Annual holiday of the 12th ObrSpN GRU

December 5 12 separate brigade special purpose GRU General Staff marks the day of the unit. The history of military unit 25642 and service until the disbandment of the “asbest brigade” in the review from the Military Pro.

The history of the creation of the 12th ObrSpN

The 12th Special Purpose Brigade was created in 1962 by order of the General Staff on July 10th. The first composition of military unit 25642 was formed from soldiers and intelligence officers of the Transcaucasian Military District. Even in Soviet times it was impossible to call the region calm, so the appearance of special forces in the Caucasus did not surprise anyone. From the first days of existence military formation prepared to counter the internal and external enemies of the Union.

The day of the 12th OBRSpN was set for December 5th. Two years after the brigade was formed, the Battle Banner was handed over, which was handed over by the commander of the Transcaucasian Military District, General of the Army Andrey Trofimovich Stuchenko. In February 1973, the brigade in full force took part in the large-scale exercises "Snow Pass". During the check, the special forces showed high results, having completed all the tasks of the command in very difficult conditions.

The 12th GRU special forces brigade was stationed in Lagodekhi, a city on the border of the Georgian and Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republics. Relations between the two Caucasian peoples have always been very warm, so that the special forces had no problems with serving, and they could easily undergo combat training. Therefore, the brigade was rightly considered one of the most combat-ready units in the Soviet army.

In 1980, the 173rd separate special forces detachment was introduced into the 12th ObrSpN in Lagodekhi on a special staff. Four years later, the unit was transferred to the location of the Turkestan Military District, where the 40th combined arms army was stationed.

It was this military formation that fought in the Afghan war, so the commandos were understaffed with experienced officers and sent to Helmand province. The main task of the fighters was to identify the militant training camps. The withdrawal from the DRA took place in 1988, but the military personnel did not have a chance to rest for long.

The end of the 80s for the Union was characterized by frequent actions of militants in the Caucasus, who demanded the creation of independent states. The 12th brigade of the GRU special forces was sent to suppress separatist actions and restore legal power to the city of Zakatany of the Azerbaijan SSR. In 1989, the specialists carried out a number of successful operations near the settlements of Kirovakan, Leninakan, Pambak of the Armenian SSR. During the raids, several militant training centers were identified and destroyed.

Decay Soviet Union also did not pass peacefully for the Caucasus. Therefore, the 12th ObrSpN GRU had to take part in resolving the South Ossetian conflict, restoring order in Nagorno-Karabakh and a number of other operations.

After the independence of Georgia was declared, the 12th brigade of the GRU special forces moved to Asbest Sverdlovsk region. At the beginning of the 90s, it was one of the best army units in the army, so it is not surprising that the government of the Russian Federation made every effort to relocate the unit to its territory.

The combat path of the 12th Special Forces Brigade in the RF Armed Forces

On most of the videos filmed in Chechnya, it is the 12th ObrSpN that is present. The fighters went to the North Caucasus in 1995 to restore constitutional order there and establish federal power.

The first clashes showed that the army of Ichkeria is much stronger than expected, so it will not be so easy to defeat it. Therefore, the motorized columns were urgently understaffed with special forces, who were supposed to protect them and conduct reconnaissance in order to avoid being ambushed while passing the route.

The 12th ObrSpN from Asbest sent the 33rd detachment to the Chechen Republic. During the fighting, thanks to the efforts of the special forces, a large number of field commanders were eliminated, which significantly undermined the morale of the separatists. And strike and reconnaissance operations made it possible to save the lives of their colleagues from other units, who, thanks to timely identified ambushes, could prepare for battle and fight back, and not fall into traps.

The 12th Brig. On March 3, 1995, in the Gudermes area, a reconnaissance detachment was preparing a route for the withdrawal of the forces of the North-Western Group of Federal Forces. Several pre-prepared ambushes were identified and destroyed, but reinforcements came to the terrorists at the sound of battle, and the special forces were in the ring.

Decisive actions made it possible to capture the dominant height, after which Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Alexandrovich Dolonin, wounded in the leg, lay down on it with a machine gun and covered the retreat of his colleagues. Aimed fire not only made it possible to get out of losses, but also thwarted the pursuit. The hero himself died a heroic death and for his exceptional courage and self-sacrifice was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999, the 12th separate special-purpose brigade has taken part in military operations on the territory of Dagestan. Here, too, it was not possible to avoid the loss of personnel. On February 22, 2000, Captain Mikhail Konstantinovich Churkin and junior sergeant Dmitry Alexandrovich Shektaev were killed in the Argun Gorge, covering the retreat of an ambushed group.

With their decisive actions, they were able to tie down the enemy forces and made it possible for the main group to leave without loss. For the feat, both fighters were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 1997, military unit 25642 in Asbest hosted competitions between special forces groups from the Russian Federation, the USA and Slovakia. The victory was achieved by the Russian team, which once again confirmed the highest level of training of the fighters. At different times, they also took part in joint exercises with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

If you watch the training video of military unit 25642, you might be surprised how extraordinary the abilities of the special forces are. They are trained to conduct combat operations in any conditions, they are trained to master all types of cold and firearms, tricks hand-to-hand combat and use the environment for their own purposes.

Tattoos of the 12th ObrSpN were left to themselves by many fighters in order to remember their service for life. As drawings, they usually used a stylized image of a bat, which is a symbol of special forces. Also, the fighters could fill themselves with years of service or the names of settlements in which they had a chance to fight against illegal armed groups.

On August 29, 2009, the 12th Separate Special Purpose Brigade in Asbest said goodbye to its Battle Banner and was disbanded. The fighters were distributed among other military units.

How do veterans of the 12th brigade live?

In 2013, the Foundation for the Support of Veterans of the 12th Special Forces Brigade was created. The organization took on the responsibility of helping the former fighters of the legendary unit. The initiative was put forward by the former commander of the brigade, Colonel Mikhail Petrovich Masalitin. It is he who heads the fund and takes care of the needs of the special forces and their families. In particular, the monument to the fallen heroes was moved, which at one time stood on the territory of the 12th ObrSpN unit in Asbest.

During operations in Chechnya and Dagestan, the special forces lost 29 comrades killed. More than 50 people were injured of varying severity in the battles for the Motherland. Therefore, the activity of the fund makes it possible to raise funds for the purchase of necessary medicines for rehabilitation. No one forgets the annual holiday of the 12th ObrSpN either, so veterans get together every year to commemorate their fallen comrades and remember the glorious moments of service in the special forces.

You can buy the flag of the 12th ObrSpN and other paraphernalia with the symbols of the brigade at the Voenpro military store. The store offers a wide range of products of the highest quality, with which you can congratulate veterans on the upcoming holiday and make them a pleasant surprise. It is always very important for soldiers to know that they are remembered and are grateful for their hard work, which is often not visible in peacetime.

You can leave feedback about the service in the "Asbest" special forces brigade or congratulate veterans on the upcoming holiday using the comment form under the article.

Horses do not eat hay

The military scale of the small Maryina Gorka can be judged by the size of residential buildings built there for the military. Almost fifty five-story buildings - a whole area.

The military history of Maryina Gorka began on the eve of World War II. During major military exercises, the people's commissar of defense liked the local landscape Kliment Voroshilov. The marshal gave a command, and in 1935 representatives of Voroshilov's favorite branch of the military, a cavalry division, were transferred here from the south.

The riders arrived right from Orenburg. And if there were no special issues with the arrangement of military personnel, then it turned out to be more difficult with horses. Orenburg horses did not eat Belarusian hay. From the south, urgently, military trains began to carry a special steppe. Where it was then unloaded from the railroad, herbs unusual for our region grow there today, causing shock among domestic botanists.

The flames of World War II were already burning in Europe. The battles showed that the time of the cavalry had expired. And instead of horsemen, representatives of a completely new military profession appeared in the Minsk region - paratroopers. Located in Maryina Gorka 214th Airborne Brigade, subsequently reorganized into an even larger military unit - airborne corps. Immediately began to base airborne bomber regiment. There was also a military school for pilots, which was later transferred to Postavy.

Even the village in the pre-war period could boast of its own military school. By the will of the General Staff, along with Moscow or Leningrad, such an honor fell to the small Maryina Gorka. Lt. Col. Ivan Yakubovsky- the future famous military leader, Marshal of Victory. True, his cadets-pupils failed to reach the marshal's stars: almost all died during the months of the war. Only a few of them survived.

The school itself at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was transferred to the deep rear near Vologda. But even there, in Upper Ustyug, it bore its former name with a Belarusian flavor - Pukhovichi Infantry.

And the Marinogorsk paratroopers, when June forty-one struck, were thrown to the west. And not with a parachute, as they have been teaching so far, but in ordinary cars. Ordered to help the infantry divisions to hold back the enemy strike. The infantrymen did not last long, they began to retreat to the east, but the 214th brigade did not retreat. For more than a month there was a battle under Old Roads, and then near Minsk. And only at the end of August she left the defense area and went out to her.

During the occupation Maryina Gorka was chosen by the invaders. The enemy created a powerful stronghold here, where soldiers and officers were sent from the front for rest and treatment. A hospital, an anti-aircraft artillery school and sapper courses operated here.

And tankers, and sappers, and combine operators

After liberation, a front division was withdrawn to Maryina Gorka (which, by the way, ended the war in Czechoslovakia), one of the oldest formations of the Red Army - 30th Guards Irkutsk-Pinsk named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The first task of the military here in the postwar period was demining, - recalls the veteran Valentin Grishin. - There are plenty of Min left everywhere - both in the town and in the surrounding fields. And I also had to help local grain growers, since there were not enough workers on the collective farms. In winter and summer, combat training was in full swing, and in spring and autumn, the military could be seen on tractors or on reapers.

In 1968, the division had to urgently return to Czechoslovakia. The business trip turned out to be difficult: during the street fighting, there were both casualties and wounded. The connection was never returned to Belarus. "Thirty" remained in the Slovak city of Zvolen until 1990. And only when the socialist camp began to burst at the seams, Irkutsk-Pinskaya was again transferred to Belarus. Her place there, however, was occupied: regiments were stationed in the military camp. 8th Guards Tank Division. The eighth tank division was considered a reduced staff: it had only 2.5 thousand personnel instead of 11 thousand. But there was a complete set of equipment and weapons - the storage facilities were already cracking. And another division is sent to this crowded town. The tank was hastily disbanded, and in its place, the echelons of the "Czechoslovak" began to unload - 30th motorized rifle. The division came combat. The staff is far from the same as that of local tankers - about 12 thousand soldiers and officers. There was not enough room for her tanks and armored personnel carriers. And in a secret order (so that the enemy does not find out), the divisions allow one motorized rifle regiment to be kept without military equipment. And only then were they able to accommodate somehow.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, in the garrison, as elsewhere, a whirlpool of events began to boil, the result of which, among other things, were broken destinies. But the division, oddly enough, survived. Belarusian military leadership later reduced it to a brigade. At a time when there was an acute shortage of funds and material resources, major exercises were even carried out with her. And upon returning from the exercises, the officers and soldiers found out: they tried in vain, their formation is being reduced - there will only be a base for storing equipment.

Now there is no such base. Silently stand the old barracks, in some places the military buildings have been adapted to their needs by various civilian institutions. Thus, the military page in the history of this area of ​​Maryina Gorka was closed. Apparently forever.

Super secret special forces

In 1962, part of the town was separated into a super-secret facility with a tight access system. They overtook the warriors-heroes there, who did not even give a hint of what they were doing. In the top-secret town housed military special forces. Which was not even subordinate to the command of the military district - but only to the Main Intelligence Directorate in Moscow. Soldiers and officers were trained there, who could literally do anything in the war. There was only one such brigade in Belarus.

During the war in Afghanistan, the Maryinogorsk brigade sent 334th Special Forces Detachment, which in mountain country in order to maintain secrecy disguised as 5th separate motorized rifle battalion. It was located in the small town of Asadabad near the Afghan-Pakistani border - this is the easternmost point of deployment of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

Marinogorsk fought well. Two servicemen from this detachment became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

But at the beginning of a momentous combat way happened battle in the Maravar Gorge. The first battle of the 334th detachment in that war, which many of its veterans do not want to remember even now.

At the location of today's brigade stands monument, on which there are 108 names of soldiers and officers. The death of 29 of them is dated one day in April 1985. This is an unprecedented number of casualties in one battle. Especially for the military elite - special forces.

The detachment's exit to the mountains began as a regular exercise. And it was treated as an easy ride. For a little over a month, the people of Maryinogorsk were at war - they had not yet sniffed real gunpowder. The hope that dushmans should tremble with fear from their mere appearance was relaxing. Yes, and the fighters were sent at night to comb the village, which was only three kilometers from their military camp. Intelligence noticed a Mujahideen observation post there - a meager target.

But the dushmans were well prepared. They say that professional foreign mercenaries helped them then. Lured our first company into a trap. And when that, having broken on battle groups, began to pursue the guards, who seemed to take flight, cut her off from the rest, surrounded and began to destroy.

Our ammunition ran out very quickly: they did not take much of them for such a short exit. Radio contact with the battalion, as always happens at critical times, disappeared. And it was pointless to wait for support from there.

Company commander captain Nikolai Tsebruk understood everything, rushed at the enemy and was killed by a bullet in the neck. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov rescued the wounded, and then, in order not to be taken prisoner, he blew himself up with a grenade. Following him, seven more fighters of the detachment, young, strong, also did not want to fall into the hands of the enemy alive - they blew themselves up.

And all this is close by our garrison. Crazy shooting in the mountains there, of course, heard. But she could not quickly break through there at night, the artillery was connected late, and the artillerymen did not have exact coordinates for firing in the dark.

They say that those special forces who survived came out of hell to their ... gray-haired. And they were only eighteen or twenty years old. Some of them could not even snatch their weapons from their hands for a long time.

Even today they try not to talk much about this unsuccessful operation. But it was. 29 young guys- victims of a mistake in military tactics, hatred or staff nonsense - today they silently look at us from a soldier's monument on the territory of the brigade.

I change Domanovo to Helsinki

Since Soviet times, sentries of the sky have also been quartered in the local garrison - anti-aircraft missile brigade. The brigade had good weapons for its time - the Osa complexes. This military unit and preserved in the Belarusian army. At the turn of the 2000s, she was transferred from here to the Brest region, to Domanovo. Maybe such a route was justified strategically, but for the officers and their families, moving to the forest garrison seemed difficult. Some did not go to the Domanovskie forests. Resigned to stay in the city.

For twenty years now, Maryinogorsk residents have had the opportunity to visit Helsinki at least every day and without any visas. There is a whole so-called Finnish quarter. After all, as in Baranovichi, here at the end of the USSR they built a town for the Soviet units that were withdrawn from Germany. The tender was won by builders from Finland. The name "Helsinki" was given to the department store they built.

By the way, here, as well as in Baranovichi, troops from Germany did not come. It is difficult to imagine what the garrison would have looked like if Germany had received another full-fledged combat division. The local military were happy to move into the new apartments. New buildings were then offered even to Minsk homeless people - and some agreed: the housing created by the Finns looked very unusual. At that time we didn't know how to build like that.

The basis of today's garrison is the same famous 5th Special Forces Brigade. She is here alone now. Last year, the union celebrated its 50th anniversary. Belarusian youths still dream of getting into the service there. And, as before, this is not for everyone.

From the history of the 5th arr.


The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were carried out in an environment as close as possible to combat * The "opponent" of the special forces were missilemen, border guards of the air defense troops. The "attacks" of the special forces were subjected to command posts armies, corps, airfields; naval bases, large communication centers. It was allowed to use any methods and methods. Special Forces teams worked on all major exercises Soviet army and Warsaw Pact troops. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion, completely paralyze the actions of the division.
From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District "The Best Intelligence Unit", the Commemorative Jubilee Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District .
Teachings are a school of training in martial arts. The exercises are a "field" academy, where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.
In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - exercises "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises"Vanguard-76".
1981 - exercises "West-81".
1986 - operational-strategic exercises "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line KShU.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line KShU.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - CAT "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU "Shield of the Fatherland-2004".
2005 - bilateral KShU.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command post of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Shield of the Union-2006", a bilateral tactical exercise from the 38th
2007 - KSHU of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

Eagles of the Lord from Maryina Gorka

A Brief History of the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade
The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian hinterland, back in 1940. It was the 214th airborne relocated from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, on its basis the 4th Airborne Forces was formed with a deployment site in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
On the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to form in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.
The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from the one-year courses of the Military Diplomatic Academy and intelligence units of the district. Soldiers and sergeants who had served at least two years in the special forces arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants in the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.
The new connection also faced new unusual tasks. The weapons of a potential enemy appeared means of nuclear attack. The USSR Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​creating a mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance force. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations had to strike at enemy strategic targets, conduct reconnaissance, deploy partisan movement on enemy territory, disorganize command and control and
the work of his rear.
The solution of such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, the personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. For several months, the unit was prepared for combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high proficiency at the first test.
On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant-General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, handed the Battle Banner to the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky.
By 1965, the 5th Special Purpose Brigade had become a strong combat-ready body. In subsequent years, it increased its power, improved the organizational and staff structure. In May 1968, her staff was introduced special company mining. The brigade for eight years (1975-1982) had an "excellent" mark on all checks and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for the special forces soldiers. 22 divisions, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments were rated "excellent" at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the connection received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title "separate" was a recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
- The history of the brigade is first of all people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are kept by our grateful memory. The museum of the unit contains materials that tell about amazing people-creators devoted to the interests of the service. Bit by bit collected and created! material base for the training of intelligence soldiers, new facilities were built, the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that rallied people from the first days of the founding of our team is diligence, humanity, decency, justice, concern for common cause desire to perform tasks in the best possible way.
Each person left his mark in strengthening the combat capability of the brigade, improving the soldier's life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength, knowledge for the sake of raising a worthy replacement for veterans. The brigade has always been one big family - both on holidays and on weekdays, both in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of an elbow, military partnership never left the scouts of the 5th arr. Surprisingly united in combat skills, mutual assistance was a multinational team. For special forces are a way of life. >.***
With such commanders, officers and ensigns, our successes in. combat training were significant. IN last years the brigade successfully solved the assigned tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the "Best Intelligence Unit of the District." The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our scouts participated in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, coped with any task set, did not lose honor army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was a testing ground for Soviet troops. All newest species spetsnaz weapons and equipment of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR were tested in the quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade for the development of intelligence. As part of the 5th arr. Special Forces, a unique and most elite special forces unit appeared - a special special-purpose company. It consisted only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform especially important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. knowledge was required foreign languages. The soldiers took a course in light diving training under the naval special forces training program, mountain training, a course for motorized hang glider pilots, and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the peculiarities and professionalism of the unit, the Minister of Defense of the USSR allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a badge. For the Soviet Army, this was an extraordinary event, an unheard-of benefit in the USSR! “Afghans” served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military applied sports. "^.
Until 1991, a special company reached the highest level training of officers and ensigns. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, not only in the exercises, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to apply their knowledge. Separate unforgettable
Afghanistan became a page in the history of the brigade. I Hundreds of reports from officers, ensigns and soldiers with a request to rule them "across the river" lay on the command table with the start of the Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkargah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan. From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment formed on the basis of the brigade also fought there. On his account, 250 military exits, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed, thousands of weapons were captured.
Victories were won not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, the war marked 339 fighters with light wounds.
Cavalier of three orders, Captain Pavel Bekoev, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died, raising soldiers to attack. As always, he was in front... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade, he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, his name is forever included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment in 1988 that was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. In the future, a training detachment was created on its basis.
Our soldiers, ensigns and officers were faithful to the end to the camaraderie and oath. Motherland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and educate worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of the war must negate the war, evoke disgust for it.
Remembering is terrible and painful, but it is impossible to forget. You must remember forever!
On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who went through the hell of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th detachment of the Special Forces, a renovated memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, in the period from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th arr. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The beginning of the nineties became difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. SOME fate has thrown in Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But no matter where the fate of the sons of the 5th arr. Special Forces throws them, “they nowhere r Goonili the honor of the special forces, at any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, fulfilled their duty to the end, for a special forces soldier is a strong character, concentrated will and the ability to take risks, carry out their task to the bitter end. Special forces are born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not broken up, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to White Rus'. The 5th arr. Special Forces became the most elite part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Of particular note is the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that such a continuity of generations and such a number of dynasties, as in our brigade, is nowhere else. The brigade became small homeland and home to hundreds of people for years to come. Their fathers gave them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade today is not so easy. Conscripts here are subjected to strict selection. Only physically strong, hardy people who are able to overcome tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spend many hours without sleep and rest, when the main thing is to complete the assigned task, can serve in special forces. Therefore, in high esteem in the brigade of sports. There are many dischargers and masters among the military personnel. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces soldier is the moral core, fortitude. And this helps patriotic and spiritual and moral education, the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-standard center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the personnel of the unit. Students of Maryinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions Minsk region.
way of life military service, training in the brigade has a number of features: shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - fighters learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. In the brigade they teach diving, carry out gatherings for hang gliders. Studying goes on from morning to evening in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Fighters are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when subunits and separate groups must operate deep in the rear, separated from the main forces, independently make the most unexpected and bold decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, have an impeccable command of weapons, know subversive skills, be excellent at hand-to-hand combat, be decisive, self-possessed, and quick-witted. A spetsnaz reconnaissance officer must know and love a parachute, be able to jump from an airplane, a helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is the peculiarity of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water barriers, forests), quietly and unnoticed pass a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture the specified object, destroy it.
A commando is a military professional who has several specialties and is able to withstand enormous physical and psychological stress. That's why combat training always in the first place in the brigade. Knowledge and skills are brought to automatism. Sometimes everything is decided by a fraction of a second: if you hesitate, blink, you are the loser. In spetsnaz, they learn to win, not to lose.
During the exercises, groups of scouts leave for 10 days across a crossed unknown area. Fighters are very fond of field trips, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, to prove to themselves and the commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes one strive to improve combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by true masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity for the harmonious development of their personality, the acquisition of a civilian specialty. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, a stadium, a club, fitness equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent life. We respect sports. Soldiers and officers are engaged in taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are sportsmen for taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work is being carried out in the state-legal, patriotic, spiritual and moral areas. Everything is done to ensure that the military personnel are physically and morally strong, understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, special tactical training competitions were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the "partisans" of Maryina Gorka earned high marks. “I would go into reconnaissance with these guys,” Lieutenant-General Nikolai Kostenko, Hero of Russia, said about a group of special forces of the brigade, “in the Fifth Brigade they retained all the best, and they are increasing their professionalism.”
In October 2001, an international seminar-i competition in sniper training. It was attended by representatives of special units of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belarus.
2001 In the 5th arr. of the Special Forces, state tests of sights for small arms were carried out.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Berezina-2002" proved that the professionalism of spetsnaz intelligence officers is growing and is acquired by intense military labor. Overall assessment of the brigade ■--"good". I
September 12, 2002 - a historic date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A. G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment came, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the features of the combat training of scouts, their professional skills during special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers-internationalists, met with the veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the personnel and veterans of the brigade for their military work: “Your professional experience is worth a lot, today's generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers needs it. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of the special forces lies.
In July 2003, competitions of the Reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were held on the basis of the 5th arr.
All prize-winning places were taken by groups of Special Forces of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the reconnaissance units of the brigade took part in the competitions of reconnaissance groups of the Special Forces on the basis of the 2nd brigade of the Special Forces of the Leningrad Military District. Careful development of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation of the scouts allowed them to become fourth.
For high professional skills, courage and perseverance in achieving the goals of the complex operational exercise "Clear Sky-2003", the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel-General L. S. Maltsev, encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a diploma.
The personnel of the 5th arr. Special Forces took part in the exercises: “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”, in September 2005 ^ bilateral command and control staff, “Shield of the Union-2006”, 2007 - command and control staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of the Forces special operations became a major political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade. Today, the brigade, while performing its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears on its shoulders the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for units of the Special Forces. The 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade is the vanguard of the Special Operations Forces and the main base for the training and education of professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. ":: |
On August 1, 2007, the 5th arr. of the Special Operations Forces was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains true to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!
GRU special forces: the most complete encyclopedia Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

Formations and military units of special forces (1955–1991)

By 1991, the special forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR included:

fourteen separate special-purpose brigades (arr. Special Forces), two separate training regiments, separate detachments (ooSpN, corresponds to a battalion in other branches of the military) and companies of the Special Forces of the ground forces;

one separate special-purpose brigade (arr SpN) and four naval reconnaissance points (MRP) of the Navy.

2nd separate special-purpose brigade of the Leningrad Military District (2nd arr. Special Forces LenVO)

The brigade was formed from September 17, 1962 to March 1, 1963 in the Leningrad Military District. The brigade had a skeletal character. Stationed in the city of Pskov.

Connection commanders:

colonel A.N. Grishakov (1962–1966);

colonel I.V. Krekhovsky (1966–1974);

colonel O.M. Zharov (1974–1975);

colonel Yu.Ya. Golousenko (1975–1979);

Colonel V.A. Nail (1979–1987);

colonel A.I. Bezruchko (1987–1989);

colonel A.A. Blazhko (since November 1997);

colonel G.K. Sidorov (1989–1997);

colonel A.A. Blazhko (since November 1997).

In February 1985, the military personnel of the 2nd arr. Special Forces were sent to recruit special forces units and the headquarters of the 186th separate special forces detachment (186th oo Special Forces), which was preparing to be sent to Afghanistan.

In 1985-1989, the 177th oo Special Forces, formed in the 2nd detachment of the Special Forces, as part of the 15th detachment of the Special Forces, took part in the hostilities in Afghanistan. Location - Ghazni. For courage and valor shown in the performance of military duty in the Republic of Afghanistan, the 177th special forces brigade was awarded the Badge of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "Military Valor" and the Honorary Red Banner of the PDPA.

In 1989, the 177th oo Special Forces, the 15th arr. Special Forces, withdrawn from Afghanistan, entered the 2nd arr. Stationed in the Murmansk region.

3rd Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, 3rd Class Special Forces Brigade of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (after its liquidation - the Volga-Ural Military District) (3rd Guards arr. Special Forces GSVG - 3rd Guards arr. Special Forces PURVO)

The brigade was formed in 1966 in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG).

The formation was formed on the basis of the 26th special forces (26th separate special forces battalion) with the participation of personnel from the 27th special forces of the Northern Group of Forces, the 48th and 166th orbs (separate reconnaissance battalions) of the GSVG. The brigade began to form the guard lieutenant colonel R. P. Mosolov.

Connection commanders:

guard colonel A.N. Grishakov (1966–1971);

guard colonel N.M. Yatchenko (1971–1975);

guard colonel O.M. Zharov (1975–1978);

Guard Colonel V.I. Bolshakov (1978–1983);

Guard Colonel Yu.T. Starov (1983–1986);

Guard Colonel V.A. Manchenko (1986–1988);

guard colonel A.S. Ilyin (1988–1992);

guard colonel A.A. Chernetsky (1992–1995);

Guard Colonel V.A. Kozlov (since September 1995).

Connection Rewards:

Order of the Red Banner;

Order of Suvorov 3rd degree.

4th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Baltic Military District (4th arr. Special Forces PribVO)

The brigade was formed in 1962 in the Baltic Military District (PribVO). Initially stationed in Riga, then in the city of Viljandi, Estonian SSR.

Connection commanders:

colonel A.S. Zhizhin (1962–1968);

colonel N.M. Yatchenko (1968–1971);

colonel N.V. Boryakov (1971–1975);

Colonel V.N. Tyukhov (1975–1984);

colonel A.Yu. Zavyalov (1984–1987);

colonel P.A. Davidyuk (1987–1992).

In February 1985, the military personnel of the 4th arr. Special Forces were sent to recruit special forces units and the headquarters of the 186th separate special forces detachment (186th oo Special Forces), which was preparing to be sent to Afghanistan.

In the early nineties, the brigade was brought to the territory of Russia.

In October 1992, the 4th arr. of the Special Forces was disbanded.

5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Belarusian Military District (5th arr. Special Forces BVO)

The brigade was formed in 1962 in the Belarusian Military District (BVO). Stationed in n. the village of Maryina Gorka, Byelorussian SSR.

Connection commanders:

colonel I.I. Kovalevsky (1962–1966);

Colonel I.A. Kovalenko (1966–1968);

Colonel G.P. Yevtushenko (1969–1972);

Colonel V.A. Kartashov (1973–1976);

Colonel E.A. Faleev (1976–1979);

ladle G.A. Kolb (1979–1982);

colonel E.M. Ivanov (1982–1984);

colonel Yu.A. Sapalov (1984–1987);

colonel D.M. Gerasimov (1987–1988);

Colonel V.V. Bearded man (1988–1991).

In 1985, on the basis of the 5th arr. of the Special Forces, the 334th separate special forces detachment (334th oo Special Forces) was formed. At the end of March 1985, the detachment was introduced to Afghanistan, where it organizationally became part of the 15th arr. of the Special Forces and was stationed in Asadabad.

In 1988, the 334th oo Special Forces was withdrawn to the Soviet Union and returned to the 5th arr.

In the early nineties of the last century, the 5th arr. Special Forces became part of the Armed Forces of Belarus.

6th naval reconnaissance point Black Sea Fleet(6th MCI Black Sea Fleet)

Created in June 1953 on the Black Sea. The recruitment was completed in October 1953.

Staff: 73 people.

MRP commanders:

captain 1st rank Yakovlev E.V. (1953–1956);

captain 1st rank Alekseev A.A. (1957–1968).

In 1968, the 6th MCI of the Black Sea Fleet was transformed into the 17th arr. of the Special Forces of the Black Sea Fleet.

8th separate special-purpose brigade of the Carpathian military district (8th arr. Special Forces PrikVO)

Connection commanders:

colonel P.S. Average;

Colonel P.P. Beliatko;

colonel E.S. Ivanov;

colonel G.G. Lukyanets;

colonel A.N. Kovalev;

colonel L.L. Polyakov;

Colonel A.P. Davydyuk;

Colonel A.P. Predchuk;

Colonel A.G. Shelikh.

In the period from January 22 to September 6, 1968, the personnel of the brigade took part in Operation Danube (the entry of troops of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact (USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany and Poland) into Czechoslovakia in 1968).

In February 1985, on the basis of the brigade, the 186th separate special forces detachment (186th oo Special Forces) was formed to participate in hostilities in Afghanistan. Three servicemen of the detachment were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 84 soldiers and officers were awarded orders and medals.

Stationed in Izyaslavl.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and was reduced to a regiment.

9th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Kyiv Military District (9th arr. SPN KVO)

In 1963, the Battle Banner was awarded.

Connection commanders:

lieutenant colonel E.S. Egorov (1962–1966);

lieutenant colonel V.A. Pavlov (1966–1968);

colonel V.I. Arkhireev (1968–1971);

colonel A.M. Grishakov (1971–1976);

colonel A.A. Zabolotny (1976–1981);

Colonel A.F. Chmutin (1981–1986);

colonel Yu.A. Ravens (1988–1994).

Stationed in Kirovograd.

In 1984, a separate special forces detachment was formed, which was sent to Afghanistan.

Squad leaders:

lieutenant colonel I.S. Yurin (September 1984 - April 1985);

lieutenant colonel M.I. Ryzhik (April 1985 - June 1986);

Major E.A. Reznik (June 1986 - December 1986);

Major V.N. Udovichenko (December 1986 - October 1987);

major A.I. Korchagin (October 1987 - June 1988);

lieutenant colonel V.A. Garatenkov (June 1988 - February 1989).

In March 1996, the 9th arr. Special Forces was renamed the 50th training center for special training of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

10th separate special-purpose brigade of the Odessa military district (10th arr. SPN OdVO)

Formed in October 1962.

According to the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 005 of April 23, 1963, the day of the unit was set - October 4, 1962.

Two of her detachments were in the city of Feodosia, and the rest of the units and the headquarters of the brigade were near the village of Pervomayskoye.

Connection commanders:

colonel A.M. Popov (1963–1965);

colonel N.Ya. Kochetkov (1965–1971);

lieutenant colonel V.P. Tishkevich (1971–1973);

lieutenant colonel N.I. Eremenko (1973–1978);

Colonel Yu.T. Starov (1978–1983);

colonel A.S. Ilyin (1983–1988);

colonel Yu.M. Rendel (1988–1992).

On October 11, 1991, the brigade became part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In June 1998, it was reorganized into the 1st Separate Special Purpose Regiment.

12th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Transcaucasian Military District (12th arr. Special Forces ZakVO)

The brigade was formed in 1962 in the Transcaucasian Military District.

It was stationed in the city of Lagodekhi, Georgian SSR.

Connection commanders:

colonel I.I. Geleverya;

Colonel N.E. Makarkin;

Colonel V.Ya. Yarosh;

colonel A.I. Fisyuk;

lieutenant colonel V.G. Miroshnikov;

colonel A.V. Novoselov;

colonel M.P. Masalitin;

colonel I.B. Murskov;

Colonel V.V. Eremeev.

In January 1984, on the basis of the 12th arr. Special Forces, the 173rd separate special forces detachment (173rd oo Special Forces) was formed. It had a regular structure similar to the 154th oo Special Forces ("Muslim battalion"). Before being sent to Afghanistan, the detachment was understaffed with brigade officers.

In February 1984, the 173rd oo Special Forces was introduced into the territory of Afghanistan, where it became part of the 22nd arr. Special Forces.

In 1988-1991, three battalions of the 12th arr. Special Forces participated in the restoration of constitutional order in Georgia (Tbilisi), Azerbaijan (Zakatala), on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia.

14th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Far Eastern Military District (14th arr.

The brigade was formed in 1963 in the Far Eastern Military District. It was stationed in the city of Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai.

Connection commanders:

Colonel P.N. Rymin (1963–1970);

colonel A.A. Drozdov (1970–1973);

Colonel N.A. Demchenko (1973–1975);

colonel A.M. Baglay (1975–1978);

Colonel V.F. Grishmanovsky (1978–1980);

Colonel V.A. Onatsky (1980–1987);

Colonel Ya.A. Kurys (1987–1992);

colonel A.I. Likhidchenko (1992–1997);

colonel A.M. Rumyankov (1997–1999);

Major General S.P. Degtyarev (since 1999).

Connection Rewards:

commemorative Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1967);

honorary Badge of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1972);

the passing Red Banner of the Far Eastern Military District (1975).

In the period 1979-1989, over 200 servicemen of the brigade participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan as part of separate special forces. In the Afghan war, 12 officers, 36 sergeants and privates from the 14th arr.

In 1988, a group of servicemen from the brigade was sent to Alaska, where they held joint exercises with their American colleagues.

15th separate special-purpose brigade of the Turkestan military district (15th arr. Special Forces TurkVO)

The brigade was formed in 1963 in the Turkestan military district.

Stationed in the city of Chirchik, Uzbek SSR.

Connection commanders:

Colonel N.N. Lutsev (1963–1967);

colonel R.P. Mosolov (1968–1975);

Colonel V.V. Kolesnik (1975–1977);

colonel A.A. Ovcharov (1977–1980);

colonel A.M. Stekolnikov (1980–1984);

Colonel V.M. Babushkin (1984–1986);

Colonel Yu.T. Starov (1986–1990);

Colonel V.V. Kvachkov (1990–1994);

Colonel S.K. Zolotarev (1994).

The brigade and its units were repeatedly awarded pennants of the USSR Ministry of Defense "For Courage and Military Valor", the badge of honor of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "Military Valor", honorary Banners of the Union Republics and the Red Banner of the DRA government.

In the sixties and seventies of the last century, the personnel of the brigade were involved in tasks in emergency zones.

1966 - an earthquake in Tashkent. Disaster happened in the early morning of April 26, 1966. Over two million square meters were destroyed. m of living space, 236 administrative buildings, about 700 trade and catering facilities, 26 utilities, 181 educational institutions, including schools for 8 thousand places, 36 cultural and community institutions, 185 medical and 245 industrial buildings. More than 78,000 families, or over 300,000 people, were left homeless. Eight deaths have been registered and about 150 people have been hospitalized. Participation of the military personnel of the brigade: removal of debris, fight against marauders, protection of public order.

1970 - cholera epidemic in the Astrakhan region. Then the infection covered one percent of the population of the region. The servicemen of the brigade participated in the implementation of quarantine measures - they prevented attempts of unauthorized exit and entry into the territories where this disease was rampant.

In September - October 1971, the 2nd separate detachment of the 15th arr. Special Forces carried out a particularly important government task in the focus of the smallpox epidemic in the city of Aralsk, Kazakh SSR.

In May - June 1979, on the basis of the 15th arr. Special Forces, the "Muslim Battalion" was formed - a special forces detachment of the GRU General Staff. The detachment consisted of management, headquarters and four companies (total strength - 520 people).

In December 1979, the Muslim Battalion was introduced into Afghanistan, where it took part in Operation Storm-333 to overthrow the Amin regime.

In January 1980, the Muslim Battalion was withdrawn back to TurkVO. He was included in the 15th arr of Special Forces as the 154th separate special forces detachment (154th oo Special Forces). But soon the detachment was understaffed and re-introduced to Afghanistan, where it controlled the entrance to the Panjshir Gorge near the settlement of Rukh and guarded the pipeline.

In 1984, the 154th OO Special Forces was transferred to the city of Jalalabad and began to carry out special tasks in its area of ​​​​responsibility.

In 1985, the headquarters of the 15th arr. Special Forces relocated to the territory of Afghanistan. Organizationally, the brigade included the 177th, 334th and 668th OO Special Forces.

In August 1988, the brigade headquarters was withdrawn to the territory of the Soviet Union. The 177th and 668th Special Forces oos were transferred to Kabul, where they remained until the final withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The 154th oo Special Forces remained in the brigade.

For courage and courage shown in the Afghan war, more than four thousand servicemen of the brigade were awarded orders and medals. Colonel V. Kolesnik, Sergeant Yu. Mirolyubov and Lieutenant N. Kuznetsov (posthumously) became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In 1994, the brigade, as well as the 459th OO Special Forces (on its basis a separate special forces detachment was formed) and a special-purpose training regiment, which trained personnel for the warring units during the Afghan war, became part of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan.

16th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Moscow Military District (16th arr. Special Forces MVO)

The brigade was formed in 1963 in the Moscow Military District. Stationed in n. Chuchkovo, Moscow Region.

Connection commanders:

colonel A.V. Shipka (1963–1967);

colonel G.Ya. Fadeev (1967–1971);

colonel E.F. Chuprakov (1971–1973);

Colonel S.M. Tarasov (1973–1980);

colonel A.A. Ovcharov (1980–1985);

colonel A.A. Nedelko (1985–1989);

colonel A.M. Dementiev (1989–1991);

colonel E.V. Tishin (1992–1993);

Colonel V.L. Korunov (1993);

Colonel A.G. Fomin (1993–1997).

Connection Rewards:

diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1972);

the passing Red Banner of the Moscow Military District (1984).

In the summer of 1972, units of the 16th arr. Special Forces participated in the elimination of severe forest fires in the Moscow, Vladimir, Ryazan and Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) regions of the RSFSR.

In December 1984, on the basis of the brigade, the 370th separate special forces detachment (370th oo Special Forces) was formed. In March 1985, the detachment was introduced into the territory of Afghanistan, where it organizationally became part of the 22nd arr. In August 1988, the 370th oo Special Forces was withdrawn to the Soviet Union and returned to the 16th arr.

17th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet (17th arr. of the Special Forces of the Black Sea Fleet)

Military unit 34391 was formed from September to October 1953 in Sevastopol on the basis of the 6th naval reconnaissance point of the Black Sea Fleet (6th MCI Black Sea Fleet).

In March 1961, the unit was relocated to the Nikolaev region, the city of Ochakovo (Pervomaisky Island).

In August 1968, it was reorganized into the 17th arr. Special Forces of the General Staff of the Navy.

Connection commanders:

captain 1st rank Alekseev I.A. (1968–1972);

Captain 2nd rank Popov B.A. (1973–1974);

captain 1st rank Kryzhanovsky V.I. (1974–1977);

captain 1st rank Kochetygov V.S. (1977–1983);

Captain 1st Rank Larin V.S. (1983–1988);

captain 1st rank Karpenko A.L. (1988–1998).

In January 1990, the 17th arr. of the Special Forces was reorganized into the 1464th MCI of the Special Forces.

In April 1992, she became part of the Ukrainian Navy.

During its existence as part of the USSR Navy, the servicemen of the unit participated in the performance of special tasks:

Mediterranean Sea - 1967-1990;

Cuba - 1975;

Arab Republic of Egypt - 1975;

Novorossiysk ("Admiral Nakhimov") - 1986;

Tbilisi - 1991;

Poti - 1992.

22nd Guards Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Transcaucasian Military District (22nd Guards arr. Special Forces ZakVO) - 22nd Guards Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Central Asian Military District (22nd Guards arr. Special Forces SAVO)

The brigade was formed in 1976 in the Central Asian Military District (SAVO). It was stationed in the city of Kapchagai, Kazakh SSR.

Connection commanders:

colonel I.K. Frost (1976–1979);

Colonel S.I. Gruzdev (1979–1983);

colonel D.M. Gerasimov (1983–1987);

lieutenant colonel Yu.A. Sapalov (1987–1988);

colonel A.T. Gordeev (1988–1994).

colonel S.V. Breslavsky (1994–1995);

colonel A.M. Popovich (1995–1997).

Connection Rewards:

the challenge Banner of the Military Council of the KSAVO (1980);

pennant of the USSR Ministry of Defense "For courage and military prowess" (1987).

In January 1980, on the basis of the 22nd arr of Special Forces, the 177th separate special forces detachment (177th oo Special Forces) was formed. During the formation, the same principle was used as in the formation of the Muslim Battalion. In October 1981, the detachment was introduced into the DRA. Until 1984, the 177th OO Special Forces guarded the entrance to the Panjshir gorge in the area of ​​​​n. Rukh, and then organizationally became part of the 15th arr.

In 1985, the headquarters of the 22nd arr. Special Forces was introduced into the territory of Afghanistan. Organizationally, the brigade included three separate special forces: 173, 186, 370th oo Special Forces. The area of ​​responsibility of the brigade was the south of Afghanistan. It was a hot direction not only in geographical terms. The most trained and irreconcilable detachments of the Mujahideen fought here.

The brigade management exercised direct control over the Special Forces detachments, organized the supply of all types of allowances, interaction with attached aviation, fire support equipment and between detachments in combat zones. Separate detachments of the Special Forces were the main combat units that were part of the Special Forces brigades, in which all the combat and political training of intelligence officers was carried out and reconnaissance and combat work was organized.

At the end of 1985, on the basis of the 5th motorized rifle division stationed in Shindand, the 411th Special Forces oo was formed. The city of Farahrud became the place of its deployment. Captain A.G. was appointed to the post of commander of the detachment. Fomin, who was previously the chief of staff of the 186th oo Special Forces.

At the beginning of 1987, the 295th separate helicopter squadron was attached to the brigade. So for the first time, special forces had their own aviation.

Detachments of the 22nd Separate Special Forces Brigade, referred to in Afghanistan in all governing documents in order to maintain secrecy as the 2nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade (2nd Motorized Rifle Brigade), acted very effectively. They seized and destroyed weapons and ammunition delivered along caravan routes, smashed the base areas of the Mujahideen, equipped with the help of foreign advisers in accordance with all the rules of fortification. Detachments of the 22nd brigade captured and destroyed a number of advisers from France, Germany and the United States. They were the first to capture American MANPADS"Stinger", secretly supplied by the Americans to the Mujahideen. In addition to the MANPADS itself, all the technical documentation for it was captured, as well as the contract, which confirmed the most direct participation of the Americans in these deliveries.

For the courage and heroism shown by the military personnel of the 22nd arr.

In August 1988, the 22nd arr of Special Forces was withdrawn to the territory of the Soviet Union in the settlement of Perepeshkul (Azerbaijan). The 173rd and 411th separate detachments of the Special Forces remained in its composition. The 370th separate detachment of the Special Forces returned to Chuchkovo (Moscow Military District), and the 186th separate detachment of the Special Forces returned to Izyaslavl.

In 1988-1989, units of the 22nd arr. Special Forces were involved in the tasks of maintaining constitutional order in the city of Baku (173rd oo Special Forces), as well as North Ossetia (Alania) and Ingushetia.

In the period from April to June 1990 and from May to July 1991, the 173rd OO Special Forces took part in the settlement of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Groups of the detachment, operating on the territory of Armenia in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Nayamberyan and Shavar Shavan, destroyed 19 hail-killing guns that fired at the settlements of Azerbaijan.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the brigade was transferred to the North Caucasian Military District.

3762 people were awarded government awards of the USSR, including four became Heroes of the Soviet Union - Private Arsenov Valery Viktorovich (posthumously), Junior Sergeant Islamov Yurik Verikovich (posthumously), Senior Lieutenant Oleg Petrovich Onishchuk (posthumously) and Captain Goroshko Yaroslav Pavlovich.

24th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Trans-Baikal Military District (24th arr. Special Forces ZabVO)

The brigade was formed in 1977 on the basis of the 18th separate special-purpose company in the Trans-Baikal Military District.

Connection commanders:

colonel E.M. Ivanov (1977–1982);

Colonel G.A. Kolb (1982–1986);

colonel V.I. Kuzmin (1986–1990);

colonel A.M. Boyko (1990–1992);

colonel V.I. Rogov (1992–1994);

colonel P.S. Lipiev (1994–1997);

colonel A.A. Platonov (1997–1999);

colonel A.I. Zhukov (since 1999).

In the period 1979-1989, the military personnel of the 24th arr. Special Forces took part in the hostilities in Afghanistan as part of separate special forces.

In the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, the personnel of the brigade performed special tasks in the "hot spots" of the Soviet Union.

Among the personnel of the brigade, 121 people were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR", "Courage" and "For Military Merit". For the awarding of medals "For military merit”, “For courage” and “For services to the Fatherland” 2nd degree, 163 military personnel of the 24th arr.

26th Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (26th Special Forces GSVG)

Formed in 1957 in the GSVG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).

Commander - Lieutenant Colonel Mosolov R.P.

27th Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Northern Group of Forces (27th Special Forces SVG)

Formed in 1957 in the Northern Group of Forces (Poland).

Commander - Lieutenant Colonel Pashkov M.P.

36th Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Carpathian Military District (36th Special Forces Battalion of the PrikVO)

Formed in 1957 in the Carpathian military district.

Commander - Lieutenant Colonel Shapovalov.

42nd naval reconnaissance point of the Pacific Fleet (42nd MCI Pacific Fleet)

In 1995, a group of special forces performed combat missions as part of the Marine Corps regiment of the Pacific Fleet in the Chechen Republic. The special forces lost five comrades in that war. Posthumously, four of them were awarded orders, and ensign Dneprovsky A.V. posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

MRP commanders:

captain 1st rank Kovalenko P.P. (1955–1959);

captain 1st rank Guryanov V.N. (1959–1961);

captain 1st rank Konnov V.I. (1961–1966);

captain 1st rank Klimenko V.N. (1966–1972);

captain 1st rank Minkin Yu.A. (1972–1976);

captain 1st rank Zharkov A.V. (1976–1981);

captain 1st rank Yakovlev Yu.M. (1981–1983);

lieutenant colonel Evsyukov V.I. (1983–1988);

captain 1st rank Omsharuk V.V. (1988–1995);

lieutenant colonel Gritsay V.G. (1995–1997);

captain 1st rank Kurochkin S.V. (1997–2000).

43rd Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Transcaucasian Military District (43rd Special Forces of the ZakVO)

Formed in 1957 in the Transcaucasian Military District.

Commander - Colonel Geleverya I.I.

45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of the Airborne Forces (45th Regiment of Special Forces of the Airborne Forces) - operational subordination of the General Staff of the Airborne Forces

The regiment was formed on the basis of two separate airborne battalions:

- 901st separate airborne assault battalion (locations: 1979 - Czechoslovakia, 1989 - Latvia (Baltic military district), 1991 - Sukhumi (Transcaucasian military district). Later - as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Division (North Caucasian Military District);

- 218th separate battalion special forces of the Airborne Forces(June - August 1992 - Transnistria, September - November 1992 - North Ossetia, December 1992 - Abkhazia).

From December 12, 1994 to January 25, 1995, the regiment took part in the hostilities in Chechnya (the settlement of Dolinsky, Oktyabrsky, Grozny, Argun). 15 servicemen were killed, 27 were wounded.

The regiment commander is Colonel Kolygin Viktor Dmitrievich.

61st separate battalion of special forces of the Turkestan military district (61st about Special Forces TurkVO)

Formed in 1957.

67th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the Siberian Military District (67th arr. SPN SibVO)

The brigade was formed in 1984 on the basis of the 791st separate special-purpose company. It was stationed on the territory of the Siberian Military District.

Connection commanders:

lieutenant colonel L.V. Agaponov (1984–1990);

Colonel A.G. Tarasovsky (1990–1992);

colonel L.L. Polyakov (1992–1999);

colonel Yu.A. Mokrov (since 1999).

137th marine reconnaissance point of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla (137th MCI KKF)

Formed in 1969 by the Directive of the General Staff of the Navy No. 701-2 / 2/0012ss with a staff of 47 people.

Until 1992, the military unit, in addition to conducting intensive combat training, tested new underwater means of movement and provided training for a special contingent of friendly countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

On June 1, 1992, the military unit was relocated to the village of Vladimirovka, Priozersky district, Leningrad region.

In September 1997, the military unit was redeployed to the Black Sea Fleet.

On May 31, 1995, the commander of the group of the 137th MCI SNP, Senior Lieutenant Sergei Anatolyevich Stabetsky, died in Chechnya. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

MRP commanders:

captain 1st rank Pashits V.G. (1969–1982);

captain 1st rank Kantsedal V.P. (1982–1986);

captain 1st rank Nefedov A.A. (1986–1997);

captain 2nd rank Khristichenko I.A. (1997–2000);

Colonel Maksimov A.N. (2000–2004).

154th Separate Special Forces Detachment of the Turkestan Military District (154th OO Special Forces TurkVO) ("Muslim Battalion")

Formed on the basis of the 15th separate special forces brigade in April - May 1979.

His staff included military equipment, and the total number of soldiers and officers was five hundred and twenty people. Before that, there were no such weapons, no such staff in the special forces. In addition to the administration and headquarters, the detachment consisted of four companies. The first company was armed with BMP-1, the second and third - BTR-60pb. The fourth company was an armament company, which consisted of an AGS-17 platoon, a platoon of jet infantry flamethrowers"Lynx" and a platoon of sappers. Also, the detachment included separate platoons: communications, ZSU "Shilka", automotive and material support. Each company had a translator, a cadet of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages, who was sent for an internship.

The uniform of the Afghan army was sewn for the entire personnel of the “Muslim battalion” in Moscow, and legalization documents of the established form were prepared in the Afghan language. At the same time, the servicemen did not have to change their names, because. they were all representatives of three nationalities: Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens.

The first special forces unit introduced to Afghanistan in November 1979. He took part in the operation "Storm-333". Detachment losses: 5 killed and 35 wounded. January 2, 1980 bred in the USSR.

In the same year, the detachment was understaffed with officers and equipment and again introduced into Afghanistan.

173rd Separate Special Purpose Detachment of the Transcaucasian Military District (173rd OO Special Forces ZakVO)

Initially, the 173rd separate detachment of the Special Forces was stationed in Georgia, in the city of Lagodekhi. The goals and objectives of the newly created unit also explain its somewhat unusual staffing structure. At that time, the detachment consisted of a command and staff, a separate communications group and an anti-aircraft artillery group, as well as six companies.

The first and second were considered reconnaissance, and the third - reconnaissance and landing. Each of these companies included three special forces groups. Fourth company - automatic grenade launchers- consisted of three fire platoons, the fifth company - from a flamethrower group and a mining group, the sixth company was transport. In service in the detachment, except for the usual small arms, were ZSU "Shilka", AGS-17, RPO "Lynx". Scouts moved on BMP-1, BRM-1 and BMD-1.

On the night of April 13-14, 1984, a reconnaissance group under the command of Lieutenant Kozlov, dressed in Afghan national clothes, ambushed the rebels' caravan route in the 1.379 mark and destroyed four Simurg cars and 47 "spirits", and also captured one car and a large number of weapons and ammunition. Were among the spoils of the commandos and valuable documents. Fighting for five hours in an environment with a superior number of the enemy, the group completed the task without loss. For a long time this result was a kind of record in the 40th Army.

In May 1984, the detachment was reorganized. The position of an interpreter was introduced in the companies. The 4th and 5th companies were disbanded, and weapons groups were formed from their personnel in the first three. The first company moved to the BMP-2, and the second and third - to the BTR-70. The mining group became separate.

In 1985, an engineering platoon was introduced into the staff of the detachment, and the 4th company was deployed on the basis of it and the mining group.

In the spring of 1985, with the entry into Afghanistan of two separate detachments of special forces and the headquarters of the 22nd arr. Special Forces, the 173rd detachment became part of this brigade.

In April 1986, the detachment used new way fight against rebel caravans. A reconnaissance group led by Lieutenant Beskrovny organized an observation post at a dominant height with a mark of 2.014. Having discovered the movement of the convoy of the Mujahideen at night, the scouts aimed fire support helicopters at it, and after their strike, the detachment's armored groups quickly entered the area, blocking the enemy. So, in fact, without risk to the lives of soldiers and officers, 6 Simurg vehicles and a large amount of weapons and ammunition were seized. This method has been repeatedly successfully used in the future.

In 1988, the detachment ensured the withdrawal of units from the "South" zone of responsibility, being in the rearguard, and left Afghanistan last, in August.

186th Separate Special Purpose Detachment of the Carpathian Military District (186th OO Special Forces PrikVO)

It was formed in the winter of 1985 in the city of Izyaslav PrikVO on the basis of the 8th separate special forces brigade. Officers and soldiers from the 10th, 2nd and 4th separate special forces brigades were recruited to complete the detachment.

In April 1985, the detachment entered Afghanistan and, on its own, through Puli-Khumri, Salang, Kabul, Ghazni arrived in Sharjah.

On June 22, 1988, the detachment became part of the 8th separate special forces brigade of the Carpathian military district.

304th naval reconnaissance point of the Northern Fleet (304th MCI SF)

It began to form on November 26, 1957 by directive of the General Staff of the Navy No. OMU / 1 / 30409ss with a strength of 122 people.

MRP commander: Lieutenant Colonel Belyak E.M.

In April 1960, due to the reduction of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the 304th MCI SF was disbanded.

334th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (334th oo Special Forces)

It was formed on the basis of the 5th arr. Special Forces in the village of Maryina Gorka (BSSR). Major Terentiev became the first commander of the detachment.

At the end of March 1985, he was introduced to Afghanistan and replenished the 15th arr. The city of Asadabad became the place of its deployment. Due to the fact that the province of Kunar was located in the highlands and almost all caravan routes passed through a kind of chain of fortified areas of the Mujahideen, the detachment used its own tactics. Under the leadership of Captain G. Bykov, who led the detachment in 1985, the fighters worked out the tactics of assault operations and surprise raids on fortified areas and their individual elements.

In 1988, the detachment was withdrawn to the Union and again became part of the 5th arr.

370th Separate Special Purpose Detachment (370th oo Special Forces)

It was formed in 1980 on the basis of the 16th separate special-purpose brigade of the Moscow military district in Chuchkovo, Ryazan region, to enter Afghanistan.

From autumn 1984 to 1988 he fought in Afghanistan. The 370th special forces brigade was part of the 22nd separate special forces brigade and was stationed in the city of Lashkargah (Helmand province).

The detachment's area of ​​responsibility is the Registan and Dashti-Margo desert.

During this period, 47 officers, ensigns, sergeants and soldiers died in the detachment.

In 1988, the detachment was expelled from the brigade and returned to the 16th separate special forces brigade.

By August 15, 1988, the detachment was withdrawn to the territory of the USSR and became part of the 16th separate special forces brigade of the Moscow Military District.

420th naval reconnaissance point of the Northern Fleet (420th MCI SF)

Formed in 1983.

The main task of this unit is the destruction of coastal acoustic stations, which were components American system SOSUS. The latter was intended to track the movement of Soviet submarines in the oceans. The system was a network of electrical cables that covered the bottom of the Norwegian Sea and recorded the presence of each submarine in one or another square of this giant network. The system provided the Americans with information about all the movements of Soviet submarines in the area and made it possible to deliver a preventive nuclear strike against them in a threatened period even before the departure of the American convoy.

In 1985, the formation of the 420th MCI SF began. The state was approved - a total of 185 military personnel. When recruiting a unit, preference was given to residents of the Murmansk region and military personnel of the Northern Fleet (including marines and naval aviation), because they have already been adapted to serve in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. So, in summer the water temperature does not rise above +6 degrees, and in winter, due to increased salinity, it did not freeze even at -2.

The MRP included two combat detachments - reconnaissance divers and radio and radio intelligence (RRTR). According to the state, each detachment had three groups, but in reality there was only one. Subsequently, the states of the point were changed and numbered about three hundred people.

The 1st detachment worked against the BGAS. The 2nd detachment acted against NATO aviation, which was based on the airfields of Northern Norway. The object of the RRTR detachment was a long-range radar warning post, also located in Northern Norway.

MRP commanders:

captain 1st rank Zakharov G.I (1983–1986).

captain 1st rank Nokai P.D. (1986–1990).

captain 1st rank Chemakin S.M. (1990–1996).

441st Separate Special Purpose Detachment (411th oo Special Forces)

It was formed as part of the 22nd separate special forces brigade in the city of Shindand.

The officers and soldiers included in its composition had experience in combat operations.

For all positions of commanders of companies, groups, departments, people arrived from the detachments of the 22nd separate brigade of the Special Forces operating at that time in Afghanistan. All other positions were filled by officers, ensigns and personnel from units of the 5th Guards Motorized Rifle Division stationed in Shindand.

In the last days of December 1985, a detachment in full force on military equipment made a 100-kilometer march to the point of permanent deployment in the city of Farahrud, where they met the new 1986.

459th Separate Special Purpose Company (459th OR SpN) ("Kabul Company")

The company was formed in December 1979 on the basis of the training regiment of the Special Forces of the Turkestan Military District (TurkVO) in the city of Chirchik, Uzbek SSR.

Introduced into Afghanistan in February 1980. The first company commander is Captain Latypov R.R.

459th OR Special Forces - the first full-time army special forces unit as part of the 40th combined arms army in Afghanistan.

Since February 1980, the unit has been stationed in Kabul, commonly known as the "Kabul Company". The company included four reconnaissance groups and a communications group (in December 1980, 11 BMP-1 appeared in service with the unit). According to the staffing table, the company consisted of 112 people.

The tasks of the 459th Special Operations Division are reconnaissance, additional reconnaissance in order to verify information, the capture of prisoners, the destruction of leaders and field commanders of the Mujahideen.

In 1980-1984, the 459th Special Operations Division carried out combat missions throughout Afghanistan.

Since 1985, the company's area of ​​operations has been limited to the province of Kabul. During their stay in Afghanistan, the personnel of the 459th Special Operations Division conducted more than 600 combat exits.

The successful actions of the "Kabul company" made it possible to gain experience in the use of special forces in Afghanistan. It was decided to strengthen the special forces of the 40th Army.

August 15, 1988 "Kabul company" under the command of Captain N.P. Khorshunova was brought to the territory of the Soviet Union. Over 800 servicemen of the company were awarded orders and medals.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the company was stationed in the city of Samarkand, Uzbek SSR.

At present, the 459th Special Operations Division has been reorganized into a separate special forces detachment and is part of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan.

467th Separate Training Regiment for Special Purposes (467th OUP Special Forces)

It was formed in March 1985 in the city of Chirchik.

Regiment commanders:

Colonel Kh. Khalbaev (1985–1987);

lieutenant colonel I.M. Mole (1987–1990);

colonel E.V. Tishin (1990–1992).

561st naval reconnaissance point of the Baltic Fleet (561st MCI BF)

located on the Baltic Sea.

In 1983, a detachment was formed at its base, which was supposed to train reconnaissance divers specifically for the Northern Fleet and, during a threatened period, was transferred to operational subordination to the Severomorsk headquarters. True, it soon became clear that most of the special-purpose reconnaissance officers trained in the Baltic Sea, due to problems with acclimatization, could not be used beyond the Arctic Circle. Therefore, the group was disbanded.

MRP commanders:

colonel Potekhin G.V. (1954–1961);

captain 1st rank Domyslovsky V.A. (1961–1965);

captain 1st rank Fedorov A.I. (1965–1968);

captain 1st rank Smirnov V.A. (1969–1975);

captain 1st rank Skorokhodov V.S. (1975–1978);

captain 1st rank Zakharov G.I. (1978–1983);

captain 2nd rank Klimenko I.P. (1983–1987);

captain 1st rank Polenok M.D. (1987–1992);

Colonel Mikhailov Yu.V. (1992–1994);

captain 1st rank Karpovich A.P. (1994–2003).

670th separate special-purpose company of the Central Group of Forces

A special forces company was created for the Central Group of Forces (TsGV) in 1981. Initially based in Lustenica, then in Lazne Bogdanech (Czechoslovakia).

In April 1991, it was withdrawn to the USSR and became part of the 16th arr.

1071st Separate Training Regiment for Special Purposes (1071st Special Operations Unit)

Formed in 1973.


colonel V.I. Bolshakov (1973–1978);

colonel A.N. Grishchenko (1978–1982);

Colonel V.A. Morozov (1982–1988);

colonel L.L. Polyakov (1988–1991).

In February 1992, it was transferred under the jurisdiction of Uzbekistan.

Muslim Battalion. Special Purpose Detachment "Muslim Battalion" of the Turkestan Military District

Formed in May - June 1979 in the 15th arr. Special Forces of the Turkestan military district.

The formation of the detachment was led by Colonel of the GRU General Staff V.V. Kolesnik.

The first commander is Major Kh. Khalbaev.

The detachment consisted of a command, headquarters and four companies (companies were armed with BMP-1, BTR-60pb; the fourth - an armament company - consisted of an AGS-17 platoon, a platoon of reactive infantry flamethrowers "Lynx", a platoon of sappers), as well as separate platoons : communications, ZSU "Shilka", automotive, security. The total number of the detachment was 520 people.

The officers and rank and file of the detachment was formed from representatives of the Central Asian republics - Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, with the exception of anti-aircraft gunners of the Shilka complex, who were recruited from Ukrainians.

The main task of the detachment: to carry out a special task in Afghanistan.

In 1979, the Muslim Battalion took part in Operation Storm-333 to overthrow the regime of H. Amin in Afghanistan. On November 19–20, using the requests of the Afghan government to strengthen its security by Soviet soldiers, the Muslim Battalion was transferred by transport aircraft to the Bagram airbase. On December 15, the detachment relocated to Kabul and entered the security brigade of Amin's residence - the Taj Beck Palace. On December 27, a battalion group of about 50 people under the command of Art. L-ta V.S. Sharipov and lieutenant R. Tursunkulova, together with the KGB special forces, participated in the assault on the Taj Beck Palace. The remaining units of the "Muslim Battalion" supported the assault group with fire and neutralized the actions of the Afghan security brigade.

On January 8, 1980, the battalion was redeployed to the city of Chirchik, Uzbek SSR, and entered the 15th arr.

Zhirokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Appendix No. 4 Guards formations and units of the Air Force of the Northern Fleet - 2nd Guards Red Banner Aviation Regiment (former 72nd Aviation Red Banner Regiment) - commander captain I.K. Tumanov (January 18, 1942). On June 15, 1942, the regiment was named after B. F. Safonov. Later the regiment

From the book Spetsnaz GRU: the most complete encyclopedia author Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

Chapter 27 Special forces formations of modern Russia In 2005, the special forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation included: eight separate special forces brigades (of which two were guards); one separate training regiment of the Ground Forces; four naval reconnaissance points

From the book World of Aviation 2003 01 author author unknown

DIRECTORY Guards units and formations Soviet aviation 1941-1945 Boris RYCHILO Miroslav MOROZOVMoscowBy order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR of December 12, 1941, the first six aviation regiments, which distinguished themselves mainly in defensive battles on the outskirts

From the book Naval espionage. History of confrontation author Huchthausen Peter

Chapter 5 REQUIEM TO A BATTLESHIP, 1955 The explosion, capsizing and sinking to the bottom of the Soviet battleship Novorossiysk with the subsequent death of 609 crew members, which happened in Sevastopol on 10/29/1955, was not only the world's largest naval disaster in peacetime, but also start

From the book Eastern Front. Cherkasy. Ternopil. Crimea. Vitebsk. Bobruisk. Brody. Iasi. Kishinev. 1944 author Buchner Alex

Formations and units of the XIII Army Corps Commander - General of the Infantry Hauffe with his headquarters Corps groups Logistic services 454th Security Division (Major General Nedtwig) 361st Infantry Division (Major General Lindemann)

From the book Tank Breakthrough. Soviet tanks in battle, 1937–1942 author Isaev Alexey Valerievich

2. Name of connection (part) Each Military Unit always has two names - real and encrypted. The real name is a military unit as a combat and administrative unit. The real name is secret, so

From the book From the history of the Pacific Fleet author Shugaley Igor Fedorovich

2.9. MILITARY GRAVES OF THE RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR IN CHINA, KOREA AND JAPAN All wars end sooner or later. After the end of the war, the time comes for the state to pay tribute to the memory of its fellow citizens who died in battles. In this respect Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

From the book Death Rays [From the history of geophysical, beam, climate and radiological weapons] author Feigin Oleg Orestovich

Albert Einstein (1879–1955) The great physicist was born in the city of Ulm in the German district of Württemberg in the family of a small businessman. He studied at the Catholic public school in Ulm, and after the family moved to Munich, at the gymnasium. In studies, he preferred independent studies in geometry and

From the book Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy. 1939-1956 author Holloway David

1955 From the notes of I.N. Golovina // Nature. 1990. No. 8. S. 29.

From the book Military Special Forces of Russia [Polite people from the GRU] author Sever Alexander

Special forces units and formations participating in two Chechen wars 18th separate special forces company of the 3rd combined arms army 33rd separate special forces detachment of the 12th separate special forces brigade - was sent to Chechnya in mid-January 1995; 173rd separate special forces detachment

From the book Divide and Conquer. Nazi occupation policy author Sinitsyn Fedor Leonidovich

Annex 1. Formations and military units of special forces

From the author's book

Parts of the special forces The 26th separate special forces battalion of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (26th Special Forces Special Forces GSVG) Formed in 1957 in the GSVG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany). Commander - Lieutenant Colonel R.P. Mosolov27th Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Northern Group of Forces (27th Special Forces

From the author's book

Annex 3. Formations and military units of the special forces of the Navy (1955–2010) 6th naval reconnaissance point

From the author's book

Annex 5. Special Forces formations as of April 2014 junior school

From the author's book

1955 RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 125. D. 235. L. 143v.

5 ObrSpN GRU GSh MO Maryina Gorka

HF: 89417
From history 5 ObrSpN GRU GSh MO

The professionalism of the brigade's special forces and their success in combat training have been proven in many major military exercises. All exercises were conducted in an environment as close as possible to combat.
The "opponent" of the special forces were missilemen, border guards of the air defense troops. Command posts of armies, corps, airfields were subjected to "attacks" by special forces; naval bases, large communication centers. It was allowed to use any methods and methods. Spetsnaz groups worked at all major exercises of the Soviet Army and the Warsaw Pact troops. 2-3 well-trained special forces groups were enough to sow panic and confusion, completely paralyze the actions of the division.

From 1967 to 1987, the brigade was annually awarded the challenge pennant of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District "The Best Intelligence Unit", the Commemorative Jubilee Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District.
Teachings are a school of training in martial arts. The exercises are a "field" academy, where skills, techniques and methods of special operations are honed.

In 1967, the brigade took part in the Dnepr-67 exercises.
1969 - joint exercises of Special Forces groups with the Border Troops, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1972 - scientist "Efir-72", district complex TSU.
1975 - exercises "Spring-75".
1976 - special exercises "Vanguard-76".
1981 - exercises "West-81".
1986 - operational-strategic exercises "Dozor-86".
1987 - front-line KShU.
1988 - operational-strategic exercises "Autumn-88".
1991 - TSUg front-line KShU.
1999 - TSU with other branches of the military.
2002 - CAT "Berezina-2002".
2003 - KOU "Clear Sky-2003".
2004 - KOTU "Shield of the Fatherland-2004".
2005 - bilateral KShU.
2006 - TSU within the framework of the command post of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Shield of the Union-2006", a bilateral tactical exercise from the 38th
2007 - KShU of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

A Brief History of the 5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade

The first paratroopers appeared here, in the Belarusian hinterland, back in 1940. It was the 214th airborne relocated from Western Belarus. In March 1941, the brigade was reorganized, and the 4th Airborne Forces was formed on its basis with a location in Maryina Gorka. Then there was a war, all over Belarus partisans fought against the invaders. And again the sky was painted with white domes only in 1963.
On the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR No. 140547 dated July 19, 1962, the 5th separate special-purpose brigade began to form in the city of Maryina Gorka. Her birthday was January 1, 1963.

The backbone was made up of officers who arrived from the one-year courses of the Military Diplomatic Academy and intelligence units of the district. Soldiers and sergeants who had served at least two years in the special forces arrived here. A total of 137 people, including participants in the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts.

The new connection also faced new unusual tasks. The weapons of a potential enemy appeared means of nuclear attack. The USSR Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Soviet Army developed and implemented the idea of ​​creating a mobile and effective sabotage and reconnaissance force. All created brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. In the event of a military conflict, the formations were to strike at enemy strategic targets, conduct reconnaissance, deploy a partisan movement on enemy territory, and disorganize command and control of troops and the work of its rear.

The solution of such large-scale tasks required intense combat training. Already in May, the personnel began to master parachute jumps with fall stabilization up to five seconds and jumps from An-2, An-12, Li-2 aircraft. For several months, the unit was prepared for combat operations in any conditions. The servicemen showed high proficiency at the first test.

On November 19, 1964, the chief of staff of the BVO, Lieutenant-General N. Ogarkov, later Marshal of the Soviet Union, presented the brigade commander, Colonel I. Kovalevsky, with the Battle Banner.
By 1965, the 5th Special Purpose Brigade had become a strong combat-ready body. In subsequent years, it increased its power, improved the organizational and staff structure. In May 1968, a special mining company was introduced into its staff. The brigade for eight years (1975-1982) had an "excellent" rating on all checks and exercises.
The year 1978 became especially memorable for the special forces soldiers. 22 departments, 14 groups, 3 companies, 2 detachments were rated "excellent" at the end of the year. And in the same 1978, the connection received a new name - the 5th separate special-purpose brigade. The title "separate" was a recognition of the high skill of the soldiers and officers of the unit.
The history of the brigade is, first of all, people, their characters, their destinies. Everyone has their own baggage of soul, knowledge and intellect. The names of all are kept by our grateful memory. The museum of the unit contains materials that tell about amazing creators devoted to the interests of the service. Bit by bit collected and created! the material base for the training of reconnaissance soldiers, new facilities were built, the combat capability of the unit was strengthened. The main thing that rallied people from the first days of the founding of our team is diligence, humanity, decency, justice, concern for the common cause, the desire to perform the tasks in the best possible way.

Each person left his mark in strengthening the combat capability of the brigade, improving the soldier's life. Each was an example of devotion to the Motherland and the army. People served with full dedication of strength, knowledge for the sake of raising a worthy replacement for veterans. The brigade has always been one big family - both on holidays and on weekdays, both in joy and in sorrow. The feeling of an elbow, military partnership never left the scouts of the 5th ObrSpN. Surprisingly united in combat skills, mutual assistance was a multinational team. For special forces are a way of life.
With such commanders, officers and ensigns, our successes in. combat training were significant. In recent years, the brigade has successfully solved the assigned tasks. Eleven times she was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Belarusian Red Banner Military District and the pennant of the "Best Intelligence Unit of the District". The pennant was left in the unit forever. Our scouts participated in many exercises - and everywhere they showed themselves to be real fighters, professionals, coped with any task, did not drop the honor of the army special forces.
In the 1970-1980s. The Maryinogorsk brigade was a testing ground for Soviet troops. All the latest types of special forces weapons and equipment were tested by the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the quiet Maryina Gorka.
Much has been done in the brigade for the development of intelligence. As part of the 5th arr. Special Forces, a unique and most elite unit spetsnaz - a special company for special purposes. It consisted only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The company was intended to perform particularly important tasks in the interests of the GRU. The best of the best were selected. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​was required. The soldiers took a light diving training course under the naval special forces training program, mountain training, a motorized hang glider pilot course, and much more.
In 1989, recognizing the peculiarities and professionalism of the unit, the Minister of Defense of the USSR allowed the company to have its own personal sleeve insignia - a black fox and a badge. For the Soviet Army, this was an extraordinary event. "Afghans" served in the detachment, there were athletes - dischargers and masters of sports in military applied sports.
Until 1991, the special company reached the highest level of training for officers and ensigns. It corresponded to the level of training of the Vympel special forces detachment of the KGB of the USSR.
But unfortunately, not only in the exercises, the special forces from Maryina Gorka had to apply their knowledge. Afghanistan became a separate unforgettable page in the history of the brigade. Hundreds of reports from officers, ensigns and soldiers with a request to rule them "across the river" lay on the command table with the start of the Afghan war. And many of them continued to serve in the Jalalabad and Lashkargah special forces brigades operating in Afghanistan.

From March 1985 to May 1988, the 334th separate special forces detachment formed on the basis of the brigade also fought there. On his account, 250 military exits, in which about 3,000 Mujahideen were destroyed, thousands of weapons were captured.

Victories were won not only by skill, but also by blood. The memory of one hundred and five was immortalized by a stele erected in the unit in 1986. 124 scouts were seriously wounded, the war marked 339 fighters with light wounds.
Cavalier of three orders, Captain Pavel Bekoev, a participant in over a hundred military operations, died, raising soldiers to attack. As always, he was ahead... Senior Lieutenant Igor Tupik, twice wounded, surrounded by enemies, called fire on himself. Lieutenant Nikolai Kuznetsov, seriously wounded, covered the retreat of his subordinates with fire. With the last grenade, he blew himself up and the dushmans surrounding him.
In 1985, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, his name is permanently included in the lists of the unit.
It was the 334th detachment in 1988 that was given the honor of being the first to leave Afghanistan. In the future, a training detachment was created on its basis.

Our soldiers, ensigns and officers were faithful to the comradeship and oath to the end. Motherland. The memory of them must be passed on from generation to generation, and only then can we look into the future with sovereignty and educate worthy sons of our Motherland. The memory of the war must negate the war, arouse disgust for it.
Remembering is terrible and painful, but it is impossible to forget. You must remember forever!

On August 2, 1999, in memory of those who went through the hell of Afghanistan, in memory of the fallen soldiers of the 334th detachment of the Special Forces, a renovated memorial complex was opened.
In 1990, in the period from January 24 to March 3, by order of the General Staff of the Soviet Army, the 5th ObrSpN, almost in full force (805 special forces), carried out a government task to stabilize the situation in the Armenian SSR. The brigade was commanded by Colonel V. Borodach.
The beginning of the nineties became difficult for the sons of the brigade. Here is the collapse of the USSR, the transfer of many to serve in Russia and Ukraine. They were in demand and went to other power structures. Fate has thrown some of them to Transnistria and Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, Angola and Libya. But wherever the fate of the sons of the 5th arr. Special Forces threw them, they never dropped the honor of the special forces, at any place in any position they showed themselves with dignity, fulfilled their official duty to the end, because a special forces soldier is a strong character, concentrated will and ability to go to risk, carry out their task to the bitter end. Special forces are born to win.
Despite everything, the brigade has not broken up, it lives and improves. On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to White Rus'. The 5th ObrSpN has become the most elite part of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
Of particular note is the amazing tradition of our brigade. We can safely say that such a continuity of generations and such a number of dynasties, as in our brigade, is nowhere else. The brigade became a small motherland and home for hundreds of people for many years to come. Their fathers gave them devotion and loyalty to their Fatherland and special forces.
Getting into the brigade today is not so easy. The recruits here are subject to a rigorous selection process. Only physically strong, hardy people can serve in special forces, capable of covering tens of kilometers off-road with full combat gear, spending many hours without sleep and rest, when the main thing is to complete the task. Therefore, in high esteem in the brigade of sports. There are many dischargers and craftsmen among the servicemen. But the main thing that distinguishes a special forces soldier is the moral core, fortitude. And this helps patriotic and spiritual and moral education, the cultivation of the rich traditions of the brigade.
In 1997, by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus, a non-standard center for patriotic education of youth in the Minsk region was created on the basis of the brigade. In cooperation with local authorities, the regional council of veterans, work is systematically carried out on the patriotic education of the personnel of the unit. Students of Maryinogorsk secondary schools and educational institutions of the Minsk region.
The way of military service, training in the brigade have a number of features: to shoot, blow up, drive, fly, jump - fighters learn all this. The main direction is reconnaissance and sabotage work. In the brigade they teach diving, carry out gatherings for hang gliders. Studying goes on from morning to evening in classrooms, at shooting ranges, and training grounds. Fighters are trained to perform extremely important tasks in a combat situation, when subunits and individual groups must operate deep in the rear, separated from the main forces, independently make the most unexpected and bold decisions. Therefore, every warrior must become a professional, have an impeccable command of weapons, know how to subvert, be excellent at hand-to-hand combat, be decisive, self-possessed, and quick-witted. A spetsnaz reconnaissance officer must know and love a parachute, be able to jump from an airplane, helicopter at any time of the day, in any weather and on any terrain.
This is the peculiarity of the training of Belarusian special forces. In addition, scouts learn to overcome any obstacles (impassable swamps, water barriers, forests), quietly and imperceptibly cover a route of 50-70 kilometers, suddenly and skillfully capture the indicated object, and destroy it.

During the exercise, groups of scouts leave for 10 days across rough, unknown terrain. Fighters are very fond of field exits, where they have the opportunity to show resourcefulness, endurance, to prove to themselves and commanders in practice what they are capable of and what they have learned. This increases self-esteem and makes one strive to improve combat skills.
Young officers and soldiers are trained by real masters of military affairs. The brigade has all the conditions for training in the art of war. Young people are given the opportunity for the harmonious development of their personality, the acquisition of a civilian specialty. The compound has language classes for learning foreign languages, a stadium, a club, fitness equipment, computers... The barracks are cozy and have a decent life. We respect sports. Soldiers and officers are engaged in taekwondo, Russian wrestling. There are sportsmen for taekwondo and rock climbing. Serious educational work in state-legal, patriotic and spiritual-moral directions. Everything is done to ensure that the military personnel are physically and morally strong, understand their place and role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus. In July 2001, special tactical training competitions were held for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the "partisans" of Maryina Gorka earned high marks. “I would go on reconnaissance with these guys,” said Lieutenant General Nikolai Kostenko about a group of special forces of the Hero of Russia brigade. In the fifth brigade, they retained all the best, and are building up their professionalism.

In October 2001, an international seminar-competition on sniper training was held in the 5th Special Forces Special Forces. It was attended by representatives of special units of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Belarus.
2001 In the 5th ObrSpN, state tests of sights for small arms were carried out.
The major exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus "Berezina-2002" proved that the professionalism of spetsnaz intelligence officers is growing and is acquired by intense military labor. The overall assessment of the brigade is “good”.

September 12, 2002 - a historic date in the life of the brigade. A long-awaited, joyful, unforgettable day. On this day, the brigade received the President of the country and its Commander-in-Chief A. G. Lukashenko. I
The head of state solemnly presented the brigade commander with the Battle Banner with Belarusian symbols.
But before this solemn moment came, the head of state visited a military shooting range, where he got acquainted with the peculiarities of the combat training of scouts, their professional skills during special events, and modern weapons.
The President of the Republic of Belarus laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers-internationalists, met with veterans of the unit.
Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko thanked the personnel and veterans of the brigade for their military work: “Your professional experience is worth a lot, today's generation of Belarusian special forces soldiers needs it. It is in the continuity of generations and traditions that the strength of the special forces lies.
In July 2003, competitions of the Reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus were held on the basis of the 5th arr.
All prize-winning places were taken by groups of Special Forces of the brigade. In the summer of 2003, the reconnaissance brigade took part in the competitions of reconnaissance groups of the Special Forces on the basis of the 2nd brigade of the Special Forces of the Leningrad Military District. Careful development of the operation, excellent physical and psychological preparation of the scouts allowed them to become the fourth.

For high professional skills, courage and perseverance in achieving the targeted goals of the Clear Sky-2003 complex operational exercise, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel-General L. S. Maltsev, encouraged the brigade with a pennant and a diploma.

The personnel of the 5th ObrSpN participated in the exercises: “Shield of the Fatherland-2004”, in September 2005 a bilateral command and control command, “Shield of the Union-2006”, 2007 - command and control command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the creation of the Special Operations Forces has become a major political event. The basis of the MTR is the 5th separate special forces brigade. Today, the brigade, while performing its tasks and engaging in combat training, also bears the burden of testing all new weapons, equipment and special equipment for special forces units. The 5th separate special-purpose brigade is the vanguard of the special operations forces and the main base for the training and education of professionals from other units and structures of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

On August 1, 2007, the 5th Special Operations Forces was reassigned to the command of the Special Operations Forces.
And today, celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary, the brigade remains true to the traditions of courage, heroism, honor and conscience, male friendship, sanctified by heaven and strengthened by battles on earth!