry Maker"

7 contest"Pantomime"

Participants prepare and present the task to portray in pantomime proverbs:

younger age: One head it's good, but two better

Average age: They do not look at a given horse's teeth

older age: If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Leading: another psychologist Enkelmann said: "In life, it is important not only how many talents a person has, but whether he was able to develop any." Dear jury! The most daring talents are revealed before you junior tutors. You now have to evaluate the professional skills of our participants. Please!

Miss Elegance -

Miss benevolence -

Miss artistry -

Miss modesty -

Miss Reliability -

Miss industriousness -

Miss Responsibility -

Miss caring -

Miss Diligence -

Leading: The brightest and most expensive is connected with women! You are actively involved in all areas public life. It is in your caring hands that purity, the guarantee of health and moral education of the nation. Let the children delight you with their successes. And men attention. Happiness and love to you! And most importantly, know that each of you is a professional in your field!

Natalya Labuz
Scene for the competition "My Fair Nanny"


I'm only 4 years old

I am at home with my mother.

I can't do anything

I don't even go to kindergarten.


I have a release in May

I will take you!


They say everywhere now

Horror in your garden.

Children are not looked after

Everyone just wants money.


let the salary be low

They know all their business.

Who raises children

Who will fry them cutlets.

Well, we clean everything

We wash, we clean, we wipe.


Oh, cutlets will be fried for us,

Suddenly I'll be poisoned again.

Poorly wash dishes

I definitely won't be there!


That you are cute, how can you

It's impossible to get poisoned.

Our sanpin knows all the rules

We are often checked by:

How and with what dishes were washed,

Did you forget to degrease?


I'll say this about lunch

There are no plates for the second,

No forks, no napkins -

Children have no etiquette.


Forks, spoons and napkins.

Children know etiquette.

And plates for the second -

This rule is simple.

Here the attendants are appointed

And they teach order.


I was also told that

The floor is not washable.

Dust lies everywhere and everywhere

I will not go to your kindergarten.


Fooled you again

It can't be like that here.

And at lunch, and in the morning, in the afternoon -

All floors we three and three.

Dust everywhere we wipe,

We invite you to kindergarten.


Where will I walk?

Dirt on the site, friends!

Leaves are not collected there,

Children are diving in the snow.


Oh, you are my poor

I answer you!

We remove all leaves

We shovel snow in winter.

And collect branches for us,

Even the kids help.

So I'll give you an answer:

There is no dirt in the areas.


They talk about your garden

Here's what they do there.

All windows open

Children are planted naked.


People speak badly

Take care of the children in the garden.

The windows in the group open,

When there are no kids.

Everyone needs fresh air

To not hurt at all.


At the table, how will I eat,

I love to listen to stories.

Dad sings a song

Mom puts a spoon in her mouth.


Oh, you poor me!

I will calm you down.

The one who learns

Everything will always work out.

“I couldn’t - but it doesn’t matter,

We are always helping."


Oh, you are so great.

I really want to see you now.

This babysitter is amazing

I will be very obedient.

And next year

I'll come right to you!

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