Victoria Markovna Kirkorova (Likhacheva), born on April 6, 1937, worked as a concert host when Philip graduated from Gnesinka and became popular, her mother sorted out numerous mail and answered letters from fans, she felt sorry for the girls suffering from unrequited love for her son.

creative union

Bedros Filippovich met his first love in 1964. Then the 32-year-old performer gave concerts at the Sochi Summer Theater and noticed her on the 8th row. The girl was accompanied by her mother. Later it turned out that the singer and his fans lived in the same hotel, and when Vika asked for an autograph, Bedros suddenly offered her a hand and a heart.

Victoria Markovna Kirkorova got engaged to Bedros Filippovich in 1964, after 3 years (April 30) Philip appeared, the union lasted 30 years, and after the death of his wife, the loving 62-year-old singer was depressed for a long time and did not appear in public. In 1997, Kirkorov Sr. returned to concert activity. By the will of fate, he ended up in Novgorod, where he performed for 30 years. There was also an acquaintance with Lyudmila Smirnova, who occupies leadership position at the Trudovik collective farm.

Being lonely, and having taken the post of doctor economic sciences and a teacher at the institute, the woman needed Bedros, and the age difference (18 years) did not bother her. The couple got married in the spring of 1997, choosing the Sophia Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin for this solemn event. Now the Kirkorovs' union has its own farm near Novgorod.

Cause of death of Kirkorov's mother

The story of the death of the mother of the "King" of pop music dates back to 92, when the diagnosis of the disease became known - liver cancer. Doctors warned: either surgery or death. After 2 years in St. Petersburg famous professor Gradov, who is involved in blocking metastases, agreed to the procedure, which led to a temporary improvement.

The singer and his son regularly visited his wife in the hospital, told his wife about a joyful event - Pugacheva's engagement to Kirkorov. But Professor Gradov suddenly found himself on the operating table. And he could no longer control the health of his patient. One day, Bedros was informed that it was time to say goodbye to his relatives. The woman leaves the world of the living. Philip could not decide on such a test, but Pugacheva was nearby, and she insisted on a meeting. They both arrived. The woman blessed them. And quietly left the world of the living.


Philip is descended from 5 nations: Armenians, Jews, Bulgarians, Russians and... even Italians. The mother was Jewish - the nationality of children is determined there by their mother, but the King himself calls himself a Bulgarian.


Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov (according to his passport - Philip Bedros Kirkorov) - Soviet and Russian crooner, actor, composer and producer. Philip Kirkorov in 2008 was awarded the title of "People's Artist of Russian Federation". In 2017, Kirkorov noisily celebrated his 50th birthday.

Family, childhood and education of Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov's father - Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov (Krikoryan) - Bulgarian singer (born June 2, 1932). By origin - Armenian. According to Bedros himself, he changed his surname Krikoryan to Kirkorov, as this was a prerequisite for entering a Bulgarian school.

The mother of Philip Kirkorov is Victoria Markovna Kirkorova (Likhacheva), the host of concerts (April 6, 1937 - April 30, 1994).

Philip Kirkorov with his parents (Photo:

Grandfather (paternal) - Philip Krikoryan, an Armenian by nationality, worked as a shoemaker. Grandmother (paternal) - Sofia Krikoryan, also an Armenian.

Great-grandfather (by mother) - Manion Mikhail Alfonsovich, (1891-1918), acrobat, musical eccentric, clown, half-French-half-Russian by nationality, the surname Manion is of Irish origin. Grandmother (by mother) - Manion Lidia Mikhailovna, circus actress, xylophonist, dancer. She had gypsy roots.

Aunt (father's sister) - Marie Kirkorova (b. 1945), opera singer. Works in the USA. Uncle (father's brother) - Harry Kirkorov (b. 1937), businessman.

Philip Kirkorov from childhood got used to acting life. From the age of five, little Phil went on tour with his parents. The future singer often attended his father's concerts and even went on stage with his father to applause.

Philip Kirkorov in childhood (Photo:

As is known from the biography on the official website of Kirkorov, when little Philip fell seriously ill, his parents, who then lived in Bulgaria, went to the famous prophetess Vanga. She told them: “I see your son on high mountain, he is standing and waving a metal stick. Only after some time Vanga's secret became clear, this mountain is a musical Olympus, and the "metal stick" is an ordinary microphone ...

The childhood of Philip Kirkorov took place on the Taganka. At school, Philip studied excellently and graduated with a gold medal. At the same time, Philip studied piano and guitar at the music school. After school, Kirkorov tried to enter GITIS, but it did not work out. The future popular singer was told that he lacked vocal abilities. It took a couple of years for the voice to get stronger.

Then in 1984, young Kirkorov entered the Music College. Gnesins. He was taken into his class by Margarita Iosifovna Landa, a teacher who was called a “sorceress” at the school. Philip Kirkorov's father, however, doubted his son's vocal abilities and once said: "I give my head for cutting off that he will never become a singer!" After the first concert of Philip Bedros, Kirkorov approached Margarita Iosifovna with the words: “I will erect a golden monument to you!”

In 1988, Philip Kirkorov graduated from college with honors.

Musical career Philip Kirkorov

Back in Gnesinka, young Kirkorov in 1985 was invited to the first television shoot in the Wider Circle program with the song Alyosha on Bulgarian. Philip was noticed by the director of "Blue Light" S.I. Anapolskaya and invited Kirkorov to star in her program. But the leadership of the Blue Light refused the young artist with a strange argument: "He is too handsome." Outraged Anapolskaya, threatening that she would quit her job, nevertheless managed to get permission to shoot.

In 1987, the head of the Leningrad Music Hall, I. Rakhlin, invited Philip Kirkorov on a foreign tour to Berlin to participate in the world famous show theater Friedrichstadtpalast. For a young artist I had to learn all the texts in German but the trip went well.

In April 1988, Philip met at the opening day of Ilya Reznik with Alla Pugacheva. In general, Ilya Reznik was one of the first professionals who helped him on the stage. In October 1988, Philip Kirkorov received an invitation from Pugacheva to take part in the "Christmas Meetings". Philip Kirkorov has already graduated from the Gnessin College and managed to check in at a competition in Yalta, starred in the video "Carmen" and spent in Soviet troops free concerts in Mongolia.

Songwriter Ilya Reznik and singer Philip Kirkorov, 2008 (Photo: Evguenii Matveev/Russian LookGlobal Look Press)

The meeting with the poet Leonid Derbenev also became significant for Philip Kirkorov - the poet wrote songs for the singer that became hits - these are "You, you, you", "Heaven and Earth", "Atlantis", "Day and Night" and many others.

The popularity of Philip Kirkorov grew, more and more new achievements appeared in his biography. The listeners were captivated by both the voice and the appearance of the singer. In 1989, Philip Kirkorov went on tour as Alla Pugacheva's partner in Australia and Germany. Then Philip had his first solo tour in Perm, and in the same year Kirkorov reached the final of the Song of the Year festival for the first time.

"Christmas Evenings" by Alla Pugacheva. Artist Filipp Kirkorov during a performance at the Olimpiysky sports complex, 1989 (Photo: Vitaly Sozinov / TASS)

At the end of 1989, Philip Kirkorov left the Alla Pugacheva Theater and began active concert activity. He wanted to make sure that the public goes not only to Alla Pugacheva, but also to his concerts.

In 1992, a video clip was released for the song "Atlantis" and two solo programs - "Heaven and Earth" and "Atlantis"; the latter was subsequently voted the best show of the year. In the same years, the first tour of Philip Kirkorov took place in the USA, Canada, Germany and Israel.

Philip Bedrosovich received in 1993 the Ovation Award in the Best Singer of the Year nomination and the international competition"Golden Orpheus". At the same time, Kirkorov's successful tour in Australia took place.

Then there was the solo program "I'm not Rafael", which became a new milestone in Kirkorov's biography. The main part of the program was hits from the repertoire of E. Humperdinck, T. Jones, F. Sinatra, P. Anka and E. Presley.

In November 1994, Kirkorov and Pugacheva held a grand joint concert in Atlantic City, in America's largest casino, the Taj Mahal, and in May next year made a joint concert tour of Israel.

Singers Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov (Photo: Igor Flis/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 1995, Kirkorov received 2 more Ovation awards - “For the best program” and “Best Singer”, shot video clips “Bird”, “Look what a summer” and “Honey”.

Unexpectedly, a week before the international Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Philip Kirkorov found out that he would represent Russia in this contest; took only 17th place on it with the song "Lullaby for the Volcano". Thus, Eurovision did not become a landmark in Kirkorov's biography.

The end of 1995 was marked by the release of the double CD “Say the Sun: Yes!” on the Polygram label. The release of the album coincided with the premiere of the program "The Best, Favorite and Only for You" at the State Variety Theater, which was then successfully held throughout the country.

In 1996, Philip Kirkorov was awarded the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo for a record circulation among Russian performers (2 million sound carriers).

Russian singer Philip Kirkorov performing at the World Music Awards in Monaco (Photo: Yui Mok/PA Photos/PHOTAS)

Philip Kirkorov is an eight-time winner of the Ovation award, a five-time winner of the World Music Awards as the most popular performer in Russia, a multiple winner of the Golden Gramophone, One Stop Hit, Silver Galosh awards, laureate of the annual Song of the Year festival.

Philip Kirkorov after receiving the Ovation award, 2008 (Photo: Anton Belitsky / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

In 2015, Philip Kirkorov took 2nd place in the rating of " Top 50 Russian Celebrities" by Forbes magazine. The rating, according to the publication, includes "the richest and most influential stars Russian show business and sports." Philip Kirkorov scored over 41 points, with $10.4 million in revenue, second only to Maria Sharapova, with Kirkorov significantly more inquiries but fewer media mentions.

2017 is an anniversary year for People's Artist. In April, Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov exchanged fifty dollars. Philip Kirkorov began preparing for the anniversary in advance with the help of the “I” tour, as well as the acquisition, as reported in the news, of a mansion in an elite village near Moscow, where he moved with his children, Alla-Victoria and Martin.

Photo: Russian Archives/Global Look Press

Vacation home The artist is located in the Myakininskaya floodplain of the Moscow River on the Picturesque peninsula surrounded on three sides by the waters of the Bay. The singer's mansion is located on a whole hectare of land. Here fresh air, not noisy, mirror surface reservoir, and at the same time to the metropolis is only 2 kilometers! There are about 30 mansions in the elite village, which the locals call the "island". Each is built on an individual project - one is cooler than the other.

According to realtors, Philip Kirkorov had to pay about $ 12 million for a house in the Myakininskaya floodplain of the Moscow River.

Photo: Russian Archives/Global Look Press

Personal life of Philip Kirkorov

On January 13, 1994, Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva announced their engagement in Moscow. On March 15, the marriage of Kirkorov with Pugacheva was registered in St. Petersburg by the mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak. On May 15, Alla and Philip got married in Jerusalem. The dissolution of the marriage with Alla Pugacheva, which secretly took place in March 2005, was officially announced in November 2005 in the Lolita program “Without complexes”.

Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, 2006 (Photo: Maxim Burlak/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Philip Kirkorov has two children. Daughter - Alla Victoria (b. November 26, 2011). Kirkorov said that his daughter's name is in honor of his mother Victoria and in honor of Alla Pugacheva. The son of Kirkorov is Martin (b. June 29, 2012). The singer announced his birth during a concert in Sofia.

For a long time there was no information about the mother of the children of Philip Kirkorov, with the exception of speculation in the tabloid news, which wrote about different women who were suitable for this role, trying to unravel the secret of Kirkorov's children. Philip Kirkorov said that he gave birth to children surrogate mother, however, Philip Bedrosovich then regretted his frankness. In the release of the TV show “Secret for a Million,” Philip Kirkorov noted that “our country is not ready for such revelations. Today's theme surrogacy is discussed quite often, and I received so many complaints on my head.

Singer Philip Kirkorov with his daughter Alla-Victoria and son Martin (Photo: TASS)

Photos of Kirkorov with children can often be found in the media. As for their mother, Philip Bedrosovich only says that she is in in perfect order and he is not afraid of her meeting with children.

Scandals around Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov and Timati (Photo:

Philip Kirkorov often gets into the news of the leading media, not only as a creative figure, but also because of various scandals. There were many such episodes in the biography of Philip Bedrosovich. He clashed with colleagues, as they did with him, Kirkorov's skirmishes with Yuri Shevchuk and Timati were remembered, the latter even recorded the anti-Kirkorov video "Come on, goodbye!" Show business stars reconciled only in 2016, as reported in the news, with the assistance of Grigory Leps. In 2017, Timati and Kirkorov even shot a joint video for the song "Last Spring".

In 2004, a rude answer using a swear word by Philip Kirkorov to the question of the Rostov journalist Irina Aroyan caused a great resonance in the news: “What is the reason for such a large number of remakes in your repertoire? The court sentenced Kirkorov to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles for insulting in a public place. Many Russian media declared a boycott of Kirkorov in protest.

Most loud scandal happened to Kirkorov in December 2010, when Philip attacked Marina Yablokova, assistant director of the Golden Gramophone ceremony. She filed an application addressed to the head of the Moscow police department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, with a request to open a criminal case against F. Kirkorov, whom she accused of beating and insulting during a rehearsal of the ceremony on December 4 at the State Kremlin Palace. Philip Bedrosovich himself initially denied his guilt. Then he said that he was sick and needed treatment, for which he went to an Israeli hospital, from where on December 10, in the program “Let them talk”, he publicly apologized to Yablokova. “Yes, I raised my hand. I offended, ”Kirkorov said on that memorable broadcast. On December 15, at the request of Yablokova, a criminal case was initiated. And then there was information that the parties nevertheless went to the world.

In November 2016, the leader of the Space group Didier Marouani filed a claim against Kirkorov for plagiarizing the musical material of the song "Cruel Love", the singer considers it to be 41% borrowed from the song Symphonic Space Dream. After telephone conversations(which, as it turned out later, instead of Kirkorov, were led by pranksters Vovan and Lexus) Maruani arrived in Moscow, where they were detained at the Sberbank branch on Pokrovka Street with lawyer Igor Trunov. At the same time, it was noted that the detention of the musician and lawyer was connected with Kirkorov's statement about allegedly extorting a large amount of money from him due to copyright infringement. At night, Trunov and the leader of Space were released from the police with an apology. The police also noted that "officially, a person is not detained until a detention protocol is drawn up." Commenting on the incident, Marouani stated that "Monsieur Kirkorov and his lawyer (Alexander) Dobrovinsky behaved like a mafia, committed a hooligan act, and I want to note that we will resolve all issues in court."

ilipp Kirkorov (center) during the signing of autographs (Photo: Artem Korotaev / TASS)

Philip Kirkorov is accused of being rude to his fans. In 2016, photos and videos appeared on the Internet, which show how the singer walks along the aisle during the concert, a fan catches up with him, Kirkorov, suddenly turning around, hits the woman with his hand, after which she falls to the floor. The spectators who were nearby help her, while the artist himself, continuing his performance, goes further.

Philip has been declared persona non grata in Azerbaijan. Although he personally has never been to Nagorno-Karabakh. This is explained by the fact that "his mother is an Armenian by nationality." When asked if the reason for this really lies in his Armenian origin, Kirkorov replied that “this question is not for me, but for Polad Bulbuloglu (Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan - approx. “SP”). It was he who did not allow my visit to Azerbaijan.”

Kirkorov Philip Bedrosovich is from Varna. There is a lot of blood mixed in his family, thanks to which he received such charisma and inexhaustible energy. One of his grandfather was an Armenian, and the second a mixture of French and Russian. The first grandmother was a gypsy, and the second was a Bulgarian.

Philip Kirkorov and his father ride a bike

Philip's father is Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov. He was born into an ordinary shoemaker's family. His parents participated in the city choir and when they went there, they always took little Bedros. In his youth, he was fond of dancing, but he never managed to get into the dance group, so he signed up for the choir. It was there that he was able to show his talents, the first nickname “trumpet” was assigned to him, because the teachers immediately singled out his strong voice. Years later, he did not stop singing, having entered the army, he participated in a military ensemble. When Arno Babajanyan heard him for the first time, he invited him to Moscow, as he was sure that he should receive a musical education.

Mom, Philippa - Victoria Markovna Likhacheva. She worked in the colloquial genre, and was often the host at concerts. The acquaintance of Bedros and Victoria took place in Sochi. At that time, he came there to perform with the legendary Eddie Rosner Orchestra. They soon exchanged wedding rings, and on April 30, 1967 they had their first child - Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov. After the birth of a child, Victoria Markovna had to leave her job at the Foreign Ministry and devote more time to her family. Accompanied her husband on tour, often acted as a host. When little Philip was five years old, his parents introduced him to the backstage life of the artist. His childhood was spent behind the scenes of the scenes, which he was madly in love with. Once, Victoria Markovna, announcing the number, did not have time to finish the phrase “Arno Babajanyan’s song ...”, when little Philip jumped onto the stage and shouted: “Memory!”

Father and son, Philip Kirkorov and Bedros Filippovich

Philip Kirkorov graduated from school 413 in Moscow with a gold medal, and after a music school. Then he entered the Gnessin School in the "department of musical comedy", which he graduated with honors. For the first time, the viewer saw him as an artist in 1985, where he participated in the Wider Circle program. It was there that he met S.I. Anapolskaya, director of Blue Light. But the "light" refused Philip, saying that the singer was "too handsome."

For that, in 1988 he received an invitation to the "Christmas Meetings" from Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. In 1994, they sealed their alliance and became married couple Their marriage lasted 11 years.

1994 was a difficult year for the Kirkorov family. Philip lost his mother, and Bedros his wife. Victoria Markovna Likhacheva died of cancer.

Time put everything in its place. He went on tour in the Novgorod region and saw Lyudmila there. At that time she was the head of the state farm. It was difficult to resist the charm of the "visiting star" and she agreed to his proposal, giving the famous singer her hand and heart. In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, the newlyweds were married.

Today Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov owns a farm in Novosibirsk region and lives with his wife Lyudmila Smirnova. He does not miss the opportunity to see his son, accompanying him on tour. In addition, he himself gives solo concerts, actively participates in social activities and does charity work.

Celebrity biography - Philip Kirkorov

famous singer Russian stage, music producer


Philip was born on April 30, 1967 in the Bulgarian town of Varna. His father's parents were Armenians, his grandfather worked as a shoemaker. On the maternal side, my grandmother was a dancer and circus actress. There were gypsies in her family.

Father - Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov, Honored Singer of Bulgaria, named his son in honor of his grandfather. Initially, the father had the surname Kirkorian, but in order to enter the Bulgarian school, the family decided to change the surname.

Mom - Victoria Markovna Kirkorova worked as an accompanist.

His parents met during one of his father's concerts. The girl came to the concert of a young but talented performer. After the concert, the girl decided to ask for an autograph, so their relationship began, which soon developed into marriage.

Since Philip's parents were creative people, then almost their entire life was spent on tour. Accordingly, they took their son with them on trips. The rest of the time the family lived in Moscow. At the age of 5, Philip first appeared on stage. After his father sang the song, the boy went on stage, his father introduced him to the public, to which there was a standing ovation. It was the first applause in the boy's life. It happened in Petrozavodsk.

At school, the boy studied excellently, graduated from school 413, having received gold medal. After graduating from school, he decided to enter Theatre Institute but failed the exams.

In 1984 he entered the Gnesins State Musical College, the department of musical comedy was chosen for training. After 4 years, the study was completed with a red diploma.

Childhood photos of Philip Kirkorov

Path to glory

In November 1985, Philip Kirkorov performed in the Wider Circle program, the song was called Alyosha and was performed by a singer in Bulgarian.

This program was a definite start in the career of a young singer, where Svetlana Anapolskaya noticed him, at that time she was the director of Blue Light. She offered young man take part in the filming of the TV show. But the management opposed it, arguing that the young man was too handsome. Then Anapolskaya delivered an ultimatum, either Kirkorov takes part in the filming, or she relieves herself of the duties of a director.

In 1987, a fateful meeting with the songwriter Ilya Reznik took place. A year later, it was at the opening day at Reznik that Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva met. Alla Borisovna already had a name and many admirers. And then she invites a young novice artist to take part in the filming of the program "Christmas Meetings". By this time, the young and talented singer had already graduated from the Gnesins' school, he held a successful concert in Yalta and recorded a video for his song "Carmen".

Having gone to prepare the program "Christmas Meetings", Kirkorov met Leonid Derbenev, who later began to write songs to Philip. Almost all of them were destined to become hits.

In 1989, the young artist went on tour with Alla Pugacheva in Germany and Australia. And at the end of the year he took part in the filming of the most popular program "Song of the Year". The songs "Atlantis", "You, you, you", "Day and night" have become real hits. Almost the whole country knew and sang them. The popularity was on the rise. At the end of the same year, Kirkorov began to conduct an active concert activity.

Since the 90s

In 1990, he received the Grand Prix for the song "Heaven and Earth". Two years later, the video clip "Atlantis" was shot, which was later recognized as the best video of the year. In 1994, the solo program “I am not Rafael” was released.

In 1995, Kirkorov was awarded two more Ovation awards, shot several clips that the viewer invariably liked.

In 1997, a tour began in all cities of Russia with the program "The Best, Favorite and Only for You!"

In 1999, a program was prepared called “Oh, mother, chic ladies!” which included songs of oriental motives.

In 2002, he directed the musical "Chicago", which was named the "Premier of the Year" at the end of the year.

Philip Kirkorov in the musical "CHICAGO"

Personal life

A handsome and talented performer simply could not have an ordinary personal life. Of course, it is just as bright and saturated. Philip met his first wife Alla Pugacheva back in 1988. For almost five years he sought the hand of his beloved woman, and finally, she agreed!

In 1994, Philip and Alla registered a marriage in St. Petersburg. The registration of the marriage was carried out by the mayor of the city Anatoly Sobchak himself. After two months, the newlyweds went to Jerusalem to get married there. The marriage lasted 11 years and in 2005 the couple broke up. During this time, a lot of speculation and gossip appeared in newspapers and on television. star couple has always been of interest to the audience.

6 years have passed since the divorce, and the singer admitted that he simply would not be able to meet such a woman again, and he would not agree to anything less. Then he thought about procreation. So in 2011, Kirkorov had a daughter, she was given the name Alla Victoria, in honor of her mother and first wife. For the birth of a girl, he used the services of a surrogate mother, which he admitted on Andrey Malakhov's show "Let them talk."

A year later, son Martin was born in the same way.

Currently, Philip Kirkorov is actively involved in the filming of various television programs and shows. Its popularity is no less than in the 90s of the last century. And on April 30, 2017, the singer celebrated the 50th anniversary of the bill in the Kremlin Palace.