Oral speech is characterized by the presence of a variety of emotional and intonational shades. With their help, you can add to the same expression different meanings: surprise, mockery, question, approval and other options. It is much more difficult to convey all this in writing, but it is possible with the help of punctuation marks that reflect the main elements of intonation.

The concept of intonation

Without intonation, it seems boring, dry and lifeless. Only with the help of voice overflows can any narration be made alive and expressive. Therefore, intonation is called the rhythmic-melodic side of the speaking process.

A narrower value of intonation implies fluctuations in voice tone, which in in general terms identified with melodic oral speech. A broader understanding expands the concept of melody, supplementing it with pauses, tempo and other components of the speech flow, up to the timbre of the voice and its rhythm. There are also less familiar and obvious basic elements of intonation. Emphasis applies to them as well as possible. Wherein we are talking not only about the verbal, but also about its logical version. Highlighting one word in the speech stream significantly changes the entire tone of the sentence.

Melody as the basis of intonation

To understand what is the difference in the semantic load of the same phrase, but in different ones, you need to look at its melody. It is with her that the main elements of intonation begin.

To begin with, we note that the melody organizes one phrase together. But also with its help semantic distinction is made. The same statements take on new shades depending on how the melody manifests itself.

Consider this with a specific example: "Sit!" pronounced with a sharp and loud intonation, placing emphasis on the vowel, shows a categorical order. “Side-e-et ?!” - expresses a question and indignation due to the length of the stressed vowel and the rising intonation at the end of the phrase. Thus, we see that the same word, enriched with different melody, has a completely different semantic load.

Intonation in syntax

To distinguish between parts of a sentence, highlight its semantic center, complete a speech phrase, a person uses different intonational means. Because it is so important to a science like syntax, she studies these tools the most.

The Russian language has six types of intonation constructions. Its central part is a syllable, on which all types of stresses go. Also, this center divides the structure into two parts, which are not distinguished in all phrases.

The most common types, and, consequently, intonation sentences are narrative, interrogative and exclamatory. It is around these intonation patterns that the main melodic picture of speech is built.

Offer types

Syntaxists distinguish sentences by purpose, intonation. Each of them expresses completely different information and has its own melody.

They convey information calmly, evenly and without any obvious intonation. Most of the emotional nuances in such sentences are formed at the lexical level: "At the seaside, there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak ..."

The question is characterized by an ascending-falling intonation, in which at the beginning of the question the tone rises significantly, and towards its end it decreases: "When did you come here?"

But the exclamation has an even rising intonation. The tone of the phrase rises gradually, and at its end it acquires the highest tension: "She has come!"

We conclude that the intonation, examples of which we examined above, serves to express the emotions and attitude of the one who speaks to the content of the information he said.

Other intonation aids

If we consider this issue in more detail, then sentences on intonation are not only of three types. Its additional means give an unlimited picture of emotional and intonational expression.

The human voice has different qualities. It can be loud and quiet, hoarse and sonorous, creaky, tense and fluid. All these qualities make speech more melodic and expressive. But they are weakly transmitted in writing in separate characters.

The intonation picture also depends on the speed of speech. The melody of fast speech indicates the excited state of the person who speaks. A slow pace is characteristic of situations of uncertainty or solemnity.

And, perhaps, the most intonations are pauses. They are phrasal and clock. They serve to express emotions and divide the speech flow into complete blocks. According to their modality, pauses are completed and not completed. The former are used at the absolute end of a sentence. In its middle there is a place for unfinished pauses, which form the end of the bar, but not the whole phrase.

The meaning of the sentence depends on the correct use of the pause. Everyone knows the example: "Execution cannot be pardoned." The location of the pause depends on whether a person survives or not.

Reflection of intonation in writing

The intonation of the text is more typical for live speech, when a person can control his voice and use it to change the melody of the statement. looks rather dry and uninteresting, if you do not use the means by which intonation is transmitted. Examples of such signs are known to everyone from school - these are dots, dashes, exclamation points and commas.

The end of a thought is marked by a dot. Sequential unfolding of the phrase is formed by commas indicating the place of pauses. An unfinished, broken thought is an ellipsis.

Cause-and-effect relationships, on the other hand, are expressed with a dash. Before him in speech, the intonation always rises, and after that it goes down. The colon, on the contrary, is characterized by the fact that in front of it the voice subsides a little, and after a pause it begins new round its development with a gradual fading towards the end of the sentence.

General intonation of the text

With the help of intonational means, you can add a general tone to the sound of the text. Romantic stories always tense and intriguing. They evoke emotions of empathy and sympathy. But strict reports do not respond at all on an emotional level. In them, except for pauses, there are no other significant intonational means.

Of course, it cannot be argued that the overall sound of the text is completely dependent on particular intonational means. But overall picture is reflected only if certain elements of the melody are used for disclosure main idea. Without this, the essence of the message may be incomprehensible to people who have read it.

Intonation of different styles of speech

Each style of speech has its own intonation picture. Depending on it, it can be both maximally developed and versatile, and minimal, without any special emotional overflows.

Official business and scientific styles in this regard can be called the most dry. They tell about specific facts built on dry information.

The most emotional styles can be called colloquial and artistic. To convey all the colors of oral speech in writing, the main elements of intonation, and other, less popular means, are used. Often, in order for the reader to imagine the speech of the character, the authors resort to detailed description pronunciation process. All this is complemented by written intonation signs. Therefore, the reader easily reproduces in his head the intonation that he sees through visual perception.

Topic: Intonation of a sentence.

Tasks: to know structural components intonation;

functions of intonation in speech;

distinctive features intonation;

analyze intonation structures.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

II. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

III.Updating educational knowledge.

1. Teacher:

In oral sounding speech, a variety of means are used that enrich it, make it expressive, emotional, and enhance its impact on listeners.

What are these funds? What are they?

The famous Russian linguist A.B. Shapiro characterizes them thus:

“In oral speech, we make many such pauses, raising and lowering the tone, slowing down and speeding up the tempo of speech, changes in the timbre of the voice, etc., which are never noted and cannot be noted in a written text by the mere fact that this day was required would great amount various signs - probably no less, and possibly more than they are required for musical texts.

Any statement is pronounced with intonation. Intonation is a complex phenomenon, it consists of several components.

Recall the main elements of intonation:

3) pause (temporary stop of speech);

4) pace (speed of speech);

5) tone (sound coloring that gives speech certain emotional shades - the tone is cheerful, playful, gloomy, etc.)

Pay attention to what icons indicate the main elements of intonation.

2. Vocabulary and spelling work.

Let's pay attention to the etymology of the word intonation.

INTONATION. Loans. in the middle of the XIX century. from the French lang., where intonation - lat. intonation, suf. derived from intonare"make noise, rattle" (from tone"tone).

3. Exercise 250

In what tone can you say the same phrase?

Try to write down as many adjectives as possible for the word tone.

Explore dictionary entry tone epithet dictionary. Compare it to your list. Supplement it with those epithets that characterize the tone that corresponds to the norms speech etiquette.

Let's check the work.

Polite, generous, benevolent, supportive, delicate, good-natured, benevolent, trusting, friendly, cheerful, sincere, sincere, correct, affectionate, amiable, gentle, approving, respectfully correct, amiable, joyful, even, cordial, sympathetic, calm, warm, touching, respectful, sympathetic, courteous.

4. Intonation is characterized by the timbre (tone) of speech, depending on the target setting. He can be "gloomy", "cheerful", "scared", etc.

Consider the drawing for exercise 251 and explain its linguistic meaning.

Prove that the following sentences, depending on intonation, can convey the meaning of approval and disapproval.

What a kind boy you are! This is some kind of miracle! How lovely! Well, how good are you!

5. Drawing up proposals.

V. Morozov wrote: “The voice is warm and soft, rough and gloomy, frightened and timid, jubilant and confident, malicious and insinuating, solid, lively, triumphant and with a thousand more shades that express the most diverse feelings, moods of a person and even his thoughts ". And V. Belinsky argued that "the point is not in the word, but in the tone in which this word is pronounced."

Make sentences from the pictures and say them in different tones.

6. In each phrase there is a logical stress, it falls on the word that is the most important in the meaning of the phrase. With the help of logical stress, you can clarify the meaning of the statement.

Read each sentence several times, changing the place of the logical stress.

Tomorrow we will go to the theater not on next week ).

Tomorrow we ( our class, not another Let's go to the theatre.

Tomorrow we will go to the theater let's not go).

Tomorrow we will go to the theater not on a tour).

7. Working with phrases.

Try to split the phrase Why put the stamp into words and read it.

Now check yourself (Ex. 256). It turns out that the meaning of this phrase can be understood in different ways and, therefore, it can be written in different ways. Read each option with the appropriate intonation.

Independent work.

Divide the phrases into words and write down the resulting sentences.

Slide #10

8. Intonation consists of raising and lowering the voice - this is the melody of speech. Let us characterize the melody of the main types of sentences in the Russian language. P.121 textbook, theory.

9. A prepared student reads the text of exercise 261 in accordance with the given marks.

Slide #12

10. Independent work (leaves with the text of the poem on each desk).

Place intonation marks and read the text expressively.

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child

That on a dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

Like a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window.

Our ramshackle shack

And sad and dark.

What are you, my old lady,

Silent at the window?

Or howling storms

You, my friend, are tired

Or slumber under the buzz

Your spindle?

Slide #12

11. Work based on the painting by V.E. Makovsky “The First Tailcoat”.

Let's remember what a dialogue is.

Let's find out what the word polylogue means?

Vocabulary and spelling work.

polylogue ( from the Greek poly "many" and logos "word") - a conversation in which not two, but several people take part.

Slide #13

Consider a reproduction of the painting by V.E. Makovsky “The First Tailcoat”.

Slide #14

How does the artist describe a big event - the fitting of a tailcoat that has just been sewn and put on for the first time by the only man in the family?

What do the gestures, posture, facial expressions of the characters say?

Imagine, in connection with which the tailcoat was ordered, what event is the man and his whole family preparing for?

Based on the picture, make up a dialogue or polylogue using sentences different types and read your text out loud.

We made sure that intonation conveys the semantic and emotional differences of statements, reflects the state and mood of the speakers, their attitude to the subject of the conversation or to each other.

Intonation distinguishes oral speech from written speech, makes it richer, more expressive, gives it a unique, individual character.

Intonation also performs a syntactic function: it indicates the end of the phrase, its completeness or incompleteness, what type of sentence the sentence belongs to, whether it contains a question, an exclamation or a narrative. IN writing the reader learns about the syntactic role of intonation by punctuation marks.

The lesson will end with B. Golovin's statement (from exercise 249): “Remember that your intonation is a mirror of your emotional life, the movement of your soul. Culture of feelings and emotional interpersonal relationships is inextricably linked with the culture of the intonational "decoration" of the utterance.

V. Homework: item 14, exercise 262

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 9 on the topic "Intonation of a complex sentence."

Lesson type: lesson learning new material

The purpose of the lesson: to form knowledge about the features of intonation in simple and complex sentences.

Lesson objectives:

1) Educational:

To update students' knowledge about compound and complex sentences, their means of communication;

To form the ability to intonation correctly read simple and complex (compound and complex) sentences; intonation correctly build complex sentences from simple ones; make graphic intonation schemes of complex sentences.

2) Educational:

Raise students' interest in the subject being studied;

To cultivate industriousness, high efficiency of schoolchildren.

3) Developing:

Promote the development of students' speech, enrich them lexicon;

- improve the skills of analysis and systematization of languagematerial;

- develop logical thinking memory, imagination, ability toself-regulation and self-control;

Educational and methodical technical support:

1) L.A. Trostentsova, A.I. Zaporozhets. Russian language. Lesson developments. Grade 9 Manual for teachers of general education. institutions. - M.: Education, 2014.

2) L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. Russian language: textbook. for general education organizations. - M.: Education, 2013.

3) N.V. Egorova. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 9. - M.: VAKO, 2008.

4) Laptop, projector.

5) Handout material.

Lesson plan.

1). Organizational moment (1-2 min.)

2) Reference repetition (5-6 min.)

3) Explanation of new material (5-6 min.)

4) Primary consolidation of knowledge, skills (5-6 min.)

5) Formation of skills (10 min.)

6) Control of the primary level of formation of knowledge and skills (5-6 min.)

7) Homework (1-2 min.)

8) Summing up (2-3 min.)

Methodical substantiation of the lesson.

The lesson is held in the system of Russian language lessons in grade 9, is a continuation in the study of the "Complex sentence" section. Students learned to distinguish between the functions of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence. Most students have learned that in SPP punctuation marks (commas) perform only a distinguishing function, in BSP and SSP - a separating one. The lesson is aimed at developing the skills and abilities to correctly punctuate complex sentences, use punctuation marks in various functions (highlighting and separating) between parts of a complex sentence. When studying the topic, students should pay attention to the fact that intonation in simple and complex sentences is different. The most difficult for students is the compilation of graphic intonation schemes. At the lesson, it is planned to use multimedia (diagrams, tables, exercises are projected on the screen), attracting handouts, alternating various kinds learning activities listening to audio recordings of simple and complex sentences. During the lesson, the individual characteristics of the class students are taken into account (30% of students have low learning abilities, insufficient learning motivation), so the lesson is built on joint work teachers and students. As a result of performing certain actions, it is planned to achieve the main goal of the lesson - to form knowledge about the features of intonation in simple and complex sentences.


Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


Organizing time

Method: teacher's word

Reception: welcoming, leading word of the teacher (greeting, identifying absentees in the class, writing in the notebook the date and type of work)

Method: cheating

Reception: uncomplicated cheating


Reference repetition

I. Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Material for conversation:

1. Name the means of communication between parts in the SSP and SPP.

2. What punctuation marks help convey a variety of semantic relationships between simple sentences as part of complex ones?

3. In what sentences are punctuation marks separated, and in which ones are parts of the complex distinguished?

4. How is the intonation of completion (end of sentence) expressed?

I. Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation


Explanation of new material.

Method: teacher's word

Reception: introductory, reporting word of the teacher

What's happenedintonation ? This is the rhythmic-melodic side of speech, the alternation of raising and lowering the voice. Intonation includes both the tempo of speech and its timbre, expressing the various feelings of the speaker, and the logical stress that falls on the word that is most important in meaning, and pauses that largely determine the meaning of the statement. . That is, intonation is manifested in live oral speech, in speaking. In writing, in transmission colloquial speech or in artistic text intonation can be indicated by remarks, explanations of the author.

What role does intonation play in a sentence? Intonation organizes the rhythmic melody of sentences and expresses their specific meaning. The same sentence can have more than one meaning depending on intonation. Examples: “Well done!”, “I am very happy” - in oral speech, such sentences can express a direct meaning (praise, joy) and the exact opposite of it (disapproval, dissatisfaction), if the intonation is ironic.

What are the features of intonation various types suggestions? Declarative sentences have ascending-descending intonation. In an interrogative sentence, depending on the place of logical stress, intonation is descending, ascending, ascending-descending. Incentive sentences are pronounced with a rise in tone, especially if they express an order, not a request.

Method: listening

Reception: Global, Evaluative Hearing


Primary consolidation of knowledge and skills

Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading, instructing, accompanying word of the teacher (textbook material on page 32)

Compare by intonation simple sentences and complex. Read them according to the graphic designation. Read expressively an excerpt from N. Rubtsov's poem. Watch how it's pronounced difficult sentence in accordance with the signs showing a pause, increase or decrease in tone.

Method: observation.

Reception:: observation of textual material (, p. 10, p. 32)

Audio recording of simple and complex sentences.


Formation of skills

Teacher word method

Reception:leading, instructing word of the teacher

(Ex. 56. Follow the rise and fall of the voice when constructing complex sentences from these simple ones. Write down complex sentences, forming them with the help of the union that is necessary in meaning, without the help of the union.

Method: exercise

Ex. 56


Control of the primary level of formation of knowledge and skills

Method: teacher's word

(Ex. 57. Read with the intonation of a complex sentence. Write down the sentences, drawing up a diagram of each and showing the intonation features graphically)

I. Method: exercise

Ex. 57



Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading, instructing word of the teacher

p. 9, ex. 59

Method: listening



Method: teacher's word

Reception: commenting, generalizing word (marking for the lesson, summing up the lesson, identifying students who have mastered and have not mastered new material)

Method: listening

Reception: global, nonjudgmental listening


I. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence:

Before a bad weather, swallows fly low and the fish do not bite.)

II. Find the "fourth extra":

1. The house is small, but does not let you get bored.

2. Bread and porridge are our food.

3. Small, but remote.

4. Good Masha, but not ours.

(Extra sentence -2:yes=and , in other casesyes=but .)

Self-analysis of the lesson.

The lesson on the topic "Intonation of a complex sentence" took place, it was designed for one academic hour. The lesson went according to plan. The students actively worked, answered questions, showed interest in doing exercise 57. At the end of the lesson, there was little time left, so we managed to use the reserve material, played the game "The Fourth Extra", during which we analyzed each sentence separately. I concluded that when drawing up the calendar-thematic planning, it was necessary not to allocate a whole academic hour for the study of this topic. it could be combined with the topic "Dividing and highlighting punctuation".

§ 1 Intonation and basic elements of intonation

The purpose of this lesson is to generalize knowledge about intonation, its role and meaning both in a simple sentence and in a complex one; to clarify what is the essential difference between the intonation of a simple sentence and the intonation of a complex one.

Intonation is the sound side of speech, serving in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotionally expressive coloring.

The main elements of intonation are:

The melody of speech, transmitted by raising and lowering the voice in a phrase.

Compare the intonation of the declarative and interrogative sentences:

The next element of intonation is the rhythm of speech, or the alternation of stressed and unstressed, long and short syllables.

Compare prose and poetic speech, conveying the same picture - a description of a thunderstorm:

A warm breeze walks on the grass, bends the trees and raises dust. Now the May rain will splatter and a real thunderstorm will begin.

(A.P. Chekhov)

I love the storm in early May,

When the first spring thunder

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbles in the blue sky.

(F. I. Tyutchev)

An important element of intonation is the intensity of speech, or the strength and weakness of pronunciation, associated with an increase or decrease in exhalation.

For comparison, you can take a speech in a room setting and a speech in a square, in front of a large crowd of people.

When characterizing intonation, last role plays the pace of speech. It is characterized by the speed of speech flow in time and the duration of pauses between speech passages.

For example, slow speech and tongue twister speech.

Also important next element intonation - the timbre of speech, or sound coloring, giving speech certain emotional and expressive shades (the timbre is "cheerful", "playful", "gloomy").

And finally, the last element of intonation, or sound side speech, is a phrasal or logical stress, serving as a means of highlighting speech segments or individual words in a phrase to enhance their semantic load.

Compare the setting of logical stress in the sentences:

As a rule, if the logical stress falls on a word at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence (I will go today), then the intonation is tense, and the logical stress itself is strong.

If the logical stress falls on the word at the end of the sentence (to the institute), then the intonation of the entire sentence is calm, and the logical stress itself is weak.

Such a stylistic concept as inversion is closely related to logical stress. Inversion is the use of a sentence not in direct, but in reverse word order. In reverse word order, the predicate comes before the subject, and the attribute can come after the word being defined.

For example:

When inverting the most important word pronounced more clearly, stands out in meaning and voice.

§ 2 Differences in intonation of simple and complex sentences

Since any sentence is characterized by intonation and semantic completeness, representing a separate statement, intonation is an essential feature of the sentence. Both simple and complex sentences are characterized by the intonation of the end of the sentence, which is expressed in lowering the voice towards the end of the sentence.

For example:

Being part of a complex sentence, any simple one loses the intonation of completeness, as it becomes part of a complex one. In a complex sentence, the intonation of the end of the sentence is realized once and is expressed by a long pause at the end of the sentence. This allows you to know when a complex sentence ends.

Usually a pause between parts of a complex sentence is fixed, and, as a rule, it is preceded by a rise in voice.

For example:

It can be concluded that the intonation of a complex sentence consists of three main elements: first, a rise in voice, then a pause, and a gradual decrease in voice towards the end of the sentence.

Intonation, with or without conjunctions, connects individual simple sentences into a single whole, and thus acts as a means of communication in a complex sentence.

For example:

Summing up the lesson, it can be emphasized that skillful and competent possession of all the intonational features of Russian speech gives endless possibilities to the speaker to convey not only feelings and emotions, but also his speech individuality, as well as the variety of poetic and prose speech.

List of used literature:

  1. Zolotareva I.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 320 p. - (To help the school teacher).
  2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference linguistic terms: Teacher's Guide. - M .: Education, 1985. - 399 p.
  3. Baranov M.T. Russian language: Reference materials: a guide for students. - M .: Education, 2007. - 285 p.
  4. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. – M.: graduate School, 1977.- 316s.