Lips in a dream - Big lips in a dream- there is anxiety, thick ones - you will safely solve your problems, and thick and dirty lips - to the approach of big troubles in your life.
Seeing ulcerated, stained, swollen lips in a dream promises major problems.
Seeing in a dream beautiful lips - to unpleasant acquaintances.
Seeing sensual lips in a dream- to disagreements with the second half, and neatly outlined - to unanimity and agreement.
Seeing sensual, bright lips in a dream- to a quarrel with a person close to you, separation through your own fault, divorce in the family, frivolity and selfishness on your part.
Seeing your lips scarlet means that your loved ones are healthy.
If in a dream you are forced a large number of time to meditate on the lips, it is possible that you will become a victim of a disease arising from excessive fatigue. In this case, you should seriously think about the rest, whether it's a vacation or just a weekend away from work.
If in a dream a girl is very worried about the splendor of her lips, this indicates that the men in her life play too important role.
If you dreamed of lips in a dream, then such a dream could promise you a dinner party.
If you dreamed plump lips, this suggests that in the foreseeable future you will find happiness in life, good luck in accomplishments and material stability.
If you dreamed that a person with cold lips was kissing you. This is unfortunately.
If you dreamed that you were being kissed on the lips, but this is extremely unpleasant for you, then this predicts a test of hostility towards your boyfriend.
If you dreamed that your lips were becoming stiff and numb, this means that you are close to an emotional breakdown, since in reality you are forced to accumulate all the negativity in yourself.
If you dreamed that your lips were chapped, then you feel lonely because of your pride.
If in a dream you are kissed on the lips, then you will receive a certain charge of vivacity.
If in a dream you paint your lips with lipstick, it means that in your soul you dream of love.
If in a dream you saw compressed lips, then something is bothering you. Maybe it's a health problem.
If in a dream your lips hurt, then in reality one of your relatives may get sick.
If you saw lips in a dream, then you should remember what exactly they were.
If you saw large lips, then in reality it will begin Time of Troubles.
If your lips hurt, then your children or relatives may get sick.
If the lips were too pale, then this is a warning that a deterioration in health awaits you in the near future.
If a girl dreams about how she puts something on her lips, this means that she is not satisfied with the sex that she has.
If a man saw himself in a dream with painted lips, then there are obscene rumors about him.
If a man dreamed of a woman with too bright lips, it means that he will soon have a date.
There is a possibility that she does not feel love for her partner, or she is under pressure from some existing unpleasant situation.
Admire your lips in the mirror in a dream- to vanity.
Injure lips in a dream- to troubles in the house.
I dreamed that your lips were swollen- a sign of approaching trouble.
Thin lips in a dream mean stamina.
To dream of plump or pink lips- to well-being.
To dream of a man without lips- to disappointment in a loved one.
To see beautiful and well-defined lips, then such a dream predicts reciprocity of feelings, happy love, but thin ones - to haste to draw conclusions, revenge and start.
Kissing someone on the lips in a dream- to need.
A person can dream of lips absolutely various forms, shades, sizes.

  • Primary elements - fire, earth, metal, water.
  • Elements - heat, humidity, dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - joy, thoughtfulness, sadness, fear.
  • Organs - stomach, spleen, lungs, heart, small intestine, large intestine.
  • Planets - Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
  • Lips and mouth, in addition to the listed organs, are connected with almost all internal organs, because a person cannot exist without food that comes through the mouth. Back lips indicate the state internal organs. The emotions that arise in a dream along with the vision of lips will give Additional information about the general condition of the body. The posterior median meridian ends on the inner side of the upper lip. In the middle and below from the bottom, the anterior median meridian begins. Both of these meridians reflect the general flow of qi energy in the body, so lips are an important symbol of health / ill health in a dream. Seeing / examining / kissing lips in a dream - on the lips is a projection of the entire gastrointestinal tract. To see lips in a dream means to be aware of the influence of the organs associated with them and the influence of these organs on oneself, the dreamer's general condition: Strong, sensual full lips - the activity of internal sensations and emotions, the activity of a life position, the need for a quick change of emotions and the demanding expectation of satisfying one's own wishes from others. Too full lips - a sign of too bright and too frequent change of emotions. In life, this is expressed in an unwillingness to extinguish one’s violent emotions for the benefit of others, a wide, but not carefully chosen circle of contacts, a private change of acquaintances due to an unwillingness to maintain connections and sacrifice something for this. Thin, pale, dry lips affected by a cold in a dream are a sign of an incorrect flow of energy in the body and a seal of the disease (see above the projections of the organs on the lips), specifically, this is the weakness of the spleen - the pancreas.
  • If such lips are limply opened, then this is also a symbol of imbalance, dissatisfaction with oneself, weakness of character and the resulting distrust, jealousy, fragility family relations. If thin lips are stubbornly and tightly compressed, then there is character and willpower: everything rests on them, but health suffers from neglect of the inner part of the situation. The will can externally correct the situation, but the body is not freed from negative emotions and is poisoned by them. You should look at which projection zones of the lips are affected, then be treated and change the line of behavior. Biting lips in a dream is an inadequate attempt to correct yang with an external action. internal state yin; an attempt to stimulate the internal organs. They bite their lips with their teeth - there are also projection zones of all organs on the teeth, and biting lips with teeth means a desire to aggravate all emotions, except for one, to the limit, in order to hide this one emotion for yourself. Experience shows that this one emotion in the vast majority of cases is fear (kidneys). Sleep is unfavorable: indicates a significant and destructive distortion of the flow of qi energy in the body with an unwillingness to realize one's mistakes. You should think about the consequences and deal with the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. In business terms - the failure of affairs and the rupture of relations. Kissing someone on the lips - giving your own inner strength and get something in return.

Seeing labia in a dream - difficulties will arise on life path, during the fight against them, you will need to show firmness of character. The dream is interpreted as awareness of the influence external factors on your organs, as well as your own responsibility for your body.

Their genitals, seen in a dream, hint at the presence of experiences regarding attractiveness, strength and firmness of character.

Did you paint your lips in a dream? Did you dream about healthy lips? What color did you dream of lips in a dream? Were lips painted in a dream? What lip product did you dream about? What thickness of lips did you dream about? What action happened to the lips?

Did you paint your lips in a dream?

Paint lips Paint lips with red lipstick

Did you dream about healthy lips?

Dreaming of herpes on the lips

Seeing herpes on the lips in a dream is a high probability of the occurrence of such a disease in reality. The dream reports possible hypothermia and colds. It is recommended to think about health before it is too late.

If you dream of a cold on the lips

A dream about a cold that arose on pale, dry and thin lips hints at the wrong movement of energy in the body. The likelihood of a serious illness is high. Perhaps a person close to you can pick up the disease.

Dreaming of a broken lip

A broken lip in a dream symbolizes deprivation and the presence of unreasonable desires. If the dreaming mouth is wounded, your mind is in the grip of passion. For this reason, serious problems often arise on the path of life.

Dreamed of swollen lips

The dream, where you saw swollen lips, is interpreted by the dream book as a need for prudence and restraint. Otherwise, unpleasant situations will arise.

To see the swollen lips of a loved one - to the trouble awaiting him. It is recommended to be careful, to save your soulmate from encroachments by strangers.

What color did you dream of lips in a dream?

Red lips

Were lips painted in a dream?

Painted lips according to the dream book

The dream, where you saw painted lips, is interpreted by the dream book as dissatisfaction with you coming from a sexual partner. He has not yet informed you of his disappointment.

In a dream, a man saw the lips of an unfamiliar person - in reality there is interest in him from the side of the girl. She hopes that she will be able to build a serious relationship with you.

What lip product did you dream about?

Lip gloss

What thickness of lips did you dream about?

plump lips in a dream

Have you dreamed of plump, sensual lips? A dream reports an aggravation of your sensations and a seething of emotions. There is a need for a change of feeling.

The mouth is too full - your emotional background is too unstable. Pull yourself together, calm your nerves and don't get upset over little things.

Lips, Lip, Lipstick, Red lips, Painted lips

If your attention in a dream was attracted by Red Painted Lips, the Dream clearly has sexual overtones. Dream Interpretations believe that sensual lips that belonged to a person of the opposite sex indicate the physical dissatisfaction that you experience in reality. And a different forecast is relevant for those who dreamed of their lips. Assessing the condition of the Lips you see, you can understand a lot about yourself.

I dreamed of my plump and beautiful lips- well-being in everything; inner harmony and self-satisfaction.

Dreamed of your too thick or swollen lips- excess of information; be careful when making new acquaintances.

Dreamed of your too thin lips or lip- Show perseverance and perseverance.

Your Lips, Seen in a dream, will tell you what state your affairs are in this period of life. Lips in oriental medicine are considered information center and an indicator of emotional balance within the body. If your Lips were beautiful and healthy in a dream, it means that in reality nothing disturbs your inner balance. Sick, Swollen or too thin Lips in a dream - a manifestation of an imbalance between your desires and capabilities.

Dreamed of someone else's lips in a dream- sexual dissatisfaction.

Dreamed of red or painted lips- sexual interest, temptation.

If a woman saw in a dream Lips Belonging to some man, On the face of a hidden sexual interest or physical dissatisfaction. If a man saw in a dream Red or Painted female Lips, It should be remembered who exactly was the owner of these Lips. Most likely, you are experiencing a hidden physical desire for this woman.

dreamed lipstick(for women)- taking care of yourself; (for men) - interest in a representative of the opposite sex.

The appearance of Lipstick in male dream primarily associated with interest in some person. For women, this dream should be considered "empty", since it is provoked by concern for oneself and one's appearance.

Dream Interpretation: What lips are dreaming of

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Lips

To paint lips in a dream suggests that you should not say too much so as not to bring trouble on yourself.

Red lips dream that you will succeed through hard and hard work.

Seeing a cold on your lips in a dream means that you should think about your actions and take them critically.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about lips mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see lips in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Dreaming lips? Tell me your dream!

Dream Interpretation Kiss on the lips, why dream Kiss on the lips in a dream to see

Modern dream book If you dream of Kiss on the lips:

Solves the dream book: A kiss on the lips - basically such a dream has a negative interpretation and it doesn’t matter who exactly is the initiator. In reality, you will encounter deception from friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, deceit. Such dreams can warn of hostility or misunderstanding between people. For example, you kiss on the lips with a boss, colleague, business partner - soon your relationship will become complicated, not everything will necessarily end in a quarrel, but hidden hostility will remain.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, squabbles. Kissing with a regular partner is an empty dream that throws up images from your memories, but a kiss with a stranger speaks of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of a Kiss on the lips in a dream:

Kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you have fun free time. A kiss with enemies indicates the need to forget old grievances and build relationships with old acquaintances. Dream Interpretation Kiss on the lips married couple interpreted as the preservation of harmony, fidelity and devotion. You are kissing a person of the same sex as you - wait loud scandal, hostile situation.

Dream Interpretation A kiss with a dead person portends a serious illness that is difficult to treat. Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a friend indicates troubles, problems that will arise due to the fault of your partner from sleep. Your lover kissed you - soon you will quarrel or even part.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream Kiss on the lips: "French", deep - in reality you will get sick, but the disease will soon recede, a protracted, long, passionate hickey indicates parting with your loved one. We felt pain in the mouth during the kiss - soon get rid of painful thoughts, life will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a spouse warns you against thoughtless actions, as a result of which you can lose his respect. kiss with unknown woman- in the near future you can commit shameless and immoral acts.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Kiss on the lips according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Why dream of a Kiss on the lips with a dead man - to a serious illness or to death. Kissing in a dream with a celebrity - to a sharp increase in trust and respect for you from colleagues and friends.

Broken lip

Dream Interpretation Broken lip dreamed of why in a dream a broken lip? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken lip in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

for lovers - reciprocity;

See also face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips to paint - separation.

Big lips

Dream Interpretation Big lips dreamed of why big lips dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Big lips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and a kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in the lips indicates a possible betrayal of your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) speak of your partner's frivolity.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is unhappy with you, but does not yet tell you about it.

Clean, tender lips speak of a desire to find the perfect partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fear of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To have big lips - to the upcoming concern.

Very thick lips - to the successful solution of problems.

Dirty lips in a dream - to trouble.

Someone else's clearly defined lips dreamed - to reciprocity and disposition from others.

Thin lips dream - to new problems that will appear due to the hasty solution of old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To dream of thick, ugly lips on someone's face - to hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones, to abundance in the house. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips - to the fact that you can easily master foreign language which you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this portends the possibility of achieving what you want through a sacrifice that will cost you nothing materially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To see beautiful lips in a dream - to good news and good health. But if they are made up, then beware of saying too much, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. Dry and chapped lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and the subsequent parting await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without ugliness), then you will have an addition to the family. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the situation you have created. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

"his lip is not stupid" to have good taste.

"slap lips", "lip-slap" idle talker, onlookers.

"to have sensual lips" sex appeal. "Pout out lips" resentment, swagger, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips very large to have - concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

In a dream, a woman smears her own lips with something - experiencing sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

it is the help of man. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off, he is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, that relationship with friends does not develop. in the best way. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Partial lips - to a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - to the trouble of a loved one.

Thin - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one by own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, well-defined lips - to reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad family relationships;
pleasant full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the house;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
See also face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing your lips swollen is a slight malaise.

Lips to paint - separation.

Exactly. No wonder mom forbids you to use her cosmetics.

Black painted lips

Dream Interpretation Black lips painted dreamed of why in a dream Black painted lips? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Black lips painted in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and a kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in the lips indicates a possible betrayal of your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) speak of your partner's frivolity.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is unhappy with you, but does not yet tell you about it.

Clean, tender lips speak of a desire to find the perfect partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fear of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To dream of thick, ugly lips on someone's face - to hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones, to abundance in the house. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips - to the fact that you can easily master a foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this portends the possibility of achieving what you want through a sacrifice that will cost you nothing materially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To have big lips - to the upcoming concern.

Very thick lips - to the successful solution of problems.

Dirty lips in a dream - to trouble.

Someone else's clearly defined lips dreamed - to reciprocity and disposition from others.

Thin lips dream - to new problems that will appear due to the hasty solution of old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To see beautiful lips in a dream - to good news and good health. But if they are made up, then beware of saying too much, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. Dry and chapped lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and the subsequent parting await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without ugliness), then you will have an addition to the family. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the situation you have created. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

"his lip is not stupid" to have good taste.

"slap lips", "lip-slap" idle talker, onlookers.

"to have sensual lips" sex appeal. "Pout out lips" resentment, swagger, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips very large to have - concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

In a dream, a woman smears her own lips with something - experiencing sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

it is the help of man. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off, he is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, that relationship with friends does not develop in the best way. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Partial lips - to a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - to the trouble of a loved one.

Thin - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through their own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, well-defined lips - to reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad family relationships;
pleasant full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the house;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
See also face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing your lips swollen is a slight malaise.

Lips to paint - separation.

Exactly. No wonder mom forbids you to use her cosmetics.

Herpes on the lips

Dream Interpretation Herpes ea lips had a dream about why Herpes dreams on her lips? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Herpes on the lips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Herpes

A predisposition to herpes is a dream warning: it is necessary to avoid any hypothermia, colds.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and a kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in the lips indicates a possible betrayal of your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) speak of your partner's frivolity.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is unhappy with you, but does not yet tell you about it.

Clean, tender lips speak of a desire to find the perfect partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fear of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To have big lips - to the upcoming concern.

Very thick lips - to the successful solution of problems.

Dirty lips in a dream - to trouble.

Someone else's clearly defined lips dreamed - to reciprocity and disposition from others.

Thin lips dream - to new problems that will appear due to the hasty solution of old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To dream of thick, ugly lips on someone's face - to hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones, to abundance in the house. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips - to the fact that you can easily master a foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this portends the possibility of achieving what you want through a sacrifice that will cost you nothing materially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To see beautiful lips in a dream - to good news and good health. But if they are made up, then beware of saying too much, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. Dry and chapped lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and the subsequent parting await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without ugliness), then you will have an addition to the family. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the situation you have created. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

"his lip is not stupid" to have good taste.

"slap lips", "lip-slap" idle talker, onlookers.

"to have sensual lips" sex appeal. "Pout out lips" resentment, swagger, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips very large to have - concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

In a dream, a woman smears her own lips with something - experiencing sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

it is the help of man. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off, he is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, that relationship with friends does not develop in the best way. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Partial lips - to a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - to the trouble of a loved one.

Thin - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through their own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, well-defined lips - to reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad family relationships;
pleasant full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the house;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
See also face.

The mouth and lips are associated with many of the human internal organs. If you dream of lips, then first of all you should pay attention to the state of your internal organs. The emotions that arise in this case will provide information about the state of the body as a whole.

The person on upper lip With inside the posterior median ends, and the anteromedian begins in the middle of the lip. So these two meridians show the movement of energy in human body. So, we can conclude that lips are the most important symbol of our health, or vice versa, ill health. The interpretation of this dream can be considered from different dream books.

Why do lips dream according to Miller's dream book

  • To see lips in your dream means that you consciously understand that the lips are affected by the organs associated with them, which directly affect the state of the person himself.
  • If you dreamed of excessively full lips, this is a sign that your mood changes quite often. That is, in real life this can be expressed in unwillingness to suppress one's own violent emotions in favor of the people around, in regular acquaintances, in order not to maintain long-term relationships and sacrifice something for this.
  • Seeing pleasant full beautiful lips means complete harmony in relationships, in the house.
  • For lovers, sleep lips mean overcoming future difficulties.
  • Inflamed or swollen lips - deprivation of something important for a person.

Lips in a dream - Tsvetkov's dream book

  • If the lips in your dream were bright or sensual, it portends that you will show your bad character and this will cause abuse and even separation (divorce) from your lover.
  • Thin lips dream of a hasty conclusion.
  • To see a very clearly drawn mouth in your dream is a complete idyll and reciprocity of feelings. If you dream of an unnaturally large mouth, beware of a serious illness.

Why lips dream - a modern dream book

  • Thick and not very beautiful lips are dreaming - it is necessary for some time to avoid meetings that are not very pleasant for you, communication, harshness in relations with your other half, and not to make hasty conclusions.
  • Plump lips - symbolize harmony. For people in love, this dream indicates mutual warm relationship, strong love and fidelity to each other.
  • I dreamed of thin bright lips - a symbol of your constancy. Such a dream can predict success in the planned affairs.
  • If you dream of slightly wounded lips - be careful, this may portend the deprivation of something important to you.
  • If in your dream you are worried about your lips, then in reality you pay excessive attention to the opposite sex.
  • If someone’s lips attract you in a dream, this means that you devote too little time to your companion.

Why dream of painting lips

If a girl in her dream sees painted lips - in reality this may mean that she is already ready for new romantic meetings, adventures or romance. For men, a dream in which lips were dreamed means a hidden attraction to the opposite sex, sympathy.

Seeing in a dream how you choose bright lipstick, but you cannot choose and decide on a suitable shade - symbolizes excessive capriciousness on your part towards guys (men). The dream in which you paint your lips is a new relationship.

Very often, lipstick can be a symbol of a temporary mask or false feelings for some person. Seeing how you paint someone's lips with bright lipstick can also symbolize your lack of sincerity in reality.

Dream Interpretation - kiss on the lips

Seeing children kissing in your dream is a sign that after a while there will be a happy reconciliation in the family or job satisfaction. If you dreamed that you were kissing your own mother, then this portends the achievement of success in entrepreneurship, receiving an award.

To dream that you are kissing your sister or your brother is a sign of a strong, lasting friendship. For spouses, a dream about lips can mean spiritual harmony.

If you dreamed of lips that have an overly sensual passionate look, bright saturated color, this indicates a bad temper, potential disagreements with a loved one, divorce and separation that will happen through your fault. But beautiful lips with clearly defined lines speak of reciprocity. The thin shape of the lips indicates haste in conclusions and deeds.

Correct dream book

If you see a dream in which ugly, thick lips appear, such a dream warns: you should avoid unpleasant meetings, you should not make hasty decisions and behave intemperately with your family members. See nice plump lips Pink colour- to harmony and abundance. If people who are in love have such a dream, then their relationship promises to grow into strong mutual feelings, which will be built on loyalty and love. Thin lips indicate perseverance and perseverance. It is in your power to achieve the goal that you have outlined for yourself and to which you aspired. A dream about swollen lips that have a weathered or wounded appearance predicts deprivation and unreasonable desires. If in a dream you are very concerned about the condition of your lips, their beauty, then in reality you devote too much time to members of the opposite sex. In a dream, paint lips - in reality, tune in to flirt, coquetry, romantic relationship. If in a dream you consider someone's lips to be beautiful, alluring, seductive, then in reality you are not attentive enough to the person to whom you feel affection and