The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 takes place at 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. The Eclipse contains a positive momentum that will help us turn our dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune is emphasized, inspiring hope for a brighter future. Neptune brings inspiration, there is a desire to move forward, to new achievements.

The beginning of the eclipse on February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) or at 16:15 Moscow time.

The end of the eclipse on February 26 at 16:31 UTC or at 19:31 Moscow time.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of southwestern Africa at sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

Effects of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the effect of the eclipse can be ambiguous. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us to remain objective and sensibly assess the prospects. Maintain a balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find its way to you.

The impact of the eclipse will positively affect many areas of life, it is especially good for creative people and people of art. In addition, we can count on positive developments in the sphere of relations. Maybe you will make new influential friends, meet love and start a relationship with a worthy person.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the February 2017 solar eclipse, especially those born between February 22-March 3 (Pisces) and August 26-September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. In which direction the changes will occur depends on the position of the planets and important points in natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

In astrology, an eclipse of the Sun is considered to mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time to get started, whether it's for work or personal life. There are many possibilities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To do right choice, it is necessary to analyze the affairs of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. You may need to let go of old habits, behaviors, or beliefs.


A solar eclipse in Pisces brings a positive impulse, gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most significant aspects is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is very strong, because this zodiac sign is his abode. Although the impact of this mysterious planet not always beneficial, now positive traits more noticeable because its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer active. Neptune shows that we can rise above our limitations and soar towards our dreams. Spirituality and development of talents are the basis of success. All this implies a close relationship with the surrounding people and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties to increase intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, psychic abilities can open.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (See astrological chart eclipse below). The opposition of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, there is a desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions. As a result, unexpected events that will lead to significant changes in personal life are not ruled out.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: the semi-square (45° aspect) of the Sun with Uranus and the one and a half square (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more self-confident, but the desired and the possible should be correlated, otherwise excessive optimism can fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of drastic changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, bellicose Mars is in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

Summing up, we can say that the energies of the solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 are generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. There is a possibility that events of ambiguous meaning will occur under his influence. It is possible that projects will be launched that are not destined to be realized due to a lack of purposefulness, or they will turn out to be far from reality. If you are planning to start something new, stay practical and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your initiatives.

On February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to make anything important: major purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is desirable to spend the day in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky.

It will start at 16:53 and will be ring-shaped. Three days before and after this phenomenon, it is not recommended to make important decisions and make significant financial transactions. Also don't go to long way. The thing is that the eclipse enhances the negative.

The sun will "go out" in the sign of Pisces, so you need to be on the same wavelength with him: allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it's good if you find time for.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the eclipse, especially those born in the period from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Gemini and Sagittarius will also be strongly affected by the eclipse, TSN reports.

A solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future for the near future. Your desires may be health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate, and anything else you want to attract into your life, start, develop, or advance beyond high level. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. Thus, you can not only get rid of problem situations And negative thoughts, but also lay a program for the fulfillment of their desires for the whole year.

In addition, the day of the eclipse is suitable for reflection on pressing issues, perspectives, meditations, and the future. Think over plans, set yourself up for harmony, do not judge or criticize others.


  • don't start new things
  • do house cleaning
  • go through the clothes in the closets and throw away everything that is superfluous
  • clean up blockages in the computer
  • go through your papers and throw out everything old
  • start a diet - it's time
  • cleanse your body - any cleansing procedures are suitable
  • avoid trips to the beautician
  • get rid of resentment and negativity in your head
  • watch your health


Take a contrast shower (men need to start and finish hot water, and for women - cold 5-7 times). 10 minutes before a solar eclipse, lie down with your head to the east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negativity that you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in turn in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear is like a stone, resentment is like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine what happens to them at the same time, how they change, become bright and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty places in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Magic move 1st lunar day during a solar eclipse

From 16:53 February 26 to 07:13 February 27 Kyiv time - the 1st lunar day, which gives rise to a new lunar month.

After working through the solar eclipse for 1 hour from 16:53 to 17:53 February 26, sit in front of a candle, take Blank sheet paper and write the wishes you want to come true this year. Write a plan for the whole of 2017. Just write specifically (by what date). imagine the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, say it out loud and write it down on paper in present tense.

The Eclipse of the Sun on February 26 brings the energy of Pisces, so write your plans for the year, using your imagination to the maximum - you will definitely have opportunities to implement your plans.

First lunar day better to spend at home. Try to be tolerant of other people's opinions and take nothing to heart. Take everything calmly, keep a sense of humor. Any of your actions on this lunar day will have an impact on the fulfillment of desires throughout lunar month which ends March 28th. Any quarrel or conflict can delay or even cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to refrain from active activities. Something important is not worth doing, including making large purchases, entering into financial transactions, holding important meetings and negotiations, and going on trips. If possible, reschedule such plans for another time. Try not to receive guests and do not visit yourself either. It's better to stop talking to people you don't like and also avoid big companies. Think pleasant. Go to the movies, listen to classical music, do something creative, or anything else that makes you happy.

On this day, you should not marry, you should also wait a little with sex - it can lead to serious diseases of the genital area.

On February 26, Ukrainians expect the first solar eclipse of this year. But the first lunar day is a great time for meditation. To attract the positive energies of Pisces during meditation, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign: amethyst, aquamarine, blue agate, opal and others.

candle meditation

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a candle white color close your eyes, relax, be positive.

Imagine how the next year will go for you - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to have as if it has already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this car.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires into the Universe.

Astrologer Svetlana Dragan (which you read about before): “I wanted to write a little about the upcoming Solar Eclipse, which will take place on February 26. So, that’s the most important thing I wanted to say! The fact is that each Eclipse has its own character and belongs to , the so-called families of Eclipses. There are 19 of these families. And no matter how they frighten us with the complexities of this time, I would like to open one of the nuances of this particular family of Eclipses, which in many ways can become a guide. This Eclipse, if we follow the characteristics of the 19th series of Eclipses, carries with positive notes. It's like an unexpected pleasant accident that can change everything. It's like an unexpected opportunity leading to victory, to luck, to winning. If we consider this particular Eclipse, with all its configurations, then the theme of struggle is clearly marked here. for justice, also an emphasis on spirituality, as a necessity in the struggle for this justice.

But nevertheless, the indicator of a special force majeure and drama is expressed very sharply. There are combinations of planets that can bring about catastrophes in the current days, especially of a technical nature. Fires and problems with aviation, sharp revolutionary attacks are likely here. Therefore, of course, it is desirable to avoid risks, not to plan flights around this date. Yes, and the struggle for justice, both at the private and at the public level, can take too hot forms! The thing is, these events are local in time. will be like a mini projection of longer and global processes, which we will see within six months - a year. Although, classically, any Eclipse lays a cycle of almost 18.5 years. And any actions, decisions will pull a long-term irrevocable history. Therefore, one should not stand in front of the Eclipse itself and perform potentially and actually destructive actions during it. It is worth treating with understanding those who are at a high emotional degree, since now it may not be so easy to control oneself. Therefore, it is worth a little discarding the emotions offered from above, and on the eve of the Eclipse itself or 15 minutes before it, focus on those desires, the perspective that you would like to lay and launch in a new cycle.

At the same time, it is advisable not to use the "NOT" particle, it is better to formulate wishes affirmatively and linearly, visualizing the picture as if it had already happened, and you got it from the future. The power of wishes at this time is maximum. But if you make a mistake in the wording, it can lay very unpleasant things. So, the impulse must be confident, kind and strong, since evil can reflect on you. But we have the opportunity to jointly wish peace and enlightenment to everyone. Individual desires conceived at this time for some may begin to come true quite quickly. But in fact, nature will need time to build the mise-en-scene you ordered. The scenario may not be fast and difficult, but more often leading to the execution of the message sent. There is a lot to write about this Eclipse, but I tried to give a guide. All success, maximum restraint, calmness and confidence!"

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 takes place at 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. The Eclipse contains a positive momentum that will help us turn our dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune is emphasized, inspiring hope for a brighter future. Neptune brings inspiration, there is a desire to move forward, to new achievements.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of southwestern Africa at sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

Effects of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the effect of the eclipse can be ambiguous. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us to remain objective and sensibly assess the prospects. Maintain a balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find its way to you.

The impact of the eclipse will have a positive impact on many areas of life, it is especially good for creative people and people of art. In addition, we can count on positive developments in the sphere of relations. Maybe you will make new influential friends, meet love and start a relationship with a worthy person.

Pisces and Virgo will be most affected by the February 2017 solar eclipse, especially those born between February 22-March 3 (Pisces) and August 26-September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. In which direction the changes will occur depends on the position of the planets and important points in the natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

The meaning of the eclipse February 26, 2017 in terms of astrology

In astrology, an eclipse of the Sun is considered to mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time to get started, whether it's for work or personal life. There are many possibilities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To make the right choice, it is necessary to analyze the affairs of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. You may need to let go of old habits, behaviors, or beliefs.


A solar eclipse in Pisces brings a positive impulse, gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most significant aspects is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is very strong, because this zodiac sign is his abode. Although the influence of this mysterious planet is not always beneficial, now the positive qualities are more noticeable, because its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer active. Neptune shows that we can rise above our limitations and soar towards our dreams. Spirituality and development of talents are the basis of success. All this implies a close relationship with the surrounding people and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties to increase intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, psychic abilities can open.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (See astrological eclipse chart below). The opposition of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, there is a desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions. As a result, unexpected events that will lead to significant changes in personal life are not ruled out.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: the semi-square (45° aspect) of the Sun with Uranus and the one and a half square (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more self-confident, but the desired and the possible should be correlated, otherwise excessive optimism can fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of drastic changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, bellicose Mars is in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

Summing up, we can say that the energies of the solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 are generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. There is a possibility that events of ambiguous meaning will occur under his influence. It is possible that projects will be launched that are not destined to be realized due to a lack of purposefulness, or they will turn out to be far from reality. If you are planning to start something new, stay practical and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your initiatives.

On February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to make anything important: major purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is desirable to spend the day in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky.

The energy of the Pisces sign is noticeably manifested, and if you want to be on the same wavelength with her, allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This is an auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it is good if you find time for a new moon ritual to fulfill wishes. They can be about love, work, business, money, and anything else you want to attract into your life.

February 26, 2017at 14:58 UTC or 17:58 Moscow timean annular solar eclipse will occur.

The beginning of the eclipse on February 26 at 13:15 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) or at 16:15 Moscow time.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of southwestern Africa at sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

On the day of the eclipse, February 26, as well as three days before and after this date, that is, from February 23 to February 28, it is not recommended to make anything important: financial transactions, large purchases, responsible negotiations, etc.

But this time, the new moon coincides with a solar eclipse, so you should be especially careful and pay attention to the events taking place.

Very often, it is during a solar eclipse that sharp life turns take place, which can bring with them absolutely any changes, including very positive ones. First of all, during the eclipse, it is recommended to stay at home and at the same time be tuned in a positive way.

Today you need to try to keep your emotions under control, and not only negative ones. The fact is that even a confession of one's feelings can cause a backlash - fear of the future and rejection of everything that can radically change it.

On this day, it is better not to appoint important events, because the physical and emotional stress during preparation for them can adversely affect health - there is a possibility of fainting or nervous breakdowns.

It is better to abandon disputes and proofs of one's innocence - everything will end in a deplorable way - a break in relations, both business and friendly; a won dispute will not bring moral satisfaction, rather, on the contrary, a complete disappointment in one's life views. There is a possibility that after it you can fall into a deep depression.

If childbirth falls on this day, you should not refuse any offers of doctors for pain relief, as the pain threshold will drop even among patient women.

Unnecessarily, it is better not to leave the house, where it is desirable to spend a calm day, doing ordinary things.

It is not necessary to appoint operations for this day - they will fail.

To refuse a long journey, especially by plane - fear can lead to a panic state, which will affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Lead a normal life without giving up your duties.

Confess to the deed, reveal a secret or secret, if circumstances so require.

Quit smoking, get rid of everyone else bad habits, alas, on this day it will not work.

People born on this day should reschedule name day celebrations to another day - today the holiday can end in unpleasant events - quarrels, scandals or injuries.

You need to go to a beauty salon or massage - tactile contact with others will have a positive effect on the emotional state.

Perform magical rituals.

Solar eclipse- this is a rather rare astronomical phenomenon that occurs only a couple of times a year. What is most interesting, it can often be observed with the naked eye.

There is always a New Moon during a solar eclipse. This is a prerequisite, without which the eclipse simply will not happen.

On February 26, the Moon will cover the Sun, but this will only be visible from the southern hemisphere of the Earth. The totality of all the facts about a solar eclipse can give a complete picture of what will be the changes in people's energy and health risks on this day.

Health Hazard: In terms of health, the impact of the eclipse is minimal - here it is important to remember that the New Moon is an integral part of the eclipse. Health problems on February 26 may be for those who do not know how to stop in time and take a break from hard work. Fatigue will haunt you, not only physical, but also moral.

If you do not rest on time, you may experience problems with sleep and mood. A solar eclipse is a time of increased negative energy. Black magic flourishes on such days, so beware of unkind people who, with their thoughts, can harm your well-being and luck.

Danger for energy: Energy is inextricably linked with the well-being of a person and his mood, as well as with luck. The new moon deprives us of energy, and the eclipse brings a negative stream into the life of each of us.

In order for your energy not to suffer so much, you will need to remain calm and reasonable, and also remember about positive thinking. Make yourself setting that everything will be fine, that you can overcome any problems in this life.

An eclipse will pass under the auspices of Pisces, which indicates even greater chaos in the energy of people. Do what you love and don't try to solve problems with negativity. Everything must be in balance today.

Responsible events and trips should be postponed to another period. It is advisable to spend February 26 in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky, since the eclipse enhances the slightest negative vibration factors of this day.

Most sensitive to eclipse effects there will be people born under the signs of the zodiac Pisces and Virgo (the eclipse will be projected on 9 degrees Pisces), especially those born between February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5. Gemini and Sagittarius will also be strongly affected by the eclipse.

The practice of a solar eclipse makes it possible to realize and get rid of internal fears, negative character traits (for example, laziness, irritability, etc.), which hinder the movement of life and interfere with spiritual development.

Solar eclipse perfect timing in order to sum up the results of the past year, to sort out your feelings, where you could be wrong, whom you offended, what you are afraid of, what you are worried about.

If you do not have a relationship with someone, then imagine it in your imagination and listen to your feelings: what does not accept this person in you, where in yourself you feel a barrier, fear or irritation. Write down these feelings on paper and try to feel why you were given this relationship, what they teach. Try to treat this person as a teacher, thank for the lesson and forgive him with your heart. And then your relationship will be resolved in the best possible way.

A solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future for the near future.

A solar eclipse is a unique moment when you can program your future for the near future. Your desires can be health, work, love, business, money, travel, real estate, and anything else you want to attract into your life, start, develop, or advance to a higher level. It is advisable to remember the practicality and realism of your intentions. Also, do not forget about the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. Thus, you can not only get rid of problem situations and negative thoughts, but also lay down a program for the fulfillment of your desires for the whole year.

In addition, the day of the eclipse is suitable for reflection. on the topic of pressing issues, perspectives, meditations, the future. Think over plans, set yourself up for harmony, do not judge or criticize others.

The day has a strong energy, so the magical rituals performed on February 26 will give excellent results. And since February 26 falls on a Sunday, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the wonderful ritual for a solar eclipse, the magical reception of the 1st lunar day and meditation on a candle.

Solar Eclipse Ritual:

Take a contrast shower (men need to start and finish with hot water, and women - cold 5-7 times).

10 minutes before a solar eclipse, lie down with your head to the east and relax. Close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negativity that you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in turn in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear is like a stone, resentment is like a lump) and send this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Try to imagine what happens to them at the same time, how they change, become bright and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty places in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Magic reception of the 1st lunar day during a solar eclipse.

From 17:53 February 26 to 08:13 February 27 is the 1st lunar day, which gives rise to a new lunar month.

After working through the solar eclipse for 1 hour from 5:53 pm to 6:53 pm on February 26, sit in front of a candle, take a blank piece of paper and write down the wishes you want to come true this year. Write a plan for the whole of 2017. Just write specifically (by what date). imagine the future as already happening. After visualizing each desire, say it out loud and write it down on paper in present tense.

The Eclipse of the Sun on February 26 brings the energy of Pisces, so write your plans for the year, using your imagination to the maximum - you will definitely have opportunities to implement your plans.

The first lunar day is best spent at home. Try to be tolerant of other people's opinions and take nothing to heart. Take everything calmly, keep a sense of humor.

Any of your actions on this lunar day will have an impact on the fulfillment of desires throughout the entire lunar month, which will end on March 28th. Any quarrel or conflict can delay or even cancel the implementation of your plans.

It is advisable to refrain from active activities. Something important is not worth doing, including making large purchases, entering into financial transactions, holding important meetings and negotiations, and going on trips. If possible, reschedule such plans for another time.

Try not to receive guests and do not visit yourself either. It's better to stop talking to people you don't like and also avoid big companies. Think pleasant. Go to the movies, listen to classical music, do something creative, or anything else that makes you happy.

On this day, you should not marry, you should also wait a little with sex - it can lead to serious diseases of the genital area.

Solar Eclipse: Magic:

Ritual to replenish energy. Book an appointment with a massage therapist. Take a white towel with you and place it on the couch where the massage will be performed. After pick up and at home, leaving the bath, dip yourself in it. During the wiping, a great vital energy will flow into the body, which will spread throughout the body, giving strength and confidence.

Love ritual. Take five red candles bought on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) and consecrated in the temple on Men's Day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), put them on the windowsill at dawn to recharge with solar energy. In the evening, place candles in the corners of the bedroom, and the fifth one near the bed. Light them up and lie down in bed, imagining yourself in the arms of a loved one, feel his warmth and body smell. So lie down for a few minutes, and then put out the candles, wrap them in a white cloth and under the pillow. Go to bed. Now, for 9 days every night, light them before going to bed. Then hide in a secluded place and light it only when the hugs presented on the day of the solar eclipse become a reality. Then the candles need to be burned.

money ritual. In order not to need money, you need to borrow from five people on the eve of a solar eclipse. The received amount is sealed in a green envelope, which is put on the windowsill on February 26 at dawn. At midnight, pick up and hide in a secluded place for 33 days. Pay off debts gradually, starting with the one who gave the first money. The return must last five days in a row, it is important to return the money in the same denomination with which they were received. After 33 days, get the money out of the envelope and spend it purely on your personal needs. With the purchase, financial stability will come to the house.

Ritual for a truce. If you quarreled with someone, then the day of the solar eclipse - best time to build relationships. To do this, take your thing and the thing of that person (if you don’t have one, then you can take a photograph of him or draw his portrait yourself, as it turns out), put them together so that they hit sunlight, and in the evening, looking at them, say these words: “The sun, how you have been eclipsed, eclipse our quarrel. May we become friends again, take away the quarrel forever.. Let them lie together until the relationship improves.

But the first lunar day is a great time for meditation. To attract the positive energies of Pisces during meditation, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign: amethyst, aquamarine, blue agate, opal and others.

Candle Meditation:

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a white candle, close your eyes, relax, tune in positively.

Imagine how the next year will go for you - as real as possible.

Imagine what you want to have as if it has already happened. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine that you are already eating in this car.

After that, release with love the image of your plans and desires into the Universe.

February 26 is also a day of spiritual growth for people with the number life path 2.

For example, if you were born on January 2, 1970, then your life path number is: 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2, i.e. NPP = 2.

On Spiritual Growth Day, according to the advice of the famous numerologist Miss Balliet, one should be especially attentive to changes, conversations, and also to unusual events.

1. Treat this day like your friend and teacher.

2. Remove from consciousness all evil thoughts and unpleasant events, and in all bad things look for a good beginning.

3. Pay attention to the people you meet and the thoughts they give you. You have a chance to find exactly what you are looking for.

4. Remember - everything that you lay in a new cycle will return to you in the following days of spiritual growth.

Getting rid of any evil in our days of spiritual growth, we correct our past mistakes, set ourselves up for harmony with the Universe, and this is very important on the first lunar day.

New moon ritual: The New Moon is a blank slate on which you can write down your dreams. At the new moon, the Moon and the Sun are located in the same sign of the Zodiac and in the same degree of this sign. Thus, the new moon opens up a powerful energy portal that you can use to perform the ritual.

Here we will talk about a ritual for the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of new beginnings, for which the new moon is an ideal period. Days will be great times solar eclipses which always occur on a new moon. These new beginnings can be about personal development, love, work, career, money, business, property, and anything else you want to create, develop, or take to the next level. Whatever path you follow in life, working with planetary energies will give you the patronage of heaven.

New moon- this is a great time to determine your intentions and goals, decide for yourself what you want to attract into your life, what projects you want to implement.

There are many ways to start communicating with the forces of the universe - from a simple ritual from candle lighting to complex elaborate rituals. In reality, the complexity of the ritual is not so important, what is important is your intention and how open you are to support the Universe.

On the new moon, it’s good to guess the future, the prospects for your intentions and desires will open to you, in addition, you can get valuable advice. Tarot or rune divination is suitable for this. Accurate results are given by love divination.

Why follow the moon? There is something eternal in our rapidly changing world, and if you are attuned to the phases of the moon, then you follow the natural energy that will support you over time. Like the ebb and flow, your life will be subject to the lunar rhythm, and you will learn how to use your opportunities correctly.

Preparing for the New Moon Ritual: In order to properly perform the New Moon ritual, you need to devote some time to preparation in the days leading up to the new moon. Nothing extraordinary is required. Most of all, you need to determine exactly what you want to attract into your life. It's not always as easy as it seems, so take the time to think about your goal and plans for achieving it.

When the new moon comes, you should have a clear idea of ​​your intention. Maybe it's a personality trait you want to develop, such as forgiveness or courage. Or maybe you have a more specific request, such as a pay raise, a new job, attraction of love, or a change of residence.

How to perform a ritual for the fulfillment of a wish for the new moon: The New Moon is the moment when the old is gone and the new is not there yet. That is why this is a great time to let the Universe know about your desire. The new moon ritual for the fulfillment of a wish depends on your personal tastes, the pace of your life and how much time you have to devote to it. The time of its commission is the night of the new moon and 1-2 days after it.

You can simply light a candle and meditate on the realization of your intention. It is important to choose the right candle color that matches your goal.

One of the simplest magical actions that comes from natural magic is lighting candles. It is simple because it does not require complex ritual and intricate ceremonial actions. Everything you need for candle magic can be bought at the store and the ritual can be performed in any place where you can sit quietly alone.

Many of us have performed this ritual since we were children. Making a wish by blowing out candles on a birthday cake is pure magic. This children's custom is based on three magical principles - concentration, desire and visualization.

What happens when we blow out candles at a birthday party - we make a wish, visualize the result and concentrate by blowing out the candles. A romantic dinner by candlelight - what is it if not a magical ritual with candles?

The size and shape of the candles used for the ritual are not that important. Although fancy, overly decorated or very large candles are inappropriate for such occasions. The reason is simple - all this can distract us from concentration, which is so important when performing magical actions.

It is best to use candles of medium size and regular shape. It is important to choose the right magical color for the candle that suits your ritual. The candle that you want to use for the ritual must be virgin - in the sense that it has not been used for any purpose before - neither for lighting, nor for any other magical action.

There is an occult explanation for this - the vibrations received by items from previous use can prevent you from getting the magical result that you need, or reduce its effectiveness.

How to prepare a candle for a magical ritual: You can use your own candles and some prefer to make their own candles. It is easy to make your own candle from wax. If you make your own magic candle for the ritual, this is really the best option. In this case, you will be sure that the candle will be charged only with your personal energy, that no one has ever held a candle in your hands before you, and it has not absorbed any energy alien to you.

In addition, even your actions while making a candle set you up for the ritual and help you concentrate better. Wax must be melted to a liquid state and then poured into a pre-prepared form through which a wick is passed. Wait for the wax to cool and harden before removing it from the mold. A dye or perfume may be added to the wax to give it a color and scent that suits your ritual.

So you bought or made your own candle. Now you need to cover it with magic oil. This is done in order to establish a physical connection between you and the candle through sensory experience. By touching the candle, you charge it with your personal energy and focus on the desire that you intend to realize. So the candle absorbs magical mental power and vital energy. When you cover a candle with oil, imagine that it is a magnet that has two poles.

Rub the oil into the base of the candle and gradually spread it all the way up to the top of the candle where the wick is. best type The oils you can use are natural oils and are fairly easy to obtain. Some novice magicians tend to use exotic oils, believing that in this way they will achieve the best result in their practice. There is no need to strive for this, since this is not the main thing in magical practice.

In candle magic, the color of the candle is important. Depending on the goal that you want to achieve with the help of a magical ritual, the candle should be of the color that is needed in this case.

Candle color:

White- spirituality and peace, zodiac sign Cancer

Red- health, energy, strength, sexual potency, zodiac signs Scorpio and Aries

Pink- love and romance, zodiac sign Taurus.

Yellow - intelligence, memory, creativity, zodiac sign Gemini

Green- luck, money, harmony, abundance, fertility, zodiac sign Taurus

greenish yellow- jealousy, anger, disagreement

Blue- inspiration, wisdom, protection, magical initiation

Blue- understanding, tolerance, zodiac sign - Pisces

Dark blue- changes, striving for the future, zodiac sign - Aquarius

Violetphysical health and well-being, spiritual strength, idealism, zodiac sign Sagittarius

Silver- inspiration, intuition, understanding the hidden essence of things, Zodiac sign Cancer

Orange- success in business, career, zodiac sign Leo

Black- disagreements negative energy zodiac sign Capricorn

Brown- doubts, uncertainty, neutrality, zodiac sign Libra

Grey- neutrality, negativity, impasse

If you want to use candle magic for healing, choose a red candle.

To successfully pass the exam, a yellow candle is needed for the ritual.

A blue candle is suitable for acquiring esoteric knowledge.

For love - a red or pink candle.

If your goal is about money and material well-being, choose a green candle.

It is these colors that correspond to the signs of the Zodiac that are responsible for this or that action, and it is these colors that activate planetary energies that will become your allies in obtaining the desired result.

When performing a magical ritual with candles, consider the phases of the moon and choose the one that suits your magical ritual.

How to perform a magic ritual with candles: The simplest form of magical ritual with candles is as follows. Take a blank sheet of paper. The paper can be white or the same color as the candle. Write down on a piece of paper your desire that you want to realize. \

It might be a new job new love, relocation, healing. Be sure to visualize the fulfillment of your desire, just writing it down is too little to get a magical result.

Imagine the realization of your intention, how you meet the man of your dreams, or you are offered new job, or your boss announces a pay rise. Slowly and carefully fold the paper on which your wish is written, bring the end of the paper to the candle flame and let the paper ignite.

Once again, focus on what you want to get. Let the paper burn completely, but do not blow out the candle, leave it to burn out, after taking care of safety. Make sure that the candle does not fall, that the wax does not spill, that there is no danger from fire.

You do not have to be near the candle until it goes out, you can go about your business. Never reuse a candle for a magical ritual, it must completely burn out.

When performing some magic rituals with candles, the involvement of two people is necessary. The second person can be symbolically represented by another candle.

The color of the candle should correspond to the sign of the zodiac that this person represents.

Here are the matches:

Aries - red

Libra - pink

Taurus - green

Scorpio - red

Gemini - yellow

Sagittarius - purple

Cancer - white, silver

Capricorn - black

Leo - orange

Aquarius - blue

Virgo - yellow

Pisces - purple

You can complicate the ritual - in the days leading up to the new moon, collect objects, photographs and images that symbolize your desire, and place them around the candle. Light a candle and focus on the intention you want to achieve. The ritual will help focus your entire being on seeking the support of the Universe, and it will come.

Benefits of the New Moon Ritual- this is because it suits everyone, including those who have never practiced magic and do not dare to do it.

The ritual of the new moon cannot harm anyone. If you are really serious about performing the ritual of the new moon, the first harbingers of the realization of your desire will appear on the next full moon.