John Maynard Keynes wrote that the business cycle has characteristic, namely the crisis, which he defined as a sudden and sharp, as a rule, change in the upward trend of the downward trend, while in the reverse process of such sharp turn often doesn't happen.

K.-F. Herman calls the crisis an unexpected and unforeseen situation that threatens priority development goals, with limited time for decision-making. This is a sharp change in activity, the consequences (parameters) of which can be measured: a decrease in sales, a fall in the share price, social conflicts etc.

A crisis is a negative, profound and often unexpected change, but at the same time it brings new opportunities for development. Crises are the basis of the learning of economic systems. The crisis reveals something that is invisible in a normal situation. It sets in motion the forces that contribute to the development of the system.

A.A. Bogdanov said that in order to resolve the crisis, economic systems transform, cease to be what they were, connecting into a new system or separating into separate complexes.

During periods of economic prosperity, the new grows, but the old does not collapse either, but sooner or later the accumulation of internal instability comes to a crisis, which usually erupts under the influence of an external shock.

The main function of the crisis is the destruction of those elements that are the least stable and viable, that most disturb the organization of the whole. There is a simplification of the system and an increase in its harmony.

In the economy, the crisis is destroying many of the weakest and least expediently organized enterprises, discarding outdated modes of production, outdated forms of enterprise organization in favor of methods and forms that are more modern than they are. The general downfall also carries away many advanced enterprises.

Summarizing the existing ideas about crises, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • crises are inevitable; these are regular, naturally repeating stages of the cyclic development of any system. Crises can also occur as an accidental result. natural disaster or major mistake
  • crises begin when the potential for progress of the main elements of the system is basically exhausted and elements have already been born and begin to fight new system, representing the future cycle;
  • there are phases business cycle;
  • crises are progressive for all their painfulness, since the crisis performs three most important systemic functions:
    • a) a sharp weakening and elimination of obsolete (unviable) elements of the dominant, but already exhausted, system;
    • b) clearing the road (space) for the approval of the elements (initially weak) of the new system, the future cycle;
    • c) strength testing and inheritance of those elements of the system that accumulate and pass into the future.

You can make the following classification of organizational crises and distinguish three types of enterprise crises (Fig. 13.1):

Rice. 13.1.

Crisis of strategy less noticeable. The company's position in this moment time may seem quite satisfactory, but failures in the development of the enterprise begin to occur, the potential for success decreases, protective capabilities in the competitive struggle weaken.


Types, phases and cycles of crisis in the organization

Danger and probability of crises in the tendencies of the cyclical development of the organization

Obligations of the organization and its insolvency as the main causes of the crisis

The emergence of crises in the organization and their consequences

Organization is a form of bringing people together for their joint activities within a certain structure; a system designed to perform specified functions, solve a certain range of tasks, for example, an enterprise, school, institute, bank, government agency

At the same time, each organization is a subsystem - a relatively separate structural link in the overall economic system. The criteria for such isolation are economic independence, organizational integrity, availability of infrastructure, the possibility of allocating a common result of work for the organization.

Organizational crisis- this is a sharp aggravation of intra-organizational processes and relations with its institutional environment, leading to the insolvency of the organization, and as a result, to bankruptcy. Crisis situations can arise at any stage of the organization's activity, both during the period of formation and development, and during the period of stabilization and expansion of production, and, finally, at the beginning of a recession.

Crisis situations are expressed in fluctuations in the volume of production and sales of products, growth accounts payable suppliers, banks, tax authorities, in short supply working capital etc., since it is these reasons that serve as a prerequisite for the emergence of a state of insolvency of the organization. Before bankruptcy, organizations go through a number of stages: from a temporary inability to fulfill their obligations in full and on time to a long-term one, from long-term to chronic, from chronic to a hopeless state (bankruptcy).

The cyclical trend in the development of an enterprise reflects the periodic onset of crises. Crises are not necessarily destructive, they can occur with a certain degree of severity, their onset can be caused by both subjective and objective reasons.

Insolvency takes place where “the violation takes on an internally irreversible, self-developing character, and restoring the stability of the enterprise’s functioning by influencing this system of the enterprise’s own capabilities may not give the desired effect.” It should also be noted that bankruptcy is commonly understood as a documented inability of a business entity to pay its debt obligations and finance current core activities due to lack of funds.

Bankruptcy is the result of the development of a crisis financial condition when an enterprise goes from episodic to sustained (chronic) inability to meet the requirements of creditors, including obligatory payments to the budget and during off-budget funds. Thus, the first group of theorists considers only the economic aspects of the crisis, leaving aside social, psychological, organizational, managerial, political, natural, etc., which does not allow a holistic characterization of the problem of the emergence and management of crisis situations in the enterprise, taking into account all the components of the crisis. The author's point of view coincides with the opinion of economists united in the second group. We consider it incorrect to say that a crisis situation is only that set of circumstances in which the financial position of an enterprise operating on the market becomes difficult, and the prospect of bankruptcy becomes real. An earlier identification of the crisis situation is needed.

Practice shows that crises reflect their own rhythms of development of each individual organization, sometimes not coinciding with the rhythms community development or development of other organizations. Each organization has its own development potential and the conditions for its implementation, while it is subject to the laws of the cyclical development of the entire socio-economic system. Therefore, the organization is constantly affected by both external factors, determined by the impact of the general cycles of the economy, and internal, depending on their own cycles and crisis development.

Organizations of any form of ownership (state, joint-stock, private, etc.), any type of activity (production, construction, service, etc.) and dimensions (large, medium and small) are subject to crisis phenomena. Important in solving problems of management is: in what periods of development of the organization a crisis may arise in it; to what extent the danger of a crisis situation is determined by a risky change in the organization itself, how it can be associated with a change in the institutional environment in which the organization in question operates. IN general view the characteristic of crisis in the organization is resulted on fig. 4.1.

Practice shows that crises reflect their own rhythms of development of each individual organization, sometimes not coinciding with the rhythms of social development or the development of other organizations, although it is subject to the laws of the cyclical development of the entire socio-economic system.

Consequently, the organization is affected both by the conditions of the institutional environment, determined by the impact of the general cycles of the economy, and by intra-organizational conditions, which depend on their own crisis phenomena. At the same time, it should be taken into account that each organization reacts differently to the ratio of internal and external factors affecting its state. external conditions. So, in the event of a systemic crisis, a number of organizations are instantly destroyed, others resist crisis phenomena, and still others find opportunities to use outside influence for their own benefit, which is explained by the presence of anti-crisis potential, professional management, coincidence and successful risky decisions. Another variant of the development of events is also possible, in which, even with a very favorable external economic environment, the organization enters a deep crisis, which is explained by aging technology, inefficient organization of work, mistakes in adopting management decisions, business conflicts, unsuccessful marketing occurring within the organization.

Rice. 4.1. Organizational crises: concept, classification, conditions and factors of their development

Consequences of the crisis. Reducing the level of trust in the organization, the degree of its reliability in the eyes of customers. Loss of employee loyalty. Decline in sales. Falling profits. Decrease in the level of personnel productivity. The focus of management attention on ways out of the crisis. Change in top-level management. Changes in the range or services of the company. Change of company name.

Consequences of the crisis:

Decrease in the level of trust in the organization, the degree of its reliability among customers.

Loss of employee loyalty.

Decreased sales and falling profits.

Decrease in the level of personnel productivity.

Focusing management attention on ways out of the crisis.

Change in top-level management.

Changes in the range or services of the company.

Change of organization name.

Objectively, the crisis is characterized by many interrelated situations that increase the complexity and risk of management. At the same time, the distance of the crisis and its prevention, the stabilization of the crisis, the development of one into another, the way out of the crisis, etc. are possible.

Current state The majority of economic objects is such that the primary tactical tasks for them are “patching holes” (or a reactive form of management) and preventing bankruptcy. Such an approach does not allow to achieve sustainable operation of the enterprise in long term. Because special meaning in today's conditions, it acquires the formation of an effective mechanism for managing enterprises, based on an analysis of their financial and economic condition.

This approach is inextricably linked with crisis management.

The answer to the question "what to do?" V in general terms well-known: to attract personnel capable of working effectively in a transitional economy; use Foreign experience work in market conditions; invite professional consultants, etc., and solve the whole tangle of problems of the enterprise in a complex, starting with improving the management system.

Serious difficulties arise in the implementation of these obvious measures: lack of trained personnel; the impossibility of applying foreign experience "one to one", as it was formed in other conditions.

Therefore, it is better to rely on your existing people and organize their retraining, starting with management, and then create a team that can effectively solve problems. real problems, as well as to use foreign experience already in an adapted form.

Rice. 4.2. Stages of a crisis in an organization

To the factors of external and internal environment organizations include the groups presented in Table. 4.1.

Sources of information support to determine the values ​​of the change external factors are periodicals, information financial collections, economic journals. The sources of information support for determining the values ​​of the influence of internal factors are the analysis and accounting of production and economic activities, management and tax accounting.

Table 4.1 Grouping factors of the external and internal environment of the organization

If we summarize all the factors, then in most cases the deterioration financial position organizations and their subsequent bankruptcy is associated with:

– inefficient management system and incompetence of top management;

- poor consideration of changes in the state of the market (demand, competitors, pricing policy, etc.), the production and financial potential of the organization;

- embezzlement highest level management;

- uneconomical and non-technological production of products. So, in order to recognize the crisis, it is necessary to detect symptoms in a timely manner, identify factors that indicate the possibility of a crisis, and identify its causes. The means of detecting the possibility of a crisis in an organization are intuition and experience, analysis and diagnostics of the organization's activities. They should be applied at all stages of the functioning of the organization, because a situation is possible in which it can enter into a deep crisis at the peak of its development or in a very favorable external economic environment.

Similar information.

Crisis (from Latin - fracture, upheaval) - a time of transition, in which the existing means of achieving goals become inadequate, resulting in unpredictable situations and problems that pose a threat basic interests companies or persons and apply huge damage reputation.

A crisis is both the cessation of a normal production process and unforeseen events that threaten the stability of a firm, its financial stability, reputation.

A crisis is an event through which an organization finds itself in the center of not always benevolent attention of the media and others. target audiences who, for one reason or another, are interested in the actions of the organization.

Scholars point to many dimensions of what a crisis is for an organization. Ole R. Holsti, author of several articles on crisis theory, defines a crisis as "situations characterized by surprise, high threat to important values ​​and short time to make a decision."

Thierry C. Pochan and Iain J. Mitroff use this definition: "A collapse that physically affects the system as a whole and threatens its basic assumptions, its subjective sense of self, the core of its existence." Moiseev V. PR: theory and practice. - M., 1999.

However best definition given by Pacific Telesis, the parent company of Pacific Bell. Her crisis communication guide states that a crisis is "an extraordinary event or series of events that adversely affects the integrity of a product, the reputation or financial stability of an organization, or the health or well-being of employees, the community, or society as a whole."

Crises are not always unexpected. One study by the Institute for Crisis Management, Indiana, found that only 14% of business crises are unexpected. The remaining 86% are what the Institute called "smoldering" crises, where the organization is aware of a potential business failure long before the public knows. The study also found that management - or in some cases lack of management - was responsible for 78% of crises. Olshevsky D. Anti-crisis PR. - St. Petersburg: Peter., 2003.

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The crisis of the organization is an extreme aggravation of relations within the organization or relations of the organization with external environment. A crisis can occur at any stage of an organization's activities.

The most severe crisis of the organization is bankruptcy. However, before bankruptcy, the organization goes through several stages: temporary insolvency, long-term insolvency, chronic insolvency.

It is common to compare the development of an organization with human life. This comparison is presented in table. 1.

Table 1. Comparison of the development of an organization with human life

Stages of organization development

Stages of human life




growing up

Creation of subsidiaries

Birth of children

Appearance of signs of insolvency

The occurrence of diseases

Diagnostics, selection of measures to restore solvency

Diagnosis, treatment appointment

Restoration of solvency with the help of selected measures

Recovery through treatment

The occurrence of chronic insolvency

Exacerbation of the disease, treatment failure

Closing unprofitable departments

Surgical intervention



The following types of organizational crises are distinguished:

1.Technological (production). Occurs when outdated equipment or technology does not allow to produce products of adequate quality or leads to an increase in costs.

2.Social (social management). Arises as a result of conflicts between workers, their groups, workers and administration. A large number of conflicts leads to a drop in management efficiency, as well as to a decrease in labor productivity.

3.Financial. Arises as a result of irrational use of available financial assets.

4. Organizational. It arises as a result of the imperfection of both the structure of the management apparatus and the structure of the organization itself.

5.Informational. It arises if the information received by the organization does not accurately or incompletely characterize the state of affairs in the organization itself or outside it.

6. Crisis of interaction between the owners of the organization or between the owners of the organization and the authorities. Arises due to contradictions in interests, can significantly reduce the efficiency of the organization.

In reality, the crises listed above are often closely related to each other, they can cause and reinforce each other. For example, the management of the organization may receive incomplete information about the technologies used in the industry, an information crisis arises. The lack of information about technologies slows down the renewal of the production base of the enterprise, a technological crisis occurs. Employees who are aware of the situation at other enterprises in the industry express dissatisfaction, and a social crisis arises. The management of the organization, realizing the need to take urgent measures to modernize production, makes a rash decision to purchase new equipment, which subsequently turns out to be unsuitable for this enterprise. However, large sums of money have already been spent, a financial crisis is emerging.

With a favorable outcome, the crisis situation in the organization develops in the following sequence:

1. Decline. Deterioration of indicators characterizing the financial and economic activities of the organization.

2. Depression. Adaptation of the organization to function in adverse conditions.

3. Revitalization. Recovery of indicators to the pre-crisis level.

4.Growth. Positive dynamics of indicators, transition of the organization to new level development.

For a favorable outcome of crisis situations, it is necessary to have reserves for their successful overcoming. However, even significant reserves will be useless without an effective management system that will allow the organization to operate in a crisis.

An important role in resolving organizational crises belongs to the state. State anti-crisis management is carried out in the following areas:

1) improvement of legislation on the insolvency of enterprises;

2) support for insolvent enterprises operating in innovative or socially important industries producing goods;

3) preventing the onset of a crisis of non-payments;

4) improvement of the activities of arbitration courts and arbitration managers.

In Russia, state anti-crisis regulation is carried out Federal Service on financial recovery (FSFR). This service has the following main functions:

1) analysis of the state of insolvent organizations and preparation of recommendations for eliminating insolvency;

2) determination of criteria for assessing the solvency of organizations;

3) accounting for insolvent organizations;

4) acting as a representative of the owner of a state-owned enterprise;

5) participation in the bankruptcy procedures of organizations;

6) analysis of the activities of arbitration managers and consideration of complaints against their actions.

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