Where only the gray wolf lives! It can be found in Europe and Asia, in North America and on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. He can live both in the taiga and coniferous forests(which everyone knows), and in the icy tundra and in the deserts. In Hindustan, the wolf lives up to about 16' north latitude. The lifestyle of many subspecies is different, in addition, they differ in size and color.


The wolf is the largest animal in its family: its body is 160 cm long (including the tail); at the withers, the height reaches 90 cm; weighs about 60 kg.

Body gray wolf distinguished by strength, muscularity, broad-chested. Legs - high, with tightly compressed fingers. The head is broad and elegant at the same time. Ears are small. Dark stripes on the head are picturesquely combined with almost pure white cheeks and light spots above the eyes. The tail is not very long, hanging almost straight. Long thick fur reaches 8 cm. The undercoat is hard long black guard hairs at the ends, repelling water, ensuring its impermeability. The common wolf has a completely different coloration, which varies depending on the range. There are even white individuals found in the Arctic. Other color options are various variations of white with brown, gray, cinnamon, black, sometimes completely black. North American wolves can boast of generally three different colors color. The first is a mixture of gray, black and cinnamon, the top is brown. The second is a mixture of black and dark brown. The third is gray with brown.



The wolf lives in a variety of landscapes, but prefers steppes, semi-deserts, tundra, forest-steppe, avoiding dense forests. In the mountains, it is distributed from the foothills to the area of ​​alpine meadows, adhering to open, slightly rugged areas. Can settle near human habitation. In the taiga zone, it spread after humans, as the taiga was cleared.

The wolf is quite a territorial creature. Breeding pairs, and often flocks, live settled in certain areas, the boundaries of which are indicated by odorous marks. The diameter of the area occupied by the flock in winter is usually 30-60 kilometers. In spring and summer, when the flock breaks up, the territory occupied by it is divided into several fragments. The best of them is captured and held by the main pair, the rest of the wolves pass to a semi-wandering way of life. In the open steppes and tundra, wolves often roam after moving herds of livestock or domestic deer.

Sociality, habits, other features of life

Wolves live in packs - family groups of 3 to 40 animals. At the head of the pack are the leader, the strongest and smartest of the males of the pack, and his girlfriend. Around them single and young wolves unite. The leader enjoys unquestioned authority in the pack. Those wolves who do not like the power of the leader are expelled from the pack, or leave on their own in the hope of creating their own pack. Each flock has its own territory, which animals carefully protect from intruders.

The famous wolf howl, heard far around, is one way to make it clear that this territory is occupied.

Nutrition, ways of getting food

The main prey of the wolf is large ungulates. It can be moose, reindeer or other deer, roe deer, wild boars. Wolves also prey on smaller mammals: hares, ground squirrels, other rodents, as well as birds. In times of famine, this formidable predator will not disdain such "undignified" food as insects or carrion. IN winter time wolves prey on moose, deer or roe deer. Wolves have different methods of hunting: they take the victim by starvation, attack from an ambush, replace each other in a grueling pursuit, try to separate from the herd and attack a weak or sick animal. However, only one out of ten wolf hunts ends successfully. The leader and his female are the first to saturate, choosing the best pieces of carcass.

Reproduction, growth, lifespan

During the mating season, skirmishes and serious fights occur in the pack, sometimes with a fatal outcome. After the formation of a pair, the "young" are removed from the flock. Pregnancy lasts about two months, then the she-wolf gives birth to three to ten blind cubs. The whole flock helps to feed the young offspring, bringing to the den, where the she-wolf with babies is located, selected pieces of meat.

Lairs are arranged for breeding offspring; usually they are served by natural shelters - crevices in the rocks, thickets of bushes and the like. Sometimes wolves occupy the burrows of badgers, marmots, arctic foxes and other animals, less often they dig them on their own. Most of all, the female is attached to the den during the rearing of offspring, the male does not use it. Young growth is hatched in sheltered places: in the forest belt - mainly in dense shrubs, on manes among marshy swamps; in the steppes - along ravines overgrown with shrubs, gullies and dry reed beds near lakes; in the tundra - on the hills. Characteristically, wolves never hunt near their homes, but at a distance of 7-10 km and further. After the wolf cubs grow up, the animals stop using their permanent den, and settle down to rest in various, but reliable places. Small wolf cubs of a brownish color, very similar to ordinary puppies of a domestic dog.


Do you know that:

A wolf pack can consist of two or three wolves, or it can contain dozens of individuals.

A hungry wolf is able to absorb about 10 kg of meat in one sitting.

All newborns have wolf eyes blue color, and at the age of 8 months, the eyes of these wonderful predators turn yellow.

On this moment there are countless images of wolves in the world. However, the oldest ones were found in Europe. Their age is 20,000 years.

Under wonderful weather conditions, the wolf is able to hear at a distance of up to 9 kilometers in the forest and up to 16 kilometers in the plains.


Harm or benefit?

For humans, the wolf has always been enemy number one: the beast attacked livestock, posed a danger to people, so the wolf was exterminated everywhere. Now wolves are not at all as numerous as they used to be in the past. Meanwhile, the wolf, being a large predator, plays an important role in the ecological balance: it regulates the number of large ungulates, preys mainly on sick and weak animals in the herd, thereby contributing to the survival of the strongest. You should not forget about this and scold in vain the "evil" and "predatory" wolf - in nature there are no "unnecessary" and "useless" animals.


In historical time, among land mammals the range of the wolf was the second largest in area after the range of man, covering most of the Northern Hemisphere; now greatly reduced. In Europe, the wolf has been preserved in Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Scandinavia, the Balkans, and the Baltic states. In Asia, it inhabits Korea, partly China and the Indian subcontinent, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the north of the Arabian Peninsula; extinct in Japan (subspecies Canis lupus hodophilax). In North America, it is found from Alaska to Mexico. In Russia, it is absent only on some islands: (Sakhalin, Kuriles).


The gray wolf has a relative living in the east of North America - the Red wolf (Canis lupus rufus). It is somewhat smaller and really red in color. Unfortunately, now this species is on the verge of complete extinction due to immoderate human persecution and is listed in the Red Book.

What do people know about wolves? What qualities of a wolf come to mind first when it comes to these animals? Surely you think that they are dangerous and cruel, insidious and treacherous. However, those who know almost nothing about the life of these animals think so. In this article we will try to talk a little more about them. Perhaps some interesting fact about wolves will make you change your attitude towards them.

Genus Lupus (wolves)

This genus includes wolves, jackals, coyotes, and dogs. These are the largest representatives of the wolf. All arctic foxes, foxes, maned wolf and

Each wolf is endowed with its own character - there are individuals who are cautious, self-confident and daring, some of them behave naturally and freely in the company of their fellow tribesmen, while others prefer to stay in the shadow of their more active relatives.

Wolves live on the plains of the northern hemisphere, as well as in the mountains and forests. Unfortunately, in some countries they are completely exterminated. And in Antarctica, white wolves are on the verge of extinction. They are listed in the International Red Book. Hunting these animals is prohibited.

These predators live in various landscapes - in forests, tundra, mountains and steppes. Mostly they are sedentary animals, but at the same time they wander over very long distances in search of food. As biologists say, in the wild they occupy their niche. In habitats, wolves tend to be the largest group of predators that prey on large mammals.

External characteristics

A male wolf usually weighs about fifty kilograms, a she-wolf is five kilograms lighter. The height at the withers of an adult is 75 cm, and the body length can be up to two meters. This, of course, is an average.

Wolves have a thick and coarse coat with an undercoat. Color may be different. There are gray, black, red, red, white wolves.


Wolves are animals that prefer to live in families. Any pack of wolves has its own “charter”, in which everyone has a role to play. Aggressive and strong young people rule, and those who need a firm hand obey them.

A wolf pack, in which animals are related, is led by a wolf and a she-wolf. The rest of its members, mostly their offspring (from completely unintelligent puppies to 3-year-olds), obey them. Sometimes strangers are nailed to the flock, for some reason they left their flock. Usually in such a family lives up to 15 animals.

Endurance and vitality of wolves

These qualities of a wolf deserve special attention. A hungry predator without food can remain active for up to ten days. A wounded animal leaves the hunters for several kilometers. Surrounded by hunting dogs, it fiercely defends itself to the last breath. And the wolf, caught in a trap, gnaws off its paw to hide from its pursuers.

A case is known when a wolf, which broke its paw during a hunt, lay motionless on the ground for 17 days, after which it got up and continued to search for prey. The will to live of wolves is amazing.

But they have small weaknesses that experienced hunters know about. Surprisingly, these brave predators are lost at the sight of a rag that flutters in front of their muzzle. This feature of theirs served as the appearance with flags. Hunters, having discovered a pack of wolves, surround it around the perimeter with a rope with patches of any fabric hung on it. The wolves, seeing the waving flags, do not dare to jump over them, and the hunters shoot at the animals point-blank.

And one more fact. The wolf in the forest never attacks people first. He avoids a person, prefers to stay away from him.

wolf lair

The wolf's hole is arranged quite simply. As a rule, it has one entrance. In the forest-steppe regions of Siberia, they have a depth of about four meters, the diameter of the entrance is about 50 cm.

In Transbaikalia, researchers observed how wolves dig tarbagan burrows in autumn, and wolf broods were found in them in spring. One of these holes was more than five meters long, forty centimeters wide and twenty-five centimeters high. The nest inside the burrow was half filled with dry grass bedding. It contained the skins of a tarbagan.

In the Far North, these predators build burrows along the banks of streams and rivers. In these areas, the soil is well drained, there is no permafrost, so digging a hole is easy.

Many holes can be found near the summer pastures of deer. As a rule, wolves roam after herds of these animals. Before the pups appear, they move forward, closer to their burrows, where deer also come, but a little later.

wolf howl

Each hole is inhabited by one pair of wolves, and they gather in a pack using the means of communication available to them - howling. This is not just the voice of a predator, this is an encrypted message with certain signals. Howling can be enticing (especially in mating season), calling. It can be heard when the leader calls the pack to hunt. Howling can be in response when members of the pack respond to the call of the leader. It can be dying and, finally, be entertainment. Oddly enough, wolves often howl for no apparent reason, probably their wolf soul asks for this.

Social life of the pack

The strongest wolf becomes the leader of the pack. A faithful friend, a she-wolf, helps him manage. In order for the members of the pack to obey them, the leaders must have a strong character. All decisions that relate to the life of the family, the wolf and she-wolf make together. In a pack where the leader keeps order, the males never fight among themselves. But strangers who violate the border of possessions are usually severely punished. The wolf pack goes out to hunt only on its own, limited territory. The owners very zealously guard and mark it. This is a warning to neighbors that it is better for them to stay away from this land.

Sometimes in large packs of a single wolf, for unknown reasons, all his brethren are poisoned. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a rejected animal to live in a family, and he leaves it. He becomes a wandering loner. True, he has a chance to create his own pack if he meets the same lonely she-wolf. If these animals want to rule the pack, they must completely subjugate all its members to their will and force them to comply with the laws of the family.

How does the leader govern?

A pack of wolves unconditionally accepts the leadership of the leader. He dominates the males, and his girlfriend keeps order among the wolves. The leader does not tire of reminding his subordinates who is the master in the pack - he growls at them, bites, even knocks them down, doing this in front of the whole family.

As a rule, one fixed and stern look of the leader or his she-wolf is enough for those whom he targets to submit. Grinning, and rather ingratiatingly, the wolves fall to the ground, and then, if they succeed, stealthily leave the place of punishment. Sometimes they lie on their backs, as if to say: "We agree that you are the most important."

An interesting fact about wolves is that the position of a predator in a pack can be judged by the way he holds his tail. At the leader, he is always held high. For ordinary "subjects" - omitted. And those individuals who are at the lowest level in the pack, tail is drawn in.

Family members show their love and respect to the leader and his mate in a welcoming ceremony. With flattened ears, crawling and with smoothed hair, they crawl up to them, lick and gently bite their muzzles.

Wild wolves are faithful animals

Perhaps not everyone knows that wolves are one of the most faithful animals. These strong predators are very attached to their packmates. They express their emotions and feelings through body movements and facial expressions. Thanks to the “wolf tongue”, the pack unites, acts as one. They express their tenderness and sympathy by licking each other, while they rub their faces.

Why does a wolf need a tail?

Not everyone knows that the wolf's tail is a kind of indicator expressing his feelings. If it is raised high, and the tip is slightly curved, then this means that the wolf is quite confident in his abilities. A friendly-minded animal lowers its tail, but its very tip is raised up. A wolf that tucks its tail is either afraid of something or reports its humility.

wolf family man

This interesting fact about wolves is known only to experts. These dangerous predators experience strong emotional attachment. They are monogamous - they choose their mate once and for life.

I must say that the wolf is an ideal family man. He does not make scandals, does not cheat on his she-wolf, does not disagree with her, does not start a young "mistress" on the side, he carries all the prey to the family.

Wild wolves love their cubs very much. Wolf cubs are taken care of not only by their parents, but by the whole pack.

The attitude of the ancients to the wolf

This beast is sometimes called mythical. In ancient times, he was revered and respected for his courage, endurance, ingenuity. Many warlike tribes perceived him as their ancestor. During the heyday of the patriarchy, he was compared to the groom, the kidnapper of brides.

For our ancestors, the wolf was, as it were, an intermediary between the gods and people. It was considered a talisman against evil. When the wolf became a faithful companion of George the Victorious, he began to be perceived as a solar deity.

Apollo, ancient greek god light, sometimes called the Wolf Apollo. The ferocious predator was a sacred animal of the god Upuaut in Ancient Egypt.

In the myths of the Scandinavian peoples, wolves are called "dogs of Odin." Romulus and Remus, who founded Great Rome, were raised by a she-wolf sent by Mars.

Everyone remembers the fairy tale about the gray wolf, which we were told in childhood. So who is the real wolf? An image from a fairy tale or a dangerous animal? The common wolf is a large predator of the Canine family. The gray wolf is the master of the tundra and taiga, a hardy and very intelligent beast. In this article you will find a description and photo of the wolf, learn a lot of interesting things about the harsh life of this formidable predator.

Outwardly, the common gray wolf is very reminiscent of a dog, which is not surprising, because these animals have common ancestors. However, the wolf looks much larger. The body length of a wolf can reach 110-160 cm, the length of the tail is up to 52 cm, the height at the withers ranges from 60 to 90 cm, and the body weight of a wild predator can reach up to 80 kg.

There were cases when the weight of individual individuals exceeded 92 kg. The average weight of wolves varies from 30 to 65 kg. The size and weight of wolves depend on geographical location. How colder climate the larger the animal. Males are always larger than females.

The animal wolf has thick, rather long and warm fur, which consists of two layers, in connection with this, the wolf looks larger. The first layer of wool of the common wolf is tougher and protects from dirt. The second is a waterproof undercoat that protects the wolf from the cold and various extreme conditions of nature. Animal gray wolf is very hardy.

The wolf looks menacing and dangerous beast, has a strong muscular body, high strong paws and a large broad-browed head with sharp ears. The elongated and large muzzle with dark stripes is combined with almost white cheeks and light spots in the eye area. The massive muzzle of the wolf is also very expressive. The tail of the gray wolf is quite long and is usually lowered down. By its movement and position, one can judge the mood of a predator.

The common wolf has a completely different color, depending on the habitat. In the forests it is a gray-brown color. In the tundra - lighter, almost white. In the desert - grayish-reddish. There are even white individuals that are found in the Arctic, as well as red or almost black ones. The undercoat of the beast is always gray.

How is a wolf different from a dog? An ordinary wolf differs from a dog not only in appearance, but also in its tracks. The track of tracks in the gray wolf is more even than in dogs, and forms an almost straight line. Also, the wolf has a different track length, which is 9-11 cm, and the width is 6-7 cm, for the she-wolf it is 7-9 cm and 5-6 cm. a much more embossed imprint than that of a dog.

Where do wolves live?

The wolf is the most common land predator. This wild animal has a wide range of habitats. The wolf lives mainly in cold countries and in various landscapes. In forests, steppes, deserts, taiga, tundra, forest-steppe and at the foot of mountains.

Wolves live in many parts of Europe (from Russia to Portugal), Asia (from Korea to Georgia) and North America (from Alaska to Mexico). Large individuals inhabit the tundra, and small ones inhabit the southern regions. It is curious that in Russia the wolf is absent only on Sakhalin Island.

The common wolf is a territorial animal. Packs of wolves live in conquered areas, the boundaries of which are marked with marks. In summer, when the wolf pack breaks up, the occupied territory is divided into several sections. The best of them is occupied by the main pair, and the rest of the wolves are moving to a nomadic lifestyle.

How do wolves live?

The common wolf is a social animal. Therefore, wolves live in packs, they hunt together, play and even howl. A wolf pack is a family group that consists of animals different ages and can number from 3 to 40 individuals. The pack is controlled by a leader or a seasoned wolf - the dominant male. This is the smartest, wisest and strongest male in the wolf pack. The leader of the pack has a girlfriend - a dominant female. Together they form a pair, thereby uniting other wolves around them - this is the wolf pack.

A pack of wolves has its own hierarchy. The leader in the pack has unquestioned authority. This is a wise leader and he is friendly towards all members of the pack. But the seasoned wolf meets strangers exceptionally aggressively. A beta male is often present in the pack - the most likely successor to the leader. Usually this is the common son of the leading pair or the brother of the leading male. The applicant for the position of the head of the pack periodically demonstrates aggression towards the alpha male, as if checking his status, as he is ready to take his place at any moment.

A wolf that left the pack on its own or was expelled is called a lone wolf. Such animals have every chance to create their own flock.

Wolves live by relying on their feelings. They use these senses to hunt and communicate with other wolves. The excellent hearing of the beast allows you to hear a howling wolf at a distance of seven kilometers. Their sense of smell is 100 times stronger than that of humans. The gray wolf is able to run at a speed of 55 km/h.

Wolves live in packs and each pack has its own hunting area, which animals carefully guard from other wolves. In a pack where the leader keeps order, the wolves live peacefully and do not fight. Skirmishes happen with strangers and lone wolves that have violated the boundary of the site. Each wolf pack has its own territory and hunts only on it.

The owners carefully guard and mark their territory, leave scratches on fallen trees or old stumps. Thus, make it clear that it is better to stay away. Unexpected guests are punished, such are the cruel laws of the wolf pack. wolf howl, which is heard around - a way of notifying that the territory is already occupied.

The size of the family territory of the common wolf depends on the landscape and ranges from 50 to 1500 km². The pack's survival depends on the size of its hunting grounds, so wolves protect them carefully. If there is more than enough food in the family hunting area, then several generations of wolves will live on one site. The largest hunting grounds for wolves are found in open landscapes of the tundra and steppe and are 1000-1250 km². In the forest zone, they are much smaller - 200-250 km².

When wolves do not have small cubs, they are nomadic. Wolves travel both in packs and alone. As a result of wandering, animals sometimes appear in areas where no wolves have been seen for several years. Nomadic wolves run up to 70 kilometers in one night.

Gray wolves gather in packs in winter. If the snow is deep, the wolves in the pack walk in single file. Each animal follows each other, stepping on the same track if possible. The common wolf is very cunning. Therefore, it is very difficult to find out from the tracks how many wolves a pack consists of.

Why do wolves howl? Wolves howl because howling is the way they communicate with each other. With the help of howling, wolves find out where their family members are, announce the capture of prey and the seizure of territory, or simply to communicate with relatives. Wolves howl usually in the late evening hours. During the year, wolves howl most frequently in winter, when the number of pack members reaches its maximum. Wolves begin to howl more actively by the end of summer and with the beginning of autumn, as well as when puppies are developing the family plot and begin to move its territory.

What does a wolf eat and how does it hunt?

The wolf is a picky predator. The main diet of the common wolf includes large ungulates: deer, elk, saigas, sheep and goats. But the wolf also feeds on hares, various rodents and birds, because he is picky. Sometimes wolves can eat the dead members of the pack.

Large concentrations of livestock attract wild and predatory wolves. Therefore, meeting a gray wolf near farms is a common thing. The wolf eats meat, so the average animal needs 3-4.5 kg of meat per day. The wolves store their food. Having sated, the animal wolf buries the remaining pieces of meat. Wolves can go without food for more than two weeks. IN summer period the diet of the common wolf includes vegetable feed therefore, in summer, the wolf also eats fruits and berries.

The principles of wolf hunting are very diverse. In winter, wolves collectively hunt large ungulates. Wolves use this type of hunting in winter. The main advantage of the wolf's winter hunting is the presence of snow cover, on which he moves with ease. For hoofed animals, snow makes it much more difficult for them to escape from the wolf, a wild and predatory animal.

It is curious that the collective hunting of wolves provides for the distribution of responsibilities: part of the pack participates in the pursuit of prey, while the other cuts off the path of prey. On the hunt, the nose of the wolf is the main adviser. He prompts wild predator where to look for prey. Wolves smell even a small animal that is a couple of kilometers away from them. It is with the help of a keen sense of smell that wolves can follow their prey in the footsteps. The wolf hunts almost silently.

The main weapon of the wolf is the teeth. With sharp fangs 5 ​​cm long, the wolf holds and drags the victim, and with the rest of its teeth it cuts the game. The teeth of a wolf are not only its weapons, but also its protection, so their loss is detrimental to the animal.

Especially large ungulates are killed by wolves, attacking the whole pack and attacking until their prey falls. At the same time, the primacy of eating prey rightfully belongs to the leader and his female, they eat the best pieces of the carcass.

The wolf hunts very carefully. Imperceptibly sneaking up to the animal, with a deft jump grabs it by the throat and knocks it to the ground. It can sit in ambush for hours and wait for prey for a whole day. Often they can follow a herd of ungulates, predators do not betray their presence, but wait for a convenient moment to attack.

Wolves are very cunning, in pursuit they stop the pursuit, allowing the prey to go far ahead. When the victim slows down, the wolf attacks again. Often wolves attack foxes. But most of the time they don't eat them. When attacking a herd of livestock, wolves can distract dogs. Part of the wolf pack attacks the dogs, and the rest - the herd.

Wolves are very good at navigating the terrain. Many packs use the same patches of territory to drive prey into a dead end. When hunting rodents, the wolf jumps on the prey, crushes it with its paw and eats it. This hunting technique is common for wolves in the summer.

In summer, the flock is divided and predators live singly or in small groups. Wolves feed on various animals using well-established hunting techniques. IN summer time most often the wolf feeds on hares. But even with all the prudent moves and clever maneuvers in the hunt, it does not always end successfully.

Wolf cubs - the birth of puppies. How does a pack raise wolf cubs?

A wolf's lair is a hole where a she-wolf brings out wolf cubs. Wolves make their lairs in secluded places. In this case, the place should have a good overview. Often wolves use empty burrows of other animals as a den device.

Wolves breed annually in January-February, for the first time the breeding season begins at the age of 2-3 years. The duration of the pregnancy of a she-wolf is about two months. In the spring, wolf cubs are born in the lair. Usually a female gives birth to 4 to 8 cubs. Wolf puppies are born deaf and blind, the first days of the life of the babies, the she-wolf is constantly nearby. They begin to see and hear around the 10-12th day of life.

After three weeks, the wolf cubs leave the den for the first time and begin to taste the meat at the same time. The whole flock takes part in the cultivation and education of wolf cubs. Wolves bring the best meat to the lair with the kids.

In small wolf cubs, the color has a grayish-brown hue, which changes with age. At the age of 2 months, wolf cubs leave the den, but still stay close to the hole. Such places are protected by vegetation from prying eyes. Wolf puppies learn the basics of hunting, attack shrews and mice.

Wolf cubs grow rapidly and their weight increases almost 30 times in the first four months. Newborn wolf cubs have blue eyes. At the age of 8 months, the cubs' eyes change to yellow. By the end of the first winter after birth, wolf cubs reach adult size. The common wolf lives 12-15 years.

Are wolves necessary and why?

Why do we need wolves, because for a person a wolf is an enemy. It is dangerous to people and exterminates livestock. Gradually, the struggle of people with wolves led to a reduction in their numbers. But a wild predatory animal, the common wolf plays an important role in the balance of the ecological system.

Wolves are needed to regulate the population of large ungulates. Also, wolves are a kind of "orderlies", since by destroying sick animals, wolves do not allow diseases to spread. Hunting the weak animals helps the strong survive.

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Less than half of the historical "reserve". This is the number of wolf species on the planet. Live varieties of predators 7. 2 more have sunk into oblivion. Four of the existing species are listed in the Red. One of the four wolves was even declared extinct. However, scientists managed to film the "last of the Mohicans" on video cameras.

Extinct wolf species

Since ancient times, wolves have been endowed with demonic power. No wonder the dark essence of man was attributed the image of gray. So there was a mythical character - a werewolf. It does not belong to the official types of grays, and the existence of wolf people has not been proven.

Another question, the existence of 8 ancient species of predator. Their existence is proved thanks to the finds of skeletons, drawings and records of past eras.

dire wolf

This predator lived in the late Pleistocene. This is one of the epochs of the Quaternary period. It began 2.5 million years ago and ended 11 thousand years ago. So dire wolves were hunted by primitive people.

Animal died last glacial period. There were several of them during the Pleistocene. The latter was distinguished by the severity of frosts.

Appearance of a wolf terrible lived up to its name. In length, the predator was one and a half meters long, and weighed over 100 kilograms. Modern wolves are not larger than 75 kilos, that is, at least a third less. The bite force of prehistoric ones was just as superior to the grip of modern grays.

There lived a dire wolf in the North. The remains of the animal are found in Florida, Mexico City, California. Wolves from the east and center of the continent had more long legs. Skeletons found in Mexico City and California are short-legged.

Kenai wolf

That's who should be called terrible. However, the remains of the Kenai gray were found later than the prehistoric. The animal, which once lived in Alaska, reached a length of 2.1 meters. This is without taking into account the 60-centimeter tail. The height of the wolf exceeded 1.1 meters. The predator weighed about a centner. Such dimensions allowed the predator to hunt moose.

The existence of Kenai gray was established by studying wolf skulls found in Alaska. In accordance with research, the species was described in 1944 by Edward Goldman. This is an American zoologist.

The Kenai wolf became extinct by the 1910s. The beast was exterminated by the settlers who arrived in Alaska. Predators fell during the hunt for them and due to the use of strychnine by people. It is obtained from the seeds of the bird cherry grass and is used to poison rodents.

newfoundland wolf

He lived not only on the island of Newfoundland, but also east coast Canada. Describing wolf species criteria, it is worth mentioning first of all the black stripe along the ridge on a snow-white background. The indigenous population of Newfoundland called the predator beotuk.

Settlers exterminated the Newfoundland gray. For them, the predator was a threat to livestock. Therefore, the government put up a reward for the dead wolves. For each gave 5 pounds. In 1911, the last island gray was shot. The species was officially declared extinct in 1930.

Tasmanian marsupial wolf

In fact, he was not a wolf. The beast was compared with a gray one for its external resemblance. However, the Tasmanian predator was a marsupial. Still premature cubs “came out” into the skin fold on the stomach. In the bag, they developed to the point where they could go out into the world.

On the back of the Tasmanian wolf passed transverse stripes. They encouraged associations with a zebra or. According to the structure of the body, the marsupial resembled a short-haired dog.

Official name species - thylacine. The last one was shot in 1930. There were still a few animals in zoos. The Tasmanian wolf lived there until 1936.

Japanese wolf

He was short-eared and short-legged, lived on the islands of Shikoko, Honshu and Kyushu. The last animal of the species was shot in 1905. 5 stuffed Japanese wolf have been preserved. One of them is on display at the University of Tokyo. The other four stuffed animals are also in Tokyo, but already in the National Museum.

Japanese kind of animal wolf was inconsequential. The body length of the predator was no more than a meter. The animal weighed about 30 kilos.

In the 21st century, Japanese scientists have restored the genome of an extinct wolf. Protein compounds were isolated from the enamel of the teeth of the disappeared animal. Fangs were taken from found skeletons. Squirrels were grafted onto the skin of modern wolves. It turned out that the genome of the island grays differs by 6% from the set of DNA of continental individuals.

mogollon mountain wolf

The Mogollons are located in the states of Arizona and New Mexico. There once lived a wolf. He was dark gray with white markings. The length of the animal reached 1.5 meters, but more often it was 120-130 centimeters. The Mogollon predator weighed 27-36 kilograms.

The species was officially declared extinct in 1944. Compared to other wolves, the Mogollon was long-haired.

wolf of the rocky mountains

Also an American, but already lived in the mountains of Canada, in particular, the province of Alberta. Part of the population lived in the northern United States. The color of the animal was light, almost white. The predator was medium in size.

Montana has national park Glassier. The name translates as "glacier". The area is cold. It was the first in the world to be recognized as an international park. It happened in 1932. So, there is a report of several wolves living in Glasya, and corresponding to the parameters of predators of the rocky mountains. There is no official confirmation of the information yet.

Manitoba wolf

Named after the Canadian province of Manitoba. Representatives of the extinct species had thick, light, long fur. Clothes were made from it. Also, the skins of Manitoba predators were used to decorate and insulate dwellings. This served as an additional incentive to shoot predators that encroached on livestock.

Manitoba wolf artificially recreated in Yellowstone national park. However, experiments with the genetic material of an extinct predator made it possible to create a “double”, not a “twin”. The genome of the modern Manitoba gray differs little from the true one.

hokkaido wolf

Otherwise called edzo, lived on Japanese island Hokkaido. The predator was distinguished by a large skull with large and curved fangs. The size of the animal exceeded the parameters of the island Japanese gray, approaching the indicators of an ordinary wolf.

The fur of the Hokkaido wolf was slightly yellowish, short. The paws of the predator did not differ in length either. The last member of the species died out in 1889. The reason for the death of the population was the same shooting, "warmed up" by the government reward. They got rid of the wolves by actively plowing the lands of Hokkaido under the farmland.

Florida wolf

He was completely black, thin, tall-legged. In general, the animal resembled a living red wolf, but of a different color.

From the name of the animal it is clear that it lived in Florida. The last specimen was shot in 1908. In addition to hunting, the reason for the extinction of the species was its displacement from habitats. The Florida wolf preferred the American prairies.

Current species of wolves

In fact, the existing wolves are not 7, but 24, since the usual gray has 17 subtypes. We will single them out in a separate chapter. In the meantime, 6 self-sufficient and "lonely" types of wolves:

Red Wolf

Red Wolf-view, which absorbed external signs not only gray, but also with a fox. The latter is reminiscent of the red color of the fur and its length on the back and sides of the predator. In addition, the wolf has a narrow muzzle, like a red cheat. The long, fluffy tail of the red predator also resembles a fox. The structure of the body is closer to the jackal, the same lean.

Around the eyes, nose and at the end of the red tail, the hair is almost black. Together with the tail, the length of the animal is 140 centimeters. The wolf weighs 14-21 kilograms.

Red Predator Presents types of wolves in Russia, but is listed as endangered on the lands of the Federation. However, outside the country, the predator is also protected. Hunting is allowed only in India and only with a license.

polar Wolf

He's white. According to the name and color, the predator lives in. In order not to succumb to the cold, the beast has grown thick and long fur. More at the polar short ears. This eliminates heat loss through large sinks.

Among the existing ones, the polar wolf is large. The growth of the animal reaches 80 centimeters. Growth - also 80, but kilograms.

In conditions of food shortage, the polar predator lives without food for several weeks. Then the beast will either die, or still get game. From hunger, the Arctic wolf is able to eat 10 kilograms of meat at a time.

Food stocks in the Arctic are declining due to melting glaciers, climate change, and poaching. The number of the polar wolf has also decreased. It is listed in the International Red Book.

Maned wolf

The name is associated with the presence of a "necklace" of long hair on the neck and shoulders of the wolf. It is tough, reminiscent of a horse's mane. Likewise, the animal lives in the pampas and prairies. The main wolf population settled in the South. There is no animal beyond the ocean.

Maned lean, high-legged. The latter property allows the beast not to "drown" among the tall grasses of the pampas. You need to look out for prey, and for this you need to be above the "situation".

The color of the predator is red. Unlike the Arctic wolf, the maned wolf has large ears. At the same time, an American is comparable in height to a resident of the Arctic Circle, but weighs less. On average, a maned wolf weighs 20 kilograms.

There is no threat of extinction of the species yet. However, the maned wolf is listed in the International Red Book as endangered. The status indicates the declining population of a still thriving species.

Ethiopian wolf

How many types of wolves do not sort it out, but you will not find more like a fox. The animal is red, with a long and fluffy tail, large and sharp ears, a thin muzzle, and high paws.

The predator is endemic to Ethiopia, that is, it is not found outside. Prior to the DNA test, the animal was classified as a jackal. After research, it turned out that the predator's genome is closer to wolves.

Compared to jackals, the Ethiopian wolf has a larger muzzle, but small teeth. The height of the African predator at the withers is 60 centimeters. The length of the animal reaches a meter, and the maximum weight is 19 kilograms.

Ethiopian wolf recognized a rare species, listed in the International Red Book. Part of the extinction of the species is caused by interbreeding with domestic dogs. This is how the genetic uniqueness of wolves is lost. Among other reasons for the disappearance, the main one is the development of wild territories by humans.

tundra wolf

The least studied of the existing ones. Outwardly, the animal looks like a polar predator, but it does not reach the size, weighing no more than 49 kilograms. The height of large males reaches 120 centimeters. Females are inferior to the representatives of the stronger sex in height, weight, but not in body length.

The thick fur of the tundra wolf consists of guard hairs about 17 centimeters long and a downy undercoat. The layer of the latter is 7 cm.

spanish wolf

A small red-gray wolf, as the name implies, lives in Spain. The species was declared extinct, but scientists managed to find a few surviving individuals.

Spanish wolves have white markings on their lips and dark markings on their tail and front paws. The rest of the predator is similar to the common wolf. Many scientists consider the Spaniard to be a subspecies of it.

Gray wolf and its varieties

Seventeen subspecies of the gray wolf is a relative number. Scientists are arguing about the separation from the rest of a particular population. Let's get acquainted with the subspecies that unequivocally "defended" their right to a separate place in the classification. Six of them are found on the territory of Russia:

Russian wolf

It lives in the north of the country, weighs from 30 to 80 kilograms. Females are about 20% smaller than males. Once hunters shot an 85-kilogram predator.

Otherwise, the Russian is called ordinary, does not need to be introduced in appearance. As for temperament, domestic grays are more aggressive than similar animals from America. Some individuals of the common wolf are black in color.

Siberian wolf

Typical not only for, but also Far East. There are not only gray, but also buffy individuals. Their fur is thick, but you can’t call it long.

The size of a Siberian is not inferior to an ordinary one. Only here the sexual dimorphism between males and females of the subspecies is less pronounced.

Caucasian wolf

Among Russian wolves, his fur is as short as possible, coarse and rare. The animal itself is small, rarely weighing more than 45 kilograms.

The color of the Caucasian predator is gray-ocher. The tone is dark. Siberian and ordinary wolves are light gray, and thujas are almost black individuals.

Central Russian wolf

This gray wolf view has a formidable. Representatives of the subspecies are larger than tundra wolves. The body length of the Central Russian gray reaches 160 centimeters. In height, the animal is 100-120 centimeters. The mass of the Central Russian wolf is gaining 45 kilograms.

The subspecies is typical for the central regions of Russia, occasionally entering Western Siberia. Preference is given to forests. Therefore, there is an alternative name for the subspecies - the forest wolf.

Mongolian wolf

Among those found in Russia, the smallest. The predator lives in the forest-tundra of Kamchatka and Western Siberia. Externally, the Mongolian wolf differs not only in size, but also in the off-white tone of the coat. It is hard, rough to the touch.

The name of the species is associated with its homeland. She is Mongolia. It was from there that the wolves of the subspecies switched to Russian territories.

steppe wolf

He has a rusty-gray, tending to brown color. It is darker on the back, and lighter on the sides and on the belly of the animal. The predator's coat is short, sparse and coarse.

The steppe subspecies of the gray wolf is typical for the south of Russia, lives in the Caspian lands, steppes before Caucasus mountains and the Lower Volga region.

It becomes clear why Russians call wolves gray. On the territory of the Federation, the gray tone is present in the coloration of all predators living here. However, in principle, wolves are both red and black. However, whatever the color of the beast, size is the main thing in the social hierarchy. leaders wolf packs become the largest. Usually, these are males.

The wolf is a predatory mammal that belongs to the carnivorous order, the canine family (canine, wolf).

The Russian word “wolf” is consonant with some Slavic names of the beast: Bulgarians call the predator Vylk, Serbs - Vuk, Ukrainians - Vovk. The origin of the name goes back to the Old Slavonic word "vylk", meaning to drag, drag away.

Predators have a long and thick tail, which in some species grows up to 56 cm in length and is always lowered. The wolf's head is massive, with high-set sharp ears, and the muzzle is elongated and wide. The skull of the red and maned wolves is shaped like a fox.

The wolf's mouth is armed with 42 teeth: predatory teeth are designed to tear prey into pieces and grind bones, and with the help of fangs, the beast holds and drags its prey tightly.

Only in red wolves, the dental formula contains a smaller number of molars.

Wolf cubs are born with blue eyes, but by the third month the iris becomes orange or golden yellow, although there are wolves that remain blue-eyed all their lives.

The fur of the wolf is thick and two-layered: the undercoat is formed by waterproof fluff, and the top layer is made up of guard hairs that repel dirt and moisture. The low thermal conductivity of wool allows animals to survive in the most severe climatic conditions.

The color of wolves is distinguished by a rich spectrum of shades, including various variations of gray, white, black and brown, although it is not uncommon for the fur to be red, pure white or almost black. It is believed that the color of the coat allows predators to harmoniously merge with the surrounding landscape, and the mixing of different shades emphasizes the individuality of animals.

Wolves are digitigrade animals: reliance on fingers allows them to balance their weight while moving. Strong limbs, a narrow sternum and a sloping back allow predators to travel considerable distances in search of food. The usual gait of the wolf is a light trot at a speed of about 10 km / h. The speed of a wolf chasing prey can reach 65 km/h.

The wolf has excellent hearing, eyesight is much weaker, but the sense of smell is excellently developed: the predator smells prey 3 km away, and the ability to distinguish several million different shades of smell has great importance during the rut, during the hunt and during the communicative communication of animals. Urine and faecal marks are used to mark territory boundaries.

The vocal range of wolves is rich and varied: predators howl, grunt, yap, squeal, growl, whimper and convey complex messages to other members of the pack with their voice. At dawn, you can hear the “choral singing” of wolves. It is believed that wolves howl at the moon, but in fact, howling animals inform members of the pack about their location and drive away strangers. Solitary animals that live outside the pack rarely howl, so as not to bring trouble on themselves.

The facial expressions of wolves are also very highly developed: thanks to the position of the mouth, lips, ears and tail, as well as the display of teeth, predators express their emotional condition. As with a domestic dog, a raised tail and wolf ears indicate alertness or aggression.

The lifespan of wolves

In nature, wolves live from 8 to 16 years; in captivity, life expectancy can reach 20 years.

Historically, the range of wolves was the second largest after the range of humans in the Northern Hemisphere, but today it has decreased significantly. Wolves live in Europe (the Baltic States, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Poland, the Balkans and the Scandinavian countries), Asia (in countries such as China, Korea, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Iran , Iraq, north of the Arabian Peninsula), Africa (Ethiopia), North America (Canada, Mexico, USA, including Alaska), South America(Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay). In Russia, wolves are distributed throughout the territory, except for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The following types of wolves live in Russia:

  • red wolf (2 subspecies out of 10);
  • Gray wolf;
  • tundra wolf;
  • steppe wolf;
  • Eurasian wolf, also known as Tibetan or Carpathian;
  • polar Wolf.

Predators have mastered and adapted to life in a wide variety of natural areas: wolves live in the tundra, forests, deserts and semi-deserts, on the plains, in mountain forests, sometimes settle near settlements.

Wolves are territorial and social animals, forming packs of 3 to 40 individuals, which occupy a personal area of ​​65-300 square kilometers, marked with odorous marks. At the head of the pack is a monogamous pair of leaders: an alpha male and an alpha female, the rest of the pack members are their offspring, other relatives and lone wolves that have nailed down, subject to a strict hierarchy. For the rutting period, the flock breaks up, the territory is divided into small fragments, but the dominant pair always gets the best site. While moving through their territory, the leaders leave odorous marks every 3 minutes. At the border of the territory, the density of marks can be even more frequent.

Being nocturnal animals, during the day wolves rest in various natural shelters, thickets and shallow caves, but they often use the burrows of marmots, arctic foxes or, and dig holes themselves very rarely.

What does a wolf eat?

Wolves are one of the most agile, fast and enduring predators, tracking down and tirelessly pursuing their prey. The diet of the wolf depends on the availability of food and in most varieties consists mainly of animal food. Wolves are equally successful in hunting in packs and alone, but they can drive and attack large prey, for example, reindeer, bison or yak, only by cohesive hunting. In 60% of cases, wolves attack young, old, sick or injured animals, and they perfectly feel whether the animal is strong and healthy or sickly and weakened.

In the wild, the wolf feeds on large animals (roe deer, saigas, bison, wild boars), more small mammals(, armadillos, lemmings), as well as fish, incubating birds, and their eggs. Wolves often prey on large and small domestic animals and birds (geese,), as well as foxes, wild dogs and corsacs.

In the absence of a main source of food, wolves do not disdain small amphibians (for example,), insects (,) and carrion (for example, dead seals washed ashore). In the warm season, berries, mushrooms and ripe fruits appear in the diet of predators.

In the steppes, wolves quench their thirst in the fields with gourds - watermelons and melons. Hungry predators even attack in hibernation, they will not miss the opportunity to tear a weakened and sick animal, eating up to 10-14 kg of meat at a time. A starving polar wolf eats a hare whole, with bones and skin. An interesting feature of wolves is their habit of returning to the corpses of an undereaten victim, as well as hiding excess meat in reserve.

Types of wolves, photos and names

In the canine (wolf) family, several genera are distinguished, which include different types of wolves:

  1. Rod Wolves (lat. Canis)
    • Wolf, he is a gray wolf, or an ordinary wolf (lat. canis lupus), which includes many subspecies, including domestic dogs and Dingo dogs (secondarily feral):
      • Canis lupus albus(Kerr, 1792) - tundra wolf,
      • Canis lupus alces(Goldman, 1941),
      • canis lupus arabs(Pocock, 1934) - Arabian wolf,
      • Canis lupus arctos(Pocock, 1935) - Melville island wolf,
      • Canis lupus baileyi(Nelson and Goldman, 1929) - Mexican wolf,
      • Canis lupus beothucus(G. M. Allen and Barbour, 1937) - Newfoundland wolf,
      • Canis lupus bernardi(Anderson, 1943),
      • Canis lupus campestris(Dwigubski, 1804) - desert wolf, he is also a steppe wolf,
      • Canis lupus chanco(Grey, 1863),
      • canis lupus columbianus(Goldman, 1941),
      • Canis lupus crassodon(Hall, 1932) Vancouver island wolf,
      • Canis lupus deitanus(Cabrera, 1907) (in some classifications it is a synonym for the subspecies Canis lupus lupus),
      • canis lupus dingo(Meyer, 1793) - Dingo dog, or secondarily feral domestic dog,
      • Canis lupus familiaris(Linnaeus, 1758) - dog,
      • Canis lupus filchneri(Matschie, 1907),
      • Canis lupus floridanus(Miller, 1912),
      • canis lupus fuscus(Richardson, 1839),
      • Canis lupus gregoryi(Goldman, 1937),
      • Canis lupus griseoalbus(Baird, 1858),
      • Canis lupus hallstromi(Troughton, 1958) - New Guinea singing dog (in some classifications it is a synonym for the subspecies canis lupus dingo),
      • Canis lupus hattai(Kishida, 1931) - Japanese wolf, or shaman,
      • Canis lupus hodophilax(Temminck, 1839),
      • Canis lupus hudsonicus(Goldman, 1941) - Hudson wolf,
      • Canis lupus irremotus(Goldman, 1937),
      • Canis lupus labradorius(Goldman, 1937),
      • Canis lupus ligoni(Goldman, 1937),
      • canis lupus lupus(Linnaeus, 1758) - European wolf, he is also a Eurasian wolf, Chinese wolf, or ordinary wolf,
      • Canis lupus lycaon(Schreber, 1775) - eastern wolf, or North American timber wolf,
      • Canis lupus mackenzii(Anderson, 1943),
      • Canis lupus manningi(Anderson, 1943),
      • Canis lupus minor(M. Mojsisovics, 1887) (in some classifications it is a synonym for the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris),
      • Canis lupus mogollonensis(Goldman, 1937),
      • Canis lupus monstrabilis(Goldman, 1937),
      • Canis lupus nubilus(Say, 1823) - buffalo wolf, or wolf of the Great Plains,
      • Canis lupus occidentalis(Richardson, 1829) - the Mackenzian plains wolf, also known as the Alaskan wolf, Canadian wolf or Rocky Mountain wolf,
      • Canis lupus orion(Pocock, 1935),
      • Canis lupus pallipes(Sykes, 1831) - Asian, he is also an Indian or Iranian wolf,
      • Canis lupus pambasileus(Elliot, 1905),
      • Canis lupus rufus(Audubon and Bachman, 1851) - red wolf,
      • Canis lupus signatus(Cabrera, 1907) - the Iberian wolf (in some classifications it is a synonym for the subspecies Canis lupus lupus),
      • Canis lupus tundrarum(Miller, 1912) - polar wolf,
      • Canis lupus youngi(Goldman, 1937) – Southern Rocky Mountain wolf.
  2. Genus Maned wolves (lat. Chrysocyon)
    • Maned wolf, or guara, or aguarachay (lat. Chrysocyon brachyurus)
  3. Genus Red Wolves
    • Red wolf, or mountain wolf, or Himalayan wolf, or buanzu (lat. Cuon alpinus)

Below is a description of several varieties of wolves.

  • Red Wolf, he is mountain wolf, himalayan wolf or buanzu(Cuon alpinus)

A large predator, outwardly combining the features of a wolf, fox and jackal. Mature males grow from 76 to 110 cm in length. At the same time, the weight of the red wolf is 17-21 kg. The tail of animals is longer than that of other wolves, fluffy, like a fox, and grows up to 45-50 cm in length. The red wolf has a short, pointed muzzle and large, high-set ears. The main color of animals is various shades of red, and the tip of the tail is always black. Distinctive feature subspecies is considered a smaller number of teeth and from 6 to 7 pairs of nipples. Differences in fur density, color and body size made it possible to divide the species into 10 subspecies.

Biotopes of predators are attached to mountains, rocks and gorges (up to 4 thousand meters above sea level). The red wolf feeds on small animals - amphibians and rodents, as well as large animals: sambars, axises and antelopes. In summer, wolves are happy to eat various vegetation.

A significant part of the range of animals extends across the territory of Central and South Asia, predators live from the Altai Mountains and Tien Shan to Hindustan, Indochina and the Malay Archipelago. The largest population is observed in the Himalayas, in southern Iran, in India and the Pakistani Indus Valley. In other habitats, the red wolf is extremely rare or completely extinct, so the species is classified as endangered and is under protection.

  • Maned wolf, he is guar or aguarachai (Chrysocyon brachyurus)

A unique member of the family, its name translates as “short-tailed golden dog”. Long hair up to 13 cm long grows on the nape of predators, forming a thick mane. Outwardly, the maned wolf resembles a large long-legged fox, the body length of adults is 125-130 cm, due to overly elongated limbs, the height of the wolf at the withers reaches 74-87 cm, and animals weigh from 20 to 23 kg. The obvious disproportions of the body are especially emphasized by the long muzzle, large, high-set ears and a short tail from 28 to 45 cm long. The wolf's coat is reddish-yellow, a strip of black wool runs along the spine, the legs are almost black, and the chin and end of the tail are light.

Maned wolves live exclusively on the plains, and have evolved their surprisingly long limbs, allowing them to make their way through the thickets of grass. The range of the species extends from the northeast of Brazil to the eastern regions of Bolivia, in the south it captures Paraguay and the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. According to the IUCN, the state of the population is becoming vulnerable.

Predators feed on rodents, rabbits, armadillos, amphibians, insects, and also eat guava, and nightshade, which rids animals of nematodes.

  • eastern wolf, he is north american timber wolf(Canis lupus lycaon)

It still does not have a definite classification: a number of scientists consider it as an independent species ( canis lycaon) or considered a hybrid of a gray wolf with a red wolf or a coyote. The growth in the shoulders of mature males reaches 80 cm, females - 75 cm, with a body weight of 40 and 30 kg, respectively. The fur of the eastern wolf is yellowish-brown, shaggy, black hair grows on the back and sides, and the area behind the ears is distinguished by a reddish-brown tint.

Eastern wolves are predominantly carnivores, deer, elk and rodents become their prey.

These animals live in forests from the southeast of the Canadian province of Ontario to the province of Quebec.

  • common wolf, or Gray wolf(canis lupus)

One of the largest predators among canines, with a body size reaching 1-1.6 m. The growth in the shoulders of mature individuals is from 66 to 86 cm, in especially large specimens it can be up to 90 cm. An ordinary wolf weighs from 32 to 62 kg, in the inhabitants of the northern regions of the range, body weight varies from 50 to 80 kg. The tail of predators grows up to 52 cm. The color of the fur of animals is quite variable: the inhabitants of the forests are usually gray-brown, the inhabitants of the tundra are almost white, the predators of the deserts are gray with red, only the undercoat is always gray.

The favorite food of wolves is various hoofed mammals: deer, elk, roe deer, antelopes, wild boars and small animals: mice, hares, ground squirrels. Wolves do not disdain representatives of their own family, for example, small foxes and raccoon dogs, often various domestic animals become their prey. During the ripening period, predators quench their thirst on melons, eating watermelons and melons, because they need a lot of moisture.

The range of the gray wolf passes through the territory of Eurasia and North America. In Europe, predators are distributed from Spain and Portugal to Ukraine, Scandinavia and the Balkans. In Russia, the gray wolf lives everywhere, except for Sakhalin and the Kuriles. In Asia, animals are distributed from Korea, China and Hindustan to Afghanistan and the north of the Arabian Peninsula. In North America, animals are found from Alaska to Mexico.

  • red wolf(Canis lupus rufus)

At first it was considered as an independent species (lat. Canis rufus), but DNA analyzes made it possible to consider it a hybrid of a gray wolf and a coyote.

These predators are smaller than gray relatives, but larger than coyotes, their size is from 1 to 1.3 m without tail, and the growth of animals is from 66 to 79 cm. hardened wolves weigh from 20 to 41 kg. Red wolves are leaner and longer-legged than their gray relatives, with longer ears and shorter fur. The red color of the fur is characteristic of the inhabitants of Texas; other animals in color, along with red, have gray, brownish and black tones; the back is usually black.

The diet of predators consists mainly of rodents, raccoons and hares, hunting for large prey is rare. Insects and various berries act as secondary food, and carrion is eaten on occasion.

The red wolf is the rarest subspecies, its range, originally covering the eastern United States, was reduced to small areas of Texas and Louisiana, and in the 70s of the 20th century the red wolf was completely exterminated, with the exception of 14 specimens preserved in captivity. Thanks to efforts to restore the population, out of 300 bred individuals, about a hundred predators today live within the state of North Carolina.

  • tundra wolf(Canis lupus albus)

One of the especially large and poorly studied subspecies, outwardly similar to its close relative, the polar wolf, but somewhat inferior to it in size: the average weight of predators is about 42-49 kg. Although pure white wolves are found in the population, most individuals are gray-white and dark gray with no brown at all.

The developed massive jaws of the wolf with strong teeth make it possible to hunt large prey, although rodents and white hares are present in the diet.

Tundra wolves live throughout the tundra and forest-tundra of Europe and Siberia up to Kamchatka and the coast of the Arctic.

  • steppe wolf, or desert wolf(Canis lupus campestris)

Poorly studied species of predators of small size, with rather rare and rough fur of a grayish-ocher color.

Desert wolves inhabit the steppe and desert landscapes of Central Asia, including the Kazakh steppes and southern Russia: Ciscaucasia, the Caspian lowland, the Ural region and the Lower Volga region.

  • Eurasian wolf, he is European, steppe, Carpathian, Tibetan or to Chinese wolf, also called common wolf(canis lupus lupus)

Outwardly, the predator resembles the North American subspecies, but its fur is denser and shorter. The growth of mature males in the shoulders is about 76 cm with a body weight of 70 to 73 kg.

The smallest individuals inhabit Eastern Europe, the most massive are found in the north of Russia. The color of wolves is monochromatic or includes various combinations of gray, white, black, red and beige, and the most brightly colored specimens live in Central Europe.

The diet of European wolves depends on the range and consists mainly of medium and big booty, such as saigas, chamois, moufflons, deer, roe deer, wild boars and even bison and yaks. Predators do not disdain smaller animals, catching hares and frogs, and in the absence of food, they feed on waste from slaughterhouses in garbage dumps.

The Carpathian wolf is considered a particularly common subspecies of the common wolf and is found in a significant range that passes through the territory of Eurasia through Western Europe, Scandinavian countries, Russia, China, Mongolia, Azerbaijan and the Himalayas.

  • polar Wolf(Canis lupus tundrarum)

The closest relative of the European wolf and the completely extinct Japanese wolf. Adult males grow in length from 1.3 to 1.5 m, not counting the tail, and weigh about 85 kg, their height at the shoulders reaches 80-93 cm. The light fur of the polar wolf is extremely dense, adapted to survive in extremely cold climates and warming the beast during long hunger strikes.

Lemmings and arctic hare become the most accessible prey for predators; if the hunt is successful, the flock gets musk ox or reindeer.

The range of the species extends throughout the Arctic and undergoes slight fluctuations caused by the migrations of animals - the main food sources. The life span of a polar wolf is about 17 years.