Every year Sri Lanka attracts crowds of tourists from all over the world. Among them are people who are fond of world history and culture, hopeless romantics, couples and newlyweds, couples with children, athletes looking for a dose of adrenaline and adventure, the elderly and young people who are attracted by the noisy night life. Popularity among such a versatile contingent speaks of the versatility of holidays in Sri Lanka. In October 2019, you will be able to verify this at own experience if you want to relax on this wonderful island.

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Due to the mild warm climate, a beach holiday in Sri Lanka is considered one of the best in the world. Arugam Bay- one of the local resorts on the southeast coast. It looks more like a cluster of fishing villages than a fashionable resort.

However, it has its own charms. Firstly, huge clean strips of white sand and clear azure waters. The beaches reach mountains Crocodile Rock. Here you can watch the walks of wild elephants and other exotic representatives of the animal world. Secondly, this place is considered a world famous diving and windsurfing center. In October, the weather more than ever accompanies scuba diving and acquaintance with a completely unexplored underwater world, with its rich flora and fauna.

On the southwest coast, just 40 km from the cultural and shopping center Colombo countries, located small resort Kalutara. It's lively trading city, which has long been traded in spices and tea. Do not forget to buy yourself a pack of Sri Lankan spices and world-famous Ceylon tea. This place has a rich excursion program. The main local attraction is a three-level buddhist temple Kalutare Vihara. It was built in 1960 in the form of a snow-white dagoba. It is notable for being the only temple in the world made in the form of a hollow stupa. Its walls are decorated with frescoes depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha. For tourists, the entrance to the temple is completely unhindered and free. However, it must be remembered appearance in no way provocative or beachy. Shoes must be removed upon entry.

WEATHER IN SRI LANKA IN OCTOBER (according to observations until 2019)

In October, it manifests itself as a warm, humid equatorial climate. The amount of precipitation sometimes reaches 350 mm. At night there are intermittent rains and showers. The air temperature reaches +29C. At night it drops a little to + 20C ... + 25C. The water in the Indian Ocean warms up to +27C. Swimming will be most comfortable on the southwestern coast of the island.

October on the island - time low season, which means that the tourists are not too active. This is largely due to the fact that the weather is not so easy to predict. But not everything is so terrible. The elements tear and rush more often at night, there may be showers lasting several hours and during the day. The water temperature differs very little from the air temperature: the difference is only a few degrees.


Air temperature

  • Halle: +30…+31
  • Induruwa: +30…+32
  • Colombo: +31…+33
  • Negombo: +32…+33
  • Kalutara: +31…+33
  • Unawatuna: +30…+31
  • Trincomalee +32... +35

The most unpredictable is Trincomalee. Here, the thermometer during the day can fix both +37 degrees and fall to +29 degrees. The same resort is the hottest, here the average monthly temperature is a couple of degrees higher than in other cities.

Water temperature

  • Halle: +27…+28
  • Induruwa: +27…+29
  • Colombo: +27…+29
  • Negombo: +27…+28
  • Kalutara: +27…+28
  • Unawatuna: +27…+29
  • Trincomalee +28.. +29

The water temperature remains at the same level throughout the month. One thing can be said about her: she is unlikely to bring coolness. If West Coast is still dominated by monsoons, then in the east you can enjoy plenty of swimming in the ocean. Also for lovers beach holiday you'll love the south coast.

weather features

Autumn in Sri Lanka is an inter-monsoon period. However, it is not completely without rain. "Zenithal" showers, i.e. going during the period when the sun is at its zenith, are characteristic of the equatorial regions. Sunny days prevail in Galle, Trincomalee, Unawatuna holds golden mean, at the rest of the resorts there is a slight advantage over the clouds.

The most rainy weather stands in Colombo. October here is very similar to May. Not suitable for a beach holiday.

Airfare prices

Even if your vacation is scheduled for October, and this is the time you want to visit the island, you can book plane tickets right now. To date, the cost of a flight for one person on weekdays will be:

By the way, direct flights are organized only on Saturdays. On the other days of the week, you will have to travel with transfers.

For holidays in Sri Lanka, an individual booking is typical. There are hotels of different levels of comfort: from those with no stars to a complete set of 5 pieces. Accommodation for two people in a 3-star hotel for 7 nights will cost an average of 12-15 thousand rubles, but you can choose better accommodation, for example, in a 4 * hotel in Bentota Beach Sri Lanka, a weekly stay in October will cost about 35 thousand rubles . It all depends on your preferences. The indicated price includes breakfast.

What the country has to offer

What entertainment can there be if the ocean is nearby? Of course, water. Sri Lanka is no exception in this regard. Surfing, diving and other pleasures are in demand.

And in different regions islands the season for them may differ. Thus, diving centers are available in October in the southwest and closed in the northeast. Do not lose sight of this circumstance if you go to Sri Lanka to go diving.

You can also go fishing. And again, depending on the region: you should choose the southern or southeastern regions.

Of course, it is impossible to resist the temptation to go on a tour of the island. Visit a turtle farm or an elephant nursery, see stunning Buddhist temples, visit the Botanical Garden and Mount Adam. Architecture, nature and man have created an inimitable and unique ensemble.

As for holidays and festivals, October 2 is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - Gandhi Jayanti, the days of memory of the Prophet Mohammed - Eid n Milad are held. The Festival of Lights, also known as the festival of the goddess Diwali, is a rolling festival that begins in October and ends in November. Many holidays do not have an exact start date, but depend on the rising of the sun or moon.

Sri Lanka is indeed a unique island in every way. This is not just a country of absolute exoticism, the birthplace of tea, elephants and coconut trees. This is something more: here you can find the last island of the relict forest; not far from Kandy to see dense, unspoilt Veddas; here you can see the ancient cities, the ruins of palaces and Buddhist sanctuaries lost in the jungle; here you can also find forests overgrown with dense lianas and ... rivers teeming with crocodiles. Enough to make it all a separate journey, right? Well, the beaches of this island stretch endlessly, and it will take at least a month to travel around them all ... So when and where will it be best?

In Sri Lanka all year round humid hot or at least warm climate, although not the same everywhere - the climate of the island is strongly influenced by the relief and the length of the island from north to south. The average annual temperature on the plains is about +29 - 31 degrees (seasonal fluctuations are very small), while in the mountainous part of the country the temperature is around +16 - 24 degrees. The water temperature in the Indian Ocean all year round is about +25 - 27ºС.

The rainy season falls on May to September(southwest monsoon) for west and south coasts and with October to April(northeast monsoon) for east coast .

Hence and best time for a beach holiday in the country: October - April for south and west coasts And May - September for East Coast. Based on the experience of its own travels, the Bamboo Club company notes that such a division is very conditional: at any time of the year, on any coast of the island, there is always enough sunny days a year for a comfortable pastime on the beach.

To stay on the beach

Trincomalee (east coast): May - September
Recommended hotels:* , +* , * , Chaaya Blu 4*

Wadduwa (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Serene Pavilions 5*, Siddhalepa Ayurveda 5*, The Blue Water 4*, Villa Ocean View 3*

Kalutara (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Royal Palms 5*, Mermaid 3*, Avani Kalutara 3*, Hibiscus Beach 3*, Tangerine Beach 4*, The Sands by Aitken Spence Hotels 4*

Beruvella (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Eden Resort & Spa 5*, Lanka Princess 4*

Bentota (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Bentota Beach (Cinnamon Beach) 4*, Vivanta by Taj Bentota 5*, The Surf Bentota (ex. Lihiniya Surf) 4*, Club Bentota 3*, Serendipity 4* (ex. Avani Bentota)

Ahungalla (southwest coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Heritance Ahungalle 5*

Galle (southwest coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Amanwella 5*, Cantaloupe Aqua Boutique 4*, Jetwing Lighthouse (ex. Lighthouse Hotel & Spa) 5*, Unawatuna Beach Resort 4*, Weligama Bay Resort 4*

Koggala (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: The Fortress 5* Boutique

Dikwella (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Villa Jayananda 3*, Dickwella Village Resort 4*

Tangalle (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Eva Lanka Hotel 4*, Talalla Retreat 4*, Ranna 212 4*, Palm Paradise Cabanas 3*, Buckingham Place 4* Boutique, Turtle Bay 4*

Must visit places in the country

Climbing the "Lion Rock" will require a lot of effort. But it's worth it: from the top you will have an amazing view of the surroundings, and on the top of the cliff you will see the ruins of the Kassapa palace (V century AD), carved pools and terraces.

Anuradhapura - ancient capital Sri Lanka. The exact date of the founding of the city is unknown. But archaeological excavations in Sri Lanka confirm that the first human settlements in the area date back to the 5th century BC.

"Not a single drop that fell from heaven should fall into the sea without benefiting a person" - such was the philosophy of those times when Polonnaruwa was the capital of the state. The kings built a complex irrigation system here, and to this day an artificial lake, canals, pools have been preserved here ...

Insanely beautiful alpine landscapes create unique landscapes, without which a trip to Sri Lanka is unthinkable.

A trip to Kandy will be very popular with lovers of cultural values. There is a special atmosphere in Kandy that attracts not only travelers on a spiritual quest, but also ordinary people who dream of seeing the milestones in the history of Sri Lanka with their own eyes.

Walk through the Royal Botanical garden in Peradeniya must be included in the program without fail. This is not just a garden with more than 4800 plants from all over the world, but also just very a nice place- a favorite place of the promenade among the townspeople themselves.

Pinnawala is the largest elephant orphanage in the country. Moreover, it contains the most a large number of in the world of elephants in captivity.

The cave temple complex at Dambulla is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Anyone who loves nature and wants to see wild animals in natural environment their habitat, may go to one of the country's national parks. The largest in Sri Lanka is Yala Park, which is located in the southeast of the country, overlooking the beautiful coast of the Indian Ocean.

Watching whales and dolphins in the open ocean.

October in Sri Lanka is not considered " high season”, due to the monsoon in the south of the island. It rains every day, but most of the precipitation falls at night, while the day pleases tourists with the sun and hot summer weather. All the main and most popular beaches of Sri Lanka, such as Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, are starting to get ready for the start tourist season. Is it true weather not yet the best for relaxation: humidity reaches 90%, air temperature 29-31 degrees during the day, 24-25 at night. Stuffy and hot, however, the water in the ocean is 29-30 degrees, warm and pleasant.

Sri Lanka beaches in October.

From the entire south coast, this is the most suitable beach for relaxing. The beach is a coral bay, therefore it is reliably protected from huge ocean waves and currents. In principle, if you are not afraid of the heat, and feel comfortable in humid climate, then you can choose any beach in the south of Sri Lanka, heading to a hotel with a pool, you can even choose a hotel where the pool is filled with ocean water.

And on the beaches of the northeast, everything is fine with the weather, dry and warm, the sun is shining, the humidity is 75-80%. This part of the island provides a choice of beaches for different purposes of the trip, both just a beach holiday and riding the waves on the board.


One of the most popular beaches in Sri Lanka. is divided into 2 beaches: Upuveli and Nilaveli, the rest on which is comfortable in October. Nilaveli protected coral reef, so the beach here is intended for swimming, both for adults and for small children. The entrance to the water is gentle, sea ​​urchins and other living creatures are not here, so you can not worry and swim for your pleasure.


To the south, 110 km from Trincomalee, there is a beach. According to the reviews of tourists who have been here, the most beautiful, green, and pleasant beach on the east coast of Sri Lanka. If you did not plan to visit the beach, then we recommend that you make a short and short outing from Trincomalee. To do this, you take the bus that follows from Trinco, and drive about two hours to Pasikuda. Believe me, you will enjoy the tour.

Aruguam Bay.

For lovers of extreme pastime, Aruguam Bay beach is suitable. There are no corals or rocks to dampen the force of the waves, so indulging in the waves is a great pleasure for you. It is not surprising that in October, when the season is off, here you can see a large number of surfers catching a "good" wave.


October is not yet the season of high prices and crowds of tourists, so locals, will be very happy with your appearance, and will want to attract you with an interesting price. More interesting price, from the peak of the season, maybe twice. This applies to the entire service sector, from finding housing to buying souvenirs. People haggle and make significant discounts on goods and services. Yes, and ticket prices to Colombo can also be caught at discounts and fly for $ 350 to the pearl of the Indian Ocean. The only thing that never drops in price is that the state directly controls prices for it.


The most popular excursion in October can be called a trip to Pigeon Island, near Trincomalee. This is a coral island where for lovers of diving and snorkeling. Colourful, living, swaying corals in the water column, swarms of variegated different forms and the size of the fish, you can observe all this by visiting this excursion.

Trincomalee also offers a boat trip to the ocean, where you will see dolphins or blue cats. At dawn, you set off to watch the dolphins flock closer to the shore for breakfast. Beautiful views dawn and a flock of jumping dolphins will not leave indifferent any tourist.

And if you love and are fond of history, then you will like the march:

Dambulla - Sigiriya - Anuradhapura - - Trincomayel - Pasikuda.

In the Indian Ocean lies a delightful island with many cultural and natural treasures. Indians, Portuguese, British and Germans have left a legacy for posterity in the form of ancient cities, monuments and many architectural styles.

In the cradle of Buddhism - on the island of Sri Lanka, tourists are waiting for elephant trails crossing the road, the Gallic Literary Festival, National parks, tea tasting on the famous tea plantations, ancient ruins in the greenery of the jungle, deserted beaches.

Holidays in Sri Lanka in October have many advantages - this is a great opportunity to relax, heal the soul and body. The October holidays on the island attract tourists with the magical variety of Asian nature, ancient architecture, high-level service, beaches with velvety sand, the cleanest sea ​​water, entertaining excursions and many attractions. In addition, Sri Lanka is considered an ideal place for the seclusion of couples in love.

You can spend holidays in Sri Lanka in October at world-famous resorts

Colombo is a huge port city. Numerous temples, mosques, ancient architectural monuments offer tourists to revel in beauty for a long time

– Kandy is the center of culture and religion

- Nuwara Eliya - resort mountain area with many waterfalls

– Negombo – rich in beaches and scenic spots

In addition to beach holidays, vacationers are waiting for a lot of exciting activities. The island is known for its gemstone jewelry, in addition, Sri Lanka has nine UNESCO historical sites, golf courses, a Buddhist temple in the caves, ancient city in the jungle, those who wish are offered rafting mountain river, visiting museums, palaces, reservoirs, rock monastery.

October vacation on the island has its drawbacks. The main one is the October rainy season, so tourists risk sitting in their hotel rooms for a couple of days without going out, and diving enthusiasts will not be able to see the beauty underwater world. The rains end only at the end of the month. In addition, while relaxing on the beaches of Sri Lanka in October, you should pay attention to the waves, at this time they are too big, which is very dangerous for swimming.

Holidays in Sri Lanka throughout the year are measured, away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and pristine nature.

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