Leonid Yakubovich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His father, an engineer by profession, worked as the head of a design bureau, and his mother was a gynecologist. Their acquaintance took place during the Great Patriotic War, when Rimma Semyonovna was engaged in sending parcels to the front. One of them fell into the hands of Captain Arkady Yakubovich. When he opened the bundle, it contained knitted mittens, but both were for one hand. He wrote back to the girl, and soon they met and got married.

Parents from childhood taught Lenya to independence. He did well in school, but in the eighth grade he was expelled for absenteeism. The point was this. Back in the summer, Leonid and a friend came across an ad that said they were recruiting for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. The parents, reluctantly, let their son go. Deep in the taiga, members of the group were testing mosquito repellents. They worked "for live bait": they smeared the body with various creams and entered cases of mosquito bites into the diary. The expedition dragged on, and Yakubovich "missed" the start school year. Returning to Moscow, he learned that he had been expelled from school.

Leonid was not taken aback and entered the evening school. In parallel, he got a job as an electrician at the Tupolev plant. So flew by youth Yakubovich. When it came time to choose a profession, he expressed a desire to become an artist and without any problems entered three theater university! But there was still a long conversation to be had with my father. Arkady Semenovich, a man of the old school, advised his son to first get some kind of specialty, and then go to the artists. And Leonid listened to his father.

So Yakubovich ended up at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. But he did not forget about his dream. Leonid began to play in the Theater of Student Miniatures and KVN. Two years later, he transferred to the Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev, since, according to him, there was good team KVN. Yakubovich calls his student years the most fun in his life: a constant feeling of celebration, funny companies, trips around the country, first love ... It was then that the future showman met his first wife Galina, who was a soloist of the Gorozhanki ensemble. In 1973, their son Artem was born.

Unsurpassed TV presenter

The artistic career of Leonid Yakubovich began in his student years, when he performed in KVN teams. After graduating from the university, Leonid worked for six years at the plant. Likhachev, and then another three years in the commissioning department. All these years he did not cease to engage in dramatic activities, which consisted in writing short stories.

In 1980, Yakubovich became a member of the Moscow playwrights' committee. His creations gradually gained popularity, but due to the fact that they were performed by other artists, few people knew about him. For example, his miniature "Sergeant's Monologue" glorified throughout the country young artist Vladimir Vinokur. Leonid wrote about three hundred works, which were brilliantly performed by Vainarovsky, Petrosyan, Vinokur. In addition, his plays "Tutti", "Hotel with ghosts", "Ku-ku, man!" were widely known.

Real fame came to Leonid Yakubovich in 1991 after the release of the program "Field of Miracles". Now it seems strange, but then no one believed in the success of this project. The idea of ​​creating the program came to Anatoly Lysenko and Vladislav Listyev when they saw the American program "Wheel of Fortune" in one of the hotel rooms. The first issue of the capital show took place on October 25, 1990. During the year, the "Field of Miracles" was hosted by various presenters, including Leaves.

According to Yakubovich, once Vlad Listyev came to him and offered to take the program for himself. From surprise, Leonid Arkadyevich was taken aback, but promised to think about it. After much persuasion, Yakubovich nevertheless agreed, and on November 1, 1991, he made his television debut as the host of the Field of Miracles. Despite the fact that at first he did not succeed in many things, over time he was able to captivate the audience and elevate the program to the rank of a cult.

Best of the day

Of course, Yakubovich owes a lot to Vladislav Listyev, who brought him to television. Possessing a professional flair, Listyev realized that the Field of Miracles capital show would become popular if it had a charismatic presenter. And I made no mistake with the choice. Thanks to his charm, sincerity and kindness, Yakubovich quickly became "their" person for many families. He is the only TV presenter who has remained popular for over twenty years.

Of course, such an energetic and efficient person as Leonid Yakubovich could not pass by the cinema. And although most of his roles are small, each of them is very bright and memorable. He made his film debut as a showman in 1980, playing in the film Once Upon a Twenty Years Later. Since then, he has appeared in more than twenty films.

In the 90s, Leonid Yakubovich broke up with Galina. His second wife, Maria, gave birth in 1998 to a daughter, Varvara. And two years later, Leonid Arkadievich became a grandfather - his son Artem had a daughter, Sofia, from his first marriage. The Field of Miracles host loves spending time with his family and says he tries to give his daughter and granddaughter a good upbringing.

Yakubovich has many hobbies. He is an avid car aficionado and has even competed in safari car races. And since the 90s, the showman began to master the profession of a pilot. Among his achievements are many flights and participation in the first aerospace Olympic Games which took place in 1997 in Turkey. In addition, Leonid Arkadievich is professionally engaged in billiards, loves skiing, cooking, preference, collects old books and coins.

Leonid Yakubovich keeps up with the times, but nevertheless calls himself a conservative person. According to him, good man does not change in any direction. However, this does not mean that he should not perceive something new or improve himself. If a person has been honest and poor all his life, and then suddenly became rich, but his attitude towards people has not changed, then he is good. And the more such people there are, the better life will be.

Where is Leonida's grandfather from?
Anya 31.07.2006 11:31:40

Chi Leonid Yakubovich had relatives from Belorus,

I want to the field of miracles!
ignat 15.11.2006 06:04:40

Yakubovich is complete shit! A pompous and self-satisfied jerk.
Does anyone else watch his show?

need to talk
Vladimir Kumanin 03.02.2007 01:55:10

Leonid, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of creative cooperation on
the creation of an AIRCRAFT WITH A WAVING WING and sports aero-
plan with electric power installation.
Sincerely, Vladimir Kumanin. tel.265-4067, [email protected]

Ludmila 23.02.2007 03:24:19

Hello, dear Leonid Arkadievich.

If you knew how disgusting these "gifts to the studio" look!
You are dressed, fed, watered in front of the whole country ... as if they are bringing tribute, excelling in the cost and value of these gifts.
You yourself are not ashamed when they bring jars of cucumbers, bottles of alcohol, shirts ... It hasn't even come to panties yet :))) But, probably, it will soon come to that.
SHAME on you, as a talented artist, to behave like this ...

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadievich - the most famous Russian and Soviet TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter of many theatrical performances and plays, actor and producer, holder of the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and parents

Leonid Yakubovich appeared in this world in the glorious capital of Russia on July 31, 1945, almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. According to the sign of the zodiac - a lion, and according to eastern horoscope- rooster.

In childhood

The parents of the future leading son in the upbringing were quite loyal, giving little Leonid relative freedom of action. Arkady Solomonovich and Rimma Semenovna were of the opinion that the development in the child of independence and responsibility for actions, as well as decisions made, should be started from a very early age.

Once, while still a schoolboy, Leonid approached his father with a request to check the diary, but the parent firmly explained that studying was exclusively the son’s business and that dad should be contacted only when serious problems arose.

Studying was easy for the open Leonid, history, literature and, of course, participation in amateur performances were especially interesting. But in the 8th grade, the future TV presenter was expelled from school for 3 months of absenteeism, which he spent as a member of the expedition to Eastern Siberia - Leonid's innate curiosity did not allow him to pass by the announcement of the recruitment of those wishing to go to the taiga.

That same evening, the parents were informed, and the next morning a group of children set off safely to lead scientific research. The trip turned out to be rather unusual.

Participants were required to spend daily time in the forest with little or no clothing and note the moments of insect bites with an accurate description of what happened. In other words, in the so-called expedition, various anti-mosquito remedies were tested.

Ending small trip dragged on for several months and the arrival in Moscow occurred after the end summer holidays, for which reason Leonid Arkadyevich was expelled from school for the most severe absenteeism.

Of course, secondary education was still received at an evening school, and in parallel, young Leonid acquired his first labor skills, working as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.


Graduation from evening school becomes the first step towards the alluring novelty of student life, and Yakubovich enters 3 theater institute, trying in this way to determine their future path. But at this moment, the father takes everything into his own hands and asks Leonid to first get a specialty suitable for life and only after that continue the creative search for his essence.

An obedient son immediately takes documents from all three universities and enters the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, where he enjoys playing in a small theater of miniatures. A little later, Yakubovich transferred to the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute, which he graduated in 1971.

Later, Leonid Arkadyevich will remember his student years with their bright play in the KVN team and fun trips around the country as the happiest and most eventful in his life.

creative path

After the institute, following the chosen specialty, Leonid Yakubovich begins his activity at the Likhachev plant, where he works from 1971 to 1977. But the stormy creative nature haunts him and, remembering the quite successful humorous scenarios created during the games in KVN, Leonid Arkadyevich decides to continue this path.

He is quite successful in this, and since 1979 he has been actively writing script texts for several television programs.

In 1980, Yakubovich was elected a member of the professional committee of playwrights in Moscow, and from that moment to the present, he has written at least 300 variety, theatrical and stage creations, for example, "The Monologue of the Sergeant", talentedly performed by Vladimir Vinokur, the plays "Tutti", "Kuku, Man", "Haunted Hotel" and others.

Texts by Leonid Arkadyevich and works written by him are performed by V. Vainarovsky, E. Petrosyan and many other famous variety artists. And some of his compositions, still performed on stage, are over 20 years old.

1988 is marked by the experience of running the first beauty contest in Moscow, as well as the execution of his own script, written specifically for the event. In the same period, Leonid Arkadyevich starts 2 years of activity as an auctioneer.

Television career

1991 becomes an important milestone in the life of Yakubovich. On November 1, Leonid Arkadievich takes over from the first host of the TV show "Field of Miracles" Vladislav Listyev and this moment determines his further popularity.

The natural charm of Yakubovich, good humor and the purest improvisation in communicating with the players bring tremendous success to the program, and the incredible love of the audience to Leonid himself. Until now, the famous mustache of the host of the capital show is his calling card and the absolute symbol of the program.

In 1995, Leonid Yakubovich became the manager of the "Analysis of the Week" program and led it for a year. After that, he tries on the role of the host of the Wheel of History game program.

Film career

The creative side of the legendary presenter, gushing with ideas, of course, did not allow him to stay away from modern cinema. On account of Yakubovich-actor more than 20 films and series:

Moscow Holidays (1995);
“Should we send a messenger” (1998);
"Russian Amazons" (2002);
"Clowns are not killed" (2005);
"And fathers and children" (2012);
"Grandfather of my dreams" (2015) and others.

On the set of "Yeralash"

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich

First experience married life was received by Leonid Yakubovich while still a student. Galina Antonova, who became the first wife, in 1973 gave the famous leading son Artem. But in 1995, at the initiative of Leonid Arkadyevich, the marriage was annulled.

Soon Yakubovich married again to his colleague Marina Vido. In 1996, a replenishment happened in the host's family - the daughter of Varvara was born, and two years earlier, the wife of his son Artem gave birth to a daughter and granddaughter of Leonid - Sophia.

With Marina Vido

A happy father goes out with his daughter. So Leonid attends film premieres and other events together with his daughter, where the two of them are never bored. Leonid can wear his favorite pilot's jacket to the cinema, and Varya can go to the movie premiere in a cosplay costume, as she did at the premiere of the Harry Potter movie.

For the sake of his wife and daughter, Leonid Yakubovich even changed. By the summer of 2018, he lost 20 kg excess weight so they don't feel embarrassed about it.

Hobbies and other achievements

In addition to the successful career of a TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter and actor, in 2002 Leonid Yakubovich received the title of People's Artist Russian Federation, and in 2005 he received the Order of Friendship. In addition, the presenter is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and is a member of the Television Academy.

One of the favorite hobbies of Leonid Arkadyevich, of course, can be called driving sports aircraft. Accidentally getting into a specialized flying club, Yakubovich immediately set fire to the idea of ​​​​personal control of air transport. Gradually, the skills of the pilot were acquired and the famous person was included in the Russian team, which was allowed to participate in the World Aerospace Olympic Games, which were held in Turkey in 1997.

A famous pilot is invited to the opening various events and within the country. So Leonid Yakubovich became an honored guest of the Krasnodar flight school in early September 2018, where the first 15 girls were accepted for training as pilots for military-civilian purposes. Yakubovich made a speech to the cadets and noted that "the first flight is never forgotten."

Marina Yakubovich is the second wife of Leonid Yakubovich, the popular and beloved by many non-replaceable TV game host "Field of Miracles". The woman gave birth to the artist's daughter Varya.

Biography of Leonid Arkadyevich

Arkadyevich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His father was an engineer and served as head of the design bureau. The mother of the famous TV presenter worked as a gynecologist.

From secondary school Leonid was expelled, he received his secondary education at an evening school. After that, he wanted to study at the theater school, but his father intervened and insisted that his son enter the Institute of Electronic Engineering. However, the young man combined classes at the university with the Theater of Student Miniatures. After some time, Leonid went to study at the Civil Engineering Institute. Kuibyshev, where he began to participate in the games of the KVN institute team. He successfully performed with his team, traveled a lot with humorous numbers throughout the Soviet Union.

It is known that Leonid Arkadyevich worked at an aircraft factory as a turner, an electrician. After graduating from the institute, he first served at the plant. Likhachev, then in the ZIL commissioning department. By the age of 35, he changed his occupation and got carried away literary activity, began to write texts and scripts for programs. A little later he became a member of the Union Committee of Moscow playwrights. For 5 years, from 1984 to 1991, Yakubovich was an auctioneer. Then he tried himself as the host of the TV program "Field of Miracles". The tests were successful, Leonid Arkadyevich became the permanent host of the TV game.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadievich is an Honored Artist, and also People's Artist Russian Federation. The well-known presenter is fond of collecting reference books, is interested in aviation and cooking. He is a member of the Russian Television Academy.

Personal life of a popular presenter

The artist met his first wife in his student days. The girl sang in the famous musical group "Gorozhanki", and the talented artist performed as part of the KVN team. Leonid suggested to Galina Antonova, that was his first wife's nee name, to get married while still a student. In marriage, a son was born, who was named Artem. The young man graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute, as well as the Academy foreign trade. Now he serves in the Directorate of Information Programs on Channel One. Artem is married and has a daughter.

The family union of Leonid Arkadyevich and his wife Galina broke up in 1995, after more than 20 years living together. The initiator of the gap was Yakubovich. The presenter began an affair with Marina Vido, his work colleague. The woman worked for the VID TV company.

The emergence of Marina Vido in the life of Yakubovich

Yakubovich's wife, Marina Yakubovich (Vido), was 34 years old when she met her future husband. She worked in the VID advertising department and at the time of the fateful meeting she was quite an adult and accomplished person. Initially, Marina and Leonid Arkadievich crossed paths exclusively on issues related to work. However, after a joint business trip on a ship to mediterranean sea between Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Vido appeared romantic relationship which grew into uncontrollable passion and strong love.

When Leonid Arkadievich and Marina returned to the capital, the feelings that arose between them remained. However, colleagues were in no hurry to tie the knot. The talented presenter tried for some time to hide his romance with a young woman, but since he is a public person, it was not possible to do this completely. Wife Galina found out about the existence of Marina, after which Yakubovich stopped hiding his relationship on the side.

Artem experienced the hardest breakup of his parents. At the time of the divorce, the son of Yakubovich and Galina was 18 years old. The young man lived for some time with his father, then with his mother.

Marina Yakubovich - Yakubovich's wife

After a divorce from Galina, Leonid Arkadyevich married a young woman. From the biography of Marina Yakubovich it is known that she is younger than her current spouse for 18 years. By profession - a journalist. In March 1998, a woman gave birth to a well-known leading girl, who was named Barbara. On this moment she is 19 years old, she is educated at MGIMO. The popular TV presenter passionately and sincerely loves his son Artem and daughter Varya.

Between the children of Yakubovich big difference aged, but the daughter of Marina Yaubovich gets along well with her niece, the daughter of her half-brother Sofia, who is only 2 years younger than her. The girls spend together free time.

Separate accommodation

Despite the fact that Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Yakubovich are legal spouses, famous TV presenter and his wife live separately. Marina with her daughter - in luxury country house Yakubovich, and the popular presenter himself chose an apartment in Karetny as his permanent residence. Leonid Arkadyevich prefers to visit his family several times a week. According to Marina Yakubovich, living apart has its advantages. So she and Leonid do not bother each other, between them there is a constant spark and unquenchable interest.

Chet Yakubovich today

At the moment, the wife knows the host for 54 years. She no longer works at the VID television company, and visits her family and home all her free time. Due to the fact that spouses do not see each other as often as usual couples, Marina is still a mystery to her husband. Between them, passion and romance still do not fade away.

Leonid Yakubovich also answered questions regarding his weight loss. Three years ago, he weighed more than a hundred kilograms. Due to being overweight, he began to have health problems. His condition worsened, he could not even climb stairs. “My sugar was going through the roof, I could hardly breathe. To such an extent that they put cardiac stents on me”- said the artist. At one point, the host realized that this could no longer continue. I started eating and playing tennis. On the court, he felt young again, did not even want to interrupt classes. For the first time, he brought his daughter Varya to the tennis club, and he decided to play with her too. “It took me 20 minutes to wave the racket, then I felt bad. I was sitting on the bench and could not come to my senses”- recalls Leonid Yakubovich.


Watch a short excerpt from the program "Evening Urgant", which Leonid became a guest.

The presenter also admitted that he does not like it when relatives watch programs with his participation. Leonid Yakubovich does not consider himself an actor, so it is difficult for him to see himself from the outside. He is used to sharing sincere and joyful emotions, not played.


The video contains a detailed interview of Yakubovich with Yuri Nikolaev.

The presenter, with pain in his voice, spoke about the accident in which he happened to be. He was involved in an accident that claimed the life of one person. “He was meter 80, apparently. He hit his head on the mirror, the speed was 38-39 km / h. He was very drunk, as the examination showed.” Yakubovich said. Leading long time was uneasy. For a while, he even stopped driving a car, because he thought that something bad might happen again.


However, he found the strength to overcome his own fears.

    November 10, 2017

    Marina Yakubovich is the second wife of Leonid Yakubovich, the popular and beloved by many non-replaceable TV game host "Field of Miracles". The woman gave birth to the artist's daughter Varya.

    Biography of Leonid Arkadyevich

    Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His father was an engineer and served as head of the design bureau. The mother of the famous TV presenter worked as a gynecologist.

    Leonid was expelled from the secondary school, he received his secondary education at an evening school. After that, he wanted to study at the theater school, but his father intervened and insisted that his son enter the Institute of Electronic Engineering. However, the young man combined classes at the university with the Theater of Student Miniatures. After some time, Leonid went to study at the Civil Engineering Institute. Kuibyshev, where he began to participate in the games of the KVN institute team. He successfully performed with his team, traveled a lot with humorous numbers throughout the Soviet Union.

    It is known that Leonid Arkadyevich worked at an aircraft factory as a turner, an electrician. After graduating from the institute, he first served at the plant. Likhachev, then in the ZIL commissioning department. By the age of 35, he changed his occupation and became interested in literary activity, began to write texts and scripts for programs. A little later he became a member of the Union Committee of Moscow playwrights. For 5 years, from 1984 to 1991, Yakubovich was an auctioneer. Then he tried himself as the host of the TV program "Field of Miracles". The tests were successful, Leonid Arkadyevich became the permanent host of the TV game.

    Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich is an Honored Artist, as well as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The well-known presenter is fond of collecting reference books, is interested in aviation and cooking. He is a member of the Russian Television Academy.

    Personal life of a popular presenter

    The artist met his first wife in his student days. The girl sang in the famous musical group "Gorozhanki", and the talented artist performed as part of the KVN team. Leonid suggested to Galina Antonova, that was his first wife's nee name, to get married while still a student. In marriage, a son was born, who was named Artem. The young man graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute, as well as the Academy of Foreign Trade. Now he serves in the Directorate of Information Programs on Channel One. Artem is married and has a daughter.

    The family union of Leonid Arkadievich and his wife Galina broke up in 1995, after more than 20 years of marriage. The initiator of the gap was Yakubovich. The presenter began an affair with Marina Vido, his work colleague. The woman worked for the VID TV company.

    The emergence of Marina Vido in the life of Yakubovich

    Yakubovich's wife, Marina Yakubovich (Vido), was 34 years old when she met her future husband. She worked in the VID advertising department and at the time of the fateful meeting she was quite an adult and accomplished person. Initially, Marina and Leonid Arkadievich crossed paths exclusively on issues related to work. However, after a joint business trip on a ship in the Mediterranean between Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Vido, a romantic relationship appeared, which grew into uncontrollable passion and strong love.

    When Leonid Arkadievich and Marina returned to the capital, the feelings that arose between them remained. However, colleagues were in no hurry to tie the knot. The talented presenter tried for some time to hide his romance with a young woman, but since he is a public person, it was not possible to do this completely. Wife Galina found out about the existence of Marina, after which Yakubovich stopped hiding his relationship on the side.

    Artem experienced the hardest breakup of his parents. At the time of the divorce, the son of Yakubovich and Galina was 18 years old. The young man lived for some time with his father, then with his mother.

    Marina Yakubovich - Yakubovich's wife

    After a divorce from Galina, Leonid Arkadyevich married a young woman. From the biography of Marina Yakubovich, it is known that she is 18 years younger than her current husband. By profession - a journalist. In March 1998, a woman gave birth to a well-known leading girl, who was named Barbara. At the moment she is 19 years old, she is studying at MGIMO. The popular TV presenter passionately and sincerely loves his son Artem and daughter Varya.

    There is a big age difference between Yakubovich's children, but Marina Yaubovich's daughter gets along well with her niece, her half-brother's daughter Sophia, who is only 2 years younger than her. The girls spend their free time together.

    Separate accommodation

    Despite the fact that Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Yakubovich are legal spouses, the famous TV presenter and his wife live separately. Marina and her daughter are in the luxurious country house of Yakubovich, and the popular presenter himself chose an apartment in Karetny as his permanent residence. Leonid Arkadyevich prefers to visit his family several times a week. According to Marina Yakubovich, living apart has its advantages. So she and Leonid do not bother each other, between them there is a constant spark and unquenchable interest.

    Chet Yakubovich today

    At the moment, the wife knows the host for 54 years. She no longer works at the VID television company, and visits her family and home all her free time. Due to the fact that the spouses do not see each other as often as ordinary married couples, Marina still remains a mystery to her husband. Between them, passion and romance still do not fade away.