
Some private organization "Scarlet Sails" providing sales services household appliances. The organization has a sales and sales department, where 6 people work with the head A. M. Yaroshenko.

participants in the conflict.

A. M. Yaroshenko - head of the marketing and sales department. At the age of 30. Has been with the organization for 10 years. The person is sociable, sociable, strict and demanding from subordinates full dedication and fulfillment of all assigned tasks.

D. S. Tarasov - Account Manager. At the age of 27. Has been with the organization for 4 years. The person is sociable, responsible, stress-resistant, works intensively, actively, with pleasure, without mistakes.

V. A. Lyubimov - public relations manager. At the age of 22. Has been with the organization for 3 years. He is a responsible, diligent person who plans accurately and optimally, which allows him to achieve high results.

A. V. Tumanena - sales consultant. At the age of 24. Has been with the organization for 2 years. The person is sociable, executive.

S. M. Smirnov - sales manager. At the age of 25. Has been with the organization for 6 years. The person is sociable, sociable, not aggressive.


The head of the marketing and sales department, A. M. Yaroshenko, held a meeting at which the fate of further promotion of products and an increase in sales was decided, and everyone came to the conclusion that this could be achieved by lowering the price, and only S. M. Smirnov went against this decision, so as he explained. That this will lead to a decrease in profits and create the impression that their products are of lower quality than competitors' products.

Analysis of the situation

Structural components:

A conflict situation is an organizational conflict between a group and an individual. A social group conflict most often occurs due to a clash of interests and claims of an individual, on the one hand, and a whole group of people, on the other, and which most often arise due to the fact that the expectations (expectations) of the group conflict with the expectations and individual aspirations.

Reasons for the conflict.

The cause of the conflict was the determinants of social and group tension. Such determinants produce contradictions, confrontation of social values, interests, stereotypes and institutions inherent in the subjects of confrontation.

  • 1) value factors.
  • 2) social interests and their creation;
  • 3) ideological differences;
  • 4) strategic manifestations of the subject's life (the imposition of someone else's morality, manipulation, increasing differentiation by age).

S. M. Smirnov shows dissatisfaction against the interests of the group, thereby affecting the ideology of the entire organization and provoking the group into conflict. He imposes his point of view on the whole group and thus creates a conflict situation.

Subjects of the conflict:

The subjects of this conflict are a group consisting of (A. M. Yaroshenko, D. S. Tarasov, V. A. Lyubimov, A. P. Sidorova, A. V. Tumanena) and an individual (S. M. Smirnov).

Subject of conflict:

The subject of the conflict is the problem of disagreement of points of view on the situation.

Objects of conflict:

The object of the conflict was the clash of interests and the claim of an individual.

Conflict environment:

Everything happened in the organization, the conflict developed in a small social group. The conversation took place at a meeting in the conference room, in the afternoon in the presence of 6 people.

Conflict aggressor:

The aggressor of the conflict is S. M. Smirnov, since he was against the opinions of the others, that is, he thereby strove for justice according to his individual measure, and he was also sure that he was right and strove to achieve his goal.

Victim of conflict

The group is the victim of the conflict, as their attention was focused on a specific motive and there is little tension due to the fact that the aggressor did not accept their point of view and forced them to choose their point of view.

The dynamics of the development of the conflict situation.

Pre-conflict situation: there was a spontaneous generation of conflict due to a descent in views. social conflict functionalism

Conflict interaction: as a result, this led to the transition of the conflict from a latent state to an open confrontation, when the parties seek to resolve the contradiction that has arisen and find a compromise.

Resolution of the conflict: there was a new vision of existing problems, a new assessment of forces and capabilities.

Post-conflict situation: a new strategy was created, the organization came to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider all proposals and not react negatively to negative beliefs, because only through a clash of interests something better is born.

Levels of human reaction in conflict:

1. Energy-emotional-informational, since this level gives an assessment of the situation and is responsible for choosing the appropriate reaction.

Types of human reaction in conflict:

  • 1. Direction: Proactive in the absence of blaming anyone.
  • 2. By type of response: Necessary perseverance in an effort to find a constructive solution to a conflict situation.
  • 3. According to the form of response: Dialogue.

Strategy and tactics of behavior in conflict.

Behavior strategy:

The strategy provides for the orientation of the individual in relation to the conflict. In this case, this is a compromise cooperation.

The constructive side of the strategy: Each side achieves something. In our situation, this is one side fighting for price reductions, while the other considers it inappropriate.

Destructive side of the strategy: One of the parties "inflates" its position in order to appear magnanimous later.

Behavior tactics:

In our case, this tactic will be rational persuasion.

Model and style of conflict behavior.

Behavior Model:

The most appropriate model of behavior in this conflict is the Constructive model. It is expressed in the desire to resolve the conflict, to find a solution acceptable to both parties. At the same time, a benevolent attitude towards the opponent, openness, sincerity, endurance and self-control are manifested.

Behavior style:

Styles of behavior in a conflict situation are associated with the main source of conflict - the difference in interests and value orientations of interacting subjects.


This style is similar to cooperation, but differs from it in that the interests of both parties are not fully satisfied here, but only partially, through mutual concessions. There is no need to find out the deep motives and hidden interests of both sides, but you just need to come to some kind of reasonable decision when the bottom side gives up part of its interests in favor of the other, but at the same time retains more significant positions for it.

This style is best used when you do not have the time or desire to delve into the essence of the conflict, and the situation allows you to work out a quick and mutually beneficial solution. And also, if you are quite satisfied with this solution, as some intermediate, temporary option. In the opposite situation, when protracted conversations did not lead to anything, a compromise should also be made. Again, use it if the preservation of your relationship is more important than the complete satisfaction of your desires, and in addition, there is a threat of not getting even part of what you want, losing everything.

Ways to resolve the conflict.

The most effective ways to resolve conflict are compromise and cooperation. Compromise consists of the desire to come to a consensus, that is, to make mutual concessions. It is characterized by a rejection of previously put forward methods and requirements, a willingness to forgive each other's claims and come to a consensus.

Collaboration is considered the most effective way conflict resolution. It is aimed at a constructive settlement of the conflict between opponents, to consider other sides of the solution of the problem and mutually come to a common solution.

Exists a large number of methods of conflict resolution. In relation to this situation, the following can be distinguished:

  • 1. The head of the marketing and sales department, A. M. Yaroshenko, needs to listen to the opinions of all those present. Discuss and come up with a new strategy together that will not lead to these problems.
  • 2. The head of the marketing and sales department, A. M. Yaroshenko, needs to take advantage of his official offer and interrupt the growing conflict. Offer your point of view on this problem and decide for yourself what to do in this situation.
  • 3. The head of the sales and sales department, A. M. Yaroshenko, needs to arrange a competition for best idea and vote for the best option.

In my case, I am more inclined to version No. 1, since with mutual cooperation, great idea that only lead to victory.

Psychological protection:

In conflict situations, when the intensity of the need increases, and there are no conditions for its satisfaction, behavior is regulated using psychological defense mechanisms. Such a mechanism in this situation will be the management of one's emotions, namely, an adequate response to the statements of others, sociability, to reveal one's point of view.

Consequences of the conflict.

The consequences of the conflict lead to the following structures:


negative stress for all participants in the conflict.

Constructive aspects of the strategy:

emotional unloading of opponents in the course of a dispute;

the birth of new ideas;

Give an example of a conflict situation in a group. In this example, show the destructive impact of the conflict on the group at each stage of the evolution of the conflict (using the content of the text, first name the stage of the conflict, and then an example of its influence).

Read the text and complete tasks C1-C4.

If we proceed from a large number of socio-psychological studies aimed at finding ways to eliminate conflict from the intrapersonal sphere, the sphere of interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup relations, then it is easy to come to the erroneous conclusion that conflict plays only a negative role, performs only a destructive function. In reality, however, social conflict, being one of the most striking manifestations of contradiction, is itself internally contradictory, performing not only a destructive, but also a constructive function.<...>

The manifestations of the destructive functions of the conflict are extremely diverse. An intrapersonal conflict, for example, gives rise to a state of psychological discomfort, which in turn entails a series of different negative consequences and in extreme cases can lead to personality destruction. At the group level, a conflict can disrupt the system of communications, relationships, weaken the value-oriented unity, reduce group cohesion and, as a result, reduce the effectiveness of the functioning of the group as a whole. Similarly, the destructive functions of the conflict are manifested in intergroup relationships. Note that the destructive influence of the conflict can take place at each of the stages of its evolution: the stage of an objective conflict situation, the stage of its awareness by the parties, the stage conflict behavior as well as at the stage of conflict resolution. Particularly acute destructive effects of conflict are usually found at the stage of conflict behavior, conflict actions.

The constructive impacts of conflict are also very diverse. So, it is well known that an intrapersonal conflict is not only capable of exerting a negative impact on a person, but also often serves as a powerful source of personality development and improvement. In group and intergroup relations, conflict can help prevent stagnation and serve as a source of innovation and development. The conflict, especially at the stage of conflict behavior, plays a cognitive role, the role practical test and correction of the images of the situation available to the parties. In addition, by revealing and exposing the objective contradictions that exist between the members of the group (groups), and eliminating them at the resolution stage, the conflict frees the group from factors that undermine it and thereby contributes to its stabilization. It is also well known that external conflict can perform an integrative function, rallying the group in the face of external danger, external problems.

(L. A. Petrovskaya)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) example of a group conflict situation, say: on the board of directors joint-stock company a conflict arose between several major shareholders; Another relevant example can be given.

2) stages of evolution conflict and examples, let's say:

Stage of an objective conflict situation - disagreements in the distribution of company profits;

The stage of awareness of the conflict situation by the parties - a number of shareholders proposed to use profits for the modernization of production, a number - for bonuses to company executives;

Stage of conflict behavior - several major shareholders announced their withdrawal from the board of directors;

The stage of conflict resolution - the parties came to a compromise. The stages of conflict evolution can be shown in other examples.

Subject area: social relations. social conflict

Conflicts are integral part of human life.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to peace and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations and ways to resolve them.

The concept and psychology of conflictology

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

An unstoppable conflict can lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come to the fore.

As a rule, as a result of the conflict, there are no losers and winners, since all participants expend their energy and, as a result, do not receive positive emotions.

special danger represent internal conflicts, when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires that tear him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize the emerging conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the growth of the conflict and eliminate it at the stage of inception.

If, nevertheless, the conflict cannot be immediately extinguished, it is necessary to be able to build a correct and handle conflict well with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it was determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They occur when there is psychological problems participants, or are used purposefully to achieve the goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove their worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior in relation to other people, caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. Striving to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? True causes and solutions:

Popular methods of resolving the situation

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice for conflict management are:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve the conflict? Similar ways of resolving conflicts are more used in communication.

In order to successfully resolve the situation with constructive methods necessary form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them to open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, jointly determine the root of the problem.

Design styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be applied if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate the negative factors that caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people makes it possible not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without prejudice to anyone but also to build long-term communication relationships.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out of conflict situations? To get out of a difficult situation you need to take the following steps:

  1. Stop using words or doing actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not respond to such behavior on the part of the interlocutor.
  3. Demonstrate affection towards another person. You can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, words. Smiling, patting on the shoulder, shaking hands, using polite phrases - all this helps to smooth out disputes.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

It's best to resolve using constructive methods.

For example, neighbors apartment building may come into conflict caused by the distribution of parking spaces in the yard area.

Some neighbors will insist on the organization of clear markings, according to which each car is assigned a specific parking space. Other tenants will advocate for the possibility of a free arrangement of cars.

In this situation most effective methods dispute resolution will be building a dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

It is enough for residents to organize a meeting and make a decision at it that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, while the other part remains for supporters of arbitrary parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict in connection with inability to work together in the same direction.

Each defines for himself a range of responsibilities, which is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and the inefficiency of joint work.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute must apply the methods of clarifying the requirements, setting goals and assigning remuneration.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear range of official duties. In front of colleagues common goals will be set, reaching which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to properly resolve conflicts? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of the end of the conflict? A conflict of interest can be completed as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be the desire of the parties to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. For the final resolution of the conflict may require the involvement of third parties. This is especially true in the area of ​​professional relationships.
  2. attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties, or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the other side does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of end to the conflict is not always the case, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise, reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current time and the fact of a conflict of interest automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. Especially often, a similar effect is observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always a solution

Does the end of a conflict always mean its resolution? It is important not to confuse the concept of the end of a conflict situation with its resolution.

End of the conflict- this is the moment of the end of the actions of the parties at the current time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, development into a new dispute, etc.)

Completion of the dispute currently does not guarantee that will not reappear after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict is not dividing anywhere, and the parties have not reached any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious application of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

The resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​human life. as a result of the conflict of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to get out of conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation has moved to a serious level.

How to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on some issues with them, in this video:

Target: To study the causes and ways of solving conflict situations.


  • Educational. To ensure that students master the basic concepts of conflictology. Find out what role conflicts play in our lives.
  • Developing. Skill building independent work for search and study additional material. Development of abilities to adequately behave in conflict situations.
  • Educational. To teach students how to communicate with each other and to cultivate a sense of respect for the culture and their comrades.

Lesson type: a lesson in improving and consolidating knowledge using reflective technology.

teacher's word. People are not the same in character, temperament and many other criteria, so they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently. A person, no matter how conflict-free he may be, is not able to avoid disagreements with others. How many people - so many opinions, and the interests of different people come into conflict with each other. The main goal of our lesson is to find out how to behave in conflict situations and how to resolve conflicts. In the beginning, let's remember what a conflict is and what are the reasons for its occurrence. The verification and consolidation of the studied material from the course "Social Science" on social conflicts begins. Student survey.

Question: How do you feel when you hear the word “conflict”?

Answer: Feelings are different. Mostly negative, negative, causes mistrust and anxiety.

Question: What is conflict? Name its structure.

Answer: Conflict (from Latin confliclus - clash) can be defined as a serious disagreement, or a sharp dispute, causing a struggle of interests, views, aspirations of people.

The structure of the conflict:

  • KS (conflict situation) + I (incident) = K (conflict)
  • CS are the accumulated contradictions containing the cause of the conflict.
  • And - this is a combination of circumstances that are a cause for conflict.
  • K - conflict

Question: What functions does it perform?

Answer: Conflicts have a contradictory effect on our lives in some cases, it performs positive functions: weakening mental tension, stimulates human activity, improves the quality of activity, unites like-minded people, in others - negative: it causes harm to health, worsens mood, reduces group cohesion, violates interpersonal relationships.

Question: What are the causes of conflicts?


  • social inequality
  • lack of living goods
  • struggle for better positions in society
  • discrepancy between the values ​​of individuals and society
  • opposition of people
  • selfishness of people
  • bad information and misunderstandings
  • imperfection of the human psyche

Question: What are the main types of conflicts you know?

Answer: Conflicts happen:

  • By area public life : economic, political, social, family, ideological
  • By object: intrapersonal, interpersonal
  • According to the consequences: positive, negative
  • By run time: fleeting (dynamic), protracted (static)
  • According to the degree of flow: true, potential, false

After the survey, students are invited to get acquainted with the presentations that they themselves prepared with the help of a teacher for this lesson. Presentation topics may vary. See APPENDIX 1.

This is where the theoretical part of the lesson ends and the practical part begins. Students are divided into three groups of 6-8 people and receive cards with tasks, the first team resolves conflict situations on card No. 1, the second on card No. 2 and the third on card No. 3. Below are examples of these cards.

Exercise 1: Consider examples and suggest solutions to conflict situations.

Card number 1

Card number 2

Card number 3

After 3-5 minutes, a collective discussion of the available options for resolving conflict situations begins, each student can offer his point of view on the problem under discussion.

Task 2. Students receive a handout in which they must indicate to which type of conflict the described situations belong.

Task 3. each student receives a psychological test to determine how conflicted they are.

Psychological test: Self-assessment of conflict

Get into an argument 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dodging an argument
Accompany your conclusions in a tone that brooks no objection. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Accompany your conclusions with an apologetic tone
Do you think that you will achieve your goal if you zealously object 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Do you think that if you vehemently object, you will not achieve your goal
Do not pay attention to the fact that others do not accept the arguments 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 You regret if you see that others do not accept the arguments
Discuss controversial issues in the presence of an opponent 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Discuss controversial issues in the absence of an opponent
Do not be embarrassed if you find yourself in a tense environment 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Feeling uncomfortable in a stressful environment
Do you think that in a dispute you need to show your character 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Do you think that in a dispute you do not need to show your emotions
Do not give in to disputes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Give in to disputes
If you explode, then you think that you can’t do without it 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 If you explode, you soon feel guilty
Do you think people get out of conflict easily? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Do you think people find it difficult to get out of conflicts?

Evaluation of results (key to the test)

On each line, connect the marks by points and build your graph. Deviation from the middle (number four) to the left means a tendency to conflict, and a deviation to the right will indicate a tendency to avoid conflict. Count up total points marked by you. 70 points indicates a very high degree of conflict; 60 points - high; 50 - for pronounced conflict; 11-15 points - on the tendency to avoid conflict situations.

Teacher's final word: Conflict is easier to prevent than to cure. We should try to emphasize positive judgments and evaluations, remembering that all people more favorably accept positive information, and not negative, which often leads to conflict situations. A respectful manner of speaking and the ability to listen to the interlocutor significantly reduces the likelihood of a conflict situation.

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Alas, unlike the characters in sitcoms, who each time manage to resolve all conflicts with friends by the end of a 30-minute episode with the help of ingenuity and wit, we do not always manage to get around all the problems in friendly relations with such grace.

In reality, our opinions, observations and actions are different. This means that if we are friends with a person long enough, conflicts are inevitable.

At the moment when growing tension breaks out to the surface, we often panic, not knowing how to react: ignore the problem, hoping that it will eventually disappear by itself? try to discuss everything? wait and see what happens?

When we push a friend away, we often sacrifice emotional intimacy and, over time, risk losing the friendship altogether.

Those who tend to avoid conflict instinctively try to stay away from friends after a quarrel. At first, this may seem like a reasonable decision, because the distance will save us from stress or unnecessary clarification of the relationship. However, by pushing a friend away, we often sacrifice emotional intimacy and, over time, risk losing the friendship altogether. Not to mention, the accumulation of stress and anxiety is bad for our health.

Fortunately, there are ways to resolve conflicts without losing friends. Here are a few of them.

1. Discuss the situation as soon as the moment is right

At the very beginning of the conflict, when emotions are running high, it is wise to take a short pause in communication. It is likely that at this moment neither you nor your friend are ready to listen and accept each other's points of view. But this pause should not be too long.

Within 24 hours of the conflict, you should call or send a text message and in simple words express your regrets

Within a day of a conflict or tension in a relationship, call or send a text message and express in simple words what you are sorry about and what you would like: “I am sorry about what happened and I want to fix everything”, “Our friendship is important to me”, "Let's discuss everything as soon as possible."

2. It is not necessary to discuss and solve all problems at once

Sometimes it seems to us that the whole future of our friendly relations depends entirely on one very serious and difficult conversation. But, just as friendship itself develops gradually, so the complete solution of problems takes time. Sometimes it's worth briefly discussing the problem, taking time to think about it and returning to this conversation later. Solving problems gradually is normal.

3. Show empathy for your friend's feelings

Even when we disagree with our friends' observations or conclusions, we can try to understand their feelings and experiences. We can track their body language during a conversation, pay attention to their tone of voice and facial expressions. Try to respond to any signs of pain, discomfort, or anger (“I understand that you are upset, and I am very sorry that you feel bad about it”).

4. Know how to listen

Listen to everything your friend has to say to you without stopping or interrupting him. If something in his words causes you strong emotions, try to restrain them until you fully understand everything that your friend wants to express to you. If something is not clear, ask again. Try to find out what your friend hopes to get out of this conversation or what he needs to feel better about himself.

5. Speak clearly and concisely

Talk about your feelings and experiences, do not throw accusations. Avoid phrases like "You always do this"

First of all, talk about your feelings and experiences, and do not throw accusations. Avoid phrases like “You always do this” or “You never do this”, they will only exacerbate the problem and interfere with conflict resolution.

6. Try to take a different point of view

We do not always agree with the opinions of friends, but we must be able to recognize their right to an opinion that is different from ours. We must respect the views of friends and their right to disagree with us. Even if we do not agree with everything our friend says, there may be something in his words that we are ready to agree with.

Finally, when the immediate conflict has been as exhausted as possible in this moment Give the relationship time to fully recover. Keep doing what you love to do together. Positive emotions from friendly communication over time, will help smooth out the remaining tension.

About the expert

Sarah Raymond Cunningham is a life coach, author of 5 books, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, and a mother of two. Her website is