Scientists are still undecided generic affiliation Polish mushroom. It is classified as or, or even completely isolated into a separate genus Imleria. Even more names have accumulated for the macromycete of this species: pansky and brown mushroom, chestnut mushroom. Mushroom pickers highly appreciate the edibility of the mushroom of the second category, and the hostesses - useful properties.

Characteristic features of the Polish mushroom

Although the Polish mushroom is outwardly close to the boletus, it is not at all difficult to distinguish it from other species.

  1. The diameter of the cushion cap of an adult specimen reaches 15 cm. As it ages, it acquires a flat shape. In a young mushroom, the edges of the hemispherical cap are bent down. With age, the tubular layer changes color from white to yellowish green.
  2. The leg of the Polish mushroom grows from 3 to 14 cm in height, so it is not difficult to notice it. It has a swollen or cylindrical shape.
  3. On the cuts, the Polish mushroom turns blue and turns brown, which eliminates confusion with the porcini mushroom similar to it. The pulp is fleshy and dense. It smells good and has a sweet taste. How older mushroom- the softer the pulp.

False polish mushroom

The Polish fungus has many similarities with several types of flywheels, but they are not poisonous. However, inexperienced mushroom pickers may confuse it with several dangerous species mushrooms.

It differs in that the flesh on the cut acquires a red, and then a dark blue hue. Outwardly, it resembles a Polish mushroom and other edible mushrooms.

Not edible due to bitterness that increases during cooking. A pinkish color appears on the cut of the leg, and in old specimens there is also an unpleasant odor.

Where does the Polish mushroom grow?

Places where the Polish mushroom grows

There is a chestnut flywheel mainly in coniferous forests. Occasionally gets under deciduous trees. Appears even on stumps and lower parts trunk. The distribution geography of the Polish fungus covers the territory from the European part of Russia to Siberia and the Far East. Abundantly grows in Poland and Transcarpathia of Ukraine, where he received the names of the Pansky or Polish mushroom.

Go on a "hunt" for a chestnut flywheel in last month summer and early autumn. It is distinguished by resistance to cold snaps: Polish mushrooms are found until late autumn.

Collection rules differ little from actions with similar types:

  1. Cut off the stem of the Polish mushroom carefully. Part of it should remain in the soil.
  2. Wormy and rotten specimens should not be put in a basket: they will spoil all the rest. Leave them on the branches. They will dry out, and healthy spores will fall to the ground.
  3. Polish mushrooms grow in groups. Did you find one? Be careful: there are many of his brothers nearby.
  4. Look for the Polish mushroom in the oldest part of the forest, in moss-covered clearings.
  5. Take a closer look at the cut: if holes and other traces of pest activity are visible, then examine the hat. If it looks like this from the inside, feel free to throw it away.

Medicinal properties of the Polish mushroom

Polish mushroom has long been valued in folk medicine for beneficial properties. Polish scientists have found that these mushrooms are even able to cleanse the soil of pollution.

The following properties of the Polish mushroom are of the greatest importance for human health:

  • getting rid of toxins, which entails a complete renewal of the body and an increase in brain activity;
  • reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • used in vegetarian diets and weight loss methods;
  • is a diuretic;
  • stabilizes work nervous system, reduces susceptibility to stress;
  • heals nails and improves hair growth;
  • constant use of the fungus helps to remove sand from the kidneys;
  • accelerates the treatment of hematomas, bruises and abrasions, promotes the resorption of warts and wen.

Polish mushroom recipes

Fried Polish mushrooms with potatoes

Skillful housewives salt, dry and marinate Polish mushrooms, storing a delicious product for the winter. Exist delicious recipes baked, fried and boiled Polish mushrooms.

Before cooking, mushrooms are sorted out, getting rid of spoiled specimens missed during collection. Be sure to wash for 20-25 minutes under running water, clearing the ground. It is necessary to cook over low heat so that the water does not boil, otherwise the structure of the fungus will be damaged.

Pickled Polish mushrooms

For cooking pickled Polish mushrooms required 1 kg of mushrooms.

For the marinade need: 1 liter of water, 50 ml of olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l salt, 5 cloves of garlic, 4 bay leaves, 5 cloves and 50 ml of vinegar.


  • Cut up large specimens. Pour in salted saucepan cold water and boil for half an hour.
  • Prepare the marinade by mixing the ingredients and bring to a boil.
  • Add prepared mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars and pour oil on top.
  • Seal the mushroom marinade with lids and let cool by turning upside down and wrapping in a blanket.
  • Store the finished product in the cellar or refrigerator.

Polish mushroom casserole

The Polish mushroom casserole is especially loved by gourmets.

To you will be required: 1 kg of Polish mushrooms, 5 onions, 1 liter of water, 50 ml of sunflower oil, 1 tsp of salt, 2 cups of ground crackers.


  • Cut up large specimens. Pour salted cold water in a saucepan and boil for half an hour, and then fry with five onions over low heat.
  • Add 1 cup of ground breadcrumbs to the resulting mixture.
  • Continue frying and gradually pour in the mushroom broth and spices.
  • Spread the fried mushrooms on the breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven for half an hour until done.
  • Serve a fragrant dish of Polish mushrooms with sour cream or mayonnaise, cut into portions.

fleshy fruit bodies representatives of the boletaceae family differ: white, oily, boletus, boletus, mossiness. To the same family (the genus of mossiness mushrooms) belongs the Polish mushroom, which is very similar to there are several Russian names for this chestnut, pansky mushroom, brown mushroom. The semicircular and convex (becomes flat with age) hat (4 to 15 cm in diameter) has a dry and smooth skin that does not come off, but becomes sticky in wet weather. Its color is chocolate brown, dark brown or chestnut brown.

The mushroom has a pleasant smell. The color of the flesh is whitish or yellowish on the cut, slightly bluish, and then again becomes light on the cap and brown on the stem. It has a mild taste. The tubular layer (the color of the tubes is yellowish) is attached or free at the stem. The fibrous leg has a cylindrical shape, reaches a height of up to 12 cm, and a thickness of up to 4 cm. The fungus is more common in conifers and less often in deciduous forests.

How to cook Polish mushroom? It can be prepared for the future: marinated or dried. It can be used in culinary dishes as white, flywheel or butter dish, and also successfully replace them. Soups, appetizers and main dishes are prepared from it. There is a big risk, so you need to use only familiar and old mushrooms collected in environmentally friendly places.

Recipe 1

For the main dish, chicken and Polish mushroom are used. Cooking comes down to their frying and baking in the oven with pasta. Ingredients:

  • 200 Polish mushroom caps, cut into 1 cm thick pieces;
  • 4 (boneless), skinned, cut into 1 cm thick strips;
  • 1 onion, diced;
  • 250 ml dry white wine;
  • 250 g spaghetti;
  • 2 ½ cups sour cream;
  • 250 g grated Parmesan cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • pepper;
  • 1 small bunch of parsley;
  • 1 small bunch of basil;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped almonds.

Polish mushroom, cut into slices, seasoned with salt and black pepper. Add a little oil to a saucepan, heat it up, spread the mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Take out the mushrooms and set them aside. Place the chicken pieces in the same saucepan and fry until browned. Remove the chicken and also set aside. Boil spaghetti in salted water, drain the water. At the same time, onion is fried in a saucepan, then chicken and mushrooms are put into it, white wine and sour cream are poured, the mixture is combined, brought to a boil and the volume of liquid is reduced by half, removed from heat, finely chopped greens and half parmesan cheese are added. Stir in pasta mixture. Spread in a baking dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and drizzle with oil. Put in an oven preheated to 210 C and bake for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve.

Recipe 2

To prepare a hot snack, you can use a Polish mushroom. Ingredients:

  • ½ cup toasted breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup finely chopped parsley leaves;
  • 1 garlic clove finely chopped;
  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • 4 large mushroom caps;
  • 2 tomatoes (cut into halves)
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Parsley and garlic are mixed with breadcrumbs, half the oil, salt and pepper. Leave the mixture for an hour. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Lubricate the baking dish with oil. Place ¼ of the prepared mixture into each mushroom cap and spread them in a mold and sprinkle with the remaining oil. The tomato halves are seasoned with salt and pepper and laid out in the same dish. Bake under a lid or foil for 40 minutes.

Recipe 3

Polish mushroom will give the soup a mushroom flavor and aroma. For 4 servings of soup you need:

  • 250 g fresh mushrooms cut into pieces;
  • ½ onion, cut into half rings;
  • 1 medium-sized carrot, cut into strips;
  • 1 sweet cut into strips;
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely minced;
  • 2 large tomatoes (blanched in boiling water and peeled, then cut into halves with plastics);
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 sprig of dill;
  • green onion feather;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • sour cream.

Mushrooms, along with bay leaves, are placed in a pot of cold water, heated to a boil without a lid on strong fire turn down the heat and close the lid. All vegetables, oil and sea ​​salt. Boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave aside for 10 minutes. Pour into plates, sprinkle with dill and green onion. Served with sour cream.

polish mushroom often called boletus, and flywheel, and pansky mushroom. He prefers coniferous forests and sandy soils, rarely settles in deciduous forests. The Polish mushroom grows throughout the summer and until the very end of autumn - it can be found even in November, when other types of mushrooms have long "departed". In our country, it has received the widest distribution, it has a pleasant taste and fleshy pulp. Caps of young mushrooms have a matte surface, which becomes darker and shiny over time (see photo).

Beneficial features

These wonderful mushrooms have countless useful properties. They contain more than fifteen amino acids, which the best way affect human memory reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and increase mental activity. Vitamins of group B, which are very abundant in the Polish mushroom, strengthen and maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, renew nerve cells, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Polish mushrooms in terms of vitamin B content compete with many vegetables and even cereals. Another interesting property mushrooms - the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and metal salts. This was made possible thanks to the chitin contained in mushrooms.

Use in cooking

Polish mushrooms are frequent guests in the kitchen. They have a delicate taste and pleasant aroma, retain all their useful properties during heat treatment and practically do not boil down. Polish mushroom sauces, soups and gravies are the most delicious, and they are great for frying, grilling, and even delicious as toppings for pies and pizzas.

Before cooking, they must be washed well and cleaned of "forest debris". There is no need to remove the thin skin from the mushrooms. The only thing is that you should not eat them raw, for example, using them in salads, it is better to boil or fry them first. Another popular dish is stuffed mushrooms. They are convenient for stuffing due to their large hat and strong constitution.

The benefits of the Polish mushroom and treatment

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of Polish mushrooms for the body. The ß-glucans contained in the mushrooms strengthen the immune system and fight against malignant tumors. Melanin contained in mushrooms is the strongest natural antioxidant, and nicotinic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Including in your diet mushroom dishes, a person helps the renewal of the body, the processes of digestion and hematopoiesis. They have a very good effect on brain activity, improve memory, relieve chronic fatigue.

In folk medicine in many countries, mushroom tinctures were used to treat most skin diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, mushroom broths were given to sick people in the same way as chicken broths are now.

Harm of the Polish fungus and contraindications

Polish mushrooms do not harm humans. They do not have toxic analogues and inedible forms, and the only thing worth remembering when collecting these mushrooms is that they quite actively accumulate harmful substances contained in the soil. For " silent hunting» it is better to choose places located as far as possible from noisy roads, cities, industrial enterprises. And it is worth paying special attention to the heat treatment of mushrooms.

Mushroom picking is a popular activity all over the world. They are valued for their delicious taste and high nutritional value. But not all edible mushrooms are equally valued among lovers of "silent hunting". The Polish mushroom belongs to the category of the most desired "guests" of baskets and boxes - it has a delicate taste, it is quite easy to collect. At the same time, it has a characteristic, recognizable appearance.

Polish mushroom (Boletus badius), or chestnut mushroom, belongs to the Boletov family, genus Borovik. Some classifications attribute it to mossiness mushrooms, some classify it into a separate genus. Among the "folk" names you can find the following: pansky or brown mushroom. Polish mushrooms are edible, moreover, they have excellent taste, let's take a closer look at their description.

The cap has a convex, hemispherical shape, smooth to the touch, in diameter from 5 to 15 cm. In old mushrooms, the shape changes, it becomes cushion-shaped. The color of the hat is chestnut, chocolate brown or dark brown. In wet weather, the surface becomes a little sticky, slimy.

WITH inside caps located tubular layer. tubules in young age yellowish, later becoming golden or greenish-yellow. The pores are small and light in young mushrooms, large and greenish-yellow in adults; when pressed, they quickly turn blue.

Leg without mesh, cylindrical, can be either narrowed or inflated towards the bottom. The texture is fibrous (striated), the color can vary from light brown to brown-red or brown, the middle is darker than the top or bottom. When pressed, it turns blue, after which it turns brown. It reaches a height of 4-12 cm, a thickness of 1-4 cm.

The pulp is dense, white, creamy or yellowish, fleshy. In the region of the cap, when cut, it slightly turns blue. The smell is pleasant, "mushroom".

Outwardly, the Polish mushroom looks like a white one. It is remotely similar to satanic (they belong to the same genus), but in practice it will not be difficult to distinguish them by the shape of the stem and the color of the cap.

Distribution and fruiting period

Unfortunately, Polish mushrooms do not grow everywhere. Most commonly found in European countries Far East. Although it can be found in the North Caucasus or Siberia. Prefer northern temperate climate, do not tolerate dry summers.

Settles under coniferous trees(forms mycorrhiza with roots). Less commonly, it can be found under an oak, beech, or chestnut tree. Mycelium can fully develop only on sandy soils.

The fruiting period is long: from mid-summer until November. Polish mushrooms grow when butter and porcini have already departed; together with milk mushrooms and jaundices, they remain the only "consolation".

How to collect

Pansky mushroom is searched for in coniferous forests near old trees. It appears around the trunks, in the gaps and clearings. Almost never found directly at the foot of the trunks. If you got into coniferous forest, go to the oldest part of it, look for clearings covered with moss, inspect the slopes of ravines.

They grow in small groups: if one is found, then there will be others nearby, at a small distance. "Catch" must be carefully examined for worminess. One worm mushroom in a basket will “infect” healthy ones in a few hours.

Take a close look at what the leg of the Polish mushroom looks like in a cross section. If holes made by pests are visible, cut the hat in half. We saw the same holes in the pulp of the cap - feel free to throw it away, if the lesions occupy a small part, cut off the damaged areas. And remember, even a Polish mushroom can become poisonous if it is old or worm-eaten.

Primary processing and preparation

After collecting, it is necessary to process mushrooms within a day (the sooner, the better) - they are not stored raw for longer. Does not require special primary processing. Each copy is thoroughly washed, the leaves adhering to the hat are removed, the lower, coarsened part of the leg is cut off. The tubular layer turns blue sharply when wet, do not pay attention to this.

When processing them, it is better to cut them in half. Pests sometimes get inside not from the side of the leg, but through the hat, so visual inspection does not guarantee a perfect result. How younger mushroom, the less likely it is to be infected. Damaged areas can be cut out. Soak for 10 minutes in cold water so that the remaining debris and sand settle to the bottom of the vessel.

How to cook Polish mushrooms is a matter of taste. They are fried, boiled, marinated, used in soups, dried and frozen.

Nutritional qualities

Polish mushrooms are a rich source of proteins (1.7 g), fats (0.7 g) and carbohydrates (1.5 g). 100 g contains 19 kcal. The composition includes about 15 different amino acids, vitamins of group B, C and PP.

Benefit and harm

Among the useful properties are the following:

  • improving memory, increasing mental activity;
  • reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and metal compounds;
  • normalization of digestion processes;
  • improving the condition of nails and hair.

Thanks to their unique properties Polish mushrooms were often used in folk medicine.

High-quality, young and pest-free fruiting bodies do not harm a person, have no contraindications, but it is important to remember that it is worth collecting away from highways and from factories, since this mushroom, like all the others, tends to absorb harmful chemical substances from the air.

Polish mushrooms have earned recognition among mushroom pickers. Distinguished by excellent taste, they do not endanger life and health, as they do not have poisonous counterparts.

Do I need to clean off the stem of the mushroom? time to pre-cook it?

  1. The skin of this mushroom is not peeled. It dries beautifully, like white. And if you want to freeze, then it is better to cut into the desired pieces and boil for 5-10 minutes no more, and only in order to take up less space in the freeze. And if there are no problems with the place, then you can freeze it raw, because when cooking this mushroom in a fresh state, no pre-cooking is required, you can go straight to the pan. This year I collected a number of small Polish ones and marinated them, it turned out very tasty.
  2. wash and freeze but do not defrost
  3. If the mushrooms are collected in areas where there was at least partial smoke, then boiling, I think, is a must. We may lose some of the flavor, but decoction of ANY mushroom reduces accidental toxicity. Further, all reference books agree on one thing - if the skin peels off the mushroom, then it needs to be peeled off. Even from whites. The leg of the Polish mushroom can be left if it is elastic and does not fall into fibers. After boiling (10-15 minutes, as they settle), put the mushrooms in a colander, let them cool quickly, pack them in freezer bags, tie them tightly and put them in storage. After defrosting, the mushrooms are used for frying, and the juice drained from them is used to make sauces and gravies.
  4. You can ask in response, what do we call the "Polish mushroom"?
  5. wash, cut into pieces, arrange in portioned bags and freeze. nothing else to do
  6. I prefer to boil, the skin is not removed from the Polish mushroom. Then recline in a colander, cool and arrange in bags or containers.

Polish mushroom recipe

By nutritional value Polish mushroom is not inferior to its fellow - white mushroom, although taste qualities not as pronounced as in white. This type of mushroom belongs to the third category of value. In cooking, the Polish mushroom, the preparation of which does not differ from most mushrooms, is used in salads, main dishes, marinated, boiled. Polish mushrooms are dried, salted, frozen. Before cooking, it is recommended to grind the mushroom in order to increase its digestibility, since the Polish mushroom remains a heavy food. Below are the Polish fungus. Dishes from the Polish mushroom, as well as from all mushrooms, are rich in vitamins, sugars, essential oils, minerals. Great for vegetarian cuisine as they can replace meat dishes delivering the required protein to the body. However, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in large quantities Polish mushroom is better not to eat.

Polish mushroom. crafting recipes

Representatives of the Boletovy family are distinguished by fleshy fruiting bodies: snow-white, oily, boletus, boletus, mossiness. Earlier, the Polish mushroom belongs to the family (genus mossiness mushrooms), it has a great resemblance to the snow-white mushroom. There are several Russian names for this mushroom: chestnut mushroom, master mushroom, brown mushroom. The semicircular and convex (becomes flat over the years) cap (from Four to Fifteen cm in diameter) has a dry and smooth skin that does not come off, but becomes sticky in wet weather. Its color is chocolate brown, dark brown or chestnut brown.

The mushroom has a pleasant smell. The color of the pulp is whitish or yellow on the cut, slightly bluish, and later again becomes light on the cap and brown on the stem. It has a mild taste. The tubular layer (the color of the tubes is yellow) can be grown into the legs or free. The fibrous leg has a cylindrical shape, reaches a height of up to 12 cm, and a thickness of up to 4 cm. The fungus is more common in coniferous and less common in deciduous forests.

How to cook Polish mushroom? It can be prepared for the future: marinated or dried. It can be used in culinary dishes, like snow-white, flywheel or butter dish, and also replace them with success. Soups, appetizers and 2nd courses are prepared from it. There is a risk of poisoning with mushrooms, therefore it is necessary to use only familiar and old mushrooms collected in ecologically clean places.

Recipe 1

Chicken and Polish mushroom are used for the dish. Making them comes down to frying and baking in the oven with pasta. Ingredients:

  • 200 Polish mushroom caps, cut into 1 cm wide pieces;
  • 4 chicken legs (boneless), skinned, cut into strips one cm wide;
  • 1 onion, diced;
  • 250 ml of dry white wine;
  • 250 g spaghetti;
  • 2? a glass of sour cream;
  • 250 g grated Parmesan cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • pepper;
  • 1 small bunch of parsley;
  • 1 small bunch of basil;
  • 3 tablespoons crushed almonds.

Polish mushroom, cut into slices, seasoned with salt and black pepper. Add a little oil to the saucepan, heat it up, spread the mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Take out the mushrooms and set them aside. Place the chicken pieces in the same saucepan and fry until golden brown. Remove the chicken and also set aside. Boil spaghetti in salted water, drain the water. At the same time, fry the onion in a saucepan, then put the chicken and mushrooms into it, pour in the snow-white wine and sour cream, combine the mixture, bring to a boil and evaporate the volume of water by half, remove from heat, add finely chopped greens and half parmesan cheese. Stir in pasta mixture. Spread in a baking dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and drizzle with oil. Put in an oven heated to 200 10 C and bake for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve.

Polish mushroom. how to collect, clean and Polish mushroom - a matter of taste

As I said, the mushroom harvest this year is simply huge. On last week I was given a bucket of fine Polish mushrooms. It was in the evening, so the photo session was carried out in poor lighting, for which I immediately apologize. But the mushrooms were so fresh and beautiful that I could not resist and decided to publish a post about these beauties. So, I present to you the Polish mushroom.

Polish mushroom.

The Polish mushroom belongs to the genus of mossiness mushrooms, sometimes the Polish mushroom is called the brown mushroom, pansky mushroom, chestnut flywheel. The Polish mushroom has a brown or chestnut cap (the shade of the cap may vary depending on the age of the mushroom). In damp, wet weather, the cap of the Polish mushroom becomes slippery and takes on a dark brown color. The bottom of the cap is porous yellow-white or greenish-yellow. When you press the porous bottom of the cap, the flesh turns blue, this is one of the signs by which the Polish mushroom can be distinguished from others. similar mushrooms. The leg of a Polish mushroom can be cylindrical, or it can be pot-bellied or, on the contrary, narrow at the bottom, usually it has a light brown or yellowish tint.

Polish mushroom is valued for its taste, taste properties he is very similar to White mushroom. Not very experienced mushroom pickers often confuse the Polish mushroom with the white mushroom, and experienced mushroom pickers equate the Polish mushroom with the handsome white mushroom. So if you are lucky enough to find Polish mushrooms, then you will have a wonderful mushroom dish for dinner.

How and where to collect the Polish mushroom.

Most often, the Polish mushroom can be found near middle-aged trees in coniferous, sometimes deciduous, forests. These mushrooms most often grow at the foot of trees and around stumps in moss; it is not for nothing that they belong to the genus of mossiness mushrooms. In general, this is an amazing sight when a dense and proud Polish mushroom rises on a bright green moss bed, so if you are going to hunt for these beauties, be sure to take your camera with you.

Usually, the Polish mushroom can be found from August to October, although sometimes, with good weather, these handsome men can be found even in November.

When collecting these mushrooms, you need to remember that when you press on the porous layer of the cap, it acquires a bluish or greenish-blue hue, not instantly, but after 2-5 seconds. The leg on the cut also acquires a bluish tint, then the hue becomes slightly brown, and then the flesh brightens again.

The Polish mushroom has a pronounced pleasant mushroom smell, very reminiscent of white mushroom.

There are two opinions on how to properly cut mushrooms. Some argue that mushrooms need to be cut off at the base of the stem, then you will not damage the mycelium and a new mushroom will grow in this place. And others argue that the mushroom must be completely twisted out of the ground, otherwise the remains of the cut leg will begin to rot and the mycelium itself may rot from this. I have not found an unequivocal opinion on how to properly cut mushrooms, so the right of choice is yours.

When picking mushrooms, it is best to immediately pick a wormy mushroom or not. Wormy, even very noble mushrooms are better not to take. First, highly wormy, spoiled and overripe (old) mushrooms can cause eating disorders. And secondly, during the time while you walk through the forest and go home, the worms can get over to good mushrooms. If you still picked a mushroom, and it turned out to be wormy or old, then it is better not to throw it away, but to chop it on the nearest branch or knot. Then the mushroom will dry out, and the mature spores will dissipate and there will be more mushrooms next time.

Going hunting for the best, arm yourself with a wicker basket. In buckets, and even more so in plastic bags, mushrooms cake, overheat and deteriorate much faster.

How to clean a Polish mushroom.

After returning from the forest, you need to start processing mushrooms as soon as possible. To do this, mushrooms need to be poured in one layer on newspapers, a piece of cloth or a mat. This is done so that the mushrooms breathe and do not overheat, and therefore do not deteriorate. If you do not have the opportunity to sort the mushrooms right away, then they can be stored in the refrigerator for several hours (mushrooms are recommended to be stored for 2-3 hours, some sources say that mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 15 hours). In practice, after 15 hours, a lot of mushrooms deteriorate or worms settle in them, so when going for mushrooms or buying mushrooms, calculate the time for processing them.

Polish mushroom is very easy to clean. It is enough to cut off the lower, part of the leg, on which the mycelium is located, and remove debris and dirt from the mushrooms. You also need to remove the wormy parts of the fungus. If the mushroom is very old, then it is better not to use it for food, or at least the spongy part with spores should be removed from it.

Rinse the peeled mushrooms well in running water. Soak mushrooms in water for 10-20 minutes to remove sand and dirt from them, you can use salted water, this will help get rid of worms (if they are left somewhere). After that, rinse the mushrooms several times in clean water.

Peeled and washed mushrooms should be heat treated as soon as possible.

How to cook Polish mushroom.

Mushrooms are best cooked in small portions, the portion size directly depends on the size of the container in which you will cook the mushrooms.

Mushrooms foam a lot during boiling, so it is best to cook the Polish mushroom in a large container.

It is most convenient to cook and clean the mushrooms in parallel in small portions, especially if several people are involved in the mushroom processing process.

Small mushrooms are best cooked whole, and large mushrooms are cut into 2 or 4 parts.

So, peeled, washed and chopped mushrooms should be lowered into boiling water. After boiling, the Polish mushroom should be boiled for 10-15 minutes, this time is more than enough to boil the Polish mushrooms. The broth that turned out during the first boiling of mushrooms must be poured out. Further, mushrooms can be fried, boiled, stewed, frozen or pickled. If you drain liquid from Polish mushrooms, they will darken very quickly (however, when reheated, they brighten again). If you do not want to start cooking mushrooms immediately after boiling, then you can leave them for a while in the water in which they were boiled, then they will remain light. Personally, I put a container with fresh boiling water nearby and transfer the boiled Polish mushrooms there, so they retain their color, you can immediately turn off the fire, or you can bring the mushrooms to a boil and turn off the gas.

Polish mushrooms taste almost as good as porcini mushrooms. So this is a welcome guest in my kitchen.

Ingredients: Polish mushrooms 1 kg. Water 3 l.

Preparation time: 40 minutes. Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for Polish mushrooms:

How can you cook mushrooms. fried mushrooms with onions.

This praying mantis shows me where this handsome man hid.

I often walk in the forest, and all the locals know me. Now many types of mushrooms grow in the forest, from the beautiful fly agaric to the handsome boletus. I went to the forest, though without a basket, so the mushrooms are in the bag.

To prepare fried mushrooms with onions, we need:

  • Mushrooms as much as you can eat or how much will fit in the pan. I took a bucket of Polish mushrooms. True, there were white ones among them, which I selected and marinated.
  • 4 medium onions
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 50 gr. vegetable oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • black pepper to taste

First of all, we will sort and wash the mushrooms.

Then we put our mushrooms on the stove to cook.

Just be careful, when boiling foam rises. In order not to smear the stove and pan, I stand near the mushrooms, and at the moment when the foam begins to rise, I make the fire quieter (although I have gas). Mushrooms should boil for 15-20 minutes.

Then we wash, cut large mushrooms into pieces, and strain them into a colander.

I also went over them for white and Polish. I marinated porcini mushrooms and small Polish ones, but I decided to fry the Polish ones with onions.

We take a frying pan for our mushrooms and put it on the stove. Add vegetable oil. In general, I was taught to fry immediately on butter, but trust my many years of experience, the mushrooms according to this recipe are very tasty. Pour the mushrooms into the pan.

While the mushrooms are fried, we clean the onion and chop it.

Recipe: pickled mushrooms (Polish recipe) - all recipes in Russia

It turns out: 5 0.5 l cans

  • 2 kg wild mushrooms
  • Brine
  • 875 ml water (3.5 cups)
  • 250 ml 9% vinegar (1 cup)
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1-3 peas of allspice
  • a few black peppercorns
  • 1 bulb

Cooking method

Preparation: 30min › Cooking: 30min › Total time: 1h

  1. Clean mushrooms, wash. Boil the mushrooms in a large saucepan, drain the water, then add water again and bring to a boil again. Drain again. If there are large mushrooms, cut them into pieces.
  2. Place the prepared mushrooms in 0.5 l jars, filling the jars 3/4 to leave room for pouring.
  3. In a large saucepan, bring water, vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaf, onion and peppercorns to a boil. Boil 5 minutes. Cool slightly and fill the jars almost to the top. Mix mushrooms with marinade.
  4. Screw the lids on the jars and place them on the bottom of a large saucepan. Line the bottom of the pot with a cloth. Pour banks hot water on the shoulders (3/4), close the lid, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat slightly and sterilize for 7 minutes. Remove jars, cool and store in a cool place.

Forest mushrooms fried with onions with photo

  • Forest mushrooms (I have a Polish mushroom) - 1-1.2 kg;
  • Onion (for cooking - 1 pc., For frying - 2 pcs.) - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt, ground black pepper (to taste);
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • Ground allspice - 0.5 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 1 tooth;
  • Butter - 30 g;
  • Parsley;

Polish mushroom. encyclopedia. mushroom guide

The section helps to identify edible and poisonous mushrooms, and also suggests possible ways their preparation.

For complete culinary success, check out the section:

  • "Mushroom cooking - picking, salting, pickling, marinating, canning, drying mushrooms and recipes delicious dishes with mushrooms"
  • Encyclopedia of mushrooms

    Mushroom guide

    polish mushroom

    Photo, description, culinary tips

    • Never eat too many mushrooms (in any form). Although edible mushrooms are delicious, they still require good digestion; best mushrooms, eaten in excess, can cause severe and even dangerous indigestion in people with weakened and improper digestion.
    • In aging mushrooms, before cooking them, you should always remove the lower, spore-bearing, cap layer: agaric- plates, in spongy ones - a sponge, which in a ripe mushroom for the most part becomes soft and easily separated from the cap. Mature spores, contained in abundance in the plates and sponge of a ripe mushroom, are almost not digested.
    • Peeled mushrooms should be placed in cold water for 30 minutes to soak the sand and dry leaves adhering to them, and thoroughly washed 2-3 times, each time pouring fresh water. It is good to add a little salt to it - it will help get rid of worms in mushrooms.
    • There are fewer mushrooms in the shady wilderness than in patches lit by the sun.
    • Do not try raw mushrooms!
    • Do not eat overripe, slimy, flabby, wormy or spoiled mushrooms.
    • Beware of false mushrooms: do not take mushrooms with a brightly colored hat.
    • well preserved if they are soaked for several hours in cold water, then cut off the contaminated parts of the legs, rinse in water with the addition of citric acid and boil in water with a small addition of salt to taste. After that, put the hot champignons together with the broth into glass jars, close (but do not roll up!) And store in a cool place (in the refrigerator). From these you can prepare various dishes and sauces.
    • Never pick or eat mushrooms that have a tuberous bulge at the base (like the red fly agaric) and don't taste them.
    • Be sure to boil morels and stitches and rinse thoroughly with hot water.
    • Milk mushrooms should be boiled or soaked for a long time before salting or eating fresh.
    • Raw mushrooms float, cooked mushrooms sink to the bottom.
    • When cleaning mushrooms, only the lower, contaminated part of the leg is cut off.
    • Remove the top skin of the cap from the oil.
    • In morels, the caps are cut off from the legs, soaked for an hour in cold water, washed thoroughly, changing the water 2-3 times, and boiled in salted water for 10-15 minutes. The decoction is not used for food.
    • Bouillons and sauces are prepared from porcini mushrooms; they are tasty in salted and pickled form. With any method of preparation, they do not change their inherent color and aroma.
    • Only a decoction of porcini mushrooms and champignons can be used. Even a small amount of this decoction improves any dish.
    • Boletus mushrooms are not suitable for making soups, as they give dark broths. They are fried, stewed, salted and marinated.
    • and are mainly used for pickling.
    • Russula is boiled, fried and salted.
    • fry. Small caps of these mushrooms are very tasty in salted and pickled form.
    • Chanterelles are never wormy. They are fried, salted and marinated.
    • Before stewing, the mushrooms are fried.
    • Mushrooms should be seasoned with sour cream only after they are well fried, otherwise the mushrooms will turn out boiled.
    • Mushrooms have such a delicate taste and smell that the addition of spicy spices to them only worsens their taste. They are the only mushrooms of their kind that have a light, slightly sour taste.
    • It is better to fill such primordially Russian food as mushrooms sunflower oil. All tubular mushrooms are fried on it, as well as russula, chanterelles, champignons. They are filled with milk mushrooms and waves. Oil is poured into glass jars with pickled boletus and mushrooms, so that a thin layer of it protects the marinade from mold.
    • Do not leave fresh mushrooms for a long time, substances dangerous to health and even life appear in them. Sort right away and start cooking. IN last resort, put them in a colander, sieve or enamel pan and, without covering with a lid, refrigerate, but not more than a day and a half.
    • Mushrooms collected in rainy weather especially deteriorate quickly. If you leave them in the basket for several hours, they will soften, become unusable. Therefore, they must be prepared immediately. But ready-made mushroom dishes cannot be stored for a long time - they will deteriorate.
    • So that the peeled mushrooms do not turn black, put them in salted water, add a little vinegar.
    • It is easy to remove the skin from russula if you first pour boiling water over them.
    • With butter before cooking, be sure to remove the film covered with mucus.
    • Spices are put in the marinade only when it is completely cleared of foam.
    • So that the marinade from boletus and boletus does not turn black, pour boiling water over them before cooking, hold in this water for 10 minutes, rinse, and then cook in the usual way.
    • So that the peeled champignons do not darken, they are placed in a slightly acidified with lemon or citric acid water.
    • Be aware of the possibility of botulism and other bacterial diseases in case of violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements when canning mushrooms.
    • Do not roll up jars with pickled and salted mushrooms with metal lids; this can lead to the development of the botulinum microbe. It is enough to cover the jar with two sheets of paper - plain and waxed, tie tightly and put in a cool place.
    • It should be remembered that the botulinum bacteria produce their deadly toxin only when there is a severe lack of oxygen (i.e. inside hermetically sealed cans) and at temperatures above +18 degrees. C. When storing canned food at temperatures below +18 gr. With (in the refrigerator) the formation of botulinum toxin in canned food is impossible.
    • For drying, non-old strong mushrooms are selected. They are sorted out and cleaned of adhering earth, but not washed.
    • In porcini mushrooms, the legs are cut off completely or partially so that no more than half remains. Dry them separately.
    • In boletus and boletus, the legs are not cut off, but the whole mushroom is cut vertically in half or into 4 parts.
    • All edible mushrooms can be salted, but most often only lamellar mushrooms are used for this, since tubular mushrooms become flabby when salted.
    • The marinade from boletus and boletus will not turn black if you pour boiling water over the mushrooms before cooking, soak in this water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
    • To make the marinade light and transparent, it is necessary to remove the foam during cooking.
    • Salted mushrooms cannot be kept warm, nor can they be frozen: in either case, they darken.
    • Store dry mushrooms in a sealed container, otherwise the aroma will evaporate.
    • If dried mushrooms crumble during storage, do not throw away the crumbs. Powder them and store in a well-stoppered glass jar in a cool, dry place. This powder can be used to make mushroom sauces and broths.
    • It is good to hold dried mushrooms for several hours in salted milk - they will become like fresh ones.
    • Dried mushrooms are much better absorbed if they are ground into a powder. From such mushroom flour, you can cook soups, sauces, add to stewed vegetables, meat.
    • Dried chanterelles are better boiled if you add a little baking soda to the water.
    • Mushrooms containing milky juice - volnushki, nigella, whites, milk mushrooms, mushrooms, valui and others, boil or soak before salting to extract bitter substances that irritate the stomach. After scalding, they should be washed with cold water.
    • Stitches and morels must be boiled for 7-10 minutes before cooking, pour out the broth (it contains poison). After that, the mushrooms can be boiled or fried.
    • Boil chanterelles and valui before marinating in salted water for 25 minutes, put on a sieve and rinse. Then put in a saucepan necessary quantity water and vinegar, add salt and boil again.
    • Boil the mushrooms in the marinade for 10-25 minutes. Mushrooms are considered ready when they begin to sink to the bottom and the brine becomes clear.
    • Salted mushrooms are supposed to be stored in a cold place and at the same time make sure that mold does not appear. From time to time, the cloth and the circle with which they are covered should be washed in hot, slightly salted water.
    • Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place. In case of mold, all the mushrooms should be thrown into a colander and washed with boiling water, then make a new marinade, boil the mushrooms in it and, putting them in clean jars, pour vegetable oil and cover with paper.
    • Dried mushrooms easily absorb moisture from the air, so they should be stored in a dry place in moisture-proof bags or tightly closed jars.
    • When salting mushrooms, do not neglect dill. Feel free to put it, marinating butterfish, salting russula, chanterelles, valui. But milk mushrooms, mushrooms, whites and volnushki are better to be salted without fragrant herbs. Their natural aroma is more pleasant than dill.
    • Don't forget the hell. Leaves and roots of horseradish, placed in mushrooms, not only give them a spicy spiciness, but also reliably protect against dehydration.
    • Green twigs of blackcurrant give the mushrooms a flavor, and cherry and oak leaves - appetizing fragility and strength.
    • Most mushrooms are best salted without onions. It quickly loses its aroma, easily turns sour. Chop onions (you can also green) only in salted mushrooms and milk mushrooms, as well as in pickled mushrooms and mushrooms.
    • Bay leaf, thrown into boiling mushrooms and mushrooms, will give them a special flavor. Put in the marinade also a little cinnamon, cloves, star anise.
    • Store salted mushrooms at a temperature of 2-10°C. With more high temperature they turn sour, become soft, even moldy, and you can’t eat them. For rural residents and owners of garden plots, the problem of storing salted mushrooms is solved simply - a cellar is used for this. Citizens must salt exactly as many mushrooms as can be placed in the refrigerator. On the balcony in winter they will freeze, and they will have to be thrown away.

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